Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 11, 1894, Image 2

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;One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.:
i n A
CTTND 1 60 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of wLicli deeded laud there are 140 acres good farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded land has a good epriijg of water
yl fence. Situated two miles weBt ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800.
Qood, deeded
Give your business to lleppner people
and therefore assist to build up llepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each an ! everv correspondent re
sponsible for his or her eonj'nn'itcatlon. No
orrespoilittMH'i will bf published unless the
writer real name U signed aa an evidence of
good faith.
For Conpress, Second District.
W. K. KLI.H nl Heppner.
Kor Governor,
W. P. I.(lltu. of Salem.
For Secretary of .suite,
II. U. KINCAII). of Kuuene.
For State Treasurer,
PIIIL. METSCIUN, of (irunt County.
For supreme JudKe,
C.E. WOLVBKTUN, of Albany.
For Attorney-General,
C. M. 1DLKMAN, of Portland.
For Bupt. Public Instruction,
O. II lltM IN, of Union.
For Htate i'rlnler,
W. II. I.EKD4, of Ashland.
For ProscriitliiK Attorney, 7th D 1st.
A. A. J AVNE, of Arlington.
For Member Board of Equalization,
W. C. WILLS, of Crook County.
For Jt. Hen. of tirant, Harney and Morrow Cos
A. W. UOWAN, ol Uurm.
For Representative,
J, 8. BOOTHBY, of Lexington.
For Sherill,
O. W. HAItHINO TON, of llcppllcr.
For Clerk,
F. J. HALl.ucK, of llcppncr.
For Treasurer,
FRANK (ill.l.lAM. of lleppner.
For commissioner,
J. L. HOWARD, of (ialloivay.
For AscesHor,
J. F. Wll.l.H. of I.exliiKton.
For School Superintendent,
MISS ANNA J. HAMIUKlt, of lone.
For Surveyor,
GEO. W. i.Olil). ol Ella.
For I'oroner,
T. W. AVERS, JR., ol lleppner.
For Justice ol tho 1st District,
For Constable of 1st District,
For Justice of '2nd District,
I, K. EilF.ll.
For Cons able of .Mid District,
For Justice olSnl IiUrlct,
For CoiiHtablc of ;lrd District,
For Justice of -It ti District,
L. W. R A RN K r r.
For Constiible of lib District,
For Justice of Mb District,
A 0. lUltTHoLilMKW.
For CoiiBlalile of .'ilh District,
For Jiis'lcc ol mil Dlsirlct,
For Coiistnblo of nth Hlslrlct,
R. II MuD.inild (if 111" I'.ii ifln R'liik,
'FriniMi, Iuih been piit tiniUr SlOOOuO
bomU to uiiRwer to the olinrne o embrz
Element. Ol'KRATi In in CO.ll linvo t'li 'CttlOj H
"njiiet Zf," ntitl I lie prine has (t'",B up
OounitlrrHlily This nmile of rubbery
cboultl be It'ftlaliili il iiuniiisr .
CoXBT, Jimp", mill Urn lie have been
fotiuil ymll) ii( 1'iirriihK luinrii in the
oopitul (jroiiiiili "t iiHliiiiKlim, D. C,
Coxey iinil Browne were 11N0 found
(nllty of wnlkinn on the xrm. Joiiea
was relenHUil. Thin ia utit tbe bi'ijiuiiiiiB
of a big "ciroiiB."
In a reci-nt upeu b, it. I'. Kins, cnmli
date for representative, (lev iteil liie
portion of bis inlilmw in omnli mniim
our lat liyialii' lire (or nt n hliH 1 1 1 n anil
buililiiiK a hoHIihib' boiut. II iw cnti
Buy putriotio noLlier or oiliZ'ti support h
mna of Unit kind to no i 111 ah of Biu'b
reepounluility hh nprt'mtitutiv?
In bp isKtNo of tne U ixey iinny Oen.
Weaver aniil: "I ilo not tlntik tbe
Coicy movement will be pr.vluotivj of
good. It tnuv ul I nn' t e ime ultentiou to
the oouditiuu of Ibe imliiut rittl Clausen,
but it will uut intliieuue It-Ktolulioti.
