J - .' ME TO SELL YOU Bimi I One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.; 160 ACRBS DBBDBD-160 CTJND 160 ACRES. Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded land there are 140 acres good farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded land has a good spring of water on it, all under fx fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman. Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber cnltnre claim, $300. ANOTHER BARGAIN. AND STIIL ANOTHER. Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms. Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good rustler can pay for it with first crop raised on it. Eeason for selling, owner lives in the East and has no use for it. For further information call at our office. THE PATTEKSOBJ $r"UJ3. CO. Oive your business lo Ueppner people and therefore assist to build up Uepp ner. Patronize those who patronize We hoM each and every correspondent re sponsible lor his or her communication. Nr orrcnpondonce will be published unless the niiKi.iiatuauiuugiKiiuj a. mi cviueiiee good faith. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Congress, ttecond District. W. R. ELLIS, of Heppnor. For Governor, W. P. LORD, of Salem. For Secretary of State, II. R. K1NCAI1J, of Ewrone. For State Treasurer, rilJL. METSCHAN, of Urant County. For Supreme Judge, C.E. WOLVEKTON.of Albany. For Attorney-General, 0. M. IDLEMAN, of Portland , For tfupt. Public Instruction, G, M. IHWlN.of Union. For State Printer, W. II. LEEDS, of ABliland. For Prosecuting Attorney, 7th List. A. A. JAYNE, of Arlington. For Member Board of Equalization, W. C. WILLS, of Crook County. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, J. S. HOOTIIIiY, of Lexington. For Sheriff, O. W. HARRINGTON, of Heppner. For Clerk, F. J. IIALLOCK, of Heppner. Fiir Trensurer, PRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner. For commissioner, J. L. HOWARD, of Oiillmvay For Assessor, J. F. WILLIS, of Lexington. For School Superintendent, MISS ANNA J. BALSK1ER, of lone. For Surveyor, GEO. W. LOUD, of Ella. For Coroner, T. W. AVERS, JR., of Heppner. JllliTH.'Efl AND eONHTAItl.EM. For Justice of tho 1st District, For Constable (if 1st District, JAS. HAHDMAN. For Justice of '2nd District, 1. R. ESTEK. For Constable of 2nd District, MAX III 1)1)1, K. Tor Juattra 'of 3rd District, For Constable of :trd District, For JuBticoot 4th District, L. W. BAItNKTT. For Constable of Ith District, C. C. BOON. ForJustlco of Ml) District, A. G. BARTHOLOMEW. For Constable offith District, J. L. HOWARD. For Justice of r, Mi District, K. L, FUK1CLAND. For Comtublc of lit li District, N. 8. WHETSTONE. TOOK THEIR MEDICINE. The Astoria convention wits held nnilcr tli combined auspices of the kills mill crow-eatera, Tlie litlter ruled the roost. The following emloreemonl of Cleve land is li port of the platform: "We uunm declare our faith in and mlvoOHcy of the intporiHlinlilo p r i no i pics of the democratic, party na reiilliriued )iy the Chicago platform, "We have au ahidinu fnith ami im plioit oontldeiioe in the intnrity, good Ibilh and patriotitmi of President Cleve land, ami we believe that he will no onniplish, so fur as his power, before the close of his term of ulllee, all the pledtfes of the democrat)", party contained in the national platform, adopted ut ChioiiKom 18!)2." Then nliuoet in the Biitue breath cornea this : "We realtl rm the position that has ever been maintained by tho deiuooratiu party, that goM and silver are equally the people's money. We are opposed to all measures of discrimination against silver, and demand free coinage lo sup ply the deniauds of business, am that all money jestied by the government be made a legal tender for all debts, both public aad private.'1 We must at ouce conclude that the party has yet some very (food adherents The faithful, backed by the office-holders who dared not chirp, made up this con tingency, and bo we have the endorse ment to uppeaee Cleveland anil the half hearted silver plank to satisfy the voters, lint it won't work. Oregon is down ou Clevelaudisiii and demooracy in any form, for both have proved untrust worthy. If we are to believe the sigua of the times, the people of Oregou propose to lend their aid as a majority, to bring around the good old times of republican rule. They