Here and There. Times nre picking op ia Heppner. Frnuk Lp, the popular woolbuyer, ie here from 'FriBoo. Jas. Ro was over from the John Day the first of the week. Nat Webb came la this morning from Walla Walla. J. E. 8rriToer in down from Hardmau to epeuU a few days. Jul. H. MoHnley and wife were over Tuesduy from Joliu D.iy. Gov. Rea in bniMiiiK a law office jml in the rear of Mullock's suloou. H. A Cupper, the Monument stuck man, was iu towu Wedueaday. Dr. J. W. Riiemns ia now employed by G. Rubl, the grocer ai d bHker. Ka. Lieniilleu and Postmaster Leach, of Lexington, were iu towu Tuesday. Perry Huyder came iu Wednesday to assist iu tue teachers' examination. Wanted A few more customers for tbe home Imindry, Mountain Bouse. Tlierluimi against J. H Kolmin hy piled np iu trie ueigbborhooJ of $7,UO0. Nobody can have djsi epia or bilioim in 68 it they take Simmons Liver liu lator. Tbe Heppner Canyon stave lioe is tin best, cheapest and quickest to the iu tenor, The suicide mania has struck Portland, and almost every day some pdison trier that route, Nobody will snffer with liver or kiduey disease it ibey take Sinimouf Liver Regulator. W. H. Fooler is ruuniugon the branch in place of Conductor Dunu, who if over at liileu.-borb. Those that have county scrip for nl should call on (ieuige Conner at Tbe First Maiionul bank. 2-tf. Tbe Urzette will be sent to any ad dress in I lie United Slates till bf ei campaign for 50 cents. f Photographs $1.50 pel di zeu at Slit-1-pard's gain r. near npr-ra bouse, norlb Main bt., lit ppuer, Oie. 26 f. Legal blanks, plenty of them, at 'be GtiZtitie office, and at world's prices. Discounts ou large orders. Green Mathews bus opened np his bni ber shop, next door to Hayes Bros. Shaves, elu., ou tap as usual, O. D. A liou a"d Ueman 0 dwell, l Eiiibt Mile. ere lecent uullme at the Oi.z tie i flioe and report crops all rigbi in tbeir mcimu. The (jnzette will takeoounty scrip si face on subscription, and pay balance ol Biimein cash at highest market pnoe. 7 CO The Ouzetto ( ffice now runs nu iu snriuioe and notarial thop. Come in when you want to do your Insuring and sweanug. The Third Annual Rpunion of the Umatilla Couuty Pioneer Associalion will be held at Weston. Or, Tnuieda. and Fnday, Ma) 21 ami 23. W in. Peulnud aud Albert Wright, ol this count), have been drnn ou the federal grand jury, aud Ed. Hollowly as tritd juror for i lie same Ooiirt. Hall's Hair Reuewer ei j ij s the ccnfl deuce aud putionnge of people all ovei the civil:Z"d world who use it to leatore and keep ihe hair a natural color. Monday last t. L. Van Winkle's team while hitolied at Matlock's corner, not to kicking aud demolished a ueokyoke iu DO time. No other damage reported, A slight fretzrt last Tuesday night eu dangeied to Bums txieul the tender top of snob vpyemb et as bad ventured nut Fruit, we are informed, was not n j ired Fossil Journal: Rev. M. V. Rork is now lectmiug for the populists i Cali fornia. Ii is not yet kninvu wbether he made any popnusts in tieppiier or uot. If you desire a luxuriant growth nl healthy hair of a natural color, nature's crowning oruiirneut of both sexrs, use only bull's Vegetable Siliciau Hmr Keupwer. I. L. Van Winkle has just returned from a trip to the norilieiu part of the comity. Grass and or ipi are lo .King well; in fact, better thxu any etasou foi years past. Eoho staiie leBves Heppner for Echo Tuesdays, Tliurdais and Saturdays ArnveajMondayB. Wednesdays and Fri days Fare, one wa, j2.50 PhillOohn, agent, A Andrews, Prop. "Red" Anderton. of F issil, a brother in-law of tlie Rliea Urns , died Ibhi Friday uigut. lie bad been ill r-r some timo, bis liumedmttt taking off beiug caused by an intctmd alu-ess. The Record man advises us to take our Dews from the Knoord. It often occurs that matter in imr Tuesday's issue appears in the R oord word foi word. Some people have "gall" aud plenty of it. If those nh owe us would just psj SI apiece it would help ns to pay our debts. Fncr is, the Gxze'te has got to do some "tall rustling." and we expect our patrons to do someiliing. Our papr house and printers still require bard oush, and cash we must have. E. (.: It is said thit Frank Arnold ami William 'ieiz j 'ind the Oxe army Monday evening. Dutch Herman and Mnjir lias D iwus were smoug many