Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 27, 1894, Image 2

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One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.
qjNL) 1 60 ACHES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of bicb deeded land there are 140 acres gcxd farming land, and the balance A 1 justure. The deeded land has a good spring of w
ji. fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800.
ater on it, all under
Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good rustler can pay
for it with first crop raised on it. Reason for selling, owner lives m the East and has no use for it.
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms.
For further information call at our office.
Give your business to Ileppner people
and therefore assist to build up Ilepp
ner, Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for hiBor lier communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name Is signed as an evidenee of
good faith.
V. K.
For Congress, Second I)iti-ief.
W. K.KLMM,of Heppiier.
Kor Governor,
W. P. I,Oi:n, of Salem.
Kor SeeretHry of Hlnte,
II. It. K1NCAI1), of Ennene.
For Hlate Treasurer,
METHCIIAN, of Urnnt County.
For Hiipreine Judge,
WOIiVEUTON, of Albany.
For Attorni'y-Cleneral,
('. M. IDI.EMAN, of Portland.
For Hupt. Public Instrnetion,
. M. IRWIN, of Union.
Fur Htate I'rinler,
W. II. J.KKuS, of Ashhind.
For Prosecuting Attorney, 7th Hist.
A. A. JAYMi, of Arlington.
For Member Hoard of Kfiualiatloii,
W. C. WILLS, of Crook County.
For UepresentHtlvo,
J. S. 1100T1111V, of bexlngton.
For Hlieri II,
(1. W. IIAKItlNIITON, of IIepiller.
For Clerk,
F. J. HAI.I.IICIC, of Hoppner.
For Treasurer,
FKANK UII.LIAM, of Ileppner.
For eoniiiiisHiiiiier,
J, I,. IIOWAItl), of Galloway.
For Assessor,
J. F. Wll.l.H, of Lexington.
For Hehoul .Superintendent,
MISS ANNA J. IIAl.SKlUlt, of lone.
For Hurveynr,
GEO. W. LOUD, of Hlla.
For Coroner,
T. W. AYIilW, JR., of Ileppner.
For Justice of t lie 1st District,
For Constable of 1st District,
For Justice of 2nd District,
I. it. EST K II.
For Constable of '.hid District,
Kor Justice of 3rd District,
For Constable of :ird District,
For Justice of llh District,
For (instable of llli District,
C. C. 11(11 IN.
For Justice of 0th District,
Fir Constable if rlh District,
J. L. IlilWAIll).
For Justice of lltll District,
K. L. l'ltlilil.AND.
For Constable oflllli Dlstrlcl,
Tint 1'rinnville News will bo
lii'iui paper hereafter.
CoNdllEHKMAN KliI.IS boS lo iMI lullllitil'll
to prut'tice in t lie U. K. Hiipreme Court.
Jt ih reported from WtitdiiiiKloti that
the iKlmiuiHtrittion is very mnoli opposed
to nil I'eiinoj'er (mniliilntes for iilllue.
In iikoahii to ye pert Record's qnes
tiou about our candidate fur representa
tive, we will Ray that Mr. Bootliby line
been in the oouuty long enough to be
identified with it. He was here when it
was made a cotiuty, and is one of our
permanent citizens. Unlike the demo
cratic oaudiilute, who has not been here
quite two years and who, as a school
teacher, could puck bis grip and get out
of the county in twenty-four hours, he is
one of ns. lie served in the Union
army and richly did his part towards
keeping the United States as one country,
and as an ex-soldier, citizen and neigh
bor, is entitled to be oalled a "grand old
man, for such he is. Matters not how
much the populists anil democrats at
tempt to belittle Mr. Boothbj, he will
get the votes to elect him as a republi
can representative from Morrow county.
The democrats have at last succeeded
in putting up a piece of a ticket in Mult
nomah county, and now expect the pop
ulists to retire part of their men and
stand in together. It may act as a
"fusee." The record of the democratic
party is such that they can hardly hope
to win in Multnomah county, even on
the plan adopted.
