SWEETEST! TOUGHEST I RICHEST! CHEW PLUO TOBACCO! It is absolutely, positively and distinctively differ ent in FLAVOR from any other Plug Tobacco now on the market. A trial will convince the most skeptical of this fact. The largest seller of any similar shape and style on earth, which proves that it has caught the pop ular taste, and pleases the people. It possesses mere qualities of intrinsic value than any other Plug Tobacco produced. DO NOT FAIL TO WE KNOW VOU FOR SALE nie R J. Sorg Company M D D LETO W N , OHIO. PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. There whh novi-r u time in tho hiHtury of our country when t lie ilt'tuund fur Inventions nnil iiiiprnviMiit'iitH in tho nrts will PoiiMificH ycncriiily w:ih ho tfrput MR now. The oniivpiiiencnfl of mankind in tho factory mil woikshop, the household and on the farm, iih well na in oflieial life, require oonliniial hcochh'oiih to the B'iiutonanoe nnd iii!jliiiii-iits of each in order to save labor, time and expeuhe. The political change iu the ailminiHtra on noveniment doeH not uHVut the progress of the American inventor, who being on the alert, and ready to por ceive the exiHttng diUdieneieB, doee not ) ermit the ad'aira of ovemmi'iit to de ter him from quickly oonuniviit"; the remedy to overoome existing- diHorepan eieH. Too reat oare cannot ho exer cised in chooninn a competent and kill ful attorney to prepare ami prosecute un apidicution fur patent. Valuable iii tercHiH have been lo.-,t and ilcHlroycl in ienumorahlo inetanceH bv the iwnploy incut of inconipetent couuhcI, and es pecially it tLis advioe applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" sjsteni. Inventors who entrust tin ir business to this class of attoincjH do 30 at imminent risk, as the breadth anil strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quick endeavor to Ket an allowance and obtain the fee. T11K I'KKHS CLAIMS (JOMl'AN Y, John Wedderburn, (lencial Milliliter, (11H V street, N. W., Washington, 1). ti., reiueseininx n lariro numlier of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the country, was in stituted to nrotcot its natrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed iu this line of business. Tho said Cou pmiy in prepared to take charHO of all patent husineps entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and prosecute applications generally, inoliiiliiii; me chanical inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infrintfomcuts, validity reports, and given especial atteniou to rejecteil cases. It is also prepared to enlor into competition with any lhm in iiimiriii); foreign pattuits. Write for instructions and advice. John U'lttMiKliin iiN. tilS V Street, P. O. Hox ilSo. Washington, 1). 0. A gueer 1'iictMc Ciolnt I ill,., f One of tin natural curiosit ies in K'lilii tat county is Lone lulie, which lies iu n but to or mound in the Sinicoe foothills six miles northwest of ( iohlendalo The biitte looks as thoii,'h the top had caved in, as the trees are lyiiijr dead all over the bottom and years ng-o were row-lug- where the lalie now lies. This lake cannot tie seen until one reachej the Kill-unit of the hullo, as it is circu lar in form and surrounded lv a wall or bank of earth which is covered with trees. The bank itself is more than one hundred feet hig-li. The early set tlers tell of i-nttinir hay on the fcTounc which Ibis body of water now covers o (.Mod many years :e;o. There is m doubt the water is steadily risitur. tree have boon covered where they hnv fallen, and now lie slow ly ti.vnvinr be neath tile waters. Il is laiilv possible that tin- lake will one day Ml the en tire cavity in the butte and ov-.ti1.hv tin banks. A few years a jo the lake was stocked uiili carp, and its u ;;t crs an fairly alive wilh to. -m now. Last se-i mill a (rival many ea , ii -h w ere put inu tile lake. They will thrive there ami noon exterminate tho other lisli. The lake ull'ords excellent Ihiatinjf, and it becouiiinf a pleasure resort. (I r Canine Mania. " f There Is n iog in Philadelphia that aas a mania for criiir oif door-knob nd plates and ttri-ekinj; iVif woodwork xf the doors generally. Ys Met? GIVE IT A TRIAL, WILL LIKE IT. EVERYWHERE Seed Trees! Choice Seeds Fruit Trees THAT WILLGUOW. Wliolesalc nnd Retail. Catalogue Free. Address CJKO. STAliltETT, jan'25 Urn bw Walla Walla, Wash. GREATLY REDUCED RATES MADE BY THE 11111151 II I EM m) I OR THE CALIFORNIA ItlllNI) Till I' TK'KKTS (1001) Foil 30 DAYS. 1) J I 1 J ft II 't i on m vin Hibin.i AND UHTTKN t JNl'I.CDINtl Kl VIC (1ATK TK'KKTS TO T1IK l'Alll KXtTKKION Till IU From Sun Ki-iou-Iki'i) to other points In Cali torniii will he allowed iinrchiiMTH of special XII. 1 Inter Full- tickets nt the tullowliiK round lilp rates: To stiitieas nailer Kit! lntlcH from Sun Fran cisco, one unit one thin one way fare. To Htiitlmm .ril intlfB or more from San Fianetseo. line nail one - lift Ii one way fare. For exact rates unit full information iniiiire of J. 11. Kliklanil, Dlst. l'ass. agent at till First St., l'ortlanil, Or., or address the undersigned. ItlCII D (iltAY, T. II. OOODMAN, Ilea. Tiall'ie ManiiKer. Hell. 1'ass. Ant. San Francisco, Calif. K. V. HOli Kits, A. Ii. F. A P. A., l'ortlaad, Oregon. I" P I" TDIAI A Pc,"l! of "n lrt- rrjC-C " do.-.y.n.turanleblllt, ind loit Tllsllt Hal Im (or M ceull R. WARD INSTUTUTE, 120 . 