Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 29, 1894, Image 2

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    THAT if AN,
II'i.7 "Get There" An
Proaeoutlng Attoniev.
Is A Vote, For
JOINT 1! N A 'X" O W .
A Protctionist. Wont We t
He's -A-ll nigbt.
Popular Oandidate,
0t'e your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writers real namo Is signed as an evidence of
good faith.
For Congress, Second District.
W. K. ELLIS, 01 Heppner.
For Governor,
W. P. LOKD, of Halem.
For Secretary of State,
For State Treasurer,
PHIL. METSCHAN, of Uraut County.
For Supreme Judge,
C.E. WOLVERTON.of Albany.
For Attorney-General,
C. M. IDLEMAN, of Portland.
For Bupt. Public Instruction,
O. M. IRWIN, of Uuion.
For state Printer,
W. H. LEEDS, of Ashland.
For Prosecuting Attorney, 7th Cist.
A. A. JAVNE, of Arlington.
For Member Board of Equalization,
W. C. WILLS, of Crook County.
For Jt. Sen. of Grant, Hsrney and Morrow Co's
A. W. GOWAN, of Burns.
For Representative,
i. 8. BOOTH BY, of Lexington
For Sheriff,
0. W. HARRINGTON, of Heppner.
For Clerk,
T. 1, HALLOCK, of Heppner.
For Treitsuror,
FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner.
For commissioner,
J. L. HOWARD, of Galloway.
For AasoHsor,
J.F. WILLIi, of Lexington.
For 8chool Superintendent,
For Surveyor,
GEO. W. LORD, of Ella.
For Coroner,
T. VV. AYEU8, JR., of Heppner.
For Justice of the 1st District,
For Constable of 1st District,
For Justice of 2nd District,
For Constable of 2nd District,
For Justice of 3rd Dihtrict,
For Countable of 3rd District,
ForJusiiceof 4th District,
L. W. BAKNKrr.
For Constable of 4th District,
For Justice of 5th District,
For Constable of fth District,
For Justice of 6th District,
For Constable ninth District,
We are surprised to find mi oil pre
Tarioatlous as I lie. following in Ibe
ooluinus of the usai lly fulr Bud ouuditl
EubI OretroulHi.: "Eaateru Oregon
needs so upen river, but will never be
obtained so long aa the state legislature
is made up of its present material and
Oregon retains her present representa
tives iu 0tUKre. We need men iu
eongreaa wbo are uut under tlie thumb
of It "boss" wbo are UKaluat an open
river on aoo tuutot btniucHs mid persona
OonneotiunH." Every meinbur of the
UregoD delegation bus been au earnest
worker for au open river by tbe moat
available tueatis, and tbe present con
tract system lit tbe Looks was procured
through tbe ttT.irls of Seuatora Dolpb
and Mitobell and R preaeutative Her
rnaun. Ou d ff.reut ocoarious tbe
Oreuon senators bave iuoruHBm the
amotinl iu tbe river and uailwr bill
after it cttna from I lie democratic bouse.
For twelve years the 1 lines-Mountaineer
baa advocated tbe optuiug of tbe
Columbia river to tbe navigation of tbe
producers of tbe luluud Empire, and
never, in a siugle ius anue, bus it found
any of the republican delegation iu
eongreaa remiss in bis duties. There
have ben tbe largmt appropriations
received for the river during I he time
tbev bave served I be people at Wash
ington, and for two uuoocenive suasions
Senator Dolp'i bns scoured tbe passage
of a bil1 for tbe construe! loo of a abip
railway over the portage above this
point Bro. Jackson knows these facts,
and it la a subject of great surprise that
even for lolitioal purposes be should
attempt to mislead the people In Ibis
regard. By tbe way, it we are not
mistaken, it was J Id. Haley, i t 1'eudle
ton, wbo voted iu tbe Oregon legislature
agai. st tbe brut bill for a portage rail
road from The Dalles to Gelilo. Times
Mountaiueer. ( I'ue T.-M. is probably
mistaken iu regaul to tbe vote of Mr.