Tbe bnllot b "I is the only meaua to be
used iu tbia country to secure reform'.
There ie an implied threat iu Ibe in
dnatrlnl iiriny tuiireliinu on the cnnitol
tbnt 1 do not for one moniMit eiulorao."
Af iNTBltEiTtso siudy in our stBte
politics is the complexions of the uext
enate. There lire tifieen bold overs
Alley, B'li'Oroft, Denny, MoOlun, Hleiwer,
Ix republic, iuh; Cogsell, 11 u 1 1 e r,
Bmitb, Huston, McAllister, six demo
crats; Vauderbnrg, populist; Beckley,
demooratio-popnliB' ; Wood ward, oitizen,
democrat. Tbe two leading parties are
ubstuntially tied, for If Woodward be
oonoted with the republicans, Beekley
must ba with tbe democrats. It ia con
ceded thatevry geuatorial district here
tofore republican must be carried for the
republican parly to render certain a
republioau senate at the next sessiou of
Ibe legislature. Our v iters on the line
of proteotion must not overlook Morrow,
Grant and Usiney.
A battlr royal is waging in Oregon
between I'ennnier and the mlmiuiatra
tiou. PeuLoyer is out fur the United
frtstM cmu, tad CirUnd Is mkiog
ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch
(lereotml warfare upon bin), just as be
has been fighting hill in New York state.
A Washington correspondent reports
that all Ibe cabinet officers are extremely
anxious to bear all about Tennoyer and
bis senatorial cbanoes, and so intense ia
Ibis feeling that nearly every man who
has been a candidate for office bas felt
oompelled to denounce him in some
public way. Since those wbo get office
are the few, and those wbo fail are tbe
deniooraiio louts, it may be questioned
if the administration opposition will be
fatal to l'ennoyet'a aspirations. It
would be a matter of more than passing
comment if the two men most fiercely
fought by Cleveland's administration
Hill of the east and Pennoyer of tbe
west si ould make up tbe demooratio
ticket Oi 1890. Spokane Review.
Tna question is, shall we return a re
publican to the U. 8 fleu'ita to aid in
removing a democratic tariff law which
now seeuiB sure to pass, or shall it be
Pennoyer with his "states' rights" and
isms, an out and out free-trader? Pen
noyer has done more to put Oregon in
d sgraoe than all other agencies com
bined. If you desire to return to tbe
patriotic regime of 'Gl to '92, vote for
Uootbbv. Pennoyer is as distinctively a
"states' rights" advocate as though that
question bod never been settled. Did be
not insult President Harrison on bis
visit to this Btate? Did he not wrile
President Cleveland uugeutlemanly and
uncalled for epistles? Oregon deserves
tbe good offices of gentlemen in the
upper bnuBe of congress; it needs
palriolB.pruteotioniHts.republioans there,
and these are good and sufficient reasons
why Pennoyer should remain to look
after tbe saw-mill business.
Mit. J. 8. Booth by is running for tbe
legislature as nobody's man. Mr. Bootb
by endorses tbe republican platform of
ibis stale, as do all good republicans.
It declares for protection and for bi-
inetnll sra, more distinctively the latter
than tbe demooratio platform which
calls for free silver coinage, but neg
lects to stale whether it be 10 to 1, 1(3 to
1 or -10 to 1. The populists make no
reference to silver at all, except a
general reference to tbefr national plat
form. The republicans came out boldly
on their oft-tried principles and say
what Ibey waut in terms not to be uiis-
unili rstood. They are no vacillating
parly that have but one principle ami
that to oatub the v tea and tbe spoils.
For supreme judge the republican
nominee is Hon. Ohaa. E. Wolverton, of
Albany. ' Always popular at homo, bis
Irieuila grow iu number lis bis acquaint
anceship widens. Mr. Wolverton is an
able lawyer, a deep thinker and an hou
uriibl' gentleman wbo will do honor to
the supreme bench. Salem Htatesmau.
