Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 22, 1894, Image 4

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It is absolutely, positively and distinctively differ
ent in FLAVOR from any other Plug Tobacco now on
the market.. A trial will convince the most skeptical
of this fact.
The largest seller of any similar shape and style
on earth, which proves that it has caught the pop
ular taste, and pleases the people.
It possesses mere qualities of intrinsic value than
any other Plug Tobacco produced.
The P. J. Sorg Company
There was never a time in tbo liinlory
of our country when the demand for
inventions and improvements in the arts
and soienoes (fenerally was so great as
Dow. The conveniences of mankind in
the faotory and workshop, the household
and on the farm, as well ub in oflieial
life, require ooutiutial HCeeHHinns to the
appurtenance and implinieuts of euch
in order to save labor, time nud expense.
The political ohutiKe in the iidmiiiiHtrn
on govorument does not alToet the
progress of the American inventor, who
being on the alert, and ready to per
ceive the exuding dclloiencies, does not
permit the alluirs of government to de
ter him from quickly outioeiving the
reme ly to overooine existing discrepan
cies Too great care oauuot be exer
O's d in ohoosiug a competent and skill
f'U attorney to prepare Bud proseouto
an application for patent. Valuable in
terests have boon lust and dstroyud in
innumerable iuatnuoes by the employ
ment of incompetent couusu), and es
pecially is this advice applioable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" sjHtimi. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
do so at inimiiiHiit risk, us the breadth
and strength of tlin patent is ucvi'r con
sidered iu view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance and obtain the fee.
John Wedderbiirn, (ieueral Manager,
018 K street, N. W., Washington, 1). 0.,
repreHeii'ing a large uuiuIiit o impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the country, was in
stituted to protect its nations from the
unsafe niethixlH heretofore employed
iu this line of busineus. The said Onn-
pauy is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, aud prepare and proseaute
applications generally, imiluding mc
chauical inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and gives especial attenion to rejected
vbhcs. it is also prepared to enter into
competition with any thru iu securing
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John W'kdokiiiii iin.
(1H if Street,
p. 0. Box 3H5. Washington, D. 0.
nx IfViervdAo
c cause
VverestVa 1
Are you willing to work for the cause
of Protection in placing rcliablo infor
mution in the hands of your acquain.
If you are, you should be. identified
the american
Protective tariff League,
13S W. 230 St., Ntw York.
Cul Ihli noflea out and tend II to (tie League,
atatlug your position, and gfn a helping hand.
'I- il' I'.-M ll I'll 1'-1 In
III 1:
:nn l l. l l it tojii'tw,
K HUH N, - - MitiKuiinq Attorney,
int. v sium,i')n, 11, c.
eeits.uNS l'lUHTKKl) VrMt
80t;t?'-:!S, WIDOWS,
. 'v, t - i i'ii-r :i 11,1 ii,IKrs .tSrtSl.-.l tti H i- M,.,,f
il IK!-.' 1
mnl.'vl o il l
.. n.'-t :l .-1
Produce 'l fit) and (ret the (liuette for
one yesr. Nice family paper, sud bul
ly to psper cabins.
M a? H M
I mmm
KOi.'Nl) TItll'
nud to Sao Francisco
From Sun Francisco to other points tn Cali
fornia will bo allowed purchasers of special
.Midwinter fair tickets nt the following round-
trip rail's :
To HtnlioiiH under 1M miles from Sun Fran
cisco, one and ono-tlilnl one way fare.
To stations ITiO mih-s or more from Han
Francisco. our nnd one llflh one way fare.
Fur exact rules and full information imiulre
of J. 11. k'lrliluud, IliHt. Pima, ngont at l:ll Klrst
Nt., Portland, Or., or address the undersigned.
lien. Trnllle Manager. (ieu. l'ass. Agt.
Han Francisco, Oaltt,
K. V. ItOliKltS, A. U. V.& l'.A.,
l'ortland, Oregon.
1 la and luil vitality itul
r-.rV.ff. of tir treat
for w.kn.it and
nr. nervous iletiilitv
vitality itul lr. tor 11 oeut.
R. WARD INSTITUTE, 120 If. 84 St ST. MCIS. 1ft.
Every patriotic citizen should give his
personal effort and influence to increase
the circulation of his home paper which
tcachrj the American policy of Protec
tion, It Is his duty to aid In this respect
in evory way possible. After the home
paper is taken care of, why not sub.
scribe for the Amiiican Economist,
publbhed by the American Protective
Tariff League? Ona ol its correspon
dents says i "No true American can
get along without It I consider it the
greatest and truest political teacher in
the United States."
Send postal car4 request for free
samprbcopy. Addnaa Wilbur F.Wake
man, General Secretary, 135 West 23d
St, New York.
Salary and tiiptiiiMci, paid weakly from atarU
Farmaru-utlHWltlim. Kiclualvolerrltury
hiiicrloncu unneovasnry. l'eeullarK
auTauiagtfiiooagmnera. Liberal
communion to local part
lima agunta. Laraeat
irrowere of clean. -CA T Oom-
hardy. reliable lVLT 1"" .
....... ... - aniiortnietit
nuriorjeB rat the orchard.
Btock. u.n and aatMcn.
ant yon now, while
ar the fruit Industry la eo
I TkjJ'iiiii.l.re tree. 11KOWN UltOS. CO.. nur-
...n..ni.n, OutA, full nAC-
t. 1'oriiand, ore. iiuuuvukw
Name thu paper. Kd-
outright, no runt, nonullT. At.nptivl
li Cm. Ulan or t'oiiutr. m.i1 m a.v.r
home, niton, Mor mul oftW. OrrtUtwt couvttn-
en Hint ttt Kfiltir OHHarth
itfl'lll 11111 kc tVum A 10 H50 pea dKV.