Baley, but all iu all it strikes tbe right
pot )
I'opclihm is nothing more than
abbreviated democracy, ll is even more
dangerous, tor it has all the bad f aturee
of tbe democratic puny hooked on to it,
and is just as daugerous lo our vouulrj'a
progress. It seeks la give people
money oa the plans advocated and ones
years ago put in force in Franoe, and in
Louisiana when it was a part of tbf
French possessions, and also tbe sam
as tried by Argentine Republic. Ii
every case the babble burst, thousand
were ruined, the holders losing even
cent. The Gazette believes that bones
bimetallism is tbe hope of tbe Americar
people, and that it can be brongh1
about under a protective eyateui with
greater success than under any other.
Free trade, or any approach to thBt
condition, would take our money from
uk, instead of leaving it in the bauds ol
the American people, particularly our
laboring classes. Then what is tbe use
of worrying about more coin money till
conditions are settled so that we can
keep it.
Tub Record broadly stales in its last
issue that tbe republican oandidate foi
commissioner, J. L. Howard, was no'
knowD, while tbe democratic oandidatt
for tbe same plaoe, J. A. Pearson, wat
just tbe opposite, hinting that there
exists doubt about Howard's competency
for tbe place. OeewbizI Howard unheard
of and Pearson well known! Why, out
side of Lena preoinct and a few store
in Heppner, Pearson is as much of a
stranger as the head chief of tbe Hotten
tots. Yet we will say tbat so far as w
know be is an honest man, but on tbr
other hand Mr. Howard is all that, a
business maD, having been engaged in
the sheep business in this oounty for
years. Though he is no politician, br
i-4 very well known to a large majority o
our substantial oit zen wbo will vouch
lor bis quulifloations.
Gov. Pknnoyek is a g od neighbor
and an honorable, upright citizen, so say
those who know him beet, but be surel
jumps wide of tbe mark sometim-s
.Sunday, in conversation, be made the
remark tbat be did not propose to call
out the militia to atop trespassers.
Under ordinary circumstances, tbe civil
authorities are strong enough to eope
wl.b law breakers, but suob a remark is
liable to cause some people to take ad
vantage of tbe governor's leniency.
Men are only gpown-up bovs, and bud
men have to be controlled just like bad
bnyB. "Give them an inch and they will
take an ell," it is said Every st teoffloer
takes an oath to support tbe constitution
and laws of the United States, and tbe
constitution and laws of bis own state.
It might be nooessary to onll on tbe
militia to do this.
Home scavenger bas started the report
lhat J. 8. Boolhby will vote for Mor
row. Mr. Boothby is the slraigbteet of
straight repunlioans, and such a report
is untrue. It is hardly neoessary to say
anything about it, for people know bet-
. a -J vot thpa ara ft few people wbo
will tell a lie qutoker than tbtf truth.
particularly fur political efldos.
Horr may be knock-kneed and bone-
spavined, as Pennoyer says, but it is
better to produce sound argument Bnd
be a little off in Q jure, as be so all fired
trim, and produce bone-spavined argu
ment. Tbe governor was speaking in a
figurative sense, of course, but he got off
considerably. Horr can trim him down
to a sweet tinish.
If some of our populist friends would
attend to tbeir farms and business as
assiduonily as they bave been stumping
the oounty and neglecting everything
but politics, they would be better off.
They helped to down Harrison in 1892,
and by their action are as responsible
for the preseut condition as the demo
crats. P. J. Hai.lock's popularity and
prestige as a candidate for olerk is
evideuoed by the enthusiasm that pre
vails whenever his name is mentioned
in publio gatherings. Pred is well
qualified for tbe ofHoe, and everybody
kuows It.
Geo. Harrington tips the beam as
the leading candidate fur sheriff.
