Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 29, 1894, Image 3

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School Superintendent.
Here and There.
Friday was a hot day, the warmest of
the season o fur.
Brother Raley will get it where the
turkey got the batohet.
8. 1. Qerking reports that crops are
flourishing in Eight Mile.
Born In Clarks canyon, on May 22d,
to the wife of Nat Shaw, a sod.
Wanted A few more customers foi
the home laundry, Mountain House.
Those that have comity oorip for sale
should call on (iemge Ooueer nt Tbe
First National Bank. 2 tf.
Boh Shaw and wife arrived Sundaj
morning from Purtland.
Arthur Smi'b will clean watches a
the rednoed pnoe of SI.
Snui Kinsman and W. O. McOart)
returned from Seattle Sunday morning
Born To the wife of (4eo. Shiok, on
tbe 22d inst., in Clarki cauyon, a 10 lb.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable,
carefully prepared from the bestingredi
The young men of our town bare
decided not to play "In the EnemyV
Miss May Sayer was in Heppner
Saturday last, oalling on the Quzetlt
Miss Jennie Noble, of Heppner, isthe
guest of Miss Myra Smith Monmouth
Batnrday and Monday tbe town was
well fi led by people from out-lying
Rev. 3. M. Bramble! came tn from
Lone R"Ck Monday to bear Gov.
Pennoyei's speech.
Photographs $1.50 pel dozen at Shen
pard's gallery. neHr opera house, north
Main St., Heppner, Ore. 26if.
Green Mathews bas op-ned np his
barber shop, next, door to Hayes Bros
Shaves, etc, on tap as osunl.
Clarence Johnson came in Monday
from Hardtnao. He drove his sheep
over and sheared near tbe market.
Ben Parker, regardless of poor health,
came in twenty-five miles to bear R. G.
Uorr talk on t e iesnes of tbe dav.
It is reported that a waterspout Satnr
day last washed out tbe bridges on
Rhea creek above Uuve Leatherman's.
Johnny Herborger, Mrs. J. Solinger,
and Mr. Trip arrived from John lay
Sunday, leaving for Los Angeles Monday-Mr.
A. A. Jayne, candidate for
prosecuting attorney on the repnbMcsn
ticket, left for home Saturday evening.
JJin. Jayne and children remained to
visit relatives.
I. R Esteb reports some mustard in
bis seoMnn which will interfere with
volunteer and spring grain. The cnt
worms worked on spring grain consider
ably early in the season.
Eoho stage leaves Heppner for Echo
Tuesdays. Thurdays and Satiirdajs
Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days. Fare, one way, 82.60. Phill Colin,
agent, A. Andrews, Prop.
The Gazofte acknowledges a very
pleasant call from W. P. French, nl
lone, yesterday aftirnnon. We als"
noticed that Mr. French drove a verj
fine team of match blacks.
A. W. Gowan has returned to Grant
county. He impressed all bere with
being a very pleasant, affable gentleman,
and as he is a proteo'ionit, we are
sure that be will carry Morrow oounty.
Mrs. W. G Sweetserand Mrs. .T. H.
Oarmiabael made the Gazette offloe a
pleasant oall 8turdv last. Wh are
also thankful tn Mrs. Carmiohael for s
beautiful bouquet, grown in her garden
north of Lexington.
Batnrday and Monday Heppner was
treated to politu s galore, and today
democracy has turned loose, and again
chin-mnsio fills the air. (We take hack
the. last statement, tbe democratic
speakers not arriving.)
We learn that G W. Jankin, of Eit ht
Mile, who was kicked two week" ago h)
ahorse, is fast improving. Tbeiijur
was in the nature of compound
fraotnre below the knee. We hope soon
to bear of bis being out again.
The populis's bave been holding
meetings in the county, and will con
tinue till near election. The Gazette
hears that thev have beootne imbue''
with the idea that they will elect tbe
wholeticket. Delusive hope I
Eagle: H"n. FrBnk Kellogg passed
through Long Creek Thursday of last
we?k en route to Harney county, where
as a candidate for j int senator he will
interview the p oi'le.. He will srenk in
Long Creek next Thursday afternoon.
Hon. A, A. Javne, republican candi
date for diRfiot attorney, waa with us
dnring the week. He made man
friends while here. ard is now assured
that those who heard him neek wi'l do
him a hands me favor next Jun ".trine,
ville News.