Out 111 H It-Miit I It ft nifHlli H U l t.i ! iha
Tim,?hri"rw. nit inwti uiutMit, o tov. work
i)whfr. any .tit.tni.tti. Complon., ifiujy (or
wtitm utitpi ril 1 "mi txt jun U1, l,y Hlly
vr out of order, no rKpniniw, la-ta hf
nit. U .irrnti't-tl A iiihiih ti,Ac tuiia
J W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk 10, Columbus. 0
In onr 1-aiNl.iBH treatment
Hu nt kuit.-. K , Iom of line
in tu.in.M, t'i.tul. rice .,
1 1 1
i Blank ml taok fr.
(p mi. u.
U. Ill ITS,
I tine stret.
Mo. I
Only the Scars Remain,
"Among the many testimonials which I
ee tn regard to certain medicines perform
ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes
bKMtr Hudson, of the James Smith
Woolen Machinery Co.,
Cf Philadelphia, Pa., "none
mnJ Impress me more than my
l own case. Twenty years
ago, at the age of 18 years,
I bad swellings come on
my legs, which broke and
became running sores.
Our family physician could
do me no good, and it was
feared that the bones
would be affected. At last,
my good old mother
urged me to try Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. I took three
bottles, the sores healed,
and S have not been
troubled since. Only the
cars remain, and the
memory of the pant, to
remind me of the good
Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me. I now
weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and
am in the best of health. I have been on the
road for the past twelve years, have noticed
Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertised In all parts
of the United States, and always take pleas
lire in telling what good it did for me."
For the cure of all diseases originating la
Impure blood, the best remedy is
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co-, Lowell, Man.
Cures others, will cure you
Be Wa Jealous or the Talent, of Ilia
After Emin Pasha had learned of the
fall of Khartoum and the conquest of
the Soudan by the Muhdists, he gave up
hope of being able to defend the equa
torial province with the force at his
disposal, says Youth's Companion.
To rescue the Egyptians who gar
risoned the various posts was now his
first duty, and he bt'ffun to make his
plans for a march to the sea. The only
practical route appeared to lie through
the kingdom of Unyoro, which bounds
the province ou the southeast. Ac
cordingly he sent his medical oilicer,
Vita Hassan, with valuable presentsof
ivory and other things, to the king of
the country to obtain permission for
the passage of the troops through his
This African monarch, who was
named Kabarega, though in outward
appearance a mere savage, showed
that he possessed some of the qualities
of a successful ruler.
Among the presents sent him was a
little box which had come from Mam
bettu, a country in the extreme west
ern part of the province. When the
knig noticed that it was made of a
single piece of wooil he was very much
pleased with it and asked the envoy
whether he thought that his subjects
were capable of imitating such work.
"I answered him," savs Vita Hassan.
"that the Wanyoro had no experience
in such work and that it would be very
difllcult for them to do it as well as
the Mambettn, who were skilled in
fashioning out of a block of wood the
most varied and ditlicult objects. In a
really artistic manner they are able to
make dishes, plates, bowls, stands and
even Turkish jugs with their long and
crooked necks.
"The Wanyoro, on the other hand,
understand the preparation of skins.
This is their speciality, as wood-work
ing is that of the MambetUi. My words
aroused the jealousy of Kabarega, and
he counted on his lingers to five, and
then said: 'On this day,' pointing to
the fifth linger, 'come here again, and
I will show you whetheror not my peo
ple can make a box like this.'
"On the fifth day the Wanyoro had
succeeded, under the most frightful
threats of the king, in manufacturing
a similar box of perhaps even better
construction. Full of pride, Kabarega
showed it to me with the words: 'What
use is it being a king if I cannot get
my subjects to make everything which
I wish'"
"'Hut what if you desire something
which is beyond their ability or their
" 'There is no need of that, for I have
not lost my head; I shall never bid
them fetch me the moon, but if it is a
thing which is not beyond our power,
I cannot permit that they should give
up at the first difficulty.'
"For a negro king this seemed to be
;ery reasonable, and I bowed my as
Whura aud How I'ortuiiK.Telllug' Hharpa
c.-t l,i Thlr Work.
H is said t,y tin- ilotoctives of the
central oil'ire, who oi'ciisionally have
to deal with the furluiie-telliufr, hyp
notic anil clairvoyant sharps, that
these latter "-entry mahe their living1
by the skill with which they treat the
curious maiden ladies of uncertain ac;e
and the army of stout and middlc
iied women who endeavor, by bleach
in,' their hair and powdering1 their
faces, to conceal from themselves and
the world tlu fuct tliut thc uro frow
infold. The fortune tellers, says the
New York Sun, are men who appar
ently realize that there is in this world
a lai-frc number of foolish women of
mature years, who do not object to
paying three or live dollars for having
their fortunes told by some of the re-
markalile malsecrs who are doing such
a lucrative business just now in this
line. The fortune-telling sharps
are usually men between thirty
and forty years of age, of an owi
HUc air aud more or less impressive
ness of manner, and they fondle the
hands of their visitors as tiiey read the
lines after a fashion that would be
ridiculous were it not lucrative. There
is no real harm in nil of this, according
to the detectives, except that once in
awhile a particularly idle and foolish
old woman permits one of these sharps
to get the best of her so far as to ex
tort sums of money, on one pretext
or another, beyond the usual three
dollar limit for consultation. Some
times the pretext is an enhi
of his business, his ,1,
ment j
c to :
tniy a beautiful picture, or some
other trinket of value to him, but
as often as not the mail succeeds iu
wheedling sums of money varying from
five dollars to twenty-live dollars
purely as a "loan." It is when the
"loan" gets to be of unusual propor
tions that the police are called in.
They know the fortune tellers very
well, and there is never any ditlicnlty
in getting back the money, but the
elderly, foolish woman in the case is
usually in a state of tremendous men-
tal perturbation while it is all go-
ing on.