George has been there before and his
elllcieuoy and honesty bave never been
Horr says tbe democrats pulled tbe
wrong tooth wbeu they repealed tbe
dheiman law. Tbeir tariff tiukering ia
where the trouble comes in.
Pbnnotbk told tbe barrel and bung
hjle aueodote. It is "cbestnuty." The
kids have been regaling each other with
tbat .or tbe past six weeks.
A roi't liht comes out iu this issue for
Mr. E lis and explains how he stands on
tbe silver question. Tbat is good enough
iu that direction.
'Tub democratic party doesu't do auy
business. Tuey uever did do auy busi
ness. They are nut doing auy busluesa
now. "Horr.
ft'..- . ..... ,... ......... n..,.KIt.
lai yupilliDiv on ,um pin; ic-uw.i-
oho paper lies, but the populist sheets
are lite George Washington. Great
i , . t
Gov. 1'knnoykh tried to repeat Uorr's
oalf Btory and use the illustration to fit
some populist statistics. But il fell
'Wuo is J. L. Howard?" will be
answered on Juue 4th. ne is Morrow
county's new commissioner,
A votr for Jiiyne is a vole fora bright,
deserving young man.
Ki.ua is a genuine bi-metallist, and
dou't ou forget it.
If you are republican, vote for every
man on the ticket
A Big Crowd Meets In Heppner Hatnrday
to Hear tbe I rtbune'a Editor.
Hon. Rosaell G. Uorr, the great re
unb ioan campaign speaker, arrived
-tarty Siturday morning,.auJ was met at
tbe train by a delegation of republicans,
and escorted directly to tbe hotel.
At the appointed hour, 1:30 p m., tbe
exercises at tbe opera bouse were opened
by a song from tbe Morrow Co. Repub
lican Club Quintette. A. W. Patterson,
obairman o( the Ropnblicau County
Central Committee, then introduced Mr.
Horr in a few well chosen words. It
can be said tbat Mr. Horr did no', disap
olnt bis aadieooe, and for two hours be
beld their undivided attention, being
mterrnpted frequently with oheers and
laughter. Wbile Mr. Horr talks hnrd
(acts from beginning to end, he bas the
faculty of keeping bis audience in tbe
best of bnmor. It whs tbe beet speeob
ever delivered iti Morrow oounty without
exception. At the close of his speech
Miss Kflie Warren aang a beautiful solo,
followed by tbe Quintette in one of their
own songs, Tbe whole dosed with
t'iree rousing cheers and a tiger for
Horr, tbe state, congressional and countv
tickets. It was a great day for republi
They Address a Good Crowd at the Opera
Yesterday afternoon Gov. Pennoyer
and Joe Waldrop, tbe latter tbe populist
candidate for oougress, spike at tbe
opera house, holding the audience about
one hour eucb.
The governor went over ubout tbe
same ground, though briefly, as in bis
first speech this year so widely printed.
He told a few stories in pretty f ur shape.
Iu faot bis speech was very well received,
chough it was noticeable Ibat tbe wool
democrats didu't cheer auy mure than
tbe republiOHns.
Presently Mr. Waldrop oarne to the
front and in a little wbile be mentioned
Ellis' name. Immediately there was
loud cheering and oriea of "Vite for
Ellia." This Btaggered the invincible
Joe, but be soon recovered, and delved
into the subject in tbe style of a Baptist
minister, which be ix, preaching bell-fire
and brimstone, and siilvatioo free to all,
but every time be mentioned Ellis, it
was the signal for applause which shook
tbe building clear to tbe rafters. Joeeoou
came to tbe conolusioo that he bad a
good apnrkle of Ellis men in tbe
audience and took a new taok, which
he followed clear through the remain
der of his speeob.
The speakers were very well received,
however, our populist brethren nijjying
t e speaking immensely.
Aiinuugn I hve ouiioiaod tbo popu
list platform, I see no ch inos of getting
my man in, and as I know Hon. W. K
Ellis to be a good man and a friend of
silver, will support bim.
