Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 17, 1894, Image 4

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It is absolutely, positively and distinctively differ
ent in FLAVOR from any other Plug Tobacco now on
the market. A trial will convince the most skeptical
of this fact.
The largest seller of any similar shape and style
on earth, which proves that it has caught the pop
ular taste, and pleases the people.
It possesses mere qualities of intrinsic value than
any other Plug Tobacco produced.
The P. J. Sorg Company
There wns nover n timo in tlio liisiory
of cur country when tlio ilcnumd fur
Invention; in iniinivPmnlH in t he arts
BUil Hcioncs'N (,'(mcrnlly wan mi urnnt n
Dow. The onnvt'nifinii'R nf minikind in
the fnotory nuil worliHlmp, Hid Iiiiiihi'IioIiI
rihI on t!w fnnn. iih well iih in i.llit'iitl
lilo, nquiro ooiitiiiiiiil iicccbk iiiih to tlm
aiiiti'tcn:uioe iirul imilimi'iita of eiii'li
in onlnr to niivu lubor, tiiiimiinl fxpi'ime.
Tlio politicul chimin in ttiM iiiiiiiiniMtra
on government iIoch not ullViit tlio
prort'SH of tiio ici'.n invei.lnr, who
beiii on the Mint, mul reaily to pur
ceivu the cxihIiiik ilclimHHiii'H, itot-n not
pwrmit tliH itirnirs of yovornmt'iit to ili--ter
him finra quickly ooiiurjvini; the
remmly to ovwroonio cxintiiiK iliHoiopun
oits. Too (rent oiiro cuiinut hn ixr
oifce.l in ulmo.iiiitf n coiiipotrnt ami akill
ful atlomcy to prnparu anil pniwculu
nn applimition for palnnt. Viiluulilii in
toreH'H Iiiivh been lost ami drHtroy i-il in
innnmeralilB iiiHtnmvs bv tlio omplny
Iiinnt of iii(!oinpntout J uouiihi.'!, and tlH
pcciully is tliin nilviiii) itppliuiilil'o to
thoae who adopt the "No patent, no
py" ajntein. Inventors who entmut
their IniHiuesH to tliis oIunh of utturniiyx
do so at ifuiniiiHiit rink, iih the breadth
and Htreiifjlh of tlie patent IB never eon
eidered in view of a qniek emleavor to
Ki t an allowance and obtain ilie
John Wedderbiirn, (ieneral Miiiinnr,
(ilHFHtreet, N. V.,ViiHhint!ton, 1). 0.,
represeniiiiK a larue nnnilier o( impor
tant daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the country, was in
Btituted to nroteot its natrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore einplojcl
in this lino of hiiHiucHs. The miiii (Ion
pany is proiarcd to take charge of all
patent liiiHincss cntrutited to it for rcu
Bonatjli) fceM, and prepare and prot-rc.itc
upplieations Kouerally, imiludini; nie
ohuuiual inveutionn, iIi'hikii patents,
trado-uiai ks, labels, copyrights, intericr
encea. infringements, validity reports,
and uives especial attenion to rejected
cases. 11 is also prepared to enter into
Competition with any tirm in aceuiinj,'
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Wmuusum un.
tilH F Slr. et,
v. o. Box :isr. WashuiKt u u.
A. rooplo AVho A re l'ut to lU-sperato
Anil now how do tluso penplo liw?
I wus inviti'd tlio other day t - visit om
uf tlu-ir npartmt'nts in tlu' old town,
flays a writvr in t ho OiUt'urnm
Eino, in nn arlu-h' on Aiei. Tliis v;ts
on tho ffround llom and miisu.tod f
thriH- nHins. Tin' front one, on tlu?
Btrvvt, was the sliop, will) :t dtor, hut
no window, nnd as I jri-opisi my way
into Hit; miiidlo or sloop in if ro!n, I
could mt koo.
, Jloro thoy sloop in a room with a oold
BtoiK1 lloor unit no oarpi't. w iih no tirc
pluoos and hardly any duvh'rhv Tho
third or I'uoh room, hioh had tno
wimhiw, wan tin Uitehon, outing aui
living room, also wiSU u stno tloor.
Aft wiMid nnd ooal aro d.'iir, tlio stvi.t
et (H'onoiny is praoliood nlmt kindling
a tiro in tlio ourions lit t It FiVMit h rano.
Whon thoy do havo moat to nat,
which is vory rarrly, they taho it to
tho bilker, and havo it oookoj ili-ro for
aft'W buns, as an amount of boat suf
ficient to mast iinytlnnr would ropuro
a most oxtravaani quuiiti'.y of fuel fur
BUeh jHtor folk.
Kvorythintf is )ou; ht in vory small
qnautitios, and ovon " Maplo artiott s,
such as bait, popjH'r, llour and suar,
just onoujh for tlio day is pan ha.sed.
Koady nionoy is not plonty ouou'h to
lay in a stock of tuoh things.
Hoods! Trees!
Choice Seeds
Fruit Trees
Wliolosale and Iiutail. Catalogue
Kree. Address
jiiri2ii-Hra sw Walla Walla, Wash.
tor Till':
lillIND Till I' TICK UTS (1001) Fill) ill)
Portland to Sao Francisco
invu'Pinu fivk gate TU-Kirrs TO
Til K UR
Kntin Shii KmuhMhco tn ntlirr ptdiUH in Culi
forula will Ik! tillnwnl iniroliHsors of spi'i'iul
Mi.lwinlci-l-'iilr tii'lii'tH ut the followliiK rminil
t!'li rnii-H:
'In HltitmiiN uiiilcr I.Mtniilt'H fnnn Sim Kran
ciKi'i), niu h ml mu' tlifid inc wily fun-.
'I'd Hltilioiiji l.iO inllrN tir iniiiv fnnn Sun
Ki ii-,ls'. tif mul uiie IHth one wiiy ttiri1.
I'm' cxitct rnli'Miiiiil lull infuvmiitioii impdiv
of J. It. Kiikltintl, Hist. PtifiM. ,i.iit ( Kind
St., I'ortliin.l, )!'., or itittlivHH tlm u li lorhiKticd .
UlCH P lili.VY, T. II. liOOPM AN,
ti'en. Tnillic Mtniiuirr. (ion. I'hsh. Atft.
