Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 13, 1894, Image 4

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    CURES Wll
Tlie Strunro Hpoctuv o to I!o Seen Where
I Once a C'i:r fjtood.
Away up among' tho bagebrush of
White l'ino, far removed from the r.hrieK
of the locomotive and only disturbed by
the occasional pretpceUT, in a ntr.mfro,
silent city. Once more than thirty-five
thousand people carried, on all Unds of
business and trade thorn. It was (lin
ing the phcncmunal rush t White Pinu
In 18G7. Many hundreds of buildings
were creeled. It was a wild, new city,
whkh never dc pt, and where v.-ere en
acted all the s ener, v. hi' h i:i the tjllinjf
made Marl: Twain and lh-ct Ilarte
iamnun. Thio was the ;.t; iy which nu
old W hite Tine ina;i roeounted to a Kan
Francisco i;::,'iir.ir.er reporter:
"Now, il you (jo there," r.aid ho, "you
sec only a few of those buildings, fur
most of them have, fallen in and de
cayed. Scattered loff cabins yet remain
where mountain oquirrela ccurry to and
fro at the s-mnd of man's footsteps.
But it is not of this that I started out to
tell you, but of a second siient city
where hundreds of men lie buried and
where scarcely a headstone inarhs their
last rusting place. The headstones,
where there were any at all, were of
wood and (hey qv.i-Uly rotted away.
The malion all about there is
largely of lii:W, one. V.'atcr perco
lating through it p;:rtal."cs of the
nature of lime and this in many
cases lias entirely petrified the bodies.
So if one wore to ilifj here
and there In the rival jravcyard he
would find on every hand pclriiied men.
In many cases they are pclriiied so com
pletely that the cntiiv remains, even
down to the features, are intact. The
quiet graveyard, strol. ii'n;,' over many
acres, numbers uni")!; it ; sleepers all
classes. Dure are the" e who died in
midwinter of pi,.',.ii:"ni:i. and typhoid
fever, for in those wild times men could
not tahe good vr.rt: at llieiuseh es. Des
peradoes are Ui'W also. Numberless
persons, of all derives, died with their
boots on.
"The men who came there on fortune
bent embraced all classes. There was
the hardened" pivspcel.:. rand the tender
foot, the professional man, tlie farmer
for the first time t:.:ni:i:: his iittciition
toward mines and the (rambling ad
venturer. Death setlled upon thorn,
high and low ali!;e. Many an eastern
family perhaps t this day are walling
for the return of talk' r, si
They have i'r j.p si nil
there, caught l;,y the n:r.l
moots and tsrse i to nt-.n.
till Ihe end i f time. I
city to vi; it now. bet twr
ago it war. 11 hurinr.i.c.'M'u.,
unlihe Cr.'ede at 111 pir
larger. It looks un aivy
f vever, and
'.'!"0'ound cle
, they will lie
is a lonesome
,'t;- .qvl. year
rin .lUiee.not
e ii I time, only
noiv and I do
not often visit i', I"'
t, v.!
1 do I am
constantly impress -d
taint' of all luima:i
wooden licadrtom-i t !i
exceedingly sag:'," t-t iv
villi the nncer
alalis. The old
1. yrt reinidn arc
It V.lll (ml Oi..s,:...e, sou. end Will lie
Nreirly r,,n.i , .lii,.;, !.,,;.
The con: li s l i s' i t the world's long
est railroad i pne'ivssiog rapidly along
the river valir'.ei. an I a r .u. the s(.:ppes
of Siheria, rays Hie I'liilarleiphia in
quirer. The western extremity of the
road Is the mining town of Aliask on
the eastern side i f Hie L'ral range, anil
Us eastern terminus is at Vladi vostolc,
on the sea of Japan, mailing a totul
length of 4,TSs mile s, whieli is nearly
twice the length of the Canadian Pacific.
Its cost, including1 surecys, grading,
building, r.tatiuir;, rolling stock, and,
indeed, everything needed J ir its con
struction and equipment, is estimated
at CloS.tii:,'i,()')3 -an cmo'iuous amount,
but profitably invested, and far less
than the cor I of u useless I'.uropean
The country through v.hieli the road
will run presents no great engineering
dilii inlties, and a -Toss the vast plains it
will hardly require the grading of a
roadbed. It is also for the most part
fairly populous, mu h of it being very
fertile and the rest ri h in minerals: so
that along its entire route the road will
open up and develop a country of mag
nificent rcsoutves and of almost inex
haustible agri nit oral and mining
The various re-nils which will even
tually follow the completion of this
great wi rl: eannet i f course be fully
estimated in a Ivan -o. bat some of them
may be partially foreseen. One of
these is that by i:u ans of this road
Utissia leaps at a single bound into the
Indubitable position of the most formid
able of Asiatic powers. Through this
road linglaml is made insecure in India,
and, whenever the contest for suprem
acy in caster. i Asia is pre. ipilatcd, the
whole northern frontier of China will
be open at every point to the massing
of Uussieci troops.
lint, altogether apart from ils nv.-, li
ability anil importance iu war, its com
mercial, industrial and political possi
bilities are simply in-, aleuable. It will
lu-ing the hi. Id -u so lion of Asia into
full eoiineetion w i: h the rest of the
world. The l!u - ian government is
now solicitous about keeping foreign
ers out of the provio -es beyond the
l"ru mountains and the Caspian. With
the completion of t his read a new era
will begin, travel and commerce will
follow an unlirohen route from the vest
of liurope to Japan, the ideas of civili
zation elsewhere prevalent will be in
troduced and take root, cad gradually
those changes will occur which will
make Asiatic l'.ussia a sharer in tho
common progress of humanity.
A I'ani 'Ui Snstie Umm',
' Pennsylvania has many things to be
proud of, and one of then is a mac
with a beard four feet seven and one
half inches long. His name is William
II. King and he resides in Spiingtleld
township near Connellsville, Fayette
county. Mr. King, says the l'ittslmrgh
Post, has never felt the keen edge of a
razor upon his classic countenance dur
ing the forty-thrco years of his exist
ence. Uis beard is of a sandy color
and ho usually wears it twisted up in a
knot and limited incide of his vest, but
when in very good i;pirit3 he allows it
to flow unhampered tj bo toyed with
by tho gentle zephyrs. Another char
ftcteristic of Mr. King ia that he ia on
accomplished snako killer.
Deeds, m oil ; men, etc., txecuteil m
the llbZettii olhje. "
KM "Z";,"
Thfre was uever h time in tlie hip'or
of our coiii lry tic n tlie dinn rid f
iov nlioiiB i.nd iinpiovemciits in the f
iml ncie opb Ki ncrBlly was so Brent
sow. The convenience! of mankind i
ihe fnctor iiinl woikslini, I lie hoiiphol
i ml nu tin- f irm, hh well i,b iu ofliei
iie. o quire coutieuiil i ceeps nns l I-
(ipniteUHMRH and irapdments of phi
hi order to ssve tailor, tiineaud txpem
The political eh an i:e in tlie Blminitn
on ovcriiment does not affect the
ronicHH of the Amerieiiu inventor, win
inim; on ih alert, anil ready to pm
. ive tlie pxi"tniK definienoiPH, does no
Hinnt th i.fl'iirs of government to 1m
pr Inm from quickly ounccivinK th
pmedy to overcome eiisting dixcrepHi
ieH. Too griu ohm ciuuiot lw ex
'weil in cIioohuijj a competctit Hail nki
ol Hitorin')' to prepnre hikI proRpcn
0 iipiilicaiion for utteiil. Vnlimblp 1
. rm h IttiVe been lost lllili (leHtri'Ved
'oiiiiiieriilile iiiKtiinees bv the einpl"
lent of iiiConipeteut Counsel, iind e
priiilly in His advine uppliciible t
.one who adopt the "No patent, i
i.)" Kjntun. Inventors who nitrii
'I ir biitnPMH to t Iiih cIkhh of iittorne
1 n so Ht iininitiPiit risk, tin the brendtl
ml t'lriiiili of the patent is never eon
ulnreil in view of a quick endeavor li
i mi allowance ned iiblain the fee
ohii l eddei bum. General Mnrnitfei.
