Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 17, 1894, Image 2

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    nm ffljp TO SELL YOU 3 BPII?!
One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.:
NU 160
Give your business to Ileppner people
and therefore assist to build up Ilepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will bo published unless the
writer s real name is signed as au evidence of
gouu mun.
For Congress, Second District.
W. K. ELLIS, ol Heppner.
For Governor.
W. P. LOUD, of 8alem.
For Secretary of State,
H, K. KINCAID, of Eugene.
For State Treasurer,
MI1L. METSCHAN, of Grant County.
For Supreme Judge,
C.E. WOLVERTON, of Albany.
For Attorney-General,
C. M. IDLEMAN, of Portland.
For Supt. Public Instruction,
G. M. IRWIN, of Union.
For State Primer,
W. H. LEEDS, of Ashland.
For Prosecuting Attorney, 7th Elst.
A. A. JAYNE, of Arlington.
For Member Board of Equalization,
W. C. WILLS, ofCroolt County.
For Representative,
J. S. BOOTH BY, of Lexington.
For Sheriff,
G. W. HARRINGTON, of Heppner.
For Clerk,
F. J. HALLOCK, of Heppner.
For Treasurer,
FRANK GILLIAM, of Ileppner.
For commissioner,
J.L. I10WAKD, of Galloway.
For Assessor.
J.F. WILLIS, of Lexington.
For Sehool Superintendent,
.MI.-.S ANNA J. BAL-ilOEK, of lone.
For Surveyor,
GEO. W. LOUD, of Ella.
For Coroner,
W. AYEItS, JR., of Ileppner.
lor Justice of the 1st District,
For Constable of 1st District,
For Justice of and District,
I. R. ESTEb.
For Constable nf 2nd Dlstrlot,
For Justice of :ird District,
For Constable of :ird District,
For Justice of 4th District,
For Constable of 4th District,
For Justice of 5th District,
For Constable of Mb District,
For Jusllceoflilh District,
For Constable oriith District,
N. 8. W111CTHTONH.
The oonveutinn lust week lit the
uiotrou.ilis put into tlio lickl the beat
ticket ever chosen by the repulilinnn
party in the ntnto of Orcou, And it
may bo Bind, too, that mrn giiml men
went down to ifufoat before tlio cou
vautimi than over before iu our state's
history, nt one otrnventiun, at IhrhI.
LluvihK so many lumliiitf mill worthy
men from whom to golt-ot, it is not
nt all surprising that cur ticket should
bu h ood one. Owinp; to lack of time,
we uro unable iu this issue to say lunch,
individually, for the candidates, but
further ou we shall k'ivo our readers an
idea of what sort of men for whom we
ahull ask them to vote, by giving their
public sets and deeds, (heir characters
st home and abroad, and their lltuessfor
ofllce. While In Emleru Oregon there was
some disnpp.iiiitmeiit that their select
ions, in all canes good men, failed to
reach the coveted goal, they are just as
euthnsisslio an good republicans can
be, and Kanteru On'gou will roll up an
increased mnj irity for the ticket iu Juue
next. Many were particularly disap
pointed that Hon. 0. W. Fulton, of
Astoria, failed to receive the nomination
for governor, but Mr. Fulton, though be
never knew defeat before, feels that he
has been beaten by one of the best men
iu the party, and his friends up here
will just as cheerfully acoept the situ
ation and vole for Lord to a man.
For congress, second district, the
choice fell npou the present incumbent,
Hon. W. 15. Ellis. We believe it could
not have beeu belter bestowed, and we
lire ens U led that the rival factious, who
worked so hard for their respective
favorites, will all come down to the
polls neit June aud vote the republican
ticket straight.
The seventh judicial district has Mr.
A. A. Jayue, of Arlington, as a candi
date for proseoutiug attorney. His
nomination came without one dissent
ing voice, and he is the right man, too.
W. C. Wills, of Crook Co.; a worthy
republican, was selected to make the
race for member of the board of equal
ization. Morrow oouuty was not successful iu
its choice for a oandidate to take part
iu the joiut aeualorial contest. Our
convention eudoraed Hon. J. N. Hrowu,
of Heppner, and it was hoped that two
votea might be secured from Gran!
county which would have nominated
Mr. Brown. Lou; Creek stood by Mr.
