NOTICE TO AHVERTISEKS I 'HOSa desiring the insertion o anuria - nds """.'("tteulMiiiie, niiuiicot their copy iu nnl .later than Hominy evening lor Tuesday'! wlltion, or 1'liuraJny evening lor Friday edi tion. 'IHSl'ATTKKSON I'CMJSUIBU Co. NOTICE. ..h'ri'S6.8111 01 J cents Ptr line will be il',rKe,d,Pr. c?rliB of thanks," renolutiuu ui respect, hata of wedding presents and donors, una obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news.) and notices of special meetings lor whatever purpose. A ponces oi church and society and allother entertainments iroiu which revenue is to be de rived, sha.l be charged lor at the rate of live uents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known Bpou application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writers real uame is signed us an evidence ol good iaith. LP. FliiHEK, NEWSPAPER ADVEUllri- lug Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, ban rancisco, ib onr authorized agent. This paper is kept on lile in his olnce. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, Jolm Hay and canyon ulty, leaves as folloWB : Every day at 6 a. in., except tiuuday. Arrives every day at6 p. in., except Monday. '1 he cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. ., , . J- DELEVAN, Prop. Phill Cohu, Agent Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. J. A. Steacb oume iu from Long Creek Saturday. Arthur Smith will clean watches at the- reduced price ot $1. Hon. J. N. Brown returned from below ua Saturday morning's train. Hood's Pills become the favorite oathur tic with every one who tries them. W. A. Johnston is over in the John Day couutry this week on business. The Heppner-Canyon stage line is the best, cheapest and quickest to the in terior. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Johnson were in from the Butter creek seotion Saturday lllKt. The people's party matter in last issue was, by tnist ke, put in the wrong column. Stolen Two fine dngs from my home in Heppner. Please return to A. Abra hurusiok. 20-8t. Mis? El'en Crabtree spent Sunday at the home of her parentB on Clark's Cnnyou. If you want a good gnu or Bewinc machine, come to the Gazette office and we'll fit you out. Last Sunday, near A. J. Breeding's place, Kev, Bramblet baptised two con verts ot Buptist faith. Those that have county sorip for sale should call on George Oonser at The First National Bank. 2-tf. The Gazette will be sent to any ad dress in the United States till after campaign for 50 oents. , f Legal blanks, plenty of thpm, at the Gazette office, and at world's prices. Disoounts on large orders. The Geo. Hayes horses were sold at sheriff's sale Saturday last, bringing prioes from six-bits to $40. Bob Foster came in with Sam Palmer, the sheepbnyer, a few days ago. Bob is an old Morrow county man. Green Mathews has opened up bis barber shop, next door to Hayes Bros Shaves, etc, on tap as usual. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. 0. L. Patterson, E. N. Crockett and J. J. Patterson, of Long Creek, are visit ing the Midwiuter Fair this week. The Gazette will take county scrip at face on subscription, and pay balance of Bamein cash at highest market price. 7-60 The Gazette office now runs an in surance and notarial shop. Come iu when you want to do your insuring and swearing. D. C. Ely arrived Suturday from Washington to be in attendance at the bedside of his brother, J. B. Ely, but be failed to arrive in time to see him alive. Last Sunday five converts to the Christian church were baptised in Wil low creek by Elder Barnuby. Also one yesterday at the same place by the same minister. Bob Wilohin, an old Grant oounty boy, is out at Andy Tillard's and this summer will 'tend sheepcamps. Boh has been shipping horses for the past four years. Echo stage leaves Heppner for Echo Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. Fare, one way, 82.50. PhiltOuhn, agent, A. Andrews, Prop. J. C. Dodson writes from Joseph, Oregon, that stock of all kinds have o me ttirougb well over there, with the exception of horses Among these Borne loes was experienced. Lost A note dated June 12, 1892, signed by G. W. Swaegart, oaliing for 82.000, in favor of P. C. Thompson. The public are warned against negotiat ing for or purchasing said note. tf. Wm. Hughes and Perry Snyder went down to Astoria Friday last to be in at tendance at the state democratic con vention. They represent the four dele gates allowed from this county. John English, of Danville, Ills , an old Heppnente, spent Ibe past week in this seotion, leaving last evening for home, via tbe Trail Creek mines in British Columbia. He expects to return West again. Bishop Morris is expected here to morrow morning, and tomorrow even ing at tbe M. E. ohurob, South, will hold services. He will be assisted by Eev, W. E. Potwine who arrived from Pendleton this morning. Dee Conser was Been by our reporter down at Portland recently, and he says he is getting along very well. His Heppner friends wonld hardly know bim as the small boy thnt used to live at Heppner with bis uncle, Geo. Conser. Gid Hntt has now established a ton sorial parlor, at tbe M itinck building next door to Simons' blacksmith shop where he invites the patronage of bis old customers and all who desire stnotly first class work, shaving, shampooing and hair outting at Jiving prices. Don't overlook Elder Barnaby will preach on the sub ject, "The Resurrected Body," at the opera house tonight. He has been greeted with large audiences tbe put week and interest iu tbe meeting has been good, many being added to the oburcb. All are invited to come and hear the subject tonight and will be made welcome The regnlar subscription price of tbe Semi-Weekly Gcz-tte is 82 50 and tbe regular price of tbe Weekly Orrgnnian is 81.