Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 20, 1894, Image 4

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    PI J
There was never a time in the history
of onr ronutry when the demand for
inventions and improvements in tbe arts
and scie- Oes generally was so great as
Bow. The Oouveuiences of mankind in
the faotory and woiksbop, the houpebold
and on tbe farm, ns well as in offieinl
life, rtquire ooutiunal access ons to tbe
appurtenance and impliments of each
in order to save labor, time and expense.
The political ohange in tbe sdministra-
on government does not affeot tbe
progress of the American inveutor, who
being on tbe alert, and ready to per
ceive the existing deficiencies, dues not
permit the nffiire of government to de
ter him from quickly ouuoeiving the
remedy to uveroume existing discrepan
cies. Too great oare oauuot be exer
cised in choosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
teres's have been lost and destroyed in
innumerable iuBtaooes bv the employ
ment of inoompeteut counsel, and es
pecially is t Lis advice applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" 8) stem. Inventors who entrust
their business to this class of attorneys
do 90 at imminent risk, as the breadth
aud strength of tbe patent is never con
sidered in view of h quick eudeavor to
get an allowance find obtain tbe fee.
Johu vW'dileruiiiu, General Munagnr,
U18 F street, N. W., Washington, 1). (J.,
represen iug a largo number of impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
erul periodicals of the country, was in
stituted to urotrct its outruns from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The raid Gn
pany is piupurrd to take charge of all
putent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable teef, and pri-pure aud proseoute
applications generally, iuoluduig me
ohanical inveutiouN, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, cupyiights, iuterl'er
encus. iiifringemeuts, validity reports,
and gives especial nttenion to ri -jectcd
cases. It is also prepared to eutor into
conipetiliou Willi any tiiiii in securing
foreign patents.
Writo for instructions and advice,
John Wieddkiiburn.
(1S F 8lreet,
i'. 0. Box 885. Washington, JL. 0.
Tha Elksnbetbari UlucUmnith's Feat Dupli
cated by 0, Mjdorn Bcleutist.
Mark Ssnrlct, a blacksmith, who lived
during tho rcig;n of Queen Elizabeth,
mndo a chain of forty-iivo links, to
which ho attached a padlock made of
steel and brass, conoiutitig of eleven
pieces besides the key.
Tho chain was eo small as to freely
odmit of bcintr fastened about tho neck
of a common ilea.
The apparatus, flea, chain, padlock,
key and all, weighed but a grain and a
half when c::hibted before the wonder
ing; royalty on a plate of polished sil
ver. Tho reader will no doubt think
this flea story worthy to be taken with
the proverbial "grain of salt," noting,
as he will, that it bear3 tho date and
ear marku of "Ye olden times," but
what will ho havo to cay when in
formed that within tho last five years a
San Franci32Q professor has equaled
Scarlot's ingenuity i:i every particular?
says tho Philadelphia Press.
The Ooldca Onto wonder worker has
exhibited a perfectly trained team ot
fleas, drawiuj a miuiaturj tally-ho
coach rjado of fitld, with all four
wheels perfect, each turuiuu nicely on
its n.-;le.
Prof. Schumann, of Ecrne, Switzer
land, worked seven years making a sil
ver, gold and platinum model of the
groat Knipp GCty-ton hammer, now in
tho ICrupp rjun works at Arisen, Ger
many. Iu Schumann's model tho framo,
hammer and pulleys, all complete,
weigh but one and a half (rntlus. The
frame is of platinum, tho pulley silver
and the hammer of solid gold.
A ilea, trained bv Mr. Schumann, will,
a; Lie ivoruoi commaiul, uoiut tlio hum
mer to the top of the frame, where it is
automatically net free, descending in
precisely tho same manner as tho mon
ster after which it ia modeled. Mark
Scarlot did wonders, but tho "profes
sors" of 18S3 havo excelled his best ef
forts. WALTCn
Sixteen Out of Thirty of the
Fair One.
Under Twenty.
Out cf thirty of Sir V.'ulter Scott's
heroine fx teen are described ns under
twenty, cays the Sun Francisco Daily
Report. Of the other fourteen six are
undated. This leaves us eight, three
of whom are set down ivn over twenty;
two start at one side of the line and are
curried over the other; two are by im
plication rather than by the intention
of the anther taken out ef t'.i' ir "ttvns,"
and one. Amy P.olisnrt. is n heroine "of
an uncertain nife," since !.he is hir.tor
ieull.v n middle-c.-ed natron ami licti
tiously a youthful ln-idr. Of tUcsix un
dated, the presumption is ul; lgrther in
favor ol tlie earlier i:;: . A member
once entertained the t lalt with the
statement that nearly all tf Scott's
heroines arc ov it lioness. 'I "mv are girls
who have grown r.p in the companion
ship of uncles or fath.-rs. older men,
and with an ec.r'y r. :.er, ihility of
thought and action. ! ,.y j-,;.vu XM to
plan their own v.-;:iir cH., j.yp
upon their rv. n cenou. t toward their
lover;. Seme cf them have been be
hind the scenes cf sti -rii. political
events. Nearly all have been throwu
Into situations where they had t think
for themselves, t r. t wi.h decision,
and in general t- ful;:lt the v. holedutie
of hereinea. T!se hen in.:.,! S.utt uiv,
some of t'.iem, t i;!y lay ferries, but, nt
least so far us t!u y l.uve t l.nnv. ter, they
are women, and they justify the deeiU
which are done to win them.
Perfect Cure of
Choice Seeds
Fruit Trees
Wholesale and Retail. Catalogue
Free. Address
jan25 3m bw Walla Walla, Wash.
Southern Pacific Company
DA Yd.
Portland to San Francisco
THKl:l.- TO
From San Francisco to other points in Cali
fornia will be allowed purchase of special
Midwinter Fair tickets at the following round
trip rateB:
To stations under 160 mllea from Ban Fran
cisco, one and one-third one way fare.