9th Si. ST. I01IS. Ml). ENGLISH TABLES. A Frenchman on thn Tasleg of Hit Neighbor Acres the rhamiel. The Kurdish are not appreciative ot cooking, and the table, of the (rroatost lord is covered only with Inre piivos of moat, bisques and pottages are as tfood as unknown. rastry is heavy and ill baked; compotes and jams are scarcely oatable; forks and ewers are not in common use; tho wasli injf of the hands is performed by a dip pine; of them in a basin full of water that is brought round to all the (fuosU. Toward the end of tho meikl it is cus tomary to smoke tobacco, and while so doinjf people continue their talk very lontf. Men of quality do not practice snjok Injt so assiduously as men of the people, for a workman scarcely allows a day to pass without troiiiu to the tavern, there to smoke with some friend of his. For which reason taverns abound, and work progresses but slowly in the shops; a tailor or a shoemaker will leave his board, whatever be the pressure of work, and stroll to the public house of evenings. And as he comes home Into and somewhat di.zy, he opens his shut ters and begins work ajfain scarcely be fore seven the following niomiin. Man ufactured (TihhIs are the dearer for it, and a strange jealousy (jrows out of this toward French workmen, who are usu ally more diligent. I'rud'ioe J "Hi and net the Giizftto for onnytw. Nioe fnuiily psper, and bul ly to paper oabini. WILL f-S?W CLEAR 1 I LO Ng1 SKIN, j I LIFE MENTAL! W STRONG ENERGYpJ tfNERVESi Sarsaparilla TI. Hammerly. a wpll-knnwn Imsinoss man Ot Hillsboro, Va., sends tliis tt-stinmny to tlie merits of Ayer's .Siirsapurilla: "Several yeais ano, I hurt my leg, the injury leaving a sore which led to en sii.uhs. M v sufferititiH were extreme, my h', lnnu llie knee lotiie ankle, bein a solid sui t', which hejriui to ex tend to otlier parts of the !xly. ,f:ei trying various rcmetiies, 1 hetni laknm Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, before 1 had finished the first bottle, I experienced great relief: tho aecomi bottle effected a complete cure." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared ty Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mill, Cures others,wi!l cure you SPILES! eiTPft In one PAINMBH trtatmftit Witliuut knife. N i Ion ot um 1 from busmen. Futula, l lce.i, AI etc, also curd. :i0 yean' ex. 7K j Queillen Blank and Uook free. Call nr write, (f) V 1K. H. B. BUTTS, 1 822 Pine Street. Bx. Louia, Mo. Ore tou a VVterid.'Vo tc cause Are you willing to work for the can.-.; of Trotection in placing reliable in fur mation in the hands of your acquair.. tances ? If you are, you should be identified with The American Protective Tariff Lea: u', 13S W. 23D St., New Vor Cu! 'Ms notice oul and semi fl 1; c I , . - I .ijmi SUitinK y.Hir jmsitlon, and ntve a !.r!-ii:.; u f 1 GOOD ADVICE. Every patriotic citizen should give liis personal effort and influence to increase the circulation of his home paper which teaches the American policy of Frotec tion. It is his duty to aid in fhis respect i.i ev :ry way possible. After the home paper is taken care of, why not sub scribe for tho American Economist, published by the American Protective Tariff League? On of its correspon dents says I "No true American can get along without IL I consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in tl-e United States." Send postal cr4 request for tree sample copy. Addrwis Wilbur F.WaUe rr.an, General Secrottiy, 135 West 23d St, New York. IF VO'J WANf IfirOIilMTON A3 OUT Ait.ln . ti Irlt. r nr 1 t.. c:inl ri THE SS l. tPIK (lltll'IXY, JOHN WEDOERUURN, - - Managing Attorney, I'.o.Bus i;i. lVAsm.MiriiN, u. u. tfvs.'ons i'Uiirnti:t) Fon SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. AIho, f,.r Snl.h.TH ami SutlnrH -IIhiiM.mI in tin- llncnf (liity in tin' rcuriilnr Arinvnr Niivv Mini. Hit- wiir. Rnrvlvnm of 1I1,. 1 nitliiu warsnf lA;rj to 1H-I, niul Ui.'lr wl.iowtt, iion- cntltl.'.l. Olilnml rt'l.'i'tc.l t'lutma B f taltv. 'I'lionsnmla eutlttcil tn hiL'titsr rntf. Kt'int f it n.'w lawj. .No clntrt'U fur uJva-t!. X. tee unt il ttllCCUHHl ul. Salary .ail iiit'iiut' unlilwuekly from tHarC P.rinani-ntpottUlon. KxolUBtvoli'rritoryg,! Kinerii'iiL-o uimci'fBiiiii v. lVi-uliar ..rfff Kill advantagoBtuliet'liHiorB. l.lbi rall; tlma .A'titH. Lanrtst , " ... i... rf A -arj' Oon,. nuraory x rortheon-tnud, Block. d&rb for lawn and panli'n. wnwaiit you now, v tho fruit industry is no U iimiortant. Oond chsnee tor' nrlnm-oiiHnt. Outtlt nnd full par ...rvniHIl I'orllnnd. K'TV. I Ul UVMOV , 11,-1.1. N;,nnjtlllsiiiler. Ed ELECTRIC TELEPHONE SoM ii'iti-iitlit, 110 rent, mi royalty. A.lniitwd Hi I'll) . Villiii' or (nil nt I . S.-eitt'd in evfi-y iionio, nlioi. Morn 11 nil ollii-n. (irt-iarrtl i-onvcn iiMii-i" nnd lif-t "i-l lor on ninlli. .4ri-nlM 11111 lie 11-0111 Ifft Ifc30 pel any. (Inn 111 il 1 1" 1 1 Ion.,, iiii-iiiih n hh ',- lo a 1 1 1 iit) iiiiik-liti-'f-.. t- mi' in-1 1 iiitii-nl no tnn. Work. utittlirr. ini .11 .til'!.,., t-oii-nli't... i-t-mly tor n-n wlii'n i-liii-l ill i nn 1-n i-ni up liy tmy imii, iiovnro'it of ot-.n-r, i-o r.-nn Tin-.', In-t- a life tinm. uri-iiii't-.l. A ttiouny in tl t-r. ri'e W. P. HarrU-jn iCo., tin 10, Columbus. 