Tiik duty of criticism is neither to
depreciate nor diguify by partial representations.-
X Y. Ledger.
The Wind raises Alone the Oily Surface
with Reduced Power.
A great deal has been written about
the influence of oil on waves at sea.
and of the practically useful action of
oil in many cases there is abundant
testimony, but little has been heard of
the reason for the results obtained,
says the Chicago Tribune. Experi
ments made in shallow, broken water
on the coast, where the wind and tide
conflicted, have shown that little or no
advantage can lie traced from the use
of oil under such conditions; that is to
say, the wave motion being disturbed
and under forces not wholly those of
wind action, the oily film becomes
broken up. In deep water, however,
where the waves may be considered as
wholly formed by the wind, their forms
are more regular, and it is in such cir
cumstances that the recorded exam
ples show to the best effect. These ef
fects suggest the real action of the oil.
According to some theories the oil acts
as it does when applied to bearings in
machinery, and thus the wind glides
more easily over the oiled surface than
it does over the water surface. It
diflicult to see, however, that the fric-
tional resistance between air and oi
should be loss than between air and
water, as the oil is a less mobile fluid
that the water. Again, when we con
sider the surface tension of fluids, and
can often observe their restraining ae
tion on ascending air bubbles or small
floating objects iu glasses of water, we
might suppose that by the addition of
the film of oil sufficient resistance was
offered to the uprise of the upper part
of the wave, and thus the tendency to
oreaK would De restrained. The ac
tion of the film of oil is one of separa
tion. When we consider the tendency
of air to become saturated with watery
vapor due to evaporation and of water
to retain air by absorption, we may
readily conceive that the impact of
air on a. watery surface will tend to
cause a commingling at the surface of
air and water which will thus offer
sufficient resistance to the motion of the
wind to throw the water and mixture in
to an undulatory movement and, there
fore, when this forward movement has
exceeded the speed due to the periodic
motion in the wave itself, the upper
part in falling forward from the effects
of the push of air from behind shows
a foaming rush of broken water; that
is, the air incorporated with the water
and the water itself. Arguing on this
basis there is no difficulty in accepting
the theory that the film of oil spread
over the surface of the water effect
ually prevents the formation of broken
water; as the air and water are kept
separate the tendency to mutual ab
sorption at the surface is checked and
the wind passes along the oily surface
with reduced power of wave making.
A Great Monarch Who Was Decidedly
Ilrutnl In Ilia Sense of Humor.
At one of the grand dinners given by
the Czar Peter, says the London Tele
graph, a hugh pic was placed in the
center ol tlie gennemen's table, out of
which, when the carver broke the
crust, a beautiful dwarf lady, in puris
naturalibus, all except a head-dress,
stopped out, proposed in a set speech
and drank in a glass of wine the health
of the company, and then retired to
her snug retreat and was carried from
the table. A man dwarf was substi
tuted at the ladies' table. Did not
Peter say he could reform his people,
but not himself? A dinner party at
the czar's must indeed have been a
sight not conceivable out of Bedlam,
and could only have been planned in
the maddest brain on earth, if a manu
script among the Sloan papers in the
British museum is believable. Such
practical jokes! such wild grotesque
gamooimg! tne frolics of leviathan!
the laughter of Titan, as frightful in
his fun as in his fury! There was ac
commodation at the czar's table for
about one hundred, but the grim hu
morist always issued invitations to
twice or thrice that number, and left
his guests to elbow, jostle and fight for
chairs and places, and retain them
against all coiners and claimants if
they could. Not tinfrequently a free
tight was extemporized and noses
tapped, and even the sacred persons of
ambassadors have been profanely
touched and trifled with. The czar sat
at the head of the table, a broad crrin
on his face, rolling the spectacle like a
sweet morsel under his tongue. The
guests are so closely packed that feed
ing room is not to be thought of, and
ribs are often blackened and almost
driven in by active and vigorous el
bows, provoking fierce recriminations
and quarrels. The kitchen is so near
the dining-hall that there floats
through the latter a fragrance of
onions, garlic and train-oil, mellowed
and tempered by the more delicious
aroma of the roast. The more knowing
and initiated guests wave away soups
and such like edibles, and manifest a
special appetite for hams, tongues and
viands that cannot be tampered with,
or made the vehicle of practical joking,
lor as oir.cn as not it happens that a
bunch of dead mice will be drawn out
of the soup or discovered snugly im
bedded iu a dish of green peas, and
sometimes, when his guests have well
partaken of certain pastries, the czar
will courteously inquire if the cat, wolf,
raven or other unclean animal proved
a savory or delicious morsel, with
what result let the imaginative guess.
The approach to a regular Donnybrook
was hastened on by liberal supplies of
brandies, strong ales and wines so
adroitly served out as to expedite the
grand climacteric of drunkenness.
Happy Turn of Fortune.
In unexyiivti'd turns of the wheel of
fortune, elevating; the unknown to
places of power and dethroninff the
mighty without warning, France leads
the nations, not excepting Amer
ica, where the grandson of the
millionaire mav black boots for
the grandson of the crossing-sweeper.
The installation of Mme. Grevy
in the Elysee is a happy instance.
She was the daughter of a tanner,
and earned her living in Paris as
a bonnetmaker. When she married
her whole fortune was less than f .",00;
at her death she leaves something like
a quarter of a million to her daughter.
She did not invent an ancestry with her
promotion, nor assume fine airs with
her rich gowns. Her manners were
characterized by simplicity, her ac
counts were carefully audited to the
smallest detail, and she set her face
against court etiquette.
Two Kixos, two princes, nine dukes,
wo "e'1 mrshals and two generals
wer PriTto soldiers when they first
joined ISonaparte's grand army and rose
iroiu tne ranks by meritorious services.
iiT 8uhxrib (or th Gazittb.