Sun Knun'lsco, t'allf.
K. iv i;(h;i:ks, a, u. & i a.,
Portland, Oregon.
A rciiee ol our trctt-
niptit tor wrnkn.Ri itnj
di'onv. tierveim ilohilitv
loit Tltullty wt free for 1'J cuutt
)R. WARD INSTITUTE, 120 X 9th St. SI. LOUS, II).
A yueiT l.lttlr ( urviMl lllHilo Willi a Very
Tin- t'hiimniaii norliiius shuvosoftonor
i Hum nny i. tin t mini on ourth, says tlui
St. Louis lilolu-- ii inocriit, ami with tho
jHisnilili' i-xivptinii of tlio Amoriian lu
ilian, In- really has loss nwil of it. lint
it sivin.s to In- a fa,l iiiuoiiL' tho Moil-
I p'liaus of Sau l''raiH'iM'o, nml iwiuviully
inosi' wiio aro in an won to ito, to tiavo
tlioir faci'H mauiuilatoil by n tonsoria.1
artist nearly ovory .lay. A qnoor littlo
ra.or it is thoy iso, too. It is in no ro
upoet liko our razor, oxoojit iu tho mat
tor of luvuness of its iilo;o. It is a woo
bit of a hlado, niooly ourvoil into a
somi-eirolo. W ith this t.Hil tho I'hinoso
biirhor tiernivs tin' almost hirsutoloKM
faoo of his otistomor aiul thon shavos
him aioiuul tho oars ami down tho nook
to tho lirst liono of tho spinal ooluinn.
It. of oourso. norvoH tlio oxoollont ami
highly oonuiu'iidahlo purjHiso of oloans
iiiK' tho Moiorolian faoo. nook unit oara
of ilirt vory otVoetnally, though thohaira
it olips aro fow ami far botwoen. Tho
rounded point of tho razor is also in
sorted into tho Colostial oar, and ovory
ambitious hair that daros to show itsoif
in tho aurioular lobo is olippod before
its tfrouth pioeoods vory far. Tho
I'huuiman, you know, is sorupulously
oloanly about his oars. A pmwth of
huirin thorn i.soousiderod a mark of low
birth or of oaroless and minvutool habits.
Papers (or milo at the Gazotte ollie at
two-bits a hnn lred. '
wamiux tun.
A Bright Lad,
' - y
Ten years of ag8, but wliodecllncs to give his
name to the public, makes this authorized,
confidential statement to us:
"When I was one year old. my mamma died
of ciiiisniiiptinti. The doctor said that I,
too, wraild scion die, mul all our neighbors
thought that even if I did not die, I would
never be able to walk, because I was so
weak and puny. A gathering formed and
broke under my arm. 1 hurt my linger and
It gathered and threw out pieces of bone.
If I hurt myself so as to break the skin. It
was sure to become a running sore. I had
to take lots of medicine, but nothing has
clone me so much good as Ayer's Karsapa-
S!'fe Jf,SS1J!SSSSru aua auous- -AYER'S
Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mobs.
Cures others, will cure you
v r ftf ecre'l In one paijo.ebr tr.itmnr
TrMlB h W'Ui't iii'if'-. N loss ot ii
i Z IILLlJ fr.,in l.o.i,. t-i.tul. IHcc
J9 rti:., also r.:rfil. Ml year,' cj
Qut,tioa Blai. k a n.l Uok f r, e. Cn 1 1 or wriit.
ffi 1)11. Ii. 1!. BUTTS,
vti nno orroui.
bT. LOUIS, ill
Every patriotic citizen should give his
personal effort and influence to increase
the circulation of his home paper which
teaches the American policy o Protec
tion. It is his duty to aid in tliis respect
in every way possible. After the home
paper is taken care of, why not sub
scribe for the American Economist,
published by the American Protective
Tariff League? One of its correspon
dents says i "No true American can
get along without it. I consider it the
greatest and truest political teacher in
the United States."
Seud postal card request for frue
sample copy. Address Wilbur F.Wake,
man, General Secretary, 135 West 23d
St, New York.
Ore ox
tKe cause
Are you willing to work forthe cause
of Protection in placing reliable infor
mation in tho hands of your acquain
tances? If you are, you should be identified
The American
Protective tariff league,
135 W. 23D ST., NEW YORK.
Cut this notice out and send It to the League,
talini; your pouitton, and give a helping hand.
1 Vi
irjj;"o'rn ' t '
;! --.r:tf.) iKornoy,
. n.Kii.!:'., u. c.
. ii. : in f ;e Miin of
"" v S jiri-ttit vviir.
. ! iKI'J, iu.it
. ()'( .! ivi.'flr.l f:,tMIB
.''.I ' 1 K' I it1 1 r.-h's.
n.:' ;iiiv!:-t'. S. I'nf
.tilt V II
their n
I HaliiryiuidfAiii'iU't' i;):v'i
1 i v 1 1. n i I ii r j . S'ioii B
(FeriiittninLiiunllt 11. Kxi
1 iiuiuiiiLsHlon to (! ii L-
1 tlnia ajfi'Tits. 1. ; ;.
A urnwers uf fn ii,
rimeiil it
n-I.'.iil. IS
W'" 1 1
i nnt vmi iiKw, while
V'iiviimvtm'iU. Oullll iui;l lull pur-
i-'siTviiMHi. j'uHiiUHl, or... (Thiiittouaeia
reliKl.;.'. N;.-i..:i-.ni':iT. 1"-U'
i"it. no riniuiy. A.l.ipfiHi
'.inir!.. Nttiin,) innvtin
ln'iiii', iOht. MtM iih. I oili.-t'. lin .Ufsi fonvmt-
it-tn-rt nml I .-t -.r.-ron.'.iul).
UlllJ tiuiKo lrnn t, 10 h0 iliu.
Om ill a I- m.I.mu-.. iit,-atirt tt a t,, 1 u
ni'U'iil' tr-. I' 1 tit nwrumrnf, im ttts, work
my Imre , iniy il 1.-1 in (Viu i-lrt h. rci'tlv for
tiM. -i,.u Hltit'i I'll. Om 1... 1 ,,i m, hy in.y 011,.,
iH'Mircut kr nr.i.T, in n-i'icniiu. Ii,.t- n life
I nun. V.'irt;iiH.''l A mnirv n, , ,,.r. Wri'n
W. P. Harrison & Co., Ciuk 10, Co.um.jus.0-
Mrs. V. K. APP. CO.
t'ompiM'niitHl Ti'ii.
