Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 04, 1894, Image 2

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    o mE mjnp w sell you 31 wsjh 1 8
:One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.:
C7TNL) 160 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded land there are 140 acres gord farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded land has a good spring of water on it, all under
I fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800.
Good, deeded
Oive your business to Heppncr people
and therefore axsi.it to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize tlwse who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name Is signed as an evidence of
good faith.
For Congress, Second District.
W. K. ELLIS, of Heppner.
For Governor.
W. P. LOUD, of Salem.
For Secretary of State,
II. R. KINCAIU, of Eugene..
For State Treasurer,
PHIL. METSCIIAN, of Grant County.
For Supreme Judge,
C.E. WOLVEKTON.of Albany.
For Attorney-General,
C. M. IDI.E.MAN, of Portland.
For Supt. Public Instruction,
O. M. IRWIN, of Uuiou.
For State Printer,
W. 11. LEEDS, of Ashland.
For Prosecuting Attorney, 7th Cist.
A. A. JAYNE, of Arlington.
For Member Board of Equalization,
W. C. WILLS, of Crook County.
For Representative
J. B. BOOTI1BY, of Lexington.
For Sheriff,
0. W. HARRINGTON, of Heppner.
F. J. IIALLOCK, of Heppncr.
For Treasurer,
FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner.
For commissioner,
J. L. HOWARD, of Galloway.
For Assessor,
J. F. WILLIS, of Lexington.
For School Superintendent,
For Surveyor,
GEO. W. LOUD, of Ellu.
For Coroner,
T, W. AYERS, JR., of Heppner.
For Justice of the 1st District,
For Constable of 1st District,
For Justice of and District,
For Constoble of ami District,
For Justice of .'Ird District,
For Constable of :lrd District,
For Justice of 4lh District,
For Constable of 'Ith District,
For Justice of Mb District,
ForCouslnble of Mb District,
For Justice of lllll District,
For Constable of lit h District,
Iu plaoing tho uiiniB of lion. A. W.
Gowau uunu the liukut, the convention
did iiiht wlmt will bo endorsed by the
people of Morrow, Grunt and Harney
count es on the 4lli nf next June. The
geutk'iuau represented these people in
the lower house of the last legislature.
and at that time made o record for
himself of which uuy mnu may well feel
proud. Aside from lining exceptionally
well qtialitlnil to till tliiH important ollioe,
he Iiiih the oouniirtt to not. which is no
small matter in the umko.up of a legis
lator. Mr. Uowiiii will go to ihe
euate equipped with a thorough
knowledge of the needs of his district,
and experience that Kill enable him to
Boooniplinh vastly more than could he
expected from a uewly-miulti legislator,
no matter however energetic the latter
might he. The gentleiuau was n member
of the Kansas legislature of lMStl, and
of the Oregon house 1WI3, where he was at
onoe lecognized as a leader liy rtusons
of his thorough knowledge of the work
ings of deliberative bodies. We oou
gnitnlale the republicans of the three
counties that are directly concerned,
thut in the selection of Mr Giiwuu they
are assured bii nlile and efficient seuutor
at a tiini! when just such men are par
ticularly desirable. It also goes without
eying that A. W. Omvnii will lie tho
next joint senntor for Morrow, Grunt and
Harney ooiintiee, as he will not only get
bisowu parly vote, but also a large num
ber from the other parties. Harney
Valley Items, April 25.
We believe that o majority of the
residents of Morrow county will fully
endorse the above. Though many have
not the pleasure of a personal acquaint
ance with Mr. Gowau, jet his reputation
as a oitizon and a legislator is very well
kuown. The Gnzetto bus uo doubts of
his eleolion, aud believes that the
interests of our setitiou will be licet
B observed by that result. A vote for
Gowan is a vote for protection of our
produots; a vote against him is a vote
for Teuuoyer aud free trade.
Tun bill to repay settlers 81.23 per
acre on "railroad" lands which, sinoe
purohnsed at $2 50 per aero, have beeu
declared as publio domain, is before
both houses of congress. The bill
passed the peltate last sessiou nil the
democrats and lVITer voting against it.
It will be dillimilt iudeed to get this
measure through iu the face ot demo
cratic opposition .
Rhukntly IS I a ml offered a "substitute
bill" iu the house, free silver coinage 16
to 1, sud we notice that it received the
support of the West hardly without
exception. Our Oregon delegation in
(be bouse supported the measure.
ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms.
Thb "panic circular," published in the
populist column of this paper recently,
is the work of some fertile mind who
was about out of populist railings to
put in print. We have taken the pains
to investigate the matter and no such
oiroulur ever existed. It would seem
that no reasonable person oould be
induced to believe that banks would
adopt such a oourse to ruin themselves,
for the panic of 1893 reduced the value
of property and securities to such an
extent that money could not be realized
on them in many oases. Many banks
went to the wall for good, breaking the
owners, and disturbing business itener
ally. In but few cases are bankers
doing any more than "keeping even,"
and the more of this "eircdlnr" talk, the
more difficult it will be for business
men to get back to where they left off in
1H!13. In fact, the democratio promises
and the populist waitings are responsible
for the present conditions. The only
thing that will redeem the country is to
put republicans back in full power,
with nothing in eight to disturb trade
and business. I his agitation is ruining
the country, and if carried to a consum
mation cannot do other than complete
the work begun in 1892 .
IlENitr Wattkbhon, iu an interview at
Tuooma, expressed himself as follows
on the Wilson bill: "What do I think
of the Wilson bill? Why, I shot my
lowling pieoe at the Wilson bill the 8th
of last January aud theu took to the
woods. Since then the Wileoa bill
seems to have been doing some wander
ing in the wilderness itself. To speak
aacurutely, there is no such bill as the
Wilson bill. There was a measure
known as the Wilson bill when it came
out of the ways aud means committee.
lint it lost one ol its eyes and had its nose
broken iu the house, and since it has
gone to the senate the disfigurement has
continued to that degree that its author
would not recognize it if he should meet
it at midday iu the rotunda of the
onpitol. Mo sir; there is no such thing
as the Wilson bill. There is a mon
strosity undergoing the process of
iuoubation, tuat is so base that if I
had a half-educated democratio dog
menu enough to wag his tail at it, I
would have him taken out and shot."
This is no year for scratching. Kvery
republican should vote the straight
ticket from top to bottom. If even the
justice ot the peaoe is elected it qualities
the opinion of the voters to a certain
extent as to the great issues of this year,
We want the sentimeut to be uuanimous
aud so plainly spoken thut it cannot be
misread. If it cannot be said "as Wasco
county goes so goes the nation," let it lit
leust be said, "as the nation goes, bo
goes Wusoo oounty." The Dalles
(Jlirouiolu. The above is very anplicable
to the republican voters of Morrow
Tun Eastern visiting miuister was
preaohing to a Colorado congregation on
the New Jerusalem. "Aud," he was
saying, "the streets are paved with gold
" 'Don't insist on that," interrupted
the home preacher in a whisper, as ho
pulled on his ooat tails. "Don't insist
on that, if you expect to get any immi
grants for heaven, because this congre
gation is for silver every day in the year,
and gold is pizon to them."
A HiiOKNT gathering of prominent
bimetiiliists iu Loudon, and their deoided
actiou toward the free coinage of silver
and gold, ou a fixed iuternatioual ratio,
is a good indication of the way silver
sentiment is growing. England will be
Ihe first to oall another international
Wiikn General Ooxey was asked why
ho selected the great state o' Ohio that
gave MiKiuley 80,000 majority as a
starting point "march to Washington,"
he said : "Simply because it has becom e
proverbial that the Ohio man always
gets there."
Tug Boston Herald soys Tillman,
Waite, l'ennoyer and Hogg are the four
governors of the present day whose
names will undoubtedly be remembered
as long as the kick ot a mule.
It is demanded ot all Eastern Oregon
legislative candidates that they favor
open rivers. It ought to be demanded ot
legislative cuudidateB iu Western Oregon
too. Capital Journal.
"""""" '
A votb against the republican repre
sentative and senator is a vote for
free trade, matters not whether it is for
the populists or demoorats.
Tim Eastern Oregon lie publican is
now published semi-weekly, Tuesdays
and Fridays.
The general merchandise establish
ment formerly owned by Coffin A McFar
laud, Iihs lately changed bauds, now be
ing under the control and management
of The MeFarland Mercantile Compauv,
which continues business at tbe old stand
with a larger stock than ever. s
The candidates for the various oounty
offices on the republican ticket will
make a brief canvass and speak on the
following dates at the places named:
May 12 -Lena, 1:30 p. m.
May 18-Eight Mile, 1:30 p. m.
