Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 13, 1894, Image 3

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Here and There.
. Bramble is imr
at Fossil this
It in
H. M. Thornton, the lone abeepman,
iU in the city today.
Arthur Smith will clean watches at
the reduoed prioe of 81.
MrB. Jane Bnyer and daughter Ethel,
are visiting Mrs. Otis Patterson this
The HeppnerCnnyon staje line is the
best, cheapest nucl quickest to the in
Stolen Two fine doge from my home
in Hepuuer. l'leuse return to A. Abra
hnms:ok. '20-3t.
If you want a good gnu or sewiuu
machine, come to the Gazette office aud
we'll tit you out.
Mrs. .Josephiue Forward loft for The
Dalles last ninht where she expects to
reside in the future.
Those that have eouuty sorip for sale
should oall on (jeorge Conser at The
First National Bank. 2-tf.
The Ghzette will be sent to any ad
dress in the United States till Bfter
campaign for 50 oeutB. f
Legal blanks, plenty of them, at the
Gazette ollice, and at world's prices.
Disoouuts on large orders.
Green Mathews has opened up bis
barber shop, next door to Hayes Bros
Shaves, etc, on tap ub usual.
S. P. Garrigues has purohaaed the
business of The Heppner Furnituie Co.,
and will hereafter ounduct the same.
There are ten divorce oases on the
docket for the circuit oourt to dispose of
at the present session in Gilliam county.
The Gazette will take oounty scrip at
face on subscription, and pay balanoe of
sumein cash at highest market price.
Uncle Charley Wallace aud wife ar
rived irom Portland on yeBterduy morn
ing a,d w 11 remain oo their place
above town.
Ben S'aggart's famous Jack will
season at his ranch seven miles north
east of Lexington. Terms : Insurance,
IS 10. 20-2.
Titjer Elose Co., No, 1, expects to give
a grand ball oil Jtlay day night. Posters
to that effect are heiug printed at this
The Gazette ollice now runs an in
surance and notarial shop. Come iu
wh. ii you waul to do your insuring aud
ddleulor Blackman spent Suuday and
Monday Willi his family iu Heppner.
returning to his duties at Portland on
Monday night's train.
Mrs. W. B. Potter, who has been
visit iog her relatives in this city for a
frtiv wclIih, depurte.i for her home at
Hood liiver lust evening.
Aliw Mabel! Crnbtrue, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. J. D. Hamilton,
fur the p;iflt few weeks, returned to her
home iu Clark Canyon, Wednesday.
hid. Burnaby announces that his
subject for tonight's discussion will be
"Paul's Vision vs. Nineteenth Century
Yisinus." Come out and hear bim.
J. J. Roberts, deputy assessor, was in
town a few days this week resting from
his labors as deputy assessor. He re
ports the work as progressing finely .
Hall's Vegetable Sioilian Hair Eenew
er is unquestionably the best preserva
tive of the hair. It is also curative of
daudrufl, tetter, and all such scalp
J. D. Hunsiuger and family, of Lex
ingtou, leuve tonight for Argeuta, Ark.,
where Mr. Hunsinger expeots to enter
into partnership witb Theo. Danner in
the photograph business.
Eoho stage leaves Heppner for Echo
Tuesdays, -Thursdays and Suturdajs.
Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays BDd Fri
days. Fare, one way, 82.50. PhillCohn,
agent, A. Andrews, Prop.
Several sheebpuyers have arrived at
Heppner and Borne 5000 head of sheep
have already been disposed of, $1.25
per head to be reoeiyed for them and
sheep to be dtlivered after beingsheared.
Lost A note dated June 12, 1892,
signed by G. VV. Swaegart, calling for
82,000, iu favor of P. O. Thompson.
The public are warned against negotiat
ing for or purchasing said note, tf.
Orin L. Patterson, editor of the Eagle
at Long Creek, has received the nomi
nation on the republican ticket for joint
representative of Grant and Harney
counties. Good boy. We hope to see
you elected.
Governor Pennoyer has issued an
order remitting the fine of V. L. Arring
ton, defaulting treasurer of Douglns
county, which amounts to $45,981.48
This leaves three yearB' imprisnnment
for Mr. Arrington to serve, his bonds
men having made good all shortages.
