Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 01, 1894, Image 3

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'pHOSR desiring the insertion of display add., I
L or change ol same, must gut their copy in
uot later than Monday evening for Tuesday's ;
edition, or Thursday evening for Fridays edi-j
1. The sum of five cents per line will be !
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," list of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whateverpnrpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
tents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon applicatiou.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name is signed as an evidence of
good faith.
LJ ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
San Kram-isco, is our authorized ageut. Ihis
paper is kept ou tile iu his ottice.
Starts for Hardman, Monument, Lonjr Creek,
John Dtiy and Canyon City, leaves an follows :
Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
A rrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quiekext and best line to or
from the interior country.
J. 8. DELEVAN, Prop.
Thill Conn, Ageut.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
He's mortgaged out Ills mule,
An' the children's took from school,
An' hlswife he's left the plowin' all to her;
An' he spen's the time a Jawiu'.
An' a lyiu' an lawin',
Fer he's what they call a politiclaner.
Mrs. W. A. Johuston is visiting her
fill her iu Portland.
Mrp. U. Blackmail and child returned
from Portland Saturday last.
Miss Ollie Howard returned from
Mouniontu Saturday morning.
Wanted A few more customers for
the home laundry, Mountain House.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable,
oari fully prepared from the best ingredi
ents. J. W. Vaughuu was in town Saturday
ou business, returning on the evenlog's
The Heppner Canyon stage line is the
heat, cheapest and quickest to the iu
H. 0. Macbeth and A. VV. Whitely.of
'Frisoo, two traveling men, r-undayed
in Heppner.
It you want a Rood gnu or sewinu
machine, come to the Gazette office and
we'll fit you out.
Miss Dollie K. Sperry, of East Port
land, will shortly give a literary enter
tainment in Heppner.
Those that bavo county scrip for sale
should call on (ieorge Conser at The
first National Bank. 2-tf.
J. C. Hart returned from bis vaaation
Saturday morning and is again at his
post of duty at the depot.
The Gazette will be sent to any ad
dress in the United States till after
campaign for 50 cents. f
Legal blanks, plenty of them, at the
Gazette office, and at world's prices.
Disoounts on large orders.
Greeu Mathews baa opened up bis
barber shop, next door to Hayes Bros
Shaves, etc., on tap as usual.
Every man who takes any interest iu
fast Btock should subscribe for The
Horsemau. Gazette shop, agents.
Born In lone, Apr. 18: h, to the wife
of B. F. Case, a girl. lone has the
proudest biaokamith in the county.
County Clerk Morrow returned from
below Saturday, after an absenoe of a
week in the metropolis ou business.
J. M. Wilson and Chas. Reid, two
Wyoming sheep buyers, oume iu last
week and bought 7,000 yearling ewes
and wethers.
The Guzette will take oounty scrip at
face on subscription, and pay balance of
same in cash at highest market price.
The Gazette office now runs an in
surance Hud notarial (hop. Come iu
when you want to do your insuring and
,Ias. D. Hamilton and wife left for
California last Friday night, They will
visit relatives at it. Jones und may
locate in that vicinity.
If you desire u luxuriant growth of
healthy hair of a natural oolor, nature's
crowning ornament of both sexes, use
only Hall's Vegetable Silician Hair
Pi6UCVer. -
John Ledrick, a German farmer living
near Cornelius, Washington Co., was
found mnrdered a few days ago. The
deed was no doubt done in a spirit of
Eoho stage leaves Heppner for Echo
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days. Fare, one way, 2.50. PhillCobn,
agent, A. Andrews, Prop.
Miss Mary Farnswortb accidentally
Bpilled hot water on her foot last week,
badly scalding that member. However,
the burn in not serious, and Bhe will
soon be able to walk again.
Lost A note dated June 12, 1892,
signed by G. W. Swaegart, calling for
$2,000, in favor of P. C. Thompson.
The public are warned against negotiat
ing for or purchasing said note, tf.
J. W. Dawson returned from Monu
ment Saturday. He found the river
too high to proceed further, and came
back without going to Canyon City. It
will be several days belore the river can
be ferried.
Mrs. Belle Taylor, wbo has been visit
jog with relatives iu the city for the
past few weeks, departed Saturday
evening for Colfax, rjhe was accom
panied as far as The Willows by Misses
Letha Matlock and Daisy Clark.
Ben Case, the lone blacksmith, spent
Sunday and yesterday in ileppner.
From reports, lone expeots a good year,
crop prospects hsing good. Re-publicans
are eutbusiastio iu that precinot, and
will poll the usual vote for that party.
