Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 20, 1894, Image 3

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NoriCB TO ADVEllTiaiittS.
IMlUoK deslriutt the insertion of display ad.,
.' limine 01 snue, uiubt get thuir copy in
uuilmcr Iuhu lUoiumy evening for Tuchimy's
MiLou.or iliuminy evening lor I'ridttytj edi-
QuU. Jilt I'ATTiiHSON PUULlfcHlMjCl.
Through, a misanderstandiug, bat few
wtre in attendance at tbe republican
club meeting lant Saturday evening.
This in the Rejmbhoau Club of Heppner,
and meets attain out) week from tomor
row evening. Come out.
J. 'ilm sum of live cents jut line wilt be
Cimrfcou iur cunlii of UrniiKH, " "ruwlutloiiK u(
nii;ct," iiBtB 01 weddiiijj prericiita ami douors,
ilia obituary notices, (tttuer tliuu tnouo the edit
or bUnil liiuiseii give us a matter 01 liens,) aud
uoucoBiapucmi niueiuigstor wiiatyverpurpobe.
2. iNotiocb oi cuurcn and society aud allotiier
eatirUiinaeaUi iix-ui which revenue ib to be tie
riVt'U, Huu.i ue ciaitu tor ai the rale oi uve
tcaia a ime. 'i lu-ni: ruleo witi he btncuy auher
eu to in tvery iutUutcu.
Advertihlug rules reasonable and made known
upon uppiK'.aUou,
e hold each and every cor respondent re
upuiibiuie Iur hit, or her communication. o
coirespoiiuuiice will he pubiisneU unless tne
wniei a real nanieiH bigncd uuau evidence 01
good ittitn.
ing Agent. 21 Merchants exchange.
hnu naiiLiftco, la onr auluuiueu, agent, liiitt
paper in kept on Idc in hit ouice.
ytage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
John iiay anu Lauyuu Cily, leaves as lulluws :
Iwery day at l a. m., except Sunday.
Arrives every day ato p. w., except Monday.
ilie clieapeMt, quK'Kebt uud beat line tu or
from the interior country.
J. S. DELEVAN, Prop.
1'liiU Colin, Agent.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and thercjure assist to buua up Hepp
ner. L'ULiroiuze tiiose wlio patronize
Here and There.
Wedded at Sixty. An interesting
wedding occurred this morulug at tbe
Catholic church. Tbe hoar wan 8
o'olock itnd quite a number ot guests
were gathered to witness the oereaionv.
Kev. Father P. J. Beutgen was tbe
ofliciatiug clergyman, and the oontraot
iug parties were Jobo Mullaly aud Miss
Catherine Dougherty. These newly
niHiriea people are both residents of tbe
Butter Creek neighborhood. Mr. Mul
laly is Gl years ot age and the bride has
reached tbe age of 66. Each owns a
good rancb, bo that their married life
begins with all the oomforts assured
from tbe beginning. East Oregonian.
Lost ob Stolen. All persons are
hereby warned against negotiating for
two certain notes, described as follows:
One note dated October 5, 1893 for $500
signed by Wm. Fenland and Hugh
Fields, 100 indorsement. One note
dated on or about Oct. 6, 1893 for $150
sigued B. F. Vaughau and E. J. Wlo
cum. with fjl endorsement. Both of
said notes drawn in favor of Mrs. Eliza'
beth Walker.
4t-T. Elizabeth Walkeh,
Come out to the republican club Sat
urday evening.
Arbor day was duly observed in our
aenoois last Friday,
Uncle Nat ebb left fur Walla Walla
Tuesday night lust.
W. K Kuhier left Tuesday evening fur
Portland on business.
Arthur Smith will clean natch.es at
tile reduced iirioe ot SI.
lvev. Henry Biiuuius is pleased that a
boy bus been added to liia family.
Claude Sloan is back from Monmouth
Wiieie be has been attending school.
Wanted A few more customers for
the home laundry, Mountain House.
For wakefulness, weakness or luck of
energy tnke Smimons Jjiver Regulator.
The Ixeppner-Uniiyon stajie line is the
btuv, cheapest and quickest to the in
The Republican Club of Morrow
county rjuturduy evening at the opera
Miss Dollie K. Sperry intends to give
an i ulei laiiimeiit in tleppnerin tbe near
Mt'.deu -Two fine dogs from my home
in rJeppiier. Please return to A. Abra
hni;ek. 20-3t.