To Btatlons 150 miles or more from Ban
Francisco, one aud one fifth one way fare.
Fur exact rates and full information inquire
of J. B. Klrkland, Dlst. Pan. agent atlM First
8t, Portland, Or., or address the undersigned.
Gen. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt.
San Francisco, Calif.
E. P. ROGERS, A. G. F. 4 P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
LIJIbIh I nlill Bient for wkneii and
riLl ' ' rvou.d.bllity
I 1 1 In ad lot! vitality Hot (tea for U nt,
riie Kcneatt.iDit as liescrihed l,y u Kansas
A! nti.
"I was hanged for a horse thief
Dnce," said F. II. Stephens, a con
tractor hailing from the Sunflower
itate, to a Globe-Democrat man. "It
was just after the war. Stock thieves
were pretty thick, aud when caught
were not allowed to waste much time
reponting of their sins. I had just
aiovtil into the stitto from Michigan. I
bought a horse, a regular old plow
ping, from a youngster who appeared
to be all right, und the next day mount
h him and started to Port Scott to
transact some business.
"I had ridden perhaps a dozen miles
1 when I was overhauled by a posse of
armed men who were hunting stock
thieves. The horse 1 was riding had
been stolen from a member of the party,
and 1 was swung up to the limb of a
tree by tho roadside without ueing
ijivcn a chance to explain. There was
a sharp, momentary pain, a choking
sensation, succeeded by ono that I can
only compare to the delightful intoxi
cation of the opium smoker, and then
unconsciousness. I would like to ex
perience that sensation again, but do
not care to undergo the necessary pre
liminaries. The party concluded that I
might havo confederates, and let me
' down, hoping that I would peach.
"The coming back to lift? was a good
deal more painful than taking leave of
it. When I got so I could talk I told
my story, but it was not believed, and
they were nbout to swing me up again,
wucn a neighbor, returning from Fort
9cott, chanced along and convinced
them that they had the wrong num."
a and 1
The Montana nf Mouth Aruerl.
Eastern Peru, though changing it
political title at various periods, hof
been called the Montana or wooded
country since the first colony wn
pluutod there, two hundred and fifty
six years ago, says a writer in Harper's
Weekly. The experiences of the early
settlers were an endless succession ol
romantic adventures. Towns were
built and destroyed tunny times, and
there is scarcely a single situ which hot
not been bathetl with the blood of whit
and Indian through centuries of eon
diet. Spanish and Peruvian possessior
of this territory has consequently beer
more nominal than reul until withlr
the last twenty years, during whieb
time several of tho old mission statiom
have flourished forth into cities of front
two thousand to six thousand inhab
itunts under the commercial stimulus
given by the opening of tho Amazon ti
the Hags of all nations in ISM.
Accordingly the majority of the pun
whites now living in the Montana art
either Peruvians originally from tin
west coast or Germans, French anc
English, with two or three Americans
who have Wen allured to this roniot
corner of the globe by tho prospect oi
speedily amassing fortunes in the rub
bcr trade. These new comers are ofter
noble examples of manhood, full of that
courage and determination which am
needful in establishing government ant1
commercial prosperity in the midst of
somnolent and sometimes treaeheroui
native population. Women of appar
ently equul rank are, however, oouspic
uously absent.
The general niercuaudiae establish
ment formerly owned Ivy Coffin & Mi-Far.
land, has lately changed hands, now be
uii uutier the control and manatiement
"' lh MoFarland Mercantile Companr,
winch continues bnsiness st the old stand
with a lamer stock than ever. a
lira FAIR.
A Frwnf h Savant ITtiptmen m Olcantto
frviitul Mlrrttr.
M. Francois Deloncle, a French
savant, and deputy for the Basses
Alpes, has a marvelous projsct in hand
which he hopes to see completed in
time to astonish mankind at the Paris
exhibition of 10DO. Though the moon
is 240,000 miles distant from the earth,
says the London Daily Chronicle, M.
Deloncle thinks he can construct an ap
paratus which will enable us to ex
amine that luminary at very close
The idea has been expounded by the
author before a French scientific
society, and M. Deloncle says, In sub
stance, that the only obstacle to a close
observation of c lestial bodies is the
relative imperfection of instruments,
and that all that is required is an en
largement and improvement of present
instruments. Astronomers, says M.
Deloncle, have reckoned that the image
of the moon can be brought quite close
to the earth by means of a crystal
mirror elirht men rs iu diameter, but
which, owing to the thickness required,
would weigh about eight tons. Lie has
consulted various opticians in Paris
and they are prep.wl t execute the
work before the y, ar I!..
There reioaiie; I'wri-i-, 'he ques
tion of the si.ri'i i,1 wliih w'ould be
required t-1 Is .Id i,'.'- tit it- mirror,
and npon thirf tin' V. Vi cvice l.oewy,
a distnu'shed i n v .l; astronomer,
says that while in ii. iip!c M. Del
oncle's scheme is possible, there are
enormous difficulties in the way of
Its realization, the chief of whitm, so
far as tho exhibition is concerned, is
that the apparatus must be erected on
a mountain about two miles in height
In order to seturo the proper atmos
pheric conditions. If this and other
difficulties were surmounted, says M.
Loewy, there would bo some very re
markable results, f.,r it would be pos
sible to clearly distinguish in the moon
objects about the size of a four-story
WILL Clint you -
A Bright Lad,
Ten years ol age, but whodeclines to give his
name to the public, makes this authorized,
confidential statement to ui:
"When I was one year old, my mamma died
of consumption. The doctor said that I,
too, would soon die. anil all our neighbors
thought that even If I did not die, I would
never be able to walk, because I was ao
weak and puny. A gntlierine formed and
broke under my arm. I hurt my finger and
11 gathered and threw out pieces of bone.
If 1 hurt myself so as to break the skin, it
was sure to become a running sore. I had
to take lots of medicine, but nothing has
dons me so much good as Aver'a Sarsapa-
Slla. It has made me well and strong'
. D. M., Morcatur, Kans.