May 18 Gooseberry, 7:30 p. m.
May 19 Hardman, 1:30 p. m.
May 19 Heppner, 8:00 p. m.
May 21 Lexington, 1 :30 p. m.
May 22-Ione, 1:30 p. m.
May 23 Douglas, 1:30 p. m.
May 24 Orange Hall, 1:30 p.m.
May 20 Heppner, 1:30 p.m.
A. W. Qowan, republican candidate
for joint senator, will j iu us at Eight
Mile and will remain at least three or
four days. The first date at Heppner is
to accommodate Mr. Gowan, while on the
latter date Hon. IS. G Ilorr, of Michigan,
will address the citizens of Morrow
oounty. Kepoblionns at the above
places are requested to circulate the
report ot the meetings. Announoe
tbem at the meetings of your olubs.
Everybody iDvited to attend.
A. W. Pattehson,
8tf Chairman Central Com,
The Hon. R. G. Horr, late member of
oougress from Michigan, and at present
the assistant editor of the New York
Tribune, the leading republican paper
of the East, will address the voters of
the state of Oregon on the political
issues of the duy at the following points:
May 9 Portlund, 7 :30 p. m.
May 10 Astoria, 7:30 p. m.
May 11 Ht. Helens, 7:30 p. m.
May 12 -Oregon City, 7:30 p. m.
May H-HillBboro, 1:30 p. m.
May 14-MoMinville, 8:00 p. m.
May 15-Dallaa, 1:30 p. m.
May 15 Independence, 7:30 p. m.
May Iti-Corvttllis, 1:30 p. m.
May 10 Albany, 7:30 p. in.
May 17 Salem, 7:30 p.m.
May 14 Eugene City, 7:30 p. m.
May 19-Roseburg, 7:30 p. in.
May 21 Grant's Pass 7:30 p. m.
May 22 Jacksonville, 1:30 p. m.
May 22 Medford, 7:30 p. in.
May 23-Asulmd, 1:30 p. m.
May 24 Hast Portland, 7:30 D. m.
May 25-The Dalles, 7:30 p. m.
May 2(i Heppner, 1:30 p. m.
May 28-Pendleton, 7:3J p. m.
May 29-La Grande, 1.30 p. m.
May 29-Cuioo,7:30 p. m.
May 30-Baker City, 7:33 p. m.
The Complexion of a Chinese
Is not yellower than that of an un
fortunate individual whose liver com
plaint has assumed the ohronio form
Tbe eyeballs of ihe sufferer assume a
saffron hue, there is dull pain in tbe
region of the organ affected, the tongue
is ooated, breath flour, eiok headaches
usually but not always occur, and there
is sometimes dizziness on arising from
a sitting posture. Constipation and
dyspepsia are also attendants of this
very common ailment, always in its
aggravated form, liable to breed ab
oesses of the liver, which are very
dangerous. Hostetter's 8tomaoh Bit
ters wholly eradioate it, as well as the
troubles ooninlicated with in aud which
it originates. Iu chills and fever, a
oomplaiut whioh always yields to the
Hitters, the liver is seriously involved.
This fine alterative lonio removes
oostiveness and indigestion, rheumatic,
nervous and kidney trouble aud debility.
Strawberries are in the market at
30 cents per box.
Commercial uua all report gradual
iuoreaso In their many different lines.
Mrs. Geo. Thornton and bou have
been visiting Goorge for the past week.
The Columbia river is higher than
ever knowu at this season of the year,
and is still risiug.
We met the geuial C. M. Jones in
Arlington last Saturday. Chus. reports
busiuess very good.
Messrs. Faiu ,r Dennett are very
busy re-papering aud re-puiuting different
residences in the oily.
R. L. Shaw, of Portland, spent a
conple of days in the city this week,
enroute to Portland with oattle,
Mr. Abernathy, cashier of tbe Roslyn
bank at the time of the famous robbery,
is in tbe city, laid up with rheumatism.
Wool is coming iu quite rapidly and is
much oleauer and finer than in former
years, and naturally demands better
Saturday, April 2Sth, waq the liveliest
day in Arliugtou for years, oaused by
the arrival ot Couduotor Burns with
three companies of regulars from Wslla
Walla. Meeting the industrials, tbe
troops at onoe took full oontrol of them.