0- :4 Icoi jmoT'.LM, i.iui u niblHTshu'Ki toriA)ejts. I Mr3. V. frt. APT. CO. 1 W9 VISF. STrtFVT. ST. I, dl 1H, MO. Shot with 11 Cork. A lady. sl.ipiin;.' in u New York hotel ilurinjr 11 reiviit "hut spoil," was much troubled by four of luiritirs. .Slu bud just dropped uslivp one niylit. when she was aroUsed by a sharp report. HUo that of n pistol, and f.'lt a tinlino; sen sution hi her .shoulder. I'littinr up her hand, she was borrilied to tiud her ui(.'ht-(.Town saturairtl h ith some lhiidk wbieh siie ;is sure w;s blood. "Henry, Henry!" she cried to her sleeping hus band. "I am shot; 1 am bleeding to death!" "Nonsense, l!m." her callous husband replied, as he e;ot up and lit the fras; "you have been dreaming." "Hut 1 urn w et w i!h blood," persisted the terrilied woman. "You are wet, but not with Mood." said the husband; "it's " and lie burst into roars of laughter. He bad tuiwiivd a bottle of sodawaler uurini; the eveniue;, but not ipened il. It lay 0:1a l-ible, pointing .lireetly at t!ie bed, and it was evident that, exploding under the heat, it had ihot the e, rU uud half the soduwater across the room, uud hit the lady aa the slept. SPOOL MAKING IN MAINE. Queer Industry Which Has Grown lT Ui the ISackwoodft. Oxford county, Me., turns out nearl all of the spools on which the thread ol this country is wound, says the Phila delphia Press. The spools are madi from white birch timber and they urt produced by the million in Oxforc county. There are many other point in western Maine, also, where the in dustry is important. There are manj sawmills in that part of the statt which ure kept busy the year round Rawing white birch lojrs into strips four feet long and from one to twe inches wide and of the same thickness. These strips are sent to the spool fac tories, where they are quickly worked into spools by most ingenious labor saving machinery. The strips of white birch are fed into one machine and they are not toutdied in fact, are hard ly seen again until the spools, all fin ished for market except polishing, drop out by the bushel from another ma chine several rods away from where the strips started in. The spools get their ghiss by being rapidly revolved in barrels by machinery, the polish resulting from the contact of the spools in the barrel. In the backwoods vil lages of Oxford county one sees scarce ly any other industry but spoolmaking. and everyone is in some way interested in the business. " be factories have been eating into the .Maine birch forests for years, but there seems to be enough left yet to feed them well for years to come. Hundreds and thousands of feet of logs are cut and sawed into spool timber annually. Shoe peg factories are also an impor tant branch of businessonce peculiar to Maine, although it has of late been fol lowed to some extent in other eastern states and is spreading to the hardwood forests of Pennsylvania. Maple is used largely in the manufacture of shoe pegs, although white bireh is used at some factories. Shoe pegs are sold by the bushel, and are worth all the way from three shillings t6 one dollar a bushel, according to quality. More than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars were received by Maine shoe peg factories last year for goods. A curious and profitable business has grown up in the Maine woods about the sawmills in the utilizing of the im mense quantities of sawdust by com pression. Thousands of tons of sawdust are pressed into cement blocks and bales, and in this form is finding a ready market for kindling and fuel in the eastern cities. AFTER OFFICE. A Mali Whoge PerHlsteiiey Was at Lattt Rewarded. A yearning for public office is noth ing new. Nor, unhappily, is it anything new for men to proclaim that yearning upon the housetop, says the Youth's Companion. Rev. J I. V. Pierson, many years ago, found in the southwestern part of the country a large class of per ennial oflice seekers. Once he heard a speech from a man who had been a can didate for the same oflice for twelve years in succession. Every year he had canvassed the county, making speeches in every neighborhood. Dr. l'ierson prints a part of the speech which he himself heard. "I ask you to vote for me as an en couragement to the poor boys of the county, that I may be an example to them; that they may point to me and say: 'There is a man who was once as poor as any of us, who has been honored with a seat in the legislature of his native state.' "I have taught school a good many winters, and the boys that I have taught like me. They will give me their votes. I have sometimes thought I should have to teach school over the county until I have taught boys enough to elect me." The end of the speech was as follows: ".My fellow citizens, when I look back over the twelve years since I became a candidate fortius otlice, I feel encour aged. When 1 look back and think of the very few that for years gave ine any encouragement, and compare them with the number that now promise me their votes, I am proud of my success. "I begin to feel that my hopes are about to be realized, that a majority of my fellow citizens will honor me with their suffrages, and that I shall proudly go up to the capitol nnd take my seat among the legislators of the state. Hut, fellow citizens, if, unfortu nately, I should fail in this election, I take the present opportunity to an nounce myself as a candidate in the next race." Not that year, but some years after ward, his long dream was realized. A mincer ItiiHiuetiii Man. One of the characters of Portland, Me., is a (ierman Jew whom any busi ness man in Maine would trust with five thousand dollars if he wished it. He buys about ten .thousand dollars' worth of dry goods and millinery annu ally in job lots, and sells it all over the state through the medium of some twenty-five or thirty basket peddle: s. lie makes evidently a good pv,.iit, for he is worth over twer. ,-tive thousand dollars, though he cannot read or write and cannot be taught to do either. Sev eral times the attempt has been made to teach him to form the initials'of his name for purpose of signature, but he cannot form the letters so that they can be recognized as such, lie can add and subtract, and has a young man to keep Ills accounts, which he is able to provu correct or the reverse, because he has learned that certain combinations of marks mean certain kinds of laee, etc He could not name the letters or any ol the words. They are simply symboU to him. Where? At Al rahamsick'8. In addition to bis tailoring Imsinoss. he has added a fine line of underwear of all kiuda, negligee shirts, hoiierv. etc. Also has on hand some elegant patterns for Biiits. A. Abrnhamsiuk. May street, Heppuer, Or. Tu U.