In oonseqnence of winter diet and lack
of open air exercise, the whole physical
mechanism becomes impaired. Ajer's
8-ireapariila is the proper remedy, in the
spring of the year, to strengthen the
appetite, iuvigora'.e the system, and
expel all impurities from the blood.
If those wh i owe us would just pay SI
apiece it would help us to pay our debts.
Fact is, the Gazette has got to do rome
"tall rustling." and we expect our patrons
to do something. Our paper house and
printers still require hard cash, and cash
we must have.
Marian Evans, of Lexington, was in
Saturday at which time he reported
ciops to be in excellent condition.
However, for the past two weeks it has
been too cold for vegetation to make
much growth, but the prospects for a
full crop were never better.
Arthur Smith will clean watches at
the reduced price of 81.
Photoffraohs 81.50 pel dozen at Sbep-
pard'i gallery, near opera house, north
Main St., Heppner, Ore. 26tf.
Dan Mathoit, the .traveling man, Is in
Arthur Cunningham, a sheep-buyer,
arrived this morning.
Eagle: The republicans of Crook
county have nominated John Combs for
sheriff of that oounty.
A. A. Jayne, the republican oandidate
for prosecuting attorney, returned home
on last evening's train.
J. H. Pearson, the democratic oandi
dute for commissioner, was a visitor Bt
the Gazette otiioe yesterday.
E. B. Dufur, the democratic candi
date for prosecuting attorney, arrived
from The Dalles this morning.
Hon. Henry Watterson'a lecture on
"Money and Morals" at Portland last
week waB well attended, and pronounced
to be full of good aud wise thought.
Eagle: The mill at the Blaok Butte
is now being run day and night, working
from 12 to 18 tons of ore per 24 bours.
The ore is said to be averaging about
If6 to the ton.
The rua i between Heppner and the
mountains on Willow oreek is reported
by Luther Hamilton to be in bad con
dition, and will require fully $800 to put
in a passable condition.
Towns Mathews isdownfrom Spokane
to shenr. Towns likes Eastern Wash
ington quite well, but thinks thers is no
pluoe like Morrow county. The Spokane
country is very quiet at present, and
there seems to be no immediute signs of
It is ouly of late years that rheumatism
has b-en treated as a blood disease.
But that this is a correct theory is proved
by the extraordinary success attending
the ue of Ajer's Sarsaparilla, in this
painful aud v.-ry prevalent malady. It
seldom fails of radical cure.
In the near future, the grand drive of
50,000 head or more of Morrow oounty
sheep will start eastward. These are
made up of various bands and halt of
them will be piloted through b.v Sam
Puluier. This is enoouraging, even
though the prioe paid is small.
Gid Hatt has now established a ton
sorial parlor, at the Matlock building
next door to Simons' blacksmith shop
where he invites the patronage of his old
customers aud all who desire strictly first
?laes work, Bhaving, ebampooingand hair
cutting at living prices. Don't overlook
The regular subscription price of the
Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and the
regular price ot the Weekly Uregonian
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for one yeBr in
advance can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregoninn for $3. Till old sub
scribers paying their subscriDtions for
one year in advanoe will be entitled to
the sime.
E. L. Matlock arrived from Iowa on
this morning's train, after an absenoe of
six mouths or more. Farmers iu Iowa
are preparing to put in their corn whiob
"ever fails there. Times are fair in that
seotion. Horses, however, are dull sale,
and that was what most interested Ed
having taken several car-loads from
Eastern Oregon last fall.
Tiiain Captored Last Saturday
morning, the Coxeyites at Troutdale
captured the looomotive attaohed to
Supt. Baxter's private oar, and switching
it onto the side track, they coupled on
to the freight train, deposed all the
company employes, putting in their
plxces "oommouwealers," and in a short
space of time were pulling eastward.
They got along well enough till they
readied Arlington. There they were
met by some regulars from Fort Walla
Walla under Col. Compton who arrested
the w hole gang, and were immediately
escorted back to Portland where 52 'of
the riog-leadtirs ware put in jail and
387 of the rank and file kept in box-cars
under military surveillance. The leaders
will have to answer to the charge of
oontempt. Judge Bellinger warned
them not to molest oompany property,
which they wilfully disobeyed. The
result will be that a fine lot of muscle
will remain inactive till the possessors
get through with Unole Sam.
The Clcb Meetinq. The meeting of
the Republican Club of Heppner, last
Saturday evening was a grand suouess.
The speakers of the evening were Hon.
A- A. Jayne, of Arlington, candidate for
prosecuting attorney, and Hon, E. A.
