Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 18, 1894, Image 3

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    Here and There.
liow are politics?
button-holing it tbe order ef tbe day.
Os Mitchell was op from lone yester
day. Sam Hale was in from Ed. Day's a few
days this week.
Read L. Bluineuthal's new Bd., great
sale of bankrupt stock.
Arthur Smith will clean watches at
the reduced prioe of $1.
Ed. Vox and Ben Poppen were in
yesterday from Hardman.
0. F. Thompson and son, Asa, were in
yesterday from Butter creek.
Chas. MoFarland is over from Baker
City tuking a little needed recreation.
Wanted A few more customers for
the home laundry. Mountain House.
Last Monday night, Mrs. Spray and
Miss Jennie Noble departed for Halein.
The Matlock horses will be gotten in
readiness for the Portland and Balem
The Heppner-Oanyon stage line is the
best, cheapest and quickest to tbe in
terior. Frank Jones, a nephew of Jan. and
Nele. Jones, is up from Dayton visiting
the folks.
Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head
aohe, indigestion, biliousness, Bold by
all druggists,
M. 8. Oorigal reports a good lively lot
of republicans down in tbe Oalloway
G. Shindler & Sons, of Portland,
furniture dealers and manufacturers,
have BBsigued.
Those that have oounty sorip for sale
should cull on (ieorge Co user at The
First National Bunk. 2-tf.
Mrs. i'hos. Bradley departed for Monu
ment yesterday morning to visit rela
tives in that vioinity.
The Gazette will be sent to any ad
dress in tbe United States till after
campaign for CO oents. f
Photographs $1.50 pel dozen at Shep
pard's gallery, near opera house, north
Main St., Heppner, Ore. 26tf.
Legal blanks, plenty of them, at the
Gazette office, and at world's prices.
Disoounts on large orders.
Memorial services will be held in tbe
M. E. ohurch on Sunday, May 27th.
Preaching by Rev. Deuison.
Green Mathews has opened up bis
barber shop, next door to Hayes Bros.
Shaves, etc., on tap as usual.
The Gazette will take oounty scrip at
face on subscription, and pay balance of
SBmein cash at highest market prioe.
The Gazette ollioe now runs an in
surance and notarial shop. Gome in
when you want to do your insuring and
Frank Engleman oame up from lone
yesterday. He says the republicans in
bis neighborhood are enthusiastic for
tbe ticket.
FredjBissell, a brother of Mrs. Hiok
Mathews, arrived Thursday from Neb
raska on a visit. He will shortly leave
for Gentralia, Wash., where he has a
Arthur Smith has moved down to the
building on Main street formerly occu
pied by Hum McBride, and which has
been refitted and repainted, making a
very nice little storeroom.
Eoho stage leaves Heppner for Echo
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days. Fare, one way, 2.50. PhillOobn,
agent, A. Andrews, Prop.
Jobncy Masters did not join Coxey's
ranks as reported. He simply took a
little excursion for pastime. A Morrow
oounty boy has to feed too often to
make a good commonwealer.
A. B. Williams thinks that Wednes
day night's frost damaged fruit and
gardens over ou Hand Hollow. Here in
Heppner nothing seems to have been
hurt by the untimely visit of l'Jaok."
If those who owe us would just pay $1
apiece it would help ns to pay our debts.
Fact is, the Gazette has got to do some
"tall rustling," and we expeot our patrons
to do something. Our paper house and
printers still require bard oust), and cash
we must have.
Lawrenoe Sweek is over from John
Day on business. Though his bouse
was washed away recently by the high
water in Cottonwood, he has another
constructed and will move in shortly.
The Gazette is in receipt of the
prospectus of the Northwest Interstate
Fair which will open at Tuooma on
Aug. 15th and oloses Nov. 2 This will
include exhibits from Montana, Idaho,
Oregon, Washington, British Columbia
and Alaska.