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Or. J. 0. Ayer k Co., Lowell, iitu,
Cures others, will cure you
i a .nll s"(fi e'T'-ttinimt TM.tS'.flmlrfntmrnl
VgeSVUIB L, V Willi lit '.,;. 1-1 . Iota of Ime
lf IIbImW from biiHiiiuis. Fi'tula, Ulce -,
tO ftf-. also c;prcd. :i0 yean' e&
ZTJ Queitioo GUlil. u till Oook trre. CuMorwrite.
7K UH. tl. It. BUTTS.
I 622 Pino Sftuot.. t-r. Lotus, Mo
Every patriotic citizen should give his
personal effort and influence to increase
the circulation of his home paper which
teaches the American policy of Protec
tion. It Is his duty to aid in this respect
in every way possible. After the home
paper is taken care of, why not sub
scribs for tha American Economist,
published by the American Protective
Tariff League J Ono ol its correspon
dents says I " No true American can
get along without It 1 consider it the
greatest and truest political teacher in
the United States."
Send postal card request for free
sample copy. Address Wilbur F.Wake,
man, General Secretary, 13$ West 23d
St, New York.
Ore ox
a VWnd x
tKe cause ct
0 Qmer'veaw
Are you willing to work for the cause
of Protection In placing reliable infer,
mation in the hands of your acquain.
If you are, you should be identified
the american
Protective tariff league,
135 W. 230 ST., New VORK.
Cul this notice out and tend It to the League,
etallng your poaiUoo, and gire a helping basd.
V.SIrr.j h l.tl
Till-: fit:w t'LAin c-onpaw
"Wf. WSODERBUHI.. - - Manaam i Attorn
K O. Hoi w . Ji7 v ? ..V"
0.1 1 .1 v, 1 u , u. V.
. No chatKw tot Uvien. N , toe
en! til.
ANYLADY on set valuable eeeret that,
coat iue ISTul ul a ru bber etaield for 9) caata.
Mrs. V. M. APP. CO.
g PtIK aTHFFT. T tori. MO.
Influential Netherlanders Interest,
ed in the World's Fair.
Ih Ltfe and Surrounding of the Dutet
People to Be Illnstraced A Splendid
Representation Expected to
lie Made.
The active participation of the kinff
dom of Holland at the world's fair ii
now , an assured fact. Hon. Walkei
Fearn, chief of the department of for
eign affairs, has received a letter from
Hon. Samuel Thayer on the subject
from the legation of the Dnited States at
The Hague, in which the authorities o)
the Columbian exposition are informec
that a royal order appeared in the of
ficial Gazette, of June 23, announcing
the appointment of the following com
mission as representative of the Nether
lands government at the Columbian ex
position: M. Mens, H. Hcldring, G. M
Boissevain, Mr. Svan Citters, G. Birk
hofl, J r. These are all men of trom-
tnence and activelv interested in the
success of the exposition. An earlj
meeting of -the commissioners will bi
held at the United States legation.
The Netherlands government has de
clined for years all invitations of the
character from other nations, ever
from such near neighbors as France and
Belgium, and only through the in
fluence of persistent pressure was Hoi
land finally brought to concede an ex
hibition to the Columbian world's fair
Through the cooperation of an or
gamzation composed of a number of in
fluential people In Amsterdam and
other parts of the kingdom a consider
able sum of money has been raised to b
used in the construction of a special
building at the fair, to be built lr
various styles of architecture, ancient
and modern. The exhibit to be made
at the Holland headquarters will bt
characteristically Dutch, and it is the
intention to illustrate the life and sur
roundings of the Dutch people. It ii
intended, if possible, to create a canal
running through the center of the space
allotted, with ample scope for exhibit!
on either side, and in connection there
with a Dutch dairy showing their
process of butter and cheesemaklng,
together with rare specimens of Dutch
cattle, etc. The Holland commission
will make application for the necessary
space to make this exhibit, and it ii
quite likely that the consul of the
Netherlands government at Chicagc
and one other commissioner may be
delegated to act for the royal commis
sion in this matter. While some mem
bers of the commission are designatet
as the committee and others oommis
sions, they are all of royal appoint
ment and have practically the sami
function, though the chief work of th
committee will be in the Netherlands
Nearly all the leading industries in the
kingdom of Holland have alreadj
pledged their active cooperation in thi
development and maintenance of az
adequate representation at Chicago.
It Promuiee to Be Large .and Attractive
The East Indian exhibit is likely U
develop into a large and attractive dis
play. United States Consul Genera
Ballantine at Bombay, in a recent com
munication to Director General Davis
shows that interest in the world's fall
is becoming very general in the largi
cities and at some of the native court!
of India. The native princes as wel
as opulent merchants and manufoctur
ers are now fully awakened to the im
portancc of a representation.
Consul General Ballantine paid an of
ficial visit to the court of his highnesi
the guicowar or mnharajah of Baroda
The guicowar of Baroda is the most im
portant prince in western India. Aftei
showing Consul General Ballantlm
every attention the prince confirmed hii
promise of assistance given in a pre
vious interview by officially instructing
his prime minister to give every assur
ancc of assistance, and added that hi
would get an exhibit from his principal
ity representing a value of certainlj
not less than ten thousand rupees anc
probably much more. The gnicowai
added that he would possibly make thii
much larger and more extensive. Hii
action in this regard is most likely t
induce other native princes to follow it
The guieowar's brother, his excellencj
Sumgatra, has already promised tovish
Chicago. With a large retinue of offi
cers and attendants he contemplate)
visiting England next year. The visit
of a native East Indian prince, sur
rounded by his official staff and retinui
of native assistants, would be a striking
and attractive incident of theexpositior.