" Tablet tea is lnamifai'liuvd lit Han
kow in lai'tiu'ii's brli'iij.riii!:' to Uus.sian
linns there. It is niiuli' i'f tin' finest ton
dust iiroeuruble. The seleetii 11 of the
dust is the work nf skilled experts; the
cost varies ftvm twehe eentsa pmind
upward. This dust is iiuiuufaetureil
into tablets bv steam inaeliiiiery. AKuit
twoouneesand a halt'ef 1I11-4 nrejioureil
into a steel meld un a steel eylindor.
The dust is pinired in ery uitluuit
steaniinir and the pressure lrmiht to
bear is two tuns per tablet, lireat cure
is required in the niimufaeture and
paekiu"; of tablet tea and the eost is
eoniparatively hih. The tablets are
wrapped first in tinfoil, then iu expen
sive and attraetive paper wrappers, and
tinully paekeil in tin-lined east s for ex
port to liussia. The ten. it is stated,
loses none nf itstlaver by bein; pressed
into tablets, nnd, as tablet tea is only
one sixth of the bulk of leaf tea, it is
iiiint convenient for travelers and also
for importin"; into the rejuotor regious
of Hussia. ,. j'!.a"-ti.i,
Its Naiua Is Mat9 and It Is a Pop
ular Drink.
A Product cf l'ura.;uay 'l'l,at AITord. Km
tli.j iuent to Jany NuttvuThe
t'ariiouJarii ot its i'lp
aration. "Taste that," said a tea more.hunt to
New Yoili Tribune reporter the other
ditv. a
iiijin r.
ii t.,ha
v.a r-,1.
tiotl:.! ,
like v.,
men ! 11
1 him a euriously
1 a ti:i 1. brownish
f'.lil .
.th;:jff that i'in'i-cd like
s'liif.' in it, bowl dfiwn
i ter put his lips to the
and bucked at iV cau-
f 111,
it is
hu asked. "It tastes
a!; tea. "
t's just w hat it is," answered the
it, "but it's a brand of tea I'm
In A':
you never tasted before,
mine A;:ieriean ten; grown
1, cured in America, indi-Aoi'-rV
!., and t onsumed in
ilia, tor v.s by hundreds
lare quivnii'ii.- for ye:
of thousanes of Ameri-.
be bound you never lie::
"Perhitp i not," admit
yuartledly. ''fili-it si.,
n? Is fcoiae fo :i-:.i r;.'
biwn here in W nle1- t. :.
for it? Willow le IV: s,
r.s. and yet I'll
1 of it."
li the reporter,
-t si. is it raised
i- l.ri ;lt tea farm
e-- s.reet responsible
.iw-i, arsenic, and a
patent essenee of
3f that sort, eh?"
"Not at all," :
ittle indignant.
iDeitie, (j something
lid the mereoant. a
1 l.'s u, pt-rleetly ir.-nn-
.ne antl unad'.iKer.ilcd artieio. its
native state is iini ie.iy, and that coun
try raises enour.fh for ils own consump
tion and five million pounds annually
for export to other South American
"Oh, South America, " exclaimed the
reporter. "You misled mo by saying
"Ditl I?" saiil tin- merchant, sar
castically. "Ami why, pray? That's
one of thouTinoyinj.rpcciinio'iiiesof this
people. They're too cou'-etted to get
themselves a 'st.Ticlivc name, but in a
lordly way 'lab themselves Americans.1
They speak of i:ra::ili;ins, Canadians,
Chilians, l'arag'uayuns and the other
millions of Ameneans as if tliey had no
right to this title at all."
"liut about the tea," interrupted the
reporter apprehensively. "What do you
call it?"
"Mate is the name of it," repliod the
merchant, "pronounced 'tnat-eh.' And
many South Americans are very fond of
it. You have just had the pleasure of
drinking it in the native manner. That
eurious bowl is not made of papermache,
as yon might think, but is a gourd,
trained into that shape while growing.
The natives are experts in that lino, antl
by binding the green gourd here and
there with cords, or bending it one way
and another, they make it take a diver
sity of shapes before it becomes ripe
enough to be cut, dried, scooped out and
used as a utensil. It will not stand fire,
of course; but the mate is lirst put intc
the gourd and then boiling water is
poured on it. After a few moments a
pipe or tube is inserted, and the liquor
is drawn off by suction.
"What looks like tho bowl of the
pipe," continued the tea merchant, as
he lifted it from the liquid and allowed
the reporter to examine it, "is in real
ity a strainer, which prevents the
grounds from reaching the mouth. It
is made in tho shape of a bulb or ball,
and this one is a curiosity in its way,
for it is all woven by hand, in very fine
meshes, from a species of dried grass.
Metal ones are more common, and the
rich have silver strainers. This is an
old-style one, anil I value it on that ac
count. It is called a bombilla. The
natives like their mate, as we would
.say, red-hot. Its eltect is much the
s.'iuie as that of the tea you are accus
tomed to, stimulating and restorative,
and, of course, has its enemies, who
prouonncV it slow poison, and its
friends, who call it the Paraguayan
equivalent for 'the cup that cheers but
not,' etc."
"Is it real tea, botanically consid
ered?" persisted the skeptical reporter.
"Well, if you come down to botany,"
admitted the merchant, "it's really a
species of holly, Ilex I'araguayensis,
but it contains in large proportions the
constituent which makes other teas use
ful, that of theine. Its leaves and
green shoots are collected, dried and
ground up unevenly; that is, some of it
gets to be a Hue powder in the rough
method of preparation, and then again
you will linil twigs in it an inch long.
A large number of people get employ
ment in its growth, preparation and ex
port, but I am not aware that it lintls a
market in any but South American
X l'ierrc lluttle In VI lileh the Former
t'nilit' Oil" A ietiir.
A king snake ten fei-t long and a rat
tlesnake six feet long, thoughtlessly
left in the same box in Donald Jlurns'
animal store, in New York the other
day, had a light which ended iu the
death of the rattler. The king snake
belongs to the family of constrictors
anil its squeeze is a great deal worse
than its bite. The king' is said to have
an instinctive hat red lor the rattler.