Some of my friends bave questioned
Mr, Ellis' position on the silver question
as slated by tbe Guz-tte. I kuow this,
tbat be supported tbe seignorae bill,
and when it was vetoed and returned to
the bouse be voted to carry it over the
president's veto. And wbeu Bland
offered a substitute bill for free coinage
of silver 16 to 1 in its plaoe, Mr, Ellis
voted fur it. This is proof to me that
he is good enough to represeut our
distriot, I bave always been impressed
with his straight-forward way of d dug
business, aud if I oan't get the wbole
loaf I will tnkt a pieoe. One thing, he
is not tricky, and what be says yon can
depend npon. This is more than the
democrats ouu say tor their man.
Eiuiit Milh, May 24, '94
The nomination of Judge Lord for
governor Calls to mind an amusing and
possibly prophet iu incident that oc
curred some years auo ou the Bull Ituu
aud Saudy stage. lie had been out on
the line and was returning to Portland,
when tbe driver, Leon Coben, being in
somewhat of a hurry to reach the city
betore dusk, touched up bis horses with
the whip aud put them through at a
lively rate. The wheels touched tbe
high and low spots ia the road in such
rapid succession as to severely lest tbe
springs aud kept Ibe ooeupant of
the stage bouuoing about its iut'rior
like a rubber ball. Finally tbe driver
aluokeued bis speed aud Judge Lord
thrust bis head out to expostulate, but
just then the whip cracked again, the
horses jumped iuto a ruu, aud at tbe
judge was jerked violently biok into bis
seat be beard tbe driver shout: ".Uy
Lord, sit still and you will get there."
The oollation after theoommeuoeuieut
exercises a week ago last Fiiday was a
reoeption given by the high school to
the graduates aud parents. As an
acknowledgement of faithful assistance
and at a tribute of respeot, we extended
Ibe iuvilation to the school-board, tbe
friends who helped us in the musioal
part of our program, the miuisters of
the gospel, tbe teachers, aud a few
friends wbo helped much iu tbe prepa
ration. The proceeds at Ibe door nearly
paid for the material aud outside
expenses oonueottd wi h this reoeprion
aud tbe commeuoemeut zeroises; tbe
labor necessary iu the preparations w as
mostly performed by the pupils of the
bittb school, some working hard all day.
We say this much to do justice to all
parties concerned, and to save misunder
standing. A V. Wikk, Pri'i.
Isuff-red from biliousness, indiueation
trfc." Huumons Liver Krgulator Cured
ft doctors failed W. 1). Bird.
All matter intended for this column should
be sddresied to Its editor, as the Oasette bas no
authority to publish same without his consent.
TVtis column belongs exclusively to
the People's Party, of Morrow county,
and will be used by them as they see
fit. The management of the Gazette
trill in no way be responsible for any
thing that may appear therein.
Governor, Nathan Pieroe.
State Treasurer, R. Caldwell.
Secretary of State, Ira .Vakefieid.
Supt. Publio Instruction, T. G. Jory.
Attorney General, M. L. Olmstead,
State Printer, George M. Orton.
Supreme Judge, R.P.Boise.
Congressman Sec. Diet, Joe Waldrop.
Jt. Sen.; Morrow, Grant and Harney,
George Gilbert.
Pros. Attorney, E. P. Sine.
Board of Equalization, B. F. Searoy.
Representative, B. F. King.
Sheriff, Joseph C. Hayes,
Clerk, 0. M. Hogue.
School Supt., Miss Addie Coulee.
Assessor, W. B. Ewiug.
County Commissioner, Wm. Gilliam.
Treasurer, J.L.Gibson.
Surveyor, Cbas. Ingrabnm.
Coroner, J. M. Nunamaker.
The candidates for tbe various county
offioes on tbe people's party ticket will
canvass the county, beginning at Lexing
ton and will speak in tbe various pre
cincts on the following dales:
Lexington, 1 o'olook, May 5
Douglas, 1 o'oluck, " 9.