-li l iiu. ti u-i.-tin. There is said to be a good deal of UI). easiness among Christians in the Le vant at the signs of increasing fanati cism among the Turks. Four Christian boys and a Christian officer in tho Turkish army have lately been found dead under circumstances leading to the belief that they were sacrificed to ra ligious bigotry The "Wtrktd Hlbl." ' Among the curiosities of ' litoraturt possessed by one of the big libraries ol New York is an edition of the Scripture, published in several small volumes known as the "Wicked llible." There are two sets of books to which thi title applies. One was published it England in ltl;U and the other iu Ger many about a century later. Their pe culiarity consists of the omission of thf word "not" iu the seventh eoinniauj incut Or La Crippe, thonph occasionally epi demic, i.-i always more or less prevalent. The best reinctly for this complaint is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. " I.ast SprltiR. I was taken down with La Grippe. At times I was completely pros trated, and so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemed as if confined in an Iron ciii;e. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking it than relief followed. I could notbe Ileve that thn effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete. It is truly a wonderful med-lcine."-W. H. Williams, Crook City, 8. D. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prompt to act, sure to cure mivinrt lie clrAnTii-t and nmtif rVif wav which i I foil owed leads to Prof. HARRIS' SOLUBLE MEDICATED Pastille Hns been put up tn a proprietary form since . ana nus been used for yearn prior to that tlrue In private pructice. It is no untried nostrum, of doubtful reputation, but a Pennine specltlo for a very prevalent disease. Thousands of men, of all ntf"?8, have at some time la life brought on nervous debility and exhaustion, with organic weakness, by over brain work, excesses, too fre quent liululKonco or Indiscretion and vicious hiibitH.and it is to theie that we offer a remedy th:it will, by Its direct action upon tho Beat of the diMMiso, strip the drain and restore tne patient to viK')rnuft hcsiUli and utrenKth. (Miriijrthudof Introducing Prof. TIarrli'Pastille treatment is one which commends itself to all 6Mialble persons for the reason that we supply It upon their Judgment of its value. We ask of our patrons nothing In the wny of expense beyond a pot:tl curd and a two cent postage stamp. The postal curd to be used in sending us their full ad dress nnd the postage stamp for the letter return iiiL! the statement of their case for which we supply them with a question blank, to be tilled out and an envelope addressed to ourBelvesfor via m n'tnrniiig it wnon mica. BWlAiTlA1ll When wt a irt iH ,,,ent on wnen we receive tne mate- on blank we ure i) are eight days' treatment aud for- K( -TKiJU postage uieruon ana oiong R CPirii-tr with the eight days' treatment A i2u.JuUf. we send full directions for wmiilt. Tho tientmentin noway Interferes with a person's attention to buninesH, and causes no pain or inconvenience in any way. We are so positive that It will give perfect Satis faction that wo leave the matter of sending orders entirely with those tiding the free trial treatment. Uuvins satisfied thone sending for trial packages of our :ihility to benefit their sexual condition we feel that they ore more largely interested than ourselves in continuing theuseof the I'astillen. Even then we do not attempt to rob them by de manding high prices. On the contrary, we make the prices ns low as possible, and the snmetoall. They are as follows: ti for one month; $5 for two months; $7 for three months. These prices secure the delivery of the Pnatillen by mail. If desired by express we leave the patient to pay the charges. For over ten yoars we have onemted our .Am i .hi . luiNArf.miuJ business upon this plan with satisfactory results. wo asK an persona neening treatment ror any of the secret ills which come to mankind through a violation of nature's laws to send us their ad dress on postal card or by letter and allow us to convince them that PROP. II A II 1C IS' SOL VJ5I.K M KHICATEU PASTILLES have merit and are what they need. All communications confidential and should be addressed to The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists K Beekman 6t,, SEW YORK CITY, M. Y. HOP worth of lovely Music lor Forty -g tJ) I U Centf' consisting of ioo pages ? rw, nsiw fuj size jieet lUSiC ot tlie- rt latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular -5 selections, both vocal and instrumental, g gotten up in the most elop.mt manner, in- -a g-; cludinsr four lare size Portiaits, J CARMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer, PADLREWt-KI, the Great Pianist, r3 ADtUNA PATTI and -5 Jt: MINNIE SEUQMAN CUTTING. rS ADORCSO ALL ORDERS TO fc: THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. - Broadway Theatre Bld., New York City. -m CANVASSERS WANTED. 