Mr. Hums was taking a nap in his
store when he was awakened by the
peculiar sound of the rattlesnake's
vibrant tail and the loud hissing of
both reptiles. 1U found the rattler
coiled in the eorn.'ir of the cage, its
head darting back' and forth and
watching for a elian."e to strike its
larger enemy. The king snake was
gliding cautiously near, with the inten
tion of twining its muscular coils
nround the rattler and crashing it to
death. The rattiesu.ike made its spring,
but was titism eesstul in its attempt to
bury its fangs in the king. The next
moment its writhing body began to
crack us the king snake coiled about
the rattler and began to contract its
own powertul muscles. In its des
perate st i-u .;!.:! os tho rattlesnake
knocked the door of its box into pieces
with a blow ot its tail ami both reptiles
fell out on the tloor. Hums did not
care to take any part in the quarrel,
lie summoned an assistant and finally
got the victor into a boat. The tight
lasted but fifteen minutes.
!,uootnifr Voder Water.
Trials of the submarine torpedo gun,
M the HiMoklyn t.N. Y.) navy yard, re
sulted in conclusive proof that the
projectile so tired will, ut short ranges,
easily penetrate the torpedo nettings of
a ship, and impinge upon her hull with
destructive force. The full range of
the gun hiu; not yet beeudemoustrutcil;
but the evidence is beyond question
'.hat this methodof warfare must speed
ily revolutionize all old forms, anil that
the submarine torpedo constitutes the
uiost effective possible means of harbor
Saved Her Life.
Mrs. C. J. WooMuiincE, of AVortliam,
Texas, saved the life nf Ikt child ly tlio
Use of Ajer's Cherry I'cctoral. t
"One of my oliHiSri'ii h;u Croup. The
case was attended bv our )diysii;tn. and will
supposed 10 lie wi'll undf'V control. On
nit-'lit I was startled liy tlie child's hard
breathing, and on going to it femu! it stran
gliuir. It had utterly ceiled to hreditift.
Kejilizlnfr th;it the child's fihtnnintr condition
had become possjWf in snilf of ihe jnedlcines
given, 1 reasoned that siie.h remedies would
be nf no avail. Having part of a Imttle ot
Ayer's Cherry Perioral in the house. 1 u'avo
the child llne'e dnses. at short imerv.vK and
anxiously wai.'ed results. Kioto the moment
the Peel oral was given, tin1 child's breathing
grew easier, ami, iu a short time, she was
sleeping quieilv and bn nthini: naturally.
The child is r:li've and well tn-oVv. and 1 do
not hesitoH' to say that Ayer's Clivrry Pec
toral saved her life."
S2. Ka!
Frepnred by Dr. J. C. A yer & Co., Lowell, Mn3i,
Prompt toact, sure to ci!K
convince the
skeotic and boint the
wavwhich if followed leads to
Tins been mitup in a
proprietary fnnn shieo
ISiS, mid has betm usod
(n'veara nrfortotluittimo
In private prat; tied. It la no untried nostrum, o(
doubtful reputation, but a genuine Bpedtio fir
ft very prevalent airteate. u uousannn or men, or
all litres, havo at soiuo time in life brought on
nervous debility und exhaustion, with organic
weakness, by over bruin work, excesses, too fre
quent indulgence or indiseretiun nnd vicious
habits, and it is to theo that we offer a romody
that will, hy its direct fiction upon the sent of the
disease, fti p the drain and restore, the patient to
Viiioroua health and strength.
Our methodof introducing Prof. TTarrte' Pastille
treatment iB ono which cuiimiendH itself to all
Bennible persons for the reason that we Bupply it
upon their judgment of its valuo. We ask of our
patrons nothing in the way of e.vpense beyond a
poi-tal enrd nnd a two cent postage stamp. The
postal card to bo ui'ed tn eendiny us their full ad
dn.'Nu and the postage Btnnip for the letter return
Inir the F.f;iteiuent of their case for which wo
aupply the.nl wiiii a quesr.ion blank, to bo tilled
out and an envelope addressed to ourselves for
ua in n'hirning it when lilted.
ypawa. p,-w wnen we receive the state-
eight days' treatment and for
ward lb bv iniiil nnd nrenav
TfR-4n pohtage thereon and along
TilCvKrv with t he eight days' treatment
X&iuuif we seud full directions for
Usui it, 'Jtiet.eiitinentin no way mterieres wun
a person's attention to business, and causes no
pain or inconvenience in any way.
We are so positive that it will give perfect sntlfl
ffielion that wo leave the matter of sending orders
;rnip.;Iy with those using the free trial treatment.
Having s:iiisiled those sonding for trial packages
of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we
lee tiiat they are more largely Interested than
ourselves in continuing the use of the Puatilles.
JOven then we do notattomptto rob them byde
iiianding hi'h prices. On the contrary, wo mako
the prices ua low as possible, and the samo to all.
They are us follows: $A for one mouth; $5 for
two months; $7 for throe months.
These prices secure
the delivery of the
Pastilles by mail. If
desired by oxpress we
leave the patient to
pay the charges. For
:sHmkai7tcfMMJNtMimLBi have oner!,ted our
bnsbiesiuinon tliis plan with satisfactory results.
We a.k all persons needing treatment for any
Of the secret ills which como to mankind through
a violation of nature's laws to send us their ad
dresn on postal curd or by letter and allow us to
C'umn.'e t!i"in that VltOK. HAKIMS' SOL..
uuvit and lire what they need.
Ml commuuicatiouB conHdentlal and should be
ad'lnvsed to
The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists
30Bcekmiiil St., NEW YORK CITY, If. Y.
1 n in ninaiwimm -hii. rimiMi,iininM t
C I fiOO worth ot loveiy Ausic tor forty -I
Sj , . Conlfi, consisting of ioo paces -v"-1
nij S)Z(I sheat Music of thc
latest, brlfrhtest, liveliest and most popular -selections,
both vocal and instrumental, -gotten
up in the most elegant manntir, in- -cludins
four larjje size Portraits.
CARMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer,
5n PADEREWSKI, the Great Pianist,
Broadway Theatre Bldp., New York City.
LWY3 RELIABLE and porfeotljr SAP2. Tb
sarae 3 used bv tlioujands of womnn all over Xca
United Statea, in the ?LD DOCTORS rtvato rnall
pr ,'tice, for 33 veira, and not a ttinRlj bad rfeel:.