ACRES Timber Culture claim
fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800.
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on
Brown, giving bim in all only five votes,
and therefore failed to get the Domi
nation. Yet ho can feel that be made
s good rnoe under unfavorable oironm
etunees, Orant and Harney having com
bined on A. W. Oowan, of Bums, witb
the exception of the one vote as given
above. Mr, Gowan ie on active re
publican, and at the last session of the
legislature represented Grant and
Harney iu the lower house. O. L. Pat
terson, of the Eagle, wascbosen to make
the race for the place vacated by Mr.
The democratic convention last week
wts an anair, brilliant in one renpect
only. It was run to nominate a olerk,
and when that was accomplished every
other office was made a tail to this kite.
The Gazette hears some queer stories of
this convention, which was democratic
from the speech of the successful nomi
nee for olerk to the general ratification
afterwards, but as the chief quill-driver
wan down at Portland, he is nnable to
do the subject that justice which it
deserves. Bat if the Record will reprint
its so-called report of the republican
convention recently held, ohanging the
names to suit, injecting into it a little
more of that wonderful word painting to
agree with the the actual facts, it will
be the true record of the proceedings.
He who lives in a glass bouse should
not be the first to throw stones, and
wbon the Reoord gets so it can tell the
truth gracefully in its dealings witb
political mutters, then that paper oan
consistently aconse us of prevarioation,
even if there isn't anything in it, as that
paper well knows was the case regarding
our comments on the "sweet" manner of
running ring primaries in Morrow
Both Herman and Ellia voted against
Bland's bill for free ooinage of silver
when they feared it would pass. Both
voted for Bland's bi 1 to coin the eeign
ornge when they knew it would pass
without them. Foxy fellows. Oregon
Independent. Bland has had no bill in
ootigress for the free ooinage of silver
since Ellis' term began, As for the
latter statement, the Independent man
is somewhat "foxy" himself if he can
read a man's mind all the wav from
Washington. They have given out no
Hiich statement, but on tbe oontrary
have Baid openly that on prinoiple they
voted for the seignoruge bill.
Mil. TJi'TON, populist member of the
house from Coos county in the last
session of the legislature, who was criti
cised for having taken extra mileage,
tbe more because he opposed public
extruvagence, uuw admits the charge,
but defends his actions on tbe ground
of custom. Ho is quoted us saying that
be would donate to tbe county superin
tendent to bs apportioned among the
county a sum equal to his overdraft of
mileage. His admission is honorable,
but mistake, if it was a mistake, un
fortunate. Forest Grove Times.
Tim nomination of llou. W. K. Ellis
for ootigress from this district will be
very satisfactory to the republicans of
Eastern Oregon. His election is almost
certain, aud the people in this portion of
the state will feel satisfied that he will
faithfully represent their interests in
Washington. He is a geutlemau of
unquestioned integrity, aud in the halls
of congress he will remain another two
years to do credit to himself and honor
to the party that favored him with a
second term. Times-Mountaineer.
Tim Gazette says again that the
democratic primaries iu Ueppucr were
ring iiffairs. More than that, the
majority of those in the county were of the
same cluss, The Record's explanation
rem i mis us very much'of that made by
"Prof." Rork, particularly in this, that
under the circumstances, the less said
the better.
F. J. MooitB, two years ago democratic
candidate for prosecuting attorney of
this district, has beeu appoiuted by the
president to be register of the laud
ottlce at The Dalles.
Those who never read the advertise-
nenta iu their newspapers dim more
then they presume. Jonathan Kemsou,
of Holan, Worth Co., Iowa, who had beeu
troubled with rheumatism iu bis buck,
arms and shoulders read an item iu bis
paper about how a prominent German
itizou of l't. Madison had been cured.
He procured the same medicine, aud to
use his own words: "It cured me right
up." He also says: "A neighbor and
bis wife were both sick in bed witb
rheumatism. Their boy was over to my
bouse and said they were so bad he bad
to do the cooking. I told him of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm and how it
had cured me; lie got a bottle and it
cured them up iu a week. 60 oeut
bottles for sale by 8 oo urn-Johnson
Drug Co.
