Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 24, 1894, Image 4

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    tfi SWEETEST! i f;
II Pf E-1 H 63 tea J rlfli JO JJ. MH ft 3 A.MJ?1 Em l
It is absolutely, positively and distinctively differ
ent in FLAVOR from any other Plug Tobacco now on
the market. A trial will convince the most skeptical
of this fact.
The largest seller of any similar shape and style
on earth, which proves that it lias caught the pop
ular taste, and pleases the people.
It possesses mere qualities of intrinsic value than
any other Plug Tobacco produced.
00 mi FAIL TO
There wrh npvt-r ii thai" in llio liin'nry
of our rnnhliy nli'ii llie di ruiiul fur
invention!) mill i in jiri i verm n tn in die uitri
Rttil Ncitv OCR kmihthIIv vvjib Bo yretifc hb
now. The oorivHiiit'iM'tfH of ruiihkinil in
the fnolorv n nil wm 1hIimi, 1 1 le lioiiHehold
atul on thr f.um, ih well hh in nflieiul
lil n quire einitiiiiiiil i Ci'hkh oiia to the
niipurtf ntiiicB md im'iiiiurnln of each
in order to H.ive lulmr, time mid i xpi'iiw.
Tle (inliiiml oliiinifH in Hie HilniiuiHtrH
on i'ivernnient does not aif-ct the
proiene of I lie Aiucrieiiu inventor, who
bein mi the nlnrt, ii ii t ifutly to per
I'pive the exi-tiiiK di tieieiteiew, dona not
permit the idf iiih of overniueiit to de
tor bun finin quickly oiiioiiviii; tlie
remedy lo oveiuoino exintuii? diNCroiiun
ciee. Ton urent oiii'H aim ii'it be ex-r-oieed
in cIioorhio; a competent mid ekill
fnl attiiinry to prepare and proHeonte
an npplietttion for pment. Vulntililo iu
tereH M tiuve been li'r-t and dielroyed in
i n ii ii nii'i nbl o inHlniioeH bv tint oinplo
luent nf ineompelent ooimei'l, and et
peeially in Hi advioe npplimdilo to
thoHB who ndopt llie "No patent, no
pay" hjhIuii. Iiivi-nlora ho eiitninl
thtir hiiHineNri to Ibid cIiihh of attorneys
do so at i tn in i'ii I irk, us llio brniultli
and Htrciulh of I tie ptttfiit in never eon
aidered in view of u qniok endeavor to
Ki't an allowaiiuu and iililuiu llio fi e.
John U eddei bum, Oi-neral Mamiijer,
CIS V stieit, N .' W.iWachintdon, L. 0.,
ropiexi'ii i ii k a larue nnniher of impor
tant dnily and wet-Uly ptpt-rN, nnd Ken
em! itMi.du'itlri nT i lit enimti y, waa in.
BtitMleil to unit, ol hh iiiitionH from the
trnMife Ineilioda tieielnfme eniplo.M'it
in tliiii line ot tiiiHiiii a. '1'tie Hani Con
puny is piupuit d to take t-hnrue- uf all
patent bii'inepH i nil lifted to il for rea
flonahle tee-1, and pr p ttu and pronetMte
lliiliual iutiH Keiieiulh, inalndintt me
oli'tincttl iiivv i.tmiif, dehuii ptitenlK,
tratle nitit kf, labetH, C"P t iiihta, intt-rler-eneen.
infrmkMiuriitH, validly reporte,
and i;ivrB e.-peoinl at'enion to r j ettd
unset, il i alao piepaieit to enUr into
oompetilioit u lib any tiuu in Mtiniiin
foreign I'tlciitH.
Wiite tor iiinii tleliotm and atlvieo.
John U Muiiuim iin.
(dS 1'' fiirrtt,
r. 0. lioi SSi. uMoniitoii, 1). c.
th: noon OF NICE.
A Toopto A lio An1 Cut tu Di'ipi'mtii
Anil now how do these people- live?
I was invited the other dny to vUit ono
uf their np:irtmi'iil:i in ttu1 old town,
says n writer i:i thti Caliiornta Maira
line, in an article on Ni.-c. This was
on the (jround Coor ir.ul eonsisted of
three roonn. Tlio front one, on the
itrvet, wa-i tho chop, w itli a door, but
no window, n:id us I ci-oped my way
Into Ihu middle or sleeping roimi, I
could not see.
Here Ihey Kl-ep Ip a room with a eold
Btone llo r nnd no e;irpet, with no lire
phiees and hardly any thiyliTht. Tho
third i r tia -U room, wh'n-li had one
window, i-.aa tlie l.ileheu, oatinfj and
livini; room, also w-illi a r.t uie tloor.
Aa wiKul and foul e.re ih-nr. the striet
est iH'onomy in I'rueti.'ed aUu:l tiimllinjr
a tire in the eiu-ious little l'reneh ranjre.
When tiny do have meat to roast,
whieli lo very rarely, they talte it to
the lial.er, and have it eool.ed there for
ft few fioe.s, u:i an ninount of heat suf
flciont to roast anything would n'liiiiro
a most extravagant rpiautity of fuel for
such piK-r folk.
tverytliinj is lnm;,!it i:i very i mall
quantities, and even i f staplo articles,
uch as h.i't. pepper, i'.onr and Mitrar,
Just etionj;!i f. r tlie day is purchased.
Beady money la not plenty enough to
lay ill a Hock of kucli UUuffS.
the P I
. r ! f3
chew I jj
Hltf8 IS 11
ar lasB i jMiiq
Sorg Company
Seeds! Trees!
Choice Seeds
Fruit Trees
Wtinlpuiile and Retail. Catulogue
Free. Address
j'ni'25 3m sw Walla Walla, Wash.
Southern Facile Company
Maid to San Francisco
From Sun Pram two to oilier potntB in Cull
fon. In will be nllovii'il pnri'luiKi'rs of peeiul
Mlilu Inter Fnlr tlekets at llie follow ing round
trip mien:
'In utationa under ir0 iiillen from Sim Kran
I'lseii. one nnd one-third one way fare.
To Mi, ll.nn ISO nillen or more from Sun
FmnrlM'ii.one and one fifth one way fare.
Fur exact raten uiul full Information inquire
of J. It. Kirklitiul. DlHt. Ph.r ihtmio ut i:m nrm
8t , I'orlland, dr., or addri'Hi till) undernlKHlit.
ItU'H'D 11HAV, T. It OOdllMAN.