Grange ball, lone preoinot, 1 o'ulk " 12
lone, 1 o'oluck, " 14.
Rooky Poiut saboolhouse, 1 p. m. ' 16.
Eight Mile Center, 1 o'clock, " 19.
Hardmao,7 o'clock, " 23.
Black H rse. 1 o'olook, " 24.
Pine City, 1 o'ciook, " 26.
David Leatberman's, 1 o'olook, " 29.
Lena, Ayers "sohoolliouse, 1 o'olook, " 31.
Heppuer, 1 o'clock, June 2.
All are invited to attend, and especially
tbe opposing candidates.
Editob Peoples Party Column :
la a reoent issue of tbe Gazette, the
editor has oousiderable to say about me
taking "up considerable of my time"
in one of my speeches, in opposition to
the appropriation of the last legislature
to tbe Soldiers' Home.
Now I deny the ohargs. I only gave
it a passing notice while dwelling ou the
extravagance of our last legist ature. I
give my position like this I tbat the
national government bas made provisions
for tbe old soldiers. I then emphasize
it like this; tbat it it has not, it is not
worthy the name of a government.
Then further, there are but few .of
those soldiers that are entirely depend
ent in the state of Oregon; hence if an
appropriation bad been necessary the
a.ip'opriatiou tbat was made was too
much for a starter under tbe existing
oiroiinntauees of high taxes of our state
and fiuancial depression.
B. F. Krao.
Hardman, Or., May 23. 1894.
To the Editor:
I bave almost concluded to vote for
you and if something isn't done I am
going to do it.
Some one sent iu e communieation
some time since signed "104" tbat struok
me very forcibly. Iu fact, I was mad.
I j tst thought I would bunt up Mr.
"104" and lick him, but finally I cooled
off a little and ventured to nsk some of
my neighbors, and even men from other
preoiuots, about "fusion, jury-box stuf
fing, highway robbery, etc ," and I soon
found that "the half had not been lo'd"
by Mr. "104 "
Now to get down to business : I have
been told by good men tbat certain
democrats wanted to fuse with tbe
populists, and tbat all they naked was
the county olerk and treasurer. One
democrat said tbe pops could bave it nil
but olerk. Now Mr. Editor, I think
they must bave wanted to fuse very
badly wbeu tbey offered you tbe deputy
ship if you would withdraw, and I think
further, tbat somebody wanted the
uoniiuation very badly when be would
propose to a certain other oandidate
before the convention "tbat it you will
throw your delegation to me for ooUDly
olerk I will throw my delegation to you
for aheriff."
Now Mr. Elitor, I am a democrat,
but I don't intend to be sold out by a
man that will sell bia pnuoiplea for tbe
sake of office, aud wish to express my
thanks o '104" for causing me to in
vestigate this matter. Mr. Editor, I
did think I would vote tor your candi
date for sheriff, but I heard tbat certain
democrats were going over tbe county
oarrying Hayes and Morrow whisky,
aud tbat led me to believe tbat Hayes
was "standing iu" with Morrow. Here
is one democrat that won't vote for a
man that will sell bis prinoiples for
office, nor will I vote for anyone who
stands in with suoh a man.
Dou't think, Mr. E itor, tbat I am not
a deiuoorat. I am going to vote for yon
because I bave heard notbit g against
yon, only tbat you were a por peneman
and that I know is false. .
Mr. E litor, I want you to publish
this for I don't want rcy democratic
frieuds to support men who will sell
everything on tbeir tickets to get tbeir
own sweet selves into office.
You will seldom need a doctor if you i
bave Simons Liver Regulator bandy. I
A light raiu has refreshened ail vga
tation .
A. W. Balaiger numbers among thoie
on the sick list .
Tbe lone sobool commenced todoyaud
will oontinue for three months.
Tbe nuniinem for superintendent on
tbe populist and republican tickets made
excellent speeches at the Lexington
populist meeting.
