NOT1CK TO ADVERTIBESS, THOSE desiring the insertion of display adi., or change of Harae, Diimt pet their copy in uot later than Monday evening for Tuesday n edition, or ThuratUy evening for Fridays edi tion. The Patterson PublibhucqCo, NOTICE. 1. The sum of five rents per line will be charged for "cards of tliankB," "resolutions of twwct" liBts of wedding presents and donors, ana obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, Bhall be charged for at the rate of five cants a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to In every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writers real name 1b signed asau evidence of good faith. LP. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIH- lug Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, Ban Francisco, is onr authorized agent. This paper is kept on file in his office. TIME TABLE. Stape for Hardman, Monument, Lone Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p. m except Monday. The cheapest, quickeat and beat line to or from the interior country. J. H. DELEVAN, Prop. Phlll Cohn, Agent. Qive your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Oh who would not a populist be, And run around with bold Coxie: To Washington we then till could go, And have a glorious monkey-show. We're marching on to Washington, Our ragged coaia we Jerk; We're howlln' through the country, Don't Want Work I tbe the for Thou, Stubblefl-dd, of Monument, was in the otty over Sunday. Andrew Rood bs moved to country for the eammrr. Born Atr. 27, near Hardman, to wife of W. H Ail kins, a girl. Wanted A few more customers the home laundry, Mountain House. To counteract the desire fur strong drink tube Simmons Liver Regulator. J. W. Hylton and Spenoer Alters, of Gooseberry, were in Heppner Saturday The HeppnerCanynn stage line is the best, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. Nobody will suffer with liver or kiriuey disease if they take Simmons Liver Regulator. Henry Blaokman, of Portland. Sun. dajed with his family. He returned below last night. It you want a good trim or sewinu machine, come to the Gazette offioe and we'll fit you out, Monday of last week Jas. F. Rhea returned from a trip to VVeiser, Idaho, and Huntington, Or. Miss Dnllie K. Sperry, of East Port land, will Bhorlly give a literary enter tainment in Heppuer. Those that have county sorip for sale should call on Ueorge Oonser at The First National Bunk. 2-tf. The Gazette will be sent to any ad dress in the United States till after campaign for 60 cents. f Photographs $1.50 pel dozen at Shep pard's gallery, near opera bouse, north Main Ht., Heppuer, Ure. Btr. Legal blanks, plenty of tbpm, at the Gazette office, and at world's prices Disoourjts on large orders. Green Mathews bus opened np bis barber shop, next door to Hayes Bros Shaves, etc., on tap as nsual, Every man who takes any interest in fast stock Bbould Biibsoribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. The Giizette will take oounty scrip at face on subscription, and pay balance of same in cash at highest market price. 7-60 The Gazette offioe now runs an in surance and notarial (-Imp. Come in when you want to do your insuring and swearing. Waldon Rhea wan up from below visiting with borne folks Btinday. He departed again for Portland on last evening's train. Huh Fields came in Saturday from Brownsville, and will remain in this vicinity to look after busiuess matters for a few weeks. Bud Willingbam, Chas. Sheldon nnd J. 0. Hansbrougb left Sunday with Ram Palmer to prepare for the big Bbeep drive to Nebrnska. Peter Molntire. of Salem, woolhnyer for the Oregon City Mills, arrived Sntur day morning and will probably remain during the wool season. Hall's Hair Renewer enjoys the confi dence and patronage of people all ovei the oiviliz-d world who use it to lestore and keep the hair a natural color. J 8. Bnotbby and J. F. Willis were tip from Lexington Saturday night last to attend repnblican olnb meeting. Don't overlook Boothby and Willis, If you desire a linnriant growth of healthy bair of a natural color, nature's crownmg ornament of both sexes, use only Hall's Vegetable Siliciau Hair Renewer. Echo stage leaves Heppner for Eebo Tuesdays, Thursdays and SBturdajs Arrives Holidays. Wednesdays and Fri days. Fare, one way, 82.60. Pbill Cohn, agent, A. Andrews, Prop. Tom Bradley and wife arrived at Heppner Saturday morning. Tbev will, perhaps, remain bere a few days, Mrs. Bradley going on over to visit her rela " lives in Grant county, while Thos. will remain here till she returns Lost A note dted June 12. 