OIB mF TO SELL YOU JI Bm ! - One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County. lGOACRBS DKBDBDieO CTTND 1 60 ACHES Timber Culture claim adjoining, 0f which deeded land there are 140 acres good farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded land Las a good spring of water on it, all under yl fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman. Price for the whole, SHOO ; or without the timber culture claim, $800. AIVOXHISRL BARGAIN I AND STII AXOTIIEK. ! Deeded ranch, 1G0 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good rustler can pay for it with first crop raised on it.- Reason for selling, owner lives in the East and has no use for it. Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms. For further information call at oui office. Oive your business to Ileppner people and therefore assist to build up Ilepp ner. Patronize those who patronize won. We hold each awl every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer s real name is signed us an evidence of Koou iaiui. REPUBLICAN STATE TICK KT. For CoiiKrcKB, Hecond District. VV. U. KI.US, nt Ileppner. For Governor, W. 1'. LOUD, of Hulein. For Secretary of State, II. it. KINCAJI), of Kligene. For .State Treasurer, l'HIL. MKTSOHAN, of Grant County. For Huprenie Jude, C. B. WOIA'KHTON, of Albany. For Attorney-General, C. M. II)I.EMAN, of Portland. For Supt. Public Instruction, G. M. IliWIN, of Union. For Ktnto I'M liter, W. II. I.F.IiDH, of ABlilaud. For I'roBccutlnjr Attorney, 7th Illst. A. A. JAY.NIS, of Arlington. For Member Hoard of Kijuallation, W. C. WILLS, of Crook County. KICl'UHUCAN COUNTY 'J,'ICKKT. For Representative, J. H. IIOOTIIHY, of Lexington. ForSberill, CI. W. IIARItlNGTON, of Ileppner. For Clerk, F. J. HAM.OCK, of Heppnor. For Treasurer, FUANK GILLIAM, of Ileppner. For coiiiiniHHioner, J. h. IlOWAUl), of Galloway. For Assessor, J.F. WILLIS, of Lexington. For School Huperluteudeiit, MISS ANNA J. BALSKIKlt, of lone. For Surveyor, (1KO. W. J.OKD, of Kiln. For Coroner, T. W. AYKH8, JR., of Ileppner. .1 11 BTH'EH AND CONST A III.KH. For Justice of the 1st District, For Constable of 1st District, J AS. II A HUMAN. For Justice of '2nd District, 1. It. KSTF.lt. For ('unstable ni'.hid District. MAX 1111)1)1. K. For Justice of :ird District, or Constable of :ird District, For Justice of lib District, L. W. HA UN HIT. For Constable nf lib District, C.C. IKION. For Justice nfrilli District, A. (I, IIARTIKII.OM KW. For Constable of .'ilh Distr ict. J. L. HUWAItll. For Justice of mh District, K. L. FUHUI.ANI). For ColiHtnble oflitli District, N. S. WIIKTHTOSK. Tim WiilU Wnllii Umnt), so long uiirlHr the mimngenifiit of 1'. B. Joliu Hon, linn linen loused to sumo pruutiuiil tioH)ii)(ir nini), wilh I'. U. Kurlo hb lUiituiK'iiik.' editor. IlltOTIIKltS Ildl'KU of tllH Opitul Junr unl anil i'litterson of Hie Jjodk Creek Kiile are citndnliites for tliu lrtfislitture on the republican ticket in tlieir re spective counties. We hope the boys will Kt there with ronsiuj; uuijurities Btiil this we confidently expect to see. Nowbcru (linpliin Tiik sentiment of true liinuitiillisni ' is Krowinif till over the world, but it oiinnnt Biicoced in the United Slides, under free trade, or any seuibliince to it. The republican party is the only one that bus brought prosperity to us during the past thirty or more, yours, and the old reunite buouki do reinstated ticlore w e attempt decided niul ni noli needed money let;isliitioii. An tun journalist has written: "If your local paper happens to trend on your toes a little in performing its mis sion, don't gel your buck up and abuse the editor, but atop and take B long breath, and think for a season and ace if you can't remember some of the favors and kindnesses it has shown you iu the past. Then reflect that it may not be Inntj before you may want a favor aain. Kkkd'h rules, "O.ar Keed's," if you please, bad to be adopted in order for democracy to handle its owu enmber Botue majority in the house of repro Kct tatives. The fuel used iu the demo cratic) cainpniou of lSHJ served the democrats for their immediate demands, but what they will have left for 18!)ti is more than the Gazette cau fathom. One by oue their fallacies have beeu exploded. That lialey's nomination for ootujresn liHR made doubly sure the previous assurance of Ellis' re-election is the opinion of every unncst-speakiutf demo crat