Here and There, 'Daily, Pali y, your Installment now Is due, Daily, Daily, whatever ihail we do? Boon there'll be a marriage And we can't afford a carriage, But won't we look neat On the great big seat Of a bicycle built for six. " Did it ever ooour to you ? J. M. Hoy, of Monument, Sundayed in Heppner. Jas. Matlock left for Takima, Wash., lset evening. JoeSaling wai in from Eight Mile today on business. The republicans are alive and their club meetings abow it. Artbnr Smith will clean watches at tbe rednoed prioe of 81. Jas. MoCumber, of Galloway, was one of our visitors yesterday. E. H. Clarke came in Sunday to inter view our flock-owners. John Spray baa bough! the Liberty Meat Market from Sbaw & McCarty. Wanted A few more customers for the home laundry, Mountain House. M. M. Briarly, of Hamilton, oame in yesterday for supplies, leaving today. Rev. J. T. Honking was in from Gal loway to attend tbe speaking lust even ing. Hood's Fills do not purge, pain or gripe, but aot promptly, easily and efficiently. Mr. J. G.Porter, representing The J. M. Buasell Co., is here interviewing our sheepmen. Those that have eounty scrip for sale should oall on Ueorge Oo riser at Tbe 1'irst National Bank. 2-tt. F. M. Kngy, one of tbe old-time rustlers, was in Heppner in the iuterest of bis firm lust Saturday. Photographs SI. 50 pei 'dozen at Sbep pard's gallery, near opera bouse, north Main at.. Heppner, Ore. 26tf. Oreen Mathews has opened op bis barber shop, next door to Hayes Bros. Shaves, etc., on tap as usual. Geo. T. Davis and Frank Lee, two wool-buyers well-known here, returned Sunday to look after this market. Ed. Sharon was suooessful in captur ing tbe grand secretaryship of the I. U. O. F. at Pendleton lust week. John Hanseu was hanged at Astoria for the brutal murder ol his wife May 18th. The murder oocurred Jnly 2B, '93 near Astoria, Tbe Portland eleotion ticket will be a veritable blanket. It will require seven minutes for the voter to prepare bis ticket and vote. County Clerk Morrow has prepared the tioket for the printers, the time for fnrtber filing expiring Saturday, May 19, 1894, at 12, midnight. Correspondents must let us down easy as our forre is small aud often tbe pub lioation of matter is delayed beoauee wo cannot afford to hire help to set it np, Buckingham's Dye for tbe whiskers does its work thoroughly, coloring a uniform brown or black, whioh, when dry, will neither rub, wash off, nor soil linen. Mike Kenny and Pat Kilkenny were in from outer precincts yesterday. Crops and sheep are both in good con dition. Eoho stage leaves Heppner for Echo Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. Fare, one way, 82.50. PhillOoho, agent, A. Andrews, Prop. In our last issue, by an inadvertency, the ad. of L. Blumentbal appeared over the name of M. Blumenthal. This was purely an error, and in this issue will be found corrected. It is said by those who know that John Kilkenny makes a very poor sac cess of taking care of pack horses and calling on his best girl at tbe same time. And John is a rustler, too. Miss Anna J. Balsiger, having com pleted her year's work in the Heppner sohools, has aooepted a position in a school in tbe Buot'sCamp neighborhood. Her school began Monday last. T. M.: We are pleased to learn that Mr. Fred Willmartb is associated with the editorial department of the Prinville News. Mr. Willmarth is a racy writer, and as an itemizsr has few superiors on tbe coast. J. L? Greenwood arrived last evening from Moscow, Idaho, and will again innarn in Morrow oounty. Mr. Green wood has a large circle of friends here who are glad that he has again aeciaea to beoome one of ud. Mr. Wm. H Biggs, receiver of Tbe Dalles Land Office, desires the (inzette to state that all monies in payment for lands in this district be sent to him, and that All nhecka. money orders, etc, be made payable to him as receiver. Elder Gray will preach at the opera house on next Sunday evening on the subject: "Tbe operation or me noiy Snirit in conversion." You are invited tooomeontand bear tbis discourse on an interesting subject. Tbe text will be found in 1 Cor., 12:6. Os Mitchell wants some yearlings and iwn.vPRr.o d steers, ana wuiDeat nepp. ... n Thursday. May 24th, to make purchases, for which be will pay the highest market prioe. Those having cattle of ages above-mentioned should have them in Heppner on the 24th inst. to. Sam Tillard oame over to his son's, Andred lillard, last Thursday, and Friday accompanied by Andrew and Low Tillard, visited his Heppner friends. Sam looks as yonog and vigorous as ever, though over 60 years of age. He returned to bis Pendleton home tbe first of tbe week. Dr. S. F. Soott, Blue Kidge, Harrison Co., Mo., save: "For whooping oongb Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy is excel lent." By using it freely the disease is deprived of all dangerous consequences. There is no danger in giving the Bemedy to babies, as it oontaina nothing injuri ous. 50 oent bottles forsale by Blooum Jobnsou Drug Co. The regnlar snbsoription price of tbe Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.50 and tbe regular price of the Weekly Oregoniau is 81.50. Anyone subscribing for tbe Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both tbe Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for 83. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advanoe will be entitledto tbe same. T! Mnllav. traveling D. S. TVnntv Ool. of Int. Bevenue, one ai Hon. Henry Blaokman's obief aides, spent Sunday and yesterday looking after matters connected with this portion of the distriot. Mr. Mullay is a very pleasant gentlem'n ana maae many friends while here, besides renewing tbe ties of acquaintanceship with those whomhe bad met before. Bev. F. A. Parrisb, of Lexington, Morrow oounty. is in the city and will leave for Porl'and tomorrow to attend the theological oommennement, which takes place May 11th, 12tb and 13h. He is having very good eniwss. He believes that tbe healing of Dampman was one of tbe m"st wonderful events of tbe centnry, and says tbat a portion of the hip bone tbat was hot away is now in process of re-formation. The Dalles Chronicle. Hrota Homm, Last wk Ln Mlntborn, bo Indian polioeman, and his son, Albert J. Minthorn, who Lad just returned from Calisle Indian school, Peun., came over in oompany with other Dm at ill a in search of stolen horses. It was suspected tbat they were in the possession of some Columbia Indians who had passed through a day or so previous. Geo. Gray accompanied the Umatilla out to the camp of the Columbiaa, but no horses were found. Mr. Gray, however, had early last spring "spotted" the location of some horses in the Hardman neighborhood. These proved to be the missing stock, and were located as follows: Two at Henry Howell's, one at Clus. Furlong's, one at Henry Boyse's, one at Will Mallory's, one at John Hansford's, and one had been traded off to other parties. These horses were brought into tbat seotion by Billy Book and one of the Parr boys, both now under indictment for rob bing Indians and in tbe Portland jail. The Mintbnrns, who are very intelligent men, returned to Pendleton with their property Saturday. Republican Speaking. Hon. A. W. Gowan spoke to a crowded house at Eight Mile last Friday night, and was to have spoken at Heppner on Saturday eve, but owing to the heavy rains was unable to get here. However, the olob meeting on tbat oooasion was a pleasant one, and olosed with the announcement that Mr. Gowan would address tbe people of Heppner on last evening. Mr. Gowan arrived Sunday, aud yesterday at 1 :30,Tf. m., addressed the citizens of Lexington. On last even ng the promised speech was delivered at the opera house to a large number of people, and all went away highly pleased. In faot, it was choke full of good republi can principles, and the impression that Mr. Gowan made on bis bearers won him many votes. It will be remembered that Mr. Gowan seconded Mr. Ellis' nomination at the state convention, on behalf of Grant and Harney counties, and his telling speeob did much toward securing tbe renominatiou of that gen tleman. Graduating Exercises. Last Friday evening quite a number or Heppner s people gathered at the opera house to hear the commencement exercises of tbe graduating class of 1894, Heppner High Sohnol. While it deserves more than passing notice, laok of time prevents anything further thau a general mention of tbe occasion. Tbe graduates all surprised their friends in both the man ner in which tbey handled their respect ive subjects, and also in tbe delivery of ne. Tbe music was excellent, and tbe whole so suooessful that nothing but credit is reflected upon the teachers and pupils. The affair closed with a ool lation at tbe Palaoe hotel given by the pupils of tbe High Sobool to whioh tbe faculty, directors and a few friends were invited. Tbe work of our sobool grows better year by year, and the money spent in that direction is well invested High Water. Sunday Willow creek was badly swollen by tbe rains of last week and in many places left the banks, Invading hitherto unknown quarters, Up at Jas. Hager's, it swept over into the pasture on the lower part of bis plaoe, not doing mnoh damage however. But in crossing the stream on horseback in order to get some cattle out of danger, Mr. Hager had to submit to a wetting, and bad it not been for tbe faithfulness of his horse, would have been drowned. He hung to tbe saddle and finally landed on teira flrma in fairly good shape. In Heppner, Fred Kruf's garden was inundated and entirely ruined. Other damage resulting from the high water is reported, but tbe Gazette has not asoer tained the amount done, if any. However, Willow oreek was