Ilea, 'l ialtlc Manager. (iea. Pima. Att.
Pan Fi-ttucUeo, Cnlit.
. P. UOUKHS, A. 0. F..S P. A.,
Portland, tlreRiin.
1 1 M and lort vliAlltv i
packair of our trut-
mentfer waknt and
i1imb. napvutia ithillf
Vitality Mot tnm for 2 ututi
n. il......
In Uiltc
"DarlteM. Amen,
blaehtls'i v. hi. !: i
the native-. t.Tin ;
at the b.d' i:-i of
interior of
;.n i c, ii kind of
iV.v year builds what
louse. In i!u mud
he lake it makes a
hole s.irn twoor
Injr up tlie ur.id r.
so as to t'oiv.i u
The depth oi
the w all i.a ;.
ba-.i'.i from 1'u!
deep. In . I.d
ipieer little ii i-avera;-,--
teen i:i. lies ;:-t
eor.icvr t.i a jioi
three feet broad, hoap
'i.i ived from the hole,
h:tle will around it
a:ht the lu-i;rht of
i-ed t ;:-ethcr make a
.i t i twenty inches
: ' within a lake this
-ect i a r.u.illiouse, the
in :i laeie-urin-r four
. t:.-e bottom, rapiirty
iat i- t'm sliape of a
hole (our inches in di
ou the south side,
iin -r ier c: t ss and in
pecimen of tliis ipieer
el in t'ic lloval Muse
Hvo doors, and u pu
it into two rooms.
bt'o;:d cone. A
am.'tcr, tv.-!v ;
serves a ; ;v. o-.,
"ivss. A ci-i -.;
d U'.o i' . l '.
Ui-.l ;:t 1 : : i i h...i
Uiion ;.cp..i-..li:i
FrfaervlnK Oeait ltoitimu
Herodotus (fives a remarkable, descrip
tion of the manner In which the Kthi
opians were neeustomed to preserve
their dead. Aeeonlitijj to his aeeount,
having dried the hotly, they plastered
it over with frypsum and painted it so
as to make it resemble life as nearly as
possible. Then they put In a hollow
column made of crystal, which ma
terial thev till;? up in ahundanee. Thus
ine'osed, the corpse was kept in tho
house of its nearest surviviuif relations
for a your, ufter which it w as buried.
Only the Scars Remain,
"Among tlie Dinny testimonials wlilch I
tee in regard to certain medicines perform
ing cures, cleansing llie blood, etc.," writes
Us.NiiY Hudson, of tlie James SniuU
Woolen Machinery Co.,
Plilladelpbia, Fa., "none
impress me more than my
own case. Twenty years
ago, at tlie age ot 18 years,
I liad swellings come on
my legs, which broke and
became running sores.
Our family pay sician could
do me iiu good, and il was
feared that tiie bones
would be affected. At last,
my good old mother
urged me to try Ayer'l
Sarsaparilla. I took three
bottles, the sores healed,
and I have tint Iwen
trouliled since. Only the
scars remain, and the
memory nf the past, to
remind me nf (he good
Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done me. 1 now
weiidt two hundred and twenty pounds, and
am in the best of health. I have been on the
road for the past twelve years, tiave noticed
Ayer's Ha ma pari I la advertised in all parts
of the United States, and always take pleas
ure la telling what good it did for me."
For the cure of all diseases originating In
impure blood, the best remedy Is
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowell, Masi.
Cures others, will cure you
ff PILES i
k frfd In one PAIN 1,(61 treatment
with ut inure. N loll of im.
1 n'liiueif. I iitula. Ulce ,
a'ia e. rerl. : I) vears' -X
Question Blauk and book free. Call or write.
Ml. II. ii. BUTTS,
822 Pine Street. St. Lu.s, Mo
Every patriotic citizen should give his
personal effort and influence to increase
the circulation ol his home paper which
teachea the American policy o Trotec
tion. It is his duly to aid in this respect
in every way possible. After the home
paper is taken care ol, why not sub
scribe for the Amkrican Economist,
published by the American Protective
Tariff League ? Ono ol its correspon
dents says i "No true American can
get along without it. I consider il the
greatest and truest political teacher in
the United States."
Send postal card request for free
sample copy. Address Wilbur F. Wake
man, General Secretary, 135 West 234
St., New York.
Ore ox
a PvnervclAQ
tVve cause
Are you willing to work for the can
of Protection in placing reliable ir.fo
niation in the hands of- your acquaii
If you are, you should be icicntiiit
The American
Protective Tariff Lcr.-v.;-
13S W. 23d St., Newt Vonri
Cut lids notice "ut and s-'"1 il t" 'i
tali'iir. your position, And give. i. ii'lun. i. . :
Ailtlt'f-s it li ll.-r or prut ! rar't I'
THIS lK:i4 ( L4PIM (OnPtNY,
jOHN WijDERBUKN, - - IM.inaqing Attorney,
KO. ilox WAS11NJT0N, 1). CV
rK'SiNS I'KOCriiHD pon
Aim', r.r Moi.TtccH ntiti Suitors sni'l''il tn th line of
duty In ilit! rfifcilnr Annvnr Nn' V nliie'tl.i' wur,
Burvtvui-H of ill' Inilliut warsnf to lHfi, nntl
tliflr w liUnv-, jiow rut It Inl (lid Hiid roli'i'trd nlnliriH
a mn'i'tnltv. Ttiiu8)imls cntttli'it to tik'her rntcs.
Bt'nil for new tow. No ClmrBii for liiivicc S.i ti-e
Qlllll tlll'Ol'KHf ul.
" Salai'T &nilt)itiL'ii,'?9 unlit weekly i'nm ritarL
Htfrmftncntponitlon. nifluatvcieirltoiT-
Exptprlonuu unnoouHsitry. "mni''a'(( (
aarnntntfostobeginiior. njjKj
time airents. Lurjust
irrowsnt of cloan,
hardy, reliable
plute 1
iiBBortmtmt i
fortiinorclianl, ,
lawn and uunltn.
We want ynuiiovj, vhilo 1
tlie frvtit industry Is soil
imtiortunt. Good chance fir
advnncHment. Otitflt and full pnr-
.ciilara free. HKOW N BHOS. CO.. t)r-
rvniHn. rort'nnd. Ore. (Thin howelfl
reliable. Snme tills paper. Ed.)