Sunken eyes, a pallid complexion, and
disfiguring eruptions, indicate that
there is something wrong within. F.xoel
the lurking foe to health, by purifying
the blood with A.ver's Siraparilla
Cures erysipelas, eczema, salt rbeum.
pimples and blotohes.
The Gz tte tiffi 'e acknowledges a
call from Gov. Pennoyer and Rev.
Waldrop. Both are v.ry pleasant
gentlemen indeed. We regret, however.
that they are spending their time and
money in chasing a theory wbioh a
tbey advocate it, can never be pnt iut
A lady at Tnoleys, La., was very sick
with bilions colic nhen M. U Tisler. h
prominent merchant of the town . gave
her a bottle of Chamberlain's C"li",
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv. He
says she was well in forty raiuutes after
taking the first ftoee. tor sals D
KIooum-J"hnon Drug Co.
Dr S. F. Scott, B'ue Ridge. Hsrreon
f!o.. Mo.. sav: "For whooping congi
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is excel
lent" Rv naing it fieelv the disease
is deprived ot all dangerous cnnseqnenoes
There is no danger in giving the Remedy
to Vmhiea. ss it contains nothing ii inri
oin. 60 cent bottles foreale by Slooum-
Johnsou Drug On.
The regular snbsoription price of the
Semi-Weekly Gaz-tte is 82 50 and the
remilnr nrioe of the Weekly Oregonian
is SI. 50. Anyone snbscnbiDg for the
Gsaette and paying ror one year iu
advance can get both the Gaze'le and
Weekly OreBonian for 83. All old snb-
lonbers paying their eubsc-io'ions for
one year in adyanoe will be entitled to
the same.
Rev. Bramblet oame in from Lone
Rook Monday mo'njjg. He pretched
Sunday at Spring Vtl ey, baptising five
candidates after the meeting. He
reports that his little bov, Jewel, while
riding horsehaek about two weeks ago
bad a borse fall on bim Bnrt he was badlv
iDjured. bnt no bones ere broken and
be la fast improving. Rev. Bramblet
will leava Tuesday morning on stags tor
Lost Rock.
Will Deal It Out
Without Fear or Favor.
Ed. Kirbeok was buried last evening
iu the Heppner oemetery just as the
sun went down behind tbe hills. A
unmber of Heppner people accom
panied the remains to the grave where
impressive servioea were held by Rev.
Frank Adkins.
Mrs Tom Bradley returned from
M?uument Sunday. She experienced
much difficulty in orosaing the John
Day on tbe return trip from Hamil
ton to Monument, where aba had been
visiting ber mother and sister.
Tbe papers of Malheur county bate
adopted the motto: ''All campaign work
this year iu oaah on tbe desk, or no go."
Campaign pr mises are like pie crust,
sb most newspapers bave found out.
Instead of campaign aongs yesterday
at the populist speaking tbe audience
were treated to the enlivening attains of
a haud-orgau before and between beats.
Tbe report that Palmer lost a lot of
sheep in the John Day is vouohed for as
bein trne. The loss is estimated to be
in the neighborhood of 1,000 head.
MiBs Davis, of Santa Clara county,
Calif., is visiting her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Q. Sloan.
B. B. Bishop, of Pendleton, is visit
ing his son Ed., and family.
Ask Henrv Parsons, ot Clarks oanyon,
about tbe Coxeyitss.
Ben Hnnsaker left this morning for
bis Wagner borne.
Tom Bradley Is seriously ill at tbe
City botel.
D. A. Herren and family bave moved
to town.
Evans and Suntaq. Last Saturday
and Monday nights, Tbe White Dramatio
Oo. produced the drama, "Evans and
Soutag," to small audienoes. The play,
iu fact, is full of good acting, and tbe
comedy parts are fine. There has been
mncb ohjeotioo made to tbe play on
moral grounds. Yet there is nothing
immoral in it, and thd lesson tanght
mght to be salutary, "for tbe way of tbe
transgressor Is hard," which is shown in
the play. Any leader of tbe Examiner w ill
reooguizi that this play is nothing more
than a ret roduction of the faota as given
by that paper. The Southern Paoifio
R. R. a a terror to all who get in ite
way. Two years ago politioal lines
were made on the question of whether
or not tbe railroad should rule, and ao
bitter was tbe feeling that a hitherto
strung republican state we t democratic
tvaus and Soutag were never tried for
roubdry, and consequently were not
guilty of murder for tbey never fired
tbe first shot, only defending themselves
when attacked by hired assassins.