Tub Oregoiiian is asked why it has not
criticised the demand in the state demo
cratic platform for an income tax. Be
cause it is a matter of uo interest. No
body has any income to be taxed, or is
likely to have, so long as "democratic
times" ooutinue. Oreaoniau.
Tn it "industrial" army is on the in
crease. With the different branches
there are now fully 100,000 men euroute
to Washington. They had better wait
till '!I6 and nitiroh over to the polls to
vote for a return of the old regime.
Deafness Cumiot be Cured
by local applications ns they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by nn inhVimed
condition of the muciions lining
of the Eustachian. Tube. When this
tube is inflamed you have a rumbling
sound of imperfeot hearing, and when it
is eutirely closed, deafness is the result,
and unless the inllamation oau be taker
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, heariug will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing hut an
inllutned condition of the mucous
We will give one hnudred dollars for
any case of deafness (caused by oatarrh)
that cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Mend for ciroulurs; free.
K J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
JMSSold bv Jlruggists, 75.
To be Given at the Opera House Next
Monday Eveulnic Proceeds for Benefit
of School.
lias Kuu NewspupriB In Several Portions of
the West now Tramps From
Place to Place.
"Jnouhthials" have brought things to
a crisis up in Montana by stealing a
train and defying the strong aim of the
Indiana republicans have mplelcd
their statu ticket, A. 1). Owen, of
Legansport, was nominated for secretary
of state ou the fourth ballot.
Juixib Scott, of Oiunlia, sent a nins
papjr man to jnil for criticising his
actions as a judge. The supreme court
Interfered and Judge Heott Unds himself
in a "hot box."
1'ki'kkh'h Ciixoy resolution was defeat
ed by the democrats, 17 to '2(i. It was
for the purpose of disposing of idle labor
and disooiiraging idle wealth in the
Dist, of Columbia.
Inn Los Angeles, a steamship plying
between Newport, Cul , and 'Frisco, rau
onto a reef on the 111st inst., and Tour
people were drowned, It was with dilll
culty that the crew and passengers were
saved .
J. K. Kdmiston, of Walla Walla, the
hank wrecker, was shot at bv an angry
depositor a few days ago, and had he
not run like the devil was after him, he
would have probably been killed. Five
shuts were fired in all.
Onh Fcratoh or one word imprudently
uttered about scratching this year may
make you scratch iu the future to keep
the gaunt wolf Inuu jour door. IKm't
talk about scratching, ami don't scratch.
1) in't eveu itch this year,- Salem States
man. This is good talk.
Uupiikskntativkn Hermann and Ellis
will not go to Oregon to take part iu the
campaign, neither will Senators Dolph
and Mitchell, Bins the Oregouiau. In
the house the river and harbor bill may
come up any time, needing the represen
tatives' attention, ami the tariff in the
senate will bold the senators iu Wash
ington. This shows that our delegation
fully appreciate what they have been
sent to Washington tor, uud the voters
will also appreciate their notion.
Hubert liruce Smith, au old printer,
dropped into our ollioe Inst Friday even
ing. Mr. Smith began journalistic life
by publishing a paper called the Herald
iu Eugene, Oregon, in the year 'til.
When the war broke out, Mr. Huiitli and
Imh associates in the paper failed to agree,
he taking the part of the north and they
being in fayor of slavery, so the publi
cation of the Herald was suspended.
Mr. Smith afterwards edited a paper at
Tue Dalles, Oregon, Bud at other places
in Oregon and California.
He is a good printer and a good writer;
but, like many others, had uot the good
sense to keep that which ho made when
times wero prosperous with him, but
formed the habit of (raveling from place
to place, with the result that he is now
an old man, growing feeble with age
without money or friends, and wander
ing aimlessly about, unable to get work
at Ins trade. A few more years of
wanderings, and some day he will lay
his body down never to rise again.
may be along some highway, or in some
sheltered nook in the city. He will be
found but will be unknown, uureeog.
timed; and will be buried away in the
potter's Held, without a single friend to
shed a tear over his grave or say a few-
kind words iu honor of hie memory.