I Wo, :.
in .iii i lor is imii iu win- tuiDuir
U-h a, tiu.t. au'l tliU i bug
uui 1 1 tn K lU. hand. Yon
1 1 hi- bin i mi, ih niacblotiloei
' it. Ilrt. h' , imit-bii uUbt-t
cfie rftil wlv.ti. So nc"le4
r iio-ull. ulmtidur t'luililtif
1 1. ken -li-h-a, no uiut... (Hn ap
I'd. I'll
W. r II A lilt l0 N X t llr.h ho. IX. ( uliimbut, O
ffcrAWYLAPYcim get vaUiabloBOPretthfttJ
com uxMfr.W, auJa niblxT uhicM lor JWcit I
Mrs. V. M. APP. CO. I
S?9 IMff STUFTT. T oriH, MO.
nommhiTotl in Ilia Will.
New illustrations of the eccentricity
and at the same time of the jronerosity
of the wealthy American, Livingstone,
who recently died :it riorenee, are uf
fonled by the jmblu-ation of the con
tents of his will. Livingstone always
refused to (rive ijourlnures, reuuirkin?
instead to those who served him: "I'll
remember you in rjy will." Most of
those to whom he said this thought it
merely n j.d;e and regarded Livingstone
as a very stingy fedow- in resixvt to
douceurs. thouU i;i ot'acr matters he
had rt well deserved reputation fvr lib
erality. It now traur,pir:s, however,
that be meant exactly what he said.
In his w ill he bequeathed iO.000 lire to
the omnibus conductors of I'lorcnce
through tbeir sK-iety, the scuac auount
to the eabEvn's tvv.'iety. 0.0,)0 Uro to the
waitcrsof the t'afj r.otteone; the same
to the wak.-rsof tlie (,'afe Honey; ."iO.OOC
lo the m:r.ia r.T of Cafe 11 rrhe.d, who
was always very attentive to tho tes
tator, uud 5t00J to tho waiters at that
report. i
Ei 1 MM Q 1LV
At Last Ho Finis Hia Match In s '
Texas Cowboy. ' !
For Oace In 111 Life th rompous Rluff
niMitar SIet. with a Mao Who
Wallu Otr wllh lha
The cowboy In riding ability la
thought by many to be almost like the
mythical centaur a part of the horse
that he travels upon. Of course a good
many erroneous impressions are enter
tained in regard to the reckless cow
puncher's qualifications as an eques
trian. Iiut it is a fact that some of
these fellows are very fearless and are
excellent riders. It is a common boast
amonpf them that they can ride "any
animal thai, wears hair."
I A few days ago Adam Forepaugh's
circus made its appearance in one of the
' western Texas towns, says the Kansas
City L'nion. The day the circus came
was as is usual in small towns a great
holiday. The people turn out from far
and near to see the wonderful procession
in the morning aril the still greater
performance in the afternoon. The big
elephant, whi .-li, of course, was the
largest on earth, the savage lions and
j Bengal tigers with their tamers locked
in the cages dl were there, and each
' 3ne contributed to make up the excite-
' roent that is always created by "the
greatest show on earth" in a small town. .
At the afternoon performance, after the
acrobats had turned their double somer
saults over three elephants and five
horses, and the iron-jawed lady had
been pulled several times, swinging by
her teeth, to the top of the. tent then
it was that the irrepressible little trick
mule was led forth. Here is where my
story begins.
The ringmaster drew himself up in a
.very important manner and announced
in loud tones that there was a standing
offer of ten dollars to anyone who
would ride the gentle little mule. The
ringmaster, as everyone knows, is a
very necessary attache of a circus and
Is generally up in his business. This
one, however, missed his mark on this
particular occasion. lie had evidently
forgotten what people the circus was
among at that tune or had likely never
informed himself about the native
western Texan as a rider. Nevertheless,
the proposition was scarcely announced,
when a long, cadaverous cow puncher,
Hank Anderson, stepped forth and said:
"Mi. Ringmaster, I'll jes' go yer one
on that little talk you're makin'."
Hank had evidently been imbibing
some of the ardent fluid, but was not
Intoxicated enough to effect his activi
ty, lie seenmd to be just about reck
less enough to attempt most anything.
As he lazily approached the ring his ac
quaintances in the audience who
knew him to be one of the boldest and
most expert riders in all of that coun
trygreeted him with such shouts as:
"That's right, Hank, stay with 'em; that
little jack rabbit can't throw you."
.The demure looking little mule was
patiently waiting in the ring. It
seemed to know what was about to take
place. Hank mounted and his long,
lank legs were tightly wrapped around
the little animal. The beast turned his
head and eyed its rider with a most cun
ning and devilish look and started out
around the ring jumping around as fast
as a spinning wheel. Then it tried walk
ing on its fore feet, then on its hind
ones, then up k went in the air and
seemed to perform a somersault when
It hit the ground perfectly stiff legged.
As the dust cleared away Hank could
be seen perched upon the mule's back
right side up, and a triumphant smile
seemed to steal across his countenance. I
The lull-in these proceedings only last- j
ed for a few moments. Then the de-1
termined little beast was again up in
tho uir going through the same ,
maneuvers us it did at, first, only in a 1
more vigorous manner. Again Hank
remained firmly in his seat. The mule
then resorted to the scheme of lying
down and rolling over and over. These
tactics proved also unsuccessful, as the
rider would simply dismount and wait
until the trick mule had risen to it
feet, w hen he would mount again quiet
as a Hash. Finally the little beast
seemed to draw itself together for a
last and mighty effort; it gathered it
legs up closely, humped its back and
shot up in the air like a rocket. This
was repeated numerous times in rapid
succession, and each time old Hank ap
peared on top, smiling as coolly as if
nothing had taken place. j
At last the mischievous little beast '
fell broadside upon the earth from sheer
exhaustion and rolled its little eyes up
at Hank with a submissive and con
quered look which seemed to say:
"I have thrown many a rider, but at
last have met more than ray match."
Tho ringmaster turned over the ten
dollars and said that he was satisfied and
that Hank had accomplished his task.
The w ay the audience yelled indicated
that it, too, was satisfied. The mule
walked away with its head drooping
and plainly showed that it, was perfectly
willing and .satisfied to let dank walk
off witli tlie honors and thus ?nd an un
pleasant struggle.
Slxtt'cn Out of Thirty if Ww I Ohm
I'ihIit Twi'nry.