One might as well try to stem the
rapids of Niagara, as to expect perfect
health while a scrofulous taint exists in
tbe b'aod. Through its alterative and
purifying properties. Ayer's Saraapa
rilla removes every vestige of scrofulous
poison from the blood.
adjoining, of which deeded land there are 140 acres good farming land,
The ninth snnuul convention of the
Oregon Sti.tn nnd.iv Soboi 1 Association
will be held in the Firtt M. E. ohnrcb,
in Salem, opening Wednesday, May 2
1894, at 2 p. m. and closing Friday, May
4, at noon. This ie a mass convention.
Every person interested in Sunday
school work is oordially invited. Every
school in the state ia urged to send as
many delegates as possible. The pres
enoe of Mr. William Reynolds, Inter
national Field Superinte ndent, will add
muoh to the v:.!iu of the meet intra.
None can afford to miss them. Attend
ance will open our eyes, and give ua
fresh oourage for another year's effort
The names of all persons expecting to
be present and desiring entertainment
should be sent to ft'. W. Brooks, Salem,
not later than April 2Hrd.
Delegates buying full fate tickets to
Salem will receive certilicates at con
vention entitling them to return trip
tickets at one-third fare over Southern
Pacific lines. The Oregon Pacific Ky.
will ulso mnko special rate of one and. a
half fure for round trip.
We want you there. Come,
F. R. Cook,
Sec. S. H H Assn.
Don't Delay.
It is your duty to yourself to get rid
ot the loul accumulation in your blood
this spring. Hood's Haraapnrilla is
just the medicine you need to purify,
vitalize and enrich your blood. That
tired feeling which uffects nearly every
one in the spring is driven off by Hood's
aarsupunlla, the great spring medicine
and purifier.
Today Grover Cleveland heoomeB
president ouce more. Four years ago
everything was iu a secure slute, and the
business interests of the country were
looking forward for uiitqualod pros
perity. But what a ohuiigi) oame.
During the next four years tinkering
with the tariff under the cry of "pro
tection to American industries" and
"home markets," the republicans de
stroyed nearly all our foreign trade, and
many industries have sutitred irrepar
able loss. Today, howt v.-r, the verdict
of the people on Novembor Ktli is con
summated, aud a brighter era opens.
Tariff reform and the removal of the
restrictions on trade is already in sight.
It has beeu a liiijj( and weary journey,
but the d iwn ia quickly opproaobing.
We have waited patiently for today, and
it has nt length come. It is truly a
grent day, n business man's day, the
wage-earner's day, t e people's day.
American Industries, March 4th, 1S)3.
Not seeing itcma from Cottonwood,
I thought I would eenil you a few notes.
The snow went i ff in a rush and L.
Sweek and family bad j-tst time to got
their effects out of the Ii-jurd as it went
down the creek. We got up nt 2 o'clock
a. m., and worked bind to save the stuff.
No lives were lost, Bid now we live in
a barn.
Monumknt, Or., .Mnruu 2il, l.SSM.
Dr. Price's link In Powder Receives It.
(Chicago Tribune.)
For leavening power, keeping qual
ities, purity and general exoellenoe the
World's Fair jury decided that Dr.
Prioe'e Cream Baking Powder had no
equal. On each of its claims it was
awarded a first prize of a diploma. All
the baking powders eutered for prizes
were subject to a most exhaustive
examination, and the jury was
the best equipped to make t lie decision
of auy ever got together. Their verdict
was supported by the testimony of Dr
U. W. Wiley, chief ohemist of the United
States Department of Agriculture Bt
Washington. Dr. Wiley iu an expert on
food products and the highest authority
on suoh niatflrs in America. This
verdict settles a long debated question
as to which among the many baking
powders is the best.
Why is It?
That Heroulcs Gas and Gasoline En
gines are held by the public in so nmob
higher estimation than other engines?
The parties using these engines, and
their name is legion, are the ones who
oan best answer this question. They
well know the ease and promptness
with which these engiues are started
and the very little care they require to
keep them running month after mouth
with the most perfect satisfaction.
They run without a spark battery,
which is admitted to be unreliable.
Tbe simple ignition tubes ot tbe
Hercules Engines are far better. Send
for catalogue. If you want second-band
engiues of other makes at aheap rates
we oan supply you. We have a number
taken in trade aud cannot take any
more until these are realized on. Pal
mer & Rbt Ttvk Foundry, Front Jt
Alder Sir, Portland Oregon.
easy terms.
For further information call at our office.