1892. signed by G. W. Swuegarr, for 82.000, in favor of P. 0. Thompson. The publio are warned against negotiat ing for or purchasing said note. tf . A bseis of IS to 1 lias been fullv estsblished, that is, 16 ounces to 1 pound. No 14 oz scales npd by P. C. Thnmnson Co. Honest weight and first class goods at bard time prices for omh. Try them and be oonvinoed. 8-9. If those wh owe us would just pay 81 apieoe it would help na to pay our debts. Fact is, the Gsze'te has got to d" some "tall rustling." and we expect onr patrons to do some'hing Our pMp-r houe and printers still require bard cash, and cash we must have. Chris. Hansen and Bob Krirk bad a tittle set-to down at Knck's saloon S'aturday evening in which, from all gpTpearanoes, Cbrie. oame out second bei)t- A billiard cue and the free use of thonable language is saio io nave figured prominently in me sorao. i wo f in sheep's clothing ine sohetiV "fl"1-"1 bv ,he ""liter" as iat as aood as Ayer's Sarsapa rill. tVvoii doo't want to be bitten, Dr. 8. F. Soott, Blue Ridge, Harrison Co., Mo., save: ''For whooping oongb Chamberlain's Cougb Remedy is excel lent." By using it freely the disease is deprived ol all dangerous consequences. There is no danger in giving the Remedy to bihies, ag it contains nothing injuri ous. 60 cent bottles for sale by Slooum Juhnsou Drug Co. Gid Hatt has now established a too sorial parlor, at tbe Matlock building next door to Simons' blacksmith shop where he invites the patronage of his old customers and all who desire Btriotly first zlasa work, shaving, shampooingand hair outtiog at living prices. Don't overlook Treacbing at the opera bouse on Sunday evening next by Elder Gray of the Chrisnan oburob. Subjeot: "The Work of tbe Holy Spirit " ieit, 1 Cor. 12 18; "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body." A cordial iovitation is extended to tbe public A revivifying of nature's latent foroes ncours every spring. At this time, better than any other, tbe blood may be oleansed from the humors whioh infest it. Tbe best and most popular remedy to use for this purpose is Ayer'g Com-, pound Extract of Sarsaparilla. Mrs. Arthur Minor and Miss Anna Balaiger Bpent Saturday at Lexington, tbencoasion being a populist gathering at that Dlaoe. However, Miss Balsiger was oalled upon and spoke briefly, con fining ber remarks principally to the advancement of eduoation. Joe Hayes, the populist candidate for sheriff, is back from a tour of tbe south end of the county. He reports a good prospect for crops. He also seems to think that tbe orop of voters of the Hayes variety are pretty numerous. J. H. Kolman was dosed bv the sheriff Saturday evening last, on attach ment issiid by authority of the B'owns ille Woolen Mils. Mr. Eolman's liability to that firm is something near tbe sum of 81.000. Qmdon Globe: John Lyons, a bright and energetic young man, came down from bis borne at Walla Walla this Week and will remain during tbe sum mer with his brother, T. R. Lyons, and study law. Mr Hugh MoGuire, president of Pacifio Paper Co., of Portland, is in town today i i tbe interest of his bouse. Louis Stoltenberg arrived from Los Anoeles. Calif.. Sunday, and will bo- company Sam Palmer across the trail. Pat. Kelebar will soon leave for the Greejlmrn, near Austin Station, to work with sheep for Nets Jones. Frank RogerB returned Sunday morn ing trom axattie. tie naa oeeu over there to visit bis mother. Martin Anderson returned last week from a few months' rustling out among the oolv monarchs. Produoe $2 50 and get tbe Gazette for one year, ruioe tamuy paper, ana Dai ly to paper oaoins. W. 8. Brown will start Newbraska ward the last of this week with 7,000 bend of sheep. Jerry Brosnan, of Lsna, one of onr urnminent republicans, was with us yesterday. Mistakes will happen. Chis. Mai lory's boy was a girl, and it was bora tbe 20t b ult. C. S. Van Duyn left last night for Tbe Dalles where be may go into buei neas. Mrs. W. A. Johnston returned from a visit below last Sunday morning. Joe Eakelson was iu from his raoob near Lexiugton yesterday. O. E. Fell left last night for Illinois, to be absent a few weeks. Arthur Smith will clean watches at tbe reduced prioe of 81. A