Brundage, organizer ot republican olubs
in this county, followed by a few Be t
tering remarks by Otis Patterson. The
whole was interpersed with campaign
and other songs, rendered by tbe
sumpaign quartet and also by Miss Effie
Warren. The meeting olosed with the
announcement that ou next Saturday
evening tbe Republican Club ol Morrow
oounty would meet at tbe opera bouse
with a full program.
Was Released. On laBt Thursday
evening, as Jas. D. Hamilton and wife
were about to depart for California, Mr.
Hamilton was placed under arrest
oharged with forgery, Hon. J. N. Brown,
bis former partner, being the complain
ant. The examination came off on
Friday before Judge Keitbley, and tbe
accused was allowed to go for laok of
Not Dead. Last Friday Blind Jim,
of the Columbia!, made bis appearanoe
in Heppner again, after an absence of
more than a year, Jim was reported to
have died not long sinoe, but be seems
to be a very live siwBsh, though very
infirm from rheumatism. He was ac
companied by numeroas bucks, squaws,
pappooses, cayuses and dogs on their
semi-annual pilgrimage to the mountains.
New Washerman. George, a first
class Chinese washerman from Pendle
ton, bas purchased the wasb-bouse
from Charley, and will run toe same in
tbe future. George wishes to state that
be will not be responsible for any of
Charley's debts, but promises to con
duot the best Chinese wash-house ever
established in Heppner. He solicits the
future patronage of not only Charley's
old customers, but of all who wish good
laundry work done. 7-8.
The Superiority
Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is due to tbe
tremendous amount of brain work and
constant care need in its preparation.
Try one bottle and you will be convinced
of its superiority. It purifies tbe blood
wbicb, tbe source of health, oures dyspep
sia, overcomes sick headache and bilious
ness. It is just the medicine for yon.
Delavs ere dangerous, lake Himmons
, Liver Kegulator in time Tor dyspepsia.
I biliousness, and all diseases of tbe liver,
itrs. Judge Peck
Mrs. Judge Peck Tells How
She Was Cured
Sufferers from liyspfps.: sluini.i ;:ul tlie fol
lowing leticr fi.:u Mrn. II. I), iv... wile of
Judge Peck.jv jfistit u :it Ttuvy.Oi!., ... 1 u v. riter
connected with tlie Asv.ici:ii:'! I';'ss:
"By a deep sense of grati fur i'u yruat
benefit I have received from t'.v: u i f Hood's
Sarsupariila, I have been led t: write i'.w fallow
ing statement fur ihe hnnetit :f snf.t ;ers who
may be similarly led. For 1" :.i:r'i 1 have
been a great sulierer from ilysi-;:s: t
Heart TrouJjic,
Almost everything I ate would distress me. I
tried different treatments and medicines, but
failed to realize relief, Two ye;irs ;igo a friend
prevailed upon me to try IKiod's Sar.Haparilla.
The first bottle I noticed li.dped me. so 1 con
tinued taking It. It di I me so nwih good Ciat
my friends spoke of the improvement. 1 have
received such great benefit from it that
Gladly Recommend It.
I now have an excellent appetite and nothing I
eat ever distresses me. It also keeps up my
HoocTs5p Cures
flesh and strength. I cannot praise Hood's
Sarsaparilla too much." Mas. 11. M. ?kck,
Tracy, California. Get HOOD'S.
Hood's Pills are hand made, and perfect
la proportion and appearance. 25c. a box.
Pink City Politics. Geo. Harrington
and the manager of this paper departed
Saturday morning fur Pine City to
attend a meeting of the republican club
at that place. Arriving about 12:30,
they were provided with food for man
and beast by genial Tom Mathews.
After dinner tbey repaired to tbe school
bouse where quite a number of enthusi
astic republicans bad gathered, among
whom they noted F. J. Hallock, J. P.
Willis and J. 8. Boothby, republican
oandidates, reepeotfully, forolerk, asses
sor and representative. Tbe club was
called togatber by tbe chairman, J. T.
Hoskins, when a number of those
present were oalled upon to address the
olub. Those who responded were A. G.
Bartholomew, F. J, Hailook, J. F. Wil
lis, J. S. Boothby, Tbos. Scott and A.
W. Patterson. G. W. Harrington also
briefly informed them that while no
speaker, yet be was tbe nominee (or
sheriff, and should he be eleoted it
would be bis earnest endeavor to fill the
office to the best of his ability. In all,
tbe meeting was an enthusiastic one and
shows that the republicans are thorough
ly alive ont in Pine City precinot.
