SWEETEST! TOUGHESTI RICHEST! PLUG TOBACCO! It is absolutely, positively and distinctively differ ent in FLAVOR from any other Plug Tobacco now on the market. A trial will convince the most skeptical of this fact. The largest seller of any similar shape and style on earth, which proves that it lias caught the pop ular taste, and pleases the people. It possesses mere qualities of intrinsic value than any other Plug Tobacco produced. DO NOT FAIL TO GIVE IT A TRIAL, WE KNOW YOU WILL LIKE IT. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE The R J, Sorg Company MIDDLETOWN, OHIO. PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. There was nevrr u tiiDH in the hiHlory of our country when (lie rferjiuml fur Inventions find improvements in the iirts But! Boienoes generally wits so tfreut an now. The conveniences of nmiiliirid in the fuotory nnil wnrliHhop, the household and on the farm, us well us in oflieiiil lite, require ooutinmil dccchh ons to the BppnrteuHiioe mid iuipliineiits of euch in order to save lubor, time mid expense. The political ohnniH in the adnnniHtra on government does not aflVot the pro(reHH of the American inventor, who being on Ihe alert, ami ready to por ceive the exiHtinij deUoieuoies, does not permit the h ir.iirs f government to de ter him from quickly oonoeiviog tlie remedy to overcome existing diNurepan oiefl. Too great oure oanuot be cx'r oised iu olioosing a oonipetent mid skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecille na applioatiou for patent. Vitluable iu teres's have been lout and destroyed in innumerable instance; bv the employ Blunt of iiioompeteut counsel, and es pecially is Ilia adviee applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust their business to this oluss of attorneys do lo at iniiiiinmit lislt, as Ihe breadth anil strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quick endeavor to get an allowance, ami obtain the fee. TUE l'KEH.S CLAIM.i COMPANY, John Ueddeihuru, (enerul Manager, 018 F street, N. W.,Vashingtou, D. 0., represen iug n large uumlier of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the country, was in stituted to nroti ot its uatrons from the QtiHafe methods heretofore employed iu this line of business. The said Con pany is prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it. for rea sonable fees, and prepare and proseoute applications generally, inolnding too ohamoa! inventioiiH, desiun patents, trade-mai ks, bdiels, copyiiuhts, interfere eni'i'H. i ii f i ingements, validly reports, nd gives cHpi-ciel iil'enion to n ji eteii cases. It is also prepared to tMit.tr into Competition uiih imy liriu iu securing fureign patents. Write (or instructions am) advice. John Knniciini itN. (,1H F Sireet, P. 0. ISoxSHL Washington, 1). 0. lire ym Ve cause o,$ PpciWV'um .rT : 'eve a is : Are you willing to work (or the causa of Protection in placing rt liatile inlor. mat ion in the hands of your aciiu.iir.. tancea? It you re, you should be idcntilied with The American Protective Tariff league, 13B W. 230 St., Nm York. Cut tt.ll nutlet out ami Mud 11 to Hie t.ii;uot Staling your pualtlon. and giv. lieliilax l.ui.d. IF 0U WANT INFORMATION ABOUT Tim I'H ,!. iLii)m iil'Y, JOHN w'UDi HHUKN, Minnqint) ttorne, r.tnw . w.siiisi. lo.s.ii. c. t'UVs.ONS 1'KIH'l'HKtt I'O'l SOLPKRS, WIOOWS, CHILDREN, P R NTS, At?, fv wi'vrt. ;ui.l Sillors .In..,'.!...! m o... iln- ot dntv in O f r'ft-tiliir Annv. r V" niti '" w.ir Plll Vn IT -if I i' lll.il.'U wr. ir 1 lfj. M il ttl'-tr wl.l n.K lion .HOI I.. (I Oil m .1 r,-.-.I .-IjiIiii. H'ii-i'I l'v. I '.ui7(Ol.tii fiultl.-il n I .-.,.r r.'.i,. Im'11'1 Ii r 'l''W uw.. uliulu lur .IU.. .S . L (mil! tiuurtiilut. GREATLY REDUCED RATES MADE BY THE S uthcr Pacific Company FOR THE CALIFORNIA MIIIER FAIR. ROUND T IU P TICK KTH GOOD FO K HO ortland to San Francisco -AND HETUKN- $27.51) INCLUDING FIVE GATE TICKETS TO THE FAIR EXCURSION TKIPS From San Fmnrisro to other points in Cull fiirnia will be allowed purchasers of special Midwinter Fair tickets at the following round trip rules: To stations under .M) miles from Ran Fran cisco, one and one-third one way faro. To stations IIX) miles or more from Han Kniuelnco. one and one fifth one way fare. For exact rates and hill Information inquire of J. B. Klrkltuid, Dint. Faun, agent at 134 First St., Portland, Or., or address the undersigned. KICH'D (lit A V, T. II. GOODMAN, It mi. TralUc Manager. Geu. Vtm. Agt. San Francisco, Calif, K. P. ROGERS, A. G. F. & P. A., Portland, Oregon. L LJ L L I fllill meat for wesknM and PRPr IlinUl d(M,ayi nervoui debility I 1 1 mm mm and loit vitality nt fret lor 13 oeiiti bR. WARD 1NSTUTUTE, 1-ON.filhSt. ET. LOUS, Ml). GOOD ADVICE, r Every patriotic citizen should give his personal etTort and influence to Increase the circulation of his home paper which teach rs the American policy of Protec tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect in evury way possible. After the home paper is taken care of, why not sub. scribu for the American Economist, publi ihed by the American Protective Taiitrieague 1 One ol its correspon dents says I "No true American can get along without It. I consider it the great est and truest political teacher In tl.e United States." Send postal card request or free simple copy. Addrm Wilbur F. Wake man, General Socrutsry, 135 West 33d St. Mew York. I Snlftiy anileilu'iisi'ii italil wools ly from .tart. Farmaiit'atpuirttlim. Kiulu.if elerrltury. liorieiio unnweiaiiry. 