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year in advance ran get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for 83. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to the same. L. D. Boyed was unsuccessful in securing the bridge at Qoldendale re cently. Mr. Boyed is an experienced man and the Kliokitat people would have been properly treated bad they favored Mr. boyed with tbe contract Mr. Phill Heppner, of Arlington, was in Heppner over Sunday visiting bis sister, Mrs. Henry Blaokinan, and family. It has been some time since Phill visited this seotion, and his many friends were glad to see bim again. Though sheepmen have fed longer tbun usual tbe past winter, sheep have come out iu excellent oondition. Dp on Balm Fork, Dick Beeman fed 56 days, but the clip will be flue. Many others send in a similar report. The Morrow Co. delegations to the state and congressional conventions returned Friday and Saturday last, with the exception of J. W. Dawson who went np to bis borne at Monmouth to visit bis mother. Tbe Gazette office has about assumed its normal condition, having Beoured in a political way, as many favors for its friends as could be expected in one season. Mr. and Mrs. Frank MoFarland and family arrived borne from Los Angeles Saturday morning. Their many friends here welcome them. Cbroniole: Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFarland, of Heppner, were in tbe oity last evening and left on the 3 o'clock p. m. train today. CbBs. E. Jones returned from Baker City Sunday morning. Guess Charley finds Heppner not a bad plaoe aiter all. The Dalles Chronicle: Miss Dallie Gliaan, of Heppner, is in the oity visiting her oousin, Miss Jessie Fisher. G. W. Dart and family have returned to John Day, after a brief sojourn in Southern Oregon for the benefit of Mr. Dint's health. Miss Minnie and Ifie Matlock returned from u short visit with Arlington friends Sunduy morning. Nervousness is from dyspepsia. Take Simmons Liver Regulator and bo oured. Give us Another Hill. Dave Hill's speech in the TJ. S. senate recently has impressed the oountry that the Wilson bill will be knocked out slick and oleau, and with it confidence has returned in a great measure. Ibis is Bhown by the fact that recently W. S. Brown, of Neb., bought 5,000 head of sheep in Morrow county at fair figures. Sam Palmer is here and has bought 12,000 head and wants 12,000 more. J. W. Watson, of Nevada, is also here and wants from 5,000 to 6,000 head. It is learned from reliable eouroes that L. L. Ormsby will come in soon to buy sheep. All in all tbe outlook is more encouraging, be oause the people have become convinced that the day of tariff tinkering is past. Dnder a demooratio administration, no better democrat could be in the U. S. senate than Hill, and tbe more ot that sort tbe belter. Death op J. B. Ely. On last Satur day morning, J. B. Ely, of Douglas departed this life at the borne of Mrs. Spray, in this oity, aged 68 years, 8 months and 15 days. Mr. Ely was a native of Pennsylvania, but bad re sided in this locality for some years, where be was highly esteemed by all. He was tbe leader in Sunday school, work iu this oounty, and will be sorely missed. Tbe funeral occurred at tbe 1. E. churoh, Sunday at 11 o'clook, a m. The A. F. & A. M. and I. O. O. F. of which Mr Ely was a respeoted mem ber, attended and at tbe grave performed the burial oeremonies peculiar to eaob. The interment ocenrred in the Masonic oemetery in Heppner. Heppneb to the Fbont. D. W. Kin naird, formerly of Heppner, the engineer who constructed tbe Heppner and Monument wagon road, and at present oity engineer at Oregon City, has been nominated by the republicans for tbe offioe of surveyor of Claokamas Co. Mr. Kiuuaiid is as well qualified tor that position as any man in Oregon, and is also an experienced draughtsman He is regarded very highly here, and we ooiigratulute our valley brethren for their admirable selection. Lo6T or Stolen. All personB are hereby warned against negotiating for two certuin notes, described as follows: One note dated October 5, 189!) for 8500 signed by Wm. Penland and Hugh Fields, 8160 indorsement. One note dated on or about Oct. 6, 1898 for 8150 signed B. F, Vaugbau and E. J. Blo cum, with 851 endorsement. Both of said notes drawn in favor of Mrs. Eliza beth Walker. 