Lost on Stoleh. All persons are
hereby warned against negotiating for
two certain notes, desoribed as follows:
One note dated October 5, 1893 for 8500
signed by Wm. Penland and Hugh
Fields, 8160 indorsement. One note
dated on or about Oct. 6, 1893 for $150
signed B. I1'. Vangbau and E. J. Hlo
oum, with Sol endorsement. Both of
said notes drawn in favor of Mrs. Eliza
beth Walker..
4t-T. Elizabeth Walker,
Be Economical.
Spend every dollar judiciously and to
the best advautage. Be considerate.
Study every question of economy on all
sides. Do not jump at conclusions, but
investigate. It you want power for
pumping, eawiiig or printing, Bend for
catalogue of tbe Heroules G is Engines.
Palm En & Kki Type Fodndby, Front &
Alder rjts., Portland, Oregon.
Rainy weather aud a cold wind.
The grain looks fine. The rye will
soon be in head aud promises a good
Tom Woolery has departed for the
mountains, where be will labor for
some time.
Born To the wife of Ben Case, Thurs
day, April 18, a 11 pound girl. We con
gratulate. Miss Anna Miller, one of our aotive
and successful teachers of this oounty is
engaged at tbe Fairview school, for the
spring term.
Sam Bitcbie oarries bis band in a
sling. It wbb badly bruised while he
was working in tbe mountains, and
some Bay it may bave to be amputated.
Miss Josie Fisber, wbo bas been a
resident of the lone neighborhood for
some time, departed last night for San
Francisco, where she will learn the
milliner's trade.
Mr. Ed. Miller is teaching bis first
term of school iu the neighborhood of
Eight Mile. We learn that Mr. Miller
is very enthusiastic in bis work and
gives good satisfaction.
April 28, 1804
It will take only812 to buy it: 480
acres. 260 acres plow land; one-half
mile running water. Improvements:
40 acres fenced, 15 acres cultivated, 2
houses and stable, spring and minor
improvements. Adapted to farming,
sheep aud hograising. An extensive
sheep range joining to Rock oreek.
Teiuis: aw aown; remainutr uu juug
time. Location: On county road, two
and one-half miles west of Rood bill,
v,ht Mil. fir. 320 acres for 4510. or
$108 for ownership in 160 acres school
land or will eicnange lor iwn goou
horses. Original cost of school land
8S20. AdoIv at Heppner Gazette office
Heppner Oregon. 199 tf sw.
For sheep or cattle a good home ad
joining Yoncalla, Ore. Also 60 acres of
choice prune land and three good dwell
ings. Any or all the above for trade or
sale on reasonable terms. For further
particulars address,
23tf. Shipley, Moobe 4 Co.
Don't waste yoor time on doctorB
wben your liver is diseased. Take rjim
moni liver Regulator.
Reserved fo McFarland Mercantile Co.
Tleppnei, Oregon.
General Line of Agricultural Implements,
t 1 a w
Closing out the entire stock
Boots and Shoes
of tlie old firm of M. Lichtenthal & Co., at
Cost for Cash
Call and Secure a Good -Bargain.
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
Honorably discharged soldiers nnd sailors who served ninety dnya, or over, in the late war,
ore entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability
was caused by service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances.
WIDOW 8 of such soldiers and sailors ore entitled (if not remarried) whether soldier's death
was due to army service or dot, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows
not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death was due to service.
CHILDREN are entitled (if under sixteen years) iu almost all cases where there, was no
widow, or she has since died or remarried.
PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died In
service, or from effect of service, and they are now dependent upon their own labor for tup
port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died iu late war or in regular army or
Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for higher rates under other
laws, without logins; any rights.
Thousands of soldiers drawing from $2 to $10 per month under the old lav re entitled to
higher rates under new law, not ouly ou account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but
also for others, whether due to service or not.
Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty In regular army or navy since the war are also
entitled, whether discharged for disability or not.
Survivors, and their widows, of the Black Hawk, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor
ida Indian Wars of 1833 to 1842, are entitled under a recent act.
Mexican War soldiers and their widows also entitled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled
or dependent.
Old claims completed and settlement obtained, whether pension has been granted under
Jater laws or not.
Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, if rejection Improper or illegal.
Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailorB of the late war who
nave lost their original papers.
Send for laws and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address,
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
.0. Box 463.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
A. W PATCERSON. AGENT. oo otheiit tn woria
For one Dollar and Your Opinion on
This Subject.