The official jeweler to his highness,
the mnharajah of t'utch, hits decided tc
send rare specimens of filigree gold and
silver work. The bruhnio f-amaj of In
dia in Calcutta hns chosen Balm 1'. C
Mozoomdar, and the arva samaj of In
dia has selected Kwami Ulutskaranand
as representatives of their Hindoo sect
to the world's religious congress to be
held at Chicago in connection with
the exposition. A Hindoo gentle
man is making arrangements for twe
hundred of his countrymen to visit the
Reproducing- the irrat Alliainbra.
Ground has been broken for the
Moorish palace to be erected in Midway
Plaisanee. Considerable eu:i:erial is on
the ground, and the erect i..n of the
building will proceed ii!. on ?. It will
be two hundred if -"'
.uu oii, aiiiimv.-ri':! with sttift
The building is a ropr.Kluctiun of the
"Alhambra," and it.-, site is ornamented
with a Moorish garde::. Mr. Ii. Hoff
mann, of Vienna, the director of the
company holding the concession, was
on the crround with Mr. Stenauny, who
was originally identified with the j
scheme. Mr. HolTm:uu says that the 1
million dollars iu gold is to be the prin-'
cipol attraction in the palace. The
building will contain a restaurant
which will seat two thousand people,
and a Vienna cafe with a capacity for a
thousand guests. The l'robst Construe
tion Company will erect the building, j
of which Mr. August Fiedler, consult-;
ing architect for the'Gejmaja empire, is
the architect
SUrory on Amerlrsa Soli
It i:. that "Columbus made Hut
fir : v " in America.1 but he was
ami Bi'verely rebuked by
S;;i.- I - in tho matter ol slavery
i:::.; :-vi iMi-ht well wish that its own
hl. isl iiji made half so clean record
in the new world as Spain did.
rinni nf tho TtiH Worn.
Tho women of Texas are raising
mopey with which to place statues
of lit 'ou avA Austiu and busta of
Limw, C Vvvltt tt, Travis and Fannin all
celebrated Texas historical characters
in the state building at the world's
Saved Her Life.
Mrs. O. J. Wooldridgb, of Wortham,
Texas, saved the life nf her child by the
use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
"One of my children had Croup. The
ease was attended by our phvsiclan. and was
supposed to lie well under control. One
Bight I was startled bv the child'? hard
breathing, and on going to It found It stiau
sllnr. ft had nearly ceased to breathe.
Realizing that tbe child's alarmlne condition
toad become possible In spite of the medicines
given. I reasoned that sncb remedies would
be ot no avail. Having part of a bottle of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house. 1 gave
the child three doses, at short intervals, and
anxiously wailed results. From the moment
the Pectoral was given, the child's breathing
grew easier, and. in a short time, she was
sleeping quietly and breathing naturally.
The child Is alive and well 10-dnv, and I 00
not hesitate to say that Ayer'e Cherry Pec
toral saved lier life."
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer SCO., Lowell, Man.
Prompt to act, sure tocurd
convince the
skentie and noint the
way which if followed lends to
Han been put tip lit
DroDrletarv form since
1878. and has been uai'd
forvears Drinrtathattima
In private priualce. It is no untried nostrum, uf
doubtful rt'pntHLiiin, but a genuine Bpecltio for
a wry prevnieut disease. Thousands oi men, of
nil atiOB, huve at Home time in lite brought on
nervous deblllt and exhaustion, with organic
woiikueHS, by over brain work, excesses, too fre
qoont Indulgence or indiscretion and vicious
h'ttiitri,and it Is to these that we offer a remedy
tlnit will, by its direct action npon the seat of the
disease, stop the drain and restore the patient to
vlomus hi'ulih and strength.
Our method of Introducing Prof. Harris' Pastille
treatment is one which commends itaelf to all
sennlble persons for the reason that we supply it
upou their judgment of Its value. We wit of our
putrous nothing In the way of expense beyond a
postal curd and a two cent postage stamp. Tbe
pohial card to be used Iu sending us their full ad
dn?M owl tha postage stamp for the letter return
big the Btuterufnt of their ease for wblch we
supply them with a question blank, to be filled
out and an envelope add reused to ourselves for
ha in returning it when tilled.
intK When we receive the state
I fl" nient on blank we prepare
Bjl Lul" eight days' treatment and for
ward It bv mall and DreDav
.fRuiT postaare thereon and alonir
Yh. r vfir v with the eight days' treatment
XiAalisif we eend full directions for
umiik. Thetieiitmentin no way Interferes with
a person's attention to business, and causes no
pain or inconvenience in any way.
We are so positive that ltwill give perfect satis
faction tlmt we leave the matter of sending orders
entirely with those using the free trial treatment.
Having ununited thnwe sending fortrlal packages
of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we
feel that they are more largely Interested than
ourselves in continuing the use of the Pastilles.
Kveu then we do not attempt to rob them byde
inn siding high prices. On the contrary, weranke
tbe prices us low as possible, and tbe same to all.
They are as follows: 13 for one month; $6 fur
twu months; $7 for three months.
These prices secure
the delivery of the
Pastilles by mail. If
desired by express we
leave the pntient to
pay the charges. For
MMco(MM)fiUMlTiUjj have operated our
buTuerteupon this plan with satisfactory results.
vo ns an persons neeaing trentment ror any
of the Heeret lll.t which come to mankind through
n violation of nature's laws to send us their ad
dvess on postal curd or by letter and allow us to
convince f hem that PROF. IIAKRIN' 8l
t BP.fi VJI'JUt ATi:i P April LI. KS have
BHrritund sre what they need.
All comruunicauons connaentiai ana should be
fti to
Ti-s HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists
iMooUmnn St., MEW YORK CITY, K. Y.
CT I flOQ worth ot lovely Music lor Forty J
UILl' Centt. consisting-of ioo papes
Z full size Sheet Music of the
m- latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular 5
gr; selections, both vocal and Instrumental,
gotten up in the most elegant maimer, iu- 3
fc eluding four large size Portraits. -J
sp CARMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer, 5
PADEitEWSKf, the Great Pianist, r2E
y- Broadway Theatre Bldp.,NewYorkGty.