Money roturupd. If not as represented. Band 1
Oon n ( stain pa) for Bealod particulars.
OS. VilS I86TH JIS, ICO S. Hiiith 6t.. Et. Leuit. Ui
R5 Tent's' RYppTifnoe In treating all vnr.
tlog of ItuptiiraenuDli'S us to xuartintpe a
pojltlva cure. Question Eluuli and Boon
tree. Call or write.
S3 rino Stroot, . ST. LOUIS, MO
tarvinp. io im'invnuinre, r huA results, Tionauvnn
(irK.'j. '1 'alincnt l'-".(ictlv liarmUm and ilvif'Iy cni
ien:il. yiH'Stion 111 fk ami Hook free. Cull or write.
UU. 11. B. lil XTS.Wl'.nefiireet.M.Luuu, Mo.
y U.::;';:l Rc v;;iIs for Those Whose
Ans-.vers arc Correct
i!-iv m-Ii-imI vrisn Khre m cnnflnwJ
i i. . ' it Oil :; tikf a Mim'St to l
u-i .' i i ri fi'n-t' of ilie ilnmiied nmn, th
r w-.iji i' A tlmi t.'.i e liu; n la; tM'S wprv vernnt-
n ih ,li- hr -nii. r 'I'll-' iii!it mi i.t : "ia.iiiun
..Tis m us-, bill ihai tintu s hlie prtscueri,
1- 11,1 !;ill..'l' a j..n '
v ,15 ,i, nrnv ini'i; in t!i irioner. Now, wbht r
n t 'h' i"ii'ii' r to ', i ' r ?
t" A (!' uiMififi I'iiMmII' : -impAriy will (five 90 t
iu' w ;t i' htm n -i n-':ii',' ; 'n' tir-t ii'iet rv
--v :i M i-.'.mkI . -L';.0: 4:h, ?hi: Mh.
mi . m" 1' , n: j , i r- -; i-, n ii-H ii'w ut piari.-n,
li- lit'-- . l..'!.!;; k ;.l ami silver wtU'iics, &iif
S lii'Mil..: i ii:m, hc
! i si ii -i ii.iin.: t!e !t i'iiTvt BiiwtT wi'I bt
i ! ";i ,K ."i ; i to i!i in tn tl.r la.n ft hcauti
. . ;i. f ',. i.eu 3,i,XA( ul rtf ift vaintit) ptut
! r J) lt Rnwfr must V ?nt bv msil, uic
si-it', i , ' in; t i p:art lv. :U, l.v.'. C'l Vii- re iL
t v '. : nr"n !':;t rhi i'tni,twta:"n, hut n.l
, i.tt-ir m-- v;h-;'i--ii ii ,iri'l ore iloiur fur o
;..f f" I'-'b'T TiK T.O IM, IJOMr
' v -- r: 1 v i i.N Aol; lev i Ti );! .v.
io i:i:i's of llif ,;iy. .3
it r- '
' '.-H- il
' 1 ri
Il h is
P. '
JCttr taw
s. ,une ft
W e. .- 1-...1 .rr.-.mcrrps. itianiriiRrv. ionot
ursi.j.u:;; ii;.t ii.;.T li.ti ini.:ii;(:tHl, drpOlidiicy, 'anfit
o bi , in t , nwav oi the oras, crU.nW aril
- : , crifu n-.il ii,-v mi.'th -it . Cns positively
guar-CGi. tiiiiit.oi! U:aaU rJ iiuitfrM. Callorwrlt.
120 a. Ninth St., Sr. LOUIS. MO.
.V f5J V!:-.n, ov,,,-.!.;:,,!,,.
The Old Reliable
Established ;iktws. Treats ma'.oor ftmuio,
married or slnlo in casoa ot expopurn,
abuses, excpPFtiS or Imoioprieilfs. SKILL
GDAKANTKKU. Jioiird uivt n purtijinnts
furnlsliPd when rtnslrod. (juesWou lllauli
and liook fre. Call or writb.
'Dineast-aCl ll'A w 'limit tlm usfi oi
Uutition Itlank and itonk fi'.'e. Call
or write JUt. il. 11. MI TTS,
622 Pine 8 1 Bi. Louis, Mo,
f Ps B i The wont forma poil,
I F n I LI wtivi?Iy cnrDd US year
tmceBsful nractice. Tn atmeiit eonfldeiitial. Curei
h; mull or at office. Tonus low. Qucation tllank am
Boukiree. Cftllorwrlte. OR. WARU INSTITUTE.
120 N. 9th St.,St.Louis,Mo
ANY 7.ADY, employed or unemplovoil ,
WlJH4?LLat cin make tl.isf'-r a fi w limira wurk ein;li
day. Fnlarv or romiiilR-ion. $!) sinnples tm Addn'sa
H. NJAM!i&C0.,822 PJnebt.,St.Louis,Mo.
B?. Hash's Belts Sflpplianess
An elcctro-c'ilviinii! hittpry era
uuijud into uiudicaltu.
WftaA?' 1 hull Hupiiortrrs,
J.ZTv ' - J drawers, OiliOG
lli!oi('S, PtC.
Cni'PH Kluimnnlisiii. J-ivi.r and Kidney
';uinilnli)ts, l.vi'.'PHia. Jtrror!. f Youth.
jOKt ill iiiihootl, J.t.i'vo..sness, Ki,xmll IVonk
irsa. ...id all I'roubl.'R in 31,-ile ir 1 fiiialti.
. i .i..4liuu ijluuU and ISook i'rtio. ull or
Volia-Modica Appliance Co..
.iS Fine Street. - ST. LOUIS. MO.
Foot-Pi'intH on tlie Tut'l to llt'iiltli.
EveryoDe neetlinr a ilnclnr'n tulvifse
eboulil rend one ot Dr. Fnotn's dime
pamvlilets ou "Okl 'Eyes," "Crnnp,"
, 'Rupture," "rbimfwit," "Varicncele,"
JJipi'HDii nf men, Uiaenne of Wtiinen, und
learn Ihe best means of sei-enre. M.