'.Vhat is tbe bent Monetary system fur
tbe UuiteJ Statee? This is tbe greatest
problem confronting tbe Amerioan
people. It is tbe intention of tbe pub
lisbera that "Tbe Monograph" shall
oouUin the beet thc uyht of tbe nation
00 tbia question. Tbe recognized lead
ers in all political parties bave been
oalled npon to contribute plans for
Ibeir ideal Monetary K stern. But not
oontent with this, we are determined to
embody iu the same volume tlie opinions
of thousands of tbe "Great Common
People," and to tbat end we will allow
two dollars on the price of tbe book for
j oar solution of this problem, expressed
in not more than K00 words. The Mono
graph, tbe bett modern woik on Mone
tary Systems, will be sent to any address
oo receipt of $3.00 It is B book that
will interest aud instruct, and is des
tined to become a giant faclor in elm p
ing tbe future monetary systum of I lie
Thk JIonookaph Poblishing Company,
Koom ii, (ierman Am'n H'k Building.
St. Paul, Minn.
Reference by permission, Nat'l Oer.
Am'n Bank. tf
Tbe general merchandise establish
inent formerly owned by Coffin & McFar
land, bas lately changed hands, now be
ing under the control and managKuient
of The McFarland Mercantile Compnnv,
which continues business at tbe old stand
with a larger stock than ever. a
Tbe Stndebnker wagnn heads them all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
Hardware" did you say? Why, yes
at 1'. C. Thompson & Co. 's stand, and the
place for barttuins. a
The Keeley Institute, at Forest (irove
onres liquor, opium, morphine, oocuine
and tobacco habit. See ad.
The Palaoe is tbe leading hotel in the
cily. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone. a
If you want to buy groceries, and
bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise
'Jrocory. Kirk & Kiihl, proprietors, a
Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix np
your watch or clock, tie keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to bis
buhiness. a
M. Liebtootbal & Co.'s new stock of
splendid, summer botton and tie special
ties id the shoe line are attracting mark
ed attention. a
It will be an agreeable surprise to
persons subject to attacks of bilious
colic to learn tbat prompt relief may be
had by taking Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy. In
many instances the attack may be
prevented by taking this remedy as
soon as the first symptoms of tbe disease
appear. 25 and 60 cent bottles for sale
by Slociim- Johnson Drng Co.
Health is wealth. Take Simmons
Liver Kegnlator for all sickness caused
by diseased liver.
To enjoy life take Himmons Liver
Regulator to stimulate digestion and
regulate tbe bowels.
Why Don't You
Calljon the New Firm at the old Van Dnyn stand ?
You.will certainly be surprised at the low prices in
Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and
A Complete Line of Groceries.
No trouble to show goods and'give prices.
Kespectfully Yours,
Not only onoe, but again aod again. Tbej know that from us tbey alwsvs l
full weight and good measure for tbe least money. Why we sell the best ia ex
plained. The "best" brings people back, holds custom, makes ns frienda
and so eatablisbes our trade. We want you to have aome of our '
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general
merchandise atore. Come in and see ne, everybody.
y inor s& oo
m 'Keeley Institute
O. RTTHL, Proprietor
Tie Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keep on band a full line of
Groceries and Provisions.
A.fullt !iDe J oh?ioe P'8- ck,8 Bread ; in faot everything that la
try them flr8Ucltt8S bBkery 8tore' wilt 8611 0UeaP '' Call and
Land Patents
Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily sottlod.
Be'ween individuals haying oonllicting claims under the agricultural land
i?Z,.. b6,rr ola,,m"Dt8 nndBr Mineral Laws and agricultural
claimants; and also between claimants under any of tbe pnblioland laws and the
Tr ain lhef ?ra"e;f' BBd 8,Bte" Dd ''eir -"K8. ler
the bWBmp-Land and School-Land Grams.
Specialty made of aecuring paleuta in the shortest possible time for settlers
who have complied with the laws under which tbeir entries were made, and who
are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of their patents, oanaed by Trifling
Irregularities whiob can be easily and speedily removed. "
Advioe also given in all matters relating t the pnblio lands, especially on
points arising under the new laws whiob bave been reoenlly passed providing for
tbe disposal of the public domain. yiuY.u.ug ior
JLU? WB yTT, aa "".m,1 ',n 8 ""?-' y" wht your land business, of
any character, attended to by Bkillful and oompetent attorneys, and promptly tlis
posed of, write to r '
John Wedderburn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Boi, 880.
It is the Headquarters!
jrjalrmt. Drug, Oils, Ulass, Toi
let Artloea, I'utent Meniolnes,
Office of all stages running
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
IIep3iier, Oregon,
For the Cure cu
Liquor. Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazktti office for particular!,
cure 01 Trea,m(!nt private and aur
Washington, D. 0.
out of Heppner.
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
Eto., Etc
Trust Busts