Hood's Fills cure nausea, sit k head-
acne, indigestion, biliousness. Sold by
ult druggists.
It you want a good gnu or sewwu
machine, come to the Gazette office aud
we'll lit yon out.
Those that have county scrip for sale
should call ou George CouBer at The
First .National Bank. 2 tf.
The Gazette will be sent to any ad
dress in the United States till after
campaign for 50 cents. t
A. -A. Fuller left for outside poiute
last Tuesday night. He will return in
the oourBB of a lew weeks.
Legal blanks, plenty of them, at the
Gazette office, aud at world's prices.
Discounts ou large orders.
Phill Heppner remuiued over Tues
day to attend tbe regular convention of
Doric Lodg No. 20, K. of F.
Green Mathews has opened np his
barber shop, next door to Hayes Broa
Shaves, etc., ou tap as usual.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should Bubsonbe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
Word cornea up from Salem that
(Jbas. Cberltou nr,d wile are happy ovel
the advent of a loy in tbeir family.
The Gazette will take county scrip at
face on subscription, and pay balauue of
BiiiUD in cash at highest market price.
7- (iO
The Gazette cilice now runs au in
surance aud uutariH.1 tbop. Come iu
wheu you want to do your insuring aud
Eider Barnahy has olosed bia meetings
for the pieseiit. He lias had 18 acces
sions to t e church during bis rcoent
etay in Ueppuer.
H. M. Thornton wub up frv in bis lone
ranch yesterday. We learn tuat Mr,
Thornton is having some trouble in
getting his sheep sheared.
The Gazette neglected to state iu its
last issue that the funeral seroion, over
the remains of the late J. a. Ely, was
preached by llev. J. M. Deunison.
Miss AnDa Balsiger, tbe republican
nominee for school superintendent, will
address the Morrow county republican
club at tbe opera house Saturday even
ing. The use of Hall's Hair Eenerer pro
motes the growth of tbe bBir, and re
stores its natural color and beauty, frees
tbe scalp of dandruff, tetter, and all
Eoho stage leaves Heppner for Echo
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays aud Fri
days. Fare, one way, jf'2. 50. PhillCohn,
agent, A. Andrews, Prop.
It is reported that some of our "boys"
met in Oombat down at Bob Knck's
Tuesday night, damaging a chair con
siderably, and tbe countenance ot one
of the participants.
A band of shearers headed by Walt
Richardson ami Mike Roberts returned
from tbe Tub Spring c mutry Wednes
day evening, where tbey had been shear
ing the Swaggart band.
Lost A note dated June 12, 1892,
signed by U. W. Swacgart, calling for
$2,000, in favor of P. C. Thompson.
The public are warned against negotiat
ing for or purchasing said note, tf.
Jas Tolbert says Rhea creek is too
muddy to oatob tbe festive salmon on
its yearly visit. Willow creek, or the
ripper Dart at least, seems to haye been
neglected, so far, by that member of the
tinny tribe.
One might as well try to stem the
rapids of Niagara, as to expect perfect
health wuile a scrofulous taint exists in
the b'ood. Through its alterative and
purifying properties, Ayer's Sareapa
rilla removes every veatige of scrofulous
poison from the blood.
Gid Hatt bas now established a ton
sorial parlor, at tbe Matlock building
next door to Simons' blacksmith shop
where be invites the patronage of bis old
customers and all who desire strictly first
jlaes work, sbAVing, shampnoiDgand bair
outting at living prices. Don't overlook
Fakeuell Discotjbse. Rev. M.
Bramblet will preach his farewell dis
course at the Baptist church next Sun
day evening at the usual hour. All are
mvited to come out. 'Next week, Bev.
Brumblet aud family will leave for tbeir
new locution at Lone Rock where,
thromh the efforts of that minister, a
Baptist ohurcb is in course of erection,
Rey. Bramblet will divide his time be
tween Lone Rock and Fossil.
Heart Palpitation
Indigestion, Impure Blood
Cured by Hood's.
4 VS?
Mr. I). TT. Jsrlilgcs
"C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell. J!:i'i. : .
"Dear Sirs:-Durnig tae winter ami spring I
have used a dozen bottles of II mil's :-arr.pa-rllta
In my family, and I am quite varv we have
been greatly benefited by it. For years I hav
been troublod with Indigestion, ate im;anld
by sympathetic heart trouble, and Hood's Sar
sapariiia has done me very much good. W
have also glfen It to the children for Impure
blood and ringworms with very Rood results."