F.spnrto (Cal.) l'ress,
1 tl u ;.i , ...
it. n. oumu is wen Known Here as
"Hooky Mountain" Smith. Once be was
employed by the Gazette till he col
lected together three weeks' wages, and
tlieu he bought a new suit of olothet,
got drunk aud proceeded to have
glorious time. In a few hours his fuuds
were goue aud as it took money to buy
whiskey, there threatened to be a sudden
shutting off of stimulants. However,
"Uocky kept comfortably full for
several days thereafter. At the same
time it was noticeable that the print
shop was losing furniture and material
sonic now, ana on investigation it was
found that about one-half of the Gazette
was "in soak" down at a ueighboriiig
reaoit for the "ardent."
The Spring Medicine.
"All run down" from the weakening
tffeets of warm weather, you need a
good t mio nod blood purifier like Hood's
Snrsaparilla. Do not put off taking it.
Numerous litlle ailments, if neglected,
will soon break up the system. Take
Hood's Sarsaparilhi now, to expel
disease and givs you strength and appetite.
The following is the program for the
sohool entertainment, to be given st the
opera house next Monday evening:
"Welcome song," by primary pupils.
"Wordtof Welcome."
Declamation, "Being a Boy."
Hons;, 'Have One Kind I nought of Me "
Doll Drill, by twelve little girls.
Medley, by third room pupils.
Recitation, "Little Flo's Letter."
Recitation. "Elsie's Molllonuv "
(iermaii song.
Declamation, "Mother's Fool."
Hong. "The Shoemaker."
Handkerchief Drill.
Declamation, "Little Boy's Trouble "
.juts, a runner s u.iy Am 1.
Declamation, "Boy's Lecture."
Bong, "The Little Workers."
"Recitation by a Little Girl."
Song, "The Neat Little Clock."
Dialogue, "Four Celebrated Characters."
Operetta, "The Enchanted Wood."
The last on the program, the operetta,
can be best understood by the following
synopsis :
Six ohildren start out from school on
an expedition into the woods, lint after
some quarreling, sparate and wander
singly into the borders of au cnobanted
wood. Here, by order of the Fairy
Queen, they nre lured further ou till
they sink down exhausted, and nre then
thrown into a deep sleep by six fairies
with poppy wands.
Mother Goose, who is a guest at Court,
then requests the pleasure of transform
ing them into such characters of her own
rhymes as they most resemble, and they
are roused to fiud themselves Jack
Horner, Bopeep, eto. Here they are
kept at their tasks till a rescuing party
of Boy Police, sent by the distraoted
tenoher, comes to their assistance; but
the Police fare little bettor, for, a'so
lured on by fairy voices iLto the
preeenoe of the queen ard Court, tbey
are about to "charge" when suddenly
transfixed by her poteut wand, they are
held as rigid ns bo many statues.
At length, however, all are released,
and nfter w,i idering "through bog aud
brior" the livelong night, find their way
back to their disconsolate teacher in the
morning, thankful to be once more their
proper selves, with a ohance to correct
their faults aud resume their daily taBkB
in peace.
The Complexion of a Chinese
Is not yellower than that of an un
fortunate individual whose liver com
plaint has assumed the chronic form.
The eyeballs of ihe sufferer assume a
saffron hue, there is dull pain iu the
region of the organ nll'ected, the tongue
is ooated, breath sour, sick headBohes
riBUally hut not alwajs occur, aud there
is sometimes dizziness ou arising from
a Bitting posture. Constipation and
dyspepsia are also attendants of this
very common ailniont, always in its
aggravated form, liable to breed ab
oesses of the liver, which are very
dangerous. I'osteiter's Stomncb Bit
ters wholly eradioate it, as well as the
troubles ooiunliested with in and which
it originates. Iu chills and fever, a
ooraplaiut wliioh always yields to the
Hitters, the liver is seriously involved.
This fine alterative lonio removes
oostiveuess and indigestion, rheumatic,
nervous aud kidney trouble aud debility.
