STc JACOBS OIL CURES . . . 25FERMANENTLY PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. There was never a time in the history of our couutry when the df-mnnd f'r inventions and improvements in the arts and sciences generally was eo great as now. The conveniences of nmukiud in the factory and workshop, the household and on the farm, as well as in offieial life, require continual nccesa;ons to the appurtenance and implimeuts of each in order to save labor, time and expense. The political chimin in the nilmimntra on government does not aflYct the progress of the American inveutor, who being on the alert, and ready to per ceive the existing deficiencies, does not permit the iifl'.iirs of government to de ter bim from quickly oonoeiving the remedy to overooine existing discrepan cies. Too great oare cauuot be exer cised in choosing a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terest have been lost and destroyed in innumerable instances bv the emplo) ment of incompetent counsel, and es pecially is t Lis udvioe applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" ajstem. Inventors who entrust their business to thia class of attorneys do 90 at iintiiiniit risk, as the breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quick endeavor to get an allowance nml obtain the fee. TUE CLAIMfJ COMPANY, John Ueddeiburn, General Manager, 018 F Btreet, N. W., Washington, D. C, represen ing a large number of impor tant daily and weekly p'ipers, and gen eral periodicals of Hie eonutry, was in stituted to orntrct its natrons from the unsafe uielhods heretofore employed in this Hue of business. The said Com pany is prepared to take charge of all patent business entt usted to it for rea sonable fee", and prepare aud prosecute applications generally, including me chanical inventions, design plenU, trnile-inarks, labels, cpynbts. interfer ences, infringements, validly reports, and yjves especial al'enion to rj-c'Ud cases. It is also prepared to etitjr into competition with any firm in swurmii foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. John Wkodeiibi its. lilH F Street, i'. I). Lox 3H5. Washington, D. C. t HOW LEO SPENDS HI3 DAYS. I'll Croat ('nllinllr I'. from llor-il::;: t In Rummer, as in u in ( il-.o .1 -in. ', I.e. XIII. is awnUencd at six by accordinfr to the N, view. The pope .'cts aided, anil nlsn pri-fnr aided, except shaving his mass and hours a i liruU'il bv one of tl i jn-iviLtc servant, t li .i:i: ri''an lie up 'rum bed un jc. his toilet uu At seven he says 'copil muss celo iittcoiliints. It happens soiiictiuios that the pope, hav ing been troubled with sleeplessness, gets up with a piece of l.utin or Italian poetry composed duritur the wakeful hours. Tin; breakfast of t he p ipe con sists of eoliee, milk- nod broad without butter. Soon after the official tvoption begins, except Tuesdays and I'ri lays, which are set apart for the re-cpti :n of the diplomat!. body. Cardinals, heads of eoiif,rre;ratinns. genera's of monastic orders, Htraiijt'ers of li..t inelion. are re ceived later mi the day. In winter, if the sun shines, the receptions arc inter rupted for awhile for a walk or a drive of half an hour in the Vatican iranlcns. I.eo XIII. dines at one o lock in theold Konian style. '1 lie dinner is composed of a soup, genera ly pate d'ltalie, a roast, a veg-ct able, very often fried po tatoes, ami fruit. The only wine served Is (dd llordeaux. The pope is very apt t i ghmee over the journals at meal limes. He dines alone jfenerully. An invitation to take coffee nml milk after the pope's mass is considered u prcat honor. II has lately been grunted to tin- e.-'ran.l duchess of Tuscany, and to Princes linrif. hese, Aldobi-andiui. Alticri and l.ud ovisi. In all cuses the visitors sit at a small table placed nest to the pope's. After dinner I.eo Mil. takes a siesta never lusting beyond the hour. Then follows a drive in the llelvedere card ens. At six o'clock, after erautino ather audiences, be takes a cut) of bouillon and a ivlass c f llordeaux. Even ings are generally devoted to study and writing. The literary, or mental, work of the pope is really prodigious. lie prefers to dictate t i his sc retarios from notes wbi.h arc prepared on a number of small scraps of paper. These scraps are afterward torn into a thou sand frae-nicnts to prevent their being saved, gu-cii away or sold as auto graphs. hen there Is nr;rency in the worli confided to one of the secretaries tin pope routines him in a room, supplies him with writing materials, and goes away, puuin;; in his pocket the key. The prisoner, after two or three hours hears the key tuvnhcr in the lock aud sees the food pope come ipiictly in with a bottle of excellent w ine aud a few biscuits. After cxamiiiin;,' the work, tin august visitor says a few words t stimulate the activity of the writer offers him the refreshments, and soor leaves n;ra'n, taking with him his botth and his biscuits. When the ni;:ht work is over tlu pope recites the psary. Itetween hai past ten and eleven o'clock he tastes n cup of consomme, it bit of cold niea' saved fr on the dinner, and the usua glass of Hoc leans. The regular houi for rctirhi ' is eleven o'clock. The popt does not enj iy calm sleep, especially when he has over-fat i;rued himself ilur lug the day, or when there are suddol changes in the weather. Where? At Abrnbntusiok's. Iu sdditiou to bis tailoring business, be has added a One line of underwear of all kinds, uegligee shirts, hosierv, etc. Also has no baud ome elegant patterns for suits. A. Ahrohamsiok, May street, Heppnor, Or. Rheumatism Seeds! Choice Seeds Trees! Fruit Trees THAT W1LLGROW. Wholesale and Retail. Catalogue Free. Address GEO. 8TAISBETT, jar25 3in sw Walla Walla, Wash. GREATLY REDUCED RATES MADE BY THE 1 FOR THE CALIFORNIA ROUND Tltll' TICKETS DAYS. GOOD FOR 30 AND RETTRK- t u INCLUDING FIVE THE GATE FAIR TICKETS TO EXCURSION TRII'H From Htm Frnw Isco to other points in Cull for ii ia will be allowed ptirchsfiers of special Midwinter Fair tickets at the following round trip rfltcB: To stations under ir0 nilles from .San Fran cisco, one and one-third one way fare. To Btatlons :0 miles or more from Hai Francisco, one and one fifth one way fun-. For exact rates and full information lnqiiin of J. B. Kirkland, Dlst. ran. agent at 1.14 Firs St., Portland, Or., or addrcsH the undersigned RICH D (.HAY, T.H. GOODMAN, Hen. Truffle Manager. Gen. Pans. Agt San Francisco, Calif. E. P. ROGERS, A. G. F. A: V. A., Portland, Oregon. FREE TRIAL': I 1 1 mm mm ftnd lott vit&llt i package of enr trt !)int for WfknM nd diraT. nrvout debilitv nd lott vitality Hut to tot 13 cent! 4R. WARD INSTUTUTE, 120 . 