Ciikiauo bas a club of bi metiilliste
comiiiMeil of such men us 1'liill Armour,
Marshall Field, Oeorge Pullman aud
olbeis. They appreciate the faot that
something must be done to stop thein
ur, Hue of tbe purchasing power of gold.
They think that tbe lime is ripe for inter
national bimetallism.
Tim A. P. A. have deoided to carry
on their operations in secrecy for two
more year), after which all meetings
will be held with opeu doors. The
snpreme conuoil of that order met iu
Dee Moines reoently.
No rkttkr or more popular lawyer
than Hon. Chits. E. Wolvertou could
have been chosen by tbe republican parly
to make the race for supreme judge,
lit) elands well In Eastern Oregou, and
will carry his full vote.
Endeiisbv, Wasoo oontity, also conies
to l lie iriiui wnh au enthusiastic Ellis
republican club. This is the third club
ol that name iu Wasco county. This
slums the direotion of the wind in that
IIkniiy Cab it LorxiK proposes an
amendment lo (lie tarilT laws uow under
lousidtratiou, ditcriuiiuatiug against im
purls from England as long as they dis
criminate agatust silver.
"Votes as he shot" ia just as good
today as it was twenty live years ago,
reum dies of the fact that a very face
turns Hecord editor lives in lleppner.
1'erBonfl who sympathize with tbe
sill eteii will rejoice with 1). E. Carr, ot
I ilo Harrison street, Kansas City. Ue
is au old sutlerer from ltitiammatorv
rheumatism, but bas not heretofore been
troubled iu this climate. Last winter be
went up into iscousin, aud iu conse
quence has bad another attack. "It
came upon me again very acute and
severe," he said. "My joints swelled
and heOHine inflamed; sore to touch or
almost look at. Upon the urgent re-
oueet of my mother-iu law I tried
Uliaintierlain'a Pain Balm to reduce th-
swelling and ease tbe pain, and to my
agreeable surprise it did both. I have
used three llfly-oeot bottles aud believe
11 to be the nuest thing tor rheumatism,
pales Bed fwellii g txlant." For sale by
Sloeum Johuson Drug Oo.
Nobody can be troubled with onnsti
patiou or piles if tbey take Simmons
Livar Kg alitor.
in Morrow county, cheap and on easy
I1UID.M.1N, Oil.
All matter intended for this column should
be addressed to tt editor, as the uanetle has no
uutliotlty to publieh same without his consent.
This column belong exclusively to
the People's I'arty, of Morrow county,
and wilt be uned by (Item tis they see
fit. The management o' the (Jazette
will in no way be esymsible for any
thing that may appear therein.
Governor, Nathan Pierce.
State Treasurer, K.Caldwell.
Seoretary of State, Ira A akefleid.
Supt. Public Instruction, T. O. Jory.
Attorney General, M. L. Olmstead.
State Printer, George M Ortou.
Supreme Judge, R. P. Boise.
Congressman Sec. Dist., Joe Wuldrop
Jt. Sen., Morrow, Grant and Harney,
George Gilbert.
ProB. Attorney, E. P. Sine.
Board of Equalization, B. F. Scaroy.
Representative, B. F. King.
Sheriff, Joseph (J. Hayes,
Clerk, O M. Hogue.
School 8upt., Miss Addle Coulee.
Assessor, W. B. Ewing.
County Commissioner, Wm. Giilism.
Treasurer, J. L. Gibsou.
Surveyor, Cbns. Ingrabam.
Coroner, J. M. Nuuamaker.
The candidates for ibe various oounty
oftioes on tbe people's party ticket will
canvass tbe county, beginning at Lexiug
ton and will speak iu the various pre
cincts on tbe following dates:
Lexington, 1 o'olook, May 5,
Douglas, 1 o'olnck, " 9,
Grange hall, lone preoiuot, 1 o'clk " 12.
lone, 1 o'oloek, " 14
liocky Point sahoolhonse, 1 p. m. " 10
Eight Mile Center, 1 o'clubk, " 111.
HutdniBii, 7 o'clock, "23.
Black H' rse. 7 o'clock, " 21
Pine City, 7 o'emck, " 20.
David Lenlhermau's, 1 o'clock, " 2D.