Out of thirty of Sir Walter Scott's
heruinos Yxteou uro (loscrilio I us under
twenty, suys tlie Snu I-'ratu-isco liaily
Uoiort, Of tho other fourteen six tire
umluteil. This leaves us eiht. three
of whom nre set down' ns over twenty;
two start at one side of the line nnd are
carried over the other, two are ly im
plieution rather than ly the intention
of the author tnhenout of their ''teens,"
and ine. Amy liohsart, is a heroine "of
an uneertain njjo," since she is histor
ically a iniclillc-H!.'od matron and lieti
tiously a youthful liride. Of tiies'x un
dated, the presumption is aho'ivthcr in
favor of tho earlier a., v. A nemher
oitee entertained the i luh with the
statement that, nearly nil ot' : e.-ftV
heroines are motherless. I'i'.ev .uv frivlfc
who have p-own up in the companion
ship of umlcs or ii-.ther., older men,
and with an early resjionsihilitj' of
thought nnd action. Thev have had to
plan their own wardr. lvs and decide
upon their own conduit toward their
lovers. Some of them ave K'en N
hinil the scenes of :.i:rriri'.' political
events. Nearly all have Kvu thrown
Into situations where they had to think
for themselves, to. act wiili decision,
and iu ueneral to fultill the whole duties
of heroines. The heroines of Scott are,
some of them, only lay lipures, but, at
least so fur as they have character, they
are women, and they justify the deeii
which are done to .win them.
Krmluoe and net tbe OHSftt for
ne year, lc family paper, and bul
ly to paper oabios.
"For Years5
Says Cabbie K. Stockwell, of Chester
field, N. H., "I wa afflicted with an
eitremely severe palii In tlie lower part of
the chest. The leeling was ai if a ton
weight was lam
ou a spot tlie size
ol my liaud. Dur
ing the attacks, tlie
ierspira'ion would
stand hi drops on
my face, and it was
i agony lor me to
'niake sufficient
eflorleven to whis
per. They cams
suddenly, at any
hour ol the day or
night, lasting from
thirty minutes to
half a day, leaving as suddenly; but, for
several days after, I was quite pros
trated and sore. Sometimes tlie attacks
were almost dally, then less frequent. After
about four years of this suffering. 1 was
taken down with bilious typhoid fever, and
when I began to recover, I had the worst
attack of my old trouble I ever experienced.
At the first of the fever, my mother gave
me Ayer's Pills, my doctor recommending
them as being better than anything lis
could prepare. 1 continued taking these
Pills, and so great was the benefit derived
that during nearly thirty years I have had
but one attack ol my former trouble, which
yielded readily to the same remedy."
Prepared by Pr.J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mnf
Every Dose Effective
rnnvinrf the
way which if followed leads to
Has been put up In a
proprietary form since
9, ana nan oeen iinea
vonrs orlor to thnt timo
In private priicUce. It Is no untried noHtrum, of
dotibtiul re ii tut ion, but a genuine speciflo tor
a very previiluut disease. Thousands of men, of
ail nes, have at aoiue time in llie brought on
nervous dei-ility and exhaustion, with organic
.weakness, liy over brain work, excesses, too fre
quent indulgence or Indiscretion und vlcloun,
hnbitn.and it Is to thene that we offer a remedy
that will, by its direct action upon the seat of the
dlfCHse, stop the drain and restore the patient to
vigorous health and strength.
Ourniothodof introducing Prof.HarrlB'Pastille
treatment Is one vrhih commends itself to all
Feiihitilo persons for the reason that we supply it
upon their judgment of Its value. We ask of our
patrons nothing in the way of expense beyond a.
postal eurd and a two cent postage stamp. The
postal curd to be used In sending us their full ad
dress and the pontugn stump for the letter return
ing tho statement of their case for which we
supply them wiih a question blank, to be filled
out and an Pnvelope addressed to ourselves for
m In retnrniT'g it when tilled.
hiTF . wnen we receive the state
4 ment on blank we prepare
4Mmmf eight days' treatment and f or
ward lb by mail and oreDav
fRIAC postage thereon and along
Tin r irnrv with tlie eight days' treatment
XAllUUi we Bend full directions for
UMng. Tuet.e;.tmentin no way Interferes with
a person's attention to business, and causes no
pain or Inconvenience in any way.
We are so positive that it will give perfeot satis
faction that we leave the matter of sending orders
entirely with those using the free trial treatment.
Unvinc satiwflcd those Bending for trial packages
of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we
feel that they are mire largely interested than
ourselves In continuing the use of the Pastilles.
Even then we do not attempt to rob them by de
manding hlEh prices. On the contrary, we make
the prices us low as possible, and the same to nil.
They are as follows: 13 for one mouth t $5 for
two months! $7 for three months.
These prices secure
the delivery of the
Pastilles by mall. If
desired by express we
leave the patient to
pay the charges. For
Atrial tun vnnrD . uea
MmiiPUfl.JNMimLS jjve operated our
business upon this plan with satisfactory results.
vve agnail persons neeoing treatment ior any
Of the seevct Ills which Cftmot-O mankind through
a violation of nature's laws to send us their td
dress ou postal card or by letter and allow us to
convince llii'Mi that PROF. II A 1C KIN' HOI
merit and are what they need.
jll communication!) confidential and Bhould be
artdres.n to
Te HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists
- Jiriecltraari St., NEW TORE CITY, K.Y.
5 I fl 0 0 worth of lovely Music for Forty
I M . . Cenli. consisting of too pnjyes
VIW full size Sheet Music of the-
latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular 5
selections, both vocal and Instrumental, "g
gotten up In the most elegant manner, in- -5
eluding four large size Portraits,
m CARMENGITA. the Spanish Dancer,
PADEREWSKI, the Great Pianist,
Broadway Theatre Bldg., New York City.
ALWAYS BEUABLE and perfectly SAFE. Trt
nine as used by thou lands of woman all over tt
Putted 8taUia, in tho .H,D DOCTORS riVRte TOt.il
practice, for 88 years, and not a elnglj bad result
Money returned If not as represented. Bond ft
Co nt i i stamps lor toalod particulars.
03. WD INSTITUTE, 120 K. ll.nth St, Et. Lmis. Ua
195 Tears Experience In treating all pari
ties of ltuptari) e. mines us to Kuurantee a
positive cure. Question Blank and Boo)
tree. Call or write.
fa Pine Street, ST. LOUIS, MO
PAT ioricjs
Reduced 5to25 p-mndi rr wath. No
ttirYiag, no .neon en em-!, i o b..d remtti, no T.ue"ut
drue. 1 reatmcnt jvrft'ctly hnrrnkst aud 'rictl? cciufl
dcntikL Unentiori Bl k airl Idnik irw. Call or writs.