short season of warm weather bas arrived. We need it. Lee Kilbonrue was in town yesterday from Gooseberry, Jas Wvland came down yesterday from Hardman. Mrs. Geo. Tnorntou is baok from The Dalles. A HIHOBT CORRECTED. Joe Waldrop Will Kemaln Is the Fight Till the Clow of the Polls. To the Populists and Voters Gener ally in the Second Congi essional Dis trict of Oregon: Information having reached me that a report has been cir culated to tbe eflVot that I had with drawn from the race in favor Mr. Raley, and that barm wonld result to our cause if tbe report were notoorreoted, I hereby positively deny any such arrangement, and state that I have never authorized any one to make tuol a statement I accepted tbe nomination for congress in good faith and will remain in the fight till the olose of the polls on the fonrtb day of June. Respeofully, Job Waldrop. We pnblisb tbe above letter at the request of tbe populiBts of this district, from whiob it will be seen tbat Mr. Waldrop expeots to remain in tbe race tor congressman, notwithstanding tbe reports eiroulated by the democracy that be wonld withdraw in favor of Mr. Raley. Piles! Plica I Itching Files. Symptoms Moisture; intense and stinging; most at nigbt; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, whlob often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very eore. Swatnk's Ointment stops tbe itohiog and bleeding heals ulceration, and in most cases re moves the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 60 oents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. sw 1 yr. Heart Palpitation Indigestion, Impure Blood Cured by Hood's. THE MONUURAPU. For one Dollar and Yoar This Subject. Opinion on NASBY AGAIN. Chap-1.) (Second fleriui- Mb. editub: I ageu take tbe opert unity to adres yew on tbe aobjext of politicks, we (when i sa we, i mein we the peples party) at goin to beve a grate big pow wow over to lexinton on nixt eaterday an we wood like to ee all gude pops in atenance, as i expso their wll be gome gude tookm. we expeo the rev. bro. king tbe man tbat we will orown on tbe forth da of nixt gune. bat whether it wil be a orown of glory or a orown of thorns we can not tel yit. an we expeo tbat grate and lamed man frum bardman, w. 1. Lewis, tbat man tbat says it we oannot git our riteta by the balots we must buy tbe bnlota. an another man, mr. c. m. boge, tbe man that sed be wood not live in bepner yeer for 4 times tbe salary of tbe country tresurer, but tba are all gude men an dont wont offis. and their ar sevral other gude men on hour ticket tbat i wil speek abot at sum other time. the other partys bav sum gude men to. now their is j s. Boozsby. be is Bed to to be a purty gude man, bat be has got no teeth, we want a m an to go to Salum tbat bas gads teeth and hour man bas for i seen 'em. V. Nasbi, Alpinb, Or., May 1, 1894. Mr. D. W. Bridges "C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell. Mass. : "Dear Bin: During the winter and spring I have used a dozen liottles ot Hood's Sarsapa rilla In my family, and I am quite sure we have beo greatly beuclited by it. For years I have been troubled with Indigestion, accompunlei HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES if sympathetic heart trouble, and Hood's Sar saparilla has done me very mucn gooa. w s hare alio given It to the children for lnvmre Blood and ringworms with very good results." D. W. Bridges, Pleasant Hill, Oregon. N. B. It you decide to tales Hood's Sarsapa rilla do not be Induced to buy any other. Heppnbr's New Postmaster. Joseph P. Williams was apprised Saturday by telecram ot his appointment by the president as postmaster of Heppner, Joe was immediately surrounded by many friends regardless of politioat faith, who hastened to congratulate bim for being the successful man. Mr, Williams will take charge as soon at the formalities of receiving his com mission, filing bond, etc., have been oom' plied with. A uewspaper aiways has oon Btar.t dealing with a postmaster and conse quently is interested in the appointment With Joe Williams io charge we feel that our relations daring his term of i ffice will be as they have been with Mr. Mallory, very pleasant in every particu lar. Thrown Fbom Hbb Buggy. Mrs. J, Cantwell, of thia city, was seriously injured last Wednesday evening by being Inrowo out of ber buggy by i runaway horse whiob she was driving. The horse became