3 THB OLD DOCTOR'S 5 LADIES' FAVORITE. ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. Th lams as used by thotuanda of woman all over the United States, in tho ?LD DOCTUIiS private mall pr.ictioe. for AS years, and not n jlnjrli bad rsv.lt. Money returned If tint j represented, fiend 4 Ocnt (stamp) to;- aeaied partiuulara. BS. Wr 'Z UISTII7TI, 120 ft. KIstb Ct., St. UtX U RUPTira 25 YenvrV Fxperlcneo In treating all var! ties of Kupturo enables ns to Kuurantee fl positive cure. Question BlanK aud Book free. Call or write. VOlTA-MEiHCO APPLIANCE CO., J23 Pine Street, - ST- LOUIS, MO Itsrvlng, no i'u'orneniini i', i o lud results no ruiWHt driK'. 'X ri-nlirieM ncrf.Tlly h:irmU' and Itricily couJi dciuial. ('lu-siion Itl mi l Hook ire, fail or writs. 1U1. 11. B. liL TTri.Mar.uebirfet.bt.LouU.Ma $50 A YEAR FOR LIFE Substantial Rewards for Those Whos Answers are Correct A man one entered priion where wan confined l roiKirniiied orittiiiinl. On making a Tvquet to tn "Omiurteii into the jm-eenee of the doomed man, thl 'if itor w inform wi lhat none but relatiTeg werp iermi& l to t e the nrisoner. The visitor Mid : " Krotheri ind Aiatert have I none, but Lhat man' (the prisoner aj I at her is my father s son." He was at once taken to the prisoner. Now, what ra- atii-n the jirisotier to the visitor? ( Tne Agriculturist Publishing Company will giTe $50 I ! rfur for life to the person sendinp the first correct an- ' ; to the second; 3M, 260; 4th, 100: 5th, t (Ail, nnd orer I0,(i.l0 other rewards, insisting of pianoa, Mtmis, Indies and rents gold ana siWar watctaea, siItw , iK-es, diamond rint's, etc To :h.- lurson m-nding the laat eorrect answer will b I (ii'n a h'lih-tom'd omno, to the next to the last a beautl 1 ul orn, and the ueil &,iXU will receive valuable pruat 1 f -ilvvruare, o. I Kri.KS.-U) All answen mnst he sent bv mall, n 1 iHwimarli not later than lec. 31. lS-.'A (2) Th. re wd , je no i-h.-irga whatever to fnterlhis competition, but al ' ho i otiiete are expected to srd on dolUr lor m ' ihv t). suliacTiptioii to either Thb Iadiks, Uomi M(;zie or Tub Canadian Aiirtct ltt k ist iwt if the choit-est iiltitratel periodicals of the day. (3 j All pt tie Winners wdl be exjecteil to assist u in extend ng our circulation. (4) The tlrst corm-t an wet receive j seiidt r's iostuiark taken in all cases as date of rett-tpt i as to Rive every one an eoual cham-e, po matter alien le or rhe nitty rrsuli'K will wn iire Uie tint i:us, Lbi word, the neit pn?e, and so on Thb AuKH't't.Tt'KisT is an old wtahllfbed wncern ! utd pofSt s.es ample menus to enaUe it to carrj- cut al j t pnMiiis. i St' nd for primeU lit of tuitutr uri . winners I Jt ihjv. The following well-known gvii!!."- havs xnsfiitel to at l Jodti. andwiii-ee il.ai lie i-ruet ar fa'rly awirded : l oumiotlore l'a-u'.t it n ; rieto ralcutt Line of steam rM V ttrUnf u.h, an. I Mr W, ftotertiu, Prtst.letit Titles lr nt:ng lomitmy, Fete horough ltcgister all uioiier letieta AiliUru, Auaf tCkTtKIWT l'lft. iUy il.wlj, VeterUkr.Hwfc, tatad mm 11 With all baii conicquencea, trangusry1. 10 of enfisy. nrrvous tx iteuiai t, i.ervoul debility, unu-iturai diiciisrfrea lout manhood, despondency, unfit n-talom rry, wiitirz awv ol the or?a, certainly and npid y cred It mfc and ray mcth'id'. Cures positivelv juaru'i'et'-l. yjt-it.ou Uiault and Boo kf res. Callorwrlta. DR. WARD INSTITUTE. 120 N. Ninth St., ST. LOUIS. M0. 4fjpsa&OlAG IN HOSSES. 1 Sl.iJJi sn;ick.'o--r. ir.iU 0 r Pine t. The Old Reliable EstablliheU38 yoars. Treats mnloor ffui.Un, marrlod or single, In cases ot exposure, abusos, exopssos or Jmnroprtotlerf. HKILL GUARANTKKL). Jioard and aimrUllonts furnished when rlcslrod. (juoiitlou Blank aud iiouk. tree. Call or write. AND OTHER 111 LION ANT "DiHenses ClItKU w ihont th use of fknif e Qucition Ulnnk ami Itm.k fr-e. Call or write JH. H. It. 1H FTH, 822 Pine St &l. Luuls, M.O, SYPHILIS, ucretsfiiljiracticc. Treat rni Tli wortl formf posl. tlvely cared S3 year 'ul nractice. 1 rr.it meat oonfWmtial. Lurei by mail or at office. Terms low. Qu us tion Jilank am Hooktrt.. CalUr write. DR WAR') INSTITUTE, 120 N. 9th St.,St.Loul,Mj WANTED. tin 1 Wrrif ANY ADY' employed or unemployed, vlw n TlLLrti can make tliiafrr a Uw hours work ca)i day. Pslarv or commission. StO naitipla frea Addrr Jt H. BtNJAMIN & CO.. 822 Pine it., St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Hash's Belts SEpplisncss tj An electro-gjiivanio nfittcry em boiiieu iiito mcdicutud. .- Bpilts. SiiRPfiiiBorlrs. Riil- ii ul AtttliunccH. Aiidtint- rmfy$l lual Hunuortfira. Vesta. SvHuiJ lrawera, Oflico Cnis, I llHOl PS. etC. Cnres Rhetimatism, X,iver and Kidney Oomplaiuts, lyRpepniat IOitots of Youth, ItOHt AIaiilionl, Nervousness, Nexual AVenk- .e88, and all J roubles in Male or J emale. Question Blank and ISook free. Cull or rite Volta-Medica Appliance Co., 3 Fine Street. - tX. LOUIS. MO. Foot-Printa on the Patli to lleultli. Everyone neediu a doctor's advice should read one of Dr. Foote'a dime pamphlets od "Old Eyes," "Croup," Rupture," "Phiniosis," "Vnricocele," Disease of men, Disease of Women, nnd learn the best means of Hplfcure. M Hill Pub. Co., 129 East 28th St., New York. STOCK I1RAM1S. While you keep your snliBeriptior ;ntid nj can keep yuurbmniin froouf clHrii'. Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horses on It-ft shoulder; cuttJe euine ou J'ft liii, undr bit on riHtit ettr, una upper dii on the Jutt; rune, jV,nr row ctmnty. Anr.Ktnine', J. , Alpine, Or. T wilh bin tin der u on loft ehouldur of horses; cuttle bhiiii1 on left hip. AUiBon, O. IX, Eight, Mile. Or.-Cnttle brand, O D on loft hip and hordes Riime brand on riht Adkins, J. .f., Heppnor, Or. Httrbon, JA con ncctod on left flunk; cuttle, same on left hip. BHriholtimow, A. (t., Alpmo. Or. Horsna oraixlea i ea ui) ettnor Btioulaer. Jtunue m fllo row countv Rleakman, Geo., Kardmun, Or. IlorFea, a flap ordeft nhoulder; cuttle name uw riht lionldnr. nanniBter, J. W., Hnrtlman, Or. Cuttle hrand- e m on lert nip hiiu tilled; npiit m each ear. Itreiiner, Potor. (iocfsoborry Ort'Kou Horses branded t a on lert ehouiaor. Cuttle Biime on riuht Hitle. liurke, M Ht C, Loiik i:reek, Or On cnttlo, MA Y connected on Joft hip, ciop oft 1-,'ft. ear, mi dor half crop oif rinht. Horties, Bimie brand on letft Bhouider. liange in (jrant and Morrow connty. Hronman, Jerry. Lena, Or. Hor&oB bronzed 7 on riRiii Htiuumer; cattle H on the lett wide. Loft oar half crop bnd ritrht ear upper slojie. Harton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -llorses, J Bon rilit thitfhi cattle, oaiuo on riht hip; split in earh ear. Hrown, Isa, Lexin(?ton, Or. Horses IB on the riKiit ettiie; cauieaauieou nhthip; rauuo, iMor row ctmnty. Hrown, J. C, Ileppnor. Or.HorneB. circle C wilh dot in firti tor on loft hip; uatllo, aitine. Brown, W.J. , Lena, Oregon. Hordes W. bar over it, ou the left shoulder. Cattle fame on left hip. Hoyer, W. G,. Heppner, Or.-Horeea, box brand on rish hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. 13org, P. O., Hoppnnr, Or. Horsea, P R on left shoulder; cuttle, same on left hii. Hrownlee, V. J., Fox,Or Cattle, JB connected on left sido; crop n loft ear and two splits and midtile piece cut out on right ear; on litres wame brand on the left thigh; llange in Fox valley, Grunt county, Caranei Warren. Wagner, Or. Horses brand ed O on right etine ; cattle E: (three bare) on right ribs, crop andaplit in each ear. liange in Grant and 51 or row counties. C'ain.E., Caleb.Or. Y V on horsed on left stifle U with qunrter circle ovor it, on left shoulder and on left stifle on all col ta under 5 years; on left shoulder only on all horeoa over 5 yeurs. All range iu Urant county. Clark, Wm. H., Lena. Or. Hoiffs WHtJ con-not-ted, on left shoulder: caf'ie same on right hip. Itange Morrow and (Jruatilla uounttPH. I'ate, Chas. li Vinson or ljena. Or. Horses H C. on nhc shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Itange Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cecil, Wm,, Douglas, Or.; horses J(1 on lefi shoulder; cattle same on left hip, waddlee on each jaw and two bits in tho right ear. Curl, T. 11., John Day, Or. Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant conniy. On sheep, inverted A R"d spear point on shoulder. Ear markou ewes, crop ou left ear pnuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right a"d umior half crop in left ear. All range in Orant countv. Cook, A. J.,Lena.Or. Horses, flOon right Bhonl der. Cattle, same on right hip; ear mark square crop off left and split in right. Currin. K. X., Currinsviile, Or, -Horses, 3 on left etine. Cox Ed. B., Hnrdman, Or. Cattle, C with E in center; horses. CE on left Mp. Cochran, K. E., Monument, Grant Co , Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left Bhouider; cattle same brand on both nips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chupin, H.t Hardman. Or. Horses branded on nnlit hip. Cattle brauded the same. Alnw brands Cl on hordes light thigh; c t e SHUie brand on right shoulder, and cut off end of right ear. Dickens, Ebb Horses brarded with three tinea fork on left stifle. Cattle pU'iip ou left side. Donbass, W. M .Galloway. Or. Cattle, It 1.' on right buk'.swudow-furk in each ear; horses. It 1) on left hip. DoiikIhs. O. T., Doiit;l.8, Or Hordes ID on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip. Ely, J. H. A Sons, Douglas, Or. liurt-es brand ed ELi n left KhoaMer, cattle same on h'ft hip. hole it right ear. Elltotl. Wash., llenuuer. Or. DimnnnH right fclumlth'r. Emery, C. b., Hardman, Or. Horses branded lreverst.d e wilh tail on left slit.uuler ; cat tle same on ridu hip. Ki.nge in .Morrow eoru; ty. Eiei-k, Jai'ksou, liepputr. Or. HoreeH. 7 k connected ot. rittht Hhouitier; caitle siime on right hip. Ear mark, hole in rilit and cron ott left. I'b.rt'iice, 1.. A lltM-pner. Or. Cattle. I.F m, riglit ii-p, l;or-iir sJutuiiior. h with bar uwivr on Kluremv. S. P. Hopp-ner. Or Ih.re"-s, K nu j right shruktt"; cattlo, i' on niit hinnr tJih. ; I retuli, (iffigH, Ii-ppin-r. Ui-.-Cattie lin.ndt d ! r. wiin ear over it, on n rt snic; crop oft lft i ear. liorst, bt-.mv brni a i lf i hip tmy, l!eiir, hippinr. Or. iiA V t-houiuet. tiilman-French, Land" and blT Stock ( sil. Or. Hordes, anchor m h-ft (-l.uuMc It- , Fo. san e on icft flitle. Catth', eaiiT on Kotfi hiva Vl'tlt, ear mat ks, enn urt rihi ,ir ai,d umlcrhii in U-(t Itange in (iiUntm, tirant. Cr.Kk aid Morrow coiiikK'S Gentry, Klur, Echo, Or Hrt-es brnd sl !!. 