Hill Pub. Co., 120 East 28rh .St.. Now
While you keep your Hubucri'ition paid uji yet:
can keep your brand in free i ohuiw,
Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horr.?H ((( on left
shoulder; ciHtle name on loft, hip, tuulur bit on
ritrht oar, nml upper bit on the left.; nuii', lilor
row county.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpiin?. Or. T vlih bur uu
tler it on left nliouldor of horr-Htr. cuttle Hame
ou loft hip.
Allinon, O. DM Eiht Slile. Or.-CnlUe brHad.
'OJJoii Uft hip tiijilhorscs same bcttud on ri'ht
ehouidur. llwutre, KitflitMile.
AdkinB, J. J., K?rlner, Or.-HnrpeB, .TA eon
Qectud on left Hank: cattle, sanieon loft hip.
Hftrtholmnew, A. (t., Alpine, (Jr.-- Ileuses
biHnileil 7 K wii either shoulder, I!;mo in llo:
row countv
BlfJiktvan, Geo., ilHrdmnri, Or.Horen, h ft
onleft nhoidder; catffo wKtue on riKh nhoiddL-r.
lianiiiHter, J. W., HnrdniHn, Or. Cattle brand
ed H ou left hip mid thi.t;li; split in oaeh OHr.
lirt'Miier, Peter, (mrHeherry Orowuii Horwes
briiiidtit P B on left Hhoulder. (.'attie Btrnue on
ritjlit side.
Utirke, M Ht 0, Lonp Creek, Or Ou cattle,
MAY connocted on left hip, ctop off loft ear, nn
der half crop off right. HoreeH, name brand ou
lotft shoulder, lianyo iu (irant and Morrow
Broamnn, Jerry, Lena., Or. HorseB branded 7
on ritfht Blioulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear half crop ' ii riiht ear upper alope.
Harton, Wm.. Hippner, Or. -HorHB, J Bon
right tliif-h, cattle, same on right lap; split in
each ear.
Brown. Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on ritrht hip; raiie, Mor
row county.
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in ne; ter on loft hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W.J. , Ina, Oregon. Horses W. bar
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
lioyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. HoreoB, box
brand on r'j hip cuttle, same, with plit in
each ear.
liorg, P. 0., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shouldtir: cattle, same on left hip,
Browulee, W. J., Kox.Or Cattle, JB connected
on left side; crop n loft ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Bange in Fox valley,
Grant county,
Carfinei' Warren, Wagner, Or. Horsed brand
ed O on right stifle ; cattle E (three bard) on
right ribs, crop audHplit in each ear. Kange in
Urant and Morrow count tea.
Cain.E., Caleb. Or. Y 1) un hemes onleft stifle
TJ with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder
and on left Btitle on all colts under & years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Uraid county.
Clark, Wm. H., Lena, Or. Horne WHO con
nected, on left shoulder: cattle same on right
hip. Bange Morrow and Umatilla eountiee.
Cate, Chan. H Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle name on right hip.
llnuge Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cecil, Wm., Douglas, Or.; henwt JO on lef;
ehouldnr; ea'tie same on left hip, waddles on
each jaw and two bits in the right ear.
Curl, 1. li., John Day, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Kange in (irant
county. On shuep, inverted Atud spear point
on Hhoulder. Ear markon ewes, crop ou left ear
punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half crop in left ear. All raugti
in Oraut couutv.
Cook, A. J .,Lona,Or. Horpen, 90on right shonl
der. Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square
crop off left aud split in right.
Currin, K. i'., Currinsville, Or. -HorBee, on
left s title.
Cox Ed. 8., Hardman, Or, Cattle, C with
E in center; horses. CE on left xv.
Cochran, H. E., Monument, (irant Co , Or.
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on ifft
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H.f Hardumn, Or. Horses branded
on right hip. attie braiuled the same. A 1st
brands CI on hornea right thigh; cu t e sume
brand on right shouider, and cut off end of
right ear.
Dicknifl, Ebb Horses braided with thr-e
tined fork en left stitie. Cattle sH-ue on left side.
Douglasrt. W. M., Oallowiii. Or, Cattle, li D on
right ouie, twa.low-forK m each ear; horses, K D
un left hip.
Doucian, O. T., Doujlas, Or HorKes TD on
the ri(;iit btitle; cuttle saiue on right hip.
Ely, J. B. Jt Sons. Douglas, Or. Hoim-s brand
ed ELY on left shouldor, cattle same on left
hip. hole ir right ear.
Elliott . Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on
right shoulder.
Emery, 0. S., Hanlnian, Or. Horses branded
lievetsid C with tail on lelt siioulder ; cat
tle same on Tight hip. halite m Morrow county.
Elet-k, JackiMUi, Hpiinr, Or. tlort-t's. 7l
couneetiHi or: right shoulder; cattle same on
rijjht hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop
olt left.
Florence, L. A.. Hppper. Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; hor'- E with bar umier on right
1; hM-ence. S. P. Rt-ppnr, Or Horses, F on
rigl't nl.oi Uic: ; cat f !e. h on n,;ht hi or riMKh.
hreueh, lieorg-, Hoppti'-r. Dr. Cattie branded
T. wnlt liar over it. on ieft si'if; crop t.ll left
tar. Horsff-, s;nu' tuai'.d on I eft hip.
(iay, Kexir; , Heppner, Or. OAV ou left
(lilman-Krench. Land and Livestock Co., Eos
ml. Dr. Mors, aiu-htir h on h-ft shoulder; vnt,
iwaiieouieit stirie. t attle, same on both hips
ear marks, crop oft rurlit ear ai:d nndtTbit in left
Uance iu tiiiiiam, tirant, Crk ai d ilorrow
(Jentry, Elr.-.er, K; h(", Or.--ljort.es br?Tiltx1 H.
8. with a ntrter cm'ie vwr it, on h ft stine,
liaryein Morrow and t maliiiaconntiee.
Itat. deo., Ijena. Cir, Uriiud J H connected
with ipiarPT cirel over it, on left shouidor.
Hint! A. B., Bidge, Or. Cattle. rm.d-top
with ouan- r circle niider if ou the right hip.
it- in Morrow ar.d I niHtiita I'ouiu ips.