18 F street, N. V.,Viilntii!lon, D. C.
,. resell i"i! h Irti'KP unnilier (if iiupni
nit diiily ii ti el weekly piipem, mid Ken
nil periodicals of ihe eolintry, was in
ilateil to nroltot. its untrnns from tin
iniife laeihods lieretofore employei
I hi line of IniHiiieSs. The said dm
ini is impiired to take clmrue of al
lent buiiieiH entriiHted to it for rei
inalile fi-p", mid prepsre nnil proseou'
oiiiosH"iirt KHiierally, iuolndtnir me
iiiiniciit itiveiitioiiR, di'Hittn pateni'
r uin mill kH, liibels, eopyi iiilits, interfei
iicew. ii frinyemeiits, validity reriortr
nil kichh pi.ii-eiiil at'eiiion to nj' ctii
isPH. It in hIho prcjiiiroil to eutrfr ini
uniiprtitioii ilb any firm iu securiio
Miiijs.i patents.
Wiile for insti uelimis nml nilviee.
John WnoDKiiumm.
(.18 1' Sin-pt,
i 0. liox 38 "i. WiiMliiiiKt.in, D. C
Kuuds! Trees!
Choice Seeds
Fruit Tree.
Wlisli'Hide and Hetail. Ciitalogu.
ree. Address
o 25 II a si? Walla Walla, Wash
tiU'ND TU1P TH'KKl'S 11(1011 l-'Oti ;)u
T1IK l-'AlIt
From sun Finn luce (a oilier (mints In rail
or. la ll 111 lie nllmvt'd 1'llivluii.i'ril tit p'-eltil
HiIm hrtt'i-Kith-tickets lit the follow Ick round
rt ruti n:
I o Millions iiiuler tSO nillou from Sun Friui
iseo. oi. y mill oinellilril one way I'n re.
to Mntluim ISO tulles or liuire from Sai
"rn'ii'lM'ii oim anil one fifth nne way tare.
F..r exact rales ami tall llituriiiatloil tiupitiv
1.1 II, KhUan.l. Hlsl. I'a-s. iiRi-nt al Ml Firm
t , I'orilaml, or., or atlilivsit tha iniiU'rsltu'tt,
..ll'll ll illl.W, T. II (IDUllMAN.
lien. Tiiillic MioiiiBi'i'. Hen. I'asH. Ant.
Sua FriiiH'Uco, t'altf.
K. I'. KlKiKKS, A. 11. F. A 1. A.,
PiirtlHiirl, Oregon.
Fff"p TDIRI fii'leiRO of our trest
le Ilk I KImL. '" I- ' WMkMM nu J
Ol I ,,,lnt" l.'c..,i,i.,voU1.l.billly
1 1 mm am twi lott vitality hhi iw lor is ceuti
Annorn lloatii.
The Angora goat is idling a pretty
large plate in the domestic economy o)
the I niled Slates. '1 hirty stales and
ull tho territorit s number these goatf
among their useful animals, and the
crop of hair last year umounted tc
six hundred thousand pounds. Th
stock, however, Is deteriorating, and
Secretary Husk has taleen measures tc
import some full-blooded animals from
Turkey. It is estimated that from two
to three thousand choice foreign poat
are needed to put the industry on s
Ann fooling. The goats multiply rapid
ly. One farmer in Kiir Jose has a Hock
of ten thousand from aa original Im
portation of four, but only one thou
md are full-blooded.
iootliiTii Pacific Compaiij
n..j . 1 j.
i oriiiiiid lo Mm mi
and i:i:ti'i:n
i "Once." sir,
"when il-s
np in Neva hi a:
late Judge llulZ-:
site sides of a ci :
gTicd be; i' hi
Nevada City v. ,j ;
to depart t,r JHv
to hold court llu. i
proixis.ition that -.
mountains w il'a
case on the way.
.. the
h : ar
c over the
roe our
1 the sug
arted oil
male. I
my argu
cu JuaD.
We ;
gestion, so ured horses
on cither i.lo ol t!ie
opened the case and eo;
raentaswe reachc! A
Then Uehlcn repiii'd. lie was very
much in earnest, grew quite wurin over
the case, and didn't conclude until we
had passed i;:gcr Tent. Then Judge
Searlcs ruminated a shut lime and de
livered his decision ilat against Dclden.
Beldcn was so much worked up about
the case that the dcih i-m made all
three of us a little uncomfortable for a
time, and not a word ivr spo!:'n as w
jogged alone. The n, j-rt as we rode
down to Ooodyonr's 'oar. tlie judge
broke the straineil sihei -e with the re
mark: 'My mule sooiristvcry tired.' '1
should think he would.' replied lielden,
'after getting up ' -aes a decision a
j The Lanuae of tlio t:ilI(.
I "Hebrew," says an enthusiast in that
language, "can no longer, with pro
priety, be called a dead language. It
has a modern literature. Boohs art
being written in the an ient language
of the Bible to-day as they never were
before, and they ind'.ula philosophical,
poetical, historijal and s-icntili j works
as well as a goodly number of novels.
A great many masterpieces of moderr
authors have been translated inU
Hebrew. There are a number of news
papers, weeklies and monthlies, in thai
language. It has been rejuvenated.
and the new books have the same ring
4s, the ancient one."
Mrs. 0. J. Woor-nitiDGE, of Wortham,
Texas, saved tlif life nf her child by the
Use of Ayer's Cherry I'octorai.'
"One of my oliiklicn IkhI Croup. Tho
case was attended bv our nlivsicinii. jtml was
Siipi'osed to he woll under control. One
nlpht I was stitrtlort hy ttio chilli's hard
breathing, and mi tfoing to it found it strati
gliiic. ft had n'irlv otviscd to brcatlie.
Realizing that the chilli's nlm-nilm' rntutition
had become possible in sjiiio of tin' medicines
Riven, I rensoned tlint such remedies would
be of no avail, llnvina part of a bottle o
Ayer's Chen y Pi'ctond in tin lionse, I gave
the child three, doses, at short intervals, and
anxiously waited results. From the moment
the Pectoral was given, the child's breathing
grew easier, and. In a short time, she was
sleeping quietly and breathing naturally.
The child Is alive rnnl well to-ilav. and 1 do
not hesitate to say that Ayer's Cherry Sec
toral saved her life."
Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr&Co., Lowell, Maas.