Cheir outlawry wag forced upon them,
the S. P. Oo. being down on Evans and
bis friends on account ot looal troubles
witn the company, Evans championing
the o .use of tbe settlers. Anyone who
remembers the injustice forced npon
Hale and Kimsey, of our section, in
conueotion with tbe Roslyu affair, will
appreciate tbe fad tbat deteotives often
do injury to innocent men to farther
their own personal ends. Yet granting
that Evans and Sontag were guilty of
train-robbery, the play ought to impress
auy boy or mau that "tbe straight and
ua row way" is tbe right one.
High Water. The Columbia is now
higher than ever before known in tbe
memory of civilized man. In many
I laces the water has inundated the
Union Pacific traok doing muob damage.
The Umatilla House at Tbe Dalles la in
danger, and First street is oovered with
water. Between Willows Junction and
Arlington the track is oovered with
water in many places, and between tbe
former plnoe and Coyote tbe same con
dition ot affairs exist. Cnion Pacifio
trains are blocked and all traffic is
stopped, and as tbe flood if not yet at its
highest, the blockade may last several
days. Gov. Peon yer and Rev. Waldrop
were compelled to walk to Arlington
last eveniug, and it is extremely doubt
fill if tbey can get a train tor several
(lava. The democratic speakers did not
arrive this morning as expected, as tbe
Went bound train could not connect at
Willows Junction.
Sodded Death. Ed Blrbeck, the
May Btreet shoemaker, died suddenly
shortly after 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
He bad been on a spree for tbe greater
part of the past thiee weeks, and this
was doubllesB the oause of bis death
Friday he took siok, growing gradually
worse till Sunday heart failure carried
bim away. Deceased waa a native of
England, and bad been a resident of
ibis conutry for about ten years. He
has two married sisters near Walla
Walla; also a divorced wile at that
plaoe. He leaves no property worth
mentioning. Deceased was an exoellent
mechanic, and but for bis dissipated
habits would have been quite successful.
This sad euding of what might bave
been an useful man is to the rising
generation worth a dozen temperance
Leo Broken S. I. Gerking called
verterday, and reported tbat on tbe
Hi b inst., Mr. G. W. Junkin, while
driving burses io from tbe range, was
kicked bv one, prodnoing a compound
fracture of ibe tibia bone of tbe left leg.
Mr. Geiking rednced tbe fracture and be
la getting along nicely.
Notice to tub O. a. R and W. R. C.
The members of the G. A R. and tbe
W. R I) are hereby notified tbat tbe
next meeting of these two organizations
will be beld in Heppner on Saturday,
May ztjtb. Both will meet in tbe morn
ing at 9 a. m. instead of tbe afternoon
as formeWy on aooount nt tbe publio
peaking at tbat time which many desire
to attend Memorial servioea will be
held in tbe M. E. cbnrob. Sunday. May
27, and Decoration Day exercises
Wednesday, May, 30, at tbeopera bouse.
Land For Sale. 480 sores over !n
Wileon orairie. A good stock ranch Jt
will be sold cheap. Call at Ohie te
office for particulars and terms U.
60.010 cedar poits for sale. For farther
particulars and prices, address
Hakba t Wolfobd,
a-$. Hood River, Or.
Heart Palpitation
Indigestion, Impure Blood
Cured by Hood's.
Mr. D. W. Bridges
"C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell. Mass.:
"Dear Sirs: During the winter unci spring I
have used a dozen bottles of Hood's Sarsaua
rllla In my family, and I am quito sure we liars
been greatly benefited by It. For years I hars
been troubled with Indigestion, aocomiwnlsi
Vr sympathetic heart trouble, sod Hood's Bar
saparllla has dons mm vary much good.. We
bars alio given It to ths children for Impure
blood sad ringworms with very good results."
D. W. Bridoes, Pleasant Hill, Oregon.
N. B. It you decide to take Hood's Sirup,
rill do aot be Induced to buy any other.
Hood' Pill cure all Liver Ills, Biliousness,
Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache. asc
Prank Kellogg,
Of Morrow , County.
The latest from tbe front is that ibe
lone soreheads are trying to throw dirt
at me by circulating tbe report tbat
Morrow and myself are working band in
band the coming election.
Now voters, these parties know that
every time tbey tell this that there is
one more lie reoorded against tbem.