They Will Cure the Kite or a Cobra, the
Most leadly of Serpents.
The so-called "snake stones" of Ceylon
are celebrated for the efficacy which
they are supposed to have in curing- the
bites of venomous Borpents. Secrecy is
maintained as to the method of t'neir
manufacture, which is a lucrative busi
ness carried on by monks, who supply
the merchants of India with them.
They are employed in the familiar man
ner by being- placed on the wound, their
absorbent material sucking up the blood
and incidentally the venom, as is
claimed. There is plenty of authentic
evidence of remarkable cures per
formed by such snake stones, though
science is as yet reluctant to place any
belief in them.
Kir J. E. Tennent, to whose work on
Ceylon a writer in the Washington Star
is indubted, tells of an occasion when he
wus riding along a jungle path on the
island, aud he saw one or two native
who were upproachingsuddenly dart oil
from the road and return immediately
with a cobra, the most deadly of all
serpents, grasped by the head and tail
The man tried to place the snake in a
covered basket, but handled it so inex
pertly that it seized him by the finger
and retained its hold for a few seconds.
Blood flood and intense pain appeared
to follow. As quickly as possible thf
other native undid his own waist cloth
and took from it two snake stones, each
the size of a small almond, intensely
black aud highly polished, though ex
tremely light. These he applied to
each wound inflicted by the teeth of the
cobra. They attached themselves close
ly, the blood that oozed from the bite
being rapidly imbibed by the porous
substance. After throe or four minutes
they dropped off and the suffering of
the man seemed to have subsided. He
twisted his fingers until the joints
creaked and went on his way without
concern. It has been ascertained with
certainty that these snake stones are
usually nothing more than pieces of
burned bone. The Mexican recipe for
for making a snake stone is to take a
fragment of deer's horn of any conven
ient size and shape, cover it with
grass, inclose both in a thin piece of
sheet copper and place the parcel in a
charcoal fire until the bone is well
charred. When cold remove the cal
cined horn from its envelope, when it
will be found to be a solid black fibrous
substance. It will then be ready lot
immediate use.
The Nnltnn Only Maintains His Power bf
Keeping tlie Tribes at War.
Written law there is none. Prisoners
languish in chains, some innocent, some
guilty; but, says a writer in the Fort
nightly Review, they are condemned
without trial or released only through
bribery. I find no security for life or
property. 1 he rich deny or bury their
wealth, which is unearthed by threats
ami confiscated by torture. The poor
lie down and starve. I see tribes of
hardy mountuineers in constant revolt
against the sultan. 1 cannot see that
the sultan in any sense governs any
thing or anybody. He makes no roads,
builds no harbors, fosters no trade, ad
ministers no justice; he only keeps hit
place by setting one tribe to plunder
another or by keeping whole popula
tions in a state of starvation, and hence
unable to resist his exactions.
As he plays on the tribes within se
he plays off the nutions without. He
keeps out their influence by fomenting
their rival jealousies. In Tangier itself,
the diplomatic capital of Morocco, there
is not a wheeled carriage. Why? Be
cause there is not sufficient cohesion
among the consulates and legations to
get a carriage road made. This ii
called the status in quo and is some
times lauded as an admirable policy.
Look beyond Tangier: I see between
ranges of metalliferous mountains, upoD
whose slopes herds of wild horses,
enough to set up the continent witb
cavalry, or tame cattle for its commis
sariat, could be raised, vast alluvial
plains, well watered, utterly untouched
by industry, yet capable of bearing
grain and fruit enough to supply hall
Europe wheat, oranges, lemons, In
dian corn, sugar, grapes, olives, dates,
bananas, and every kind of vegetables.
1 see a great navigable river, the Lebon.
down which all this produce might be
floated, between r ez and the seacoast,
for rapid export. Not a steam plow oi
a harrow or a thrashing machine will the
sultan permit; not a square foot will hi
sell; not a steamer or trading boat may
ply upon rivers which should be at onet
the boundaries of teeming and prosper
ous provinces and the arteries of oo'
mopolitan commerce.
No More EdelwelM.
The edelweiss has been hunted frorx
one point of refuge to another among
the Aids till it has been almost extermi
uuieu ia ii lmuvc noiue. one ot tni
most bon'.iti'til and quaint of the moun
tain flowers is condemned to extinction
because tourists in Switzerland eonsidei
themselves hnmd by fa.-Jiion to wear I
couple of dried '-pi'c'imcns iu their hatf
or send them home illumed to a card.