Every day the interest of the fnrmera
in the Lvxiogton, lone and Douglaa
irrigatiou ditch is coustautly increasing.
Messrs. Sujitb, of Arlington, and Hollo-
way inspected and passed over the pro
posed route of tbe ditch and are of tbe
opinion tbat it will not n quire much
oapital or work. Mr. Holloway bas
lived iu irrigation sections for years aud
both claim tins section ia easier to irri
gate than vvbero they hid been. A
special engim-er and nutveyor will
arrive in the near future aud a large
number ( farmers hav already promis
ed their assistance. TLis section is
destined to become the coming fruit
garden of Morrow comity. All acknowl
edge tbe riobness and fertility of tbe
soil, if only tbe necessary moisture is
provided. Mass meeting of tbe oitlzens
of this section will be beld in June to
disousa and adopt a plan of work, etc.,
so there will be system and unity of
Ione, May 14. 1894,
Money ppent Economically.
Money economically spent is not al
ways judiciously spent. Why? Simply
because a cheap article often requires
more money speot on it to keep it iu
repair than it would cost to purchase
tbe best. We manufacture nothing but.
tbe b-st gaa and gasoline engines in the
market, and resnlts prove it. Send for
catalogue. Palmer &. Rey Type Found
ery, Front & Alder Sts Portluud, Or.
Don't suffer from dyspepsia. Take
Simmons Liver Regulator. It always
Tbe Htudebaker wagon heads them all.
For sale at Gilliam Sc Bisbee's. a
'Hardware" did you say? Wbv, yes
at P, C. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and tbe
plaoe for bargains. a
The Eeeley Institute, at forest Grove
oures liquor, opium, morphiue, cocaine
and tobacco habit, Sen ad.
Tbe Palace is the leading hotel in tbe
bity. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided tor everyone, a
If you want to buy groceries, and
bread etui! cheap, go to the Enterprise
Grooery. Kirk & Kuhl, proprietors, a .
Tbe general merennndise establish
ment formerly owned by Coffin & McFar
land, has lately changed bands, now be
ing under the control and mnuagement
of The MoFarland Meroanlile Companv,
whiob continues business at the old stand
with a larger stock than ever. a
Gid H ut t bns now estnblished a too
sorial parlor, at the Matlock building
next door to Simons' blackemith shop
where be invites tbe patronage of bis old
oustomere and a)l wbo desire striotly first
olaas work, shaving, shampooing and hair
outting at Jiving prices. Don't overlook
The Superiority
Of Hood's Harsaparilla is due to tbe
tremendous amount of brain work and
constant care used in its preparation.
Try one bottle and you will beoonvinoed
of its superiority. It purifies tbe blood
which, tbe source of health, oures dyspep
sia, overcomes siok headache and bilious
ness. It is just the medicine for you.
1 1 - n,ABmf A n r. . m. m a n a w tt m
(Covered with I Tasteless and Soluble Coillsj.
to ft mftrrdllotu
Antidote for Weak
ed Dlies-
ed XJvar,
ta.t found
also to be especially sffloaoioas and rsmsdial
Of all drusmnts Price SB oentaabox.
x now Yora ospot, sno c-anai ac
A Page From Her History.
The Ininortant Bxrteripnpiw nf nthera am
JnU'iYstlnn. Tbefoflowtng Is no exception:
''1 had been troubled witu heart disease 25
years, much of that time very seriously. For
five years 1 was treated by one physician con
tinuously. I was In busines, but obliged to
retire on account of my health. K phy
sician told my friends that I could not live a
month. My feet and limbs were badly swol
len, and I wus Indeed Id a serious condition
when a gentleman directed my attention to
Dr. Miles' New Heart funs, and said that his
sister, who had been afflicted with heart dis
ease, had been cured by the remedy, and waa
again a stronjt, healthy woman. 1 purchase4
a bottle of Hie Heart Cure, and in less than
an hour after taking the first dose I could
foel a decided Improvement in the circulation
of ray blcxl. When I had taken three doses I
could move mv ankles, something I had not
done for niomlisnml my limbs had been swol
len so iouj that they seemed almost putrined.