in 1'ortlauil. iValdrop's withdrawal would have beeu a result of Captain aijlTett's nomination, but the populists will never consent to support a uiau so MUtatfoiiiBtio to their pettsius as Haley lias proven himself to be. It was also on the populist cards to have Nathan Pierce Rive way to Coiupson in the race for the governorship, but the doughty general's defeat for the nomination has knocked out that plan, and Nathan will atay in the tield until the votes are all in. Oregonittu, In hpeakino of the late lamented gathering at Astoria the Alliance Herald, a populist paper, Rays it was a con vention of tricks and deals. "Anions others the most important was the deal by which the democrats were to nomi nate Compson as a lay figure, and then withdraw him in favor of Pieroe, iD return for Joe Waldrop's withdrawal, aud the transfer of populist votes to Kitley for coDgress. However, this has fallen through. In a letter to W. A. Sample written last week, Waldrop stated emphatically that he was in the race for congress from start to finish, and that all statements to the ooutrary were absolutely false. This faot was known to the democratic leaders at Astoria unci they also knew tbat Nathan Pieroe' utterly repudiated every suggestion of fusion, or combination. TueBe facts being so, Compson was thrown over board, at the last minute, for governor, aud W. B. Galloway was put up to be knocked Galloway-West eleotion day." Hon. W. II. Ellis, our present con gressman from the second congressional district reoeived the renomiuBtion by the convention, although many of the voters of Baker oouuty would bav liked very much to Lave had our fellow townsman, Hon. C. M. Donaldson, re ceive the nomination; yet nearly all feel that Mr. Ellis was justly entitled to it aud will give him their hearty support. Mr. Ellis may not be able to do as much for this particular "neck of the woods" as Mr. Donaldson could have done, but no oue doubts for an instant that be will do all in his power for the whole district he represents, He holds oor- reot views of all the great questions that are agitating the minds of our people today . He is honest and energetio, and at the expiration of this term will have acquired a great (leal of knowledge that will most assuredly cause him to ac complish more during bis seoond term than any new man could possibly do. linker City Blade. Even though the republicans are alert and Btand up iu liue, we will have no greater representation in the legislature than (ho times and ciroumstauces de mand. The great principle of protection so necessary in praotice for the needs of the people of the whole country, and especially of Eastern Oregon, demands Hint a protectionist must sucoeed Senator Dolpli. IScpublicans oannot accomplish Ibis by voting for other than republicans; aud they weaken the ticket aud endanger our chances by voting haphnzzard, out of party lines. Tub re-uomin-tion of Hon. W. 1$. Ellis to oougress is a deserved recognition of that gentleman's labors. For a two-jcar-old in congress be has attracted more utteutiou by his speeches and work than falls to the lot of the average con gressman. Ellis is iu congress to stay. The people fiud no fault with the gentle man from Morrow county. The Dalles Chronicle. And from the manner iu which the delegates from Wasco oouuty labored for his re-nomination w e would infer that they fiud no fault with the geutlenian down there. NO MOliF, FUSION. Cortland Telegram. The positive action of the Astoria oooveutiou removes all possibility of a fusion between the demoora's and populists. With three straight tickets in the field, and all determined to fight it out on straight lines, there can be but one result. Overzealous partisans may howl themselves hoarse about victory being perched npon this or that bauner, but men with cool heads and of oalm and deliberate judgment can figure out the result in the state as accurately as if the election was over and the returns were all in. As a rule, meu with deep- rooted political convictions prefer to go down with their oolors flying rather than to yield to txpediercy, or make concessions that would seem to be a surrender of principle. Most of the delegates at Astoria who opposed fusion were probably actuated by such a motive. Yet there were indications that a few who were molding and controll ing the anti-fusion sentiment were actuated by personal and