For Years,"
Bays Cabbib E. Stockwell, oi Chester,
field, N. it., "I was afflicted witb an
extremely severe pain in the lower part of
the chest. Tlie feeling was as If a ton
weight was laid
on a spot the size
ol my hand. Dur
ing tlie attacks, the
peispiia'lou would
stand tu drops on
my face, and it was
agony for me to
make sufficient
effort eveu to whis
per. Tliey came
suddenly, at any
hour ol the day or
night, lasting from
thirty minutes to
half a day, leaving as suddenly; but, for
several days after, 1 was quite pros
trated and sore. Sometimes the attacks
were almost daily, then less frequent. After
about four years of this suffering, I was
taken down with bilious typhoid fever, and
when I began to recover, I had the worst
attack of my old trouble 1 ever experienced.
At the first of the fever, my mother gave
me Ayer'a Pills, my doctor recommending
them as being better than anything he
could prepare. 1 continued taking these
Fills, and so great was the benefit derived
that during nearly thirty years I have had
but one attack of my former trouble, which
yielded readily to the same remedy."
Prepared by Pr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Ma.
Every Dose Effective
convince the
skentic and coint the
waywhich if followed leads to
Prof. HARRI3'
Hns been mit up In a
proprletitry form since
o, ana nas Doen usea
veui-H irlni- tr tlitit. tlr,i
In private pructlco. It is no untried noBtrum, of
doubtful reputiition, but a genuine Bpecilio for
a very prevalent dlsenae. Thouuunds of men, of
al! nies, have at Borne time in life brought on
nervous debility and exhaustion, with organic
weakness, by over brain work, excesses, too f re.
qucut indulgence or indiscretion and vicious
nablts.nnd it Is to tueae that we offora remedy
tluit will, by its direct action unon the seat of the
disease, stop the drain and restore the patient to4
Vigorous lieallli and strength.
Uiirmeibodof ntrnduc hit Prof. TTnrr s'Pn.Hll
treatment is one which enmmends Itself to all
sensible persons for the reason that we supply It
upon their Judgment of its value. We ask of our
patrons nothing in the way of expense beyond a
postal curd and a two cent postuge slump. The
Postal card to he used in aendlnu ns Ihlr full nil.
dress and the postage stamp for the letter return
ing the stateincnfc of their case for which we
supply them with a question blank, to he tilled
out and an envelope addressed to ourselves for
returning in wnen nuea.
wnen we receive the staxe
ment on blank we prepare
eight days' treatment and for-
(r ,THAL Postage thereon and along
1 ' Trl.C2r with Oieetuhr. rtnv.
we send full directions for
usiim. Tlie truiitinentln no way Interferes with
person's attention to business, and causes no
pain or Inconvenience in any way.
We are so punitive that it will give perfect satis
faction that we leave the matter of sondinjr orders
entirely with those ualnff the free trial treatment.
Havlnir sutisflod those sending for trial nficknizps
of our iiblllty to benefit their sexual condition we
icei unit, nicy me more iaraeiy interested than
ourselves in continuing the use of the Pastilles.
liven men we do not attempt to rob them bv do
mnndhiK hih prices. On the contrary, we make
the prices as low ns possible, and the same to all.
They are as follows: 13 for one monthi $5 for
twomonthBj t7 for three months.
These prices secure
the delivery of the
Pastilles by mall. If
desired by express we
leave the patient to
pay the charges. For
over ten years we
have ooerntfld our
i i.MiHAO.aTilul
business upon this plan with satisfactory results.
We ask all Dersons needinc- trentniRnr, fur nnw
Of the secret ills which come to mankind through
a violation of nuture's laws to send us their ad
dress on postal card or by letter and allow us to
convince tlKMit that PROF. II A K K IN' HOln
merit and are what they need.
ah communications conuuentiai ana should ba
addrens('d to
The KARriiS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists
" 99Beekman St., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.
Jfc- Broadway Theatre Bldg., New York City. 3
ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. Tb
ame as used by thoniandB ot woman all over tb
United Status, fn the .""LD DOCTOK8 private mail
practioe, for 38 yoara, and not a slnarla bad result
Money returned if not as represented. Beu4 4
Oenn (stamps) for sealed particulors,
CS. WASD IHBTITUI2, 120 1!. Ninth St., Bt. Louis, U&
25 Tears' Kxpertence In treattnf? all varl
ties of liupturo enutiles us to Kuurautee a
positive cure. Question Blank; and llooj
free. Call or write.
23 Pine Street, . ST. LOUIS, MO
Rt'tHicorf lMr!M pnUr.1s per nmnth. No.
starving, no iiif.iiivetr.oiuv, 10 iid rveiilti, nn nsunpniii
dniB. Iri'stnient pfi-rei-tly harml. aud sfruMl v cmJi
deutial. (inention HI i-i an l H.uik ir. CsU or write.
1H. 11. U. lit 'i'TS, 622 l'.tie fcirect, bt. Loun, Ma
Substantial Rewards for Those Whos
Answers are Correct
A mn onoe fntwd a prison whert
i cotulfiinted criminal. On making requeat to b
omiufttxl into the presence of the doomed man, th
'isitor was informed that none but relatives were permit
i to see the prisoner The risitor said : " Brothers
in.t sinters hare 1 none, bub that man's (the prisoner a
at her i my father's son. "
He was at once taken to the prisonw. Now, what r
ation was the prisoner to the Tisitorl
Tne Agriculturist Publishing Company will gtw M I
fear for life to the Demon sendinp the rim correct ar
iwer; i.VX) to the second: 3rd, $350; 4th, 1U0: 5th,
ti. and oer lO.OHO other reward, consisting of pianos,
rgans, a.iiea and ftents gold tad silver watch, ailvei
en ices, diamond rint, etc
To the perfon sending the last correct answer will t
rtvon a high-toiiM piano, to the neit to the last a beauti
"til ortran. and the ueit 5,000 wiU receiTt valuable prise.