have had ex perience enough f r one lesson, and they propose to have it end as soon as possible. When the democratic bouse is com pelled to adopt republican rules to do biiHiuees; when leading demoorats come out iu the halls of congress against democratic tariff ideas and in favor of the regime left behind, it seems to the bulk of our population that there ia no further use to follow blindly what they know to be wrong in principle and practice. They see no need of remaining with the democratic party beoause of its came, but rather are going over to the party of prosperity, the party that leads all others and whose eiample must be followed even when the whole machinery from top to bottom is demo cratic, to prevent the country from going to total ruin. The democratic party has acknowledged its inconsistency and incompetency. THE RIGHT PARTY. The editor of the Record misconstrues our position if he thinks that we com pared him to liork. That was Dot in tended at all. We simply eaid that the Heoord'a explanation of how democratic primaries were run, reminded us of Rork's explanation of his conduct in Heppner, and that they were alike in this respect, that the less said the better. If anything else was made out of our remarks, it was not what was intended. Mb. Frank KBL&oaa, of Heppner, has been chosen by the domooratio party to make the race for joint senator, of Morrow, Grant and Harney oounties As a oitizen, Mr. Kellogg is well, thought of in this vicinity, but be will have to meet constantly the record of bis party, Protectionists could not expect him to vote for a protectionist U. S. senator. and that seems to be in opposition to the wishes of the majority in this section Our ticket, state, congressional district and oounty, is one of the best ever put into the field, and from the point of fitness the voter could not do better than support the republican tlr-lr.'.i t.. H...4 1 ... 1. i .1 . L tyJLL personnel of the ticket, therW J a prinoiple greater than any man. Hon. J. H. Kai.ev is certainly the best material that the demooritio party could have mustered to make the race for oongress. But Raley is a democrat and the democratic policy has well-nigh ruined the ooiiLtry, so it is certainly an unpropitious time for Mr. lialey to come out. Inouuu lteed has been cursed anil abused for his famous rules of .181)0, he and bis party have foroed the present house to adopt them, long ago declared constitutional by the supreme court. This is right. If a quorum is proseut it hould not. be counted whether voting or Mrs. Williams, the wife of Ex-At- oruoy General Williams, died in Tort- and this week. She was formerly quite society leader, but of late years was the leader of a peculiar religious sooiety, Last week Portland was visited by Hon. Hubert T. Liuooln, and this week lion. Henry Wattersou. the anostle nf emocracy, is in the metropolis. The populists refused to fuse. The emoorats ditto. So what s the use of talking about local mongrel tickets? ortland Telegram. Tim Urazilian fiasco, called a re bellion, bus petered out entirely. Who is Judge liulloway that wants to be governor? Hill and Geary are being denounced by the administration democrats, but not by the people. We want more democrats of the Hill Geary etamp iu congress right now Tub county democrats suoke about "tariff reform" but not a word for the administration. Ooud thing they didn't try to indorse it. There isu't a corporal's guard of administration democrats in Morrow oouuty. Our better halves say they oould not keep house without Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy. It is used iu more thau half I he homes in Leeds. 8iius Hroa., Leeds, Iowa. This slow the esteem iu which that remedy is held where it has been sold for years and is well known. Mothers have learned that there is nothing so good for oolds, croup and whooping oough, that it onres these ailments quiokly and permanently, and that it is pleasant and safe for children lo take. and oil cent bottles for sal by Sloouin Johnson Drug Co. RESOLUTIONS. We. the committee appointed to draft resolutions on the death of Edward Saling, father of our esteemed brother, W. L. 8 sling, beg leave to make the following report: Whkhkas, It has pleased the Supreme Killer of the Universe to take away from our midst Edward Saling, father of our