selfish con sideration. Nor does the snti fusion action of tiie Astoria convention terminate there. Consistency requires Unit tho manage ment of the local campaigus in the counties aud cities of the state shall be on the liue marked out by the state couveution. The same general polioy must be pursued. The three straight ticket plau must be followed out all along tl e liue from the state down to the county and municipal tickets. All show of opposition has gone glimmering, and it will be a tquare tight on three separate lines from now until the 4th of June In the meantime the independent voter pays his money and takes his choice. Another ' N. J- Miracle. STOKY FROM NEW JKKSEY WHICH WILL INTEREST EVERYONE. PEOPLE'S PARTY Man Who was Cured of Rheumatism and Paralysis After Suffering for Twenty Six Years. Will Ellis withdraw from the con gressional raoe iu the interest of the democratic nominee? This is more probable thau that Joe Waldrop will pull out. Allliiinoe Herald (pop.) domino down to nurd facts, no re publican, if he is a republican iu principle, can sflord to sacrifice any single portion of his ticket. The Must Successful (las Engine lu the market is run without an electric spark battery. Theory is all very well, but the everyday experience of coustaut practical use is the best test of merit. The man who ruins a lauuoh aud tluda hi nself drifting with tide aud wiud because the "spark" fails to iutiite the charge of gas iu his engine; the uiau who prints a daily paper ud fails to get it off on time because tho "spark" again fails; the man who bus fruit that is injured for lack of irrigation because the "spark" fails iu his engine that runs the pump; not only such parties but others who have trouble from like causes should bear in miud that the lleroules Gas aud Gasoline Engine is free from such difficulties. The ignition is simple Biui sure. Send for catalogue. If you waut seoond hand engines of other makes at oheap rates we oan sup ply you. We have a number taken in trade aud oannot take any more until they are realised ou. Palmih 4 Kkv Tick Founiiky, Frout 4 Alder Sta., Port land Oregon. It will be an agreeable surprise to persons subject to attaoks of bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may be had by taking Chamberlain's Colic, ClKilera au'd Diarrhoea Itemed)'. In miny instances the attack mny be prevented by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear. I'D and oU oeut bottles for sale by Hlocunj-Juhusou Drug Co. Those who never read the advertise ments iu their newspapers miss more than they presume, .lonathau Keiusou, of Uolan, Worth Co., fowa, who bad been troubled with i hiitim..tism in his back, arms and shoulders read an item iu his paper about how a prominent German citizen of It. Madison had been cured. He procured the same medicine, mid to use his own woids: "It cured me right up." He also says: "A neighbor aud his wife were both sick iu bed with rheumatism, Their boy was over to mv house and said they ere so bad he had to do the cooking. I told him of Chamberlain's Pain ilulni and how it had cured me; he get a bottle aud it onred them up iu a week. 50 oeut bottles for sale by ' S ociim-Jo)Usou Drug Co. , FltOJI COIlDSll. 1KH Pat: Times are very good here now. 1 am stopping at Cohosh hotel. We had a grand d.uner yesterday, baked spuds, rook salt, barley oofl'ee, sour-dough bread - that is something extra iu these days of the reign of Grover I. I have jti3'. ordered n .nmv suit of clothes cut Clevel.iiHhisu tie-short at both euds. The coat is composed of woolsacks, No. 1, stolen from the ware house. Pauts oomposed of best-coal-tar, "hooked" 'roiu the waterworks. socks a la Jerry Simps.iii. Sav, where is that prosperity? Waut to get a ohuuk to put ou ice. Weather is cold enough to keep it till '1)6. I see that oue of your correspondents speans about a P, M. who puts P. P. literature iu the stove. Now let's know who he is. I waut to make a contract with him for them paters. I want to send them to a man out at Galloway. I have a spitaagaiust the populists, any how, aud if I ootild got a Soott among them he would be like Harvey, the Great have the party dead all the time, aud theu things would be lovely. Well, never miud, the Pops are all uomiuated for uflioe now, so tliey are happy. Say Pat, haven't you got a hat you could loau me? I had to eat the roost ers oil' my old one. Can't