One ot these gentlemen tried to get tbe
nomination for ebetiff on tbe democratic
ticket and expected to be endorsed by
the peoples party. Theotber gentleman
I understand, says tbe reason that I
claim to be a populist is for the sake of
getting a nomination. Perhaps be jndges
me by himself, when he went independ
ent Tbe report is absolutely a false
hood from beginning to end.
J. O. Hayes.
County of Morrow,!
I, J. C. HayeB, being first duly sworn, depose
and fcay that 1 have written the foregoing state
ment, that my signature is attached thereto and
that the same is true. J. C. HAYES,
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th
day ot May, 1894. E. L. Frmland,
v Notary Public.
It WW Plr In tho Iowa Bulldlug DurlBf
I tne world's f air.
One of the best things Iowa will send
to the world's fair Is the Iowa stato
band, It is an organization of which
Hawkey e people have reason to be
proud, and they think that when the
fair is over the people of the world will
know that Iowa can furnish as good
musical talent as can he found any
place. The band is strictly a state or
ganization. The members of it live alj
the way from Dubuque to Council
Bluffs. The leader of the band is
Frederick Phinney, a down-easter who
comes from a family of musicians. It
was he who organized the famous band
of Lynn, Mass. His father organized
the old Plymouth band years ago. This
band was one of the first musical ag
gregations in Massachusetts and used
to head the famous Standish guards
which date their birth from colonial
times. Mr. Phinncy's ancestors were
among those most conspicuous in the
formation of the guards. Mr. Phinney
is himself a direct descendant of Miles
Standish. He came to Iowa In 1889
and commenced the organization of
what is now the Iowa state band.
There were then several bands In fywj
Moines. He picked from these the best
musicians, and to give him united sup
port all the bands disbanded. The or
ganization under Mr. I'hinney's able
direction has steadily grown, and now
it is admitted all around to be one of
the best bands in the country. The en'
tire band of fifty pieces will play in the
Iowa state building at the world a fall
three, and perhaps sijr, months. The
band is maintained and supported by
the people of Iowa.
Insurance Against Hlae ThlorelT"
The latest thing in the insurance line
Is a scheme for the insurance of cycles
against robbery, which has ' been
brought out by O. McKay Morat, of
London. This enterprising broker is
Willing to indemnify the owner of a
machine of a valne not exceeding one
hundred dollars for a single premium
of about eighty cents, or above one
hundred dollars and not exceeding two
hundred and nit; dollars tor a premium
of one dollar and twenty-five coots.
The only particularr. required are the
name of the makers, tbe description of
the cycle and tbe number of the ma
chine. Tbe conditions of insurance
are very simple, the chief stipulation
being that the Insurer shall exercise
reasonable care for the safety ot the
eyele and that the-liability of tbe un
derwriters shall pot exceed eighty per
cent, of ths declared value.
Reserved for McFarland Mercantile Co.
c7T great philosopher has laid down the maxim of
fx "Never put off till tomorrow what cau be done
today." If yon want bargains ioday, if you need the
necessities of life in the line of Dry Goodn, Gents' Fur
nishings, Clothing, Trunks, Valises, etc., at prices never
before offered in Heppner, cull on L. Blumenthal, succes
sor to J. H. Kolman, Cor. May and Main streets.
This stock will Bhortly be increased, however, bv a well-se'ected lot of roods, dfrent. frnm
Portland. Remember that these prices have never
The Lightest, Strongest and
mm youh mooii i
Why Pay-Freight on All Your Dirt.
M hmt & Packing
Annual Convention
A good program is being prepared, conBistinf? of Music, Recitations, Essays, Select Readings
anrt paper on various tubjeets of interest to Hunday school workers.
A large general table will be provided for the accommodation of those In attendance
8unda.y schools are requested to have
tendents to wear crape on their left arm, out of
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
t W PATTERSON. AGENT. oo t.. acmt i. ti.ewori(i
EMlis, Dawson Xj Lyons,
All bnsineee attended to in n prompt and satisfactory
manner. Noturies Public and Collectors.
If ever a man feels like "a poor worm
of tbe dnsr," it ia when he suffers from
tbat tired feeling. Ayer's barsaparilla
removes this dieconragiiiK pbyeioal con
dition and imparts tbe tbrill of new life
and energy to every nerve, tissue,
muscle, and fiber of the whole body.