esteemed brother, Past Chancellor W. L. Saling, therefore be it Resolved, That the sympathy of thii lodge is tendered to our brother in thii his hour of bereavement. he sol red. That these resolutions be placed on reoord and that a oopy of same be seut to the Gazette for nubli- ion. E. P. Vokcz, Chair., Una Paitbrkon. J. N. Drown, Committee. Land Fok Sai.k. 4JU acres over iu Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh au,. will be sold oheap. Call at Ub.:r.ie office for particulars and terms t. This country is at present sulfating principally from ill-advised tariff tinker ing, and tear that the democrats will get through some of their free trade ideas It is certainly true that the world at large is ,ln a bad strait in the en deavor to do business ou a gold basis. But to remedy this evil here we must re turn to a nigimeof unqualified protection to America n industries with nothing in sight, eitlier actual or threatened, to stop the wheels of industry and busi ness. Thim adequate silver legislation will be in order, ft is absolutely nec essary, but would be of no avail under a tariff system that would take out our good mosiey faster than we could make it under the rnont favorable circum stances. Iu order to not get the cart bafore thi h Oreo, the Gazette endorses the republican paitv iu its elTorts to continoe nnhamprur-d an adequate protective t.irifi, kucitving from ex peiieuco that this ie thu only tariff system under which ;m American can live. No one nar !y, not even the populists canoluiiu to bn an exclusively silver party, for their endorsement of silver as gener ally understood by their adherents, is not from the alttudpoint of bimetallism, bat really ou the principle of anything for money so long as it bears the govern ment's stamp. They seem to care little as to which represents the medium of ex change fluctna Lug the least, and bear ing the closer relations to the products of the farm and range. It is a mad cry for mure money without regards to kind, quality or condition!! of issue. Iu this', of oourse, we speak of the rank and file. But all political parties have with in their ranks true bimetallisms, and whon the time arrives Ui act it is expected thai all will join bamlf, but at present it is useless to tluow away all our op portunities to gtt at the rial trouble impending free trade, by leaving the republioau party, the only ope advo cating i protecin ro Aincrtoan In dustrie and joining any other party. No, tllie t.az.Hto never claiuie.-l tho re publican party to be an exclusively silver party, but it is hardly necessary to refer to snob statement, foronrrnnders know better. No one would think of calling the democratic party other than a free trade pBrty, though they have Hill and Geary in their rinks, two protectionists. And the populist pfir!v occupies the same position, though they have two pro tuctionijtH IViTVr nnd Allen. If any thing on I he Inrill' question, as a party, they ale free trailers. Hut our local writers on u'liiulli.lio iuVita insist that they must not be i;ni tpni..,l hyihestaud ard which they insist ou measur ing others. And furiur, that every person mist, without ijueatinu, swallow what tlm.y read in ihe.r literature and pBpers, reiterated as oiigiunl iu our oouuty papers, The brouhle here p'ii.oipally arises from djiuoordio p-'oiuises whioh the populists have shown themselves w ill ing to HFRist iu red wring. It affects every person in our midst directly or indireotly, and the only safe proposition is to vote for the party of uroteotion from governor down to constable. If you believe in the principles of the re publican pnrty, you oanuot safely vote the "siuews of war" into the hands of a single individual opposed to true repub licanism. To bring about ooniplete national success, our organization, locally, must not be made to suffer. It is a campaign of principle ahead of men, and the republican party as a unit ngaiust any individual sentiment of persnoal preference. it Das oonie down to a matter of hard facts, Bud Morrow county must be placed without exception where the interests of our people lie, in the hands of the party of protection. This party and no other can bring us back where we left off in 1SU2. LEXINGTON ITEMS. Miss Altbea Leaob has opened a new millinery store in thepostoffioe building. Thomas