D. W. Bridges, Pleasant Hill, Oregon.
N. B. It you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa
riiia do not be induced to buy any other.
Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills, llillousness,
Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache. 25c.
DuMocKATia Honors. Yesterday, Mr.
Frank Kellugg, ot this place, was tbe
reoipient of many congratulations at the
hands of bis friends, over his Buccess in
being upon the democratic ticket to
make tbe race for joint senator, Morrow,
Grant and Uaruey counties.
Shoemakek. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just located in tbe Abrabam
8iolr L'tiilding, on May street, where he
is prepared to do eveiythingin his line.
i t Birbeok is strictly a first-olass work
man aud warrants all work. Give him a
oall. Uwtf
MrB. Mary E. Ely and family here
by return their heartfelt thanks to the
citizens of Heppner for their kindness
during sickness, and sympathy
manifested for them in tbeir rtoent
bereavement. And shall ever pray God
to provide for them like friends under
similar cirenmstauoes.
Mits. Mary Elt, and Children,
Douglas, Or.. April 16, 1894.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications as tbey cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear,
There iannly one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed
condition of the mucuous lining
of the Eustachian Tube. When this
tube is iull iuu d you have a rumbling
sound oi imperfect hearing, aod when it
i.s entirely closed, deafness is the result,
aud unless the InflHmation oan be takec
nut mid this tube restored to its normal
condition, heariug will be destroyed for
ever; nine oases out of ten' are oaueed
by eamnh, which is nothing but an
ir.rltmed oondition of the mnoous
e will give one hnudred dollars for
any case of deafness (caused by oatarrh)
that cannot be cured by mil's uatarrn
Cure. Send for circulars; free.
F. J. CI1KNE & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75.
An Eastern cattle buyer wants to buy
about 100 head of one and two-year-old
steers iu Morrow county. He is ready
to contract and will be at Heppner on
FridBy, April 20th and at Hardmau on
Saturday, April 21st to contract for
same. All persons having such cattle
for sale will find it to their advantage
to be present on the dates named. 3 4
For sheep or cattle a good borne ad
joining Yonoalla, Ore. Also 60 acres of
choice prune land and three good dwell
ings. Any or all the above for trade or
sale oi. reasonable terms, For further
particulars address,
23tf. Shipley;, Moore & Co.
Peculiar to Itself,
So eminently suocessfnl has Hood's
Sarsapariiia been that many leading
oitizens from all over tbe United States
furnish testimonials of cures which
seem almost miruoulons. Hood's Sarsa
parilla is not an accident, but the fruit
ot industry and study. It possesses
merit "peculiar to ltBelf.
The regular subscription price of the
Semi-Weekly Gaz-tte is 82 .50 and tbe
reenlar mice of the Weekly Oregonian
is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for tbe
Gaz-te and paying for one year in
oitvunne rnn eel both the Gazette and
Weekly Orrgoniau for $:i. All old nb-1 Sarsaparma bb i
m them iminff their snbscrintjnnB for : now I don't knn
one year in advance will be entitled to
the same.
Geo. Noble, Jr., is again
friends and relatives here.
Miss Dollie Glisan is visiting
oonsin, Miss Fisher.
A McKinlej club has been organized
here with a good large membership,
Judge Bradsbaw, Judge Bennett and
Pros. Att'y Wilson are at Condon hold
ing court.
Tbe silver comet band is practicing
every night in order to be in shape for
traveling theater troupes.
Messrs. Sinnott 4 fish, proprietors o;
the opera bouse, are receiving letters
daily wanting tbe house for future dates,
Salmon is verv ecaroe so far. only
few Steelbeads having been caught,
fishermen look for a heavy rnn as Boon
as the water gets clearer.
Mrs. Harford, state lecturer unde
the auspioes of the W. C. T Undelivered
a very interesting lecture in the court
bouse last Tuesday evening.
Tbe state democratic convention as
sembled at Astoria bave been trying very
bard to reach Judge A. 8. Bennett, to
get bis consent to accept the nomination
for supreme judge.
Complete Their Ijihars
no Fnstnn.
Gilliam & JBisbee,
Why Don't You
Call on the New Firm at the old Van Dnyn stand ?
You will certainly be surprised at the low prices in
Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and
A Complete Line of Groceries.
