rrfO o hib' 'myp to sell ion y Bpnji - i .1 ,1- Drift of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.sr- leOACKBS DEBDBDriGO CTTND 160 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of wLich deeded land there are 140 acres good farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded land has a good spring of water'on it, all under I fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman. Price for the whole, $1100 j or without the timber culture claim, SS800. Good, deeded GHve your business to Ii eppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible lor his or her communication. No orrespondenee will be published unless the writer1 real name Is signed as an evidence 01 good faith. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Comrrees, Second District. W. K. EU.H, of Heppner. For Governor. W. P. LORD, of Salem. For Secretary of State, U.K. KINCAIl). of KllKene. For State Treasurer, PHIL. MKTUCIIaN, of orant County. For Supreme Judge, C.E. WOLVEKTOI, of Albany. For Attorney-General, C. M. IDLKMAN, of Portland. ForSupt. Public Instruction, U. M. IRWIN, of Union. For Statu Printer, W. II. I.KHD4, of Ashland. For Prosecuting Attorney, 7th Dint. A. A. JAVNK, of ArllUKlou. For Member hoard of Equalization, W. C. WILLS, of Crook County. For Jt. Sen. of Grant, llMrucy and Morrow Co'i A. W. GOWAN, or Burns. KEPUHLIOAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, J. 8. BOOTHBV, of Lexington. FiirShenlt, G. W. HARRINGTON, of Ilcppncr. For Clerk, F. J. IIALLOCK, of Heppner. For Treasurer, FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner, For commissioner, J. L. HOWARD, of Galloway. For Assessor. J. F. WILLIS, of Lexington. For School Superintendent, U1HS ANNA J. RAMIHUK, of lone. For Surveyor, GEO. W. LORD, of Ella. For Coroner, T. W. A VERS, JR., of Heppner. JU8TICRS AND CONST A III.KS, For Justice ol the 1st District, For Constable of 1st District, JAS. HARDMAN. For Justice of anil District, I. R. EST Ell. For Constable of 2nd District, MAX IIIDDLK. For Justice ol 3rd Dlktrlct, For Constable of 3rd District, For Justice nf 4th District, L. W. BAHNKTr. For Constable of It ll District, C. C. BOON. For Justice of 5th District, A. G. BARTHOLOMEW. For Constable of .ith District, J. L. HOWARD. For Justice of (ith District, K. L. FREELAND. For Constable of (ith District, N.8. WHETSTONE. 'Tn 'wPHlera and mttrtilialB came t Bather at Yakima nnil two men were not, pnrbapi "lie f 'tally. Ir Tim WaHliiiiKlou irivurnnient wi pa pHiiicular about prott olinii privat property from lli 'wmlt'is hb it is keeuiuK Ci xey iff t lie unin, it would ninka itsrlf hiweiir moro ooiiKistcnt iu the uvea nf the ueoule. It would the! be no luimliluK stoi'k. t iiuy ralo. If Tim people "f Oretinti know lliem elves aright, and we think tln do, lliey mil ru-eliot ulitin. bunt at l'liill Met solum for suite treapurnr. Ho enjoy tbe confide! oe of all poliiioal parties, because be bits oondtioted Ibe alTaira of bia nfllee iu a tboruutjb and practical mavuer. Vote for Ibe republican ticket, au don't foiBet I'ooll.bv. He will vote for a man to go to tbe U 8 Howite to awe the future mnjuriiy of republuans iu tb upper bullae of cmigreM. We do no want to take a plep baokwaid. Tbe future of i it r l'e ai d tuitions depend Upon tbe republican parly. Dkmockath wbo once worabipetl at tbe sbritie of 8) Wester lVunoyer are now bia moat inveterate cueuiiea. Tb ia what the llosclmrg Review enya bitii: Governor IVumyer wlio la D going over Ibe state telling the peopl bow much be loves tbem aud bales tbe ooroorationa. travels on a free railroad pass. He, also, drawa an iffioiiil salary of over KIO a day while ha ia out stump ing, more lliau double the amount al lowed bun by I lie oniiaiilution of tbe atate, Those who lia'eti to Inn apeeohei abould bear these facta iu luiud. Got. Pknnoteh