Lena, 1 o'clock, " 31.
tleppner, 1 o'clock, June 2.
All are invited to attend, aud especially
the opposing candidates.
Til KM."
We olaim to be au enlightened people,
enjoyiug the fruits of a progressive
Ai a tree is known bv its fruit, so also
is the condition of a people a sure test
of their poli'ioid syttein. Nearly all
branches of the arts and tciences have
greatly advanaed. The means nf pro
ducing the various articles, of neceem'y,
as well as luxury, have been multiplied
ninny fold The power of produciiou
bas not only kept paue with increase of
population but hue kept in ndvanoe; so
much so as to cause si me to make tle
assertion that over production is the
oatiHe of our present hard times.
It is really too bad to think that we
should have pmduced two bushels of
wheat instead of one, thereby causing
maoy to go hungry fur bread; two lbs.
ol wool instead of oue causing many to
go without warm wonleu clothing, aud
so ou thniiighiuit the whole list of
articles ot production.
Others telle us llint we have been too
extravageut, having purohased many
articles which we oould have done with
out. This is do doubt true in cert liu
iudiviil mil cases. But suppose tbe major
ity of the people were to practice rigid
ecouooiy by cutting dowu their expeuses,
say '23 per ceut., would lhat h ip the
matter? Why, it wnnld onlv aggravate
tne trouble if the over-prod notion theory
be true, by virtually adding to the stuck
of oomuindities already on hand. We
are thus placed betweer the two horns
of this political d.lemmu. To be ex
travagant ia fatal to prosperity, so like
wise is rigid economy.
Now to use a slang phrase, are not
such theories lo say the least "rather
thiu?" Have we not been deoeived by
scheming politicians of both old parties
loug enough? The press of both old
parlies is owned or contrnlled by
capitalists with few rxoeptious. Our
late ex eeoretary of the treasury, Win
dom, said that "The capitalists have
bonghl and are buying largely the
associated press, aud are controlling all
the avenues ot intelligence." 80 you
see when yon read an article 00 trade,
Uriff or finance, it is wntteu by ehred,
stipining men; men actually ia the
employ of those whose interests are op
posed to yours. Very few realize this
fact, else they would not be s 1 ready In
accept what tiiey see iu our Itiding
pitpers. When this fact i once under
stood by the people it becomes very
plain whvso nnuy hive been misled iu
regard to economic questions. Many
therefore do not understand the real
oanseof what we Wrm "hard times."
For further information call at our office.
PuAB7?r:E2KOBar PUB.
Toe real facts have been kept from the
pubbo to a great extent by a servile
press. The truth of the matter is our
oircu'ating medium has been reduced
at various times ever since tbe war.
First, by destroying a mnj irity of our
treasury D?teB, and second, by partially
demonetizing silver in '73, and finally
by the repeal of the purchasing clause
of the Sherman ot. Tbe after leaves
it witb the secretary of tbe treasury as
to how much silver shall be purohased
and coined 'Ibis virtually gives the
silver question over to the money power
to dictate hov much silver we shall
coin, as Cleveland and bis crew are
evidently owned and controlled bv Wall
street. Add to this tbe faot tbat tbe
national banks have the power to retire
any nortiou of their circulation when
ever tbey choose to do so, they therefore
have the power to precipitate a panio
whenever they see fit.
We cannot expeot any oh rjge so long
as our laws are made by bankers and
bond holders. The wealth of tbiB nation
is rapidly passing into tbe bands of the
wealthv few. Debt seems to be the
order of the day. We are bonding our
selves more and more to tbe gold pluto
crats, selling on posterity to shy looks.
Ia it not time to call a halt? Ia it not
time to pause and investigate this mat
ter a little and see from what source our
present class. law robbery has originated?
The two old parties refuse to do any
thing to right these wrongs. The demo
cratic niirty ia following in tbe footsteps
of tbe g o. p. Cleveland is as good a
republican as tbj plutnorats want; in
faot as good as Johu Sherman himself.