f ilerware, Ac,
Hl',KS.(i) Alt answer mnst Vte sent by mail, a4
aear pout mark not later than Iec. 31, 1803. (2) Th' re wil
re no charge whatever to enter this competition, but al
ho compete are expected to send one dollar for sil
norths, subscription to either Th Ladiks, Homi
Uadazivk or Th Casadias Ao r icv lt ' k l sx twe
if tlie choicest illustrated periodicals of the day. 3
AH prifewnnemwill be expected to awist un in extend
Jig our circulation. 141 The first correct answei m-ened
sender's poMuiitrt taken in all case a date of reo ipt
to as to giTe every one an equal chance, io matter when
ae or she may reside), will secure the nrst prize; tbt
econd. theneit nii.-e. and ao on. I
1hk AaJKUTi TfKtfT is an old wtaMish-d concern
and wrsca ample means to enable it to carry out al t
laeuu (or pnntea list oi lornit r prin
rirnem 1
Jl l-,,i:"-Th. fr.il.
rind TrHl-known grmltii'Mi r.t
Hi. itrnl to a. I hs
r fairly aw.r.1,1
u,u.s. ,iid .ill il.i,: .1 r.zn
t oiiini.lorp I'.i. att li.r, i-r.eloi
CU utt a Li
1, tei UirvMi,!!. ami Mr W
tHrUt,h Kf ',!(' Ail uu'tit t let crt. A.iiln , At.u
lift Ai. t, ULJ. rPUU lnlVUi,
El HI 7
iacaa- for
fc: I n 00 worth of lovely Music tor Forty
J) I LI Centi. consisting of icx, pages ?
full size Sheet Music of the
- latest, brightest, liveliest and must popular 3
selections, both vocal and instrumental,
gotten up In the most elegant manner, in-
f; eluding four large size Portraits.
CARMCN0ITA, the Spanish Dancer, 3
fADCHeWSKI, the Oreat Pianist, "2
l cornet uencei, trsDRuarr, ion of
cnrrRy, riprvou ex. item t, rervouf debility,
unuatur. iiiciiarn. lot manhood, despondency, fit
tvikto mirry, warting iwav of the oryaaa, certainl- nd
rapidly cured by cafe and eay method . Curei positively
guaranteed. (juest:on U tank and Uookfree. Ca.lorwr.tta
120 N. Ninth SI.. ST. LOUIS. M0.
EES. XOrI3'E3 Curs
Kery owner ot hor almtilit kppp
it on UBiMl. It Dim Have tin- 'tic el a
valuable aniitiitl. One package trill
cuie siifli! to ten ciitris frife Sl.'trt,
Sent tiv mull o exprcM. Our A;
ctiunt PiKifc, w ieu C'titoini liinti i,q
uULiiG kc.i m, m.iil. d free
11. i.sJAiMlN Si Co.. tm Pine 8t,
St. Loots, MO
The Old Reliable
Established 38 yoars. Treats male or ?nulo,
married or elnglo, In cases of exposurtv,
abuses, pxeffses or Improprieties, skill
GUARANTKKD. Jinard and apartments
furnished when rtoslrod. QueaWoa iilunk
aud Bouk froo. Call or write.
"Diaemci CI ltKU wl'hnut the use ol
yueitton UlnnknTid Hook free. Call
is JJK. II. 11. 1U TTS,
822Pine6t. tit. Louis, Mo,
W Q II II The worrt f ormi pori,
V T r M I L.I Otlvely cared 39 year
uci'eiiful practice. Treatment confidential. Curd
by mall or at office. Tertuilow. Question Blank aai
ttookfrw. Call or writ. DR. WARO INSTITUTE,
120 N. 9th St..St.Loui,MO
t.t.lWPnf ANT LADY, employed or unemployed ,
VlJ n If Ltrti can make thisfrr a few houri work each
day. fialarv or commtiBion. $10 lamples frea Addreii
H. BENJAMIN & CO., 822 Pine St., St. L Mo.
Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances
BSfeS Belts, Siwpensories, flpf
rS'ijf na Appliances, Alxluiiii
Kiipporters, Vests,
CCSt3- ttjj j 3 Drawers, Office Caps,
Insoles, etc.
Cures Rheumatism, Liver and Kidney
Complaints, Iyflpepsin, Krrors of Youth,
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.ess, and all Troubles in Mule or J 'emale.
uestioa Blank and Book free. Call or
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.2 Viae Street. - bX. LOUIS, DIO.
Foot-Prints on the Path to Health.
Everyone nepdirjfr a doctor's advice
should read one of Dr. Foote's dime
pamphlets on "Old Eyes," "Crnnp,"
,'Rupture," "Phimosis," "Varicocele,"
Disease of men, Disease of Women, and
learn the best means of sel'-cnre. M
Hill Pub. Co., 129 East 28th Ht.. New
While you keep your subscription paid up you
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Allyn, T. J., lone, Or. Horaoa Gtt on left
ahmildpr; cattle same on left hip, nnderbiton
ritfht ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row county.
Armstronpr, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der n on left shoulder of horses; cattle eaine
on left hip.
Allison, O. DM Eiprht Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
ODon left hip and norm same brand on right
shoulder, liange, Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J.. Heppner, Or. HorBes. JA con
nacted on left flank: cattle, same on left hip.
Htirtholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 E on either shoulder. Range in Moi
row countv
Hloakman, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a Hhk
op left shoulder: cattle same on right shoulder.
Hannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
lirenner, Peter, Gocsoborry Oregon Horses
branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right side.
linrke, M 8t C, Long (Jreek, Or On cattle
MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, un
der half crop off right. HorseB, same brnnd on
letft shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow
Hromnan, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses brnnded 7
on ngni snouiaer; cauie on the left side.
ufii Ktu iian crop uu ngnr ear upr)Gr slooe.