AT.WAY3 RELIABLE and uerfectlv SAFE. TYt
tama aa used by thou janrts of woman ailover tba
' ulted StatoB, iu the .HiD DOCTORS private r ail
praotloe, for 38 .veara, and not a slngla bad rfls-.ilt,
Monty returned If not as represented. Soud
8ent (aUmpi) lov sealod parttoulnra,
C?. WASH IS3TIT7TI, 120 V. ITitth St.. Ct.kuii. U
9STnrn' Enporlenoo In treattnfcall vnrl.
t1esorKuptur&enul)e9 us to guarantee a
FioaltlvR cure. Question Blank aud Boot
ree. Call or write.
ta Pln Street. ST. LOUIS. MO
Iledurfd U to poundt rr nrnith. No
ftBrrlng, no luconvpnifnof, t o bnd resulti, no ntuif ui
drus. 1 rcBtment perfectly hnrmlc.ii aud itrictlr coaa
deotiaL Uueition Bl ukaii'l Rook tree. Callorvrtta.
UK. H. U. iil TTS, &(3 I'.e btrtet, bt. Louu, Jto.
Substantial Rewards for Those WhoM
Answers are Correct
A man onr pnterfd prison where tu conflnari
I comic imietl crtitiiiial On in ski rig ft requent to b
otniiRd into the imwrnw of the doomed niaui, th
'initor tu informed that none but relatiTea er iermit
d tn the prisoner. Th tinitor uid : " Brother!
u4 nittit hftTe Itiooe.bufc UbMmu'a (the pritoMr ,
mthcr t" my fthr'i ton."
He wm t ooof taken U the pHeoMe. Now, vhU f
at ion wan the pritoner to the liitorJ
The Aftriculturut Publishing Company will fr $50
rortr for lift to the person sending tbe fint correct an
iwer: JSO0 to the aecond ; 3rd 2W; 4th, 1100: 6th,
W, nd ott 10,000 other rewards, conota ing ot piano,
JTaim, ladlee and genu fold asa aiirer waichea, ulv
wrvkee, diamood ring, eto.
To the person eending the laeft correct aoiwer vfll bt
liven high-toned piano, to Um next to the lat a beaati
Sil orgftn. ud tho nut 6,000 will reosive raluable priam
ii -iWerware. ke.
Itri.its.-(l) All aniwort most he ent byTnaO, b
Bear posroisrk not later than Deo. SI, ISL (2) Th re wiL
or no i-harge whatever to enter this competition, bui al
mho row pete are expeoted to aead one dollar lor ii
nontha, sutwrrintion to either Thi Ladikh, Hoki
Maaiini or Th g Canadian Aohicclti'kwt twt
j the cnoioMt illutrated peHodicals ot the day. (3
All prixe winner will be expeced to amist ui in extend
t our eirmiatton. (41 The Cm oorreot answet receivec
tender 'a postmark taken in all em as date ol reoipt
to aa to rtv every one an equal chaore. no matter when
m or abe mag reeidek. will aeouro the Ant prize, Um
Kon4. the next pttre, and ao on.
The AiiRirrLTi'Birr ia aa old Mtablidhefl concern
tod poaai aaaa amp mtv to enable it to carry out al
U promlsea. (beoa lot prtntoa UH el lonuer pnM
winners )
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aonernted to act aa jutiirrs, aod will we r bat .tievrixri
are fairly awantwl : tVnmiodore Cak?n.t (rniTieto
Calctm's Lineof Sran) mi, IMerliorough, and Mr W,
Bobertjon, Pr'!tdeni Tious Pnnttiig Cueipany, Pete
torotigh Rerster alt loomy letters. Address. Aujl
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hu-. uf u w swam
'wJ. ' jrw
V.'i'h all bad otieqoecce, ttransuiry, ll of
errriry, wrvf ex itrtne t, i eivoua atibimy,
uniiMtiiiildiyhfttert lust manhood. deipoodfDcy, naflt
Of is rum rry. wasting awav of the orgaaa, ctninw aj
upiu cured bvafc and ea-y meth -d . Cores positively
wreatato. wat-oo Bnfcl Baokfrea. CalUrwrlU.
12Q N. hi nth St.. ST. LOUIS. MO.
Ierv owner nt a hurst tfiii!d kePE
it on'hftod. It m' ve the Iif. ni a
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cure eight to iou uasei. i'nee fll.HU,
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and Book tree. Call or write.
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ucceatfulprsctice. Treatment confidential. Cure
by rati) or at office. Tcrmilow. Queitlon Blank am
liook ire. Call or write. DR- WAR J INSTITUTE,
120 N. 9th St..8t.LouU,M0
ANT LADY, employed OTtrnemployeJ.
ni can irske tLlsf'r a (pw hour wnrk imi'h
Bularv or commlsnion. 10 eamnlea free Addrvsi
H. BtNJAMIH & CO.. 822 Pine it., St. LOUil, h).
Dp. Hash's Belts fiflpplianees
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Poet-Prliits on the Path to Health.
Everyone needine n dortoi's ndvice
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learn the best memis of sel -cure. 51
Hill Pnb. Co., 129 East 28th St., New
While you keep yonr subscription paid up yrr.
can keep your brand in free of charge.
AUmi. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses 0(1 on lef,
ehonlder; cattle name on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar tin
dor it on left shoulder of horste; cattle same
011 left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O il on left hip uou horaes same brand on riWit
shoulder. Kanye, Kight Mile.
AdkinB, J. J., Heppner, Or. ITort e, ,TA con
nected on ielt Hank: cattle, saioeon loft hip.
flsrtholamew, A. G-, Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 K ..11 either ehonlder. llange in Mo -row
Bleakman, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a Hue
on left shoulder; cattle name ou riuht shoulder.
hanniBter, J, W., llardman. Or. Cattle brand--d
B 00 left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Hrennor, Peter, ttm seberry Oregon llorpes
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle e.tmo on
right side.
llurke. M 8t C, Long t;reek, Or On oattle,
MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, un
der half crop off right. HorseB, same braud on
letft shoulder, liauge in Grunt und Jlorrow
Hrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or.-Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear half crop nd right ear upper slope
Harton, Wm.. H ppner, Or. -Horaes, J H on
right thigh, cattle, same on r.ght hip; split in
each ear.
brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on tho
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor
row county.