9th St. ST. LOUIS. 0. WHAT TIs Nut A COLD WAVE. IS. in Avalanche of Wuvo but olil Ah. The term "cold wnve" applied to a sudden imd (frent full of temperature is u li viire of .spooeh. It, is ruther an aviihmehe of eohl air that eomes clown upon the country, explains I'rof. litis sell iu the r.iiinecriii Magazine. The essential iilea in a wave is repetition. In the eastern part of the country there is a regular change in the temperature of air of aliout ir degrees from day to niffht. In the hi;.'h and dry regions be yond the .Mississippi river the daily rano is de-rrees in some places. The (front irre,; ehaMires culled cold waves have no t 1 1 ! i 1 1- period. The ueather liuroau definition of B cold wave is a fall in temperature of ail decrees or more in twenty-four hours, free of diurnal valine and extending ' vor nil area of at leai.t. .Ml, 000 square miles of count rv, t he teinH'ratnre some where in the iiivu irointr at, least us low as:!.i (lejrrees. .Markni;j; un a map where a eold wave has occurred by lines lhroii;;h the pho-es of equal fall of temperature the areas are seen to be, in closed anil sometimes very (Trent in ex !,ent. Iu one of the greatest cold waves :i recent years, thai, of February 17, Lis:'., the temperature at 7 a. in. was at) :e;rrces lower than at the same hour nthe day preceding throtifrhout nn irea of I,ii:'i.i,o,).i scpiare miles, extend ,iy from l.a!;o Superior and (leoi-(rian iy on the North to the Ilio Crande ou he south and from Kansas City to t'in ionati. Inside of t'.ie area of 'JO-dopree .ill 1 lii-re wa.i an area of :!0-dc(rrce. fall f .11,l:iijiiaro miles: inside of the nren if ::.i-do;rr.-e fall there was an area of 40 I v;ree fall of Pi7,0 ill square miles; in .'ulo the -i;.de(rree fall there was ;tl,000 pl ire miles of f0-de;ree fall, mid In ule of the ,'iO-,lo!rree tall a fall of (10 de ,'rees at KeohuU. la., the center of the old w.ive, the teuiperat ure, which was I ilcjrrees on the inorniny of February iU, Lii'ili'T zero the next dav. J'rlce of mi I'.iilriit! ir Society. The I, union Times and Telegraph lublished the other day this reinarkiv ole ailvenh.onieiit: "A lady of title, inoviii;;' in the best, society, will receive a yoini;: lady into her house as a frieud. Terms, ten thousand dollars per mi nimi. Any introduction of such w ill be handsomely acUnowleiljTed. Address Patrician, i:t.T-Jii. etc." At once the court ol'.icials set to worli and they found that it emanated indirectly from the widow of a baronet, who is in a posi tion to ofi'cr the social advantafes which the advertisement implies, but she finds herself in a very straitened linancial condition; hence the advertise iient. While the otiieials refuse to (jive. !ho name of this latter-day "Patrician" they have t.iUen steps in warning de hntantesand their parents against this expensive lod;'i:iir, and furthermnre the baroness has been iiotUied that if she appears in society wiili any strange or u.iliiiowit lady her name will be (riven to the press as the authoress of the tui jrUM'menl. Who Want a Crown? A real crown of pure oU' suable, with a thousand iliamomls and valaee nt Si7,.Vi0 is to tie put up t uuetion m Singapore. H formerl v I'eloiqrod to tlu Malay Sultans, and is bone sold by tin estate of the lato Sultan of Perak. llrsntle UiTtmutirnil itlmm. "Are you sure von aro stronj enoii(;li for my work'.'" "Oh! yes sir you may be sure as to that. .Why, thi last man I worked for was bijjjrcr thai you, mid 1 krwoked him down and broki three of his rlba with one blow." MB FAIR AWAY. Few ?rjr- . thede "port of liayes, hiriirton .1. II. iu part Post "t-li arno per cent, of lie equals 2.75 io.!.!bi.-r in the in ihis depart A to deatii rate i:sajd, a larger I . rl.. ir.r, t.) any Oir ba;at of :ii".ly iaiistered i! , v. h Grai.'i Dlt'llt. Of tw, death Army KcpiiM! This is t.i;:'.-: nty-veven in :, rate than uv;:! given nun.beref p oj iv nearly 4.0:i is beia?T r. out. and if we apply the imple rules of arithmoti , ami provided Unit we re cruit no more, i:i the year iy:.:o not one of our 4.000 would he alive to tell Hie story of the p::,s;.. We an faster 'ban any other ation. I else no of iV'i r! i -m i- m more tt an s',.:"e -i!. less of :.!:..;' .rttiewnr Ko .' toe exjiosare and class of our p the 000 iu lie.: one-h.ilf an.- ihii limbs, from woi bilitii" ooi-tra ' suits of pr,:.:o i deprivation lie c'.i .i lla veto now cause more Mie'ei'i:'.,'T t:..::: .,e teallet. l.ossof a limb s!e rt"::s the life, but the rheu matisi". r.r.d s '-r-. v eo::t:'a ted in prison also yeariv eeb for thel,- premature vic tim". IV -r:r m- -i:':r i f all the or- pun s, (.!::.'