In one or two f the) ccntons the gov
ernment has inti'rf. red to save the per
secuted plant, and luu set a tine on tin
plucking of i..i b.'c.-.i'.ifnl white, fluffy
flowers. T'.io e .V. w.-iss dinv not sub
uult readily to e'.i!',iv:-.ti.in in gardens. II
will, indeed, . mw when planted in I
rookery, but it i!em lu nitcs early, thi
flowers assuming u given hue iu plaot
of snowy white, ami the petals lotting
their curious wool.
For wakefulness, weakness or lack of
energy take Situmos Liver Regulator.
and the balance A 1 pasture. The
Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good
for it with first crop raised on it. Reason for selling, owner lives in the East and
All matter intended for this column Hlinnld
he addressed to Its editor, as the Gazette has no
auiuorliy to pouiiHli same without his connt-nt.
I his column belongs e.relusirelii lo
the Peoples I'wty.of Morrow count v,
and will be used bij them us thi-y see
fit. The management o tin' Hazetle
will ni no way be respuvsible fn- antj
thing that, may appear thvreiu.
Governor, Nathan Pierce.
State Treasurer, P.. Caldwell.
Seoretary of Stale, Ira .Vakefleid.
Supt. Public lualruotiuu, T. O. Jory.
Attori.ey Gericial, M. L. Olmstead,
State Printer, George M. Orion.
Supreme Jude, k. P. Boise.
Congressman See JJist., Joe Waldrop.
Jt. Sen., Morrow, Grant and Harney.
George Gilbert.
Pros. Attorney, E. P. Sine.
Board of Equalization, B. F. Searoy.
School Supt.,
'. F. King.
.Tosf pli C. Hayes,
U. M. Hogue.
Miss Addle Coulee.
V. Ii. Ewing.
J. L. Gibson.
Chan. Ingraham.
'I. Nunamaker.
It will take ouly 8812 to buy it; 480
acres, 260 acres plow bind; one-half
mile rnnnina water. Improvements:
40 aores fenced, 15 Hi res cultivated, 2
houses and stable, spiiiy and minor
improvement!-. Adup'ed to farming,
sheep and hoirrawiu.'. An cx'cusive
sheep rrinse joinmu to H,,ek ore-ek,
lerms: !)0 down; remairoier on long
time, ivocation: Uu county romi, two
and niie-uair miles west of lio' d hill,
Eight. Mile. Or. 320 sen s for S510, or
$108 for nwi.erslnp iu Hi.) acres school
land or will i-xebmiga for two good
horses. Original pot. of woliool land
$W. Apply atUeppjer Ijazetto office
ileppner Oregon. li)i) tf-sw.
"Six days fchalt thnn labor," Bays the
great lawgiver. To do good work, man
must be at hia best. This oondition is
attained by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa-
rina. ii overoomes tnat tirea feeling,
quickens the appetite, improve diges
tion, ana miige the weak strong.
The use of Hall's Hair Renewer pro
motes the growth of the bair. Bud re
stores its natural color and beanty, frees
the scalp of dandruff, tetter, and all
Disordered Liver, etc.
They Act Like Magic on the Vital Organs,
Regulating the Secretions, restoring long
lost Complexion, bringing back the Keen
Edge of Appetite, and arousing with the
ROSEBUD OF HEALTH the whole physical
energy of the human frame. These Facts
are admitted by thousands, in all classes of
; Society. Largest Sale in the World.
Covered with a Tasteless i Soluble Costing.
i Of all druggists. Price SS cents a Bos.
New York Depot, i6 Canal St.
Notice of Dissolution.
partnership heretofore existing between
Vt. A. kirk and 0. Huhl, under the tirm name
oi Kirs it Kuni, nas this oIhv been dissolved by
mutual consent, W. A. Kirk withdrawing from
theliriu. However, Mr. Kuhl will continue at
the same location, c. Ruhl will collect all
debts aud pay all liabilities of the old firm
previous lo mis (late.
W. A. Kirk.
C. Kuhl.
Dated March 13. 1S94. 214-22.
Administrator's Notice.