Harton, Wm Heppner, Or.-Horses, J B on
ngut uugu, carue. same on right hip; split
each ear.
J-Jruwn, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
ngmsiine; catuesameon nnthio: ranire. M.
row oounty.
nrown. J. I;.. Honrtner. ()r. Hurean ,,.,.1
. wiin nor m nei ter on ion nip; cattle, same.
urown, vv. j., ina, Oregon. Horses V bar
uvui 11, on uie ieu snouiaer. uattie same on left
Buyer, W. G.. Hennner. Or. Horsi. h,
brand on righ hip cattle, same, with split in
each ear.
iiorg, P. 0 Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left
ommmr; uhiiio. Bam eon lert nin
lirownlee, W. J., For,Or- battle, JH connected
on left side: cron un left nnr ftnri tn D..i
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
uraiiu un me ieu tnign; itange in Dox valley,
Carsner Warren. Watmer. Or .fTnmoj hi-un
ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in
omui mm morrow counties.
t-ain.E., Caleb.Or.-Y U on horaes on left stifle
U With onarter circle over it, on left shoulder
and on left stifle on all colts under 5vears;on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. AH
range in Urant county.
Clark, Win. H., Lena, Or. Horseh WHC con
nected, on left shoulder: cattle same on right
hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cate, Chas. K,, Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cecil, Wm., Douglas. Or.; horses JC on left
Bhoulder; cattle same on left hip, waddles on
each jaw and two bits in the right ear.
Curl, T. H., John Day, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
ou shoulder. Ear markou ewes, crop on left ear
pouched upper bit in right. - Wethers, crop in
right ad nnder half crop in left ear. AH range,
in Grant oooutv.
Cook, A. J ., Leu a. Or. Horses, Won right shonl
der. Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square
crop off left and split in right.
Currin.R. Y., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, ao on
left stiHe.
Cox Ed. 8., Hardman, Or. Caitle, C witb
F in center: horses. VK on left Sip.
Cochran, R. E,, Monument, Grant Co, Or.
Horses branded circle with hat beneath, on left
Bhoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branrted
r: on right hip. Cattle brauded the same. Al..
brands III on horses right thigh: cu t e s; ie
brand on right bhoulder, and cut off tnuwf
riylit ear
DickeiiB, Ebfc) Horses braided with three
tinea fork on left slirle. Cattle sa-nf on left side.
Douglass. W. M . Galloway. Or. t 'HtilH. K hn
right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, R D
uu ieu nip.
Douiilae. O. I nonr as. Or Horees TT) nn
the right stifle; cattle same on right hip.
til. J. B. iV Sons. DoUtflas. Or. Hurt., hrnn.-l.
ed ELi on left shoulder, cattle same on left
nip. noie ip ngni ear.
Elhotl, Wash.. Heppner. Or. Diamond on
right shoulder.
H.mery. I Hardman. Or. Horses hrfii.Hnil
i)- reversed C with tail on left shoulder ; cat
tle same on right hip. Kange in Morrow comity.
Eleek, Jackon. Heupuer. Or. Horee ? K
connected on right shoulder; cattle same on
right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and cron
ofl lef U v
lorence, L. A., Heppner. Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; horses F with bar under on right
Florence. 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses. F on
right ehocldet ; cattle, If on right hip or thigh.
French, George, Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
WF. with bar over it. on left side; crop ofl left
ear. Horse, same brand on left hip.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAx on left
Oilman -French, Land and Livestock Co., Foe.
Bil, Or. HorBes, anchor b on left shoulder; vent,
same on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips
ear marks, crop off right ear and nnderbit in left
Range in Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow
oo unties
Gentry, Klmer, Echo, Or. Horse brsnded H.
8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle.
Range in Morrow and Umatillacounties. !
Hayes. Geo., Lena, Or, Brand J H connected !
with quarter circl over it, on left shoulder. j
matt a. a nidge. Or. Cattle, rouud-toD K
with onftrter circle niidtr it on th rwht hm
Kl - l'Kf U Mnrntw and VH-Rtilla counties.
Hinton a J on kb, Hamilton, Or t attle, two haie
on turner nip; cnp m ntbt ear ami split in left.
on euner nip; cmp in nam ear an split in left.
Horses, J n right thigh. Kaugein (irar.t county i i
u.,..k t vv., ,1. T" :
COnnevUHV-on ritfht shmilderon hur..
r u r l
r; on cuttle.
low fork ,n
nn riirftf KinnrH nn loft miiia iirull
1 distriot, Morrow cmnty.
nnt ear ana slit in lett. Kang in Haystack .
II ba
Halo. Milton, Waiiwr, Dr. Horses branded
-O- (cirnle witli panillfl tails) on 1 ft shoulder,
('ftltleuaine on left hip aieu large circle on iaft
Hall. Kdwin, John Day, Or. ('alt! e E Hon right
hip; horses annie ou right shonldor. li an go in
Grunt county.
Howard, J L, t-allWHy, Or. Horftes, (crnsa
with bar above it) vu ripht shoulder; cattle
flame on left side. l.HDge tn Morrow and Uma
tilla counties.
HiiKhes, Mat, Hepnner, Or. Horso, shfded
heart on the left sliouldor. liange Morrow (Jo.
Hiinwiker, B . Wagner, Or. Homes, H on left
ahuiildnr: oa.tle, Hon luTt hip.
ilardiwty, Albert, Nye, Oreuon HorBes.A H
connr-etod. on left shoulder; Cattle wn the left
hi, rrop off left ear,
Humphreys, J Si. Hard man, Or. Horses, H on
lef' Hank
Ilayes, J. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, wineglass
on ion. shoulder cattle, same on right hip.