ia making political oapital out of tbe so-oalled extravagance of tbe last legislature, w hich he had an opportunity to check but didn't. Per haps more money waa spent than ongbt to bave been; now that tbe bard timea bave caught ua, the demooratio populist timea, we oid all see tbat tbe course of tbe legislature in tbe matter of appropri ation! was entirely too liberal, Yet our growing state demands more every year. But it will be uotioed, aud every patri otic voter abould stick a pit) iu here, tbat Sylveater lays ureat stress ou tbe fact that one of the appropriations was for a Holdiera' Home. Out governor Uidu'l like Ibe bice coat io lKlil Gfl. nor doaiia Bow. tbcub be aai caielul Dot to go to tba front on aubar aid. ANOTHER BARGAIX. ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in If Kalev ia auoh an eternal "open river" man, wby io tbe name of oommon sense, during bia long service to this state as senator, baa be not acoomDliabed more in that direction? He baa alwayB championed tbat cause, thonjrh it ap pears unsuccessfully. He can, however. t tbrongb by a goodly majority the Eastern Oregon insane asylum, when bt sees a point in it for ma own aeotion. Not tbat we are against this project, fo e think it a good one, and tbat Eaatert Oregon should bave a branch asylum. But it does seem strange that Kaley could stand off tbe opposition of tbe valley on one pet scheme, one not half as easeutial as tbe matter of an "open river," but when it cornea to meeting tbe opposition of corporations, be falls down. It be ounuot aooomplisb tbe work assigned to him, or tbat assumed by him, in an attempt to discbarge theduties of Btate Beuntor, it is worse than useless to send him to congress with an idea hat he will do more than he bus here at borne. Kaley ia aratlinggood fellow, but be won't make a congressman. He is rnuning on a platform that calls for everylhiug under tbe sun except pro tection to our industries, that essential point in tbe minds of tbe voters of tbe secoud congressional distriat. It Is said tbat Ibe populists would, if in power, do better than either old party. Let us Bee. Upton voted him self mileage by the way of 'Frisoo. I'eunoyer ouly vetoed $90,000 worth of appropriations, tbougb by hie own oonnt tbe last legislature appropriated abunt a million dollars more than the previous session. One of bis kicks is against the establishment of tbe Soldiers' Home. Hoore one for Upton and Pen- noyer. Kansas under populist rule oas been busy iudictiug publio ullioinls f -r crookedness; Waite has made Colorado tbe lauuhing stock of the nation ; Till 1 1 1 ii 1 1 bin bad riolB and war iu South Carolina, aud the populistio Coxey tea are raising "Ned" all over tbe country. Can we trust populist I ule? For good ness sake, no. Then vote against any scheme of Pennoyer'a to get to the senate. l'noF. O. M. bin, the republican candidate for tliec Dice (((superintendent of public instruction is avetcrau iu edu cational work, having been connected with educational institutions for many years, iu Oregon ne was principal oi tbe academical institute at La Grande for several yenis, later was superintend ent of thd U. 8. training schools at Cbemawa, (his state, at a time when organizing capacity was required to build up the school-which was built up under his management. Prof. Irwin is not only familiar with educational interests aud practical school work, but is au able speaker and can also present educational matters to tbe general publio iu a way to awaken general inter- eat iu the public schools. Tbe Dalles Gbrouiulo. The man. Irwin, who is running for superintendent of public instruction on the republican ticket, should be beaten. He was removed by l'resideut Harrison, because of until lobs, from the auperiu tendency of the Chcmawa Indian school near Salem. Enat Orcgoniau. This lie