... i ...d o! i ; se tnnee to ail (lister',!. -,.;:.:! m'.ie especially disc: s 's o' - !:e i- ari . , . so alarrniniy- ly present v. iih many surviving com rades, are mainly due to the rheuma tism and scurvy of prison life. "I have never seen a survivor from the prison at An lersonville, Ga., that did not have disease of heart in some form or other. So, taking1 our little band of 4.0:10 to-day, in ubout forty years all who have lost limbs or been seriously e. oorii'cd or sulTered the hard ships and horrors of prison life will have passed iwuy." Only the Scars Remain, "Among the many testimonials which I tee in regard to certain medicines perform ing cures, cleauslug the blood, etc.," writes He.nkv Hudson, of the James Smith Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, fa., "none Impress me more than my own case. Twenty years ago, at the age of 18 years, I had swellings come on my legs, winch broke aud became running sores. Our family physician could do me 110 good, and it was feared that the bones would be alfected. At last, my good old mother urged me to try Ayer's Sursaparilla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been L4 troubled since. Only the scars remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of (he Rood Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me, I now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of health. I have heen on the road lor the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertised In all parts ot the United tttates, and always take pleas ure In telling what good It did for me." For the cure of all diseases originating la Impure blood, the best remedy Is AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mm. Cures others, will cure you SPILES e-TKl In oi" VAiM.f nn trmlmpnt with ut kuii,.. t ' Ion of in, from bullae!. Fiitula. Ulce , Ij f el-, alio cri'd. 1 yean1 c ft . Quwtlon Blank and Book free. Callorwrlto. in nt;. 11. ic butts, I 822 Pine Struet. St. Lulus, Mo GOOD ADVICE. Every patriotic citizen should give his personal effort and Influence to increase the circulation ol his home paper which teaches the American policy of Protec tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect in evory way possible. After the home paper is taken care of, why not sub. scribi for the Amiiican Economist, puhli ihed by the American Protective Tariff League? One ol its correspon dents says "No true American can get alone without It. 1 consider it the Treat est anil truest political teacher in the United States." Ecnd postal car4 request for free si mple copy. Addista Wilbur F.Wake, man, Cuneral Socrotirjr, 135 West 23d St, New York. cause PrdVeelYxort Are you willing to work for the cnune. of Protection in placing reliable infer, mation in the hands of your acquair.. tances ? If you are, you should be identified with the american Protective Tariff Leach-. 135 W. 230 St., New Vona Cut (M notice out and arri.l II to tl.,- 1 ,.,r -. alaliiiK your potdttmi, at,.i Ktvfi B, I. , , I IF YOU WANf INFORMATION ABOUT IT .-Vtar.- a IrttiT r i,.t. ,'Hnl to Till-: I-KtSS (I.A11IM lOtllMW, OHN VOOERBuRN, . . Attorney. I-. O. Ho. -IU&. WASHI.NOIVX.U.C ..II 1 ,il',,V l .1 ' r'-Vs.oXS 1'KOCVRKn FOU oldi;rs, widows, CHILDREN, P A RF NTS. A.f.i, T -r and ilallora itlnnM.1 Inthi' llnp rif ,ntv in tln raKiilar Armvor Nn v talnpi.tli- war. lirvlvors or o, liiin wan, of Isjtv. to IM1. imd li. ir ivi.iowrt, nw 1'iitltl.Ml oulaml rtO.-ot. .1 ,lalma i n'H', l-iltv. I'l'ouamiila ftitltlt'd to liu-lii-p Mti-a ti; tor now lam. Xo cbarge tut advlw. i , tM Ullll HtuVOMful. yAN Y LADY can pret valuaMe secret thai ' coal mo 8".iio, aad a ru bber Ehield for A) casus, t I Mrs. V. M. APP. CO. I I'llF TRFFT, ST I.oi'H, MO. Produce 12 50 and iri't the Oni-tte f, iineyenr. Nice family paper, and bu. ty to paper cabins. vrrrtr.; In Fort . Inl. t. partn H If 1 awalaiaaalal .4rtr mmmmmmm DOINGS Of A VOODOO. A ftro IKirt raa In Lualalana Sarallowi Nnkii for PitHllme. An aired ncgris of (rrcat repute as s voodK),'' or witch doctrts, aiann? th negroes of this section, in attracting mueh attention, not only from thos of hor own color, but from the more in telligent portion of the community, ant the way iu which she does this is to ap parently swallow a number of amaV snakes of a variety unknown in thh section. They are of the dusky color nearly black, Died with a dull gren al the flat head, and of a dirty white ii the belly, says a Louisiana corrcspon dent of the Cincinnati Enquirer. These reptiles remain secreted about old Nance's cabin until she gives a pe culiar whistling1 call, when they wit come to her, wriggling in great hast over the floor, up her dress, and rut into her open mouth, hissing hideously. They disappear and remain bidder sometimes for miuutes. (She assert that they arc concealed in her stomach until she recalls them, when they will come pouring out to writhe about hei scraggy neck and coil in her bosom. j Where the snakes really go wher they vanish in her mouth is a mystery, and has puzzled all the physicians about, many having come from New Orleans tn witness the phenomenon. Some really believe that the snakes dc go down into the stomach, while others are convinced that the witch is simply j playing some sleight-of-hand trick on them; but if the latter is the case it is so cleverly done that there is no detect ing the performance. The witch presents a most extraor dinary and hideous appearance sitting with the snakes darting their flat heads in and out of her toothless mouth, with their little bead-like eyes snapping as if in fury at, all about their mistress. A s nearly as can be counted there are six or seven of these reptiles, though old .nnce savs there are as many morr but they aro all so much of a size anil color that they cannot ba identified. They are probably of a harmless na ture, though old Nance declares they are highly poisonous and no one wishes to experiment with them. ODD WAYS OF OSTRICHES. The Mulpa rirnml Over tho Yoirija; and Capture ICich OMier'a I-'ttuiillcig The ostrich has many strange ways, and I was particularly interested in studying them, says a writer in Forest and Stream. They go in Hocks of three or four females and one male about their nesting time, and for several weeks before locating their nests the hens drop their eggs all about the pam pas. These are called haucho egg (pronounced "wateho"), and are much more delicate in flavor ttian the egg taken from the nests. They have a thinner shell, and when fresh