Hm tor. A .lei.kf. liamHti-n Ur t i.cle. two ha;t
iiii either hip: crop in rig!:i enr ai d split m lft.
horwes. J ou right thigh, liangeiu tiriiit c-unty
Haiti-, S:nnel. Wn-tter, Or 2f' T F L
iMuinev ttnl on iiglit shonlofrou tutrf-; on rattle,
on ri;ht hip a:.U on U-ft nd-, shallow fork ia
right ear and slit in left- Kang iu Haj stack
diBirict.MorTvw county.
It 1
! H-de Milfm, Wgjiwr. Or.-HorheB brnrii.l
' -O-(cin-lM with irfiraiiW i:l)on ! ft Bhouidf-r.
t .ittU fame on li ft hip nl-o large i itcle on loit
I HI ii'dl Fdwin. John Pny,Or.--'flttie E H on right
liio; horriiv same on right ehoulder. Eanguiu
1 Grant county.
Howani, J L, -ailoway, Or.-Hor-w, - (rmtm
wit'i bar above ill on right sIioiiMft; c.atle
fnnn on left eide.- lUnge in Morrow and Luna
tilia CoQiitiet.
! iimriniu t-,t. iTinionpr. (r. Hoi-Hos. shaded
h." u t on the h ft hhoulder. Uange illorrow Co.
iir.r.sakor, B , agner. Or. Bormw, H ou loft
sli..u!d"r; caMle. & on left hip.
HardLsty, Albert, Nye, OreRon HoreoB.A H
coiim-co-d, on left shouldor; Cattle on tlie left
htu, crop off loft ear,
Humphreys, J M. Iiardman, Or. Horeefl. H on
lef rinnk
Hayes, J. 31,, Heppner, Or. Hornet, wineglasfl
on left fchonloer cattle, sanie on right hip.
Hut-ton, Luther. Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on
the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat
tle Rami on left hi p. Itango in Morrow county.
vy. Alfred, Long ('reek. Or Cattle 1 D on
riidi't hip.ciopiill leftear and bit in right, Horses
same brand on left Bhoulder liange n Grunt
Jones, Harry, Heppner, Or Hmses branded
H J on the left shoulder: cattle baantled J on
right hip, also underbit in left ear. liange iu
Morrow centlty.
Jut km, b. M., Heppner, Or. Horseo, horse
shoe J on loft shoulder. Cattle, the same,
I'.aiiire on Eluht Miio.
J'jI.iiHi.n. i'eiix, Lena, Or. Horses, circleT on
ieI Millie; cattle, Baine on right hip, under naif
crop ir ritrht ;md solit in left oar
Ji-nki:iH. D W.,Mt. VL'i-ntin.Or, J on horseflon
I. ft -iionhii-r: op cattle, J on left hip and two
smooth crops on both eaiu. liange in Fox and
Hear vail ys
ti'Muij, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
KMY on left hip cattle same and crop off left
.-i-i-; under slope on the right
Kirk J. T., Heppner. Or. Horses H9 on left
Hhoulder; cattle, tt on left hip.
Kiri;. J 0, Dej.puer, Or. Horfcos, 17 on oitlior
tla'-, k: cuttle IT on right side.
Kirk. Jesse. Heppner, Or,; horse1 11 on left
lou.!d"r; cattle same on light side, underbit on
-igtu enr.
Kutnberland.W.G .. Mount Temon. Or. I L on
cattle o'.i ngrii and left sidea, swallow fork in left
ear and under wop iu right ear. Horses same
brand on left (moulder, liange in Graut couutv.
Lofien, Htepnen, Fox, Or. S L on left, hip
on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses
Bame brand on left shoulder, liange Grant
Lieualien, John W., h- r ; Or. Horsea
br.aiiicd hitll'-ciu'le JZ. connected on ief t shoul
iw. CaitJe. waini on lefi hiu. liange, near- Lex.
Lealiey, J. W lepiner Or. Horses branded
L ai,o A on h it shouider; eettle name on left
hip, wutlle over nglit ye, three slits iu right
Lord, Ueorge, Heppner. Or. Horsea branded
douhie li coi.uectt .Somotimea called a
;-wii,g , on left bhoulder.
Marklmm, A. 31., Heppner, Or.-Cattle large
M on ieli side both ears cropped, and split in
boih. Uorses M on left hiu. litmge. Olark'B
Minor, Oscar, neppnor, nr. rattle, H Dun 1
right hip; horae. M on left shoulder.
Morgan tS. N., Hepjmer, Or. Horyos, M )
in Ich ."houlo'-" cat (1m Humeou left hip.
Mct'nmlior. Jus A, Echo, OnHorses, M with
bar nver on right shoulder.
Moii'Hi;, '1 bos., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
I on ief! shoulder and left llihdi; cattle. 'L on
I'lfhi thigli.
.Milcheil. Oscar, lone, Or, Mum. 77 on right
hto; cM't', 7 Jon right aide.
Mel 'iarwn, D. 0., Hiowut-vilic, Or, Horses,
L'H'.-irt' 5 on I'aeh Hhoulder; cattle, M'-iort Inn
McCany. David ii. Echo Or. Uowb branded
D't connectciJ, on tho left ehoulder; cattle same
iiii hip and si do,
Motiirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
wd li toe-cork on entile on ribs amd under in
each ear; horsea name brand on lufl sfitle.
McflaU, vt. ., liamiiron.Or. un xiorsou. m
with nulf jirole under on left ahoulder;on i:attip.
four bare cmueeirid on top on tho light side
hange in Grant County.
Nnd. Andrew. Lone liock.Or. Koikes A M oon
uenU'd on left shoulder: oat tie name on both iiipb.
IwruyAo, E., Wilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on
loft tnigh: cattle, same on left hip.
Oliver, Jowph, ( auyon City, Or. A Soo oat He
on Jcft hip; on horsea, emne onleft thigh, liange
m Grani. coii'ily,
ilr, Ferry, Lexington. Or. P O on left
Olp. ibTirian, Piairie City, Or.On cattle, 0
LI' connected ou left hip; horses on left stiile
am. warue on nose, ita-'ge in (jiaut county.
I Var-o:i, OUivo, Eight M ile. ( )r. Horses, quar
ter cj;J shield on jert alioulder and 2i on left
hip. ( ai lie, fork in hi t ur, right cropped. 24
on loft hip. iiauge on Eiglit Mile.
Earlier Uleaeun, ilardman.tlr, Horces IP ou
b fi sh'juloor.