you start a subset iption for old clothes and such, last yeai's straw hats and the like? I just got a letter from Grover. He promised to give me an office next time. 0, Lord! I am hungry. Well that's gold oasis, aiijuow. re sure you send me enough "oonfidenoe" to last till the Ides of Juue." Grovku's Last Victim. It'200 KAKH AND STOCK KA.NCH It will take only $M12 to buy it; 480 acres, bU acres plow laud; one-half mile ruuuing water. Improvements: 10 acres fenced, 15 acres cultivated, 'i houses aud stable, spring and minor improvements. Adapted to farmiug, sheep aud hograising. An extensive sheep range joining to Kock creek. terms: SiMJ down; remainder on lona time. Looaiiou: Uu couiitv road, two aud one-half miles west of Kood hill, Mght Mile. (Jr. 30 sores for tSia or SUW for ownership iu ltk) acres school laud or will exchange for two good horses. Original cost of school tan rl 8:W0. Applv at Heimuer Unset t office Ueppuer Oregou. Isl9 tf sw. Take Simmons Liver lWnh.tnr for headache, oonstinatton. i ndiiredtinn np biliousness. (From the Philadelphia Record.) A very interesting story oomes from Cape May C. H., N. J. The chief charaoter in the story is John L. Steel, who has lived in that town for thirty years, and is oneof tha best known men in Cape May county. To a reporter Mr. Steel said: "Certainly, I'll tell you the story. I am 54 years old and was first attaoked with the rheumatism twenty-six years ago. I suffered all tbat mortal man could stand. The medicine and the doctoring I have had has cost me at the very least $2,500, but they were all like so much water in my case. "One day, in 1882, 1 was taken with a chill up and down the 'baok, my legs gave out at the knee and I fell like a log. Never shall I forget the agony I suffered. I thought I would go crttzy. I oould not walk, and my legs were ull drawn up at the knee and felt as if dead. It was without feeling and without power. I oalledinDr. Aleiaader Young, one of our town physicians. He cupped and blistered me without 'success. I went to Dr. Downs, a physician of the old school. Dr, Downs took my leg and polled it out straight, then be laid it over the arm of the sots on which I was reoliniog, and from it suspended two bricks. The pain was almost unbear able.' The battery was applied, aud the result was that I was just as bad as ever. As a last resouroe I went to the late Dr. Panooast, then of Jefferson College. He pronounoed my oase ouronio rhen matism, and said that be could relieve the pain but could not cure me. He gave me sarsaparilla and iodide of potassium, of which I bad already taken a quantity. I felt tbat I was going irom bad to worse. The pains were growing more intense, my body was growing weaker aud I had to orawl up stairs my hands and knees. I was as white as a sheet and at times nearly frozen to death I slept under enough cover to crush me, snd was cold then. I had to lift my leg around wherever I wanted it, but at night it would twitoh and jerk as though possessed by some fiendish pnwer. "Well to cut a long story Bhort, read in the Philidelphia Record of a man who had been oured by Dr. Williams Pink Pills for pale people. The story apiteared to be an autheutio account, aud with a ray of hope I sent for two boxes of Pink Fijls. This was about six months ago. As soou as I began to take them they began to do me good. 1 telt as though 1 had been given fresh blood and new musolee. Wubl the two boxes were finished I Bent for six more, and under this treatment oon t'nued to improve. I began to regain the use of my limbs and I could soon get around with the aid of a crutch. I have an excellent appetite and feel first cluss all over. "Why Pink Pills have doue more for me than all the rest of the medicine and dootors put together, and my recovery is due solely to them. I have taken iu all twenty boxes of Pink Pills and you cau see .for yourself what they have accomplished." Suiting the aotion to the words Mr Steel plaoed his oaue over his shoulder and walked off like a man who had never had an hour's sickness in his life. Some idea of the severity of bis oase oan be had .rom .the fact that his left leg has beeu shortened nearly an inch by the ravages of the disease. The following affidavit was made before John Spalding, Justioe of the Peace, who has known Mr. Steel during his entire illness. fcworn aud subscribed before me this 2(ith day of May, A. D. 1893. John Spaldino, Justice of the Peace. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not a patent medicine in the sense that nnme implies. They were first comoouuded as a prescription, aud used as such in. general praotioe by an eminent physician. So great was their efficacy tbat it was deemed wise to place them within reach of all. They are now manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y., and Brookville, Out., aud are sold iu boxes (never in loose form by the doienor hundred, end the public are cautioned against numer ous imitations sold in this shape) at SO oents a box, or six boxes for 2 50, and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. WilliBms' Medicine Co. from either address. The price at which tueee pilla are sold makes a course of treatment inexpensive as oorupsred tth other remedies r medical treat ment Bnokingham's Dye for the whiskers is the best, handiest, safest, surest, clean est, most economioal sod satisfactory dye ever invented. It is the gentlemen's favorite. EDITED BV C. M. I10GUE, HARDMAN, OR. All matter Intended for this column should be addressed to its editor, as the Gazette has no autnorlty lo pubitsti same without hlB consent, This column belongs- exclusively to me feopies lJarty,ot Morrow count u, and will be. used by them as they see in. j lie vuinayemrnt or the lluzette will in no way be responsible for any thing that may appear therein. STATE TICKET. Governor, Nathau Pieroe. State Treasurer, U. Caldwell. Seoretnry of State, Ira A akefieid. Supt. Public Instruction, T. C. Jory. Attorney Geneial, M. L. Olmstead. State Printer, Gnorge M. Orton. Supreme Judge, ' It. P( Boise. Congressman Sec. Dist., Joe Waldrop. Jt. Sen., Morrow, Grant and Harney, George Gilbert. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DIHTlilCT. Pros. Attorney, E. P. Sine. Board of Equalization, H. F. SeSroy. CODKlT,T'KET. Representative, Sheriff, Clerk, School Supt., Assessor, County Oomuiiesioi Treasurer, Surveyor,. Coroner, B. F. King. Joseph O. Hayes, . C M. Hogue. M.ss Addie Conlee. W. B Ewiug. Wm. Gilliam. J. L. Gibson. Chas. lngraham. .1. M. Nuuamaker, I't'BLK! SPEAKING. The candidates for the various county offioes on the people's party ticket will canvass the county, beginning at Lexing ton and will spt-uk iu 'tie various pre cincts ou the following datts: Lexington, May 5. Douglas, 9. Grange hall, , lone p'tciiiiit, " 12. Rocky Point scn.aU hoiicc, 16. Eight Mi.e ti,t, r, ' ly, Haidtiiau, 23. Galiowny, 11 20. David Leatlieim ,ii ', " 29. Heppi.er, June 2. AH are invited to attend, aud especially the opposing candidates. Y P..:' Wit: When you are somewhere, or else Scott's simiiwiiiiiniiiii in. hi i ii 11 y fiefh you are weak does not nourish you. SlOJl of Cod-liver, with hypophosphites of lime and soda, finds weak spots, cures them, and stores up latent strength in solid (lesh to ward ofF disease. Physi cians, the world over, endorse it SCOTT'S EMULSION cures Couglis, Colds, Wealfl Lungs and Wasting Diseases. Prepared by Scott & Bowne, N. Y. Druggists sell it. DR. FOOTE'S HAND-HOOK OF IIEALIfll HINTS AND READY RECIPES, Is the title of a very valuable book that gives a great amount of Information of the Utmost Importance to Everybody, concerning their dally habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc, IT TELLS ABOUT What to Eat, How to Sat It, Things to Do, Things to Avoid, Perils of Summer, Dangers of Kissing, Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Skin, Care of Teeth Occupation for Invalids, Bathing Best Way, After-Dinner Nans Alcohol as a Food and a Lungs and Lung Diseases, Effects of Tobacco liedicine, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance, Superfluous Hair, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause &, Cure. Removing Same, How Much to Wear, To Get Rid of Lice Restoring the Drowned. Contusions I)tpnu. Kaintni A.,.t nvnrhoti., U.,Dua PpuiratOtnir r.Q) ..hloH. Tin.., A M ml, nuoiHUUB, Ventilation, ness, Exercise, IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Bolls, Bums, Chillblalns, Cold Feet, Corns Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning, Moles, Pimples, Piles, Klioumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth," Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache Uloers. Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms in Children. IX WILL SAVE DOCTORS BILLS. tarAIl new subscribers find prompt renewals dunncthe month of Mar. will lie presensed with a free oopyof this as a premium. Grover is a handsome man ('.') Grover ig a dandy; With hig silver veto plan, Grover is bo handy. The Farmers Voice. For Pops to fuse is wrong, For the ring to fuse Is right. Stay with your ticket, boys, And snow them under out of Bight. It is amusing to see bow oomplete the ring captured the demoaiiiiic convention in this county. ''All we want is the olerk and treasurer." Do you Boys, they will sell their ftiends for one more pull at the public money. ,-No we don't want to fuse (?)." Through some mistake William Gil liam's name has been left off the county tioket; the mistake will be corrected ana we nope that Mr. Uilliam will take no offense at same. MIBtMmillUI unWB18lWlWUJUJlllMU FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely. upon the care and skill of the atrnmev. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc,, Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course t nnrane Mnrloio ors u tt see? others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by . Others. Sunilllt the matt. in ..i:ut AmMinM . matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST. . WASHINGTON, D. C, P.O. box 4e3 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. 49" Cut this out and send It with your inuuiut bv COMMUNICATION. Editob Te-ple's Party Coldmn : Please tfive epaee ip your oolumn for the followiug: we understand thai soma of tiie wouldJbe candi'dates in this county say that they will challenge any one to meet them in public discussion ou the financial question. Now if they waut euoh a discussion. or any of the candidates, we are ready to meet them at any time and plaoe they may name; as it wonld give us great pleasure to meet them. If they wish the disoussion they may addresa W. C. Metier at Lexington, Oregon. 108. unr oetter nalves say thev could not keep house without ChamberlHin' Cough Remedy. It is used in more than K..IP .1 I : T ' cl- . T. unii me uouiea iu xjeeus. oima Dros., Leeds, Iowa. Tbit sb:w the esteem in which tbat remedy n held where it has Deeo sold for years and is well known ilh. i - .uuiuers uave learned inat there is nothing so good for oolds, croup Fnd whooping oongh, that it onres these ailments quiokly and permanently, and tbat it ia pleasant and safe for children to take. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Sloou m-Johnson Drug Co. WOHTH A OUINBA A BOX." TASTELESS-EFFECTUAL roK A DISORDERED LIVER Ttkea tu directed tbM ftmons Pilla will Ere marvalloua rtorti t il nf bld . l&t txv or luadrtd dmuii 25 Cents a Box. bat ffen.rftUr rvcornii.4 In Kncluia uL In ' fftct throughout th world to o "worta suiiiM ft t.ii. " for th. rfcMn tht tbtr . WILL Cl'BB wld rur. rem. , plwlnc,aad th th.j air .nd to mnj i . u r. n not motvjf eua dim m doctor.' till. Ciml wit. Ttltt4il t toJM Cati(. Ot alt dructtsu. Prlo It ceou a box. Kow Tori Panoi. 9M Cusl at. treutlba lteelltylug pills cure cuUBlipuliou Premiss KecllfyfuE DlllBeurBn.nliniln f rentls, Beetlrylng pills cure const.i.at.on Pre.a9 Bectllyiug pmscurocoMUtl PREN j SS RECTIFYING PILL NST AT n AlD'OSt all T.lltfl nn n.AllnA .. .. . ' ii in . , vmuura ccustipauon, nere Is a pill tuat cures torpid sestlou, Blck headache and kidney and Uv.r any trace or CONSTIPATION, which liver, biliousness, rheumatism, ludl; tnubles without griping or leavln; wine prime cause of all sickness, beware of It gottlng habitual and chronic with you. " "no niuruiHvr'i. t 3RFNTISS RECTIFYING PILL. because it Is the only sale and harmless remedy that win surely BEAUTIFY tho CO IV! 1 clear tho jkin and renmvo all blotches Irom the face, nun. o iouis a DOX. FLEXION Try a box aad see for youp- r rtY am riDi iaim.. , Or sent by mall upon recel;; of price by Prpnticc rSowv.:-o1 a .. .. . .-..-. allu manufacturing Co., i 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, I g Prentlm Reotifyirn! pills cure c SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. v rremiM IteeiiryiUU PUIS CUre CoUSLiNriiuji It.. nil, a P.-.tirv n NOTARY PUBLIC -.'CONVEYANCER CALL OPPIC13 LEGAL BLANKS. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . HEPPNER, llli, lDtVWSOlX V lyons ATTOKXKYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt mil1 BBti,flit.orv muner. Notaries Public snd Collectors. OFFICE IX NATIONAL BANK BCILDIKQ. OKEQON.