1'ooultarQ. f 1 adraatiHTtiatobafflnnon. Liberal I ooniiuUdlon W lot'al part' 1 tlma aaH'Qta Ldrf uat Krowars of claun, plute J hanlr.rullabl amiortmi'nt ; ou rier j (or IhepFvliiiul. lock. lawn and aanl.'n Wpwant younow, whllf tho fruit Indu.lry U lo) imtHirlant. uo.nl .'hAnffr i.'i .rivniu'tilncnt. OntlU and lull I'ar ,tilan (r.'. DROWN 1IKIW CO., Iliir Hand. lira, oniauuiuww r.M..lilo. Nnmf tin. iwiwr. til l ELECTRIC TELEPHONE iittit. no rnt. no rttyrtltj. Ailni'tiki to Cny. VilUt or Country. Nfnltxl id rvry lnitrit. nlui, niuro Hiii om.-. urMtMl cuttTsn ihut Htul tfi Kf1r onttrth. .t'iii mithf IWm (UV 10 KM pri rt, On ii h i.miltiu nit'tifi a who to kit inn ntH-(ih r. I inn iit-t t tmiettt. no to, woi hi mi? wlire. nny tti-t' . (milt. ffmij for tist m t.tti ttnri '1 la it )it tun ui ti) til 7 tt , 03 nt'vr oit hi ontiT, no rvrnmtttt, l""t !( W P. Harrison Ii Co., Civr 10, Columuui, 0- SPILES , errA In on. ralNt.EB trf.lm.nt nt.. M . o. r nil. xiii bmiu.H. Kl.tula. l ie ., , bik C.I4. ..i van a QUMlion lilauk and Hook fr. Call ir writa. mi, u. ii. ui iTS, m Pins SUeai. .... St. Louis, Mo. A Centleman Who formerly resided la Connecticut, but who now resides in Honolulu, writes : "For 20 years past, my wife and 1 have used A jer's Hair Vigor, and we amiliiiie in lithe dark iiuir which she and I now have, while hun dreds of our acqualut auces, ten or a dozen years younger than w-e, are i-iihei gray headed, white, or huld. When asked howourhuirhas retained Its color and fullness, we reply, 'By the use ot Aver's HHir Vigor nothing else.' " "In 1868, my affianced was nearly bald, and the hair kept fall ing out every day. I i n d u ced her to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and very soon. It not only checked any further loss of hair, but produced an entirely new growth, which lias remained luxuriant and glossy to this day. I can recommend this preparation to all in need of a genuine hair-restorer. It Is all that it Is claimed to be." Antonio Alarrun, Bastrop, Tex. AYER'S HAIR V1C0R DECISION ON TITLES. Ihe Word "National" Must Not lie Cued by l'rlvate Cnrpomtlona. One of the most important of recent events in building and loan circles is the decision of Comptroller Eckels, of the treasury department, recant iliir the style of associations doin"; business on what is known as the "national plan." lie holds that the use of the word "na tional" as the part of a title or name of an association is illegal and cites the following statute in support of his po sition: "All banks, except national banks, and all persons or corporations doinjf business as bankers, brokers, or saving; r e WW "IF uomi'Tkoi.lkiI j. 11. na:iEi.s. Institutions are prohibited from using the word 'national' as a portion of the title of such bank, firm, or corpora tion, and any violation of this prohibi tion committed after September 3, 1871), shall liubjyct thy fjlYnn.liiiff party to a fine of fifty dollars a day for each day during which it is re pouted. " The question lias been referred to the attorney pvneral of the United States Inran opinion. If sustained the decision will tilTect u larfre percentage of the associations which operate on the national plan. A SIGN OF MISERY. Abundance of OlMolote Ootd Coins In Knalanil Has a nl AI..ulng:. Anyone who has collected old French or old German coins still in occasional circulation, say the thalers of Frederick the Great, or the forty-franc pieces of the first Napoleon, knows that JJerlin and Paris are not the cities to find them in. The capitals have the latest issues from the mint. It is cither in remote villages or in some locality where want asserts Itself as a factor in outlay that the old coins come to the monetary surface, llomburg or lladen or Wiesbaden was the likeliest place in which to find the debased coiuuffe of King Frederick not lately, but thirty years ago, when the gaming table drew them from the stockings. Wo at this moment n handful of gold pieces at Monte Carlo chows a larger area of sovereignties than a money changer's entire till in the Palais Uoyal. Within the last week the same law is assert ing itself in London and in the big cities of the north, says the Westminster (taxette. Light gold and obsolete gold is in brisk circulation, and the explanation is sad enough. Long ugo the methodical Londoner paid into his bank all his pro-Victorian gold, hut the poor are their own bankers and their deposits are their own hoards. The well-worn coins now going about show the breaking up of these long and earef jlly guarded reserves. It is but one other evidence of the wideness and the cruelty of tho privation by which wo are uurrounded. FAMILIAR AT WASHINGTON. Wilson Hissfll is a much larger man than (Srovcr Cleveland. lie weighs over three hundred pounds, but he is an able lawyer and a good partner. Puksioknt Fii.i.moke, who was a lluf falonian, took his law partner into his cabinet as postmaster ireneral. Mr. Cleveland, another HulTalonian, did likewise. F.x-Sknatoh William M. Evabts has just rounded out three-quarters of a I century of life, lie is loss a tivo in tho t pursuit of his profession than formerly, and spends much of his time at his Ver mont farm. ALTitortin ex-President Harrison is probably the most enthusiastic pedes trian that has ever occupied the white house, he is reported to have gained perceptibly