Prompt to act, sure to euro
no I'ArNf.KSS Irontmonl
'villi nt H.iil.' N lops nl lir.o
I troui h'lilu-B. Fiatulii. I'lco ,
c r"'l. : II vearu
Quealiou Blank inul llnuh free. Cull or urllo.
Ii!t. i!. li. BUTTS,
82" V"- - ' . ST. LrwU.ll, Mo.
Every patriotic cituen should give his
personal effort and inlluence to increase
the circulation of his home paper which
teaches the American policy of Protec
tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect
in every way possible. After the home
paper is taken care of, why not sub.
scribe for the Amkrican Economist,
published by the American Protective
Tariff League ? One of its correspon.
dents says I "No true American can
get along without it. I consider it the
greatest and truest political teacher in
the United States."
Send postal card request for free
sample copy. Address Wilbur F.Wake,
maa, General Secretary, 135 West 23d
St, New York.
Ore ym
a PtnendAo
tKe cause q
0$ (nercar.
AuevesVs ?
Are you willing to work for the cause
uf Protection in placing reliable infor
mation in the hands o( your acquain
tances ?
If you are, you should be identified
135 W. 230 ST., NEW YORK.
Cut thl notice out and tend it to the LeaRUa,
Dialing your tHisiilon, aud giva ft betping hand.
run cii!w fut -nu'',
?MN Sii-.J ) rli-t..... . " 'i..h,4 -ij Attorney,
i. lies . vslllNi. 11. C
jSoJir MY 3.
.is.,, Mvoof
, ,- iM'"lh' Ar.
fiA.llYkA D Y am set yalunMoBecTctthiU
Koliiuot.'.i.jruua a rubborptnold lor iiO c.t
Mrs. V. M. APP. CO.
Pr.uI.iOd $J .o Hiht tf t tue U. E"tt for
nyeitr. Nioe family pnttirt hud bul
ly tu pitptr Ohbir.a.
' A Jmlli litl .( i
Saved Her Life.
cf.t JAkS.
Agriculturist I.lvp Ilftwr Xnw and Find '
It Hard to ),au L.uls .llrai. ;
I The avi'rac fni'intT dot's not differ
'rom othirr mortals in believing that
l every other man's avocation is more
pleasant and profitable than his own, ;
and the idea has not yet passed out ol '
date with mny that the tiller of th
soil i3 tho most independent and kindly i
of men. Hut that the life of the average !
Michigan farmer Is not all passed in cut
tin.? clover vus the subject of a brief iu
terview whirh a Detroit Tribune man
had with D. Ilenmnfr, a prominent,
farmer of Whcatficld Calhoun county
the other tiny. I
"Thinfrs have changed a great deal !
since thu old pioneer days of Michigan '
fanainrx," said lie, "and it is about all ;
that nino out of ten of our farmers can
do now to keep up existence and the in-'
tercst on their morlffagcs. What is it?
Well, that vj, cabier to ak than answer.
To be,';in with, fanners with growing
famih'Ci live more extravagantly now
than they used. I remember when 1
was a la.l we could all bunch together,
got a larre picnic, wagon, take our best
girls and hold our country dances and
one dollar apiece for tlie whole would
have .seared us to death. Xow that
amount would scarcely buy the new
necktie which tlie farmer's boy or girl
would have to have for such an occa
sion. I have a farm of nine hundred
acres, well stocked and provided with
every kind of lalior-saving machinery.
If any man wants to buy it he will be
surprised how pleasantly I will talk to.
him. I never get beat on anything,
but that farm came pretty near doing
it. No business man should ever think
of farming. In every case he'll find it
expensive luxury. One of our diffi
culties thin, year is to secure competent
farm hands. On our farm we are pay
ing one dollar and fifty cents a day, all
found, and the chief worry of my fore
man is to get suilicient help. Plenty of
idle men iu the cities, eh? Well, they
wouldn't be worth shucks to us. The
work is too hard for them, and anyway
adaptability in farming is as necessary
as in anything else. The solution of
i the problem? It may be in operating
on a more extensive scale, thus cheap
I ening the cost in every branch of the
worlc, but I doubt if even that will
! make farming attractive enough for
men with capital and ability which can
be employed more pleasantly and prof
i itably in any other business. Thefutcre
! of the small farmers of Michigan, par-
ticularly those who are mortgage-rid-'
den, is indeed a sorry one to contem
Some IiiterpsHnir l''aits Conecrilns tha
I History of rialti Uulldlng; Material,
I In a paper on "Brick Manufacture"
recently published by F. A. Calkins in
the Transactions of the Afnerican .So
ciety of Civil Engineers, the following
interesting historical facts were brought
The art of brick making is supposed
to have originated in ancient times with
the powerful races found in Egypt,
Chaldea and China, in the old world,
and in Mexico and Peru in the new.
The ruins of buildings and tombs left
In these countries testify that they were
skillful builders. Rawlinson states
,, .
that the dimensions of bricks baked by
the Chiildoiins were 11 inches sriuare
and SJi inches thick, und those of later
date 13 inches square and 3 inches thick.
All are 'amiliar with tlie Egyptian
method of tempering clay with a stick
anil drviny in the sun It.OrtO vears aero.
f'omn'iv. tlie nucicnt motVinrl ivith the
Vomp.lie inc ancient mcinou v,im lue
practice at tho present time m any of the secret Ills which come to mankind throne-b
,, . , . . , i a violation of nature's laws to Bend us their ad
small town Where bricks are made, or dress on postal cart or by letter and allow ns to
even nt t ho lirickvnrds on the! Hudson: convince them that PROF. ICA ItKIS' SOI.,
even an me uiickyaras on inc iiuuwn, VBliE t,,EIhcatjed pastu-IVISS have
there pr.g mills will be found in opera- merit and are what they need.
i,m whii-h nrn nniv n. mm hi nation n All communications confidential and should bo
several sticks and a mule; and green
bricks are still dried in the sun the
same as was practiced by the ancients,
showing little advance in 3,000 years.
The first bricks manufactured and
burned in this country were at New
Haven, Conn., in the year 1050, and the
next city to claim early manufacture
s Philadelphia, where they were made
thirty-five years later, in 10S5. The
first brick machine of which we have
any record was made m Philadelphia in
lS'H). It was a soft clay machine oper-
tiled by horse power. This machine 1
was destroyed in 1S44 during a riot,
caused by the brickmaltors fearing it .
would take bread out of their mouths. I
In 1147 a dry clay machino was made in
the latter city. That the molding 01
bricks by hand can be done rapidly was
clearly demonstrated at Cincinnati in
lsli'J. The molding of 9,000 bricks was
then considered a regular day's work.
In a contest at this day between two
expert niolders, working from sunrise
to sunset, one molded 24,700 bricks and
the other :;.", 470. A similar number
were molded at & contest in Philadel
phia at a later date.
A l'roKaie Kngtish Merchant Mistaken nt
j Mooter, y for a ttenowuerl l'oet.
j The fashionable Hotel Del Mwiteat
j Monterey is stirred up over a ludicrous
1 mistake by which a prosaic English
i nineelin 11 1. wns linni'ed nu Hubert, llu-
1 L'hanan, poet and dramatist. Thellriton I
! arrived at the hotel three days ago with
two friends. He registered 'n a fine
I literary liann, and, us he bote a strong
'resemblance to the author, several
ladies present declared ho must he tho
author of "The Shadow of t he Sword." j
So several ladies desired him to write I
his autograph in their albums with
some poetical sentiment. lie received
ftittcrv eomnlaeentlv. hut
grinding out poetry lor them kept Una
up all night and the result was some
thing to shake confidence in their idol.