laid are of a beautiful golden color. Wt cooked them by roasting them before the fire. We would first break a hole in the small end of the egg. large enough to insert a teaspoon. The egg would be set up among some hot ashes, a pinch of salt and pepper put in to it, and the contents kept stirred with a stick so that all would be done alike. The flavor is excellent, and one egg would satisfy a very hungry man. As soon as the ostriohes decide upon a suitable place for a nest, the male bird scratches away the grass and slightly hollows out the ground for a space of alnut three feet in diameter. All the hens of the flock lay in the same nest until there aro from twenty five to thirty-live eggs laid. The male birds then take possession and sit on the eggs until they are hatched. As won as the flock can leave the nest, the old fellow leads them away to feed n Hies and small insects, aud every ,hing is lovely until he espies another male bird with a brood. As soon as the old birds see each Dther they make a peculiar booming round, and every little ostrich disap pears In the grass. The old ones then approach each other and engage in a most deadly conflict. They fight until one or the other is killed or runs away. The remaining one will then utter an other peculiar sound, and both broods will spring up from their hiding places and follow the victor, who struts oft as proud as a peacock. I have seen old male ostriches with three broods, each of a different size, two of which they had captured. Love of Anlinnla lur Drink. Close observers have noticed that flies will gather upon a half-drunken, sleepy sot, while a dozen sober men in the same room are not molested by them. The flies will buzz around theii subject witli great delight, frequently alighting upon his perspiring face. Olf they go, and return again and again, quailing the alcoholic nectar issuing from his pores. After awhile their flight becomes uncertain and eccentric, and sometimes they come in collision. Recently a drunken man raised his hand and brushed them from his face. Some fell to the door and lay there par alyzed. After awhile they got on theii feet and wearily tlew olV. half dazed. Many animals yield to the seduction ot rum drinking, especially elephants, horses, cows and swine. Poultry, es. pvinlly turkeys, will absorb the tempt ing drink till they tumble over in a leaden sleep, lying around as if dead, and utterly ignoring their ai-eustoined roosts. On uwaking they stagirer lor a few moments and soon rei-over. but it is hours before they renew their cheerful melding. lUillrialiy DlltVront. 5Two tHlngs may look very similar od life 0 surface, but be entirely unlike at kti.tom, a" in this case reported by the kle niphls Appeul-Avahiuche; The landlady of a Imarding house in th!j city hud an eight-year-old sou who la remarkably proeooious. Not long aivi he went up to towu and hud his head ahiivrd. Among the Umnlers is a gen Uuiuau n hoc hair long air.i bade him for swell. This gentleman came to the tul le the next day, anil . id: "Why, Charley, you haven't any more luaJrnow than I have." "Yea, sir," said Charley, "that's so. but I have a lot. more roots than you tiava." The ruMlier . v The pusher is a ti.'Me utensil with arhose use the majority of bachelors nay ot unfamiliar, for it is used only try small children. Even the best bred youngster is apt at first to help himself with the tools that nature pro videdto push refractory bits of food ajaon his spoon with his fingers. The pi'.icr has a haui'.e like that of a small spoea. Instead of a bojvl it has across Hsi cr l.-.-.'.l ti right angles with it a liV.e srN'u.ei'.iuped piece of silver with Hie ea'Ji tuned .slij..' -forward, so Hint fool can not slide off at thV aides. ST4 . a spo,-n in one hand and a fci Vjc (. er some c'iiildren can da rnni'laiiM KXn ,is. "For Years," Says Cabbis E. Stocbwell, ol Cheater. Held, N. H., "I was afflicted Willi an extremely severe pain In the lower part of the cbest. Tbe feeling was a.! a a too weight was lam on a spot tlie size of my hand. Dur ing tbe attacks, the perspiration would stand Iu drops ott niy lace, aud u was 1 agony lor me to 'make sufficient effort eveu to whls. per. They cams suddenly, at suy hour of tbe day or aiglit, lasting H orn thirty minutes to half a day, leaving as suddenly; but, for several days after, I was quite pros trated and sore. Sometimes tbe attacks were almost daily, tben less frequent. After about four years of this suffering. I was taken down with bilious typhoid fever, and wben 1 began to recover, I had the worst attack of my old trouble I ever experienced. At the Brst of the lever, my mother gave me Ayer's Pills, my doctor recommending them as being better than anything ha could prepare. I continued taking these Pills, and so great was the benefit derived that during nearly thirty years I have had but one attack ol my lormer trouble, which yielded readily to the same remedy." AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co., Lowell, Ma. Every Dose Effective niivinre the str,t.rt onA nitif b way which if followed leads to Prof. HARRIS' SOLUBLE MEOICATED Pastille Una been put up In a pronrletiiry furm since 1878. and has benn it wed for yours uriorto that time In privnte prtictiee. It is no untried nostrum, at duubtful reputation, but a Pennine Bpecttio fur a very prevalent dineae. Thousands of men, of ail Htft's, hiivo at some time in ilxe brought on n'irnis dt'hility and exhaustion, with organic weakness, by over brain work, excesses, too fre quent liidulKence or Indiscretion and vicious hiiMts.nud it is to these that we offera remedy that will, by f in direct action upon the seat of the, stop the drain and restore tbe patient to VaKoruii h!fi!tu and strength. Uurnjeiuodof lntroducinn Prof. narrlH'PastUlO treatment in one which commends Itself to all sensible persons for the reanon that we supply It upon their Judgment of its value. Weaskof our