HiiHton, Luther, fcmht Mile, Or.-Horae Hon
the left ahoQldorand heart on the left stiHe ('at
tlesanieoTilnfthip. Hantre in Morrow oonnty.
.Ivy. Alfred, Lmng Creek, Or Cattle 1 Don
riKtit hip, oroDoff lMfteHrHnH hit in riht H
aame brand on left ahouldor Kange n Grant
Jonee Harrj', Hepnnor, Or-Horses branded
II J on the loft shoulder: cattle baanded J on
right hip, hIho underbit in left ear. Itange in
fllorrow ceunty.
Jankin.H. Al.. Hnnnnoi. nPunn,.. i
phoo J on. left shoulder. Cattle. th
Har.ge on Eitiht Mile.
Johnson. IliT. r,umi fir rrMDA i-n
left stitie: cattle, aamn m rio-dt hin ' ..,.- ,..i
crop in right and stdit in left ear '
i u W.,Mt. Vernon,Ur,-J on horses on
left slionlder; on cattle. .1 nn lft hinDn,i
smooth cropa on both ears. Kaugein Fox and
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or.-Horsee brands
KIN I On left hi D. (1Bt.MA RATY1A nn1 nmn nlF
war: under slotte on the right
Kirk, J. T., Heppner. Or.-Horses 69 on left
shoulder; cattle, til) on left hip.
h Klrk "I.V' 1JPn6rv0r--ilnrBeB. 17 on either
Hank: cattle 17 on right side.
Kirk, Jeese, Heppner, Or.; horsef 11 on left
sLonlder; cattle Bauie on right side, underbit on
irltn ear.
Knmberland. W. O.. Mount Vernon. Or.-I L on
cRltle on ngnt and loft aides, bwbUow fork in It ft
-.h U,neruc'1;? ?ht Mr- Horses aame
brand on left shoulder. Itange in Grant countv.
fH' 8teP"en.J. r.-8 L,on left hip
. le- Srol "Vd. sPat on "eht ear. llorses
countv " a honI''w. Hange Urant
ijienallen, John W., Lnri-ir, Or -Hnrao.
branded halfirolo JL connected on left ahoul!
ingion Rm 0a lBtlbiv- Kane ner I-
Leahey, J. W. Heppner Or.-Horaea branded
L mm Aon lert shoulder; cettle same on left
hip, wuule over nBht ,ye, three slits in rjght
h.VS' GSorBe- Heppner, Or.-Horses branded
double. H coi.necu Sometimes oalied a
awing H, on left shoulder.
M'"rf'.'rf4' M. Heppner, Or.-Cattle large
H on left side both Bare cropped, and split in
...,,., u loll nlB mauve, Clark's
Minor, Oscar, neppner. or.-Cattle, M D on
right hi p ; horsa M on loft bhoulder.
Morgan, 8. N.. Heppner, Or.-Horsee, M )
on left shonldei cattle same on left hip
McCumber, Jae A, Echo, Or. Horses, M with
bar ovor on right shoulder. ourHOB' witn
Morgan. Thus., Heppner, Or.-Horses, oirole
1 Vn shoulder aiid left thigh; cattle.
Mitohell. Oscar, lone, Or.-Horses, 77 on richt
hip; cuttle, 17 on right Bide.
MoCinren, D. (i., BrownaTille, Or.-Horaea
Fmnro Boil each Bhoulder; cuttle. H2 im hip
Mctarty. David H. Joho Or. Horeea branded
Si hfpanS.011 the l6tt8hottlto; oattleBame
McUirr, 1'rank, Poi Valley, Or.-Mule shoe
with te-cork on cattle on ribs and nnder in
each ear; horses same brand on loft stitie,
Mcllale,, . ,., xiHuuiton,Or.-un iiorsea. M
with halt circle under on lef t Bhoulder: on Uattle
four liars connected ou top on the right side
Hange in (taint County.
Ni-iil.Aiidrew, Lone Jtock.Or.-Horses A N oon-
uectod ,,n left Bhoulder: cuttle anine on both liine.
i Ji",1 Jlte' Bilverton. Or.-Horses, cirole 7 on
lett thigh: cai tie. same ou left hip.
n ii'f,"f' Jl"")llh' CHny" ty, Or.-A S on cattle
on left lap; on horses, Baine ou left thigh, liauge
in (, rant county.
Blion.dei POTry' LeiinBton- 0r--V O on left
(tip, Herman, Prairie City! Or.-On cattle, O
Ll connected on loft hip; horses on loft stifle
and wartle on nose. Itange in Grant oounty,
Peuraon, OIhto, Klght Mile, Or-Horaes, quar
ter circle shield on oft slioulder and 24 on loft
hip. t attle, fork m let; ear, right cropped. 24
"l"f,t L"V- Jiwi' ou Kiht Mile.
i i rA (,l6a8"1, Hardman.Or.-HorseslPon
1' fl siioulder.
P"i?r,',1,r."e't' Lexington, Or.-Horces brand
e WH (L a connected) ou left Bhoulder ; cattle
a me on right hip. Itange, Morrow county.
1 iper, J. H Leiiugtou. Or.-Horses, JH con
necled oi loft ehoulder; cattle, same on left Md
untier bil in each ear.
f ettys, A. (J., lone. Or.; horBee diamond P on
-shoulder; cattle, J 11 J connected, on the
right 8 m 'Btt 8nd sliD U'9
Powell, John T., Dayville, Or-Horaes, JP coil,
neced on left Bhoulder. Cuttle OK oounected on
loft hip. two under half crops, one on each ear
wattle under throat. Km ge in Grant county.
Hood. Andrew, Hurdiuun, Or.-HoreeB, aquare
orow with quuiter-circle over it on loft stilts.
i J1.01:1"' Ulria' Heppner, Or.-Horses, U li on
left Bhoulder.