The next day he was the center of an
admiring group. His companions be
came suspicious and asked the hotel
clerk why so much attention was paid
their friend. They were amazed when
they learned tho true reason, because
they declared their friend had never
heard of ltuchanan. They broke the
news gently to him, but his conceit re
ceived a bad shock. All three packed
and left before disclosures came. The
next literary Hon who goes to Monterey
w ill have to show his publishers' re
ceipt or some other strong proof that
he is a genuine scribbler.
V-v;'i:tii Soil.
W'.v.p.ihus made the
' "rioii." but he waa
s v t i ! y rol) u li ol by
i uitlor of slavery
it wish that its own
lialf so cloau a record
t rid as
s Spain did.
vn of tiT Tfixa Women.
.: :. f Texas are raising
1' !: hit-h to pUu'e statues
"i : : .J Av. .:!n and busts of
1 Tn.vis and Fannin all
i ious historical characters
i-ate huilding at the world's ,
-iu tbo
Ten years of aga, but who declines to give his
name to the public, Dialtes this authorized,
confidential statement to us :
" When I was one year old, my m.immadled
of consumption. The doctor said that I,
too, would soon die, anil all our neighbors
thought that even if I did not die, 1 would
never he able to walk, because I was so
weak and puny. A gathering formed and
broke under my arm. I hurt my finger and
It gathered and threw out pieces of bone.
If 1 hurt myself so as to break the skin, it
was sure to become a running sore. 1 had
to take lots of medieine, but nothing has
done me so much good as Ayer's Haraapa
Tilla. It has made me well aud strong. '
T. I. M., Norcatur, Kaos.
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. 0. dyer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Cures others, will cure you
convince the
skeotic and point the
way which if followed leadsto
Has been put up in a
DroDrletarv form since
1878. and has bean uwrd
for years nrior to that tiitio
In private pracuce. It is no untried nostrum, of
doubtful reputation, but a genuine speuitlo for
a very prevalent dlnonse. Thousands of men, of
atl atres, bave at some time In life brought on
nervous debility and exhaustion, with oraranio
weakness, by over brain work, excesses, too fre
quent Indulgence or Indiscrettou. and vlctoua
liuliits , and it ia to these that we oflfor a remedy
that will, by Its direct action upon the seat of the
disease, stop the drain and restore the patient to
Vigorous heulth and strength.
Our meihod of introducing Prof. Harris' Pastille
treatment In ono which commends itself to all
Benslble personsfor the reason that we supply it
upon their judgment of Its value. We ask uf our
patrons nothing in the way of expense beyond a
postal card anaatwo cent postage stamp. The
postal card to be nued in Bending us their full ad
dress and the postage stamp for the letter return
luff the statement of their case for which we
Bupply them with a question blank, to be filled
out and au envelope addressed to ourselves for
u in retrm'rtr it when tilled.
yvnen we receive ine Draw
ment on blunk we prepare
eight days' treatment and for
ward it bv mail and Drenav
.lUIAlj postage thereon and along
BTii wB with the eight days' troatment,
JEjACjUUiE, we send full directions for
using. Thet.eiitmontin noway interieres wun
a person's attention to business, and causes no
pain or inconvenience in any way.
We are so positive that it will give perfect satis
faction that we leave the mattor of sending orders
entirely with those using the free trial treatment.
Having Hntistled those sending for trial packages
of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we
leel thnt they are more largely interested ibnn
Evjn then w6 a notattempt to rob them by de-
manrtlnghlghprlceB. On the. pon'";,"6.9
the prices as low aapOBBible. and the same to all.
They are us follows: 13 for one month; Sufor
two montns; i lormreo muui-uo.
These prices secure
the delivery of the
Pastilles by mall. If
desired by express we
leave the patient to
pay the charnes. For
over ten years we
MHJHAl MftTlltt
have operated our
business upon this plan with satisfactory results.
we ask all persons needinsr trentment for any
addressed to
The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists
98Beekman Bt.. HEW YORK PITY, M. Y,
00 voit'.iof lovely Music for Forty
. . CenU- consisting of iou pa?;es --
full i-izo Sheet Music ot the --h
latest, brightest, liveliest and must popular
selections, both voca! anJ instrumental,-
potten up in the most ele.int m;'.nner, in---
eluding four large size Portraits.
CAHMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer, t
PADttiEWSKI, llw Great Pianist. 5
Broadway Theatre HIJg-.. New YorkCity. -
SITT cANVASsens wanted.
TAVAY3 TIELIABLE and rcerfoetiy SAFE. T r
siuis ha viaod bv tlioi lands of woman all over tte
Vn'M giaieo, in thti LD DOCTORS prifato mal-(iv.'Hi.-'B,
for 08 vfiuv3, tnd not a slnul bad rfuit
MniiPV ri'lurnrd If not as reprssftniBtL 8nu i
edits (fiininps) lor scaled particulrs.
IHfiTIItfTa, 120 U. Niatb fit., Bt.txia. 15-
95 Tefifs FTporiece In treitlner p.ll vfirt
tlesof !nipruro.mfHo3 us t.) Ku.nmt e a
prvdtivi cure. Quo3tlon BUUt and Isocj
troe. fall or write.
23 Tlue Street, - - ST- VIS, MO
li.-durcil IMo23 p uirds rcr m nth. No
Shir-ig. ii.) ii.L'im tti emv. i a b .! Kstitla, rnniun"Mi3
I'm.'', j Tatntcnt JJ' rlectlv hiirmltsi auJ p'rir'lv cutiil
riuutifcl. 1'm'ntioii BI ''iinil Ilnokire. Cnllorvrite.
DK. 11. li. iiUT'lS,l'.iiettrect,at.Loui,iMo.
hbsinntial Rewards for Those Whose
Answers are Correct
. nmitinl
VriPtm where wm confined
tn ii'tliii a rt-tiiu'flt u U
e nf the ilioniHl man, ih
I" N8 I
I ilmt ii"i't' I'tu relBtivm ueri' nirmit
?oner The viwr wiid : " Urothert
1 t"'
.! Iv
t iv no, bui ilias Diau s phe pniHiiit.r ,
lie wart at on.-e niki-n to the prisoner.