P. per, Erne-1, Lexington, Or,- Hor os brand
e .k (L t'i councied) oi. left tmouidor ; cattle
me on right hip. liange, Morrow couuu.
Piper, J. H., Lexington, Or. -MorsoH, tik, con
nected oUeltBhimlder; caLtio, tsainu ou k-it hiu,
amier bn iu each ear.
Pettys, A. C, ione, Or,; horses diamond P on
tdionldor; catile, J ii J connecUd, on the
left hip, upper sluPu in left ear und slip in the
1'owoll, John T., Dayviilo, Or Horsos, JP cou
nee.ied on left, shoulder. Caitle OK couiiocted on
iefthip, two uudr half ejopa, one on each ear,
wat tle under thnmt. Ami go in Grant county.
Jiood. Andrew, ibmiuiaii, Or. Horses, square
cros, with quar tor-circle oer it on left Btitle.
Keninger, Ciiris, Hoppner, Or. Horses, 0 H on
left bhoulder.
liice, Uan, Hardman, Or.; horseB, three panel
worm fence on loft shouldor; caUle, DAN on
right, shoulder, liange near Hardman.
Hoyse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on
iefi shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed ou
right hip and crop ott right ear. liange in AW
row county.
Rush HroH., Hoppner, Or. Horses branded X
on the right, shoulder; cattle, IX on the left tup.
crop oil left ear and dewlap on neck, liange uq
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Kust, William, Uidge, Or. Horsea H on
loft shoulder; cattle, ii on left hip, crop oli
right ear, underbit on left ear. hiheep, K on
weathers, round crop off righ ear. liange Uma
tula and Morrow cmnties.
Keanoy, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horsoi
branded A K on right shouider, vent quarter
circle over brand; cattle Hame on right hjp.
liange ilorrow county.
Koyse, Wm. ii, Dairyville, Or HR oonnectet
with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip
ami crop off right oar and split in loft. Tlorsei
same brand on left shoulder, liange in Morrow
G rant and Gilliam counties.
iiocuir. J . W., Heppner, Or. Horses, JO on
left Bhoulder. Cattle, Ooa right hip.
Spicknall, J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Horses
branded ill on left Bhoulder; lauge in Morrow
Hading, C C Hoppner, Or Horses branded 8 A
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
Swaggari, H. p., Lexington, Or. Horses
with dash under it on left stifle; cattle H with
dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and
waddled on right hind leg. Kauge iu Morrow,
GUliauiand Umatilla counties.
Bwaggart, A. L.,Atheua. Or. Horses branded 2
unleit. shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Orop
un ear, wattle on left hind leg.
straight VV. E., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
J b on iett e title; cattle J 8 on left hip, Bwallow
torn in right ear, underbit in left.
bapp. 'i'h oh., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P on
left tup; cattle same on left hip.
Mhner.John, Eox, Or.-NO connected on
horses on right hip; cattie, same on right hip,
crop off right ear and under bit in left ear. Kange
in tirant county.
fclimth Bros., Wnsnnville, Or, Horses, branded
H.Z. on shoulder; cattle, ame on lef t shoulder.
bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
Jtioulett shoulder; cattle the same, also nose
waddle, liange in ilorrow and Gilliam counties,
btephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horeos US on
right slide; cattle horizontal L on the right side
teteveusou, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle 8
on right hu ; swallow-fork in left ear.
bwaggart. G. W.. Heppner, Or.-Horeee, 44 on
left stiouidei ; cattle, 44 on left hip
fSperry.E. G.. Heppuer, Or.-Cattle W C on
left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
uewlap; horses W Con left shoulder.
'lhouipsou, J. A Heppner, Or. Horsea, z on
left Bhuuiti. r; cattle, 2 un left shoulder
lippowt.ti.rl.,EuierpriBe.Or.-liorsea. C-on left
Turner K.W., Heppner, Or. -Small capital T
lelt Bhoulder horses; cattle same on left hin
with split m both ears.
Thornton, H. M lone, Or.-Horses branded
H I connected on left btihe; sheen samo brand.
Vanderpoul, U. T Lena, Or;-Horstw HV con
necled on right shoulder ;cattle, same on riHht
Walbridge, Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horees, TJ. L
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip
crop oil left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, Jonn Q tjalem or Heppner, Or--Horses
brandeil Jo on the left shoulder, liange
Jlormw county.
V arreu, W li. Caleb, Or-Cattle W with quarter
circle over it, ou left Bide, split iu rignt ear
lioes same brai-d ou left shouider. Kaiij-ein
Urant comity.
' Wright, biias A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
S W on the right hip. square crop olf right ear
and split in lelt.
Wade, Henry, Heppner. Or. Horf.es branded
ace of spade on lelt shoulder and left hin
t attie brandel same on left sme and lft iun
W ells. A. 8., Heppner, Or.-Horse. 0-a (m U-t
shoulder- tuti v mm
Woifinger. John, John Day City. Or-On horr..,.
thrt-e parallel bars on left shmlder; 7 on sn.D
Ij'jjiti ears, liange in tirant and MaitiUer
WoiHiward. John. Heppner, Or.-Horstw. UP
connecKHl on left shouider.
aikms, Lifhe. Heppner, Or.-Horees branded
I E connecteo on left stiOu. tu
Wallace Charle P,rtiand, Or.-'aLt!o, W on
ngni thigh, limt in left tr; horses, W on rirht
shoiduer. Bono same on left shoulder.
fthittier mos., nunimgion, Baker C0 Or -Horses
branded W B counccte.1 on left o'uicier
Tunams asco, Hamilton, or.-Qnar'er eir-
h!lJrWii UirB n ieft hip- d
; hore. liaxiKe Grant county.
! Wdiiama. J O. Long Creek. Or-Rnm, qUar
- ter circ-e over tam Lars on left hip; cattle skm
; K.ii frdi in .vu h wir. Hane in (irani c..int
i VN'ien. A A., I eppner, Or.-Horses ruuphi A
on slo.ulder; t atti. same on rmhr hip.
i W Uker KfixaU-th & Sons, Hardman Or -Maine
brande,l it connected) KV on left
i hoes same on r:t:ht ehoulder. J w
; U lk-rscatrle, wnnoon left hn.. h..rei MI
on ief.,t.uulder.i Ad rt:ge ia borrow lol
i Ts'onn'niht iSS'
1 l