Nu trouble of any kind existed. The
arrival of H. C. Grady, United States
marshal, and deputy, ended their trip
over tbe Union Paoiflo. They were
then taken to Portland for trial before
Judge Bellinger. There were 503 in all,
and seemed to be n very quiet lot of
men, taken as a whole.
Health it wealth. Take Simmons
Liver Regulator for all sickness caused
by diseased liver.
For further information call at our office.
All matter intended for this cotunin should
be addressed to its editor, as the Gazette hus no
authoiity to publish same without his consent.
Thin column belongs exclusively to
the People's Party, of Morrow county,
and will be used by them as they see
fit. The management of the Gazette
will in no way be responsible for any
thing that may appear therein.
Governor, Nathan Pierce.
Stale Treasurer, R. Caldwell.
Secretary of State, Ira A'aketieid.
Supt. Publio Instruction, T. C. Jory.
Attorney General, M. L. Olmstend,
State Printer, George M. Orton.
Supreme Judge, R. P. BuiBe.
Congressman Sec. Dist,, Joe Waldrop.
Jf. Sen., Morrow, Grant and Harney,
George Gilbert.
Pros. Attorney, E. P. Mine.
Board of Equalization, Ii. P. Searoy.
School Supt.,
U. F. King.
Joseph C. Hayes,
C. M. Hogue.
Miss Addie Conlee.
W. B. Ewiug.
County Commissioner,
Wm. GilliBin.
J. L. Gibson.
Cbas. Ingraham.
J. M. Nuuamuker.
The candidates for tbe various oounty
offices on the people's party ticket will
canvass the couuty, beginning at Lexing
ton and will speak in the various pro
duels ou the following dates:
Lexington, May 5.
Douglas, " 9.
Grange hall, lone precinct, " 12.
Rocky Point school house, ' 16.
Eight Mile Center, "19.
Hnrdiiiau, " 23.
Gal.owuy, " 20.
David Leatherman's, " 29.
Heppner, Jnne 2.
All are invited to attend, and especially
the opposing candidates.
Where are the good times we were
going to have when you oame into
power, Mr. Democrat.
Dani 1 WebBter said: "Liberty oan
not long endure in a country where the
tendency of legislation is to concentrate
wealth in the hands of the few." It
Webster were living today he would be
called a ornnk.
Beware of the party that fails to keep
its promises; also those office-seekers
that m ide floe promises two years ago.
They are ready to make you some more
promises just as good as the ones they
made and then broke.
The democratio ringsters iu this
oounty failed to make their little game
of fusion work. They fouod that some
ot the voters were democrats from
principle and would not go in with the
"ring" tor the sake ot office.
The present financial system breeds
millionaires and tramps. If we wish to
get rid of these pests we must first re
move the cause; which oan be done by
enacting into laws such demands as are
embodied in the people's party platform.
Beware of campaign lies. There are
some old party men in the oounty who
would sooner see this nation sink than
to see b people's party man eleoted.
Suoh fellows are not capable ot putting
forth any argument to defend their plat
form, and the lies are an old triok tbat
they are trying to work to defeat the
people's party ticket.
We have had money panios under free
trade sud under protection. Will some
of our republican bosses tell us how this
all happens, it the tariff causes all these
panics? We had a great money panic
in 1873 when we bad protection, a re
publican congress and a republican
president. And they were not "tinkering
with the tariff" either; but tbey were
"tinkeriug" with the finance.
Alas! the poor democratic party
Tbey have got tbe "obauoe" tbat they
have hoped for, prayed for, and voted
tor and now they dou't know what to do
with it. They are afraid to do anything
tor tear they will either hurt the pluto
crats, or will fail to satisfy their con
stituents, and be eleoted to stay at home
next time. We have beard some say it
tbe democrats did not do something for
the people this time tbat tbey would
never vote Ibe democratio ticket again;
but still some stick to Cleveland and
say tbey think be will do as some good
yet; and by tbe way, some of tbem are
candidates on the democratic ticket.
Certain unMrupalooa dsm.-rep,, in
Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good
for it with first crop raised on it. Beason for selling, owner lives in the East and
tbe vioinity of Hardman, are reported as
making tbe statement that when any
people's party man is a party to any
action iu the justice court in D-iry
precinct, C. M. Hogue, the justice, t.l
ways favors said people's party man.
Voters of Morrow county, snoh reportB
about our justice of the peaoe are false
to my certain knowledge, and any person
circulating suoh reports as true states
that which is absolutely uutrue.