Reaney started to British Columbia, via Palonse country, last Mon day. His family will go as far as Pull man, Washington. Pompadour Jim seems to have given ub the oold shake lately. Just why this should be we can't imagine, but breaoby stook like to hover around poorly-fenced pastures. J. D. Hunsinger and wife left on last right's train for the East. Mrs. H. will visit relatives in Illinois, while Jack will go in oahoots with Theodore Dan- ner in the picture business in Arkansaw. Our irrepressible doctor still holds the fort and seems to be doing quite ttell. ine mouth disease is rarely heard of any more, and with the exception of a few sore heads and hypocrites, Lexing ton is a model town. The ticket nominated at Heppner by the democrats was well received here. Lexington has two chances for repre sentative, anyhow. We wfll bet there will be lies enough told between the three parties to sink them all before election time. Dampman has returned from Arling ton bringing great stories of trances, visions, etc. Don't know bow many people he and the Elder succeeded in humbugging on the trip. What a pity that intelligent Men should lend them selves out for such small business. Some of our good people have an Elephant on their hands and would like to inflict it upon some other community. We can't see that the Elephant is so much to blame, considering the way in which the good people flattered and fawned upon said Elephant, and con sidering that it probably has feelings and passions "just like folks." Still, we sboujd remember that a man's oall- lug doe?, not make, bim a privileged eharao'.jr nor tin title him to liberties whioh tdiould (be denied another. He has pT.nably (earned that the people who flattered hiilu are always the first to despise and ooademn him. Peaoe to bis ashes. PEOPLE'S PARTY EDITED 111' C. M. HOGLTE, IIARMUX, illt All matter Intended for this enlnmi, hniiia be addressed to its editor, as the Gazette has no auinorny ro publish same without his consent. J his column belongs exclusively to the People s Party, of Morrow county, ami mil oe usea Hy tliem as they see fit. The management or the ih'zette will in no way be respunsihle fur any- Ming tlrnl may appear them it. STATE TTC-KKT. Governor, State Tresstirer. Secretary of State, Supt. Public Iustrnotio Attorney Oenernl, Nathan Pierce, K Caldwell Ira S akefieid. n, T. C. Jory, M. L. Olmstead, State Printer, Ocnrge M. Ortou. Supreme Jude, K.P.Boise. Congressman Sec. Uist,. ,Jue Wuldrop. Jt. Sen., Morrow, (iraut uud Harney, Georgo Gilbert. SEVENTH JI DICIAI, DISTRICT. Pros. Attorney, E. p. Sine. Board of Equalization, H, p. Searoy. COUNTY Tli'KKT. Representative, Sheriff, Clerk, School Hup!., Assessor, County Commiesii Treasurer. Surveyor, Coroner, Ti. F. King. Joseph C. Hayes, C M. Uogue. .Miss Ad, he Coulee. W. B. Ewing. Wm. Gilliam. ,1 Cioo J. M. L. Gibson. . Ingiabam. Nunamaker. Lexington, April 14, 1894. The Coniplexloa of a Chinese Is not yellower than that of an un unmunie luuiviuuai wnosa liver oom plaiut has assumed the chronic form The eyeballs of the sufferer assume saiiron one, there is dull nam in the regiou of the organ affected, the tmivnn is ooated, breath sour, siok headaches usually but not always oocur. and there is sometimes dizziness on ansiuir from sitting posture. Coustinatinn and dyspepsia are also attendants of this very cummon ailment, always in its nggrnvuted form, liable to breed ab- cesses ot the liver, which are very uiiugeruiiH. nosieirers Htomaoh Bit ters wholly eradicate it, as well as the troubles oomuhcated with in and which it originates. In chills and fever. oomplaint whioh always yieldB to the Bitters, the liver is seriously involved. mis one alterative tonio removes costiveueas and indigestion, rheumatic nervous and kidney trouble and debility ION K 1TEMH. SCHOOL 1IKIMK1. iue following is the report of school district No. 4(3, Morrow enmity, Oregon, for the mouth beginning March 19, and eudiug April 18, 1M94. No. of days taught 19; No. pupils en rolled 13; average daily attendance 12; names of pupils who have been neither absent nor tardy during the month are: Hattie Edwards, Bessie Edwards, Earnest Edwards, Sadie MoCartv, Elsie McCarty, Loy Turner, Prank Turner, Elva Gentry, Iva Gentry aud Freddie Crump. euool was olosed ou Tuesday, April 3, iu memory of Director E. Saling. Nellie Holt, Teacher, It will be an agreeable surprise to uernuuH euujeci IO Httaoba nt l,ili.,..a oohc to learn that prompt relief may be iiu oy rasing uhamberlaiu s Colic Cholera and Iliairhoea Kemedv. In many instances the attack niav h prevented by taking this re.nHv a. oou as the first symptoms of the disease sppear. 