All matter intended for this column .hnnlil
be addressed to its editor, as the Gazelle has no
uuuiuniy 10 publish same without his corneal
I his column belongs exclusively to
the People s Party, of Morrow county,
and will be used by them as they see
III. The management of the Gazette
win in no way be responsible for any
thing that may appear therein.
Governor, Nathan Pieroe.
State Treasurer, B. Caldwell.
Seoretary of State, Ira .Vakefieid.
Supt. Public Instruction, T. O. Jory.
Attorney General, M. L. Olmstead.
State Printer, George M. Orton.
Supreme Judge, K.P.Boise.
Congressman Sec. Dist., Joe Waldrop.
Jt. Sen., Morrow, Grant and Harney,
George Gilbert.
Pros. Attorney, E. P. Sine.
Board of Equalization, B. F. Searoy.
School Supt.,
County Commissioner,
B. F. King.
Joseph C. Hayes,
C. M. Hague.
.Miss Addle Coulee.
W. B. Ewiug.
Wm. Gilliam.
J. L. Gibson .
Chas. Ingraham.
J. M. Nunamaker.
There 1ms been but very little wool
received at the warehouses here. What
has beeu is of very liui quality and would
oommimd an unusually large prioe but
for the agitation of the tariff.
Mrs. C. W. Johnson will visit Ueppner
in a few days. This will leave Chas. at
home to learn something of how to
bach. Mrs. Joliusou is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Geutry.
Walter Gentry is now located at Bak
er City, having secured n veiy nice posi
tion in a niiue there.
The populists of Wasco oouuty are so
scarce that one utner hears of them.
That is, hardly ever.
The railroad around Ihe rapids at
Celilo is already laid quite a little dis
tance, and everything is being gotten in
readiness for au "open river to the sea."
We have it from good authority that
there has been suhsor.b 'd $41)0,000 for
the furthering of this enterprise,
The Dalles Orchestral Union, consist
ing in iweive oi tne lending youug men,
have leased the new opera house, aud
have scoured the Si Perkins Comedy
Co. for the 25th, to be followed in a short
time by home talent in "Enlisted for the
War." The boys furnish music for all
the traveling theatrical troupes, Bnd
render Bonie very fine music. They in
icnii giving a series of concerts in the
near future, which will be heartily sup
ported by the citizeus.
Salmon are increasing but very little
but fishermen look for a heavy run in
the near future.
Geo. Noble, jr., leaves for Baker City
in a tew days, anticipating work in the
mines there.
Miss Jennie Noble is visiting relatives
and friends here.
The Dalles Orchestral Tuion intend in
the uear future to visit other towns near
by and give some of their Hue concerts.
Heppner will undoubtedly be in it as we
have assured them a hearty welcome
Aeait 20, lsyi.
The candidates for the various oouuty
offices on the people's party ticket will
canvass the county, beginning at Lexiug
ton and will speak in the various pre
cincts on the following dates:
Lexington, ; May 5.
Douglas, " (J.
Grange hall, lone preoinot, " 12.
Kooky Point sohool house, ' 16.
Eight Mile Center, " 19.
Hardman, " 23.
Gaboway, " 20.
David Lentberiuun's, " 29.
Heppner, June 2.
All are invited to attend, aud especially
the opposing candidates.
who is the hired attorney for London
bankers, and is stationed in New York
to manipub te the power of European
capital towards the enslaving of the
It seems high time the voters of the
United States were laying aside all party
prejudices and looking stern facts in the
face with as much boldness as our fore
fathers faced the British arms in the
revolution. Starvation staled them in
the face, and it has its keen eye in full
glare on ns.
But will 1896 prove to be too lute to
remedy the fatal errors now being euaot-
ed? I am rather inolined to think it will
be too late to save the shedding of rivers
of blood, for it always has taken blood
to cover the Bins of the nations, as it did
to oover the crime of African slavery in
the Southern states, and I believe that
history will bear me out in the assertion
that when a nation grows so notoriously
wioked as ours, as is proven by the kind
of legislation we have been getting for
some years, and the kind of men we
elevate to the highest positions iu our
government, that nothing short of total
obliteration will satisfy the gods.