should be nailed right at the inception of ils roiimis. The removal of Mr. Irwin was for a purely local cause. Auy one Bi'uuninted with Mr. Irwin, of whatever pnliiiciil stripe, would hoot at the oharge t ti nt he w as incompetent. He is one of the best educated and moat intelligent inou of the state. The Dulles Chronicle. The Soldiers' Home at Koseburg has been dedicated wilb appropriate exer cises. It is but j.ist and proper tbat i atate should care for its indigent vete rans who have done eo much iu the service of their country. Cot.. rnKCKiNHiixiE'8 ohief opponent iaWm. C.Owens, and he bids fair to drfe t the doughty colonel. If not defeated for nomination, he can hardly be elected, even though the district is strongly democratic. The Ccxeyitea are giving the rail roads trouble iu various quarters, and they are growitig bolder and bidder No good oitizen can honestly uphold such a movement. A stiuiuut vote tor our oongressiouat, state and oonuty ticket means straight republioauiam. This ia a poor yeBr to "scratch " Let ua vote our aentimeuta and elect every niau. Piles! Piles! Itching riles. Symptoms Moisture; intense and stinging: moat at night; worse bv acratching. If allowed to continue til mora form, which often blea'd aud ulcer ate, becoming ery aore. Pwatkk's OirriMEXT atopa the itching and bleeding bead ulceration, and in moat casea re mores the tuuinra. At drnggiata, or by mail, for 60 oeuta. Dr. Swayoe A Bon, Philadelphia. aw 1 jr. Morrow county, cheap and on easy NAsBY. (ClIAI'TCR 11.) Mb. editor: Az i told you in my last leter that tbe pops wuz goiu too bav a big pnw-wow hear at lezinton last Baterday, and so thadid hav a gei ml blo-out. an tha blode won of tuere men out ovlhe party, an that win me Tha blode me kleer nit an into tbe dimmrat parly, fust king blode, an Iheu Huge blode, and weing blode, an last but kuot lest, a itreat, big brown, duck overkoat got up au blode, an sich a blast. 1 nivtr beid sicb slush oome out ov a kont befor. i think the next meetiu they hav tba ha I beter duble tbat Dock overkoat up au let there Conner set on i'. there man that is rnuio for sesser made quite a speek. be aed be wisbt be badut rote sicb a long speck, an tbe rest ov us wisbt so to befor he got throgb with It. he sed he wus interested more in the tarif then he wus i.i gitliu lected eesser. now i want to tel you about uour Dimoorat ripresentaliv. bisj name is U.J, brown, he come al tbe wa frum Miuersoty to Orygon to git the Nome nasiin fur ripresentativ, an he got it. be has got beter tealh than king has, an hour man that we bav got fur clurk, we kno tbat he is a g iiti to get their fur he buz bio lected loo times an we no tbat be can be agiu. Hurajb for Billy tomorrow. Az Rex hz quit ritin frum lrxinton i wil put in a I tic itumi beiu as i am etop piu here a foe days. Tom burnet is Bt il carying the male. lexinton turned out a! full orne of Shenp Bheerers. Cipetz sheered 2 the fust day an cached another fur to begin on seoiind day. i understand that tbe band bear is practizing fur to pla when tbe Guvoner Payuower oomes np bear to speek. He wil bee highly elervated when he hears this baud (6 peaces), be dout keer whoop fur tbem, Euternaly ynures, V. Ka-bt. lexinlon, Orygen, which wus Bill penlau'a Buck ranch. Persona who sympathize with the i ill oted will rtjoioe with D. E. Carr, of VX Harrison street, Kansas Ci'y He Is au old smli-rer nntn li 11 imiuatoi s rheumatism, but lias not berelniore been troubled iu Ibis climate. L ist winter be went up into Wisconsin, aud iu conse quence baa bad another attack. "It came upon me again very acute ami severe," be Baid " Hy j unta swelled aud beoanie inll lined; euro to toucll or almost look at. Upon the urgent re quest of my mother-in 1 w tried (JhnmberlMin'a Pain Balm to reduoe the swelling and ease tbe pain, and to m agreeable