4t-T. Elizabeth Walkeb. Lucky Man. J. W. Stewart, who lives up on Willow creek, drew tbe Examiner's eleventh prize, a five sore lemoo tract in San Diego county Cal., worth about $1,000. Mr. Stewart is a bard-working and deserving young man, and we oongratulate bim in bis suocess. Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er Bnd repairer of many years' experi ence, has just located in tbe Abraham siok building, on May street, where be is prepared to do eveiything in bis line. Mi iiirbeck is strictly a firs t-ol ass work man and warrants all work. Give bim oall. Wwtf OF INTEREST TO CATTLEMEN. An Eastern cattle buyer wants to buy about 400 head of one and two-year-old steers in Morrow county. He is ready to contract and will be at Heppner on Friday, April 20th and at Hardman on Saturday, April 21st to contract for same. All personB having such cattle for sale will find it to their advantage to be present on the dates named. 3 4 FOR TRADE. For sheep or cattle a good home ad joining Yoncalla, Ore. Also 60 acres of oboice prune land and three good dwell ings. Any or all the above for trade or sale on reasonable terms. For further particulars address, 23:f. Shipley, Moore k Co. Piles! Piles! Itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture; intenae sod stinging, most at night; worse bv scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops tbe itohing and bleeding beula ulceration, end in most cases re moves the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 oents. Dr. Swayne 4 Son, Philadelphia. sw 1 yr. Well and Happy Thanks to Hood's Sarsaparllla-Dull Headachea-That Tired Feeling. i jlj Sir. W. V. Tola San Frane!.:CC, Cal. "One ot the greatest misUu.e i ujoi !e u:: ki Is to lock the door after the horse Is ii-ieii. or In other words, to wait until they ard sick in bed before they do anything for tbo poor Jwdy. Neither my wife nor myself were re il sick s I attended to my business, ami my wife to her household duties daily. But we had dull, heavy headaches, and a little oveT-cxerilon wouhl tire us greatly, and my appetite was very poor. So we took three bottles of Hood's Hurssparilla, and the result was perfectly satisfactory. 1 be litrt Hood's Sarsaparllla Saved Us a Severe Sickness And big doctor's hill. II people would only remember that ' an ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of cure,' there would be less suffering In the world. My advice to all who do not feel HoodVCures well Is to take Hood's Sarsaparllla according to direc tions, and you will be well and happy." W. H'. Tolbs, 145 12th St., San Francisco, Cal Hold's Pills cure all liver ills, constipation, bUloik west, Jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. Our better halves say thi-y could not keep boose without Chamberlain's Oongh iiecnedy. It is used in more than half the homes in LeedB. ritms Uros., Leeds, Iowa. This show the esteem in which that remedy is held where it has been sold fur years and is well known. Mothers hiivn learned that there is nothing so good for colds, croup rnd whooping cough, that it oures these ailments quickly and permanently, and that it is pleasant and safe for children to take. 25 and 50 oent bottles for Bale by Slooom-Johnson Drug Co, A FATAL COMPARISON. At a recent joint debate in tbe coun try the eecoud speaker complimented the first on hn powerful logic. 'You remind me ot Samson and tbe Philistines." "Indeed!" Said the first. "Yes, you Blay the populist with tbe jawbone of an ass." AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE NOTES. The spring term opened April 2nd with a large enrollment. The faculty have selected those to perform on commencement. The next oontest will take place be tween the two sooieties May 18th. Pres. Condit, of Albany college, ad dressed the students for a few minutes last week. Tbe Cantborn hall reading room pre sents a very inviting appearance. Quite a number of donations have been made. Heretofore tbe students were graded upon atten danoe ,and trial in literary work, but hereafter they will be graded upon work actually done. Tbe mechanical students have chal lenged the agriculturists to play a game ot baseball next Saturday. It is not kaown whether the game will be played or not. Mr. H. R. Clark is busy preparing bulletin number 80, which is to be is sued by tbe agricultural department. This bulletin treats especially of pota toes and roots. Bulletin number 31, from the entomological department, is also being prepared. By tbe order of Lieut. C. E. Dentler, tbe oadets of tbe oollege have been orga nized into a battalion, consisting of two oompanieB. Company A, includes the students living at Canthorn hall and company B those living in town. Tbe officers have also been selected. Contributor. Corvallis, April 9th, 1894. It will be an agreeable surprise to persons subject to attuoks of bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may be bad by taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. In many instances the attack may be prevented by taking this remedy as soo u as tbe first symptoms of tbe disease appear. 