But if the voters will rush to the
rescue, we think possibly our govern
ment may yet be suved the fate, wliioh
has so surely befell other nations when
tney nave followed alter lust, avarice
and greed. V-ill Hoskins.
Hahdman, Ore, April 5, 1894
ST instil
When you are
somewhere, or
else yum'
?sh you are weak
s not nourish you.
Issued Maroh lilth, 1883, by the Amer
ican Bankers' Association to all National
Dear Sir.: The interests of National
bankers require immediate financial
legislation by Congress. Silver, Silver
Certificates and Treasury Notes must be
retired aud National Bank Notes, upon
a Gold basis, made the mouey . This
will require the authorization of from
!fuUu,00U,U00 to $1,000,000,000 of ni
bonds as a basis of circulation.
on will at onoe retire one-third of
your circulation and call in one-half of
your Iobus Be carefnl to make a money
stringency felt among your patrons, es
pecially among influential business men.
Advocate an extra sessiou of Congress
for the repeal of the purchasing clause
of the Sherman law and aot with the
other Banks of your oity in securing a
large petition to Congress for its uncon
ditional repeal as per accompanying
form. Use personal influence with
Congressmen aud particularly let your
wishes be known to your Senators. The
future life of National Banks as fixed
and Safe Investments depends upon im
mediate Action, bs there is an increasing
sentiment in favor of Government legal
tender notea aud Silver Coinage.
The above circular explains the cause
of the hard times, and it is not the tariff
as the lenders of the two old parties will
try to make people believe.
While holding in view the great com
motion iu the body politio of these
Uuited States, we are Inolined to think
the aboye question one worthy of more
tliHU simply a passing thought. There
never has been a time in the United
Stntes when there has been so much
deep laid soheming, on the part of the
haters of our government, for the pur
pose of pulling down the common peo
ple into abject slavery, as there is now
going on ; aud such has beeu uuder
headway aud gaiuiug momeutum for the
past thirty years.
The associated press system of dis
pensing uews has proved to be a deep
laid scheme for the blinding of the peo
ple, by suppressing real facts in finance,
uutil there oonld be enacted stu-b laws
as were necessary in order to bring the
common people under the money power,
auu where the necessary laws have been
delayed, either through negleot or by
misconceived ideas, at the proper time
the press has only to uphold the dastard
ly conduct of the officials, and the main
body of the people seem to think it all
right, as was the case with Seoretary
Foster in the options! move in paying
off the silver certificates with gold.
Aud the same may be Baid of t-eoretary
Carlisle in bonding the government for
fifty millions without any authority for
so doing, save that the associated press
upheld him, and that press received all
its news as dictated by one Henry Clews,
The Most Saeeessfut Gas Kngilie
In the market is run without an electric
spark battery. Theory is all very well,
but the everyday experience of constant
practical use is the best test of merit.
The man who rmus a launch and finds
binself drifting with tide and wind
because the "BDark" fails to ignite the
charge of gas in his engine; the man
who prints u daily paper nnd fails to get
it ofl'on time because the "spark" again
fails; the man who has fruit lhat is
injured for lack of irrigation beoause
the "spark" foils iu his engine that
runs Ihe pump; not only mch parties
hut others who have trouble from like
causes should bear in mind that the
Heroules Gas aud Gasoline Eugiue is
free from such difficulties. The ignition
is simple and sure. Send for catalogue.
If you want second-hand engines of
other makes at oheap rates we oan sup-
piy you. we nave a numoer taken in
trade and cannot take any more until
they are realized on. Palmer & Rev
Type Foundry, Front & Alder Sts., Port
land Oregon.
of Cod-liver, witli hypophosphhes of lime and soda,
finds weak spots, cures them, and stores up latent
strength in solid flesh to ward off disease.
dais, the world over, endorse it
SCOTT'S EMULSION cures Coughs, Colds, WeakJ
Lungs and Wasting Diseases.