No trouble to show goods and 'give prices.
Astoria, April 18. The Democratic
state convention made the following
omuiations yesterday :
For governor, William Galloway of
Secretary of state, Charles Nickell of
Treasurer, T. L. Davidson ot Marion,
Supreme judge, A. S. Bennett of
Attorney-general, W. H. Holmes of
School superintendent, D. V. S. Reid
of Lane.
State printer, John O'Brien of Mult
Congressman, first district, ,T. K.
Weatherford of Albany.
Congressman, second district, J. H.
Raleyof Pendleton.
Seventh judicial distrfct Attorney, E,
B. Dufurof The Dalles.
Members of the board of equalization
First district, J. D. Fry ol Grants
Pass; third district, W. F. Gilkey of
Yamhill; fourth district, R. W. Mitchell
of Fortland; fifth district, W. B. Adair
of Astoria; seventh district, E. H. La-
toilette of Prineville. i-
Joint senator for Morrow,1 Harney and
Grant, Frank Kellogg.
The platform endorses Cleveland and
demands free coinage to supply the de
mands of business.
A slight breeze was stirred tip in the
closing hour by the introduction of the
following resolution : "Resolved, That
we are in favor of Democrats only as
candidates on the Democratic ticket, and
that in case of vacancies occurring on
the ticket from any cause tbe places
made vacant Bhall be filled by the Btate
central committee from the ranks of the
Those who saw that the adoption of
the resolution might prevent a probable
fusion with the Populists, rose up in
arms against it. After some debate the
resolution was lajd on the table.
D. W. Sears of Polk county was elect
ed chairman of the state central com
mittee, and N. B. Davis of Portland
secretary. Portland was chosen as tbe
next place for holding the state conven
tion, after which the convention ad
journed sine die.
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. 0. Box 463. . Washington, D. C.
Honnrablvdischarcrerl soldiers and sailnrs who served ninety dnvs.or over, Jn the late war.
re entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability
was chuscu ny ncrvitc ui mu, uuu ickuiuicmsui men . u m i y 1-in.aiuni.tun.T
WIDOVVSof suchsoldiersaiidsailorsai-eentitledfif not remarried) whethersoldier's death
was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows
not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's dentil was due to service.
CHILDREN are entitled (if under sixteen years) iu almost all cases where there was no
widow, or she has since died or remarried.
PARENTS are entitled it soldier leffcncunerwmownor enuu, provided sowieraiea m
ervioe, or from effects of service, and thev are now dependent upon their own lnbor for sup
port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or
Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for higher rateg under other
lawe, without login? any right s.
Thousands of soldiers drawing from $2 to $10 per month under the old lav are entitled to
higher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but
also for others, whether due to service or not.
Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty in regular army or navy since the war are also
entitled, whether discharged for disability or not.
Survivors, and their widows, of the Jtl'ack Hawlc, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor
ida Indian Wars of 183SJ to 1843, are entitled under a recent act.
Mexican War soldiers and their widows aleoentiueu, 11 sixty-two years 01 age or aisaoica
or dependent. ... ...
Old claims completed and settlement obtained, whether pension nas Deen granted unaer
Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, if rejection improper or illegal.
Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war Who
have lost their original papers.
Send for laws and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address,
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
Not only once but again and again. Tbey know that from us tbey always get
full weight aud good measure for the leaBt money. Why we tell tbe beat is ex
plained. Tbe "best" brings people back, holds custom, makes us friends,
aud so establishes our trade. We want you to bave some of onr
friendly bargains in Dry Qoods, Qroceries, Clotbiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general
merchandise store. Come in and see ns, everybody.
-Heppner, Oregon,
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
W PATTERSON. AGENT, one ot ttie BOBt tn the wory
Fur tins Dollar and Yonr
This SuhjtM't.
The Dallks, Or., April 18, 1884.
Mrs. Lnngnish. "Tired! Ob, so tired
all the time!" Mrs. rimart. -Well, bo
I n"d to be until I began to take Ayer'e
spring mfdicine, and
what it is to bave that
tired feeling. Try it, my dear; only be
sure you get Ayer's."