ill weight during the last four years. Ci.evki.am was the only president to deliver his inauguration address ex tempore. Fillmore made no inaugural. Garfield was the first president to make any political speeches in a foreign tongue. German was used. Mil IU.aisk's fortune had itsorigin in tracts of land in western Pennsylvania which were left him by his father, who had, in turn, inherited them from the elder James G. lilaine. A tra t of coal land near the Monongahola river was the most valuable of those possessions. Dritixn the month of November, the last for whi.'h figures have Ikvii made public, the German army lost one hun dred men by death, of whom seventeen, or more than ouo-si.th, committed sui- Oidtj, for-.'' r !w Wv-i 9 Tiir OF GENERAL INTEREST. liLPOBK the fohnmrBedahs took pos session of Arabia nine-tenths of all female children born were iinuiediutely buried alive. N'eam.y 10 percent, of the yield from last year's cotton crop in the south is from cotton-seed oil, once thrown aside as useless refuse. Tiikke is a tradition that in the time of Creeu, king of Thebes, an ivory nil ometer, with cubits and digits of ham mered gold, was used. It has been declared by Dr. Koss, a N'ova Scotian mining expert, that Wy oming is richer in minerals than any other state in this country. Tut Pall Mall Gazette saysthat three billion gallons of beer were imbibed in Europe last year, of which Germany consumed one billion flfty-one million gallons. EDITORIAL OPINIONS. A cui'.itKNT item assert that Patti sings "Daddy Wouldn't DuyMe a Bow Wow. " Good-bv, sweetheart, good-by! X. Y. World. " Tiikhk is a special providence hang ing over a bargain-counter. It never seems to know anything about hard times. Steep Ilrook Gazette. Looki.no into a glass to paint one's face is not wholly a feminine trick. A man looks into a glass to color his nose. liinghamton Uepublican. A woman in Russia washed her hair in petroleum and then lighted a cigar ett3. Her widower will hesitate be fore striking another match. N. Y. World. iic. vtebt luuiuii migratory crab is the only creature that is born in the sea, matures in fresh waters and passes its adult life on land. Once a year these creatures migrate in thousands from the uplands of Jamaica, deposit their lnrvu3 in the sea, then migrate to the rivers and streams, pass through a fresh water stage, after which they follow their parents to land until the time comes for them to return to the sea to lay their eeirs. POPULAR SCIENCE. The earth, traveling at the rate of 1,01)0 miles a minute, passes through 5"it).000,000 miles of space in the course of the year. I.N a square inch of the human scalp the hairs number about 1,000, and the whole number on an adult scalp is about 120,000. Pftuoi.eum, by a course of experi ments made by the Prussian govern ment, has proven a reliable scale pre venter iu steam boilers. In India 25,000,000 acres are made fruitful by irrigation. In Egypt there are about 0,000,000 acres, and in Europe about 5,000,000. The United States has about 4,000,000 acres of irrigated lands. Taking the earth as the center of the universe and the polar star as the limit of our vision, the visible universe embraces an aerial space with a diam eter of 4:;0,000,000,0()0 miles and a cir cumference of 1, .'129,742,000,000 miles. Akkonalts cannot rise much above five miles of vertical height on account of the increasing rarity of the air, but double that height has been attained by self-registering balloons, which tell us that some ninety degrees of frost prevail up there. EUROPEAN WAGES. TitARHKits in Hamburg receive from 11 to 828 per month. liooKKKJ'.ri!iiS in Germany receive from giiOO to SS00 a year. A tait.oii in Turkey, if a skilled hand, can command 8U.07 per week. Uailhoao clerks iu Germany are paid an average of hi cents a day. Switchmen in Saxony consider them selves well paid with 8178 a year. A female tacltmaker in France is fortunate if she makes 81.1(1 per week. Builders in London receive 25 shil lings a week and work fifty-two hours. Fueioiit handlers on the Prussian railroads make an average of 52 cents a day. I.N 1830 female laborers in Italy re ceived 2 cents a day and a portion of food. The wages of female servants in Prussia range from 814.28 to 871.40 per year; of males, 823.80 to $95.20. The lowest wages in Europe are paid in Italy. A baker there makes 84 per week, a tailor 4.50, a painter 85. Housemaids in England receive an average of .'1 shillings a week as wages, together with their food and lodgings. A LITTLE MISCELLANY. Eioiit cubic feet of snow produce one cubic foot of water. The Sicilian sulphur deposits employ eighteen thousand miners. Suhiakhn, Osaka, claims to have a dwarf thirty-six years old who is only seventeen inches in height. If ancient history is to be taken as an authority, I'hayllus, of Crotona, could clear fifty-six feet at one ,-sand-broad jump." The Konian ns, or libra, was a pound weight of copper or brass stamped by the state. It was oblong, like a brick, and w as not struck but cast. Is France larfje quantities of char coal are made from seaweed. Twenty tons of fresh seaweed or four tons of dry weed produce one ton of charcoal. Woukmkx boring an artesian well in Louisiana struck a maple log in a sound state of preservation five hun dred and forty feet below the surface. An ordinary elephant produces one hundred and twenty pounds of ivory. Two exhibit