2b aud 50 mit fo,,ttM ft,r S(i)e by Slooum Juhuson Drug Co. Nervousness is from nKiuiula T.,v Simmons Liver Regulator and bo cured. Mrs. A. Glock aud son, Ed, departed Monday for Illinois, their old home Ed will return again. I he demooratio primary was held on Saturday, and on Tuesday Messrs. Tom Carle, Joe and Tom Woolery, Frank Holland, Rev. Swift and others were in attendance at the demooratio convection at Heppner. The enrollment of the Pettys sohool numbers 1ft. Miss Ella Mason, a well qttBiineu ana experienced teaoher who bus charge of the school, gives excellent satisfaction. It is the opinion of many democrats and populists as well as republicans, that our nominee for superintendent of schools will be elected. Having ob tained a thorough eduoation and active as a teacher sinoe her fourteenth year, in graded as well as ungraded sohools ot several Eastern slates and Morrow couuty, she, as to qualifications for the office, is without superior. An entertainment was given at the Rhea creek school ou Friday, April 6, consisting of songs, declamations, dia logues and descriptions of magic lantern scenes. Irrigation implements will soon be at I baud, lha route of the irrigation ditch will then be speedily surveyed and active work will at once oommence. It would be a good plan for each farmer mieresieu io tase euares as compensation iur worn, mey wouia men nave a voioe in the general management of its affairs, according to their number of shares and not leave it iu the hands of a corporation. Irrigation is the only salvation; it will be to the fullest extent. Lend helping hand. It lsyourdntv. Kvery farmer and tin si noes man will be benefitted. JiKl. Idnk, April 4lh, 1S9Z If yon are melancholy or down with blues you need Simmons Liver Regu lator. l'liOO FAHJI AND STOCK RANCH' It will take only ?W2 to buy it; 480 acres, 2b(J acres plow Inud; one-half mile runuiusr water. Improvements: 40 Bores fenced, 15 aire cultivated. 2 houses and stable, spring and raiuor improvements. Adapted to f.irraing. sheep ainjl liograisihti.t An extensive sheep range joining ro R-.ck creek, lerins: sup. down; remainder ou long time, jjooarion: uo conn I y road, two ana one-hiilf mile-' west of li,.(l(l bill jmikiii, mnp, r. .reu itotts lor .folll, or tor ownership in Kin acres school land nr will i-setnuice for I Wit 7nnrl horses. Original c,i:f of sohnol land 32tl. Apply at Heppner I'in.ietre office Heppner Oregon. J99 tf-sw. Blood Diseases may be inherited, or acquired during life. Blood should be rich to insure health. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime and soda, cures all Blood Diseases, including Scrofula and Anaemia. It makes the blood rich and nourishing. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Persons troubled with skin eruptions and all who are thin or emaciated should take SCOTT'S EMULSION. Cures Coughs, Colds, and Weak Lungs. Prepared by Scott & Bowne, N. V. Druggists sell It. rjR. POOTE'S IIAIvn-UOOH OP HEALTH HINTS AND READY RECIPE, W is the title of a very valonble book that gives a great amonnt of information of the litnn! Importance to Everybody, concerning their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc., IT TELLS ABOUT What to Eat, How tn TCflt It. Thines to Do, Thtnirs to Avoid, renin or summer, How to Breathe. Dangers of Kissing, Influence of Plants, Parasites of tho Skin, Care of Teeth, Occupation for Invalids, Bathing Best Way, After-Dlnnor NapB, Alcohol as a Food and a Lungs and Lung Diseases, Kffects of Tohaeeo, i liediclne, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperancf ; Superfluous Hair, . Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause & Cu. Removing Same, How Much to Wear, To Get Kid of Lice, T Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted- How to Avoid Them! CrouD-to Prevent.' t Ventilation, ness, Exercise, ' ', IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Blak Eves. Bolls. Ri,m. rhflihiain. rw,t tw rw Cooglia, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, FeJ Feet, Freckles, Headache, niecough. Hives. Hoarseness. Itehim. inflnmoH TtranatD Dntanniv Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Moot Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache Uloel Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms iu Children. IT WILL SAVE lOCTOS HILLS. E3TA1I new subscribers and prompt renewals durmmihe mouth of Mar. will i presensed with a free oopy of this as a premium. "Six days shall thou labor," says the Kreat lawgiver. To do good work, man must be at his beet. This oondition is attained by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. It overoomes that tired feeling, quickens the appetite, improve diges tion, and make the weak strong. Worth a Qulnea a Bdx, ooooooooooo n t.imi.-mwi., ... rfrilfiiiriiiiiifin'iiiiiimiiiiB mi u 1 8 A trifling dose from a 25-cent box of Beecham's Pills (Tastelese.) will frequently prove Q as effective as a doc- O tor's prescription. O OOOOOOO"0 HATTEES O.W.R. MF'G. CS PORTLAND. ORE ror sale bv H nenm..l,ilnainn n , Prt un.l T 11- A r Notice of Sale of Real Estate. 'UlllK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN 11 pursuance to an nn!r nf n.a A...n court of the county ol Morrow, state or Oregon made on the Sih day of March, lsn, in the v, ,nV rii ui i.,zie iiiorgail, deceased the undersigned, the administrator of said estate, win sen at public auction to the highest . ' ""ur,m)' April -JMU, at 111 o clock In the forenoon of said dav, at the court house of said county, all the niht, title Interest and estate of the said Lizzie Morgan at the time of her death in and to all that ceruln piece or parcel ol land lying and being iu the said county and state and more particularly described as follows: The S. , of the S. W. i TeNs Mhe K! 0f ' Tp- oi 2l.i4 ' M. R. UOROAN. Administrator. LIST OF LETTERS. LETTERS ADVERTISED AT HEPPNER April IS, 1M. Bey I N Cook Uttil Urant A Roderick Piper Mrs Vera Parker Jack Robinson Mrs John hen calling for these letters pteaat tar, A. MAJ.LOBY F. M, advertised. FOR INVENTIONS. E9ixLwit,1Jhe interest of tkose Having claims against the government 1 that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions becausi of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain theii patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli. able solicitors to procure patents, for the valnp nf a mteni Sr,r,rft!n-,.,i ; entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of orotectinrr invenrnra fmm ni,lat,& MnAiA0 ana ot seeing that inventions are well protected hv valid rfitnfc w h otta to. tamed counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in tlie United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In- wrierences, make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hanrl sn a oVoti, t,.i. 4i r gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, subnut the matter to u? for a reliable OPINION before acting ou the matter. 0 -,oMe.JHE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. 618 F STREET. NORTHWEST. WASHINGTON, O.C. p. o. box M. JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. 49 Cut this out and send it with your lomuicn.Jta PRE 1 j r SSRECTJFY1NGPILL D AT 7ver hmnoZr P , UC0 c"9tIl10". here la a pin that curea torpid thi -i.u inuitresuou. slclc headache and kidney aud liver nubles without griping or Ieavlu any trace of CONSTIPATION which see to it lu time; thean rllla vllleuroycu. r.:,. T-.v.. 5 L ism Wtr ' RFNTISS RECTIFYING PILL. because .t Is the only sate and harmless remedy that will surely DEAUTIFY the PLEXSOM .Si V it U' ciear tuo akin and remr.y? all blotehea rr,, .v, B 5 Belt. 23 Cents a box. If! Oreent by ma,, upon rZl L "RU6SIST8. S3!. LZit'1 a:ld Manufacturing Co., Ha I rren: s lleetltj lnij j.llia euro const 1 n 0 Try a box and see for youp- SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 3 s pm,tiMitw-,i,y'm,,. cKSS tliyiuje pills euro couatijiatioa 'tlfyttitf pills cur" constipation NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER CALL AT OPPICB LEGAL BLANKS. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . Kill HEPPNER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All bnsiueas attemled to in a protUDt and satisfactory maoDer. Jiotaries Public aDd Collectors. OFFICE IS SATIOSAL BANK BUILDING. OREGON. l?tL