8. with a quarter eirvle uver it. on left tiii Uarge in Morrow and CuiattLiiicoiimto. Hhes. lieo.. Lna, Or, Hraud J i) eomitv-ted wn h qt.artt r circle over it, on left shoulder. lliatt A. H Kidge, Or. Cattle, roumi-top witli ijnarti r circle ur der it on the right tup. Kimee in ! rrew arri I' Hmtilla cixtnties. llinton A Jenkf, Hamilton. r Cattle. two b:t on either hip; crop in right ear ai.d split m lett. Horse, J on right tliigh. liange m irt county HiKhe-. Sirnnel, W;nr, Or-J" lT F L ConuevtedWm right sh ii:diroii hti;-t's; on cattle, on right hip&d on left &i!, bwaili-w ftrk in right ear and slit in left- Kange in HajeiHck dwtrict.Mornjw county. lan Hide, Mdton, Wngnwr. Or.-Horaee branded -O- (circle with pBraliel tails) on left shouUler. Cattle same on left hip also larg circle ou left B Hall, Edwin, John Day.Or. -Cattle E Hon right hip; bomea aamo on right sliuuldor. hungeiL Grant ctmnty. Howard, J Ii, -alloway. Or Hore, (tTosa with bar aUve it on right shtntlder; emtie ntinieon lettsido. Jtunge in Morrow and Lmu tilhi conntiea. Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Hoi son, ehadod heart on the left shoulder, ltauge Morrow Co. HmiHaker, H A. Wagner, Or. Uoreea, U ou loft shoidtltT: caitlo, it on left hip. Haniisty, Albrt, Nye, Oregon Horses, A H connected, ou left shoulder; Cattle vn the left hiP.crop off ieft oar, Humphreys, J M. Hardman, Or. Horaee. H on lef flunk Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass on left shoulder cattle, same on right hip. Huston, Lnther, Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat tie name on left hip. itange in Morrow county. Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek, Or Cattle 1 Don right hip, crop or! leftear and bit in right. Horses same brand on left shoulder liange n Grant conntv Jftjies, Harry, Heppner, Or Hot see branded n J on the left shoulder: cattle baanded J on right hip, underbit in left ear. Itange in Monow ctvnnty. Junkin, B. MM Heppner, Or. Horeee, horse, shoo J lifniK" "ii I'li-'ht Mile. J(!.i;puii. l!tlis, Lpna, Or. HorBee, ciroleTon left htitle; cHtllu, BHUie on riKtitlup, under Iwlf p.ru). in riKlit. ami amir in lafi aar J'-nkiiis, li W.,Alt. Voriiuu.Or. 3 on horaHaon left aliuai(ir; on cattle, J on left hip and two emo'ith crops on both ears, llangem loxand Hear vaUi'S Kenny, Alike. Heripner, Or. Horses brandod KNi' on left hip cattle same and crop off left' ar: mul"r hIoi-r on the richt kil l. J. T., Heppner, Or. HorBes 69 on left 'hi,!l,ier; cattle, lilt on left hip. Kirk. J (', tioppnor. Or. Horses. 17 on either ;:i,Kk:ciitilM Hon riKhtsido. Kirk. Jeepe, Heppner. Or,; horBe- 11 on left Inuiilyr; oattlo aunie on right side, imdorbitou nj'lii e-ir. knn'.horland.W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on cull lo on riK'nt and left Bides, swallow fork in le ft ear anil under ciop in riht ear. Horses same hri ml ol left shoulder. KaiiRein Urant countv l.ofT'.n, Blophen, Boi, Or.-S L on left hip on entile, crop uud split on riitht ear. Horses eai'.ie brand on left shoulder. Kanire Grant OOlll'lV. Linr.allen' John W.. LeTV,"'- Or. Horsos l.nmdi'd half-circle Jl.connocted on left shoul iler. I alt In. Buim on lefthiu. KanKO, near liex. Lcnliej', J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded 1. ami A o" 1,-1 1 shoulder; cottie same on left mp, wattle ovur nuht i je, three slits in right ear. Lsnd. (icorfte, Heppner. Or.-Horses bnindod ilonl.e 11 toi.iiecu .Sometmies called a a:iiB 11. on loft shoulder. . larslmm. A. M., Heppner, (Ir.-Cattle large Jl on lull sitle both ears cropped, and split in boih. Horhes Jl on left hin. liunKe, Clark's cupyou. Jiiii'ir. Oscar, noppner, Or.-Cattlo, M D on rifclil hip; horse. Mon leftahouldor. Morgan. H. N Heppner, Or.-Itoraes M ) on lerl shouldi cattle same on left hip. McCombor, Jaa A, Kcho, Or. Horsos, M with rar over on rifcrht shoulder. .Morgan. Thos. Heppner, Or.-Horses, cirole J on left shoulder and left thigh; cattle. Z on n;:iil thigh, Mitchell. Oscar, lone. Or. llorseB, 77 on right hip; cattle, 77 on right Bide. MoClaren, 1). ((., UrowuBville, Or, llorsea HigururioneHcli shoulder; cattle. M2on hin Jlct.arty. David H. ISoho Or. Horsos branded D5I connected, on tho lef t shoulder; cattle same mi hip and side. Sliliirr, frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Jlule shoe with tor-cork on cattle on ribs asd undor in each ear; horses Hume brand ou left stiHo. Mcllaky, u. , ., nauiiiton. Or. un ltorsea. with naif circle under ou ieftliouliier;oi, imuie, our bars conneclod ou Uip ou the right side luuige in di-ant (.'ounty. Rtal.Audrew. Lone liock.Or.-HorHcs A N con nncluii on Lift shouliler; cattle same ou bothhips. Nonlyke, fc., Milverton. Or.-Horses, circle 7 on left thigh: caitle. same on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, ( aujon I ity, (Jr. A 2 on cattle on .ell. Inp; on horses, same uuiefttliigli, liange iu hnint county I'ller, l'urry. Leiington, Or. 1' O on left sho'i.il.-i. (lip, Herman, I'laitie City, Or. On cattle, O LI- connected on left hip; homes on loft stille awl wnnle on nose, hangn in (Irnul county, luarwin, Oluvo, tight Jlile. Or.-Horses, Quar ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left Inp. lallle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24 on left I, ip. Uungi. ,m Kight Mile. linger A Gleaaoo. liiiiduiuu.Or, Horses 11 on I' fl shoulder, l'iper, I' rnoi-l, Lexington .Or.