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
0 with dot in oe: ter on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W bar
over it, ou the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Boyer, W. G.. Heppner, Or. Ilorr.es, hoi
Drauu or riftn nip oaltie, same, with split in
each ear.
Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P II 011 left
shoulder; cattle. Bame on left hip.
Brownleo, W. J., Fux.Or-Cattle, JB connected
on left side; crop vn left ear and two split ami
middle piece cut out on right ear; ou horses same
brand ou the left thigh; llange in Pox valley,
Grant county,
Caiener Warren, Wagner. Or. Horses brand
ed O on right stifle; caltle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. llange iu
Grant and Morrow counties.
Cain.B., Caleb.Or.- H li on horaes on left stifle
U with quarter circle over it, oa left shoulder
and on left stifle on all colts n- der R years; on
left shoulder only on ail horses over 5 years. A 11
range in Orunt oounty.
Clark, Wm. H., Le, a. Or. Horsei. WHO con
nected, on left shoulder: cattle same on right
hip. Mange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cate, Chas, lt Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses
H 0 on right shoulder; oattle same on right hip.
Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cecil, W m Douglas. Or.: horses JC on lef
shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on
each jaw and two bite in the right ear.
Curl, T. H., John Day, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, Bwallow fork and under bit
in right ear, Bplit in left ear. llange in Grant
county. On sheep, inverted A aud spear point
on shoulder. Ear market ewes, crop on left ear
puuenea upper oil. in rlgnt. W ethers, crop m
right and under half crop in left ear. AH rungs
111 Grant countv.
Cook, A. J. .Lena. Or .Horses, DOon right shoul
der. Cattle, suuie on naht hio: ear mark uiun
orop off left and split in right.
curnn. tt. 1., turnnsvilie, Or. -Horses, on
left stifle.
Cox Ed. B., Hardman, Or. Cattle, C wltt
F iu center: horses. Cli on left Sip.
Cochran, H. E., Monument. Grant Co , Or.
Horses branded circle with bai henem!,. r UF,
shoulder; cuttle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears aud dewlap.
cnupiu, u.t narurnan, ur. Horses branded
I on riitht hio. CAttle branded the u.mu . I...
brands CI on horses light thigh; c t e e.ine
Dranu on rignt .nouiaer, ai.a cut ill end of
right ear.
iiicbeiiB. Ebb-1- Horses brarded with thre.
tlneu fork ou left stifle. Cattle nu-ue on left side.
Douglass. W. M.. Galloway. Ur. aitle, h i.' 011
right side, swu. low-fork 111 each ear: horses. It 1)
011 left hip.
Douglas. O. T., Douslas, Or Horses TD on
the right stilie; cattle same un right hip.
ElV. J. B. tk Hons. DoUKlUS. tr. liorM-M hrant.
ed ELk on left shoulder, caltle same ou left
Kin h.,la in riuh. u.
K WhsIi.. tl.-t.nner f)i- ni.n,.,
right shoulder.
Emeiy, C. tt., llardman. Or.-Horses brandi-d
Iieverstd I' with tail on left etiou'der; cat
tle same on llht lap. riaiige in Morrow county.
Eleek. JacKsoa, lleppuer, Ol. tlorefc. ,1
counectod ol right shoulder: cattle, same on
light hip. Ear mark, hoie in rikht anil cr...,
ott left.
If lorence. L. A.. Heppner, Or. t attle. I.P ....
right hip; horses E with bar under on riuht
Florence, 8. P. Heppner. Or Horses. K nn
right shouldei ; cattle. F on right hip or thigh.
trench, George, Heppner. Or. Cattle branded
W F, with bar over it, on left side; crop or! left
ear. Horses, same brand on left hip.
Guy, hunrj, Heppner, Or.GAy! on left
Oilman-French. Iind and Livs Sl.ick r Vn.
il. Or. Horses, anchor b on left shouhier; vent,
sail . on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips
ear marks, crop off right ear aud underbil in left
Kange in Giui&in, Grant, Crook ai;d Morrow
Gentry. Elmer. Echo. Or. Hnrnw hrsnile.1 H .
8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle.
tuujge 111 oiorrow and cmatitlacor.nties.
Hues. Geo.. Lena. Or. Brand JH counecfed
with quarter circle over it, ou Ielt shoulder.
liiatt A. B., Kidge, Or. t attle, round-top 4,
with quarter circle under it ou the right hip.
UM,. ui dnirniw nmi t nmiiiia i-oi,u, ten.
Hintor. d Jenks. Hamilton. Or t al tie. two h:t
on either hip; crop in right ear and plit in left.
Horses, J on right thigh. K&nge in linoit county
HihM. Hmn.l. Wairner. Or V IT If I
couaecteil)on light sliouideron hordes; on cattle. !
on right hip and ou left side, swailow fork in j
rinht ew and alit in left. Kan in Haystack
UNTWt, morrow owuivr.
HhIb. Milton, VfHKi.wr. Or-Hornes brHtidnl
-O- (firrlft with pnmliol tHtl) n left shimider.
Cattle aam m loft hip alho lartti- mrcle on left
lUU Fdwin, John pRy.Or.-Cattli' K H on rifcln
i. w.,ahi uriotilitAP. hmitftllL
nin: nurwo suiun uu i"t o
' nini cuoniy.
!lowrd, J U alioww. Or -How. t ,CB
with iinr ubvve ill ou right shoiuder; Mtti
I tilla runntiee.