About all the difference in tbe two old
parlies is tbe name. The only question
on which tbey claim to differ is the
tariff, and that differenoe is so slight
(since the revision of the Wilson bill)
as to be scarcely noticeable. All this
talk ub nit tbe tariff is to divert the
attention of the people from the real
ounae nf our present situation.
Pernicious laws which favor the rich
must be repealed. Tbe two old parties
r- fuse to give us any relief, for we have
tried both. We must look elsewhere
for any change for the better.
IIaudman, Or.
To the Editor:
In the Oiegouiau of Maroh 16th there
was a statement to the effect that the
Eight Mile populist olub was silenoed.
Now for that paper's benefit, we will
state that we challenge tbe editor of that
monopolistic sheet to come here and we
will ekin him alive, Tal ta! Harvey.
We will also debate with any of the
candidates oa tbe old party tickets, give
aud take. Our especial regards to the
men who call names In place of using
Now on that silencing business. I
guess be musi have meant the g. 0. p.
club that met, two members present,
Hiidience Composed of twelve populists.
Next lime they met, neither members
nor audience present, all of them gone
to p'ay marble.; thought politics were
pla. ed out.
Just brought a fresh suck of ooffee
from the barley biu so na to give our
opponents a royal welcome.
!K) and 9.
Eiout Milk, Or.
Governor Tenunyer and Ira Wakefield
will addrers the people of Morrow
oounty on the polinoal issues of the
dui , at I'eppner ou May 28, at 1 o'clock,
p m. Also at Lexington at 6:30, p. m.,
of the siime day.
Mini's liiliuuiiinitv to Himself.
The most inhuman outrages which
would disgrace the savage, man perpe
1 rates iipnu his own system by swallow
im; drastic purgatives which ouuvulse
his et 'iiiach, agouize bis iutestineo and
weaken his s stem. Many people Con
stantly do this under tbe impression
that uiedionmeuta only which are violent
in their action, and particularly ca
thartics, are of any avail. Irreparable
injury to health is wrought under this
mistaken uiei. The laxative which
most uearly approaches the beneficent
notion of nature is Hostetter's Stomach
Hitters, which ia painlara but thorough,
and invigorates the intestinal canal
instead nf weske iug and irritating It.
The liver and the stomach Bhare
in the benigu discipline instituted
by this enmp'eheosive medicine, whose
healthful li floence is felt throughout
the system. Malarious, rheumatic,
kidney aud nervous complaints luccnmb
to it.
"How to Care All Mkln Disranei.'
Simply apply "S wayne's Ointment,"
No internal medioine required. Cares
tetter, eczema, itch, al1 amotions on tbe
face, bands, nose, 4c, leaving the skin
olear, white and healtbly. Its great
healing aud curative powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug
gist tor Swajne'i Ointment. sw 1 yr.
A lady at Tooleys, La., was very sick
with bilious colic when M. (J, Tisler, a
prominent merchant of the town, gave
her a bottle of Chamberlain's Oolie,
Clmler and Diarrhoea Remedy. He
shvs she whs well in forty minutes after
Inking the first nose. For sale by
Slocum J. hnon Drug Co.
Produce $2 50 and get the Gazette for
oue year. Mice family paper, and bal
ly to pcr tons.
Deeded ranch, 160 aores. boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good
for it with first crop raised on it Eeason for selling, owner lives in the East uud
Worry tells, sadly, on
woman's health and
a Guinea I
a Bo.
fortify the nerves and
will help to banish
nany an anxiety.
Price 35 cents.
KiDDGonnnnn ii
77 .tw vorr jiACKAcnn ?
3 i nt'iiietn
M41nN.mot-..ii nf fha ninri. XBL
der, Yellow Water, Brick
Dust Sediment in lirine, KJiyitWr
Burning bensst.cn, i-8in ji
in the Back, aud all Dis
eases of the KirJnpy
l'ltt.i'AiiU) nf
Q.W.R. MaiiGfactnriiif
orjTi Aiurv
!.'. OREGON.
For ssle bv Rloonm-.lohnston Drng Oo.
Bnd T. W. Ayers, Jr.
A Great Mistake.