siupriie it did both. I have used three hrty-OPtit butties ami believe It to be the fliost Ihinit for rheumatism. pains and i-wellii g txieht. for sale bj Slocum Johnson D ug Co. POLITICAL bPKAKlNU. Tbe candidates for the various oonuty offices on the republican ticket will make a brief oauvaan aud speak on the following dates at Ibe places named: May 12 -Lena, p. m. May 18-Goosebeiry, 1:30 p.m. May 18-Einht Mile. 7:30 p. m. May l'J Hatdman, 1 :3 ) p. m. May 19 Uepptier, 8:00 p. m. May 21 -Lexington, 1 :30 p.m. May 22 -lone, 1:30 p. m. May 23 Douglas, 1:30 p. m. May 2-4 Grange Hall, l:S0p. m. May 2ti -Heppner, 1:3 J p.m. A. W. Go wan, reoublionu candidate for joint senator, will j iu us at Eiuht Vile and will reiuuiu lit least three or four dn)8. Tbe liist date at Heppner is to accommodate Mr. Oowan, while on the latter dale Hon. It. G Horr, of Michigan, will address the citizens of Morrow oounty. Republicans at the above places are requested to circulate Ibe report ot the mettims. Auuounoe them at tbe meetings of your clubs. Everybody Invited to attend. A. W. Pattkks n. 8lf Chaiimau Central Com. Don't Delay. It ia your dutv to ymiraelf to get rid of the foul aocnmiilati ,n in your blood tins spring Hood's S.iraaparilla is just tbe mediciue yon need to purify, vitalize and enticb oor blood. That tired teehug w hich affects re.irly every one iu the apri g is drtveu off by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great spring medioine and purifier. il.200 FAKU AND STOCK. RANCH. It will takeonly 8812 to bny it; 480 acres. 2W) acres plow laud; one-balf mile rnnnitig water. Improvements: 40 acres fenced, 15 acres cultivated, 2 bouses and stable, spring and minor improvemeuta. Adapted to farming, sheep aud boirraieing. An extensive sheep range joining to Bck creek. Terina: $H) down; remainder on long time. Locstitin: Ou county road, two and one-half mile" west nf Hii' d bill. F.iirlit Mile. Or. 320 for WI0. oi 810S for ownership in Iti l nerea school land or will exchange for two good lioraea. Original co-t of school Inn d 8320. Applv at Ueppuer Uoi-tte office Happnw Oregon. l9-tf-aw. terms. for i For farther information call at our office. SCENES FROM ARLINGTON. How the Brave Boys met the Coxeyltes The .soldiers Came Jast la Time. Charley Jones writes up from Arling ton to a friend here, aud, in bis own piutnreaq ie manner, describes bow tbe Coxeyitea were received at that place: Last Saturday e bad a little ex- oitement here when we heard that tbe Commonweal army had oaptured a train at Troutdale, bad started for Washing ton and that the soldiers bad orders to meet them here and arrest tbe w hole lot. The people bere thought that we would wade in gore up to our eboe-tops, They got tbeir old guns ready and looked up their stores aud shops aud prepared to meet the enemy. Of oourse, as you know tbat I am a very courageous fellow, I locked up and went down to tbe front determined to aell my life as dearly as possible. You remember Squire Eby; as I went down street I met bim and be told me tbat be was gettiug all tbe arms and ammunition together, as we might have some trouble and it was well to prepare for the worst. "Well he swore in all the men as con stables and Btationed tbem along tbe track behind box-oars and sand heaps, aud told tbem to protect life and prop erty at all hazards. We bad to wait about half an hour before either train came in sigut, ana everyooay was in h great state of excitement and eager for tbe blue-ooata to get bare first, as we wanted their help to take care of the Coxeyites. Well, fortune favored tbe brave, and tbe soldiers came arouud the curve first, unloaded their men aod stati lued them along the track, out of sight of oourse, and the officers gave the u orders not to let a man ot tbe Coxey outfit get away. If an attempt was made to do