frightened at an object by tbe roadside and in making a short turn to ernes Willow oreek on Morgan street, Mrs Cantwell was thrown ont striking on her side and baok. Tbe h'irse missed tbe bridge and went over the bank into the creek, which was very shallow at that point. Fortunately tbe runaway was oaptured without injury to either horse or butigv. Mis. Cantwell's injuries are not thought to be dangerous and it is hoped that she will soon re- Tbe candidates for tbe various oounty offioes on tbe republican ticket will make a brief canvass and speak on tbe following dates at the places named: May 12-Lena, 1:30 p. m. May 18-Eight Mile, 1 :30 p. m. May 18 Gooseberry, 7:30 p.m. May 19 Hardman, 1:30 p. m. May 19 Heppner, 8 :00 p. m. May '21 Lexington, 1 :30 p. m. May 22 lone, 1 :30 p. m. May 23 Douglas, 1:30 p. m. May 24 Grange Hall, 1 :30 p. m. May 26-Heppner, 1:30 p.m. A. W. Gowan, republican candidate for joint senator, will j iin us at Eit'lit Mile and will remain at least three or four days. Tbe first date at Heppner is to accommodate Mr. Gowan, while on the latter date Hon. R. G Hnrr, of Michigan, will address the oitizens of Morrow oounty. Republicans at the above places are requested to circulate the report ot the meetines. Annonnoe them at tbe meetings of your olubs. Everybody invited to attend, A. W. FATTEHS"N, 8tf Chairman Central Com. Do Not Waste Honey, Time or Patience. If you need power for any purpose whatever, send at once tor oatalogne of Hercules Gas and Gasoline Kneines, Tbey are simple, strong, safe and sub stantial. Their eoonomr. reliability, strength and superior workmanship are beyond question, and we defy tests to the contrary. Palmer t Ret Fdundry, Front & Alder Sts., Portland, Or. School Graduation. On the evening of May 18tb, at tbe opera honse, will ocour tbe graduation exercises of the Heppner High Sobool, at which time an appropriate program will be presented This is an important event in tbe history ot the Heppner High Sohool, and it is hoped that every parent in Heppner and all others interested in educational affairs, will be present. Some expense will be incurred in tbe matter ot ball rent, programs, etc., and it is tbe in ten tioo to charge 10 cents admission to the hall on tbat evening. Regular Council Meeting. Council met last Monday evening, Mayor Borg presiding and all ooancilmen present except farnsworth Minutes of last regular session read and approved Bil's allowed: Tbe Meston-Dygert Book Mfg. Co., S3 30; Heppner Light & Water Co., $70; P. C.Thompson Co., $4.60; F, J. Hallook, 817.30 Connoil discussed condition of bridges, etc., in tbe town and then adjourned. Not Against Hbppnbr. E. T. Judd, one of tbe projectors of tbe Pendleton sonnring mill, was in Heppner over Friday. Mr. Judd says tbat the report bas gained ground that he was against Heppner, and would do no further business here in tbe purchase of wools. This be reports to be a mistake. He will buy wools here this year as he has formerly done. Mr. Judd says tbey have a tine mill in Pendleton, but will only scour tbe heavy, dirty wools. Tbe cleaner wools will be shipped East as tbey oome from the backs of the wooly monarchs. Lost ob Stolen. All persons are hereby warned against negotiating for two certain notes, described as follows: One note dated October 5. 1893 for 8500 signed by Wm. Penland and Hugh Fields, J160 indorsement. One note dated on or about Oct. 6, 1893 for J150 signed B. K. Vaugbau and E. J. Bio cum, with $51 endorsement. Both of said notes drawn in favor of Mrs. Eliza beth Walker. 4t.X. Elizabeth Walkeb. Nobody can be troubled with consti- is,.tnnn;n",."l' -77 ' A"'",''L1' "nrnile. if thev take Simmons Our mutual friend, James W. Hare, postmaster at Astoria under Harrison bas been nominated by tbe republicans of Clatsop oounty for sheriff, Mr. Hare 's snooeeaor, Herman Wise, was named Saturday, so Jim will step out just in time to step into tbe sheriff's office ot that oounty. Many of tbe ladies of Heppner will remember Mr. Hare as tbe gentleman wbo auctioneered off tbe bouquets so successfully at tbe festival during the convention of the grand lodge, Knights of Pythias, in this oity last fall, and it is safe to say tbat Mr, Hare will receive their united support POLITICAL ADDRESSES, The Hon. R. G. Horr, late member of congress from Michigan, and at present the assistant editor ot tbe New York Tribune, tbe leading republican paper of tbe East, will address the voters of tbe state ot Oregon on tbe political issues of tbe day at tbe following points May 9 Portland, 7:30 p. m. May 10 Astoria, 7:30 p. m. MBy 11 St. Helens, 750 p. m. May 12-Oregon City, 730 p. m. May 14 Hilleboro, 130 p. m. May 14 MoMinville, 8:00 p. m. May 15 Dallas, 130 p. m. May 15 Independence, 7 30 p. m. May 16-Corvallis. 