Hughes, fllat, HeppnBr, Vr. nmvm, maaaa
hwirt op the left Bbnnliier. Kauxe Morrow O.
iluiiBaker, B , Wapr.er. Or.-Hora, on left
Hhoul(itr: ch tlft.fi on ift hip.
Htmiiaty, Albert, Nyo, Oretcon HoreeB,A H
connected, on left nhoulder; Cattle on the left
hip, crop off left ear,
Humphreys, J M. Hard man, Or. Horses. H on
lef- tltuik . ,
Hayes, J. MM Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglasi
on left bhouldei cattle. Bame on right hip.
HoBton, Lather, Kittht Mile, Or. Horse H on
the left Bhoulderand heart on the loft stitle Cat
tle Bame on lft hip. Knnffe in Morrow county.
Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek, Or Cattle 1 Don
right hip, crop off left ear and bit iu right. Horses
eame bnuid on left shoulder llatme n Crrant
Jnnps, Harry, HeppnT. Or H or hps branded
n J on ihe left shoulder: cattle branded J on
ritrht hip, flw under bit in left eur. lianse in
Hioriuw c unty.
Junkin, b. M.t Heppner, Or Horses, horse,
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the same.
Kaiitre on Eiehi Mile.
John eon. elix, Lena, Or. Horses. circloT on
left mine; cattle, same on right hip, under half
orop in rifiht and eulit in left ear
Jenkins, D W.,ftit. Veruon.Ur. J on horses on
Left shoulder; ou cattle, J on left hip and two
smooth crops on both ears. Kangein Fox and
Hear valljyH
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left
-ai : under Alnitn on the rihf
Kirk J.T., Heppner. Or. HorBes 69 ou left
ehouUier; cattle, Won left hip.
Kirk. J C, Heppner. Or. Horses. 17 on either
flank: cattle 11 on riht side.
Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse- 11 on loft
Lthotiider; cattle same on light side, underbit on
t iril'i sr,
K nttberland.W. O.. Mount Vernon. Or. I h on
citi la ou right and left sides, swailow fork in left
ear aiid under ciop in right ear. Horsed Bame
brand oi; left shoulder. Kanin Grant county.
Loften" Htepnen, Fox, Or. b L on left hip
on cuttle, crop and split on right oar. Horses
saiae brand on left shoulder. Hunge (iraiit
Co UitV.
Lieuallen, John W., Or. florae
branded halt-ciu-le JL connected on left nhi.nl.
it-;. Ctttile. stum on isf; hit. Uanire, near Lei.
Lwihey. J. W Heppner Or.-Horses branded
L aim A o i lfft ehoiuder; cettie same ou left
Iiim, wiitile overrent ye, throe in niiht
ear. B
Lrrd, Heorpe, Heppner, Or. Hones branded
dt u ) u 11 col neot( SometimeB called a
svinir II, on left shoulder.
-Markham. A. M.. Heppner. Or.-Cattle large
ft? on Ititi side both earn cropped, and split in
bo h. Hordes M on left hip. Itanxe, Clark's
can, on.
. Minor, Oscar, neppnnr. nr. mttle, Don
n;hi hip; hoiaa M oq lef t shoultier.
Hipi-pan, e). N., Ilsppner. Or.-Hrnn u )
on IhM ulimij.!"! cattle nntuit on h!l hip.
Murnmljor, .Im A, ICchu, Or.- UirK. H
bar ovor ou r iht slioplder.
Morv?n. Tlio... ttHl.t.nop nr.J4...
'I' l.jft shoulder ana left tbiscb: eaidi. i on
n.-rl'l thih.
.Miteholl. Oscar, lone. Or. Homea, 77 on rii'iil
hl'i; catllff, 77 on nsht nide.
iVcQureu, It. (.. Urownsvillo, Or, Home,
fiuure Son each eliouliier; cattle. MS on hio
alcCany, Uuvid 11. Kcho Or. Homea ljmude.l
DTil connect1, on the left shoulder; cattle same
on hip and side.
Mcliirr, 1'nink, Fox Valley, Or.-Mnle shoe
with toe-cork on cnltle on ribs aod under in
each ear; horses same brand on left atitte.
MclJalo,, . ,., nHun,iB,Or. im liore.... S
with half j;role under 011 left honl,ier;on lattle.
four bare connect.! on lop on the nsrhl side
llaune 111 (Jranl County.
Ni'al.Aiitlrew. Lone llook.Or.-Iloreen A K .
nected on left shoulder: cattle cjnrie on both hips.
1 P."!! "'?' fc- PllvMtn. Or.-rlorses. oucle 7 on
left IhiKh: caitle. same ou lef t hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Caujon City. Or. A Sou cuttle
on leu liip:un liorses, same on lef t thigh, HaoKe
iu lirai.t county. "r.uo
;iler. Perry. Leiuton, O.-.-l' 0 on left
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or.-Ou cattle, O
LP connected on left hip; hows on left stille
ai:d wartle on nose. liaue iu (irant county,
Pearson, Olate, tiKht ulile.Or.-Horses. anar-u-r
wicle Khii.i.j on left shoulder end 24 on left
h.p. I iitUe, era ;u let; ear, riKht cropped. 24
on left hip. lunW. or, Kteht Mile.
Parker Ji bleasou. llardiuan.Or, Horses IP on
I- It shoulder.
P.per, Kr,,e t, Lexington, Or.-llor es brand
e ll CL fc. connected) iett should.-, ; untile
s n.eou llghl hip. liange, Morrow counlj
1, per, J . 11 Lexington. ur.- ll.,rM, JH co.
nettled u, left shoulder; cattle, iuune on left lue.
unuer bn ui each ear.
i'ettys, A. (.:., lone, Or,; horses diamond P on
- - shoulder; cattle, .1 ii J connocted, on the
iWit""' Ui'1""' 8 m ii""t H'iD in 4,'
Powell, Jonn T., Day vllle, Ctv-f lorsea, .1 P uoiu
uuc eu ou left shouldur. Cuttle 014 connected on
left hip, two unuer nail cropa, oue ou eucli eur
wattle under throat. l;m ,. ju urant oouutv.
llood. Auui-ew, iiaioiuau. Or. HorseB, suuaie
cros. wilh quarter-circle oler it on left stiKo.
lleuiuKer, Chris, lleppuer, Or. Horses. (I K on
lef I sheuldei .
llice. Uan, HardraRn,Or.; horaes, three panel
worm fence on leu shoulder; cattle, DAN on
riKht shoulder, liange near llardman.