patmns nothing in the way of expense beyond a poHtal curd and a two cent postage stamp. The postal curd to be used In Bending us their full ad dres and the postage stamp fur the letter return ing the statement of their ctise for which we supply them with a question blank, to be tilled out and an envelope addressed to ourselves for us. in retnrnit'K it when filled. When we receive the state ment on blank we prepare eight days' treatment and for ward it hv mnil n.ntl nrpnnv .TWAE poBtnge thereon and along "UtCr vKrv wtt& tlie eight days' treatment XALJruUifi, we send full directions for uhiiik. Tlie t.ei.tmentin no way Interferes with a person's Attention to business, and caueea no pain ur inconvenience in any way. We are so positive that It will give perfect satis factii n that we leave the matter of sending orders entirely with those using the free trial treatment. Having sat lulled thote sending for trial packages of our ability to benettt tbetr sexual condition we fool that they are more largely Interested than ourselves In continuing the use of the Pastilles. Kven then we do not attempt to rob them byde miinding high prices. On the contrary, we make the prices us low as possible, and the srtmetonll. They are as follows: for one monthi $5 for momoimiH; wi tortnree monms. These prices secure the delivery of tbe PnRtilles by mall. If desired by express we leave the patient to pay the charges. For over ten years we have onerated our,atl business upon this plan with satisfactory results. vve asa an persons needing ireiument ir any of the secret ills which come to mankind through a violatiun of nature's laws to send us their ad dress on postal card or by letter and allow us to convince th-ni that PROP. HA II KIN' NOI.. VKLE M Dim ATF.ll PA4TILLES have merit and nre what they need. A II cummuuicaUons confidential and should he addrcfsi'd to HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists J9Kerhman St.. NEW YORK 011 N.T, I fiOO worth of lovely Music for Forty j I II , . Cents, consisting of 100 pages -7 eluding four large size Portraits, CARMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer, fc PADEREWSKI, the Great Pianist, r2 ADELINA P ATT I and 5 r MINNIE SELIQMAN CUTTING. 3 y" ADDHCSS ALL ORDERS JO ' THENEWYORKMUSICALECHOCO.S y-. Broadway Theatre Bldg., New YorkCity. S CANVASSERS WANTED. 5 illiiUUiiUsUiUUiiUUiUiUI? THB OLD DOCTOR'S LADIES' FAVORITE. .LWAY9 RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. Tft same as used by thoc lands of woman all over tl United States, In tho ?LD DOCTORS private mat) practice, for 38 years, and not a single bad r fault, Monev retnrnd if not as represented. Bead 4 ee.ui (stamps) lor sealed particulars. 01. W.4SJ) INSTITUTE, 120 17. H.nth 0t.( Et. L:nl:, U& EUPT1E& .CURED! $5 Vetirs' Expertftnoe In treittnff all vnrl ties of Rupture e.mtiles us to ftuarantpe a poMtlvfl curs. Question Blank: aud itoofi tree. Call ur write. VOLTA-MEDICO APPLIANCE CO.f m Pino Street, - . ST. LOUIS. MO Peduct-a l.i to 25 p und rn"nth. No tarring, no liu'otven enoe, i o li..d reiulti, nansiiPimui drui.M. 'Irratmetit pTtfcilv hitrmlcit aud rictlv couli ikmiaL Ouention Bl ik n1 Hk i rte. Call or write. DH. li. B. iJtTTS,&2oebtmt,bt.lm,Mo. $50 A YEAR FOR LIFE Substantial Rewards for Those WhoM Answers are Correct A man -'nrii pmered prtaon whm wun miflni! i riii.tfini.til crimin:tJ On making s rwinest to U 'intltii'tiit into tlie pretence of the doomed man, th isiior wft ii.forn.fd that none hut relatiTw were peruiit- eil t me the prisoner. The visitor amid : " Brother! n.l jusiers hnve I nne, but thai man (liie prisoner ! tiller i my father'ason." Hf was at omf lakpn to the pHaonw. Now, wbt r iti.'ii Ka the primmer to the TiaUorf T e ABrirulturial Piitiliahmg Company will five $S0 a er for life to the prnn arndinp thetlit correct ao er; rd0 to the aecood ; 3nl. 2S0; 4ih, $100: 5th, 50. and over ltftin other ppwarrl, wnnia-ing of pianos, rpins, laHes and eenu fild and atirer watcheo, ailver "r ivs, diamond riiitrs. et T-iil-.' p'mn scndtnif the taat eorrert answer will hf .i'-ri a hit:li-rimi. piano, to ihf nett t. the lam a beftUti il irtt. and 'he next 5.00U will renive ?aluable piu ' MiivrM are, 4c. IM'I.I'X -il) All answer mnat he rient by mail, aix1 ii- i i'n.arK nut later than 31, 13 12 Th re wrl no , harn halt-vrto emrrihw (xtmpetition, but al In iniiieie are eipectfd to arml one dollar tor ail .'it!, aiiI. rintiun U either Th Ladiih, Uomi liitAiNK or TMK CN.l.ty Aomci LTfKl!T twi f lit- moii-eat iHu--tratM i-eriodkala of tbe JajL (3 l pria. aniner mil b r-ipM to awi! ii in H iwi i our eirvulrttinn. HI The tinrt corm t nnswei TV(.-enec -ndi-r a ivmiiark taken in all ca hs date ol n-ii i,t i as to fiTf evt-rjr one an equal cliatKH', co niaitfr nHn e r Fh- ntay n-a Ut-l will aei-ure the dm i-nj; lin 1'ond. the next pt'e. ard no mi. TliK A- ::tn i n hist ia an old establish, d cfiirern n ,nwi ar pl n-eaun :o epal le it ttarryuui al k pMiiiiw (."H-i ai ftar pnntttl list of lormer prut ntn in ) f-.p t. ti tt w t b ji .i,- i. tlrf 111 Hf I .. . . 2, V I ."X : r ' V JiilCiiiil ; -t nnuli n- t ! tr : i'OI kt;!( ji 1, ii, t t ii.'?n.- 'i-T, li irrt mr. t H ,-t..n '' -:in: It-- 1 : t.I i.. n, : ; . j. I itf .-r. -fcli !,'! r ail tn.fv U ttt AtntTt, At.;U jt ttLbjtt I t a fit. il. V i, r-.c;i. t . 1 ME TRIAL! un n sw a-? 9 H H Jk jljjTnid PCWELE M STRICTURE With nil bad conaequeoce,itran(ruary, laol a tvfTtv. rrrvoui f x. itrma U ervuui debility, ttsiifitura! disc.iarpea luit maotniod, deapondf ncy, vnfit D- is to m rrr, wiailsft awav of the nrgaat, crta nl.' ard mpid y pnreci tir tsfe and ea'f meth-d . Cures posttlTely fuaraDtceo. ( Uukand Utwtfret). CaUorwrl. DR. WARD INSTITUTE. 