eo by auy one ot tbem to command them to bait, and if they did not bait to ehoot, and shoot to kill. Well iu a few minutes we oonld see their train coming around the ourve and then it was all excitement for a few momeuts. A man was sent down to flag the train and torpedoes placed on the traok, and every precaution taken to stop the train, as we thought tbey might try to run through and not stop, but when the engineer saw the signal he whistled "down brakes" and the I'ain was brought to a stop at the turn table, Iu a second tbe air was alive w ith blue-coats and they were all over the tram, in the oab of the engine and on top of the cars and banging in tbe doors. "Of oourse, Messrs. Tramps bad not seen the soldiers till tbe train had stopped, aud tbey were surprised. On the tender of the engioe sat the big man, seveu foot, two, you kuow, and two or three othera waving the Amerioan flag, and all bauds shouting and feeling as brave as lions. But when tbey were trapped tbeir tail feathers dropped and tbey did not bave a word to say. In few minutes Marshal Grady and bis men came up and then began tbe search jog of the men, aud we brave fellows in Arlington saw the men that we expected to have to kill in aelf-deteooe only bad three pistols in tbe crew of five hundred men. Besides tbe guns, they found in the way of weapons, three iron forks, one butcher kuife and two brick mason's trowels. So ended the Bkirmlsh." A lady at Tooleys, La., was very sick wilb bilious colic when M. U. lister. prominent merchant of the town, gave her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy. H says she was well in forty minutes after taking the first dose, tor sale by Slooum-Johu'ou Drug Co. AS IT HOUNDED. Our Long Creek reporter overheard a young lady playing tbe piano and this h what it s iunded like as abe sang to tbe music : She touched the white ivory with her jewelled fingers and warbled. Wheu the sun is brightly glo-bo-ing O er the se-heen so de-beer to me-ee, Andswe-beet the we-biud ia blo-bo-ing Oh, ther-hen, oh, tber.ben Itbe-hink Ot tbee bee I tbee-bink I thee-hiuk I theee-be-he-behebe-bink bobobohobo hobob of thee-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! 1 I Mistakes. A man wbo needs power tor pnmping, sawing or lathes, surely makee a miatake if be purchases an inferior make ot machine because it is cheap. Wby not buy tbe Hercules Gaa Eugius and make no mistake, send for catalogue. Palmer & Key Tips fot NDRY, Front A Alder Sta , Portland, Oregon. FOR TRADE. For abeep or cattle a good home ad joining Yonealla, Ore. Also 60 acrea ot choice prune land and three good dwell ings. Auy or all the above for trade or sale ot. reasonable terms. For further particulars address, S3;f. Shipley, Moobi & Co. Tbree-fourtba of your ailments arise from liver trouble wbicb Simmons Liver Regulator cures. AND SXlJLVIv Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good it with first crop raised on it. Season for selling, owner lives in the East und PEOPLE'S PARTY EDITED BY C. M. 110GUE, HARDMAN, OB. All matter intended for this column should be addressed to Its editor, as the Gazette hss no authority to publish same without his consent. This column belonos exclusive! to the People's Party, of Morrow county. and will be used by them as they see fit. The management or the Uazette will in no icay be responsible for any thing that may appear therein. STATE TICKET. Governor, Nathan Pierce. State Treasurer, B.Caldwell. Seoretary of State, Ira vVakefieid. Supt. Publio Instruction, T. O. Jory. Attorney General, M. L. Olmstead. State Printer, George M. Orton. Supreme Judge, B. P. Boise. Congressman Sec. Dist., Joe Waldrop. Jt. Sen., Morrow, Grant and Harney, George Gilbert. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Proa. Attorney, E. P. Sine. Board of Equalization, B. F. Searoy. COUNTY TICKET. Representative, Sheriff, Clerk, School Supt, B. F. King. Joseph 0. Hayes, C. M. Hogue. Miss Addle Con lee. W. B. Ewing. Assessor, County Commissioner) Treasurer, Wm. Gilliam. J. L. Gibson . Surveyor, Coroner, Ohas. Ingraham. J, M. Nuuamaker. NOTICE. Governor Pennoyer and Ira Wakefield will address the people of Morrow oounty on tbe political issues of the day, at Heppner on May 28, at 1 o'clook. p. m. Also at Lexington at 0:30, p. m., of the same day. PUBLIC HPBAKl.Nfi. The candidates for the various county offices on the people's party ticket will canvass the county, beginning al Lexing ton and will Bpeak in the various pre cincts on the following dates: Lexington; 1 o'clock, May 5. Douglas, 1 o'clock, " 9. Grange hall, lone precinct, 1 o'elk " 12. lone, 1 o'oluok, " 14 Kocby Point soboolhonse, 1 p. m. " 16, Eight Mile Center, 1 o'clock, " 19. Hardman, 7 o'clock, " 23. Black H rse, 1 o'clook, " 24. Pine City, 1 o'dook, " 26. Duvid Leatherman's, 1 o'clook, " 29. Lena, Ayers saboolbouse, 1 o'clock, " 31. Heoouer. 1 o'clock, June 2. All are invited to attend, ana especially the opposing candidates. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Tbe Studebaker wagon heads tbem all For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a "Hardware" did yon sayT Wby, yes at P, C, Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the plaoe for bargains. a The Keeloy Institute, at forest Grove onres liquor, opinm, morphine, oocaine and tohaoco habit, see ad. The Palace is the leading hotel in tbe oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided tor everyone, a If you want to buy grooeries, and bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise Grocery, kirk A Until, proprietors, a The general mercnandise establish ment formerly owned by Coffin & McFar- .laud, has lately changed hands, now be ing under the control and management of The Molarland Mercantile Companv, which contiunes business at tbe old stand with a larger atock than ever. Gid Hatt baa now established a ton sorial parlor, at tbe Matlock building next door to Simons blacksmith shop where he invites the patronage ot bis old customers and all who desire stnotly first class work, ebaving, Bbampooingand hair outting at living prices. Don't overlook Ayera Hair Vigor reatorea natural color to the bair, by stimulating healtby action of the scalp. Tbia prep aration also produces k vigorous growth of the hair, and gives it a beautiful luster and youthful appearance. Beoom- mended by physicians, clergymen, and scientists. Insomnia ia fearfully on tbe increase, The rush and excitement of modern life ao tax the nervous system tbat multi tudes of people are deprived of good am sufficient sleep, with ruinous consrqnen ces to the uervee. Remember, Ayer's sarsaparilla makes tbe weak strong. No mineral water will pro duce the beneficial results that follow taking one or more of Beecham's , Pills. " with a glass of water immediate- " ) ly upon arising in U.C morning. ( ) Painless. EffectUiL Covered with t a Tasteless. Soluble Ccatine. "Worth a Guinea a Bo.'' -Price only tS cents. Of all drucR'Sts, (V a boi wil! be mailed on receipt otcts. in stamps B. V Aiwa Co.. WCuial Su, N. V. ANOTHER. need a powerful nourishment in food when nursing babies or they are apt to suffer from Emaciation. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime and soda, nourishes mothers speedily back to health and makes their babies fat and chubby. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Babies are never healthy when thin. They ought to be fat. Babies cry for SCOTT'S EMULSION. It is palatable and easy to assimilate. Prepared by Scott & Bowne, N. Y. Druggists sell it. DR. FOOTE'S ItAND-IIOOK. OF HEALTH HINTS ANI READY KECIPBW, Is the title of a very vatr-")le book that gives a great amount of information of the Vtmoat Importance to Kverybody, cout.eniing their dally IT TELLS What to Eat, Influence of Hants, How to Eat It, Occupation for invalids, Thinirs to Do. Alcohol as a Food aud a Thinjra to Avoid, aiedtclne. ferns ot oummer, superfluous nnir, How to Breathe. ltemovinit Same, Dangers of Kissing, Restoring the Drowned, Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted- Ventilation, uess, IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, niocough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning, Holes. Pimples. Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Month, Bore Nipples, Sore Thr"at, Sunstroke, Stings and Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms in Children. irSfAll new snbocrilierR nnrl prompt preserved wilb a free oopyof this hs a m iiiiRuuiiiiiiiiM;yiMi 1 Liriiir-..-. FOR INVENTIONS. Eaual with the interest of those havinc claims atrainst the government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a pateut depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care aud skill of the with the view ot protecting inventors lrom wortnless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the aovisea as to tne oest course tc pursue. Models are seldom necessary, ii others are infringing on your rigt ts, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to u for a reliable OPINION before acting on the nutter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, p.o. ox .ea JOHN WEDDER3URN, Managing Attorney. W Cut this out and send It with srour !"- iTtmiiau JUii:tuyiiit,' I'liisicutoci'iinitiJULiuu Premiss Rectifying pills euro cnnatlimtlnrt i ii PRENTl ITY Alrroat all pills and modlclno produce ccistlpatlon, here Is a f.'.l mat cures torpid liver, biliousness, rheumatism, lnOijcsaon, sick headache aud kidney aud liver tnubles without gii;ilng or leaving any traco of CONSTIPATION, whlcti Is the prime, cause of all sickness, 'jeivaro ot It getting habitual and chronic with you, see to it in timo; these pills wlil cure ycu. f?& S E"! COMPLEXION lu u I t a a :B5 mo m ana remove an Diotches . COLD DY or sent by mall upon receipt of prion Prentiss Chemical 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, a a b.3. Preni u i 1 2 S , cou1'l"l'," Prent.ss Rwup lug pills c ire copsUpailnn (U.o DsiMnwnn NOTARY PUBLIC CAI.1, ullo nUluovll CONVFYANHFR AT LEGAL BLANKS. &!m at the Kills, Dawson I,yons, ATTORNEYS All busn.M.fl ttMiile.l to manner. Notaries OFF.CE IX NATIONAL UANK BCILDINQ. HEPPNER, rustler can pay has no use for it. habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc., ABOUT Parasites of the Skin, Care of Teeth, ' liathing Host Way, After-Dinner Napa, Limns and l.nng Dtaeases, EffectB of Tobacco, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance, luuiur.;, , uui iu y oar, iiBauacue, i-husb u iwfl, How Much to Wear, To Get Rid of Lice, Contagious Diseases, Malarial Affections, How to Avoid Them, Croup to Prevent. Exercise, Eyes, Bolls, Barns, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Corns, Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcer 11 WILL, SAVE JDOCTOitS' BILLS. renewRla iiurmgtlie month of May will be premium. attorney. i important features, and you will be at once WASHINGTON, D. C. 1'ifuutjs Kucti tying pills cure cocstlpatloa H'entlas Reetltylug pUmcui-o constipation SS RECTIFYING PILL nua 4 O D a uT a o c c 33 a P a 9 ll SO c 5 2 & 55 It r RFNTISS RECTIFYING PILL. A n i oocause ,c is the only sale and harmless stiVromody that will surelv r-.FAUTIFV the in I n a lrom tho tace. Try a box and see for youp- ALL DRUGGISTS. liy and Manufacturing Co., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. rruulls. Ho. llryin,- pills euro constipation Prenti.s r.-ciitylng plllscurcor.stlpa"c-r. OPPICB " . - -w I I W AT LAW. io a t.rotot.t und nntisfactory Public hui! Collectors. OREGON