Before I had taken one bottle of tbe New
Heart Cure the swelling had all t-one down. I
and! whs so much better that I did my own
work. On my recommendation six others are
5tW V. Harrison St., Chicago, IU,
Pr. Miles' N,-w Heart Cure, a dlscoveryof an
eminent specialist in heart disease. Is sold bv
all dnintsta on a-poalttva gunrantee.or sent
by thj Dr. Miles Medical CcElkhart, ind. on
rtveUijf jrlce, SI per bottle, six bottle for
' ( For side bfr T. W. Ayers, jr.
if allowed to run, will destroy the lining to
Throat and Lungs, weaken the system and
invite the Consumption Germ.
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime
and soda, builds up the system, overcomes
Chronic Coughs and Colds, and strengthens
the Lungs. Physicians, the world over, endorse
SCCTT'3 CMULCICfl 13 t!:o mott nourishing food known to
science, It is Cod-iiver Oil rcnclored palatable end eacyto assimilate.
Prerjarod bv Ccott ft rowne,
Is the title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of the Utmost
Importance to Everybody, couoernlng their dally habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc,
What to Eat,
How to Eat It,
Things to Do,
Things to Avoid,
Perils of Bummer,
Influence of Plants,
Occupation for Invalids,
Alcohol as a Food and a
Superfluous Hair,
nJnwin R,m,
Dangers of KlssW, Restoring the Drowned,
How to Breathe,
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Ventilation, ness, bierclse.
IT TELLS HOW TO CUBE Black Eyes, Bolls, Bums, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Corns,
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CSTA1I new anhscribers and prompt renewala dunngtbe mouth of May will be
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Equal with the interest of those having claim9 against the government is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
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able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not
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With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
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terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
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Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc,
If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to the best course tt. pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infrineine: on vour riet ts. or if vou are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to us for a
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JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box 463. Washington. D. C.
r.?n0M.0-Hbli!rllschrSf1(J f,o1dl" "4 '"Dors who served ninety days, or over, in the late war,
was cauVeli fit Ii Prttay r wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability
wSuK S r,?ot' "Kjrdles. of their pecuniary circumstsnces.
.,.. . nchMldtersand iailorsareentitled (if not remarried) whether soldier's death
Zot der!rtVn7T,ion ,'e 0' ot''fn dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows
CHII nRrl?" 'heir mvu labor are entitled if the soldier's death vras due to service.
'"rfff yearS) ia "m08t 811 wb"e th"e 0?
MilMRfrNfm!.V,titiV1. if '.oldier 'ft nel,h"' "Mow nor child, provided soldier died In
Sort It m!k,?w5? ""?" and th'y now dependent upon their own labor for sup
port. It makes so difference whether soldier served or died in late war or In regular army or
tiuiii, und" one law-may tpfy for hi,her uader oth,r
?r.d,Ls':r; """""e f ' " tio per month under the old Ut- are entitled to
al for mhVr? h?hH J ?w',not n account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but
also tor others, whether due to service or not.
entillVrt .5 -'0l8 ,isa,b'ta i" "ne of duty in regular armyor nary since the war are also
entitled, whether discharged for disability or not.
UmXiSSnViintiil0' ,he Hawk Crk Ch'Tokoo and Semlnolo or Flor;
um Indian H t of lftaa to 1842, aw, entitled under recent act,
Jr depeude'nt " and "ir "'dows alsoentltled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled
Jate?lawsaor"noCt0mplete'1 and ,ttt'emtnl obtained, whether pension has been granted under
c&i&tal?" ""P and settlement secured. If rejection improper or Illegal.
havelM thl?, nrio.'irV'iCC and d"chorl'e obtained for aoldiers and sailors of the late war Who
nave lost ineir original papers.
Send for laws and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Addreaa,
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box 463. WASHIN QTO N, D. C
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