Now, whktr
T Arirulmii.ii I'ui li!um; t niiipnny will gM IM) I
.. .i frc"l, to tne pei-n Minnnu ihetin't correct D
wr; KVfl to ti e second . 3r-i. 4'h, 10U: 5th,
Vis, to. ut v.-rr h;H oi! 't rt'ri1-, eon.-'s ins of pinioa.
nttiii i. Iimitf til i i n
g,,ld nd tUvtr WtttvbM, lei
.it in, iniinionil ruiL!, fie
Tn the 'wvjinn fiiiw the tiwt corrwt wwr-r will n
i it a !,i..h nr,:'J i'ioin. t lh' nt-t' to the Iwi belt
,ii iMt. aifl )'. mu &,00U will m.viv vtUuble pruw
f t narr ti'' ,
til Al! RtitiTi iincf neenl by in ail, Mrf
tn-irb tt.: hilitl irii M- M. V l m
t r to
ncotmn. tut kl
fit pd nix. dollar )Or n
r Tiik LAi'tri. Hows
AuKKT l.Tt K1HT twe
lOiiit Hlfi of the dy (3
i d io sst-iit iit in evpml
ti- our ci-vulu'tfii. (4i Ti tinM
to dS In
,Jih nuiy .t'sUei. M i iix'im- the m prizt; u
i n t;'rT i n oH 9talHcb il onorn
uir !v ri f!it; o ir:i! Ir it tm any otii l
,m:.iI lor printM list of luiui.r ptUM
1 ti(
i-tpnirn ftr.
V vi blT
i ru-1
u;.;n oi 'ir.f
r en. 5 r w
. I rv. -ix (.im;, er
'v4 rUr. ii-'t
Jl UTl HtT I'L &
W R E 1
RKIIiilliELE m
Vt'.l r.!l hri! conc:worct1 Itranriarr, fsiol
c::rr..;. ttv-'i ci Utmu t, ervnu debility,
0i:attiiVl dUc.iii'yfi 1 t nutniiood, dctpotnl ncy, nntft
BfltPfn m ins awav oi the fry!, crrtt nl. iii
iptd y "trrd lv Mif m d en y mcfh U . Cum piitive!y
uinr Cm-i.-i ir. Hcauliand Uookfrw. Callorwritt.
ICO N. Ninth St., ST. LOUIS, fcO.
jvp rv cwTicr o a hurc lnni'ii fc'
M un het.d. !t ma 'f.'-' w ill o- t
VAlusii'.c tri'i ai 0,v ;t- w-;
..nt i.T.ii o fi)ri-4. Out Al,-
Bt. looib, mo
The Old Slsliabls
Cstabll-hediiH vars, T;entsm"Ioorr"m '1",
nan-led or binnle, In ra'e ot c:;p. urn
ihuses, exc-Ftes or iini:pni'ti. SKILL
;UARNTE1CU. ISODKl an'l uuurtlimnt
'ur-'slmd wlion rli-sli.-il. guosuou iilurs
mU Book free. Call or writo.
SVDUfl IC 111 ""m' p0!l
I rnl L I o3live:y euro.! 38 Jean
sue -e.fiil pract.ro. Troiitment conntioatia . f'urc:
lv mail or ofhi-fc. lm.slow. Queslion Dlank aui
Book ire.. Oil or write. DR WAR I INSTITUTE.
t?.0N.31h St.,St.LouiS.MO
Diseases CI I1KD w limit th use ot
'knife Ouestioti Blnnk fltid llttt'k free. WiJ
or write WK. Jl. IS. BUTTS,
S22FineSt. fau Louis, MO.
fclK & WCCV ANY LADY, emnloved ortmemplovfliT,
if3 A "iCtUi can altoi is' r a few hourn vork rai:h
lay, PHnrv r-onmipHion. 0 PHtupki fret Address
H. BuNI.H'ilU &e0.,B22Pf"ebLr0t.L0uis,Mo.
Or. Hash's Belts & appliances
,p An elcrtro-jclvarno tnttery rja-K-jrc-aii,-.
ho led intj rucilwiitinl.
Xafl'!S A Belts, Suspensories, Spt-
tVi? YM inl Applinne-s, Abdoiu
Pfrf'H 1'"1 Supporlers, Vests,
tW.-'LiiBaJ i,lsoles, etc.
Cures 171ieuiiintts-.il, Liver and Kidney
onipluints, llyspepsii, Krrors of Y-mth,
,ost. 3l!lllllo-.(l, KervrmsilPis, eX'ial Wonk.
pbs, Riid aIlTroull.-H in ia'e r . emalo.
uestion Blanlt. ciml Book free. Call or
Vc.fa-Nlediua Appliance Co.,
J3 Pino Street, - USX. LOUIS, MO.
Fwit-i'l ilits nil the Path lo lleallli.
Everyi'iic nifdiiK doilm's ndvic
Imiild rend oi e i f lr Foi'te'n dinn
Htn;'hlt'tri mi "Old F.if." "0i"U!-.'
Ii'nplme," "l'l iii.o-is." ' Viiiici ci li-.'
I Jirirlll-e of DM P. Il'fl't HI' l-f V TP( II, ' I
.-iiillih I'ent per.i.H i'f Nil-cipe. A
Mil Pnl). Co, 1'29 Km! 2H'li St., Ni
Whilo you lcwt- aiihi -nhno ripti.
can keen your brnJ m frccnf rr.H(
Alljlu 'J'. J.. lonP, ih. Ilnrwi--thcuider;
caMlt1 -unit1 on left liip,
into put, ni!)! uppiT bit on tfit left
(ill on jef
tilHiT 1'it h
iV CuUliti".
ArlHU''l,., J. t, Alpine, Or. T with hr tn
u r ii on Iff 1 hlionldfr il Imrwi-: mU- Hhiu.
tn it? ft hip.
AlkM.n, 0. P., Iii('ht Mile Or. -Cuttle limn.:
i I) n!i liF( In Hni Imrpf'f wniK Itrnntl on rit."'
hnniilfr. Hu t!t. iLihl Milt.
AdkiiiB, J. J., HeppiiHT, Or.-Ilurftir-, JA ru,
ai Ten oil U I (Ihi i:: tftitir. si.n i on l.fi hip.
flnrthnlninr'W, A (i . Atpiiif, -r. Hmwi
inmdetl t l wii tallit.tr til.ouliJer. llatiye in Mu -
I'W CtJtilltV
Blt Hkiitfin, Gpo., I;ai-tfniHii, Or. rlorw-K, a Hit;
i Jcft f-lnml'Ji'r; can hhhp i.h ritihl f-hmililct
I niiittHler, J. W,, Hiiiditiiin. ()i.('iiltlf luanii
il B on left hip Hmi ihitrh: uplit iti tint-li cur.
lirHinifr, Pr-ter, imi wl't-rrj Orcon- HorHe--irnri(itd
P ii on left Hhoiiliinr. ( Httle a,.nie nt
phi fiiow.
liurko. M Bt C, Lon rt-rlt, Or On ami
VI A Y connected mi left hip. ciopoil lef! eiir. m .
IfT half crop oft ri:ht. Hnrhfr-, nfiun inanil oi
etft tjiioulder. HaUK in tiralil umi Jlnrmv
HrorAnian, Jerry, Lenit, Or.- Horst'M hrimtlptt '
n riglit siioultlt'r; cHttif H on tlie left Kitlt
l.tft our Imlf crop tid riffht eitr nppt-r wlopH.
Barton, Wm.. H ppopr, Or. -liorhnrt. j B oi
cipht thiKu cnttJt . Kitme on r yht hip; split it
-Hch ear.
Hniwn. lea, Lpxinston, ( tr. Horw IB on th
t(jht t-title; cuttle same on right iiip; rauyo. Aim
ow county.
Brtnvn, J. C, Hoppnpr, Or, Iforfcs, circl-
withtlot "i ' tcr on It'Fl hip: i'shhIh. Hino.
Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon, norths iitt:
ver it, on the left shoulder. Cat tie snnie on lei
Boyer, W. ( Hh pnpr. Or. Hoives, tu
irantl t i hip ealtln. htniit. Willi upJit u
act i wtr.
Hurt',, P.Om Heppnor, Or. Horned, P Bon I of
-houlder; eaitle. naniP on lefi hin.
Brownlett, W. J., Fnx.Or - tittle, .1 B conneciet
in left Hide; crop on loft ear and two plitrai't
.jiiddk int-CBcnt out on nht Kir; on hurwi-'w rinin
orand on the left tluuli; Bane in hs vallov
l -i rnnl c-ountv.
( aianer Hrrfj-'. Wari er. Dr.- Borsen hrai d
ed O on ) iht ttitie ; cattle (three harH) oi
itrht ribs, crop and upht in each ear. Kai.ge n
tirant antl Morrtw tountieB.
I am, K., aieh, ir. Ii oil horcea on h-f t Mtitie
U with quarter circlf oer it.oi Iff i Miowidw
md on left stifle on all pi tin- n der AyeHt;oi
teft hhoiilder onlj all horcw uver ? jeat-H. Ai
lanne in Urant puimtv.
Olark, Vm. 11. Le a, Or.-HorBi WHl ci-n
uected. tn lell t-houloer: catth -iiDte on riulo
nip. lia ye Morrow ami Ln-anllt coin. tier.,
fate, Chae. It,. V i liwli ot l.t-i a Or. Horn
tt 0 on ntfht sliouldor; cattle mune on rthl hi(
KaiiMe Morrow and Umatilla f .o in I ton.
( ecil, S m.. UotiKlaf, Or-: hi'ei- Jl' on lei
rthoulder; ca tie winie on lell hip, wwhllea oi
Htieh jaw and two bits in tlie right ear,
url, T. U., John Oa, Or. Houb e crost- m
each hip on cuttle, twailow fork and under bi'
in rit'ht ear, uplit in U-l't ear. llange in Grani
county. On sheep, inverted A aud Hpeai poun
uu Bhoulder. Ear markoi ewea, crop oti left eat
punched upper bit in right. Wethern, crop in
riht and under half crop W lei ear All ran .
ill (iraut conlitv.
Cook, A. J .,Lena,( tr. HorneB, HPon right HhoDi
lei ( Kitle, bhuieon r ght hip: eat mark Kjnai
top otl left aud split in right.
I urrin. H. i., 1 urrmsvilie. Or. -Hoirieb, x U
.aft Htitle.
Oox ltd. 8.. Hardnjim. Or.-Ca-.tle. (' wiu
ii center: horses, t K on loft 'up.
Cochran, li. ! Monument, tnant Co, Or.
lioliseb biHlidt d circle w ith lai ht neKih, uii it
nliultler; cattle fame brand on both hip, marl
under tdope i oih ear antl ill wlap.
I liapin, ll., HhitiUian. Or. Hoieh brain'Mii
on rijihl hip. Htlie brautleit ihe haine. AN
br-i dt I I on l orr-tb itht d ;gh: ' tea u
piano un i fita bht'Uldei, a, d cut ft ni nl
i ifstii ea'
iicktn, lib PoiBew bratdtd with ilnt
tine ion i n h it nine t t.iue i-a m on It-f. tid .
UotiKiabh, VV. M ,Oaii.Ki. in.-i hint, it i .i
ri,;iil ejde,Wi. low-lo(k Hi t'Kt'h eHr. huibeb. It Ic
on letl hip.
Limiglan, O. T,, Douvla. t)r-llirtec 'I'D oi
the iltit btitle; caillt' t-aine un riyhl lup,
Eij, J. b. ii aonr., t'oiijvia, im.-iuhm limmi
eU lilji iniwtt tillUUH. CHltie Mtine m It'll
liip. Iiole u right ear.
Elliott. Wufh., heppner. Or. Diamond tn
riplii shoulder.
Emeij, I . Sm PHroniHii, Or.-Hinges brandt-d
itvtiwd t with tan mi left alum der ; t-at-Lieean.e
vl lidn hip. Ltn. in ilorri.w t-i.ui.ty.
tleek, JatKsoiM Uepi tiff, Oi . tlol wn, it
connecleti oj riKi ultonider; cattle wine oi
right lup' Ear mark, hole in right and croj
Florence. L. A., Heppner. Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip, Lorwr t Willi Uir under on right
Florence, S. P. Heprnt,r- )r Horyot. F on
righi cilia : vat lie, V "i, nghi lup or thiyl,.
I y wu,; lm u, , lt.ft vjiln; crop oil lei t
! tar. tjiot. , m me bun u o-i i. u in p.
j Oaj, ht-ntj. Iieppner. Or. UAi on lef!
j flintiJtJttt .
j iiilnmu-French, ImJ and LivrSttK-k Co.. Fof
! sL tr. Hotees, anchor 'tn h ft nhmiliipr; vent.
ban n lell bHUi-. i liiue, anje iu inn nipe
ear niarkt, crop ofl rit-ht t-ar and umierl-it in left
HKiige iu liilliiuu. limit. rook ai d .Morrow
ot tiu ties
Oeniry, Elnifr, icho. Or llort hn-ndo.1 H.
H. with a qiiafter circle over it. on lett otitie
Karge in fciurrow ami Umanllafinniiiea.
Hajes. tieo.. Lena. Or, Kr.aid J ll connet-ted
with quarter circi" tivt r it, on le: t i-ltoultier.
Hiati A. B., Uidtfi-. fr. t attle. riMud-utp
wills qnaitt-r riivle ui tlei it on lhri.ht hip.
1 Iih? te in Morro' hi.i1 I (mhuHh i i-nni re..
! liititun A Jenks. tianultim t r mtie.iwo
' on eiiher hip; ernp in nht ear and pht in left.
; Horbtu, Jon riffhi thigh. Uaitf it ''' t C"iinty
' iUHi, Smoel vV-ir. t r - I- il 1
connivtedlon U? .i -In 'indr .-i, h.f) .mviti
0 riK, ,ipiu.f on I. fl callow fork it.
right ear and slit in Ml- Kant m liajnuick
- district, aionvw coantjr.
I . . .. .. n i t'.irtw hrnnn
1 1 Hie, anion, hxhmi. wr. . (1i
l-n l.-ir..leiil.ii..ll.-l til)" i ' '
rlilvHUun Ml Iff! lap bl.-o Uui!
, llill. Kdwin. John D.u.Or.-fHttle on lipl; 1
hili: hiirwa mvao mi riMm v""1""--
Grant cuanty.
llownnl, J L, r!lOTray..Or.-Hrw.-r
will, bur nlxwfl ilj on rifht elumi-Jer; . iub
wliifMi lell side. lUingo m Harrow auJ l'J
tiila ciiiiiilieH.
HuKh. II m. Hpppner. Or.-HonwtJ, enililod
hwirl ..u the Mt 4,ouli!or. IfanKB Miiiro U
llutiwknr, 1 ,iw.w. Or. -UorKcrJ.U on lort
liniililer pm lit, ti on ft hi l . .