who were seriously contemplating going along and taking the trip to Wat-hnigtnu. "A woll in sheep's clothing" Tbe substitute offered by tbe "cutter" as beiug j ist as good as Ayer's Marsapa rilla. It you don't want to be bitten, insist upon having Ayi-r's S irSHpaiilla, even if it is a little de-irer. Depend on it, t will be oheaper for you iu the end. Heppner has furnished one recruit for Coxej a army, says report, iu tbe persou of young Johnny Mai-ters. We predior from personal experience that be will be glad to let Coxey nut to get a good square meal again under the paternal roof. But we were all bnya ODCe and bad to learn by experience. Dr. 8. F. Sontt, Blue Ridge, Harr'son Co., Mn,, mv: "For whooping oongh CuambHrlaiu'sCougb R-medy is excel lent." By using il fieely the disease is dpprivedot all dangerous onnstquences. There is do danger iu giving the Remedy to babies, ssit contains nothing iijuri ons. 50 cent bottles forsale by tilocum Joi esou Drag Co, Fossil Jnnrnal: Mr. Willism Gilliam, the Caropbellite nuorter or Rtiea Creek, populist stump sneaker and candidal' for connty commissioner of Morrow cnnntv, is in town today on bis ny t Prinevilleas a witne a in tb itse t S'atets K. J Gilmnre, larceny. Mr. Gilliam was ubjoe med for the defense, be tlnuks to prove Gilmure't aood obai aoter. We deBire to call the attention of the members of the repnblican clubs at Eight Mi'e end Oooseberrv to Ihe time for tbe politic.! meeting sla'ed at those points next week Gmseberrv, Fririav. Mav 18, HSO p. m.. and Eight Mile in Ihe pveuiug at 7 3. This change is made to accommodate Mr, Gowan, who will arrive fr..m G'nnt oonnty j'tat in time for he Eight Mile meetiug Friday evening. Land Fob Sale 480 sores over !n Wilson Drairie. A good stock ranch n will be sold cheap. Call at Gc te office for particular! and termt Accident on tse Brasoh. A very peculiar aud what at one time threat ened to be a very serious aooident oo eurred od Ihe branch between Douglas and lone, early Thursday morning as the train wat making the return trip. The train was behind time, and waa moving alncg at a good rate of speed when tbe engine struck a patch ot orast ia tLe mid lie of tbe track. This opased the drive wheels to slip in such a man ner as to detaob tbe "driving shafts" on both sides, and befere the train Oonld be stopped, the fireman's seat had been demnlislipd and tbe cab otherwise in jured. Tbe ends nf the ties for some distance were badly demoralized as if an ax had been used. The damaged por tions of tbe engine were removed im mediately, which left one driver on eaob side o nnected with tbe piston, and tbe train proceeded Heppnerward, but was u able to haul the load only a portion of the distance between lone and Lex ington. Backing to Dunglas tbe freight oars were left. Tbe train then came on to Heppner without incident, arriving at 7:15, a. m It is a wonder that all esosped wiihnut some person being hurt. Club Meeting. -On last Saturday evening, the Republican Club ot Morrow couuty met at the opera bouse, Presi lent A. W. Patterson presiding. J. 8. Bootbby, candidate for representative, nrt'le a telling speeoh which was well received. He was followed by J. F. Willis, candidate for assessor, and F. J. Hallock. candidate for clerk, in a few happy remarks. Others were called upon and responded. Tbe singing of the glee club was well received. The club will meet again a week from next Saturday evening. Also next Saturday -veiling, at Ihe same plaoe, the republi can dub of Heppner will meet with a well-prepared program. All are invited. Thb Pendleton Sooubinq Mill. In this issue appears the advertisement of the Pendleton Wool Scouring and Pack ing Co. That it pays to scour wool before shipping to market is well known, and the G-Z'tte predicts that this new enterprise at Pendleton will be well patron iz -d by sheepmen. 