ion tusks in London weigh one hundred und sixty-two and one hundred and seventy-three pounds re spectively. RIPPLES. Pink9 "Was Smith's purpose of whipping the editor carried out?" Hanks "No; but Smith was." Buffalo Courier. Tun huntsman who brings home the ' antlers proves that he has been able to ; get a head of the game. Klmira Ga zette, i "How a Kit yon getting along learn ing to operate jour tj ewriter?" i "First rate. I can almost read some of the things I write." Chicago Rec ord. "What's the population of this town?" "Six hundred and seventy nine." "How many candidates for of fice?" "Six hundred and seventy-nine." Atlanta Constitution. Mr.s. I'LVAi-.ot T "What is your hus band's polities?" Mrs. Gofrequent "1 really don't know, lie never car ries anything of a political nature in any of his pockets." Chicago Tribune. 1ST Subtoribc (or tbt Ginrrs. A Bright Lad, Ten years of age, but who declines to give bis name to the public, makes this authorized, confidential statement to as: "When I was one year old, my mamma died of consumption. The doctor said tliat I, too, would soon die, and all our neighbors thought that even if I did not die, 1 would never be able to walk, because I was so we;ik and puny. A gathering formed and broke under my arm. 1 hurt my finger and it gathered and threw out pieces of bone. It I hurt myself so as to break the skin, it was sure to become a running sore. I had to take lots of medicine, but nothing has done me so much good as Ayer's Sure a pa ri 11 a. n bas made me well aud strong.'' T. P. M., N orcatur, Kans. AYER'S Sarsaparilla Preptred by Or. J. 0. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Mas,. Cares others, will euro you convince the skeptic and point the way which if followed leads to Prof. HARRIS' SOLUBLE MEDICATED Pastille Has been cut up In a proprietary f urm since 1878. and has been used for vears prior to that time m private pmctico. It Is no untried nostrum, of doubtful reputation, but a genuine epecltic for a very prevalent dlswiBe. Thousands of men, of all ages, bavo at some time in life brought on nervous debility and exhaustion, with ornante woakneBB, by over brain work, excesses, too fre quent Indulgence or indiscretion and vicious habits, and It is to these that we offer a remedy that will, by its direct action upon the seat of the disease, stop the drain and restore the patient to Vigorous health and strength. Our method of introducing Prof. Harria'Pastllle treatment Is one which commends Itself to all seusible persons for the reason tnat we supply It upon their judgment of its value. We ask of our pairons nothing in the way.of expense beyond a postal curd and a two cent postage stamp. The postal curd to be used tn sending us their full ad dress and the postage stump for the letter return ing the statement of their case for which we supply them with a question blank, to be tilled out and an envelope addressed to ourselves for iih'i In returning it when filled. im . rmi When we receive the state J r ment on blank we prepare eight days' treatment and for JKP: ward it by mail and prepay i jtFVAE postage thereon and along TfiirviiriB wltn the eight days' treatment k XiLJUUiCf we send full directions for using. The t. entment in no way interferes with a person's attention to business, and causes no paiu or Inconvenience in any way. We aro so positive that it will give perfect satis faction that we leave the matter of sending orders entirely with those using the free trial treatment. Having sntlsded those sending for trial packages of our nbllity to benefit their sexual condition we feel that they are more largely interested than ourselves in continuing the use of the Pastilles. Even then wo do notattemptto rob them by de manding high prices. On the contrary, we make the prices as low as possible, and the same to all. They are as follows: 13 for one month.; $6 for two months; t7 for three months. These prices secure the delivery of the Pastilles by mall. II desired by express we leave the patient to pay the charges. For nvAr ton vanm wo iM'iiiiii9Aii.NAi "imii have onernted our business upon this plan with satisfactory results. We ask ail persons neeaing treatment ior any Of the secret ills which come to mankind through a violation of nature's laws to send us their ad dress on postal card or by letter and allow us to convince them that PROF. IB All KIN' HiH VH1.E MKPICATEI) PASTILLES have merit and aro what they need. All communications conhdentlal and should be addressed to The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists " 99BeekmanSt.( NEW YORK CITY, N.Y, -2 3 $10 00 worth of lovely Music for Forty -g VCIIIIl l.UIIJI3Ullt lf 1UU (.I'S13 full tliA S;i,Pfit Mttitc nf tho selections, both vocal and instrumental, m- gotten up in the most elegant manner, in- 3 -r eluding four large size Portraits. g m- CARMENGITA, the Spanish Dancer, XZ PADEREWSKI, the Great PianlaL ADEL1NA PAW and MINNIE SEUGMAN CUTTING. ADDRESS Lt Of) DENS TO 2 THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. Broadway Theatre Bld..NewYorkCJry. mP. CANVASSERS WANTED. THB OLD DOCTOR'S LADIES' FAVORITE. ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly SAPE. Th larao as used bv thot lands of woman nil over trs United BtatoB, in tho ?LD DOCTOK8 private mall pnettee, for 88 years, and not a atnirlj bad rpsult. Money returned if not as represented tJend oent (atampa) lor sealed particular. IS. WASD I11CTIIUTS, KO S. ninth St., Et. Latii, lit. RUPTURES S5 Venrs Experience in treatlnff all varl. ties of liupture enables us to guarantee a pooltlvo euro. Question BlanK and Bool tree. Coll or write. YDLTA-MH0ICO APPLIANCE CO., J23 Pine Street, 6T. LOUIS, MO Ri'duccd lflto?5 pundi r" wnth. No tarring, no iiicomep once, 10 bad remit, jiontutpniil driitf. 'i rcatincnt perfectly h.irmlrsi and itrictly con 4 dtntial. UiieMioti Bl ttn Hiwk irw. Call or write. $50 A YEAR FOR LIFE Substantial Rewards for Those WboM Answers are Correct A wan onoe entered a prison where tu Mmftne4 omdenmed crimioaL On making ft requeat to ba XtnducU'd into the preeenoe of the doomed man, tba rtaitor was informed that none but relaUTea were permit ted to are the pritooer. The rtaitor aaad : " Brother! ud Bitter hare 1 none, but that DU l (ihe priaooar tj ther i taj father i ton." He waa at once taken to the priftOMr. Now, what lw tioo waa the prianner to the vieitorl Trie Agriculturist Puhliahtng Company wfll re $50 rear for life to the person sending the Brat correct an nrer; on to the aeoond : 3n1, 0; 4ib, $100: &Lh, and over 10,000 other rewards, eonatai in of pianoa, Kiraua, laditw and it en la uld aod aiirar Wfttcbea, aiir mrk-ea, diamond rinxa, et to tne Mrsn senmnf um lam oorreoi inrm win oa riren a high-tone, piano, to the neit to the laat a beanti ml orfan. and the twit 6,000 will reoeire raiuabie artaai it ailerware, Ac . RULK8 -(11 All ftnawwri mnrt V rni by mall, ana bear postmark not later than Dec 31, 163, (3) Th- re wi be not-harge whatever lo enter thia competition, but ftU who roaipete are expected to aend one dollar for ail tnontha, anbacrmtion to either The La him, Ho mi Maoaiiw or The Cviias AoRlcrLTi'hirr-twc W the cnoireet illutrated periodicals of the day. (3 All prie wtnnera will be epec'ed to aeaiat u in eitend ai our circulation. 4 The first corm-t answei receiTei aender i ttoetniark taken in all canee a date of recupt lo aa to fin every one an equal chance. ro matter when be or aho may reauW). will secure the first prue; Um cond, theneit pure, and ao oo. Thi AuRUTiTi RiiT is an old eetablwhw! concern, and pone, a aea ample meana to enable it to carry out at tt promiaea. (Send for primed liat ol loiuier pnn winners ) JriHiix The followinf well-known fenfterfm han aoonmrd to a-f as Jiittt-a, and will w that .tifiniM are tairly awardtM : tmnidore alru'.t l roprwto Oalctiti l.'iie o' Sieam- ik terlro..ih, and Mr W, Rolerton, rr- dent Tinns IVnung (.mpany, lVte bonmsh Keyifler all moi-y lefeia Aoiireaa. AuJJ aWTA BJNT Ft' Cy U.'Uli, PawrbonHua, Uaaaa lllETRMf ViflV run IT In lT With all bad consefiuescet, itrantpiary, lots of enemy, mrvotii ex item t, i ervoui debility, unnatural diK'tiarsrt lurt mtnliood, dpoodr ney, inflt B i to m rry, wilna awBv of the or?aa, certa til.' and rapld'y cured y iafe and ra-y nieth d . Cures positively guararieed. Quest. on Biaokand iiookfrco. Call or writ. DR. WARD INSTITUTE. 120 H. Ninth St., ST. LOUIS. M0 DODD'S Ctare fot OL.IC IN HORSES. GUARANTttO. l'very owner o' a bum1 fiimi'd k"fT. it ou hand. It n' ave tt.e lit . oi l valuable animal. Ouo package wt.l cine cigtii 'o itu cases. 1'iire UMID. Sunt by mail o -..iprw. Our Ac cuunt l!nik, w if ii cmiMimiiiutltt table koeperi, m d fea 6t. Louis, mo The Old Reliable Established S8 yars. TrBotflmnloorrnin il", married or single, In -asos ot esp.iKurn, abuses, exepses or Improprieties. .SKILL GUAKANTKKD. Board and unurtments furnished when desired. QueaUou iSlatut aud Book tree. Call or write. a ri iT r- m ani i and othki m r -m w a a ""1U"-"" ,VDiBBe8 CtjUKLl w hotit tlnuse o koite Question Blank and Hook frre. Cal. orwrita UU. IX. If. iil'TTS. 8S2Fine8L Bb. Louis. Mo. t n ij ii i c The worrt forma p0i" k I rnl L I lively cared 3S jean uO'-eifu .practice. Trent meat confldeotia'. Cure by man or at ontce. lnuiiow. (juesuon nians a ETookim. Call or write. DH WAR ) INSTITUTE, 120 N. 8th Ste.St.Louls.MO WANTED. tlK KVJttV LADY, employed orunemployoJ wlu A ifttrii can rake ii.isf' r a few houri work cue J Jay. Pularv r-commiHHion. I0 samplei frea Addrfs; H. BtNJAMIN & CO., 822 Plnebt.tSt.Loul, Mo. Op. Rush's Belts fifipplianees g'WtajawiMffgtrrwa An eleotro-eMvanie httcry em lib&ffc.SSS&"l nTtn. SnsiicnBorioa. Pnl. A''Jvf -"3 iiial Hunportrs. Vost8f Tuaoiefl. ere. Cnrns Klienmatism, i,ivr and Kidney Jomplaints, DympepHii Krrovs of Y-uth, jottt Mnnhoilt Nervousness, hexnal Wonk ifss, and all Troubles in Plain or j oinale. ,,'iiefttton Blank and Book reo. Cull or 7rite. Volta-Medtca Appliance Co., 53 Fine Street, ST. LOUIS. MO. Foot-Prints ou the Path to Health. Everyone nepdintf a dortm'e ndvio ebould read one of Dr. Foote's diim pamphletB on "Old Eyes," "Croup," Rupture," 'Pliimo.is,' "Vnricocele," Oisenee of men, DiseHfe of Wi-meo, tmr learn the best meHns of wl -enre. 1V1 Hill Pub. Co., 129 Eabt 28(b bt.. Kew York. STOCK BRANDS. While you keen your subscriutioE uaid un yet can keep your brand in free of cliniy-. Alhn. T. J.. lone. Or. Htirsea )(J on lof shoulder; cattle name on left hip, tmnVr bit ui right ear, and upper bit od the left; range, Oloi row comity. ArmBtronK. J. C. Aloine. Or. T with bar un der tt on left Bhoolder of horses; cattle mmu on left hip. Allison, O.D.,Eieht Mile. Or. Cattle brand O 1) on left hip and horses same brand on rijrhi shoulder. Range, Eiyht Mile. Adkins, J. JM Heppner, Or. Hordes, JA oon DWted