HrirdiBiy, Allien, Ny. Orenon-HomeB.A H
iiiiii:tl. on left Bhoulder; t mile on the left
hip, crop off left ear,
rl uiuplirevH, it li Hardmaii, Or.-liorsee. B on
let tiank ,
Hiije.. J. St., Hcpimer. Or.-llorBoo, wineKlasP
mi left hluitiliie, CHllle. eameull I'lfcllil tiip.
IIuhiki,. Luther, hurlii Vlile, lir.-Horo Hon
the left fliiPUldei Kiiii heHrt on the left nl. tie t ut
1 1" Willie luft ini. KHMtfH in uorrow rutin ty.
Ivj. A If ml. I.LDK Creek, Ur Mile I U on
rii.-ln (up. cropofl if ft ear aud bii u right, llornea
utif tmtnil i m left ehouidef liauue n Grant
J uts Hurry, Hppim r. (tr-lloiB'B t.rHnded
V J mi lite left hIihu del ; ciitf.e bhi.uileu J tin
nu t lit).. -.im unilti i a hi lilt fur. Kaufie in
v miiiw c uit.
Jitiikiii, o. it., Hi-pitner, Or -HorBeB, home--fK.c
,J on (eft Blmuider. (anle, the mum.
HHL'e mi K twin M iIh.
Ji.J.iift i.. Y"h Li iih. Or. llor&eb, circleT on
fi pui e: rhtile. tHHie on riglit tup, untlor half
rt.j. if rit hi. in in Infl m.r
.l i hiin, U Vennn,ur. J nohur&oeon
U -l nnliti'i . n eailiH, .1 uu Ml Itip and two
:t.d.-il, . H'l'h mi ltiih fttm. lianein to' ox and
itci.tt, Alike, lluitpiier, Or. Horaee brandiMi
NV 'tn ltfi lup cuttle hhiuo and crop off left
Mi ; hi, tii r i.ltiii' rt tlip riirhi
hirt. J T., lHpi)iiir, Or. Hirsee HH no left
i.nnlidT; rn(T le. uii IhM liip.
Kirk. ,1 ( , lleppnr. Or. Iiorsea, 17 oq oitlier
in h : t'itn ! on riwlit sulo.
Kirk .J'w. Hepjuer, r. : horse 11 on If ft
Luii'der , entile name ru t iglit Hide, untterbit on
iul'' e'ir.
I- U'rilit'rlatnl.W. fi.. Miunt Vernon. Or. 1 h on
.KttU uii right and lntt widen, awailow fork in it ft
hi Hiid under ciuji iu right eiir. Horneesauie
i hi. d in left Khuiilder. Han go in (imnt eountv.
LufiHii, Steinien, I ox. Or. h Lou left hiu
li entile, crop Miid nplit on right ear. liorfleti
sHine tn mid on lefi Bhiulder. hauK tiraut
. Ill IV.
i-e iiitllt'L, Jut.n W., L " Or. Horees
or .in:i! jittiUi ncie Jl i-onnected on left slioul
't. Cii.tle. Hjuir mi 1H tit., liiinfje, near Lex-
L nl.c.v. . W Ceppnpf Or.-HorHeM b-aitdd
Cam jo Jut Hhoti der; eittl- ale on Jeft
top, whilJe ovlT r , Ut e, ll.ree shu iu r.ht
L:nl. l eorgi , heppner, Or.-Horcet brundod
ifii hh- li iui. nt-e.it NnuetliiiOB called ;i
tm II, tm iefi rthoulder.
AJarkham.A. M.. Heppner, Or. Cattle larea
i on lufi nide buth narn cropped, and i-plit m
'o li iioiheM U on left lap. Bauiie. Clark'a
cm yoti.
Vinor, Opcar, ft eppnor, r.r. Cattle, Jkl Don
right hip; Imit-e. M on lef t Bhuultier.
Voran, H, N Hej)pner, Or. Htiroea,. M j
it l.-fi Khonh" catt le name tiii left lup,
Mt CniMier. .law A, Echo, Or. lionsyu. l wi'h
da over op riyiit ylioultlHr.
lorirmt. 'Iliijw.. finppner, Or. llortpH, circle
I' on lefi bhonidw ami left thitdi: ea:tlG. L on
w. ihuh.
Mitfl.ei). OHcar, lone. Or. Hom:. ?7 on ritrhi
hi,. : name, 77 on rmht mde.
Mcl'iiiren, Jj. Ii., l;;iiwiirivilic. Oi',-Horf,ef,
Ciyine fiitn w.U nt.ui: n;er. cutllu, on Un
McCani', liavid li. t'cho Or. Hordes hrHnded
I To cunnecteit, on t he left alutnUler; cattle nutue
'!" liipand t-nde.
R'rr, Frank, Vox Valley, Or. Mule nhoo
wih lof.cttrk on entile on ribs and under in
nach ear; Lunaun Hume brand on left stitte.
.liElid i,t w. .. : ioitiin.zt. Or. On Moraen.
Mill iiitll .M.ijlt. uiMier on h'ft, ahouitier;orj .iaiUe,
tun bar connected on top on the riwht Btdt
Hhtff in ( i runt Coun'y.
Neai.Andi'i'W. Loin.' liock.Or. Uoraeis A N con-ot-ieii
on infi shoulder; cnttlu mma on both hipr?,
Nonijke, E., Mivmon. Or. UoraB. circlo 7 on
-it ihiwt . ctotle. NMine on loft hip.
UlHi r,.Jof,t ph, ( anion ( ity. Of. A Son cuttle
ti iefl hip; on liolhi.-t., ,iijne on left thitfti, Uane
I -' 'iM CoUiMy
i iy , Pen, Lrtxington, Or. P O on lefl
in . .
Oip, Herman. I'mine City, Or. On cjatle, O
.1' etiitnecletJ on leit hip; honsou on left sUlle
-nt! ft utile mi noe, lt;ui;e in tiiant county,
IViiir-un, Oiave, Eid:t Jile, Or, burHBB, iiuar
.i I'li'ciH htm io on ntl b.'ioultioi' and 24 on left
'up. CiUiie, tort, in U(: mr, right cropped. 24
i. If 1 1 nip. hung, ui, Eignt ,'iliie.
Caikei i (ileahoii. IJariliiiari.Or, HoreoslPon
ti lioifltiei.
V in, En e t, Lexington, Or.- llor tH braud
K (L E connected) o. iiilt i-liouitler ; oulile.
Uu-on tigiiihip. liange, .lltirrow counti".
J ,pei,J. II., lii-itnixitui,. Kit, ititihtjb, J c, pun.
i-ui t-ii o leit up.- ulttei'i cat tie, nau.iv :n lit tup,
i t ni Iu in unci i ear.
IVttjb, A. v ., inn i , Or,; lioraeB diamond F on
t-imuitler. can u., ,( ;i J vounecieii, on the
It lup. iii-iiei ujoiie in ief( ear and aliu ia (he
t'owell, Jotin 't'., rjnyvillti. Or Hoihrr J 1J con.
nee t'U oil lell (ihoulut'r. ( 'mile, OK counncted on
eft hip, two utuiw iiult ci'opK, o:iy on onch oar,
wattle tinner throni. j;, main (imnt county.
Uotii,- Antiiew. Ilai-uiii.tii, Or. Uoibob, square
.m.r. with ijuailHr-einileuver it on left stiHe.
lieiniiger, i hm, Iieppner. Or. iioraea, 0 H on
It'll hllUUlllc. .