25 and 50 cent bottles for Bale by Slocnm-Jobnson Drug Co. Mrs. Languish. "Tired I Ob, bo tired all tbe time!" Mrs. Smart. "Well, so I usod to be until I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla as a spring medicine, and now I don't know what it is to have that tired feeling. Try it, my dear; only be sure you get Aver's." For distressing oppression and full ness in tbe stomach take Simmons Liver Regulator. If you are melancholy or down with blues you need Simmons Liver Regu lator. A New English War Ship, r a remarkable fact about the Royal Sovereign, the latest and perhaps th most formidable of the English line ol battle ships, is that she has been built and fully equipped for sea in less than three years, a feat hitherto unrivaled in the history of naval architecture. Still more noteworthy is the fact that the vessel was completed for 10,000 lest than the original estimates. The steam, gunnery and torpedo trials of the new sea monster have been made with the most satisfactory results. With 9,700 horse power the ship made nearly 11 knots, and with 13,300-horse power 16 knots, or half a knot more than th Trafalgar, which is a smaller ship with similar engines. The Royal Sovereign attains greater speed with less expendi ture of power than any of the vessel! of the famous "Admiral" class, and ii greatly superior In this respect to th Italian war ship Lepanto. She is, in fact, the fastest war ship of her dis placement and defensive and offensive qualities In the world. She carries foul 97-ton guns, 10 six-inch quick-firing' guns, a number of torpedo tubes, and all j other customary armament. Her value. with supplies and ammunition on board, la just about 1,000,000. Reserved fcr McFarland Mercantile Co. ' -iSia1saSSf"BSSWil!SMI P. 0). Toeqpsoi) 0)0, Heppner, Oregon. General Line of Agricultural Implements, t 1 a w ASSIGNEE'S SALE. mil DISCOUNT OH ALL SfOCE, Closing out the entire stock Boots and Shoes of the old firm of M. Cost for Call and Secure IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDRESS A LETTER THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. P. O. Box 463. Washington. D. C. Honorablv discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days, or over. In the late war. are entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability was caused by service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances. WIDOWSof such soldiers and sailors are entitled (if not remarried) whether soldier's death was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death was due to service. CHILDREN are entitled (if under sixteen years) iu almost all cases where there was no widow, or she has since died or remarried. PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died In service, or from effects of service, and they are now dependent upon their own labor for sup port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or navv. Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under one lawflt wnnouwoBins; any rigiiis. Thousands of soldiers drawing from I2 to $10 hlffher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but also lor oiners, wneiner aueio service or nou Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty In regular army or navy since the war are also entitled, whether discharged for disability or not. Survivors, and their widows, of the Jit ark ida Indian Wars of 1H33 to 1842, are entitled under a recent act. Mexican War soldiers and their widows alsoentitled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled or dependent. Old claims completed and settlement obtained, whether pension has been granted under saicr laws or not. Rejected claims reooened and settlement Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war who have lost their original papers. Send for laws and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address, THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P.O. Box 463. The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MANCHIWTER, KNGLiANI) A. W PATfERSON. AGKNT. One o(the BoHtJn the world ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Tbe BtuJebaker wagnD bends tbein nil. For sale at Gilliam & iimbee'e. a "Hardware" did joo say? Why, yes at P. O. Thompson & Co.'e etaud, and the place fur bargains. a Tbe Keeley Institute, at forest Grove onres liquor, opium, morphine, oociiine und tobiiooo habit. Bee ad. Tbe Palace is the leading hotel in tbe oity. Well furnished rooms with pbmty of light are provided for everyone, a If you WBnt to bny groepriea, and bread stuff cheap, go to tbe Eoterprme Grocery. Kirk 4 Kubl, proprietors, a Borg, the jeweler, is the nian to fix np your wtttuh or clock. Lie keeps full stock of everything pertaining Ui bin business. a M. Lichtenthal 4 Oo.'s new stock of splendid, summer botton and tie special ties in tbe shoe line are attracting mark ed attention. a Wbrnt At Abrabainaick'a. Iu addition to bis tailoring business, be has added a Tine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, bosierv. etc. Also