120 N. Ninth St., ST. LOUIS. HO. DK.DODD'fS Ct-o to: OI.IC IN HOUSES. GUARANTEED. tv.ry owner O' a hor.i. .Iiuti'il keep II OD Oaiiu. i. uu iue me vi a alubic animal One package wi.l cure eiD; ;o icn va?. frice 51 0J. ben! by inal, o e'.prc. Our Ac. cuuDt itouk. V Ic.1 cont.lna biota atable keeurr., m ill t tree II. i., Ji.MlN a O.. tot Pine at, St. Locm, mo The Old Reliable KstatIlJied3Syft(irs. Treats mnlo or fm il, murrled or single, In asos of exposure:, abuses, excopees or lmtuoprtetles. SKILL GUARANTEKD. Board and aimrtwtnt8 furbished when desired. Qaesuou Black aud Hoot tree. Call or write. CANCER; IDiifaief Cnii:iJ w hfin AND OTnEB MaLIONANI hoiit th i um at Uueition Blank nnd Konk free. CalJ er write U. U. It. Jtl TTS, SS2Pio8L til. LOUIS, HO, QYPHILIS. mw auc'eiif Treat mi The wont formi poil. lively cared 38 year Trt'atment coiiflilentia1. Curp: by mail or at office. Termilow. Qneition Blank aui Bookfrsa. Ull or write. DR WAR I INSTITUTE, 120N.91H St..St.Louls.Mo WANTED. C 1 11rrV ANT tADT, employed or unemploynif , wlj H lY.L. can rake tl.iaf'r a tew houra work eath day. Rflarv o-commlnglon. CIO intnplei fret Addrrsa H. BbNJAMlN & CO., 822 Pine t., St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Hash's Belts &flpplianees An electro-prilvaniB hittory cm bo .leu into lucdLuuted Bolts, Susppnsorips, Spi nal Appliancrs, Abdom iiiul Supporters, Vests, Drawers, Otidco Caps, IiiROiett. etc. Cnreg Rheumatism, Liver and Kidney Complaints, yRpepiiit, ErrorH of Youth, jostiManhontl, Nervousness, hi-xual Weak less, and all TrouhU'S hi Main or j emale. Miiestion Blauk aud Book free Call or 7rite, Volfa-Medica Appliance Co., 2 Fine Street. ST. LOUI3 MO. Fodt-PrintKtmllif Path to llculili. Everyone nfedir h (ltwtoi's ndvip should reHtl one of Dr. Fnote'H dime pamplilets od "Old Eyes," "Croup," Rupture," 'PliiniO!iH," "VHiicocelt," Disease of men, Disphrp of W men, nnd learn the best menus of nel -etve. W Hill Pub. 0o.t 129 East 28tb ht., Nt-w York. 8TOUK RRANOS. While yon keep your mibBcription pnid up j-i-i oankeep your brand in free of ohHr. AUn. T. J.. Ittne, Or. HnrBot (Hi on M Bhnnlder; cuttle -Hnie on left hip, under bit or ri(iht par, aitd upper bit on the loft; rango, filor row comity. Armfttrorjjr, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un der it on left shoulder of tuirBoe; catlle sain on left hip, Allison, O. DM Kipht Mile. Or. CHttle bnmd. O D on left hip and horee sanie brand on rinrht shoulder, ltaiitfe, Eight Mile. Adkinn, J. JM Heppner, Or, Ilortee, JA on tist ted on leit Hank; cattle, name on left hip. Bftrtholnmpw, A. Q , Alpine, Or. Horgpp branded iKoti either Bhouldur. Kantfe in Mo -'row countv Bleakmau, Geo., lluninmn, Or, Horwfj, a tiiu ot'left shoulder; cattle auie on rinht should'') hHimister, J. W., Hunt man. Or. ('nttle brand iri B on left hip Rtid UiiKh: Hpiii in each ear. Brenner, Peter, hot seherry Orcufti HorweH branded PB on left Bhoulder. Cuttle same on npht Biae. Burke. M St C, Lotif? Creek, Or On cattle, MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, un der half crop off rinlit. Horsea, same brand on letft shoulder. Kange in Grunt aud Morrow eounty. lirosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. HorBee branded 7 on right Bhoulder; cattle H on the left eide. Left ear half crop nd right ear upiwr slope. Bartim, Wm., il ppner. Or. -liorneH. J B on right thign. cattle. Bame on r ght hip; aplit in each ear. Brown, lea, Lexington, Or. Horse 111 on the rihtstine; cattle name on right hip; range. Mor row county. Brown, J. CM Heppner. Or. Hornes, circle C with dot in nn ter on left hip; cattle, name. Brown, W. J., I.ena. Oregon. Hordes V bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle name on left hip. Buyer, W. G.. Heppner, Or. Hornet, hoi brand or r.gii hip cattle, name, with split it: each ear. Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horace, P B on lefi Blum der; cattle, same on left hir. Bmwnlee, W. JM Fox,Or('attle. JB connected on left eide; crop n left ear and two split ami middle piece cut out on right ear; ou horvee same brand on the left thigh; Kange in Fox valley. Grunt county, larmier Warren. Wagner. Or.-Horsea brand ed O on right etiHe ; cattle (three barn) on right riba, crop and split in each ear. Range in Grant and Cam.fc;., Caleb.Or.- Y 1 on horaeH on left ttitie U with uuarier circle over it, on left shoulder and on left stifle od all colts n der ! yean; on left Bhoulder only on all horses over Ti yearn. All range in Grant county. Clark, Wm. H., Le- a. Or. Horse WHC con nected, on left shoulder: cattle same on right hip. Hai ge Morrow and Umatilla counties. ('ate, Chas. H ViiiBon or Lena. Or. Hormes H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cecil, Wm.. Douglas. Or.; immxi JC on lef shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on each jaw aud two bite in the right ear. Curl.T. H., John bay, Or.-Douhie crose on each hip on cattle, Bwallow fork and under bit in right ear, split iu left enr. Bange iu Grant county. On Bhuen. inverted A utnl m.iir t.a.utt on shoulder. Ear markiui ewes, crop on left ear puuuiieu upper ou in ngnt. vvetiiers, crop iu right ad under half crop in left ear. All rang iu Urautcouutv. Cook, A. J.,Leua,Or. Horses, Hion right shoal det Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark square crop otT left and split in right. ( i., Curriusvilie, Or. -Horse, 00 on left stitie. Cox Ed. H., Hordman, Or. Cattle, C will I in center: horaes. CE on left Sip. Cochran, li. E Monument. Grant Co , Or. Horsus branded circle with hai beneath, oi left shoulder, caltle fame brand on both hipb. mark under slope both ears ana dt wlup. Cliapin, H.t llhrtluiau. Or. llon-es braniei OU null t tno. ( little hrniutM,! il.ta ttuif iL.. braiids I 1 on horcen tight thigh: t t e nit biandon tiffbt khouldm. aid m.t. iff . t.,i rinht ear tickenB. Ebb Horses braided with thr tineu fork on lef i si itie. ( attle sa ne on left side. UoiudaSR. W. ill .(iallowai. Ur. i miiih k l right sidb.owa low-fork ui each ear: hurt, K li on left hip. lougla, O. T., Do i ic I an, Or Hirm Tl on the t ight isti Me; cattle same on right hip. Kll. J. B.Ji biiliK. liiiiiKlHA. lr. tli)rhM hruhH. ed ELI iU left nhoumer, cattle Mtme ou left hip. hole ii riglit ear. Ellioti. Wah.. Jtieppner, Or. Diamond on righi shoulder. iinieij, t . b., Hard man, Or.