I iice. laii, Htndnaan, Or.; horMCB, three panel
Aorm lence tm letl shoulder; ca:tle, DAN on
Khl rihoulUer. linuge near liurilman.
iiujtie, Ariitiii, liuppimr. Or Ufraesi, plain V on
eti Hiiouttlei; cattle, same brand reversed on
itdn hip and crop oil riyhi ear, Itunge in Mor
ow county.
Hui-h Hrob., Heppner, Or.
Huroes branded 5
n the riKhi alioulder: cattle, IX on the left tup,
3 left tup,
Kange .in
top oil letl ear antl dewlap on neck.
norion anu atiioinnm lhuhiim.
Iiiit, Williain, Itiuge, Or. Horees K on
t f r.t,nuluer; uattlu, U on luft hip, en p ofl
KM eai, uiKierbil on left ear. Hheep, it on
rtoatheiB, itunti crip jtl nidi ear. Itauge Lma
tliaajiU Mi. n owe lunlibH.
t.i aiej. (Wnii ew . tiexmKtfiu, Or. HorBei
randr'tl , K on riht Bhonitler, vynt Quartei
n-cie 'Ver hrand; cattle name on right hip,
ai.e iluiroft cou!ity.
Uujt.e, Win. It, Oairyville, Or Hit oonnectec
ilti gtmrtti cinde over top on cattle on riKhthip
no crop oil riht ear and plit in left. Horses
ititie itiaim on lell tiiioiiltler. liange in 3lttrrow
rant ami liiluaiu countiea.
uocior.J. H lloppner, Or. Horaee, JO on
oi l oiiouiner. ( at Lie, o on riht hip.
.-piciiiiHll. J. VV., Oooeeberry, Or. Vloraei
'iitintteti al on left aU .ulder; mngo tu ilorrow
bailing, (,' 0 Heppner, Or Horsea branded 8 A
..n lell Hhouitler; cattle wuine on left hip.
iSwanKari , h. fc ., Lesmtjtou, (Jr. Horses
iVilh tlattli tinder tl on loft Btitie cattle 11 with
.hhji unoer it on right nip, crop oil ngitt, etir aud
Aasitlietl tm ngtit hind leg. liutigo in Morrow,
iiniaui anil uuiuinia counueti.
vfll;art. A L., Athena, or. Horaea branded 2
u tell nlioultlur; cut Lie ouiue on left hip. Orop
'i. eai, wattle on leit inntl leg.
Miaigui V . fc,., lleppuor, Or, HoraeB ehaded
. o on ie, oliUe; cattle J a on left hip, a wallow
oih in riMlt ear, uiulerbit in left.
rtapp, lliuh., Heppner, Or. itoreeB, B A P on
-H lop; raid fame on Lett hip.
ohrier.John, frox, Or. NO connected on
iiolneri on right hip; cattle, name on right tup,
i;ropud rigiii ear and under bit in left enr, Kange
in tiraiit eoutiti.
feinith 13iob., SSubnville, Or. Horaes, branded
II. Z.oiirjiiuulaer; caitie, ame on lef t shoulder,
fequirab, .ianieM, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
l!5 unlet! hiiouitier; cat lie dm same, also none
waudie. Kiii.ge in Morrow and Uiiliam co ntiea.
btepliuiiB, . A., iiaiduiKU, Or-; lioraea tiS on
i igln hiine; cattle h. nzontal L on the light aide
CilrVeiiholi, iUrs A. J., llyppm r, Or. Lttttle, tj
n ngm to ; -walin-firk tn lefl ear.
&aggart.ti. V., Iieppner, or. liorisee, 44 on
itli (i.tfiiiiii ; t attle, 44 on left hip.
hpeiry. It. O., heppner. Or, I attle W C on
leit tup, crop ttlf rifciit and underbn iu left year,
new mp; noiea i on letl shoulder.
Inuiiipoon, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, S on
'Hi fitouJt. r; iHtlle, Z tin left shoulder.
lipi eto.l3,i,)i.Dieipribe,Or. horses. (.,'-on left
r-llOUiUttl .
1 in ner H. VV., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
ten hiiouitiui, hi.ieierj; cattle same on left hip
with r-plil tn hot), enrb.
ltniuton, 11. Ai.. ioue, Or. Horses brauded
it I connectiii uu ieti utitie; het-o haiue brand.
Vantietpool, H. T.. l-na, Or; HttrHes HV con.
i.ectett iii right nlitultler:ualtlo, al8 on riglit
VValbrnltt;, Wm.. Heppner, Or. Horses, U. L.
.-ii Hie letl ttliouiuer; cuttle name on light hip.
cii'j nil left i-ai and ritjtil i ar lOi i.ed.
VViiboi.. Ji.hu Q,. riuiem oi Heppner, Or.
Hoi-bet. brantleti Jy on the left uhoulde-r. Itnugw
.Wiiiinv. ciiunty.
arieu, li. i aleb, Or Cattle W with Qaarter
circle over u, uu ,fi Hide, split iu right ear.
horrea uHiiiw bra.id ou left shoulder, itaiigein
(irain conut-y.
right, ?ilae A. Heppner, Or, Cattle branded
S W on Hie right hip. mjuare crop a right, ear
alio tplit in lett,
aae. henry, Heppner, Or. Horees branded
ace ol cpauet on ieit shoulder and left hip
I aitle brbliuec same on left side and left hip.
Wells. A. ft., Heppner, Or. Horbes, o'-a on kit
ftiiiiiidei- t ttiiM
Woiunget, John, John tay City, Or On horset
ttiree pKraneJ t 8 on left i-houlder; ? on biieep,
Ini in hinh ears, liange iti Orunt and JUiLuer
W.HHiHard, Jul. n. Heppner, Or. Hordes,
uioiiii-cnii iL lull shoulder,
Watkuis, Libtie, liwppner. Or. Horses branded
tt connecltn on Wit btlde.
Wallace, Chark's, Portland, Or. 'at tie, W on
ngin Hugh, lion in left tar; Uortt, W on rignt
wliouluei. wui MiiLeoii lefi ohoulder.
VV hittiei bio., nui in giou, baker Co.. Or.
Homes hrantieti W B conuecteo on left oiionlder
"ft iiliams, Vaeco, nauiiiton. Or. Qcarter cir
cle over three bars on lefi hip, bom cattle and
. hurseb. ltange Oram conuty.
VV dlianiB. i O. Lonn Creek. Or Horses, qnar
ter circle over three lars on lefl hip:catUe sama
I noil -in it, -Mrf. fMi- Hat i-iii (.rani ronnty
Wren. A. A., eppi.er. Or. Homes runningA A
. (in fttmulder: ' wii sam 'in nglo hip.
Wilder Elizabi-th 4 Hons, Ilardrnau Or.
II r-lilt- lnuiu.it i,t VV coni.ecUil) KVV on left
fide. lio-i-B sauitt on right -t.i.uhier. J. V
I W Iker'snttl , Mui.eon It-it hip, htirsvs ram
; i.u trll shuuldi r- A'i rnge Itliioirow com ty
j i if.Lg. J. .n.. 'H.wttij.Or.-norw branuad
I 16 on thm naht fihonlAWo
I 0
I il