Hice. IJan, Hardman, Or.; horaes, three panel
worm fence on left, aiioolrlop. D,u mai
right shoulder. Itange near Hardman.
Koyse, Aaron, Ileppuer, Or Horses, plain V on
left slioulder; cattle, same brand reversed oo
right hip and orop otf right ear. liange iu Mor
row county.
i.usn uroB., ilenpner, Or. Horses branded X
on me right ehoulder; cuttle, IX on the left nip.
crop oti left ear and dewlap on neok. liange in
Morrow and adjoining counties.
liust, William, Hidge, Or.-Horses K on
lett slioulder; cuttle, H on left hip, orop ott
right our, underbit on left ear. Mlicop, It on
wi'iithei-B rouud crop off righ ear. Kuuge (Jma
tilla and Morrow ountiea.
"''I111;1', tidrew. Lexington, Or.-llorsea
branded A K on right shoulder, vent quurtor
circlo over brand; cattle aunie on right hip.
liange Morrow county.
ltoyse, Wm.. H Dniryville, Or-Hit connected
with quarter ,;ircle over top on oattle on right hip
aud crop ott right ear and split in left. HorBea
flame brand on left shoulder, liange in Morrow
(j rant and (iilliam counties.
Iteotor. J. W Heppner, Or.-Horses, JO od
lef t shoulder. Caitle, o on right hip.
Spicknall. J. W., Gooseberry, Or.-Horeea
branded SI on left shoulder; lange in Morrow
Bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded
on lef t Bhoulder; cuttle aame on left hip.
Bwuggart, ti. b, Lexington, Or.-Horaea
with daBh under it on left etiUe: cattle H with
dash under it on right hip, orop off right ear aud
waddled on right hmd leg. flange iu Morrow.
Gilliumuud Uinutillu oouuties.
Bwiiggart. A. L.,Athena. Or.-Horses branded 1
un lei l Bhoulder; cettle eume on left hlD. Cron
on eur, wuttle on left hind leg.
Straight W. E Heppner, Or.-Horsea shaded
1 ti on let, Btrfie; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow
fork in ngni ear, nnderbit in left.
bupp. iuos., iieppner, Or.-Horses. S A P un
left hip; cattle same on left hi
rJhner.John, i'ox, Or.-NC connected on
Lorsee on right hip; oattie. eama on piht h,
crop ott right ear and nnder bit in left ear. HuS
in urant county.
Smith Bros Susanville, Or. Horses, branded
H.Z. on shoulder; cattle, ame on lef t shoulder.
Souirea. Jamea. Ar mui,,. lip . i j I
JS on left slioulder; cattle the sameralso now
wajldle Kauge in Morrow and Oilliam oountiei
btephens, V. A Hardman Or-; horses HSou
right Btitle; cBttle honzoutui L on the right aide
Stevenson, fflrB A. J., Heppner Or.-Cattle, S
i right hu ; swallow-fork in left ear
Hwaggart. G. W.. Ilp,,ar n- u
left Bl.oulde, ; cattle, on left hip '
Hperry. E. G.. Heonnnr. llr w r,
left hip, crop ufl right and underbit iu left year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder. '
ihouipson, J. A., Heppner, Or.-Horaea r on
left Bhoulo, r; cattle. 2 on left shoulder 8
llPlietB,S.T..LnleroriM.(ir HQ r
shoulder. ' .vi-bhi
i "fw , ; wv HePPner, Or.-SmaH capital T
lelt shoulder, horaea; catde Bame on left hii
with split in both eara. "
ihemum, U. to lone, Or.-Horses branded
HI connected on left stihe; sheep same brand.
Vuiideroool. H ln n- u u '
nected ou right Bhouider';oattle, same on right
,Ny.''lb.''itd'!B!.Wm-HePP"ei''Or. Horses, TJ. L.
,, in ,, "lde!; caule 8am8 oa nt hip.
crop utt left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, Jonn Q tjulem or Heppner, Or.
Horses branded Jj ou the left shoulder. Kauge
Morrow county. "g
Warreu, w H. Caleb, Or-Cattle W with quarter
circle over it ou left Bide, split in right ear.
Hurpea same braud ou left shoulder. Kaugein
Irraut conuty.
Wright ftiiaa A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
D n on tlie right hip. square crop ott right ear
and split in left.
Wade, Henry, Heppner. Or.-Horses branded
ace of spades on leit ehoulder and left hio
tattle branded same on left side and left hip
W ells. A. 8., Heppner, Or.-Horses, on lef
shoulder- catt e same
Wolnnger, John, John Day City.Or-On horse,
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on BtlM
bit in boti, eara. Kange in Grant and Malhner
counties. c
Woodward. John. Honnnnp. n,.u t-
connected on left Bhoulder. '
autins, Lashe. Heppner, Or.-Horses branded
EL connected on left sutie.
Wallace, Charles. PortlanH nr.i. n.
right thigh, hole in left ear; horses, W on right
shoulaer. eomt aame on left shoulder.
hittier tirt riuntingion, Baker Co.. Or -Horses
branded W B connected on left shoulder
,, luiauiH, vasco. Uaillllton.Oi. n-..
cle over
H.;-6 OD le,t hiP- both tUe and"
Kange Grant county.
iamS. J O. Isinal'ra n-
ter circle over three bar, on left hipcS;' aS.
and slit in each ear. Kange i GraSi county
Walker Fl-k-.ti, i a ,
nnli hrrfi 8nn' Haiman Or..
-.fc W connected) EV on 1
"""" lutm Qip,
jie. ini-s same nn rikrht shniililr
W, Ik-r's cattle, same on left hlp hone,
on left shoulder. All range la Morrow
J. W-
ioung, J. Got-ierrrv nP
To on Lh riht should-.
liott branded