11 undersigned has been appointed by the
county court ot ouuam comity, Oregon, sd
mlulstrator of the estate of Jacob Johnson,
deceased. All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to present them
to me at Eight Mile, Morrow county Oregon,
duly verlned according to law, within six
months from this date.
Given under uiy hand and dated this nth day
of March 1NM. E. D. KooD,
-1-. Administrator.
Notice of Sale of Real Estate.
ll pursuance to au order of the county
court of the county of Morrow, state of Oregon,
made on the oih day of March, Ism, In the
matter of the estate of Lizsie Morgan, deceased,
the undersigned, the administrator of said
estate, will sell at public auction to the highest
bidder, for cash, on Saturday, April -2Sth, lly4,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said dar, at the
court house of said couuty, all the rtyht, title
interest and estate of the said Lljile Morgan at
the time of her death iu and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land lving and being In the
said county aud state and more particularly
described as follows: The 8. 4 of the s. W. i
and S. i, of the a K.K of Sec. 26, Tp. i S. of K.
'14, E. Yv . M.
il-' M. R. kOROAS,
April !), ISM.
Bare M S Morris Alice
WsUon B
When lllr lor t&eM letters please sit
sdvertlsed. A. MXLOAT P. .
deeded land has a good spring of water on it, all under
Blood Diseases
may be inherited, or acquired during life.
Blood should be rich to insure health.
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime
and soda, cures all Blood Diseases, including
Scrofula and Anaemia. It makes the blood
rich and nourishing. Physicians, the world
over, endorse it.
Persons troubled with skin eruptions and all who aro thin or
emaciated should take SCOTT'S EMULSION. Cures Coughs, Colds,
and Weak Lungs.
Prepared by Scott & Bowne, N. V. Druggists sell It.
Is the title of a very valuable book that (jives a irreat amount of Information of the Utmost
Importance to Everybody, concerning their dally habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
What to Eat,
How to Eat It,
Things to Do.
Influence of Plants.
Occupation for invalids,
Alcohol as a Food aud a
Thlnirs to Avoid. Medicine.
Perils of Summer, Superfluous Hair,
uv. w uiwujd. iiciuuvuig cinuja,
Dangers of Kissine. Restorlncr the Drownpd.
Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysontery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, HoarseneBs, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning
Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Hingworm, Snoring. Stammerhur. Horn Xm n-n -Mtt.'
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache Uloera,
Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms in Children. IT WILL SAVE DOOTOUS- BILLS.
CSAll new Bnbscribers and prompt
preseueed with a free copy of this as a
MaaasMunisiiwiiaaii.ii.ui..)iii jisuil'Uin ' irfiui iswai !! nininiisiaiiiawas
l - -T nilMaissnMSaian nun
Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, i not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re
tained counsel expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If you have an Invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to the best course tc pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement bv
others, submit the matter to up for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
p. o. box 63 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
3- Cut this out and send it with your inuulu.JBi
Aln-ost all pills and medicine produ
clear t'.io jkln and renv.
self. 25 Coats a bor.
Or seat by mall upon re..v!:.-, cl pLv i'y"
Prentiss Chemical and
Preutlss Iloctlfyi
ni,' pill curyc(Hi?'.i
Prentiss tlryius
L. . P waa iss
ill blotches rrorn tlio face
Kills, rwso & I,yons,
All businro attended to in a prompt and gatufnrirnrv
manner. Notaries Public- and cXtora.
rustler can pay
has no use for it.
Parasites of the Skin,
Care of Teeth.
naiouiK uest vay,
After-Dinner Naps,
Lunjrs and Luns Diseases, Effects of Tobacco.
How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance.
Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause & Cure,
uuw juucii w irear, TO liet Itia Ot Lice.
Oontnfftnnn FllRpnana Aftanna
How to Avoid Them, Croup to Prevent.'
Eyes, Bolls. Burns. Chlllhlalnn rtnM TW mr..
renewals durincthe month of Mar. will be
a b
cc ST
a ft
c e
UPfKYnallnntlAn hn 1 . -in . "
oocau.o .t is the only safe and harmi.
r-mctiy that will surely CEAUT1FY the
Try a box and see for your
Manufacturing Co.,
Premiss ft
P'vutws BB-UWwr plli53o
miss lti-.-il-.ying plllcur constipation
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. .