'I.E. Fell is manager of this mill and E. Y. Judd, the well known wool-buyer, is president. We bad hoped tbat Heppner would secure this soouring mill, but since it was impossible, we are pleased tbat our neighboring oity of Pendleton is so fortnn tte, ana that it is situated so oonveuieuily near our Morrow county H.oks. Fkom Billing-i. M. E. Smith writes down from Billings, .Mont., that he was in the midst of tbe Cuxey riot np there, and i hat matters were lively for a brief season. He says tbe army was peace able enough, but that the oonflict was between the deputy U. 8. marshals and tbe oitiz'us nf Billings. The marshals came nut second best. Billings expects i boom this season, and baa a pretty good otiaoce of getting it. The Gazette will reach Mr. Smith at Billings here after. Bibtbdat Party. On last Tuesday Willia Miuor celebrated ber eighth birth day by eutertainiug quite a number of her young friendn. There were present: Etta lingers, Luella Nelson, Olive Ad- k i r is, Nora Adkius, Lizzie Morrow, Lutie R mums, Grace Greenwood, Katie Blabm Laab Minor, Bertha Fristoe, Nellie Horuor, Z ie Patterson, Alta Rash, Ea'l Hallock, Leo Blackman, Nora Mat lock, Nellie Wilkius, Bertha Jones and E-iilh Vaiigbau. Tbaohebs' Examination. Supenn teudent Baling, assisted by ferry Snyder, began txaminntion at tbe recorder's olli -a Wednesday with the following applicants iu attendance: Maud Glass- nock. Nellie Holt, Minnie Thompson E In b Sapp, Anna L. Clark, Emma Davids in, Mary Miller, Delia Reed, L zai-i Cieighton, and Mrs. Ann E, Unapel. The examination willoonolnde today, and will be the last during Mr. 8 iliug's term of office. Mabbikd. We are in receipt on tbe news that C. N. Peck, of Lexington, and Mrs. Lewisa Peck, nf Hunbury, Ohio, were joined in wedlook at the residence of the b-ide's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Marble, Wednesday, May 9, 1894. at 8 o'cl -ck, p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Peek will shortly return to Morrow couuty where they will make their fntnre borne. The Gazatte joins Mr. Peck's many friends here in oongratnlations. THEY WANT NAMES. The Russell A't Publishing Co., of 928 Ari-b Street, Philadelphia, desire tbe names and address of a few people in every town who are interested in works of art, and to secure tbem they offer to send free, "Cupid Guides tbe Boat," a enperhly executed water oolor picture, s z- 10x13 inches, suitable for framing, aud sixteen other pictures about same size, iu colors, to any one sending them at once the names and address of ten persons (admirers ot fine pictures) to gether with six two cent Btamps to cover expense of mailing, etc. The regular price of to -Be piotures is SI, but they oan all be secured free by any person forward. ng the names and stamps promptly. Note The editor of tbis paper has already received oopies of above pictures aud cousideit them really "Gems of Ai t." Monday last, Mrs. Johnny Hager, ccnmpauird by ber little daughters, Z-tta and Z.lpha, started for Mrs. riager's old home in Vermont, to be absent several months. Mr. Hager ac nompauied tbem as far as Willows Juuo inn. A revivitying of nature's latent foroes occurs eveiy spring. At this time. better ibao any otber, the blnod may be cleansed from tbe bnmors which Infest it. 'Ihe best and most popnlar remedy to nse for this purpose is Ayer's Com pound Extract ot Sarsaparilla. An exch ngesays: Henry Gee, who lives near Mc.Vliniiville, bas s b year-old j C''wolil ewe that has given birth to 13 1 Uujhs wtliin the last 14 years. At ( an exhibition of the Oregon climate, this siaiids noparalieled. If Joho Hen I drix was bacn in this country, tbe Ga ' zette would bet two to one that Morrow Oouuty cuuld out-lit Yamhill. TBE LOGIC OP POPULISM. From the National Tribune. Tbe disgraoeful condition of things in South Carolina it another illustration of tbe logical effect of populism. In every state where that form of politioal lunacy hat obtained controlling power there bae been an experience of disorder, of violence, of threatened anarchy. It wat to in Kansas, and later in Colorado, and now wa have another striking example in another seotlon ot tbe country, thus showing tbat tbe oause ot auoh out breaks it not local or accidental, but peculiar to the dootrinet and methodt of tbe populiatt whenever they are rigidly applied.' The simple 'act ia tbat popu lism represents a drift of thought and feeling that is atagonistio to existing institutions. It results in violence beoanse it it inconsistent with acoepted ideas of publio safety and prudenoe and with established agencies for the con servation and promotion ot the peace and welfare of tooiety. The men whom it has developed as