Up to last evening there were in tbe
M. C. L. & T. Go 's warehouse, 281,804
pounds of wool. H. Heppuer's ware
house has about the same amount,
making a total at present of considerably
over 500,t 00 pounds of wool ready for
sale or shipment.
Os Mitchell wants some yearlings and
two-year-old steers, sad will be at Hepp
ner on Thursday, May 21th, to make
purchases, for which he will pay the
highest market prioe. Those having
cattle of ages above-mentioned should
have them in Heppner on the 24tb inet.
2 3.
Dr. S. F. Soott, Blue Ridge, Harrison
Co., Mo., says: "For whooping congb
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is excel
lent." By using it freely the disease
is deprived of all dangerous oonseqnences.
There is no danger in givingthe Remedy
to babies, as it contains nothing injuri
ous. 50 cent bottles for sale by Slocum
Jobnsoo Drug Co.
Last Sunday Rev. J. T. Hoskins bap
tised nine persons at Hardman who had
aocepted tbe faith advocated by the
United Brethren. One of tbe number
sheared 40 bead of sheep before ohuroh
time, no doubt following the Biblical
idea that the ox must be taken out of
the mire, as it were, even though it be
on the Sabbath day.
The regular subscription prioe of the
Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.50 and the
regular price of the Weekly Oregonian
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for one year in
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for $3. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriotions for
one year in advanoe will be entitledto
tbe same.
Man's lnnamanity to Himself.
The most inhuman outrages which
would disgraoe the savage, man perpe
trates upon his own system by swallow
ing drastic purgatives whiob convulse
his stomach, agonize his intestmet. and
weaken his system. Many people con
stantly do this under the impression
that medicaments only whichare violent
in their aotion, and particularly oa
tbartics, are of any avail. Irreparable
injury to health is wrought under this
mistaken ideu. The laxative whioh
most nearly approaches the beneficent
aotion of nature is Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters, whioh i painless but thorough,
and invigorates the intwtirjal canal
inatflnd of weake ina and irritating it.
The liver and the Btomaoh share (
beniirn discipline insinuwu
by this comprehensive medicine, whose j
healthful influence is felt throughout
tbe system. Malarious, rheumatic.
kidney and nervous compiaiuw .uttumu
to it.
A New Firm. Heppner has new
firm, Penland & Co., and have boated in
the Herren building, May street They
will continue to carry a stock of general
merchandise, as they had previously
done at Lexington, which will be sold at
close figures for cash. The business is
oonduoted by J. W. Vaughan, a man
who bas had years of experienoe in that
line of business, and who is ever pleas
ant and accommodating. The Gazette
calls partioular atteotioo to the new
firm, believing that they are worthy of
the patronage of our people.
Bad Roads. Johnny Cbriernan was
over from Long Creek early this week
for freight, bringing in a load of wool.
He says that the county road
aoross the mountains, and particularly
on tbe Morrow county side, is in a very
bad oondition and needs work. He
thinks 3200 will put it in fairly passable
shape, and that unless something is
done, much of the hauling that should
oome to Heppner will go elsewhere. It is
the duty of the supervisors of the moun
tain districts to repair this road, and if not
attended to the business men of Heppner
should take it in hand,
Notice to tub G. A. R. and W. R. C.
The members of the G. A. R. and the
W. R. O. are hereby notified that the
next meeting of these two organizations
will be held in Heppner on Saturday,
May 26th. Both will meet in the morn
ing at 9 a. m. instead of the afternoon
as formerly on aooount of the publio
apeaking at that time which many desire
to attend. Memorial services will be
held in the M. tS. churoh, Sunday, May
27, and Deooratiou Day exercises
Wednesday, May, 30,at theopera house.
An Accident. J. S. Delevan was
quite severely hurt in an aocident on the
return trip from Canyon City last
Tuesday evening, within two miles of
Monument, In the dark he drove into
a tut, overturning tbe vehiole, reoeiving
a cut on the head and other bruises. In
this condition he lay there in tbe oold
and mud all night, not being discovered
till early Weduesday morning. It is
safe to say that be meets with more
mishaps, and gets hurt tbe least of any
man iu Eastern Oregon.