UK. il. B. BUTTS, &a l'.no tlmt. Ot. Loiu. AlO.
Bubstarla! Rewards for Those Whose
Answers are Correct
A man nnrt Fntm1 a orison where fru cnnflniM
I cwi.ti'mrifd cnmioal Od making m)tient to b i
Ton.lmtcil into t It iirpwiw of th doonifd man, tin ;
'isuov was inlonnttl that none Ittit rlaii were ermil i
ei to ste the prisonw. The Tisitor said : " Bmtlien '
tn.l Hinieni hnT I none, bui that man lihe priauner tj '
ai!itr i my fallmr aaon."
He was at once taken to the priaoner. Vow, what r
ation wa the prlmnwr to th Tinitorf
Ti e Asritiiiturint FnldiaimiK Company will fir t !
fear for life to the perwon acn.iinn the tim correct an- j
iwer: ;00 to th aecootl : 3rd, 2M; 4ih. 1UU: 5th,
ti). aiHl orer 10.000 othr rewanlx, conia'injt of pianos, '
wCTnw, latliet and pent rld utd iilvr watcoea, ailve)
er cet, diamond rinn, eto
Ti the wnmn wnilina the last eorrert answer will bt ,
fiwn a. hi)(h-tonpil piano, to the neit tot ha last a beauti
ul itr! n. anl the next, 5,000 will retit (luaila niitM ,
3f -iltt'rware, Ae. I
Kl 'l,s.-(i) All anawera mntt he sent'hf mail. -n
Dea-- iH.otmrl n-.t la4erthn lea 31. IS'3. (if) Th r wil
lem-charjie whatever lo enter ihi ciwipetjtion, but al ,
ho itnti)Mte are eipected to aetvd on dollar (or ail '
noi'tr , sutTi?tion to etTMer ihe iaih tu, nui
UAt.tINC or Ttl CV1M..M AOBICiaTI RldT tWV
f t-v criitreat ilhi'tratert periodk-als of the day. ,3
All pria. winners will W etwieti to atw-ift us In eitend
n onr rin-nlaf ion, Ul The tirt eorrw aniwet ret-enec
endtr'a ntiuart taken in all cart a date ol rrv tpt
to a to cire eveiy ore an enual chance, no ntatter whrn
ie or -h- nay re dt'lL will aecura the brat ivixc; tht
theneit piie, ami ao on.
Ttir Aukhtli rmn la an old wtaWirrrd concern
uul ijk ami le nieana to enahle it u c arry uui al
5 pnniiiM, liMriid pnoteil Ust of loinier prize
,M iiiis,-The fVUnwinit weH-known gentlfM'Wi havt
?on nu-d to i-i a ji tlafi-f, and will t 'la' l-ril
tre Ta r'y awan'cd: tVirniodore t alrii'.t U rnvneroi
I'aU-ut' l. iu' i-t STfamr ! 'erMrooh. ami .Mr W.
R.tfrisn IV hleiir Tnm 1Y nt rtf lmnuy, Peter
oriMth Rt!iir ail mon v refeis. Audifaa. Awb
KLTLHtwc fta Co. ijvdl VMerfeomia!, ran ana
mm wm n r.Uafl m
mm ma wm w
mXi El
tZJLXi- for
11 UUULiL 113" UllllU
With !' bed conrffiiieccM. tTftBffuarr, 19 Of
enrr.'v. m-rvou tx itrm t, i tuvom debility,
tmcaffiridi(caijirt lull man hood, drapood ncy, nnflt"
DiHtxtn rtv. wHin iviv of the myall, c-rfnl.'
rapid y cured l.y ;nfe trdn y meth 'd . Cro potllf
juarsu'eea. yue;t.on B.auk and Uookfrce. Callorwrltt.
KQ N. Ninth il.. ST. LOUIS. M0.
."-r:fi"-K i in uns'.ES
Alt A IL,
J"f'Wil I ... w ...
Kvrrvo.viici-o a burw Mum "tl Iter.
ItDn'hMid. It ma mvi: t!ie !if o
vul jiulpaTiJi'ial 0.,a tjitcr-.tfie vri l
fn'nt lv n,ai. o epn-M. Our A.'
, ir. t !.:..ik. w 1-it t.'f.TiruiJi.uU:C
The Old Reliable
Estal!lehetiHHT"ars. Treats mlo or Mil 1,
married or 6ln;o, In oasi-s of e:vpo!ui'",
abuses, excuses or luiir'j)rii'tlef!. SKILL
GUAKANTKKD. lioard ami a uartumnU
fur-ishfd when Vs)ro.l. gaoflUou iilunic
and Boot free. Call or wrlto.
"DiiMiei Cl'I.KD w lumt tn use ol
knilii Question Bin nk and Itnok frpe. Call
or Write JH, il. It. IEHTTS,
S!2PiaeSt. bt. LOUIS, Mo,
SVDUII C Thl woril ,0n, p011,
T 111 I Lb I CJtlvely cured 33 years
auc -enful pracl.ee. Treatmeot confident is Turpi
by mall or office. Turiui low. (Juration Blank am
liook ire. Call oi write. DR WAR) INSTITUTE,
120N.0ih SUSt.Louii.Mo
C iUfCCa' ANY LADY, employed or nnemployerT ,
WijA1lLr.ni can r.-aketi wf- r a low houri uork eatt)
day. 8larv r - connilonion. ?I0 nunpli frea Adrirrs
H. BlNJAMIN & CO., 822 Pine St.Louil, Mo.
Dr. Hash's Belts Mppiiacees
An el"tro-C"l.,anie rnttery cm
bo .icu into uiudieaitJ,
BMts, Suspensories. Rpl
tinl Applianri s, A)diia
inal SupportTfi, Vests,
Druwei'H, OUico Cups,
liiHoien. etc.
CnrAS Rheum at i sin, lAvw and Kidney
JomplaititM, DyftpepHia, Krrorn of Youth,
jOflt JVInnho'til, Nervousness, sexual Wcnlc
ipfts, and allTrotililfS in Mn'n or einalo.
,,'nestion Blauk aud Book. tree. Cull or
Volfa-Medlca Appliance Co.,
.03 Flue Street. ST. LOUIS. MO.