leaders are eooentric, reckless and irresponsible. They seem to think tbat it it tbeir mission to create as much confusion and excitement as possible, and to naeoffioial authority in tbe most arbitrary and astonishing man ner. If one of tbem has ever in any contingency manifested an ordinary degree of good sense, the country has oertninly not heard of it, nor is there any reason to believe tout they nre capable of such Bervioe. It it no longer necessary to discuss populism as an unknown quantity. The lessonB of experience have taught ns what it is and what is to be expected from it wherever its gains ascendency. There is nothing in it, as its practical effects have shown, tbat intelligent and patriotic citizens oan afford to indorse or indulge. Its spirit is essentially mis chievous, its tendency is indisputably revolutionary. The doctrines that it represents involve serious dangers, and the results tbat it is seeking to ac complish are in all respects contrary to tbe best interests of the people. There is but one proper way to deal with it, and that is to denounce and resist it in all localities and under all oiroumstanoes It inoludeg Btnong its adherents many tinoere men, we may allow; but tbis does not change tbe faot of its inherent error and peril. The logio of its oreed and purposes is in direot oonflict with those principles and appliances which society has adopted for detenoes against prevailing evils. It is calculated to do harm, and harm only. Tbe injury that it has already occasioned is sufficient to satisfy any reasonable person that no good is likely to come from it. When it is plainly seen to be oonducive to public disturbance, official usurpation and gen eral demoralization, there is on justifi cation and no excuse tor giving it the least conntenance. All law-abiding oitizens are in duty bound to oppose snob a foroe in politios, and to exert tbeir influence for tbe preservation ot tbe sooial fabric which it is designated to subvert by snob processes as have been introduced in the states where it has secured the opportunity of praotioal ap plication to tbe business of government, A COKHHCTION. Having beBrd tbat numerons reports were oiroulated through Morrow county regarding my daughter's age, I wish to nay she is of tbe required age and neces sary qualifications, James Neville, Do Not Waste Money, Time or Patience. If you need power for any purpose whatever, send at once tor oatalogne of Heroules Gat and Gasoline Engines. They are timple, strong, tafe and sub stantial. Their eoonomv, reliability, strength aud superior workmanship are beyond question, and we defy teats to the contrary. Palueb k Ret Fuondry, Front & Aider Sts., Poitland, Or. FROM THE DALLES. The Columbia river bas risen five inches in the last twenty four hours, Mrs. B. Miller, formerly of Heppner, it now convalescent from a reoent tiok ness. Mrs. Geo. Thornton and ton departed on Friday's train after a visit ot ten dayt. H. O. Frenoh, formerly conduotor on the Heppner branoh, is in Kansas City in quest of work. Tbe theep market here is very active. There were seventeen car-loads, double decks, sent to Chicago last week, and seven oar-loadt for Troutdale todav. The Dalles street sprinkler is doing a very much needed duty laying the dust. Tbe wind bas been blowing for nearly a week, almost blinding every one with dust. Messrs. Sinoott k Fisb are having tbeir commodious hotel renovated from top to bottom by painting tbe ryomt inside and placing new piling for pillars in tbe basement. Tbe speech by tbe Hon . J.B. Cleland, o( Portland, was received with unusual interest by all parties, being strictly one relating to tbe grand power of the republican party. j Two contingent of Coxey't spent Hunday here. Tbey are traveling in tqnads ot 40 and 50. The oity very liberally provided tbem with the aub ttantialt of life tor three meals. Rkporteb. The Dalles, Or., May 8, '94. State of Ohio, Cm of Toledo, ) as, Lucas County, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is tbe senior partner of tbe firm of F. J. Cheney k Co., doing business iu the oity ot Toledo, county and ttate aforesaid, and tbat said firm will pay tbe snm of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for esob and every case of Catarrh that oannot be cured by tbe use of Hall't Catarrh Cnre. FRANK J. CHENEY, Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, tbit 6tb day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, r2P Notary Publio. Hall't Catarrh Cure it taken internally and acta direotly on tbe blood anil muoout surf noes of tbe tyitem. Send lor testimonials, free. F. J. CB ENEY k CO., Toledo, 0. SVSold by Drnggiita, 7 So. Catarrh in the Head An Unfortunate Inheritance -How It Was Destroyed. "Spokane, Wash., Aug. 0, 18S3. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen : I wish to altt n-.y testimony to the worth of Hood's Sarsaparilla. My little girl has been cured by it of Inherited catarrh, fibe had colds continually every month and yel low discharge, but since taking Hood's Sarsa- HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES parillA has been entirely cured. Rood's Sar uparllla I hare found of great help to my other children." Mas. L. M. Gillette. Hood's Pills are hand mule, and yertect In proportion and appearance. 25c. per box. POLITICAL CARDS. FOR JOINT SENATOR. Frark Kellogg, Of Morrow County. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The Stndebaker wagon heads tbem all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a 'Hardware" did you say? Why, yer- at P. 0. Thompson & Oo.'s stand, and tin plaoe for bargains, a The Eeeley Institute, at Forest Grove onres liquor, opium, morphine, cocnine and tobaoco habit, aee ad. The Palaoe is the leading hotel in tbe oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a If you want to buy groceries, and bread stuff oheap, go to tbe Enterprise Grooery. Kirk & Knhl, proprietors, a Borg, the jeweler, is tbe man to fix up your watch or clook. Oe keeps a full stook of everything pertaining to bis business. a The general mercriBndise establish ment formerly owned by Coffin & McFar land, has lately changed hands, now be ing under the control and management of The MoFarland Mercantile Cnmpnnv, which continues business at tbe old stand with a larger stook than ever. a Gid Hatt bas now established a ton sorial parlor, at the Mat.lnok building next door to Simons' blacksmith shop where he invites the patronage of his old customers and all who desire striotly first zlass work, shaving, shampooing and hair outting at living prices. Don't overlook S"3T 9A.LE ETT Gilliam ill U Jlbl SHEEP MEN ! PLEASE SEND US YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS. THE ONLY VAY YOU CAN Why Pay Freight Pendleton Wool Scouring k Packing Co. PENDLETON, OREGON. The Lancashire Insurance Co. OF MANCHIiHTKH, KXfilANI) A. W. PATTERSON. AGENT. po q thB He.t tn tt,, worm THE MllNoUHAPU. For one DolUr and Your Opiaioa on This Mibjrct. iVhat is the best Monetary system for tbe Uuited States? This is the greatest problem confronting tbe American people. It is the intention ot tbe pub lishers tbat "Tbe Monograph" shall ontain the best thrught of tbe nation n tbis question. The reoogoized lead--ra in all political parlies have been ailed upon to contribute plans for beir ideal Monetary System. Bnt not ontent with tbis, we are determined to uibody iu the same volume the opinions t thousands ot the "Great Common ,'eople," and to tbat end we will allow two dollars on the price of the book for our solutiou of tbis problem, expressed in not more than 800 words. The Mono graph, ibe bed modern work on Mone tary Si stems, will beeent to any address on receipt uf $3 00 It is a book that will interest and instinct, and is des tined to become a giant faotor in shap ing the future monetary system of the naiion. Tde Monograph Publishing Company, Kuoui H, Ueiman Am'u b'k Building. St. Paul, Minn. Reference by permission, NatT Ger. Am'u Bank. tt POLITICAL BPKAKINO. The candidates for tbe various oonnty offices on tbe republican ticket will make a brief canvass and speak on tbe following dates at tbe places named: May 12 -Lena, 130 p. m. May 18 Goosebeiry, 1:30 p. m. May 18 -Eight Mile, 7:30 p. m. May 19 Hardman, 1:30 p. m. May 19 Heppner, 8:00 p. m. May 21 -Lexiugton, 1 :30 p.m. May 22-Ioue, 1:30 p. m. May 2300118, 1:30 p. m.' Mb' 24 OrBtige Hall, 1:30 p.m. May 2-Heppner, 1:30 p.m. A. W. Gowan, republican candidate for joint senator, will j dn us at Eight Mile and will remain at least three or four days. The first date at