-HmaeB brandt-d t) Uevt-rstd i n h tail j on left Bhtuder; ihu tie Mime un iihi hip. Kange in Morrw county. Meek, JackMiu, Heppner, Ol. Hurt, ; Counected oi. right Bhoulder; cattle same on right hip. Earmaik. hole iu right and croo oil left. H I Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF ob , right hip; horst l with bar under on right ! Bhoulder. Florence, 8. P. Heppner. Or HoraeH, V on right nhoi Ide. ; cattle. 1- on right hlj. or thigh. rieuch, George, Hi-( pn-r. Or.-I atue branded wr.wilh barovei tt. oi left sule; crop ott left : tar. hursfa, sume biai.d ori U ti hip. Gay, heni, Heppner, Or. OAi on left huuiuer. f Oilman-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Foe sil, tr, Horsee. anchor b on left shouUtei ; vent, fthiieonleti etiile. I aitie, bame on U-tn hij ear marks, cnp ofi right iar and under bit in lft : Hnge in Gilliam, Grant, Crook kv d Morrow I counties Gentry, Elmer, Echo. Or. -Hon brsndeti R. B. with a quarter circle over it, on left stitie. Kange in Morrow and Lmatiilsconntiee. Htijes, Geo., Lena, Or, Brand J H connected ' with quarter circi ovt-r it, on leit e-houlder. J Hiatt A. B., ltidge. Or. ( attle. round-top K with quarter cirvle umler it ou the right hip. Khi-Ke in Morrow and Lmstillaiountiei. Hi ii ton 4 Jeukis llamilttm.Or I attle. two b;t ' on either Ihd: croo in rutht ear aiid ulit in If H I Humes, J on nsht thigh. Utu.gein i no it county I ! Huh-M, Hiuuel, Wagner, Or-T F Li tuwHwieuon lurui snuioer(n ni)iiM-: on cattle, on right hip and ou left tide, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left- Ukugti ia Hayt.avfc 1 dinuict, Uorvw eoontjr. Hnle. Milton. Wnguer. C)r.-Rorwi branded, -O- (. irrle witb parallel tails) on lefi shoulder. ' 4 attle aame on left hip aluo large circle on left i side i Hall. Kdwtn. John Pay.Or.-Cattle E Hon right I hip; horses same on right ahouider. l augeiia I Grant cmniy. Howard, J L, allowny. Or. Hordes, (t roiw with Imr above it) on right ahoiiluer; cattle nine on leit side. Itnnge iu Morrow aud Lma. tii Lh counties. Hughes. Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded heart ou the left shoulder. Bange Morrow Co. llminaker, B i , Wagner, Or. - Holies, M on left -dioulder. cm tl. ton left hit. Bardiftv, Albert, Nye, Oregon Horees.A H connecteu. on left shoulder; Cattle on the left li ip. crop off left ear, IJamphrera, j Al. Hard man, Or. Horses, H nn lef Hank Hayes, J, M., Heppner. Or. Horsoa, wineglass on left shoulder cattle, same on right hip. Huston, Luther, Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on the left shoulder and heart un the left stitie Cat tie same tn left hip. Kange in Morrow county. Ivy, Alfred, long Creek, Or Cattle 1 Don right hip, crop oh left ear and bit in right. Horses -atue bnoid on left shoulder liange n Grant - cut nt v J- ms Harry, II epjn-r. Or Hoists branded n J tm ihe left shouidei : cattle buanded J ou ritil'i hip, "Im undci bit in It it ear. Bange in ,(!tri)W (i. niitj. Jiiiikin, b. M., Heppner, Or Horses, horse--hoe J on iefi shoulder, i'aitlu, the same, Hunge on Fight Mile. Johnson, reiix Lena, Or. HorseB. circleT on left siiiie; catlle. bhihh ou right hip, under half 'Top in right and split in left ear J-nkiiiB, D W.,Ait, Wnon.or. J on horses on left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two smooth crops on both ears. Bange in Fox and Hear vail .-in hennj, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left hi: iuidr siiieon the right hirk J T., Heppner. Or. Horses 09 on left -lioi:!iler; caltle. rlW oil h hip. Kiik. J C, Heppner, Or. lioreea. 17 ou either nan K : caltle II un right side. Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse- i n left i-Louider; cattle same on right side, underbiton rilii enr. Kurnberland.W.G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on tattit) on ngnt and left sides, swallow fork in If ft car ami nnuer ciop in right ear. Horses same i.thi.d on left shoulder. Kange in Grant oountv. Lofti'ii, Stepnen, Tox, Or. H L on left hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses tame brand on left shoulder. Kange Grant countv. ' Lienallen, John W., l.-t Or.-Hnrse brandr.l halUmcle JL connected on leftshoul ' WU1" (n lef' tliu KuDB0' Iiear Lex- Leahey, J. W Heppner Or.-Horses branded tj aui- A o leit enomder; cettln name on left jnp, ye, three slits in right Li rd litjorge, Heppuer. Or.-Horses branded douhie U eoMiect. Nometimes called a swing H. on left shoulder. iVarklmin, A. JL. Heppner. Or.-Cattle large M on lett aide both eaih cropped, and split m cTt von M ai1 lyft U'A' ltaDKe. Clark'a .Minor. Oscnr, neppner. nr.-Tattle, M D on right hip; horse, M on lef t shoulder. Morgan, M. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, M ) on i hfi should, cattle name on left hip. McCumber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with t a' over on right shoulder. Morgan. Xhoe. Heppner, Or.-Horses, circle 1 on left shoulder and left thinb; cauio. Z on right thigh. Mitchell. ORcar.Jone, Or. Horses, 77 on ritrhl hin; catt le, 77 on rigid side. B McClareu, D. G., Brownsville, Or,-HorseH( ttKurer.oneach shoulder, cattle, MHon hip Mot arty. David H. Echo Or. Horses branded DM connecteiL on tlie left Bhoulder; cattle Bame on hip and side. McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs aad under in each ear; horses Hume brand on left stifle. McHahv, ., riMiimwin, Or. un iiorww. with hull rijie under on left shoulder;on k ;attie, tour bars connected on top on Uie right side liange in Grant County. Neal.Andrew. Lone Uock, Or. Horses A M con. necied on loft sliouider; cuttle same on both hips. Nordyku, E., Wil vertou. Or. Horses, circle 7 on left ihigl.: i;aitle. Hitiue on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, I anon City, Or.