One of the most beautiful and edify
ing servioes which it has been our priv
ilege to attend in this eity f'.r many a
month was held under tbe auspioi a of
the Episoopal obureh, on Wednesday
evening last at the Methodist ohurcb,
South. Bishop Morris was present for
tbe purpose of administering the Apos
tolic Bite of Confirmation to a class of
nine who desired thus to identify them
selves with that historical church. Of
the nine candidates presetted, five
young ladies appeared in white costumes
qui te appropriate for the ocoaaion, making
a truly beautiful sight. The names of
these candidates wtre, the Misses Eliza
beth Matlock, Lena Bebme, Ellen Crab
tree, Julia Hart and Lncy Farnsworth.
In addition to these were Mrs. O. E.
Farnsworth, Mrs. Wm. Dutton, Mrs.
John Elder and Mr. F. U. Bucknum.
The class filled the space before the
railing at that end of tbe ohurob, and in
tbe part taken both by the Bishop and
the various members held the close at
tention and interest of the large oon
gregation. Tbe sot of confirmation by tbe
Bishop was followed by a brief address
to tbe class. The words of fatherly
counsel and enoouragmentlwill not soon
be forgotten by those who were present.
The service of confirmation was preced
ed by the baptism of three adults, name
ly, Mrs. Belle M. Taylor, Miss Letha A.
Matlock, aud Miss Daisy O. Clark. Tbe
Bishop's sermon was an earnest appeal
to all persons who had not accepted tbe
terms of membership in tbe Kingdom of
Ood to lose no opportunity to do so ; he
was followed in his remarks by devoot
and respectful attention ot the entire
congregation. The whole service was
marked with a hearty spirit of reverence
and devotion, and was thoroughly
enjoyed. Tbe Bishop was assisted by
th Revd. Mr. Fotwine, of .Pendleton
who will maintain tbe work in tbe future
as heretofore. The work of this church
i. worthy of the cordial support of onr
citizens, and the nearty sympamy or an
Christian people. The visiting clergy
lrft on tbe evening train, the Bishop ti
keep other appointment! in the Valley,
and Mr. Potwine to keep another in La
' Grande.
What is tbe best Monetary Byntom for
th United States? This is the fjrenUwl
problem confronting the Amwion'i
people. It is tbe intention of the imh
inhrs that "The Monograph'' fin.il
contain the beet tb light of the nfUiMii
ou this question. 1 lie recogn izt-n n iiu
ers in all political parlies bcvn liie'i
called upon to roulribute p!.i:,:, i r
their ideal Monetary System, liitt i"'t
oontpnt witb thia, we lira determined ('
embody iu tbe same volume the opinions
of thousands of the "Great Oiiumnj
People," and to that eml we will cll'nv
to dollars on the price of the book lor
jour solution of this problem, espreBM.-,!
in not more than 800 words. Tbe Mono
graph, tbe bei-t modern woik on Mone
tary Systems, will beeout to any address
on receipt of Sfli.OO It is a book that
will interest and instruct, mid ib di s
tilled to become a ginut factor iu limp
ing the. future monetary sjfltein of tin)
The Monoquaph Punr.isiimo Company,
Honm ii, German Arn'n H'k Bmldirg.
St. Paul, Minn.
Reference by permission, Nn'l O''.
Ain'u Bsuk .
lie tty Institute
For the Cure Ox
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coant.
Call at the GazIcttr office for particulars.
Strictly conlideiitlal. Treatment private and aure
C. IIXJI I Li, Proprietor
The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. Tbey will keep on hand a full line of
Groceries iri Provisions.
A full line of choice Pies, Cakes and Bread ; in fact everything that is
usually kept in a first-class bakery store. Thay will sell cheap foi cash. Call ana
try them. ew
The Studebaker wagon heads theru a!!.
Fur sale at Gilliam & BisbeeV a
"Hardware" did yon sayT Why, yes
at P. C. Thompson & Cio.'s utand, and lhe
place for bargains. a
The Keeley Institute, at H'orest (inne
oures liutior. oDinm. morphine, coouine
and tobaoco babit. See ad. "
The Palaoe is the leading hotel in tne
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided tor everyone, u
It vou want to buy groceries, and
bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise
Grocery. Kirk & Buhl, proprietors, a
Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix up
your watch or clock, Lie keepB a full
stook of everything pertaining to his
business. a
M. Lichtentbal & Co.'s new stock of
splendid, summer botton and tie special
ties in the shoe line are attracting mark
ed attention. a
At Abrabamsick's. In addition to bis
tailoring business, be has added a fine
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on band
some elegant patterns for suits. A.