Prepared by Scott & Bowne, N. Y. Druggists sell it.
1 the title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of the Utmost
Importance to Everybody, couoernlng their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, eto.,
What to Eat,
Dow to Eat it,
Things to Do,
Things to Avoid,
Perils of Summer,
Dancers of KisflW. Rentorine the Drowned
Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted- now to Avoid Ttiem,
Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Skin, Care of Teeth
Occupation for Invalids, Bathing Best Wnv, After-Dlnner Nam
Alcohol as a Food aud a Lungs and Lung Diseases, Effects of Tobacco'
Medicine, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance,
Superfluous Hair, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause & Cure,
.muu.i.8 . .umi . un i.uu iu near, i o Wei Hid OI i,lce.
contagious Olseases, Malarial Affections,
now to Avoid Ttiem, CrouD-to Prevent.
IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chillblains, Cold Peet, Corns
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning
Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth'
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache UloerSi
Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms iu Children. IT WILL. SAVE ItOGTOKS BILLS.
US?" All new subscribers and prompt renewals durincthe month of Mar. will bn
preeensed with a free oopyof this as a premium.
Our better halves aay they could not
keen bouse without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It is nsed in more than
half the homes in Leeds. Sims Bros.
Leeds, Iowa. This ah -w the esteem in
which that remedy is held where it has
Deen sold for years aud is well known,
Mothers have learned that there
nothiug so good for oolds, croup rnd
whoopiug oongn, that it oureB these
ailments quiokly and permauentlv, and
mat it is pleasant and safe for children
to take. u Bod 5U oent bottles for sale
oy Slooum-Johnson Drug Co.
increase the appetite by the use of
Ayei's Cathartic Pills. They cause the
Hiomaco, liver, aud bowels to perform
their functions properly, do not debilitate
by excessive stimulation, and are not
irritating in their aotion. As nn Bfter-
uinner pin tney are nneqaled.
Take Simmons Liver Regulator for
headache, constipation, indigestiou or
Simple ailments O
8 neglected may grow Q
deadly. A handy Q
Q remedy is Q
loty (Tasteless) U
in all cases where O
Q Liver and Stomach Q
O trouble is suspected. Q
as cents a box.
icq r
For sale bv SloClim.Jnhnatnn 11,-
Co. and T. W.Ayera, Jr.
Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to the best course ti. pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on th
p. o. box 483 john WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
49 Cut this out and send It with your lnuM.nr.J
a a
o o
y u
1 3 3
19 te
SSiuM I&Sif? iSS SillS SJS JwnJjllftJjwa Pfailsskeouryingpuncureconstlpattoa"
rrontlss llw.nr lug puis cure constipation Prentiss Becurylug pllla euro constipation
7wr ,u n,,. Pr0,'uce cP'"l.lere is a pill tiiat euros torpid
nubloi I, r!;Tmat,sm' tafi'S-l'ua. Blck hoauacho aud kidney and liver
trebles without griping or leaving any trace of CONSTIPATION which
aoo to Rlu :!r.ic ; thone t!!ls irlll cum vr-i
f r-ft. a Pmhbi jjsfc.
Vi a ? Ilara ji -nrii RECTIFYING PILL.
uw.iu8b it is tne only sate aud harmless
romt'dy that will surely
la n.
aftf clear the
rr self.
ti umuwu swk ron oQV runt w aumi.. m- i .v.
kin and re
25 Cents a box.
' 5 $ ; oy man upon receipt c
(""I Prentiss Chemical
Prentiss Recti fvliu- nlli ......
..a uwicnes irora the face. Try a box and see tor your
i a a
and Manufacturing Co.,
Prentiss llee.ltylug 'pills ere eon'l'n,:', M cure constipation
J '"g l""-Hr;ji-iustipuion
Otis Patterson
Plenty " of them at the
Gazette Office
t li l : i
.in uusuiess aiteimed to id a uromt.t nnd .hdi
Notaries Public and Collectors.