Foot-PriittH on tlie Palb tu Heultti
Everyone ntTtliiip a tloiloi'ts mlvice
Bbnuld read one f Dr. FootcV clime
paraplilets on "Old EyH," "Cfiiii''
Rupture,1' TliiniosiH," "VHiicnccle,"
DieeHpe of merj, Disease of V men, mim!
learn the heHt meat's of wl eme. 11
Hill Pub. Co., 129 Katt 28ib ttt., Kew
While yoo koepyuar subscription paid up yri
can keep your brand in free of ctmrurv.
Alhn. T. J., lne, Or. Hornes (Hi on left
alioulder; cuttle me od left hip, mirier bit on
rinfht ear, aiiri upper bit on the left; range, Iii ar
row county.
ArmHtronp, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar nn.
der n on left ehonider of luirtseB; cattle BHiiif
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eipht Mile. Or.-Cattle brand,
O L) on left hip and hornee same hrtuid 'on rilit
Bhoulder. Hune, Kiglil Mile.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA eou
aaeted on leitflftiik, cattle. Hame on left liip.
Bnrtholampw, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 K Un either shoulder, Hanye in filu -row
Bleakman, Geo., Harrimnn, Or. rlorces, a flaw
onleft shoulder: cattle same cn right t-hnulder
hanuister.J. W., HHnlmHn, Or. Cattle braini
ed B on left hip and thih: pplit jn each er.
Brenner, Pnter. Hoc wherry OreKon Horses
branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right siae.
Burke. M St 0, Lnnir Creek, Or On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left enr, nn
der half crop off right. Horses, Hame bmud on
letft Bhoulder. liange in Grant and Jlurnjw
Brosman, Jerry, Lenn, Or. Horses brnnded 7
on right shoulder; csitle B on the left side.
Left ear half crop nd right earnitper slope.
Barton, Wm.. .H ppner. Or. -Horses, J B on
riglit thigu, cattle, same on r,pht hip; split in
each ear.
Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Jlorses IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on ritfhthip; ranite, Alor
row couuty.
Brown, J. C, Heppner., Or. Horses, circle
0 with dot in ne teron left hip; cattle. tame.
Brown, VV, J., Lena. Oregon. Iiornes V bar
over it, on the left Bhoulder. Cattle same on left
hip. -
Buyer, W. G.. Hepptier, Or. Horses, box
bratid or r'gtt hip cattle, same, with uplit in
each ear.
Borg, P. 0 Heppner,.Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; csitle. same on left hip.
Brownlee, W. J., Fox .Or- Cattle, JB connecied
on left sitie; crop vn left ear and two spliisanri
middle piece cut out on right ear; on hordes same
brand on the -left thigh; Hange iu Fox valle,
Grant county,
CaiBner Warren. Wagner. Or. Horses brand
ed O on light stifle; raitle (three bars) on
right ribB, crop aud split in each ear. Kange in
Grant and Morrow counties.
Cain.K., Caleb.Or. 1 on horse on left stiHe
U with quarter oircle over it, on left shoulder
and on left stifle on all colts a der 5 years; on
left shoulder only ou all horses over 5 years. A 1 1
range in Grant county.
Clark, Wm. B., Lei a, Or. Horses WHO con
nected, on left shoulder: rattle same on rigid
hip. Itai ge Morrow and Umaulla counties.
Cate, Chas. It., Vinson r Lena. Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow and Umatilla Rounder.
Cecil, Wm., Douglas. Or.; hnrws JC on lef
shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles ou
each jaw and two bits in the right ear.
Curl, T. H., John Day, Or. Doable cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, Bptit in left enr. Itange in Grant
county. On Bheep, inverted A and spear point
oQ shoulder. Ear markoi ewes, crop on left ear
puuehed upper bit iu right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half crop in left ear. All ratig
in Grant oouutv.
Cook, A. J.,Lena.Or. Horses, On on right shoal
dei. Cattle, sume on right hip: ear mark square
crop oil left and split ifi right.
Currin. K. K., Currinsvihe, Or. -Horses, B on
left Btine.
Cox Ed. 8.. Hardman, Or. Caitle, C with
1 in center; horses. CE on left Hip.
Cochran, H. E Monnment, Grant Co, Or.
Horses bianded circle with bat betieaih, on lefi
shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark
On der slope both ears and dewlap.
Cliapin, H.j Hardman. Or. Horses branrtp!
on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Alj
braiids (I on horses light ihigh:ci' tee uie
biandon right thouldm, aid cut iff nd uf
right ear
DickrnB, Ebb Horses braided weth thre
tin eo lurk to It-ft fell He Cattle sane on left side.
UouglasB, W. M , (iailowM, Or. t hi tie. ti i- on
right aide, swa low-furk iu each ear; horse. It D
ou left hip.
Douglas, O. T., Douelas, Or Hordes TD on
the tight stifle; cattle sanie on right hip.
El, J. B. x burnt. Dougiao,tr. tturit brand,
ed ELx tn left shoulder, cattle same ou left
hiu. hole ir right ear.
Elliott. Wash., heppner. Or. Diamond no
right shoulder.
Enieiy, I . S., Hardman. Or.-Horses branded
;i . f ievt-1'Btd v, with taiil on left siiuuder: cu
tiesunie ol li-hi hip. hi ge in Morrw cutii.ty.
Fleek, JackBou, Heppner, Ui. Hon,, ifr
counected oi right shuuluer: cattle same on
nglit hip. Ear mark, hole iu right and crop
otl left.
Florence, L, A., Heppner. Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; hon-M. F with bar under on right
Florence, 8. P. heppner. Or Horwec. F on
right shot Idei ; cattle, b on right hip or tlnuh.
r tench, Georg., Nripner. ir. 4 sttle l.randwl
WF, wnh lr o?ei it. oi. led Hide; crop ott lei t
ear. litrstb, stiine biai d on U it hip.
Gay, liwirj, iieppner, Or. (j All on left
Gilman-F'rench, Land and Live Siock Co.. Fo.
sil. Or. Hotser. anchor iS on l-ft shoiihif r; vent,
win e on left stifle, t utile, sailte on both hiptt
ear uiarks, crop off right ear and nnderbit in h-ft
liange iu Giliiaui, Grant, Crook and Morrow
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Hore branded H.
8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle.
KjiiiiTPin Murrow and Lmatiilacttntitit.
Hat, Geo., Lena, Or, Brand J H connected
wiih quarter cirt l" ovt r it. m leu t-linuJder.