A recent discovery la that headache,
dizziness, dullness, confusion of the mind,
etc., are due to derangement of the nerve
centers which supply the brain with nerve
force; that indigestion, dyspepsia, neuralgia,
wind In stomach, etc., arise from the derange
ment of the nerve centers supplying these or
gans with nerve fluid or force. This Is likewise
true of many diseases of the heart and lungs.
The nerve systemislike a telegraph system,
as will be seen by the accompanying
cat. The little
white lines are
the nerves which
convey the nerve
fore from the
nerve centers to
every part of tho
body., just a9 tho
elec trie current ia
conveyed along
the telegraph
wires to every
station, large or
small. Ordinary
physicians tall to
regard this fact;
instead of treat
ing the nervecen
ters for tliecause
o f the disorders
arising therefrom
they treat the
part affected.
Franklin Miles,
M. D., hh. B., the
highly celebrated
soeciallst and
student of nervous disease, and author
of many noted treatises on the latter subject,
long since realized the truth ot tne nrst
statement, and his Restorative Nervine
la prepared, on that principle, its success
in curing all diseases arising from derange
ment of the nervous system is wonder
ful, as lue thousands of unsolicited testimo
nials in possession of the company manufac
turing the remedy amply prove.
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine Is a reliable
remedy for all nervous diseases, such aa
headache, nervous debility, prostration,
sleeplessness, dizziness hysteria, sexual de
bility. St. Vitus dance, epilepsy, etc. It ta
Bold oy all druggists on a positive guarantee,
or sent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Co.,
Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of price. SI per bot
tle, six bottles for to, express prepaid.
Restorative Nervine positively contain no
opiates or dangerous drugs.
iur euie by i'. W. Ayers, jr.
For sale by Slocum-Johnstou Drug
Co. and T. W.Ayers, Jr.
It will take ooly912 to buy it; 480
scree. 260 acres plow land; one-half
mile running water. Improvements:
40 acres fenced, 15 acres cultivated, 2
houses and (table, spring and minor
improvements. Adapted to farming,
sheep aud bngraieing. An extensive
sheep range joining to Rock creek.
Terms: 80 down; remainder on long
time. IxiOHtinn: Uu county road, two
and one-half mile west of Rood bill,
Eiirht Mile. Or. 320 aores for $510. or
$108 for ownership in 160 scree school
land or will exchange for two good
h"ree- Original cot of sohnol Ian d
$820. Apply at HeppnerGaistte office
Heppner Oregon. 1W ti-iw.
sit i
need a powerful nourishment in food when nursing
babies or they are apt to sutler from Emaciation.
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime and
soda, nourishes mothers speedily back to health and
makes their babies fat and chubby. Physicians, the
world over, endorse it.
are never healthy when thin. They ought to be fat.
Babies cry for SCOTT'S EMULSION. It Is palatable
and easy to assimilate.
Prepared by Scott & Bowne, N, Y. Druggists sell it.
Is the title of a very valrable hook that gives a great amount of Information of the Utmost
Importance to Everybody, com eniiug their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc,
What to Eat, Influence of Tlants, Parasites of tho Skin, Care of Teeth,
How to Eat It, Occupation for Invalids, Bathing liest Wny, After-Dlnner Naps,
Thlnfts to Do, Alcohol as a l''ood and a Lungs and Lune Diseases, Effects of Tobacoo,
Things to Avoid, Medicine, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance,
Perils of Summer, Superfluous ITair, Clothliiff, What to Wear, Headache, Cause & Cure,
How to Breathe, Removing Same, How Much to Wear, To Get Hid of Lice,
Dangers of Kissing, Restoring the Drowned, Contagious Diseases, Malarial Affections,
Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sightca- How to Avoid Them, Croup to Prevent.
Ventilation, ness, Exercise,
IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Boils, Burns, Chillblalns, Cold Feet, Corns,
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Holes, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth,
Sore Nipples, Sore Threat, Sunstroke, Stings aud Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcers.
Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms in Children. It WILL SAVE DOCTORS MILLS.
5"A11 new snhcribers and prompt renewals dunnRthe month of May will be
preeeuBed witb a free oopynf this as a premium.
Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is
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able solicitors tc procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not
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Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
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