-A 3 on cattle un ieti hip: on horses, same on left thigh, Kanue in urant county w Oiler, Perry, Lexington. Or.-l O on loft shou.dei, Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle. l LI counecieu on left hip; horses on left stille and warile on nose. Uango in Grant oouuty, t-eam.n, ulave. Eight Mile, t )r. HorseB. quar ter circle shielo on left shoulder and 24 on loft htp. I attle, fors iu lef; ear, right cropped. 24 on left hip. Bang, on Eight Mile. I'urkei A Gleaeon. I lurdman.Or, Horses IP on I- If nhoiilder. P Prr;,' L Lexington, Or.- Hor es brand o ti (L E connected) ti. leit nnoulder; oaltle - nit- ou t ight hip. Uange, .Morrow county. I ipor, J. il Lexington, ur. Horees, JfcJ con. neuted o left shoulder; cattle, same ou left hip. under bi in each ear. Pettys, A. C., lone, Or.; horses diamond P on - - Bhoulder; cattle, J ii J connected, on Uie li ft hip, upper slope iu left ear aud slip in tlw tight. Powell, itotui T Dayviiie, Or Horses, JP co" uec wloii ieii Hhouluw. Cattle Oh couiitjctod on ieli hip, two under iiaii crops, oue on each evir wm tie uuuerihroht. JKai geiu ttrant county. Hood. Andrew, ilamuiau. Or. Horses, square ome. with quarter-cii'cle over it on left stiUe. iieninger, t-hn, Heppuer, Or.-Horses, 0 B on left bhifUlile.. Bice, Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, throe panel worm fence on lett shoulder; cattle, DAJJ on rigid shoulder. Kange near Hardman. lioywe, Aaron, Heppuer, Or Horses, plain V on left shoulder; caltle, aame brand reversed oa right hip aud crop oil right ear. Uange iu Mor row couuty. Bush Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded X ou the rtghi shoulder; cuttle, IX ou the left hip. eiop oh leit ear aud dewlap ou neck. Bange in Alorrow and adjoining counties. Bust, William, Kidge, Or. Horses B on It-ft shoulder; cattle, it on left hip, crop off right ear, underwit on left, ear. Hheep, H on weathers, round crop olf righ ear. BaHiiue Uma luih and Morrow c mimes, lu-niiey, Andrew. Eexington, Or. Horse branded A B on right Hlmulder, vent quartoi circle over brand; caltle suuie on right hip. bange Morrow countj, Bojse, Wm. H. Dairy ville, Or Hit conuectec vwhi qiiHfter cin-le over lop ou catlle on right hip Ht.d crop oil rigid ear and split in left. Horses wane brand on left shoulder. Kange in Morrow Grind ami Gilliam counties. lieoior J. W., Hoppuer, Or.-Horses. JO ol left sh ul'ier. CaiUo, u on right hip. J-picknall. J W., Gooseberry, Or.-Horses branded al ou left sh.nilder; lauge in Morrow roiintj. fclaiiiug, C O Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A on ieli shoulder; caltle same on left hip. Siwaggari, h. Lexington. Or.-Horses with dash under it on lefi stitie cattle H with uauh unuer it on right hip, crop off right oar and waodied ou right hind leg. Kange in Morrow. Guliauiand Ginatiiia couutiea. hwaggan, A L.,Aihena. Or. Ho rues branded 2 un ieli ahouider; col tie Bame on left hip. Crop on ear, waitje ou leit hind leg. btiaighl W. E., Heppuer, Or. Horses shaded J b ou lei stitie; cattle J B on left hip, swallow tork in righ ear, on der bit in left, hupp, i hot.., Heppuer, Or. Horses, hi A P on lefi nip: calUt eauie on left hip. bhrier.John, Fox, Or. SV connected on horses on right hip; cattle, aame on right hip. crop .tt right ear and under bit in left ear. Kange in urant county. buntli Biob., BusHuville, Or. Horses, branded H . Z. on shoulder; cattte, ame on left shoulder. iu . T. ; . vi,, uorsea oranaea Jb on loft shoulder; cattle the same, also nose waddle. Kange in Morrow and Gilliam co mtiee. i . udiuuiHii, ur-; norses oa ou right sutle; cattle horizontal L on the right side bleVeUSOU, Aim A. J.. Hhoiiiimp Orl utfl u on riKhi in.; waliow-fork in left ear. ' bwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horsea. 44 on lett sitouid ; cattle, 44 on left hip. . r-Mt.ijt)r, w, cattle w u ou lett hip, crop off ngnt and underbit in left year, .. -'-v u id vuouiuer. liiompsoii, J. A., Heppuer, Or. Horses, 2 on let i si.ouiu r; catUe, z on left shoulder. llUi eOt.IS.'I . U,itrilrilit Li... 11 ... Bhoualer. lumerK. W., Heppner. Or. SmaH capital T ,, r. acuue un ieii nip with split m botn ears. inirnton. li, M.. lone, Or.-Horses branded u I couneetxl on leit titie; sheD same braud, tiecieu un right shouider;cattle, same on right Walbndge, Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horses, TJ. L, on the left shouider; cattle eauie on right hip. oi op on left ear and right ear iOiied. WiImiii, Junu Q tSalem or ITeppner, Or UorsuH branded Jq ou the left shoulder. Bjiuite Morrow counu. B W artvu, H. ( 'aieb, Or CatUe W with quarter circle over it, ou ,VH side, split iu right ear hot res same bra-'d ou left ahouider. Kattgeiti Grani couuty. VV right, bilas A . Heppner. Or. Cattle branded B V on the right hip. bquare crop oil right ear and split in left, ade. Henry, Heppner. Or.-Horses branded ace oi spauee on leit shoulder and left hip I attle branded same on left side aud loft hio V ells. A. si., Heppner, Or. HorBee, on lef shoulder cai miujm Wolfinger, John. John Day City,Or-On hon three phraiiel nais on left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit m both ears. Itaiige in Orant and MalhuLi ..Hiwaru John, Heppner, Or.-Horsee DP coiiiiecun n lett shoulder. atkins Lishe. Heppner, Or.-Horses branded Lt coniieflei on leit Btltl. aljace, Charins. Portland. Or.-Co.ttie. W on r ghi tlugh.ho., ui left ear; horses, W on right shouiuei. st.m. sauieou iefr shoulder. tt l.ittier rK nui m gu,n, Bokor Co Or. Hor branded W B nntl onTeA ouilr rlJV V1lJ!!mt,;hVM.C,,' namiiln,f.-QGarter r. horses. Kanite Grant county. Williajns. j O. Long Cre-k. Or-Horsea cm.r t over three Um D left hiprcItUe and mh in e, h ht. Baii ,n GraEt c.Jny ft ren. A. A., i.eppner. Or.-Horses runninit V A on shoulder: t iri .... l A W alker El.wbeth A Sons, Hardman Or - aule brauued tE W connectedj EW on left sHie h.;f.s on right shoulder J. W-