higher Sunday than for ten years past. Notice to the G. A. B. and W. B, C. The members of the G. A. E. and the W. B. C. are hereby notified tbat the next meeting of these two organizations will be held in Heppner on Saturday, May 26th. Both will meet in tbe morn ing at 9 a. m. instead of the afternoon as formerly on aooount of the public Hpeaking at tbat time which many desire to attend. Memorial servioes will be held in the M. ki. churob, Sunday, May 27, aud Decoration Day exercises Wednesday, May, 30, at tbe opera house. tf. Shoemakbb. Ed. Birbeck, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, bas just located in tbe Abraham' eio' building, on May street, where be is prepared to do eveiy thing in bis line. Mr. Birbeck is strictly a first-class work man and warrants all work. Give him a oali. Mwtt Land Fob Sale. 480 aores over in Wilson orairie. A good stock ranob un. will be sold obeap. Oall at Gazette office for particulars and terms M. Economy sad Strength. Valnabls vegetable remedies are used in the preparation of Hood's Barsapa rilla in snob a peculiar manner as to re tain the full medicinal value of every ingredient. Tbus Hood's Sarssparilla oombines eoonomy and strength and is tbe only remedy of which "100 Doses One Dollar" is true. Be sore to get Hood's. W. G. McCarty is on the way to Seattle with Borne cattle for Sam Kins man. Hooey Spent Economically. Money economically spent is not al ways judiciously spent. Wby? Simply because a obeap article often requires more money spent on it to keep it in repair tban it would cost to purchase tbe beet. We manufacture nothing bat tbe bst gas and gasoline engines in tbe market, and results prove it. Send for catalogue. Palmes & Ret Type Fotjmd- kbv, Front Alder Hts., Portland, Or. Sunken eyes, a pallid complexion, and disfiguring eruptions, indioate that tbere is something wrong within. Expel tbe lurking foe to health, by purifying tbe blood with Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. Cures erysipelas, eczema, salt rheum, pimples and blotches. If eter a man feels like "a poor worm of tbe dost," it is when he suffers from tbat tired feeling. Ayer'a Barseparilla removes this discouraging pbysioal con dition and imparts the thrill of new life and energy to every nerve, tissue, muscle, and fiber of ths whole body. Hr$. Judy Peak Dyspepsia Mrs. Judge Peck Tells How She Was Cured Sufferers from Dyspepsia should read the fol lowing letter from Mrs. II. II. feck, wife of Judip Peck, a justice at Tracy. Cal.. ai:i! a writer eonuected with the Miochitid )'ress: "By a deep sense of gratitude for the great benefit I have received from the use of Hood's Sarsaparllla, I have been led to write llie follow ing statement for the bent-fit of suff'-rers who may he similarly nftiicted. For 15 years 1 have been a great sufferer Irom dyspepsia and Haert Trouble. Almost everything I ate would distress lue. I tried different treatments and medicines, but failed to realize relief. Two years ago a friend prevailed upon ms to try Hood's Sarsaparllla. The first bottle 1 notloed helped me, so 1 con tinued taking It. It did me so much good that my friends spoke of the Improvement. I have received suott great benefit from it that Cladly Recommend It. I now have as excellent appetite and nothing I eat ever distresses me. It also keeps up my Hood's'SCures flesh and strength. I cannot praise Hood's Barsaparllla too much. UCI1. A1KB. U. JU. fXU, Uet HOOD'S. 1 racy, iraiuornia. Hood's PHI are hand made, and perfect la proportion and appearance. 29c. a box. POLITICAL CARDS. FOR JOINT SENATOR, Prark Kellogg, Of Morrow County. THE MONOGRAPH. For one Dollar and Your Opinion on ' This Subject. rVhat is tbe best Monetary system for the United States? This is the greatest problem confronting tbe Amerioan people. It is tbe intention of the pub lishers that "Tbe Monograph" shall oontain tbe beat thought of the nation oo tbis question. Tbe recognized lead' era in all political partiea have been oalled upon to contribute plans for their ideal Monetary System. But not oontent with this, we are determined to embody in tbe Bame volume the opinions of thousands of the "Great Common People," and to that end we will allow two dollars on tbe prioe of the book for your solution of tbis problem, expressed in not more tban ouu words. The mono. graph, tbe beet modern work on Mone tary Systems, will be sent to any address on receipt of $3.00. It is a book that will interest and instruct, and is des tined to become a giant factor in shap ing the future monetary -system of the nation. The Monograph Publishing Company;, Boom 44, German Am'n B'k Building. St. Psul, Minn. Beference by permission, Nat'l Ger. Am'n Bank. tt THEY WANT NAMES. Tbe Russell Art Publishing Co., of 928 Arch Street, Philadelphia, desire tbe names and address of a few people in every town who are