JiUllCK T(J ADVlCUXibKas. Home of tbs Heppner rspubUcini and I 'Utwic duitiug tu. luMitioo oi dlipUy 43., i a number of tbe republican candidates s. or caut ui uiui ifti uii top) la j inoluding the lady oandidate tor school SmSS,:ZIS3 , operinuodeot will attend tb regular iiiuiBUay evening tor Jf'ridaytt edi- 111. rATlfattbOM rUbiJbMllJUUO. NTiCK, 1 The sum of live centa per line will be charged fur "cards oi uuiiiJcb," "reolutioii8 ot roBpeft," lists ol wending presents and donors, nuu obituary nutices, (otner timu those tue,euit or Hiiuli hi much give at a mutter 01 uews.j and uotieehoi special meetings ior whatever purpose. 'I. Xsuiu.-e8 01 church and society and allotber entertain men 18 irom which revenue is to be de rived, sua.i be charged ior at the rate ol live ucntM a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rales reasonable and made known upun application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible ior his or her communication. INo correspondence will be published unless the writer s real name iu signed asau evidence ol good laith. KbHEK, ISKWtii'APEtt AUVEKTls- ing Agent, 21 Merchants iijacnaugy, ban a raucisco, is our authorised agent, luis paper la itept on lile in his ouice. JL.' TIME JAbLE. tituge for Hardman, Monument, Long Creuk, Julin Uay ana canyon cicy, leaver aH ioliowb ; livery day at li a. m., except auuduy. Arrives every day alii p. nr., eieepl Sunday. 'Itle eneapeel, u,ulekel and UeHl.lliitj to or from Lire interior country. J. o. UKLKVAN, i'rop. l'hill Cohn, Agent. Give your business to Heppner people, and tlierejore assist to build up Hepp ner. tatroiiize -tliuse wlio patronize you. Here and There. mcetirjg of tbe Pine City club neit Saturday afternoon at 1 p. m. Every one in that section ia invited to attend. Bring your wives and daughters with you. It would be worth while for the ladiea to bear in miad that if they take a gentle course of Ayer'a Sursaparilla iu the spnug, tbey will have no trouble with "prickly heat," "biy,es," 'sties," "boils," or "black heads," when summer comes. Prevention is better than cure. Dr. Nichols and family, formerly a physician of Long Creek, arrived on this morning's tram from Chicago where he has been taking a post graduate medical course. He will leave io a few days tor Grant county. , Monmouth Eeoord: J. W. Dawson, of Heppner, is visiting relatives and friends iutbisoity. Will was formerly a' Mon mouth boy, but is now a rising lawyer of Eastern OregoD. Geo. Fell returned from Prairie City this morning via Pendleton. Win. PeulnLil is hauling in wool from his upper ranches. Arthur Smith will clean watches at the reduced price ot 1. Bill Johnson returued from the Joliu Day country Fnduy lust. J. W. Dnwson returned borne frum the valley Sunday morning. T. A. Kbea is limping around from the effects of a sprained ankle. Wanted A few more customers for thu home lauudry, Mountain House. The Heppner-Caiiyon stage line is the beat, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. Hood's Pills do not purge, pain or gripe, but act promptly, euBily and ttlicieutiy. E. H. Clarke, the veteran rustler for Christy & Wme.wus over fr m Pendle ton lust week, If you want a good gnu or sewinu Machine, come to the Gazette office and we'll fit you out. If you are dull and stupid you are bilious and need a tonic. Tuke Simmons Liver Regulator. Those that have eouutv scrip for sale should dull on (xeorge Couser at The first National Bunk. 2-tf. Wm. Huuhes and Jaa. Matlock re turned from the democratic state convention Sunday. Miss Dollie K. Sperry, of East Port land, will shortly give a literary enter taiument in Heppuer. The Gazette will be sent to any ad dress iu tbe United Slates till after campaign for 50 oeuts. - t Legal blanks, plenty of them, at the Gazette office, aud at world s prioes . Discounts on large orders, Gren Mutbews has opened up his barber shop, next door to Hayes Bros Shaves, etc., on tap as usual. J. K. Edmiston, tbe Walla Walla bunker wbo has been ou trial for alleged orookeduess, is a free man again. Every man who takes any interest iu fast stock should subHoribe for Tbe HorBcmufl. Gazette shop, ugents. The Gazette will takeoonuty BCrip at face ou subscription, and pay balance of same in cash at highest market price. 