on let flank; cattle, name on If t hip, Bartholnmew, A. G., Alpine, Ot. Horstw branderi 7 111 un either shoulder. Itaue in JUo -row count v Bleakman, (reo., Pardman, Or. HorPMi, ft Ha onleft ahoulder; cattle Hme .n riptifwliiiuhjfi tannister, J. W., Hftrdman, Or. Cdttle brand -d B on left hio and thiuh: snlit in ouch iir. Brenner, Pfter, inu webHrry Oit'tjon Horner- hnindeu fa on lett ahouider. tattle aatne i ri Kt si ae. linrke. M 8t C, Long treek, Or On cattle MAY connected on loft hip, crop off left ynr, un der half crop off rinht. Horeea, Banic braml ni letft shoulder. Kange in Grant and 3lorrnv connty. Hrtmtnan, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle 14 on the left side Left ear half crop nd riht ear uopor slope. Barton, Wm., H iipuer, Or. -iiorNeK, J H oi right thiK'i, cattle, same on r.pht hip; split ii each ear. Brown. Isa, Lexington, Or. Horsea IB un thf riht stirle; cattle same on right hiy; raiiKe, ilor row county. Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Ijrses, circlt 0 with dot in e ter on left hip; cattle, f-nine. Brown, W.J. , Lena, Oregon. Horses W bai over it, on the left ahoHlder. Cattle same on let'i hln. Boyer, W. G Heppner, Or. Homes, bi brand or ngh hip cattle, name, with split ii each ear. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Howes, P B on lef i shonlder: cattle, same on left hiu. Brownlee, W. J., Foi.Or Cattle, JB conneclec! on left side: croo on left ear and two soli t ami middle piece cnt out on right ear; on horses paint- orana on tne letc tnigu; itange in rox valjej. Grant county, Carsner Warren. Wagner, Or. Horsed brand ed O on right Blifle; cattle (three bars) ol rigtit nus. crop ana split in each ear. liauge u Grant and Morrow counties. Cain.E., Caleb.Or.- X 1) on horeoH on left etitie U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder and on left stifle un all colts U'der A years: or left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in urant connty. Clark. Win. H.. Lei a. Or. H orsei- WHC con net ted, on left shoulder: cattle t-ame on rigln nio. tun ge aiorrow ana uniati la countiea. t'at, ("has. It,, Vinson or Lena. Or. Horse H t on right Bhoulder; cattle same on right hit Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cecil, W m., Douglas. Or.; h'-rses J C on lef shoulder; ca'tle Bame on left hip, waddles ot each jaw and two bite in the right ear. Curl, T. H., John la. Or. Double cross oi each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bn in right ear, Bplit in left ear. lutmre in tirani connty. On sheep, inverted A and npenr i-oun nn uK..nMar li or ,r,..rl.,..l ....... .... Uf puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in rignt ana nuaer halt crop in lelt ear. Ail raug iu Grant couutv. Cook, A. J Lena,Or. Horses, Wion right nhom der. Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark squar. crop off left and split in right. Cur nn. li. i., Currinsviiie, Or. -Horses, ()) left stille. Cox Ed. 8., Hardman, Or. Cattle, C will y in center; horseB. Ck un left hit. Cochran, K. E Monnment. Grant Co, Or. Horses branded circle with bai beneath, on lcf shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mat 1- under slope Potn ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., hsniman. Or. iton-es briuir'H. . on right hip. ( uttle hniuded the tane. a' brntids (1 on hurM- light ihiuh: i' te s btandon rignt t-houldti, aid cut ill uu ol riiilit ear Dickena, Kbb Horses braided with three tmeu fork on left st ihe I at tie sa-ne on left ide, Douulass. W. M . tiallowai. Ui.-H mtie. U 1 right side, hwu low -fork in each ear: hon-t. It D on left hiu. Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Hori-es TD on the i igut Htine; cattle Bame on right hip. Eh. J. B. tii Souk Diut:iar. Or. liones brand ed ELI on left shoulder, cattle tmnie ou left hip. hole tt right ear. ttlllOU . V B ash., Heppner, Or. Diamoiid on : right shoulder. Emety, C. b., Hardman, Or.-Horses branded iievtrwd t. wiltt tau on leil slnu der; vhI lie Mime on ii-hi hip. hbnge in Morr'W i-tmi.tj. t leek, J tckob, ne putr, ui. tioie. ixmected ul riwht shoulder; cattle Maine lght hip. Ear mark, hole in right aud cni -d lert- Florence. L. A.. Hetmner. Or. Cattle. LF right hip; horsen F with bar under on right houjaer. Florence, 8. P. Heppner. Or Horses, F tin right shoi idei ; cattle, t on ritht hip or thiah. rrench, George, Ueppm r. (Jr. ( artle tirai.ded WF", with bar over it, on left side; crop oh left ear. Horses, same brai d on It-fi hip. Gay, Heur' Heppner, Or. GAY un left shoulder. i Gilman-French, Land and Livestock Co., Fos ' ail. Or. Horses, anchor b on left shoulder; vent, san e on left stifle. Cattle, same ou both hips ear marks, crop off right ear and nuderbit in left Hauge in Giliiain, Grant, Crook and Morrow oountlea Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or Hordes bindel H. 8. with a quarter circle civer it. on left stifle. Kange in Mornw and Cniarill&cooiitiea. j Haea. deo.. ieu&. Or, brand J it connected i with quarter circl over it. on lett ehoiilder. Hmtt A. B., Bidge, Or. t attle, rvui.d-tnp iwithqnarTer circle under it on the right hip, Hai'lEein lorrow ar.d I ami ilia tunniiea. Hi ii ton A Jeiiks. Hamilton. Ur 4 attle.twola.s I on either hip; crp in rigid ear tu d split in left. Homes, Jon right thigh. Bai.ge in nm wmuty Hhas, Stmnel. Wagner. Or- (T F 1. COnHet.