interested in works of art, and to seoure them tbey offer to send free, "Cupid Quides tbe Boat," a superbly executed water color picture, size 10x13 inches, suitable for framing, and sixteen other piotures about same size, in colors, to any one sending them at onee tbe names and address of ten persons (admirers of fine piotures) to gether with six two-cent stamps tooover expense of mailing, eto. Tbe regular price of these pictures' is SI, but they osn all be seoured free by any person forwarding tbe names and stamps promptly. Note The editor of tbis paper has already received oopies of above pictures and oonsidera them really "Gems of Art." CUKE FOB CRIPPLED CHILDREN. The National Surgical Institute, No. 319 Bush St., San Franoisoo, success fully treats all cases of ortbopsedie surgery. One or more surgeons of this institute will be at tbe Palace Hotel, Heppner, Saturday. May 26th, one day only, to examine cases. The auooess of tbe institute in treating all cases of curva ture of tbe spine, disease of the hip and knee joints, club feet, orooked limbs and bodily deformities as well as piles, fist ula, nasal catarrh and all obronio diseases bas made for the institute a national reputation. Write for oironlar. References may be had to: J. C. Haves, Heppner; Judge TboB.L. David son, Salem: Rev. E. N. Condit, Albany; Governor IS. P. Terry, Ulympia; (su preme Judge Jas. P. Hoyt, Olympia, and hundreds of others. m. 18 22. POLITICAL BPEAKING. The candidates for the various eounty offices on tbe republican ticket will make a brief canvass and speak on tbe following dates at tbe places named: May 12 Lena, 1:30 p. m. Msy 18 Gooseberry, 130 p.m. Msy 18-Eigbt Mile, 7 :30 p. m. May 19 Hardman, 1 :30 p. m. May 19 Heppner, 8 :00 p. m. May 21 Lexington, U30 p.m. May 22 lone, 1 ;3U p. m. May 23 Douglas, ISO p. m. May 24 Orange Hall, 1 :30 p. m. May 26 Heppner, 1 30 p. m. A. W. Gowan, republican candidate for joint senator, will join us at Eight Mile and will remain at least three or four days. Tbs first date at Heppner is to accommodate Mr. Gowan, while on tbe Utter date Hon . B. G. Horr, of Michigan, ill address tbe citizens of Morrow oonnty. Bepobliosns at tbe above places are requested to cironlate the rerjort ot the meetings. Annonnoe tbem at tbe meetings of your clubs, Everybody invited to attend. A. W. PATTEBSnN, gtf Chairman Central Com. I mffered from biliouinens, iodigedtion' eto. HimmoDi Liver Kefrnlator Cared ftr doolors failed. W. D. Bird. Yoo will eeldom need a doctor if 70a bTe BimoDt Liter Regulator bandy. Reserved for McFarland Mercantile Co. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY ! great philosopher has laid down the maxim of "Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today." If you want bargains today, if you need the necessities of life in the line of. Dry tioods, Uents ur nishings, Clothing, Trunks, Valises, etc., at prices never before offered in Heppner, call on L. Blumenthal, succes sor to J. H. Kolman, Cor. May and Main streets. GREAT BANKEUPT SALE! This tock will shortly be increased, however, Portland. Kemeinuer that these prices nave never w-lra. The Best on the P. C. THOMPSON SHEEP PLEASE SEND US YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS. THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN mm. Yomt niooiii Why Pay Freight Pendleton Wool SfouriDf I Packing Co. PENDLETON, OREGON. Annual Convention mORROV; COUNTY SUPflY SCHOOL AT PKTTEYS' GROVE, ON A good program ii beintf prepared, consisting and papers on various subjects of interest to Sunday school workers. BRING I?IL,IvKIJ UAHK lT-. A large general table will be provided for the accommodation of those in attendance. Sunday schools are requested to have tendents to wear crape on their left arm, out of IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDKKSS A LETTER THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, P. O. Box 463. Honorably discharged soldiers and stillors entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled i caused by service or not, s Wl DOWSof such soldiers artMr- nr nr.t gnrl rir a rrl 1 nfaurh anlriif rs and sailors Hre wag due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support, widows not deDendent uoon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death wri due to service. CHILDREN are entitled (if under sixteen years) in almost all cases where there was no widow, or she has since died or remarried. PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died In erviee, or from effect of aervioe, and they are now dependent upon their own labor for sup port, it makes no diflerence whether soldier Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for higher ratei nnder other law a. without losing; any rights. Thousands of soldiers drawing from fa to $ to per month under the old lav r entitled to bleher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but also for others, whet her due to service or not. Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty In regular army or navy ainos the war are alto mimA HhtVir A imartr-A fnr rlJinhl1liUnr Tint Survivors, and their widows, of the Rlack ida Indian Warsol 1H33to 1843, are entitled under a recent act, Mexican W ar soldiers and their widows also entitled if sixty-two years of age or disabled Old claims completed and settlement obtained, whether pension hat been granted under aicr laws or noi. niM1 rlilmirnr.nr1 mnA tt1mnt Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and aatlors of the late war Who have lost their original papers. Send for laws and information. No charge for advice. No fee nnlesa successful. Addreai, THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 463. WASHINGTON, D.C The Lancashire Insurance Co. OI MANCIIBHTBH, KNOL.AND W. FArfERSON, AGENT. o q tn not m worm by a weil-se'eoted lot of goods, direct from been equal ien in tteppner. h. BLL'MENTHAL, Heppner, Oregon. Road !vsrsjMsNrv COMPANY, Agents MEN ! AFFORD TO RUN SHEEP. on All Your Dirt. of the. THURSDAY, JUNE 14. of Music, Recitations, Esuays, Helect Readings their banners draped in mourning and flu peri u. renpect for our late President, J. B, Ely. 3-6. OK POSTAL CARD TO Managing Attorney, Washington, D. C. who served ninety days, or over, in the late war, for ordinary manual labor, whether d disability nf tlifir rtrruiliarv circumstances. entitled (if not remarried ) whether soldier's death served or aiea in iaie war or in regular army or Hawk, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor wcnrrl. If relectlnn iraorooer ot Uleral. Why Don't You Call on the New Firm at the old Van Dnyn stand ? You will certainly be surprised at the low prices in Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and A Complete Line of Groceries. COME IN AND SEE US No trouble to show poods and give Respectfully Yours, They All Get T7R0M a bushel of corn, a distiller gets four gallons of whiskey, J- which retails at $16.00. The eovernment f?fitn3.fin t.h fnvmm. who raised the corn gets 40 cents ; Lauiurer gets .w ; ine retailer gets ti.w ; the consumer gets six months, and the policeman gets paid for running him in. You'll get something too if you run in and see the new lines of Dress Goods we open out this week you'll get an agreeable surprise and perhaps a dress. We have opened 15 cases of new dress materials and laces with some French Flowers, novelties tbat left the other side of the fish pond only four weeks ago. Y INOR lis My Institute -OF- C: RTJHLTj, The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store. On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. Tbey will keeponband a fall lineof STAPLE AND FANCY Groceries and Provisions. A full line of oboioe Pies. Cokes and Bread : in faot evervthinu that in usually kept in a first-class bakery store. try tbem. Land Patents Land patents secured for Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals baviuif conflicting claims under ths agricultural land laws, and tbose between claimants under tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural claimants; and also between claimants HHiiroHn oompanies ana tneir grantees, ana the states and their grantees, under the Swamp-Land and Hcbool-Land Orants. Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers who have complied with tbe laws nnder whiob their entries were made, and who are annoyed and worried by delays in tbe issue of their patents, caused by Trifling Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed. Advios also given in all matters relating ta tbe publio lands, especially ou points arising nnder tbe new laws wbiob have been recently passed providing for tbe disposal of tbe publio domain. If you want your land patent In a hurry if you want your land business, of any charaoter, attended to by skillful and oompetenl attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., P. O. Boi, 385. Washington, D. 0. It is the Headquarters jjxalnts. Drua, Oils, Olaaa, Tol. lot Artloea, Putent Medlolnea, Ito Office of all stages running BORG, : Out for THE Cash Bargains -IN- Jewelry, Cash Talks. 8 EE BORU, MAY prices. Something. tbe railroad gets $1.00 : the manu- S5& GO. Heppner, Oregon, For the Cure oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits ' It ii looted at Forest Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazette office for particular!. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure cure. Proprietor Tbey will sell obeap foi casb. Oall and aw settlors in the shortest possible time. onder any of tbe pnblioland laws and the out of Heppner. I PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, silverware, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc., Eto. Traist Busts BTKJiET, HEPPNER, OR.