Heppner is to accommodate Mr. Gowau, wbileon tbe latter date Hon. K. G Horr, of Michigan, vill address the. citizens of Morrow lounty. Republicans at tbe above plaoes are requested to oiroulate the report ot the meetings. Announoe them at tbe meetings of your clubs. Everybody invited to attend. A. W. Patterson, 8tf Chnirman Central Com. FOB TIUDE. For sheep or cattle a good home ad joining Yonoalla, Ore. Also 60 acres ot choice prune laud and three good dwell ings. Any or all Ihe above for trade or sale or. reasonable terms. For further particulars address, 23. f. Hhiplet, MooBB k Co. The regular subscription price ot the Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and tbe regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Any one subscribing for tbe Gazette and pnying for one year in ndvHuee ran get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregouiau for $3. All old tub- sonbe'B paying their subsciDtions for one year iu advance wih be entitled to the B.mfl. Arthur Smith will clean watches at tbe rednoed price of $1. & 33islee, HEPPNER, Oil. AFFORD TO RUN SHEEP. cqrrnrrinn If e-1Z-'Z- I 1 youp moon! on All Your Dirt. SO -41 Why Don't You Call on the New Firm at the old Van Dnyn e tend ? You will certainly be surprised at the low prices in Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and A Complete Line of Groceries. COME IN AND SEE US ! No trouble to show poods and give EESPECTFtLtY YOURS, HOIWOR & WAKREN. T.TT"F PEOPLE OUR Not only onoe but again and again. They know that firm as they always get (nil weight and good meaure for the l"ast money. V by we pell tbe btst is el plained. Tbe "beat" bringa people back, 1 olde totU t, mlit lis friends, and so establishes our trade. We want jou to bnve si me of our friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots, Hbooe, Hats, Caps, and ever) thing kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see ns, ever) body. IKTOR -OP- hr m tw Institute C. RTJHL, Proprietor The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store. OnMay Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. Tbey will keepon hand a full llneof STAPLE AND FANCY -f Groceries mi Mobs. A full line of oholoe Pies, Cskts ard Biesdj In fsct ever) tiling that la nsnallv keDt in a firallnnn hnkarv ntnrn Thou will null l., f... ...... V. nuM - . j " try tbem. Land Patents Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible tima Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals having conflicting claims under ths agricultural land laws, and those between olaimimts under tbe Mineral Laws and ngrioultnral claimants; and aluo bstween cbtimin's under any of tbe pnblin Unci 1hw and the Hailroad companies nnd their grantes, and the states aud their grantees, under tue Swnmp-Land and Hcbwl Land Grants. Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers who have complied with Ihe lawi nndi-r which their entries were merie, end who are annoyed and worried by delwys in the ieeue of their patents, caused by Trifling Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed. Advice also given in all matters relating t the publio lands, especially on points arising nnder tbe new laws which have been reoeutly passed providing foe tbe disposal of tbe publio domain. If you want ynur laod patent in a hurry if you want your land business, of any charaoter, attended to by skillful and Competent attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., P. O. Box, 385. E. J. SLOCUM, HAS The Agency for Ik And has on bands a full line of tbeir goods including suits, blankets, woolens, etc. He is also prepared to take measures for suits. Palace Hotel Building, Heppner, Oregon. tfSTilfl m iMPrESS I- OnlyPirst-Cla.. H1H " 15 8. !' . p ricPB. ARE COMING WAY! c OCX Heppner, Oregon, For the Cure Oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It li located at Forcit Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Oaifttk office for particular!. Strictly coiilldenllal. Treaiineut private aud aur cure. - - - J " " "-" vuuuu .wa imw vnn iuu gw Washington, D. 0. SECURED Brownsville Wen Milk hotel In IleppDar. Building 'Wired for Electric Lights throughout. Best srcrmmodatloci for tbe traveling public. Courteons treatment assured tbe oonn try people. US& M. TOM CASOW. rWUtr.