130 p. m. May 16-Albaoy. 730 p. m. May 17 Salem, 730 p.m May 1 Engene City. 7:30 p. m. May 19-Rosebnrg. 7:30 p. m. May 21 Grant's Pass 730 p. m. May 22-Jacksonville, 1:30 p. m. May 22 Medford, 7:30 p. m. May 23-Asbl-nd, 130 p. m. MBy 24 Kast Portland, 730 o. m. May 25-The Dalles. 730 p. m. May 28 Heppner. 130 p. m. May 28-Pendletoo, 730 p. m. May 29-L Grande, 1.80 p. m. May 29-Dnion.7:30 P- m. May 30-Baker City, 730 p. m. Nobody can have dyspepsia or bilious ness if tbey take Simmons liiver regu Mood's Plltscureall Liver Ills, Biliousness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache. 25c POLITICAL SPKAKING. What is tbe best Monetary system for tbe United States? This is the greatest problem confronting tbe American people. It is the intention of tbe pub lishers that "The Monograph" shall contain tbe best the light of the nation oo this question. Tbe reoogoized lead ers in all political parties have been oalled upon to contribute plana for their ideal Monetary System. But not oontent with this, we are determined to embody iu the same volume the opiu'ons ot thuusands of the "Great Common People," and to that end we will allow two dollars on tbe prioe of tbe book for onr solution of this problem, expressed io not more than 800 words. The Mono- graph, the bett modern work on Mone tary Systems, will be sent to any address nn receipt ot 8300 It is a book tbat will interest and instruct, and is des tined to become a gisnt faotor in shap ing Ihe future monetary syBteirj of the nation. Tbb Monograph Publishing Company, lioum 44, German Am'u K'k Building. St. Paul, Minn. Reference by permission, Nat'l Ger Am'u Bunk. tf $1,200 FAK11 AND STOCK BANCH. It will take only 8812 to buy it; 480 acres, 260 acres plow land; one-half mile running water. Improvements: 40 sores fenced, 15 acres cultivated, bouses and Btable, spring aud minor improvements. Adapted to farming, sheep and bngraiaiug. An extensive sheep rnnge joining to Rock oreek Terms: 8U0 down; remainder on long time. Looaiinn: On county road, two and one-half mile" west of Rood bill, Eiuht, Mile. Or. 320 aores for $510, $108 for ownership in 100 ncres school land or will exchange for two good horses. Original cot of sohool land $320. Apply at Heppner Gazette offioe Heppner Oregon. 199-tf-sw. FOR TRADE. Why Don't You Cailjon the New Firm at tbe old Van Dnyn stand ? You. will certainly be surprised at the low prices in Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and A Complete Line of Groceries. COME IN AND SEE US ! No trouble to show goods and'giva prices. tfttt; people are coming OUR WAY! Not only onoe, but again and again. Tbey know tbat frrm ns tbey always get fnll weight and good measure for tbe least money. Why we sell tbe best is ex plained. The "best" brings people back, holds custtm, makes us friends, and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some of onr friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clotbiog, Boots, Shoes, Hate, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see ns, ever) body. For sheep or cattle a good borne ad joining Ynnoalla, Ore. Also 60 acres of oboice prune land and three good dwell ings. Any or all the above for trade or sale oi. reasonable terms. For further particulars address, 23tf. SniPLBT, Moobe & Co. Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many yearB' experi ence, has just located in the Abraham- sict' building, on May street, where be is prepared to do eveiytbing ia his line. Mi li n beck is strictly a nrst-oiass work mnn and WBrrantB all work. Give him a oall. 14wtt The reenlar subscription price of tbe Semi-Weekly Guz-tte is $2 50 and tbe regular price of lbe Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the OiiZHite nnd paying for one year in nilviince can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to the S'me. Reserved fo1 McFarland Mercantile Co. The ."Best on the Iiorid !vsjsns P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY, Agents IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDRESS A LETTER OB POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P. 0. Box 463. Washington, D. C Hotjorablvdiiichartrerl unldler and nnWnra who nerved ninety days, or over, in the late war. are entitled, if now partial ly or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability was caused by service or not, and reKardless of their pecuniary circumstances. WIDOWS of such soldiers and sailors a re entitled (if not remarritd ) whether soldier's deatll was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for aupport. Widows nt dependent upon their own labor are entitled if t lie soldier's death was due to service CHILURKN are entitled (if under sixteen years) la almost all cases where there was no wiaow, or snr nan aince mea or remarried. PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier dfd In fftrvloe, or from ffct of service, and they are now dupendfnt upon their own labor for sup. port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or UW. Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for higher rates under other laws, without losing auy rights. Thousands of soldiers drawine from la tolio per month under the old l-ir entitled to higher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but also for others, whether due to service or not. Soldiers snd sailors disabled in line of duty In regular army or navy since tbe war are also entitled, whether discharged for disability or not. Survivors, and their widows, of the Plarlc Hawk, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor ida Indian Wars of 1X33 to 1H42, are entitled under recent act. Mexican W ar soldiers and their widows also entitled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled or dependent. Old claims completed and settlement obtained, whether pension has been granted under jaier itwi or not. Reiected claims reooened and settlement eeured. If reiection Imnrooer or llleral. Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war who nave tosx ineir original papers. Bend for laws and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 483. WASHINGTON, D.O The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MAXCII ICMT1C I, ICNGL.ANU W. PATTERSON, AGLNT. nmt i tn wona Respectfully Yours, HORISTOR & WARREN. M T Ueiioner, Oregon. The hi Institute -OF- For the Cure oi Liquor. Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast Call at tbe Gairttk office for particulars. Strictly confidential. Treatment private aud sura cure. C. RTJHXi, Proprietor The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store. On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keep on band a fall line of STAPLE AND FANCY taries d Provisions. A fall line of obnloe Piefl. Cukes and Bread : In fact pvprvthinir that la usually kept in a Brat-class bakery store. Tbay will Bell obeap foi cash. Oall and try them. Bw Land Patents Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals bavine onnllictinir olaims under the airriciiltnral land laws, and tbnee between claimant under lbe Mineral Laws and agricultural claimants; and also between claiminta under any ot tbe pnblio land laws and tbe KailroBd companies snd their grantees, and the states and their grantees, nnder tbe Bwnmp-Land and School Lund drams. Bpecialty made of securing patents in the shortest nnssible time for settlers who have oomplied with the laws under whiob their entries were made, and wbo are annoyed and worried by delays in tbe issue of their patents, caused by Trifling irregularities wtnob can be easily and speedily removed. Advioe also given in all matters relating to tbe pnblio lands, especially on points arising nnder tbe new laws wbioh have been recently passed providing for tbe disposal of the publio domain. If yon want vnnr land patent in a hurry if yon want ynur land business, of any charaoter, attended to by skillful and oumpetent attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., P. O. Box, 385. Washington, D. 0. It is the Headquarters ! - m jalrxtm, Drugaif Oils. Qlassi Toi let Artloeai Patent Mealolnesi Eto i Offwe of all stages running out of Heppner. rniL. COHN, Proprietor. BORG, : Out for THE Cash Bargains -IN- Jewelry, Cash Talks. BEE BORG, MAY JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc, Eto. Trust Busts 8TKKET, HEPPNER, OB. lator. i. it will be en Hit is T :'""",. Ih. .A I Liver Regulator.