PIlMl Piles! lublnc Plies.
Symptoms Moisture ; Intense and
tinging, most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, wbiob often bleed and ulcer
ate, besoming very are. Rwavme'h
Ointment stops tbe itobing and blm-dinif
heals ulceration, and in m at cases re
moves the tumors. At dmngists, or by
mail, for SO oente. Lhr. Sjwayoe 4 Sou,
Philadelphia. sw 1 yr.
Prodaee 12 GO and get tbe Oazelte for
one year. Nice family paper, and bal
ly to paper osbins.
been equalled In Heppner.
L. BLUMEiN I HAL, Heppner, Oregon.
Easiest liuuniog Mower Made.
COMPANY, Agents.
of the'
their banners draped In mourning and Superin
respect for our late President, J. B. Kly, S 6.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office
Persons uO sympathize with the
ifH oied mil rcjnioe with D. E. Carr, of
1235 Harrison street, Kansas City. He
is an old sufferer from inflummatory
rbt-umaiism, hut has Dot heretofore been
troubled in this climate. Last winter be
went up into Wisconsin, and in oonse
qneuoe bas bad auotber attack. "It
cnme npon me again very acuta and
severe," be said. "My joints swelled
and beoame Inflamed; sore to touch or
almost look al. Upon the argent re
quest of my mother-ln-Uw I tried
ClihmlierUin's Pain Balm to reduoe the
swelling and eaae Ibe pain, and to my
agreeable surprise it did both. I bave
UHd three llfty-oent bottles and believe
it to be the fluent thing for rheumatism,
pairs and twellir g titant." For sale by
Hlocum Johnson Drug Co.
To think -nothing ails you4 ia
symptom ot dyspepsia. Taka Simmon
Clver Regulator.
Why Don't You
Call on the New Firm at the old Van Dnyn stand ?
You will certainly be surprised at tho low prices in
Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and
A Complete Line of Groceries.
No trouble to show goods and give rriops.
Respectfully Youbs,
They All Get Something.
Tjl ROM a bushel of corn, a distiller gets four gallons of whiskey
which retails at 116.00. The government gets S3.60 ; the farmer
who raised the corn gets 40 cents ; the milroad gets $1.00 : the manu-facturercrntiiS4.no-
th ratoilar 7 nn . i. .
ii j Tii !
months, and the policeman gets paid
iu ii Koi BuuiBiuing wo u you
Dress Goods w nnpn nut tln'tt iroalr
r -r --- ' 6n ui al t-rtluJW surprise
and perhaps a dress. We have opened 15 cases ot new dress materials
ana laces tliat left the other side of
The My Institute
C. BUHL, Proprietor
The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite P.laoe Hotel. Tbey will keep on band a fall Hoe ot
Groceries and Provisions.
A fall line of oboloe Pies, Cskei and Bread ; in fsot everything tbat ia
usually kept In a first-clasa bakery store. They will aell cheap foi cash. Call and
try them. sw
Land Patents
Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals having conflicting olaims under the agricultural land
laws, and thoee between olaimants UDder tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural
olaimaots; and also between claimmts undur any of the pnblio land lxws and the
Railroad companies and their grantees, and the atatea and their grantees, under
the fcSwump-Land and School Lund Graule.
. Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlem
who have complied with the laws under whiob their entries were made, and who
are annoyed and worried by delays In tbe issue of their patents, caused by Trilling
Irregularities whiob can be easily and speedily removed.
Advice also given iu all matters relating ta the pnblio lands, espeolally on
points arising under the new laws whioh have been reoently paaaed providing for
the disposal of the publio domain.
If you want ynur land patent in a hurry if you want your land business, ot
any character, attended to by skillful and oompeteut attorneys, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wedderburn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Box, 885. Washington, D. 0.
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
It is the Headquarters !
let Artloea, Scatnt &Ieellols
IE to. . .
i '
Qffioe of all stages running
vi.vvs , iuo i-uijBuiuer gets SIX
for running him iu.
run ju and see tbe new lines of
onn'il .. . li . -
the floh pond oiily four weeks ago.
Sc CO.
Heppner, Oregon,
For the Cure oi
Liquor. Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Mutt Beautiful Town on the Coat.
Call at the Oazktti office for particulars.
Strictly confidential. Treat ment private and sure
, Watches,
Etc, Etc
' Trust Iiusts
biie - f. HEPPNES, OR,
out of Heppner.
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.