Iloyse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on
left shoulder: cuttle, sumo brand reversed i.s
riuht hip and crop oti right ear. llange in AW
row county.
Utisli liros. . Heppner, Or.-Horses branded S
1.11 the rmln ehouiJer; catUe, IX 011 the ielt hio.
crop oil left ear and dewlap ou ueck. Hum-s in
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Husl, William, Uidge, Or.-Horses II os
leti shoulder; cattle, 11 on loft hip, crop od
right ear, underbit on left ear. tihaeo. fi un
weathers, round crop oil righ ear, lluie Urna
tiiluaud Monowc muties.
lleuney Andrew, Uixington, Or.-H..ns
branded A li on ruht shoulder, rent quarter
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
Uiiuge Alorrow county.
Itoyso, Wm. 11, Oairyville, Or HH connoctet
will, quarter ctrcle over tup on cattle ou right hip
and crop ofl right ear aud split in left. Hones
,. ...,,,, nange in Jlorrow
brunt and Oilliarn counties.
I lector. J . VV Huppner, Or.-Horses. JO 01
lott shoulder. Cattle, o ou right hip
Spicknall. J W., Uooseberry, Or.-JJorses
branded 31 on left shoulder; .alge .a ilorroS
bailing, C C Heppner, Or-Horses branded 8 A
un ielt shoulder; cattle same on left nip
Swagguri, 1). p., Lexington, Or.-Horses
with dash undent 011 left stifle, cattle HVith
uush uuuer it on right hip, crop off right ear and
wuudled on right hiud leg. Range in Morrow
Uuliaui and tmatilla counties. '
Bwaggart. A. L.,Aihena. Or.-Horses braudeH i
on lell shoulder; cettlo same on left hip. Croi
un eur, wattle on left hiud leg.
Btraight W. K., Heppner, Or. Horses stuulnl
J b on lei stilte; cattle Jb on sftSHwiltow
fork in righ ear, underbit in left. WaUo"
hupp, Thoe., Heppner, Or.-Horses, B A P ou
left lup; catui same on left hip
bhrier.John, Pox, Or.-NC connected on
horses on right hip; catue, sam.Z right hip
H by", 5"r ,8"ille. Or. Horses, branded
H . Z. ou shoulder; cattle, ameonleft ahuSdei
bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horsjbranded
Jb on left shoulder; oatile the aameTaleoioee
waddle. Kange m Jlorrow and (liliiam " oun tiT
btepheus, V. A., Hardman, Or-- CSee K s S
right stifle; catdeVmomS L on the right side
btevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or -cittle H
01, right hi, ; swallow-fork in left eaV? ' 8
bwaggart. G. VV Heppner, Or.-Horses 44 on
left si.ouide : cattle, 44 on left hip
bperry.ii. G., Heppner, Or. Cattle W r
left tup, crop off right an'd raderbit in left yea?
dewlap; horses W ton left shoulder. ' '
Ihompsou, J. A., Heppner, Or.-Horsea
left shouto. r: moll.. 1 ,. It .1 j ur"8. 5 on
. . - co. suouiuer,
liPIeUi.b.ll.nierpriBe,Or.-Horeee. (j-
-on left
Turner R. W., Heppner, Or. SmaH capital T
Ielt shouldei. horses: cattle e T. ! -f
with split in both ears. ""
Ihornton, H. M., lone, Or.-Horses brand.,,!
H connected on left stirfe; shoeraaC bd
Vanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or;-Horses H V e,n
nected on right shouiderlcitV ol nght
Walbriilife. Wm Hnt,.,on. r- it .
orop ofl left ear and right ear lopped. 1
Vinson, Jonn Q,, ur noppner
Horses oraiided Jo on the left shoulder. lo,L'i-
Morrow county. w,e
Werren W 11 f'alAk rt. ...
circle over' it ''53," in fiT 2?
GrHitc,mu'ty.bra'ld U BhU'd,r- '
Wright bilas A Heppner. Or. Cattle branded
b V on u,e right iup. square crop tt rigi.t ear
and split in left. "gut ear
Wade, Henry, Heppner. Or.-Horeos branded
ace ot pads on leu shoulder and left bin
Cattle braudec i same ou left side and left h-p
Vt ellB. A. S., Heppner, Or. Horses .... i.r
shoulder- oatt siie norses. . . , tef
Wolfinger, John, John Day City,Or-On horse.
K;.rt ,m lefl "boulder; 7 on "."let"
bit in both ears. Kange in Grn.
counties. 'u. -r
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Home. HP
con nected on left shoulder.
atkins, Llehe. Heppner, Or. Horse, hnnrf i
C E conuecteo on ief t sutje. brar.dcl
Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Car-1 v.-,
right thigh, hoi. in left ear; honwe, V? on rieh t
shoiduer. som. aanie on left shuuider.
VS hittier tn., nunungion, Kaker Co f i.
Horse, branded W B counted oi rWlihorSl er"
Williams, vasco, Hamilton, Or.-oa!lrteI. ,r
cle over three bars on left hip, bVjSu J 'i
horses. Kauge Grant oonutj . J
Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or HnrsH, .,
ter circle over three bars on left hio cnu' ? "
and si,, in each ear. hW Twy"'
Walker Elizabeth 4 Sons, Hardman n.
W lker's cat' I.-,
sameon it-It hip. hornw me
on mil shoulder, ah mno i T.. &me
Xoixn$, J. o., GotwerSrTor T)ailLy