Abrahamsiok, May street, Heppner, Or.
The War is Over. A Well-known Sol
dier, Correspondent and Journal
ist Makes a Disclosure.
Indiana contributed her thousand of brave
aoUiiern to the war, and no Hi rite b:uiH a bet
ter record in that russet than it does. In
literature it is rapidly arquiriiiR an
enviable ntiico. In war and literature
fiolomon YevitU, well known ub a writer as
"ol," has won a n honorable posil Ion. Dur
ing the late war he was a member of Co. M,
2d. N. Y. Cavalry and of the Vdlh Indiana In
fantry VoUinu;t;rs. Regarding an important
cireuniKt.anco lie writes an follows:
"Several of us old veteran here are URing
Dr. Mllen' Restorative Nervine, Heart Cure
and Niirve and Liver PI I In, all of them Riving
Bplendid satisfaction. In fart, we have never
used remedies that compare with them. Of
the Pills we must nay they are the best com
bination of the qualities required in a prep
aration of their nature we have ever known.
We have none but words of praise for them.
They are the outgrowth of a new principle la
medicine, and tone up the system wonder
fully. We say to all, try these remedies."
Solomon Yewell, Marion, Ind., Iec, fl, 1818.
These remedies are sold by alt druggist on
a positive guarantee, or sent direct by the
I Jr. Miles M;dlcai Co., Elkhart, Ind., on re
ceipt (if pi-he, if I per bottle, six bottles ffi, ex
press prepaid. They positively couUilu neither
opiates nor dangerous drug.
For sale by T. W. Ayers, jr.
i .i vn vou rtA cka cue ?
Those who never read the advertise
ments in their newspapers raies more
tbnn tbey presume. Jonathan Keiiieou,
of Bolan, Worth Co., Iowa, who bad bi-en
troubled with rheumatism in bis bank,
arms and shoulders read an item in his
paper abont bow a prominent German
citizen of Ft. Madison had been cuied.
He procured the same medicine, and to
use his own words: "It cured me right
up." He also says: "A neighbor aud
his wife were both sick in bed with
rheumatism. Their boy was ov-rto mv
bouse and said tbey were so bad he had
to do tbe oooking. I told him of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and how it
bad cored me; be got a bottle mid it
onred them up in a week. 50 emit
bottles for sale by 8 ooum-Johunon
Drug Co.
If yon would be rid at chills and fever
take Simmons Liver Kegulator.
Briyht 3 Disease,
Inflammatiun of the Blad
der. Yellow Walcr, Brick
Dust Sediment In Urine.
Burning Sensation, Pain
in the Back, anil all Din
eases of the KiuVys.
O.W.R. laniifacturiii Co,,
For sale by Blociim-Juhiiston Drug Co.
and T. W. Ayers, Jr.
'How to Care All Hkiu lhwHe.'
Simply apply "Hwayne's Ointment."
No internal meilioine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itch, aP amotions on the
face, bands, nose, 4c, leaving the skin
clear, white and healtbly. It great
healing and curutiye powers are possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug
gist for Hwayne's Ointment. bw 1 yr.
Land Patents
Land paimitw sucuml for sottlors in the HhortoBt poswible timn.
Contested Cases
Contented cases intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and dilutes Bpeedily settled.
Between individuals having conflicting claims under the agricultural land
Iowb. and those between claimants under tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural
claimants; and also between claimants under any of tbe pnblioland laws and the
Kailroad companies and tbeir grantees, and the states and their grantees, under
toe Swnmp-Lsnd and Hchool-Lnnd Grams.
Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers
who have oomplied with the laws under whioh their entries were made, and who
are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of their patents, oaased by Trilling
Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed.
Advice also given in all matters relating ta the publio lands, especially on
points arising under the new laws whioh have been recently paBsed providing tor
tbe disposal of the publio domain.
If yon want your laod patent in a hurry if you want your land business, of
any churaoter, attended to by skillful and oompeteut atturneys, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wedderisurn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Box, 885.
Washington, D. 0.
It is the Headquarters !
palntai Drug., Oil. GlHaa, Toi
let Artloea, Patent Medlolnea,
10 to
i '
Office of all stages running oat of Heppner.
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
Only First-Clans hotel In Heppner.
Building Wired for Eleotric Lights
Best accomniodations for the traveling
Courteous treatment assured the ooun
try people.
MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietreaa.
? i.-