Hiutl A. B., liidge, r.-tattle. M in diop
with quarter circle in der it on ihe rifcht hip. j
Ki ae in Morrow :irt I niaiill;. .-omiiI ih. i
Hinton 4 Jeitks, Hru;lP'ii. lr t aitJe.iwK ha,t
on either hip: crup in rn,'ta.eHr aidppt in Ufi. '
Horses, J on right thigh, l.ai gt-ii ' wuniy i
H ih. Si ouel Wiv'uer, Or - J- t'l f I
ConneettHDun light t ouUieron ln-ins; mi rttnle.
on right hip and i left side. raitow furs id ;
ngkt e&r and slit iu letu ivane in ii) alack
district, ilomw conniy.
nale. Milton, Wagner. Or.-Horses braced
-O- l. irrle with parailel tails) on left shoulder,
t attle same on left hip also large circle ou left
'ifall Edwin. John Pay.Or. -Cattle E H on right
hip; horses same ou right shoulder, tangeiu
Grant county.
llowsrd.J Ii, alloway. Or.-Hores, -r (eroes
with bar above it) on right Bhonitier; cattle
name on leH side. ltaue in Morrow aud "jma
tidtt euunties.
Hughes, Ai:d, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded
heati on the leti shoulder, liange Morrw t o.
1 1 tmeakor, Ii . S agn r. Or. - Horses, U on loft
jihoiihlf-r.ea iIh. Hon le t hii .
Haidiety, Albert, N -e, Oregon-HorseB.A H
nonio cied. on left shou.der; I attlo on the leit
tup, crop off left ear,
ilumi'hrevs, j al Hardman, Or. Horses, H on
let tifu.k
Haeb, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass
on left hhotildei cattle, same on right hip.
Hnstun, Luther, tight M lie. Or. Hore Hon
the left shoulderand heart ou the left stitle Cat
(1 wone no I. -ft hip. ItatiKft in iVlorrow county.
lvj. Alfred. Loug Creek, tir -Cattle 1 D on
'ii-'ht hip. cropofl lefteai and bit in right. Horses
-ame butnd on left shiuider hange u Grant
J i.ts I'arry, Hpr Tn r. Ifr Hoises brnnded
T J -ti (Iu h-ft shouUiei: csttie lwiuileii J on
fig). i hip, mm i imdt-i I it in lelt ear. liange in
ypnt.w c unty.
Juiikin, b. Heppner, Or Horses, Tiorse--hue
J ou left shoulder. Cattle, the same,
hanite on Fiuhi Mile. ,
Jul. neon, relix Lena, Or. Horsee, circle T on
tell suf.e; eaiile, same on right hip, undei half
nt in nihl ht-iI hi ill I in left tar ,
J tikii-s, D YV.,.ni, Vtniou,or. J onhorstson
'ti nliuuhler, caitie, J on left hip and two
iti'Ouih crops ou both ears. Uangeiu Fox and
iu-ur tall .vn
beiinj, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
KNV on left hip cattle same anil crop otl lft
it: nmiM nloii.nfhe right
hirk J 'J'., Heppner, Or. Horses rty on left
l uiudfr; CHttle, :V tm lett hip.
I'.nk. J ( , heppner. Or. HorseB. 17 on either
. i. :cattie 1. un iiht side.
K ii k Jehse, Htippiier. Or.; horse U on left
'-ui. dei, cattle same, on ughtside, undbibit on
! umberlaiid.W.G.. Mount Vernon, Or. I L on -..iiIm,,!!
MKi,j m,,! left sides, swallow fork in Uft
hi and ii'itier ciop in light ear. Horses same
Mmd oj. left shoulder. Uange in Grant eouutv.
l.often, Htepneu, lux, Or. b L on left hip
"ii euiHe. crop and Hplit on right ear. Horses
Kan'e biand on left shoultier. itange Grant
ituiilitY. ,
Lieuallen, John W.( L -i- Or. Horeaa
bjvuiiieti lialf-ciideJL connected on left shoul
oei. (Httle. aaiiM on lef i hip. Itaut'O. near Lex-
ilitf ut,
Uid.ey. J. W Heppner Or.-Horsos branded
I.Kim ao hit siiou.der; titttU hame on lft
op, uattleovirrht yo, three sliu in r.ght
en r. "
Li rd lieorge, Heppner. Or.-Horses bt'Hnded
'.uut.;e 11 irui.nei-u .sometiuies called a
-vug II, on Mft Mhoulder.
! nr . Imn-, A. M. Heppner, Or.-Cattle large
, ." nde both ears cropped, and split in
i.o h litirhHM M on loft hiu. Itango, Clark's
Chi on,
Minor, Or.car, nept.nor, nr.-rattle, M D on
right hip; horwe, Mun lef l shoulder.
Morgan, H. N., Heppner. Or.-Horses. M )
on ten shonlti". oattle same on left hip.
Mot nmber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses M with
H over oii( right Bhoulder.
Morgan. Th.. Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
1 on left shuidder and left thigh; cattle. L on
-n-'ht thigh.
Mitchell. Owar. lone. Or. Horses, 77 on right
Inn; entile, 77 on right side.
MeClaien, D. G Brownsville, Or.-Horses
hnriireftoneach shouider. cattle. Mi! on tun
Met any. David H. Eciio Ur. Horses branded
DM connectetT, ou the lef t shoulder; cattle same
m hip and side,
McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Mule shoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs ami nnder in
each ear; hoiBes aame brand on left atitie.
Mclltilo,, . .. r.aii.ii.Or. On Horse.
with halt .role under on left shoulder; on battle,
lour bars conned,! on top on the right sid
hange m Grant County.
Neal Andrew. Lone Itock.Or.--Horses A N coL,
uecieal on left shoalder; cattle same on both hip.
ordike, E., Wiiverton. Or. HrseB. circle 7 ou
lett thigh: caitle. same on loft hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Cannon 'uy, Or.-A 3 on catUa
on left hip; on horses, same on left thigh. Itange
m Grant county
Oiler, Puiry, Lexington, Or.-P O on left
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle. O
LP connected on left hip; horses on left stifle
and warile ou uose. Itange in Grantcounty.
Pearson, OJave, Eight Mile, Or. HorseB, quar
ter circle shield on left shoulder Bud 24 on left
hip. ( attle, ft.rli iu lef: ear, right cropped. 24
on left hip. Hange on Eight Mile.
1 urkei ti. Gleasou, Harduian.Or, Horses IP on
P il Hhoiililer.