7-60 lohii Friend and wife intend to leave for visit to relatives iu Humbolt Co., Calif., some time within the next two weeks. The Gazette r.llloe now runs "an in surance aud notarial Hinp. Come iu when you want to do yonr insuring and swearing. Collector Uackiuuu came up from below Saturday morning, returning on the evening's iran uocompauied by Alls, lllackmun uud youngest ohild. J. C. Hurt, our nccommodalii.g antf trliuient station titfeut, has been granted a vacation of a few weeks, B. A. Bene diet taking his place temporarily. Wm. Tburburn came down from Spokano Saturday uioiuiug, leaviug Saturday evening for borne. He reports Spokane to be quite dull at present. Crops in Morrow oouuty were uever brighter at this time of the year than at present. With fair prioes, we oan pull out wonderlully with- a good crop this season. J. A. Steacb, nominee on the demo cratic ticket for joint representative of Grant and Harney, arrived Sunday morning from below, leaving yeBterdav for his home. Echo stage leaves Heppner for Echo Tuesdays, Tlitmdujs and Saturdajs. ArriveB Mondays, Wednesdays aud Fri days. Fare, one way, '2.6u. PhillCohu, agent, A. Andrews, Prop. . O. L. Patterson and E. N. Crockett, of Long Creek, came up on this morn ing's tram on their way home from San Frauoisoo where" they have been attend ing the Midwinter Fair.- Geo. Durau's fine percheron mare fell over a steep bunk, out on his Bluck Horse ranch Friday last, and broke her neck. Geo. considers tbis quite a loss, as the animal was valuable. Lost A note dated June 12, 1892, signed by G. W. Swaegart, calling for $2,000, in favor ot P. C. Thompson. The public are warned against negotiut ing for or purchasing said note. tf. Charley Jones has taken Ross Beards ley's place at tbe Arlington barber shop. Ross is out with the "hundred strikers." assisting the boys in shearing the thousands of f astern Oregon sheep. Ed. Hollpway and others are putt ng in an irrigation ditcb down on lower Willow creek, and if successful will irrigate considerable up-land that here tofore has been very uuoertain as to a crop. Gid Hatt baa now estubhsbed a ton sprial parlor, at tbs Matlock building next door to Simons' blacksmifh shop where he invites the patronage of bis old customers Bud all who desire strictly first clasfl work, hbaviiig, shampooing and hair outtiug at living prices. Don't overlook Goldendale Sentinel: The Oregon repnblican state convention has nomi nated Mr A. A. Jayi e of Arlmgtou tor prosecuting attorney of tbe seventh judicial dietrict. Mr. Jayne is a young man of high diameter and attainments He ought to carry his full party vote and wesiiCerely hope be may. The rpfiiUr suhsoription priee of tbe Semi -Weekly tiaz-tte is S2 50 nd tbe regular price of the Weekly Orfconian is 1.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazeite and paying for one year in advance can net both the Gazette and Weekly Oregooian for 83. All old sub scribers paying their subcriDinns for one year in advance will be entitled to tbe same. Catarrh in the He; An Bob Thompson Shot. Bob Thomp son, brother ol Press, Holland and Alex Thompson of this plaoe, was shot and daugerously wounded by a sheepberder named Joe Rothliu last Wednesday, some distauce from Pendleton. Mr. Thompson bed had some trouble with the herder several days before, the latter demHuiling that Mr. T. should pay him wages due for herding leased sheep some two or three yearB before belong. ing to Mr. Thompson. Kothhn, or "Sniste" as he is oalled by some, was herding on the range adjoining Mr. Thompson's and insisted on running sheep there. Last Wednesday, Mr. Thomi-son went out on the range and Kothlin's dogs came running towaids him, Kothlin herding as usual on Mr. Thompson's land. The latter fired among the dogs twice with bis Win chester, just to frighten them, Dot think ing of harmipg any one. Looking up be ootioed Rothlin in a position to shoot. Before be could get out of the way, Rothliu fired, tbe bull striking him in the right hip, passing through the bone and breaking it in three plBceB. We are informed that an amputation was performed in an attempt to save