Pullbd His Freight. Harry DeWitt,
who recently married Ida Gerton,
skipped Tuesday night owing many
small bills. DeWitt and wife were
boarding at Chas. Sargent's, and slipped
out their belongings and hied away to
tbe depot. They were discovered be
fore tbe train left, yet were not molested.
DeWitt's absence, if continued, will be
considered good riddance.
Prculiar to Itself.
So eminently successful has Hood's
SarBaparilla been that many leading
oitizens from all over the United States
furnish testimonials of oures which
seem almost miraculous. Hood's Sarsa
parilla is not an accident, but the fruit
of industry and study. It possesses
merit "peculiar to itself."
County court met in regular session
at tbe court bouse Wednesday, May 9,
1894 with Judge Keithley, Commission
ers Baker and Yinoent, Clerk Morrow
an J Sheriff Noble present.
After due proclamation oourt was
opened and the following proceedings
were had, towit:
Claims of jurors and witnesses for tbe
March term of the circuit oourt allowed
to tbe amonnt of $621.80.
In tbe matter of W. E. Hlatt's taxes
$1 rebate was allowed,
Report of J. M. White, supervisor of
road distript No. 10 accepted. Bill of
$6 allowed.
Cost bill. State of Oregon vs. Wm.
Benediot. Bill $11.50 allowed.
Bond of ohn Adams, stock inspeotor,
examined and acoepted.
Miscellaneous bills allowed as follows:
W. J. Leezer, $83.33; W. L. Baling,
Cost bill, State of Oregon vs. J. D.
Hamilton, $3.40 allowed.
Report of J. O. Wattenburger, super
visor of road district No. 8, accepted.
Bill of $27 allowed.
Road application No. 134 on petition
of James Nolan et al., aocepted and
viewers appointed to meet at place of
beginning June 16, 1894,
Viewers report of road application
No 133 examined and aooepted, and
road ordered opened. Ousts $25.20 al
lowed. In the matter of Frank Lundell rebate
on tax of $4 25 allowed.
Report of A. T. King, supervisor of
road district No. 9, examined and ordered
continued for term.
Affidavit of publication of the official
list of expenditures of Morrow county by
A W. Patterson, manager of tbe Hepp
ner Gazette, examined and aocepted.
Miscellaneous bills allowed as follows:
John Adams, $53.32; Julius Eeitbley,
$150; J. M. Baker, $10; G. W. Vincent,
$10 20; J. W. Morrow, $211.93; Geo.
Noble, $838.
Report of viewers of road application
No. 132, examined and ordered con
tinued for term.
In the matter of delinquent tax roll,
warrant issued and sheriff ordered to
oollect tbe same.
No further business appearing court
adjourned without date.
Expenditures of Morrow Connty, Names of
Claimants, Services Rendered.
W. E. Hiatt, rebate on tax $ 1 00
E. M. Waite, legal blanks 1 48
Meston Dygert Book Mfg. Co.,
delinquent tax roll, 19 00
McFarland Mercantile Co., road
and bridge account, 1 40
J.H.Gill & Co., assessor ac
Heppner Light k Water Co.,
oourt bouse and jail account,
W. P. Snyder, asst. ex. teaobers,
Pbill Cohn, stationery account,
C. C. Sargent, panper account,
Minor 4 Co., court house and jail
G. G. Wiokson and Co., expense
1 25
5 00
12 00
10 25
22 50
2 00
account, 5 48
C. C. Boon, panper scoount 832;
allowed 80 00
Thomas Nelson, assessor account, 48 50
ibomag Nelson, stock inspector
oconnt H 60
'Thomas Nelson, school Snpt
Mrs. Judge Peck
Mrs. Judge Peck Tells How
She Was Cured
Sufferers from Dysiwiisi;. should ntud tlio fol
low lug letter from Mrs. H. M. iVck. wife of
Judge Peek, a justice atTr.icy, ';tl,.ar.d a writer
conuected with the AssocliiLfd iVess:
"By a deep aeuse of gratitude for t!ie great
benefit I hare receired from the use of Hood's
Sarsapartlla, I have been led to write Hie follow
ing Btatemmt for the heneiU of NulTt-Ter who
may he similarly allilcted. For ir yinrs I have
been a great sufferer Irom dyspepsia and
Heart Trouble.