L. W. Lewis.
Voters of Morrow county, before you
cast your ballots at the June eleotion we
beg leave to call your attention to the
candidates on the people's party ticket.
They were not nominated by any rings
or cliques, such as controlled the con
ventions ot the two old parties. They
have not offered to sell their principles
or their party for tbe sake of otKoe by
propositions to fuse, or in any other
way. Other candidates huve. They
have never been accused of stuffing the
jury box. Other candidates have.
Tbey have not been accused of donating
their services as detectives for tbe
purpose of catohing oattle thieves and
robbers, and after satisfying them
selves as to who the guilty parties were
quit a but trail for tbe purpose of allow
ing the outlaws to escape. Other candi
dates have. In short they are not
owned or controlled by auy rings or
oombines and thegreatestorimecharged
against any of them is that they are
law-abiding citizens aud are not accused
of robbing innocent persons in gambling
dens, or "seeiug the thief bli! consult
ing with him."
There is some talk going the rounds
in relation to the writer performing the
ceremony of tbe marriage of Miss Mary
E. Raburn and Mr. Abraham Luelliug
last August. The following are tbe facts
in tbe case: Previous to the time at
whioh they were married, I was away
from home a portion of the time for
Borne monthe, consequently did not bear
all tbe talk that was going, and knew
nothing of the facts. On Sunday before
they were married I was told that they
bad gone to Heppner and were going to
be married there, and I did not know
any better until at noon on the tollowing
Wednesday when Mr. Luelling oame to
my bouse, gave me the license and told
me he wanted me to be on hands by 3
o'olock tbat afternoon to perform the
ceremony. I went out to Mr. Wrights
and found five or six persons present.
No one made any objeotion to the young
folks getting married and I solemnized
the marriage as the license authorized
me and returned home. Sinoe that
time oertain parties tbat knew nothing
of the affair, only "hear-say," have been
making quite a blow about it,
"stumping" such willful lies as follows:
Tbat "we went at 12 o'clock at night to
marry them" and that we said "all we
married tbem for was the five dollars."
Now the persons making such statements
know that by so doing tbey tell tbat
which is absolutely false and I wish the
public to know tbe same. I am posted
as regards to where this matter is coming
from and understand their object in
telling it.
Now all I have to say is this; tbat the
person or persons making any statement
conflicting in any way with the faots
herein stated, tells that which is abso
lutely false.
C. M. Hooce,
Justice of tbe Peace.
Hod ftlvti us men! A time like this demands
Great hearts, strong minds, true laith and
willing hands.
Men whom the lust of oftlce does not kill;
Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy;
Men who possess opinion and a will,
Men who have honor, men who will not lie.
For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn
Their large profession and their tittle deeds,
Wrangle In selfish strife lol freedom weeps.
Wrong rules the land and waiting justice
Oliver Wisdei.l Holmes.
Land For Sale. 480 acres over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh no,,
will be sold cheap. Call at Gaze le
office for particulars and terms .
Dislodge Bile,
Stir up the Liver,
Cure Sick-Headache,
Female Ailments,
Remove Disease and
Promote Good Health.
Covered with 1 Tuteleee 4 Salable Coating.
Famous the world over.
. i . U V. . mnA Ink flA Mhm
AM iu ."- - ,
Of ail druggisis. Pn S& cents a Do.
New 1 OTK lpoi, to van.) 31
Coughs and Colds
are signs of weakness. Don't wait until you
are weaker and nearer Consumption. Begin
at once with
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime
and soda. It strengthens the Lungs, cures
Coughs and Colds, and builds up the system.
Physicians, the world over, endorse it.
Wastin? Diseases of Children
EMULSION. It stops waste and
Prepared by Scot & Bowne,
is the title of a very valuable book that gives a Treat amount of information of the Utmost
Importance to Everybody, comiernhur their dally habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
What to Eat, Influence of Plnnts, Parasites of the Skin, Care of Teeth,
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IT TELLS HOW TO CCnE Black Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chlllblafns, Cold Feet, Corns,
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid
Feet, Freckles, Headache Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, ltingworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Moutb,
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, UfcerSi
Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms iu Children. IT WILL SAVE JDOCTOitS' KILLS.
E-AII new subscribers and prompt renewals duringtbe month of Mar. will be
presensed with a free oopyot this as a premium.
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Equal with tbe interest of those having claims) against the government is
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gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
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