Mr. Thompson's life, whiob, at last aooounts was doublful. He has maoy friends here who regret muoh to hear of this, and hope that he may speedily reoover and that Rothliu will be brought to justioe in a manner deserving the crime of which he is guilty. (We learn since that no amputation was made, and that Mr, T. is doing well.) Reserved fcr McFarland Mercantile Co. Unfortunate Inher to.icti - : It Was Destroyed. "Spokane, 'YuU.. An:;. t; "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, T.::tss. : "Gentlemen: I wish to ll'Iil my tcdii.uir.y to the worth of Buoil's Sars.ip:uil'..i. My little irirl has been cured by It cf lamented catarrh. She had cold continually every r.inulh an t yel low discharge, but since fcikins Hood's Sars. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES parllla has been entirely cured. Hood's Sar saparilla 1 have found of great help to my other children." Mrs. L. M. Gillette. Why Don't You Call on the New Firm at the old Van Dnyn stand ? You will certainly be surprised at the low prices in Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and A Complete Line of Groceries. COME IN AND SEE US No trouble to show poods apd'givfl pvicPB. Hood's Pills are hand made, aud perfect In proportion and appearance. 25c. per box. A. Robbek's Dastabdly Work. Late Saturday afternoon, a telegram was received at tbis offioe announcing that Courles Malarkey, deputy couDty treas urer of Multnomah county, has been shot by a robber aud 82,000 taken. Mr, Marlarkey, Sr., who ib the county treasurer, had gone away a few minuteB before leaving his son iu oharge. The thief oame iu and usked change for 20. Young Malurkey went to the vault and opened the door. As the door fpwuug open the dastard shot Malarkey, tbe ball entering the right side passing through tbe lung. The robber tbsn cleaned up all the loose money in the vnultysome $2,000, aud jumped out of the window ou the west side of tbe court house, and it appears unobserved by auyone. It ie thought the injured man may recover. TEN LITTLE STATESMEN. (Toledo Blude.) Ten little statesmen standing In a line; Hill tried a "snap." Mid then there were nine. Nine little statesmen not very straight; Crocker got rattled, aud then there were eight. Eight little statesmen eatlnis Tammany leaven, Gilorywas a glutton, and then there were seven. Seven little statesmen up to scurvy tricks; McKane went to Sing Sing, and then there were six. Stx little statesmen taking spoils to wiye; White took "sugar," and then there were five. Five little statesmen talking tariff lore ; Wilson met a whirlwind, ami then there wore four. Four little statesmen up in a tree; Breckinridge disgraced himself, and then there were three. Three little statesmen wondering what to do; Qresham was a hoodoo, and then there were two. Two little statesmen not having fun; Crisp tried to be Reed, and then there was one. One little statesman quick to cover run ; Grover bet on queen high, and then there was none. General Line 1 1 a w ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Mil DISCGUHT ON ALL STOCK Closing out the entire stock of Boots and Shoes Sunday Diversions. People on our streets, riunday morning, were treated to the sight of a map receiving a pom meling at the hands of his wife. The only resistenoe be offered was to ward off the bl6ws from a parasol. Tbe parties in tbe tray were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doooau. Sheriff Noble interfered aud put an end to the fight by leading Mr. Doonan to safer quarters. It was the opinion of the bystanders that it would have been good judgment ou tbe part of Mr. Doonau bad be retreated early in tbe action, as be came out con siderably 7ior de combat. Lost on Stolen. All persons are hereby WBmed against negotiating for two certain notes, desoribed as follows: One note dated October 5, 1893 for $500 signed by Wm. Penland and' Hugh Fields, 8160 indorsement. One note dated on or about Oct. C, 1893 for 8150 signed B. V. Vaugbau and E. J. Bio cum. with 851 endorsement. Both ol said notes drawn in favor of Mrs. Eliza beth Walker. 4t-T. Elizabeth Walkbb. Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence. haBluBt looated in tbe Abraham sioN- Building, on Mb? street, where be is prepared to do eveiyimng in ms line, vli Birbeck is strictly a first-class work man and warrants all work. Give bim a call. 'wtf Land Fob Sale. 480 aores over in Wilson orairie. A good stock ranob un will be sold cheap. Call at Gazette office for particulars and terms Piles! Piles I itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture ; intense and Btiuuinir. moBt at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, whiob often bleed and ulcer ate, beooming very sore. Swaynb's Ointment stops tbe itohing and bleeding heals ulceration, and iu most cases re moves the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 oentB. Dr. Swayne 4 Bon Philadelphia. sw 1 yr. FOR TRADE. REMARKABLE OLD ATHLETES. Tradition Tells of Wonderful Men Who Lived in the Grand Canary. After the Spanish occupation of the Grand Canary a certain enormous stone was for long pointed out as one of the Instruments o4 the Gaunche athletic courses. The natives had been able to lift it, set it on their shoulders, and even throw it over their heads. Their degenerate posterity, and the Spaniards, could not raise it from the ground. Tradition has immortalized one Adar- gona, ol urana uanary, who couia wrestle for two successive hours, and having been thrown undermost in a certain contest, got his antagonist be tween his legs and arms, and squeezed him so that his bones began to crack. The native was subsequently sent a prisoner to Spain, where he astound' ed the people by his performances, ac cording to the National Review. One day, in Seville, he was visited by -a brawjiy youth of La Mancha, who was anxious to try a bout with him. "My irood friend," said Adargoma, ' as we are going to wrestle together, it is only reasonable that we should begin by drinking something." A large bowl of wine having been brought, he took this in one hand and continued to address his challenger: "If with both your arms you can overpower one of mine. so as to hinder me from drinking every drop of this wine, we will try our strength together. If not, you may re turn to your own home." The struggl' took place, and Adargoma by degrees drained the bowl in the coolest manner without spilling a drop of the wine. His one hand was more than a match for the other two. It was reckoned nothing out of the common for a man to take an un- tethered ox by the horn with one hand and slay it with the other. A certain nat'ive born priest of Grand Canary in' the seventeenth century showed that he inherited some of his ancestors vigor. He could not only kill an ox in this way. but one day, hearing that an enraged bull had broken loose and was in tbe street, he ran out, and, grasping it by the leg, threw it down and so held it until its owner was able to se cure it. This doughty son of the church before his death chanced have one of his legs amputated for a cancer. It was then found that his thigh bone was solid, with no trace of marrow. It must be confessed, how. ever, that the relics of the Canarians now found in their burying places do not bear out the inference that this was a national characteristic, though their dimensions are certainly a testi mony of the strength and sizo of their late proprietors. For sheep or cattle a good home Bd- joiniug Yoncalla, Ore. Also GO acres of choice prune land and three good dwell P. 0). Tboitqpsoi Go, Heppner, Oregon. T of Agricultural Implements. of the old firm of M Cost for Liclitentlial Cash- te Co., at Eespectfolly YotEs, HOENOE & WRREIsr. TFEPEOPLEARE COMING OUR WAY! Not only once, but again and again. Tbey know that from us they always get full weight and good measure for tbe least money. Why we Bell tbe best is ex plained. Tbe "best" brings people baok, bolds custom, makes us friends, and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some of our friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clotbiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and Bee as, everybody. M T IKTOR & GO. Heppner, Oregoni h hbj Institute -OF- Call and Secure a G ood Bargain. T. QUID, Assignee. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT For the Cure ox Liquor. Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Grove, Or., The Mont Beautiful Town on the Coast Cull at the Gazkttk office for particular!. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and Burt cure. C. HTJHL, Proprietor The Enterprise Bakery arid Grocery Store. On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. Tbey will keep on band a full lineof STJA.PL'JS AND FANCY hm and Provisions. A full line of oboioe Pies, Cukes and Bread ; in foot everything that la nsunlly kept in a first-class bakery store. They will sell cheap foi cash. Call and try them, sw ADDKKSS A LETTER OB POSTAL CABD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, O. Box 463. Washington, D. C. HonorablvdischnreM soldiers and sailors who served ninety days, nr overjln the late war. lire entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, wlietner auaDimy was caused bv service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary eircmnstances. WIOOYVSof such soldiers and sailors are entitled (if not remarried) whether soldier dealll was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon tneirown lanor ior auppon. yviuow. not dependent upon their own labor are entitled iT the soldier's death WHdue to service. CHILDREN are entitled (if under sixteen years) iu almost all cases where there wa no widpw.or she has since died or remarried PARENTS are entitled ll soldier ieiinBiinnrwim.wmn i.uim, ,,,..v.wtl. 0,.... ervioe, or from effects of service, and they are now dependent upon their own labor for sup port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or ""'soldiers of the latewar, pensioned under one law, may apply for higher rates nnder other laws, without losing any rights. ... ... .1., . . Thousands of soldiers drawing from $ito$io per movth under the old lav are entitled to higher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but also for others, whetherdue to service or not. ,.i , Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty in regular army or navy lines the war are also entitled, whether discharged for disability or not. Survivors, and their widows, 01 ine hihck nwK,i.iTOii,ii.ii.oo uwu ........ - - Ida Indian Wars of 183a to 1H42, are entitled under a recent act. Mexican War soldiers and their widows alsoentitled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled 3r dependent. ... ...... , 1 1 . Ar Old claims completed and seuiemencoDiained, wncincr ucu.iuu u . later laws or not. 1 ,., Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, 11 rcjecimii imiuKr' "s" Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war WBO nave lost their original papers. .., Send lor laws aud lnlormalion. nocnarge iur novice. iiwiCT.H..iw..ii. THE PRESS CLPiIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P.O. BOX 463. WABHINliTUIM. U. l The Lancashire Insurance Co. op ,ia-c iii:mti:w, kngianh W PATTERSON. AGENT. oo oft. io i won THE MONUKHAFH. For one Dollar and Yonr This Subject. Opinion on What b the best Monetary system for the TJoited States? This is the ureatust problem oontrontiDg the American people. It is tbe intention ot tbe pub lishers that "The Monograph" shall contain the best thought of the natiou on this question. Tbe reoognized lend ers in all political parties have been oalled npon to contribute plans for their ideal Monetary System. But not oontent with this, we ar determined to embody iu the same volume the opinions of thousands of tbe "Great Common People," and to that end we will allow A Scythe m Old u Moaea. An Emrotian scythe, duff up on tht banks of the Mile in 1890, is exhibited 1 Uo on Hie Q, th(, bn()k (r nthe. eT Uoor som.ionof this proWem. pr..,l puieuiuv.." ; S m, than WKIworr S. The Molfo- ings. Auy or all the above for trade or The shaft ol the lnsmimenv m 01 -m .nb ,he 0fc(t n,,)(Jl.r ork ,,n Moi.e sale or. reasonable terms. For farther set with a row of nne mnt saws, wmcn y Systems, will be sent to any addi-cne particulars address, 23:f. Shipley, Mooee & Co. AUDITION Ab LOCALS. Land Patents LruiI patents secured fur settlors in the shortest poewible time. Contested Cases Contented cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals havinu conflicting olaims nnder the agricultural land laws, and those between olaimaiita under the Mineral Laws and agrionlturnl claimants; and also between clairnnnta under any of tbe public lurid laws and the Km I road companies and their grantees, and the states and their grantees, under the Swamp-Laud and School-Land Oranls. Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers who have complied with the laws under whiob their entries were made, and wbo are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of their patentB, caused by Trifling Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed. Advice also given iu all matters relating t tbe publio lands, espeolally on points arising under the new laws which have been reoeutly passed providing for tbe disposal of the publio domain. If you want your land patent in a hurry if you want your land business, of any character, attended to by skillful and omnpeteut attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to P.RESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderhurn, Gen. Man., P. O. Boi, 385. Washington, D. 0. Economy and Strength. Valuable vene'able remedies are used in the preparation of Hood's Sarsapa rilla in such a peculiar manner as to re tain tbe full medicinal value of everv ingredient. are securely cemented in a groove, H This 'discovery answers the oft-asked question: How did the stone age map harvest his crops? Sloping on Stone. The Russian likes no sleeping; plaos so well as the top of a big aoapstoni Iit in his domicile. Crawling out oi Thus Hood's Sarsaparilla j this blistering bed in the morning h Am'u Bauk on receipt of &J.0O It i a book that will interest and instruct, and is lies tiLed to become a gimit faclor in ehap ihg the future monetary sjsieni of Itie nation. The Monhohaph Fchlikiiino Comi-anv, Koom 44, (iernian Am'n H'k Building. St. Paul, Minn. H. fereuce by permission, N-it'l tier. tr combines economy and strength and is 'he only remedy of which "100 Doses On Dollar" is true. Be sure to get Hood's. Simmons Liver Regulator is an excel lent remedy for dyspepsia. C. MarstoD, j sheriff of Bibb Co Oa. likes to take a plunge in a cold itream, even if be has to break trie ice 10 gi into it. Dyspepsia and its attendant ills are quiokly cured by Simmons Liver Regulator. IncrBse the ip"'ite by the iiao of Ayer's Calbartio Pills. They cbush the stomach, liver, and bowels to perform their fnnotions properly, do not debilitate by enessive stimulation, and are not irntatiog in their aotion. As an after dinner pill tbey are mitquled. The Htiidebiiker wagou heads them all Pur sale at (iilliam & Bisbee's. a "Hardware" did you sayT Why, yes at P. C. Thompson & Oo.'s etiiud, aud the place for burguius. i The Keeley Inatitiite, at Poreet Grove onrea liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine and tobuoco habit. See ad. The Palace is tbe leading hotel in the oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light arc provided for everyone, a If you want to buy groceries, and bread stuff cheap, go to tbe Enterprise firocery. Kirk & Hub, proprietors, t Iiorg, the jeweler, i the rnan to fix up your watch or clock. Lie keeps a run stock of everything pertaining to his business, a M. Lichteiithal & Co.'s new stock of Kpli-udid, snmnmr button and tie speeial tien 111 'he shoe line aro attracting mark ed Ftt'fution, a Where At AbiuhamHick's. Iu additiou to bis tailoring ImuiuoaH. he has added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee ahirta, hosierv. etc. Also baa on band none elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrahumaiok, Slay street, Heppner, Or. It is the Headquarters ! ) i tit, uruua, Oila, Oluss, Toi let Artloea, l'utent Metllolnes, Eto The general mercnandiBe establish ment formerly owned by Coffin & McFar land, has lately changed hands, now be ing under the control and management of The MoParland Mercantile Companv, which continues business at tbe old stand with a larger stock than ever. Office of all stages running out of Heppner. PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. BORG, : Out for THE Cash Bargains IN Jewelry, Cash Talks. REE BORG. MAY JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, Etc. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Eto. Trust IBusts STREET, HEPPNER, OR.