Almost everything I ate would distress me. I
tried different treatments and medicines, but
failed to realize relief. Two years hro a friend
prevailed upon me to try Howl's Karsaparilla.
The first bottle I noticed helped me, so 1 con
tinued taking it. It did me so much good that
my frlendi spoke of the improvement. X have
received such great benefit from it that
Gladly Recommend It.
I now have an excellent appetite and nothing I
eat ever distresses me. It also keeps up my
flesh and strength. I cannot praise Hood's
Sarsaparllla too much." Mas. II. M. flci,
Tracy, California. Get HOOD'S.
Hood's Pills ar band made, and ptrtsct
In proportion and appearance. 25c. a box.
Frark Kellogg,
Of Morrow County.
acoount, 1 60
Thomas Nelson, toad and bridge
aocount,. . 1 50
Thomas Nelson, stationery ao
oount, 6 50
Frank Lundell, rebate on tax, 4 25
Patterson Pub. Co., printing
account, 9 10
Patterson Pub. Go., legal blanks, 7 25
A. M. Slooum, road and bridge
aocount, 6 07
Glass & Frndbomme, stationery
aooount, 12 10
J. L. Yeager, eleotion aooount, 13 00
Gilliam & Bisbee, road and bridge
acoount, 14 70
G. L. Eeed, pauper acoount $80;
allowed 40 00
A. T. King, road supervisor account
$56.55, oontinued.
County of Morrow, f s .
I, J. W. Morrow, Clerk of Morrow
County, hereby certify to tbe foregoing list
of expenditures of the county, with tbe
names of respective claimants, the arti
cles or services for whioh payment is
made, together with those oontinued,
rejected or in part paid, is true and oorreot
as shown by the records of said oounty.
Witness my hand and seal of the said
Oounty Court, this Hth day of May, A.
D., 1894.
(5Ty) J. W. Mobeow, County Clerk,
By G. W. Wells, Deputy.
The National Surgioal Institute, No.
319 Bush St., Sun Franoisoo, success
fully treats all cases of ortbopicdio
One or more surgeons of this institute
will be at the Palace Hotel, Ueppner,
Saturday, May 26th, one day only, tn
examine cases. The suooess of the
institute in treating all oases of ourva
Mire of the spine, disease of the hip and
knee joints, club feet, crooked limbs and
bodily deformities as well as piles, fistula,
nasal catarrh and all cbronio diseases
bas made for the institute a national
reputation. Write for oiroular.
References may be had to: J. 0.
Hayes, Heppner; JodgeTbos. L. David
son, Salem; Rev. E. N. Gondit, Albany;
Governor E. P. Terry, Olympia; Su
preme Judge Jas. P. Hoyt, Olympia,
and hundreds of others. m. 18 22.
Of tlie National Bank of Heppner al
Heppner, in the State of Oregon,
at the close of businesn,
May 4, 18Ji.