-tHl)on neht alumlder on hi.r; on cattle, on right hip and on left side. cw&ilow fork in right ear and slit in left. Kn9 in Ei alack I diatriov, Morrow ooonty. Hale. Miltcu, Wgiier. Or. HorAs branded -O- (fircle with parallel tails) on left shoulder. ante same on left hip also large circle on left side. Hall, Edwin, John Day.Or. Cattle E Hon right hip; horses same on right shoulder, i-angein Grant connty. Howard, J L, ' alloway. Or. Hores, (cross itli hr mIm.vr it I nn rit-ht HhonhiMr: Cattle same on leftside. Range in Morrow and Uma tilla counties. Hughes. Mat. Hermner. Or. Horse, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Kange Morrow Co, iiunsaker, H t , Waimer, Or. -Horses, V on left honhhr;ca lie. hoi, left hip. Haitlisty. Albert. Nye. Oreaon Horses. A H ijontiMuted. on left shoulder; Cattle on the left ui. crop on ten ear, Humphreys, J U. Hardman. Or. Horses. H on ef Hank Haies, J. M.. Heppner. Or. Horses, winefflaas nn left shoulder cattle, sauie on right hip. Huston. Luther. Eluht .Mile. Or. Hnrpn H nn the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat. le same on left hip. Mantra in Morrow county. Ivy, Alfred. Long Creek, Or Cattle 1 D on iirht hio. crouoff left ear and bit in risrht. Horsea arne brand on left shoulder llange n Grant UllltV J"tmb. Hfirry. Heprnrr. Or Horsra branded T J on the left shouider: cattle baanded J on gl.t hip, hIm undui Lit in lett ear. llange in toiiow cunty. Jtinkiu, a. ai., Heppner, ur norsea, Horse hoe J un left shoulder. 1 'at tie. the same. Kange on Eiuhl Mile. Johnson, helix. Lena, Or. Horses. circleT on efi sutie; cattle, same on right hip, under half inp in riiiht and split in left ear J Miik inn. D W..ilt. Vernon. Or. J on horses on left shonlder; on cattle. J on left hiu and two dtnouth cropB on both ears. Hauge iu Fox and near vauys henuy, tilt be, Heppner, Or. Horses branded NY on left hip cattle same and crop off left .uinndur lope on the right hirk J. T-, Heppner. Or. Horses 09 on left tioolder; cattle, ii on let! hip. Kirk. J C, Heppner. Or. Horsea, 17 on either nk:L-attlf 11 on right side. Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse 11 on left t; ou I dor ; cattle same on i ight Bide, underbit on ight ear. K umbBilaiidaW. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. T i mi ati le on right and left sides, awailow fork in lc ft ar ana under eiop in right ear. Horses same rand ou left shoulder, ltauge in Grant county. Loften, Btepnen, Tox, Or. a L on loft hip u cattle, cruu and solit on rialit rat. Ht.rt.na rtarco brand on left shoulder, llange Grant unity. Lieuallen. John W., L-t Or. HnrnAn br.inaed half-ciiele JL connected on leftshoul- ier. i aiue. sain on left hiu. ltauge, near iex- t'Btoti Lcuhcy. J. W Heppner Or. HorsnB branded Lam) A o J 'i t shouider; cetlie same on left iui, wattle over rit-ht ye, three slits in right ear. L.oid, George, Heppner, Or. HorseB branded loubie H coi.nectt Sometimes called a w ing H, un left shoulder. Mnrkham.A. M.. Heppner, Or. Cattle large Vi t)ii left fide both ears cropped, and split m o h Horbos M on left hiu. Itanue, Clark's i!anoti. Minor. Oscar. neuDner nr.-TatMn. M n nn right hip; horse. Mou lef t shoulder. Morgan, 8. N Heppner, Or. Horsea, M) n Uti shcaild"' cattle same on left hip. Mctmber, Jas A, Echo, Or, Horses, M with ar over on right shoulder. .Morgan. Thos.. Heppner, Or. Horses, circle r on left shuuJder and left thigh; cattle, '& on right thigh. Mitchell. Oscar, lone. Or. Horsea. 77 on riht dip; cattle, 77 on right side. rticiaaren, u, a., lirownsvillo. Or, Horses, Figure ft on each shoulder, cattle, M2 on hip McCarty. David H. Echo Or. HorseB branded DM connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same tn hip and side. lUeGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Muleshoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in ach ear; hoiseB same brand on left stifle, McHaUjF, r. raimiuin, Or. un Horse. H vith lialf ;rcle under on left shoulder;un uattle. inr bars connected on top on the right side (ange in Grant County. NeaJ. Andrew, Lone liock, Or. Horses A N con nected on left shouider: cattle same on both hips, Nordyka, E., Wilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on eft thigh; cai tie, same on lef t hip. Olivor, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A Son cattle .n loft hip; on horses, same ou left thigh, Kange u Grant county Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left hon.dei, Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O tjP connected on left hip; horseB on left stifle did wartle on nose. Kange iu Grant county. Pearnon, Ola ve, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar er circle shield ou left shoulder and 24 on left dp. Cattle, fork in lef: ear, right cropped. 24 n left hip. Kangt on Eight Mile. Parker & Gleaaou. Hardiuan.Or, Horses IP on ft nhouliler. P per, En.e t, Lexington, Or. Hor-es brand--t E (LE conned ed) oi left shoulder ; cattle me on right hip. Kange, Morrow county. 1 .per, J.ll., Lexington, Or, -Horses, JE con .ected oi left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. imler hi' in each ear, i'ettjB, A, C, lone, Or.; horses diamond P on - shoulder; cattle, J li J connected, ou the eft hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the ight. Powell, John T., Dayville, OrHorses, JP con ihc ed ou left shoulder. Cattle OK couuected ou eft hip, two uuder half crops, ouo on each ear, .vat tie underihnmt. Kai gein Grautcounty. Hood, Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square roc with ijuarter-circlu over tt on left stitie. Iteuinger, Chm, Heppner, Or. Horses, C It on Left shouldei. liice. Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three nanel worm fence on lett shoulder; cattle, DAN on -ight shoulder. ItHnge uoar Hardman. Koj se, Aanm, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on teft bhoulder; cattle, same brand reversed oo right hip aud crop ufi 'right ear. Kange in Mor row county. linsh Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded X on the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left nip, iTop oft left ear and dewlap on neck. Kange in Yloi row and adjoining counties. Host, William, Uidge, Or. Horses H on ieft shoulder; cattle, It on left hip, crop ofl right ear, underuit on left ear. blieop, U on wehtherh, round crop olf righ ear. liuugo Uma dlJiiand ilorrowc ) unties. Keanuj', Andrew. Lexington, Or. Horsei nranded A li un right Bhoulder, vent quarter circle over brand; cattle same ou right hip. Kange Morrow county. Kujse, Wm. 11, Dairy ville. Or HK connectet au Ii quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip md crop off right ear and split in left. Horses aie brand on left shoulder. Kange in Morrow urant and Gilliam counties. Hector. J. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, JO on ieft shoulder. Cattle, o on right hip. Spicknall, J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Horses bruudedaiou left shoulder ; lange in Morrow county. bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded on left shoulder; cuttle same on left hip. Swaggan, ii. h' Lexington, Or. Horses with dash under it on lef i stifle, cattle H with uash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and waodled on right hind log. Kange in Morrow, liilliaiuand Umatilla counties. bwaggart, A. L.,Athena. Or. HorseB branded 3 ou leil shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Crop on ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded J ti on lei stifle; cattle J 8 mu left hip, swallow fork iu rigln ear. underbit in left. &app. 'lhoo., Ueppuer, Or. Horses, 8 A P on eft hip; cattli sameou teft hip. bhrier.Juhn, Fox, Or. NO connected on horses on right hip; came, same on right hip, crop iQ right ear and on der bit in left ear. Kange in linint county. buuth Bros., ttuwuiville, Or. Horses, branded H. Z. ou shoulder; caii.e, ame on lef t shoulder. bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded J8on left shouider; cattle the same, also nose waodle. Kange tn Morrow and Gilliam coantiea. blepheus, V. A., liordmau. Or-; horses tin on right siiHe; cattle horizontal L un the right side bit'veuBou, iHrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, ti un right to ; wallow-tork in left ear. hvaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on lett (mourn- ; cattle, 4 on left hip. bperry, E. G., Heppner, Or. t attle W C on lett hip, crop off right and underbit iu left year, dewlap; horses VV t on left shoulder. lhouipsou, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, g on lelt slioulu. r; cattle, 2 on left shoulder,- 'lipi.eu.i3.T.,Euierpi iie,Or. Horses, C-on left eiiiouioer. lurner K. V., Heppner. Or. Small capital T lelt shouldei, horses, cattle same on left hip with plit in botl, ears. lln niton, li. 31., lone, Or. Horses branded ti I connected on teft stifle; sheep Ba ne brand. Vanderpind, H. T.. Lena, Or; hoi see HV con. nee led on right shoulder;cattie, same on right Walbndge, Wm.. Heppuer, Or. Horses, V. h. on the leTt shouider; cattle same on right hip. crop ofl left ear and right ear lopped. WiiBon, Joiin Q,. balein or Heppner, Or. Hursi-H branded Jy on the left shoulder, ltauge Mornm couny. Warreu.W B. Caleb, ur Cattle W with quarter circle over it, ou ieft side, split iu right ear. Hoiret wuiie brad on left Shouider, KaiigeiU GrhUi couuty. right, btias A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded 8 V on the right hip. square crop ott rignt ear and tipht m lelt. aae. Henr, Heppner, Or. Horses branded ace of .pauet on lelt shoulder and left hip l at tie braiidP' same on left side and left hip. ells. A. 0., Heppuer, Or. Horses, avm ou lef flu .older- cat' ain U oifinger, John, Joltn Day City, Or On horsaa three parallel oars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in boih ears, Kange in Grant and Malhuer aounties. WtKKiward, jthn, Heppner, Or. Horsea, CP uoiiuevted on left shoulder. W atkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded CE cunnecteu on left stifle. Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on right thigh, hoit in left ear; horses, W on right shouiuer. sonit same on left shoulder. Whiitier bn nunirgion. Baker Co., Or. -Hot branded W B conuevied on left Moulder Williams. Vascu. Hamilton, Or, Quarter cir cle over threr barn on left hip, both cattle and horses, hanice Grant connty. Williams. 4 O. Long -Oeek. Or Horses, quar ter circle over three bare on left hip; cattle aam and rlit in each w. Kantce in ((rant coonty Wren, A. A., ; eppner. Or. Horses nnnirgi A on shoulder; Ctti-. same n right hiu. Wnlker EJumbi-th Jt Sons, Hanlmsn Or.- anle branued (E coruectitD EW on left sid-. horvs fHine on right sLoiilder. J. W' w iker s pHflf, sau.eon h-!t hip, homes same on ett shouider. Ail rnug lu Morrow county itHjiig. j. ts.. in.in)!.-Hutmm bruiued Ttt on ih right abouidM.