P ,,.tr.,-'t' Lnetn, Or.- Hor es brand
e E (L EconneciedJ o lelt shoulder ; cattie '
n.eou iigidhip. Itango, Morrow counts.
1 ipei, J. 11., Lexington. Or. -liorBes,.JE bon
necieu ui lelt shoulder; cattle, sauie on loft Inn.
under bii in each ear.
Pettys, A. C, lone, Or,; horseB diamond P on
- shoulder; tattle, J ii J counected, on the
left hip, ui-psr slope in left ear and slip in the
Powell, John T., Dayville, Or Horses, JP con
ueu eti on left shoultier. t tattle Ob. counected ou
left hip, two under hall crops, oue on each ear,
wat tie uniier throat. Ha. ge in Grant couuty.
hood. Andrew, Haruiuan, Or. horses, square
crun. witli quarter-circle over tUon left stifle.
Beningor, Chris, Heppner, Or. HorBes, G li ou
leit shuuhltii .
luce. Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
wormience on left shoulder; cattle. DAN on
rigid shoulder, ltauge near Hardman.
iiojse, Aaron, He-ppuw, Or Horses, plain V on
tett shoulder; cattle, same braud reversed ow
right hip and crop oil right ear. Bauge in Mor
row couuty.
Hush Bros., Heptmer, Or. HorseB branded J5
on the nghi shoulder; cattle, IX ou the left hiu.
crop ofi left ear and dewlap on neck, liange iu
Morrow and adjoining counties.
liust, William, Kidge, Or.-Horses K oh
lefi shoulder; cattle, it on left hip, crop oil
right, ear, uuderbit on left ear. bheep. H on
weaihers, lound cropulfriyh ear. liange Unia
tllia and Morrow a muties.
heaties. Andrew. lJnx.m-r.tv n- ii..ru..,
Jinmded Alt ou right shoulder, vent quartoi
..vol U-turn; uaiuo same uu right hip.
liHnge Murrow count).
iiojse, V m. h, Dairyville, Or HK connectec
with qtiarier circle over top on cattle on right hip
and crop ott right ear and split in left. Horses
pnnio brand on left fchoulder. Itange in Morrow
i j rant nnd Giiliam counties.
hector. J. VV., heppner, Or. Horses. JO or.
left eh uhiur. CaiUe, uuu right hip.
Iipicknall, J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Homes
branded al on left shoulder; iange in ilormw
Hailing, C O Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A
on iett shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
bwaggari, li. E., Lexington. Or.-Horses
with dah under it on left stifle, caule H with
oash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and
waudled ou right hind log. Itange in Morrow
Gilliam and Umatilla counties.
bwaggart. A. L.,Athena. Or. Horses brauder1 3
un leii Bhoulder; uoi tie same on left hip. Crop
on ear, wattle on left hind leg.
btraighl W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
J b on lei stifle; cattle J 8 ou left hip, awaliow
lork in ngh. ear, underbit in left.
bapp, luus., Ueppuer, Or. Horses, S A P on
left tup; caiUt same on left hip.
bhner.John, Fox, Or. mo connected on
horses ou right hip; caitie, same on right hip
crop ut right ear and under bit in left ear. Kanga
iu urant county.
bufitli Bros., Busanville, Or. Horses, branded
H. l. on shoulder; caitie, ame on lef t shouider.
bquires, James. Arhngtou, Or,; horses branded
J8uii left Bhoulder; cattle the same, also nose
waddle, hange in ilorrow and Gilliam oo mtiea.
btephens, V. A., hardman. Or-; horses 88 on
right siiiie; cattle iiwrizouud L on the right aide
bieveusuu, 4irs A. J., Heppner. Or. Catti a
on right hi, j swahow-fork in left ear.
bwaggart.u. w heppuer, Or.-horBes. 44 on
lett BiiouiUe ; cattle, 44 on left hip
8perry,E.G., heppner, Or.-Cattle W C on
lett up, crop off right and underbit iu left year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder.
liiuiBpoon, J. A., Heppner, Or.-Horse, g on
leli aiiuuiu. r; uatHe, Z on left shoulder
lip(eu,b.r.,bnierLriBe.Or. hnnuu ' t.
lurnerli. W., Heppner, Or.-SmaH capital T
lelt shoiildsi horwjB; catUe sains on left hio
with split in both ears. v
liuniiun, h. M., lone, Or.-Horses branded
H I connected ou left aiitia; ehep same brand.
anaerpool, H. T.. Lena. Or: U.,ru hv
nected ou right shoulder ;oatUe, same on right
Walbridge, Wm., Heppuer. Or. Horses. U. L.
ou the lett shouider; cattle same on right hiu
ciop off left ear aud right ear looped. P'
Vinson, Jonn Q balem or Heppner, Or.
Horses branded Jg on the left shoulder. liai,M
Morrow county.
Warreu, V B. Caleb, Or(ttle W with quarter
circle over it o rft side, split iu right
Horres Maine braud on left ahouider. KaUtfein
Grntit couuty.
Wright bilas A Heppner. Or. Cattle branded
8 W on the right hip. oquare crop otl right ear
uul spl.l in lelt. B
Wade. Henr, Heppner, Or.-Horses btanded
ace ol spwa on leu shoulder and left hit.
t ai tie brhiuie.1 same on left side and left hip
W el s. A. 8., Heppuer, Or.-Horses, 0fl unlet
sliutuder- can uhiuh
V oifinger, John. Juhn Day City.Or-On horsr
tliree purabel oais ,ij left ftuuiider; 7 on t,t?
bit in both ears, hange in Grant and Ma S
S.Njanl. J.ihn, Heppner. Or.-Honi., ClJ
n mi Ml .liimltler.
tku,., Li.li.. Hepi-nr, Or.-Horea. bmD.Ul
WbIIhw, Churltai. Portland, Or.-Ottl0 w ...
.l.uuluet. .uui. Mu.eoij lefi huulder.
Whiltifr h . nunamKura, baker Co.. Or -Uc,rei
brnmlwl W B ih.duhc-ii ou leflihoDidir
KilimmB. la.ni, namilton. Or-Onartfr r.r
cl oTer thr. bar. on left tup, bE t f
Williams. J O. Ume I'wl . Or-H..rm. on, r
I.D 8l.oul.ll.r: C.tii. as. r.i hju A
V r,r ElilaMh Soin. HaMmiia Or.
i.; , . r-ngo in Jii.iro caLi