Loans and disoounts $ 83,513.78
Overdrafts secured and unse
cured 1,905.38
U. S. bonds to secure circula
tion 12,500.00
Premiums on TJ. S. Bonds 1,000.00
Stock securities, eto 4,700 00
Bankiughouse, furniture, & fix. 2,509.30
Dne from National Banks
(not Reserve Agents) 584.62
Dne from Btate banks and
bankers 2,595.21
Due from approved reserve
agents 16,659 28
Cheoks and other cash items. . 94.60
Notes of other National Banks 250.00
Fraotional paper currency,
nickles, and oents 19.30
Specie $4,518 60
Legal-tender notes. . . 400.00
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (5 per oent. of cir
culation) 562.50
Total $131,87157
Capital stock paid in 8 60,000 00
Surplus fund 8,500.00
Undivided profits, less expen
ses and taxes paid 5,987.65
Nat. Banknotes outstanding.. 11,250.00
Due to other Nat. banks 311.79
Dividends unpaid 25.00
Individual deposits subject to
check 89,444.87
Demand certificates of deposit 8,353 26
Bills payable, 8,000.00
Total $131,872.67
Stati of Ob boon, I
County of Morrow, f
L, Ed. R. Bishop, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that tbe
above statement is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
Ed. R. Bishop, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 16th day of May, 1894.
Otih Patterson,
Notarv Public for Oregon
Correct Attest: A. Rood, O. E.
Tarnswortb, Wm. Penland, Diaeotora.
C7J great philosopher has laid down the maxim of
J. "Never put off till tomorrow what cau be done
today." If you want bargains today, if you need the
necessities of life in the line of Dry Goods, Gents' Fur
nishings, etc., at prices never before offered in Heppner,
call on M. Blumenthal, successor to J. H. Kolman, Cor.
May and Main streets.
This stock will Bhortlv be increased, however, bv a well seiectod lot of crooilg. direr.t from
Portland. Remember that these prieeB have never
mw youi( inooii!
Why Pay Freight on All Your Dirt.
Pendleton Wool Scouring & Packing
P. O. Box 463.
Hemorablv discharged soldiers and sailors
re entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability
was caused by service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances.
WIDOWSof such soldiers and sailors are entitled (if not remarried ) whether soldier's death
was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows
not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death vhi due to service.
CHILDREN are entitled (if under sixteen years) lu almost all casus where there was no
widow, or she has since died or remarried.
PARENTS are entitled if soldier lft neither widow nor child, provided soldier died In
service or from effects of service and they are now dependent upon their own labor for sup
port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or iu regular army or
Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for higher rates under other
laws, without losing any rights.
Thousands of soldiers drawing from $2 to $10 per month tinder the old lav Br entitled to
higher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but
also for others, whether due to service or not.
Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty In regular army or navy since the war are also
entitled, whether discharged for disability or not.
Survivors, and their widows, of the If lack Hawk, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor
ida Indian Wars of 1838 to 1843, are entitled under a recent act.
Mexican War soldiers and their widows also untitled, if sixty-two vearsof ace or disabled
OT dependent.
uid claims comptetea ana settlement obtained, whether pension nas been granted unacr
jaier laws or noi.
Reiected claims reooened and settlement
Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiera and sailors of the late war who
nave lost their original papers.
Send for laws and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address,
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box 463. WASHIN QTO N, D. G
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
A. W. PATTERSON, AGENT. o o iot i thewory
ftlUl'lUAb Hl'KAKl.NU.
Tbe candidates (or tbe various oounty
offices on the republican ticket will
make a brief canvass and speak on tbe
following datea at the places named:
May 12 Lena, liK) p. m.
May 18 Gooseberry, 130 p.m.
May 18 Eife-ht Mile, 7:30 p. m.
' May 19 Hardman, 1:30 p. m.
May 19-Heppner, 8:00 p. m.
May 21 Lexington, 1:30 p.m.
May 22-Ione, 1 ;3U p. m.
May 23-Donglas, 1:30 p. m.
May24-Orange Hall, 1:30 p.m.
May 20 Heppner, 1J?0 p.m.
A. W. Gowan, republican candidate
for joint senator, will join us at Eight
Mile and will remain at least three or
four days. The first date at Heppner is
to acoommodate Mr. Gowan, while on tbe
latter date Hon. B. G. Horr, of Michigan,
will address tbe citizens of Morrow
oounty. Republicans at the above
places are requested to circulate tbe
report ol tbe meetings. Arinonnoe
tbem at tbe meetings of your clubs.