-Hor es braud e ll L I', connected) oi, lcfl shouider ; oattia s nieou right hip. Itange, Slnrrow counly. I'lpor.J. H LeziiiKtou. Or. -Horses, .In. con. nerled oi left BlnnJ.ler; cattle, name on luft hip. under bil in each ear. 1'ettys, A. C, lone, Or.; horses diamond P ou -shoulder; cattle, J Ji J connected, on the left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the light. l'uwell, John X.. Dayville, Or Horses, J t' con iwe.ed on left Bhouider. Cattle OK counseled on lefl hip, two under haif ctopb. one on each ear, wattle under thruut. Ua, go in Urantcounty. liood, Andrew, Hnrduiau, Or. Horses, square oniss with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. llmiiuger, Chns, Heppner, Or.-HoreeB, 0 K on left shoulder. r.ice. Dun, Hurdman, Or.; horses, three panel worm fence on left shoulder; cattle, DAN on riglit shoulder. Hanio near Hardman. Koyse, Aaron, Hoppner, Or Hoibos, plain V on left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on rigid hip and crop oft riglit ear. liange in Mor row county. Hush Hros., Heppner, Or.-Horses branded li on the right Bhouider; cattle, IX on tho left hm, (Top oil left ear and dewlap ou neck, liange in Morrow and adjoining counties. liust, William, Kidgo, Oi-.-Horsea li on left shoulder; cattle, li on left hip, crop oil right ear, umlerbit on left ear. b-hcep. 11 on weathers, rouud croji oil righ ear. Uauge (juia tilluand Morrow ouiilies. liwuiuy Andrtiw, Leximrton, Or. Horse, branded A li on right shoulder, vent quurter circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. liange Morrow counly. liojse, Wm. II, Uairyville, Or HH connectec wilh quarter circle over top ou cattle on right hip ami crop oif right ear and split in left, lioreoi same brand on left shoulder, liange in Morrow (llant and Gilliam counties. ilector. J. VY., Heppner, Or.-Horecs. JO on loft bhouider. (.'al tie, o on right hip. .,;..ir,.u!i t w 4l I n . u. ., .juoseuorry, ir. riorsfs branded 31 on left shoulder; tange in Morrow bailing, t C Heppner, Or Homes branded B A on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Jiwaggart, H. 1'., Lexington, Or. Horses with dash under it on left stitie; cattle 11 with dash under it on right hip, crop oil right, ear and waddled on right hind leg. huge in Morrow. ' (jiJliauiand tuiatilla counties. Bwaggart, A. L.,Atheua. Or HorBes brands'1 2 on left shoulder; cettlo same on left hip. Crop on ear, wattle on left hind leg, U,-Ui..l., U7 I.' LI .. ... . a., ooroura, cr. norees shaded J S on lefi stifle; cattle J B on left hip, swallow bapp, liios., Heppner, Or.-Horses, 8 A P on left hip; cattle same on left hip, Ul.-,u- T..k L'. ..A . . u....o.,WUi,ii, er.-nu connected on horseBon right hip; oattie, same on right hip crop oft right ear aud under bit iu left ear. Hangs in orant couuty. Smith Bros., Busanville, Or, Horses, branded H.Z. on shoulder; cattle, -ameonleft shoulder. .r1 ,7: ,....UKIyu, yr,; norses uranaed J8 on loft Bhouider; cattle the same, also nose ui u 1 " . '".-orrow anuuuiiani counties. otepheiiB, V. A., Hardman. Or-; horses B8on right stiHe; cattle horizontal L on the right side Slavatiiii.T, 1VI ro A 1 U ...... loppner, ur. cattle, 0 on right hii ; swallow-fork in left ear. Bwaggart 0). w. Heppner, Or.-Horeeo, 44 on left Bhouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip leiTy, K. G .Heppner, Or. - Cattle W C on u .,611L ml uuueroit in lert year, dewlap; horses W C on left Bhouider. ,.ui, a., neppner, Or. Horses, g on left shuulder; cuttle, 2 on left shoulder. shoulderT ""' "oreeB' u-on 10" TurnHr It. V HQ.M r, o. u .. . - left shonldcr, horsea; cattle same on left hip 1 (w.ri.r.1,1 11 M n it . . . . , , lui r, ir. norses L-ranae-i H I comietited on ieftstiiio; sheep same hnin Vanderpotd, H. T Lena, Or, Htraes 11 V oon necied on right shoulder;cattle, bame on rigiit WAlliri.lo-M V TT. ri ti l .t . on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip. crop uff left ear and right ear loiipcd. WilrJO'i, Jotiu Q,, 8alem or Heppner, Or. HormH branded Jy on the left shoulder, liunc Jlorrow county. ,j. nicu, ui l liiuo r Willi (juajier circie over it, on left side, split in rihi nar. liiTfen name bra"d on left shoulder. Kanoio Grant county. Wright, ftilas A. Heppner, Or, Cattle branded 8 W on the ri;ht hip. smiaro cmp ott right eat ami split in left. Wade, Henry, Hpppner, Or. Hornee biaT--dd aee of spadte on leit shouhlor aud loft hip Cattle branded name on left fide a:iJ loft hip. Wells. A. 8., HeppiK-r, Or. Horses, a; o : lt f el,tttildr- t'h'.i e a:u H eltriK'T, .Tobn, John Day City, Or ( .-n in-i-HH thm- parallnl Lrs on left r-honlder; 7 on bi.en, IjHinloth ears. Uange in tirant ar.d .Mr.ir..-r counties. Wiio.lvv-Krd, John. Il-ppner, Or.-ilurMjj., fjp connwted on left ohouldfr. Walkins, Lihhe. Heppner, Or.-Hoises Lrd- J VI. eoiLiiectet, on lwft utitie. fturroll IV 1J i"n,.K lV- nt- Tr . Wallace. Charles, Portland, Dr. Caitle. W un rm'li'. tl.th, h -it in left ear; horses, W ei-uiiKier. boiih ean:e(n left hhoolder. VVhitfiur p.,b n. U..I. - : H, th-a hramied W H conuecle. on iefl B:.,:u.U-r ! Williams, vasco, Hamilton, nr. Onr.rter cir cle ocr three Imrs on left hip, both caitie and horses. Mange li rant county. i Williams, J U. Ixing Creek. Or Iii.ri.e oust ter circle over three (tan on left hip; -,,,;,. and slit id each ear. Itange in (iraut c.un; ; ' V.'ten. A. A., i eppner. Or. Hurt, rui,ni:'sl A on s'loalder; CaHle. same on right hip. Wslkcr Hlizaheth A ttn. Hardman Or -1 silie lirnm;.-,i (K W connected) E1V on le't Mile. hors. n.me on right shoulder. J. W WiUer. ,;-. ameon left hin. horses same on ,cfi shoulder. All r.nigo U Morrow coin ty Young, J. (.. tT,Ket,errj,t)r.-Horr- brano) IMon the ngnt .hordd-