has on hand some elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrahfiuwick. May street. Heppner, (yr. The general merctisnilise fcf,tBbhnh uient formerly owned by Coflin & ; fnr lami, bus lately chunged bands, now be ing under the control and manHgHiient of The MoFarland Mercantile Ompanv, which continues business at the old stand with a larger stock than ever. a of Liohtenthal & Co., at Cash- a Good LJargain. T. QUID, Assignee. OB POSTAL CARD TO law, may apply for higher rates under other per month under the old lav are entitled to Hawk, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor secured, if refection fmnrooer or lllearal WASHINGTON, D.G THE MONOMKAPII. Fur one Dollur and Your OjiIdJod on 'I'liis Subject. vVbat is tbe best Monetary system for the United HtateB? This is the greatest problem confronting tbo American people, it is tbe intention of the pub lishers that "The Monograph" shall contain the best thrugbt of tbe nation on this question. The recognized lead ers in all political purlins have been called upon to contribute plans for their ideal Monetary System. But not content with this, we are determined to r.'nboily iu the same volume tbe opinions of thousands of the "Great Common People," and to that end we will allow two dollars on the price of the book for your solution of this problem, expressed in lint more tbau H00 words; The Mono graph, tbe bett modern work on Mone tary Uysterns, will be sent to any address no receipt of 8.'t(K) It is a book that will interest and instruct, and IB dea lined to become a giant factor in shap ing the future monetary system of the nation. THK MoNOOIIAPn PCBLISHINoCOMeAIfT, P.ooui 44, German Am'u H'k Building, Ht. Paul, Minn. H-f'retn:e by permission, Nat'l Ger. Ain'n Bank. tf Land Fob Bale. 4H0 acres over in Wilson oniine. A good stock ranch uD . will be sold cheap Call at Qt.zet.te oflice for particular and terms 'I. If you would be rid at ohills and fever take Simmons Liver Regulator. Why Don't You Call on the New Firm at tba old Tan Dayn stand ? You will certainly be anrprised at the low prices in Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and A Complete Line of Groceries. COME IN AND SEE US ! No trouble to show goods and give prices. Kespectfully Yocbs, HOENO R & AVA.RHlSr. TFTTTj PEOPLE OUR Not only onoe, but again and again. full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell the best is ex plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes us friends, and so establishes onr trade. We want you to have some of onr friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clotbiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merohandise store. Come in and see ns, everybody. y INOR dfe CO if - The lik) Institute -OF- C. 11ULLL, rr Enterp Bakery On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keep on band a full line of STAPLE A.3STD EAJSTCY Groceries anil Previsions. A full line of choice Pies, Cakes und Bread ; in faot everything that la usually kept in a first-class bakery store. Tbay will sell obeap foi cash. Call and try them. aw Land Patents Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily Jsettled. Contests Between individuals having conflicting claims under the agricultural land lews, and those between claimants under the Mineral Lnwa and agricultural claimants; and also between claimnuts under any of tbe pnblioland laws and the llailroad companies and their grantees, and the states and their grantees, under toe Bwnmp-Land and HchQol-Land Grants. Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers who have complied with the laws under which their entries were made, and who are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of their patents, caused by Trifling Irregularities which can be easily and speedily removed, Advioe also given in all matters relating ta the public lands, espeolnlly on points arising under tbe new laws which have been reoently passed providing for the disposal of tbe public domain. If you want your land patent in a hurry if yon want your land business, of any character, attended to by skillful and competent attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., P. O. Box, 385. Washington, D. 0. It is the Headquarters ! palnta, I)rtii, Oils. Ulaai, ToW let Artloea, Patent Medlolnea, ICto Office of all stages runn ing oat of Heppner. SLOCUjn-JDHHSTOH DH COfllPlY. BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains IN- Jewelry, Cash Talks. SEE BORG, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. A RE COMING WAY! Thej know that from ns they always get Heppner, Or con. For the Cure ox Liquor! Opium &nd Tobacco Habits It Ib located at Forest Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Qazettk office for particular!. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and aura cure. Proprietor PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. : JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, silverware, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc., Etc. Trust i3usts Store a5! u. WM