Everybody invited to attend,
8tf Chairman Central Com.
& Bisbee,
iiErrKTEn, on.
been equalled in Heppner.
Ai. uijUM-biNTiiAij, aeppnor, urogon.
Managing Attorney,
Washington, D. C.
who served ninety dnvs.orover, in the late war.
secured. If relectton Imnroneror illegal.
'J Diabetes,
B ri put s Uisease,
Inflammation of the Blad
der. Yellow Water, Brick
Oust Sediment In Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
in the Back, and all 0i8
easf8 ol the Kidney;
Q.W.R. Mannfactnrine Co,
For sile by Slocnm-Johuston Drug Co.
and T. W. Ayers, Jr.
One dollar a year will oover your
dootor's bill if yon take Himmons Liver
Why Don't You
Call on the New Firm at the old Van Dnyn stand ?
You will certainly be surprised at the low prices in
Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and
A Complete Line of Groceries.
No trouble to ehow goods and give
They All Get Something.
FROM a bushel of corn, a distiller gets four gallons of whiskey.
Whlfih rot.ai la At Slfi m I'l, .,.. 4.
1 T,i . " Kxreiumoui guH3.Di; : me larmer
who raised the corn gets 40 cents ; tbe railroad gets $1.00 ; the manu
facturer gets $400 ; the retailer gets $7.00; the consumer gets six
months, and the policeman gets paid for running him in
u Bc Buiuaiuiug 100 u
Dress (roods we onen nut tliia
- -r - t-Kiucuuie BurpriBe
and perhaps a dress. We have opened 15 cases of new dress materials
ana laces with Rnmn TrAtih FlAuraw, ..rn: i-fi .1
1 m c i T . .'u"uloi "'wura lutti leu me otner siao
of ihe nsh pond only four weeks ago.
On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel.
The hh Institute
Groceries and Provisions.
A ..11 1 : t Ti. r- 1 ti ...
"""" x-mn, ti
usually kept in a flrat-clase bakery store.
try tbem.
Land Patents
Land patents socured for settlors in the shortest possiblo time.
Contested Cases
Contostod cases intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals having conflicting claims under the agricultural land
laws, and those between olaimants under the Mineral Laws and agricultural
olaimants; aud also between claimants under auy of tbe pnblio lurid laws aud the
Kuilroad companies and their grantees, and the states and their grunteos, under
the Bwnmp-Land and Hcbool-Land Qrants.
Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers
who have complied with the laws under whioh their entries were made, and who
are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of their patents, oaused by Trifling
Irregularities whioh cnu be easily and speedily removed.
Advice also given in all matters relating t tbe pnblio lands, especially on
points Brining under the new laws whioh have been reoently passed providing for
tbe disposal of tbe publio domain.
If you want your laod patent In a hurry if you want your land busiuess, of
any character, attended to by skillful and competent attorneys, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wedderisurn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Box, 885.
The Agency for the Brownsville Men Hills.
And has on hands a full line of their goods Including suits, blankets, woolens, eto.
He is also prepared to take measures for suits.
Palace Hotel Building,
Heppner, Oregon.
a .1 nmmm
" ftAA'jn I fl I ini II I I II I I
?fllPM rUWrS 1- 0n,y Fir8t-Claes hotel in Heppner.
fc-r: -'frifTwyr?","r ft" Ji-
Eespectfdlly Yours,
youruDiuand see the new lines of
& CO.
Heppner, Oregon,
For the Cure o
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It U located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coant.
Call at the Gazktis office for particular!.
Strictly coufldeutlal. Treatment private and aura
Tbey will keepon band a full line of
unci xjreaa ; in raoi everything that is
They will Bell obeap foi caisb. Call and
" .v
Washington, D. 0.
Electric Lights
Best accommodations for tbe traveling
Courteous treatment assured tbe coun
try people.
MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.