Gid Hatt bas now established a ton
sorini parlor, at the Matlock building
next door to Simons' blacksmith shop
where he invites the patronage of his old
oustomers and all who desire strictly first
Mass work, shaving, shampooing and bair
outting at living prices. Don't overlook
Sheepshearing has commenced in this
neck o' the woods and something over
10,000 pounds of wool has already been
received at the warehouses in this city.
The clip will be good this spring and a
decent prioe for it would help oursheep-
owners out vtry materiality.
It is reported that Morrow oounty's
delegation to the state convention did
some noble work for Hon. W. B. Ellis.
It was necessary to be done for he bad
hBrd opposition and John C. Leasure,
of Pendleton, claimed everything. Mor
row has some good rustlers left yet.
J. B. Ely, of Douglas, is laying danger
ously ill in Heppner, suffering from a
severe attack of stomach trouble. As
we go to press e learn that the old
gentleman is very near death's door and
before this reaches many of our readers
he will have passed to the home beyond.
The republicans of Grant county have
nominated the following ticket: Sheriff,
J. D. Combs; clerk, J. A. Powell;
county judge, N. 11. Bailey; treasurer,
M. E. Stausill; assessor, Robert Dear
doff; 60bool superintendent, M N. Bon
liatn; commissioner, P. Thomas; survey
or, Clarence Johnson; coroner, Frank
There are evidently some sneak
thieves hanging around Heppner. One
night this week -Irs. 'A ilkins had a lot
of gentlpman's underclothing stolen off
the line on her premises, and C. E. Fell's
beu roost has b'-en visited until there
now lemsius but three birds to roost
therein. Load up your shotguns and
lay for the scamps.
The regular subscription price of the
Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.50 aud the
reutilnr nnen nf the Weekly Orcgoniau
i SI sn. Anv one subscribing for the
finzettn and DAvinir for one year in
ndvance ran get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for S3. All old sub
scnliers paying their subscriptions for
one year in advance will be entitled to
the same.
George W. Hurpor, agent at the
Umatilla Indian reservation, reports
that the leasing of the land belonging
to the Indians on the reserve is going
on finely. There is a good demand for
the lands, and a large portion of that
whii h is subject to cultivation is bar.
gained for. There seems to be a Bnffiri
eocy of money available for the rental
feee, aa judged from the prompt pay
ment by the lessors.
Straus One-All Parts of the Stat
are J ust.y Recognized.
The labors of the republican state and
distriot convention closed in Portland
on last evening, and the results are a
strong ticket nominated. In Heppner the
interest was centered on the congression
al nomination as it wub known that it
would be hotly contested. But the result
is highjy satisfactory to onr people. Mr.
Ellis will continue to represent tbe
second distriot of Oregon in the house ot
repr sentativeB. Lack ot time and space
prevents us giving a full aooount of the
proceediugs of the convention, Buffioe to
say, however, all plans of tbe machine
were completely knocked out and a
oleao tioket has been nominated, whioh
should not tail to reoeive tbe support of
every republican in the state.
The ticket as nomiuated is as follows:
For representative in congress, second
distriot W. R. Ellis, of Heppner.
For Governor VV. P. Lord, of Marion
For Secretary of State li. R. Kinoaid,
of Lane oounty.
For State Treasurer Phil Metschan,
of Grunt county,
For Supreme Judge C.E. Wolverton,
of Lane county.
For Attrney-General C. M. Idle
man, of Multnomah.
For Superintendent of Public In
struction G. M. Irwin, ot Union.
For state Printer W. H. Leeds, of
Jaokaon oounty.
For Joint Senator, Morrow, Grunt and
Harney counties A. W. Gowan, of
Hootl's and only Hood's.
Are you weak and weary, overworked
and tired? Hood's Sarsaparilla is just
he niedioine you need to purify and
quicken your blood and to give yon
appetite and strength. It you decide to
take Hoods Sarsaparilla do not be induced
to buy any other. Any effort to substi
tute another remedy is proof of the
merit of Hood's.
Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner
Pills, assist digestiou, cure beadaobe.
Try r box.
What Remains of the Faithful In Morrow
(Jciunty Met In Heppner on Tuesday and
Put up a Ticket.
Mrs. Judge Peck
wife of
ii.: i a writer
Mrs. Judge Peck Tells I
She Was Cured
Sufferers from liyspepsi.i x'.im.M rr:nl t!in fol
lowing letter from Tdrs. II. M. IVi
Judne 1'eek, a. Justice at Tr.icy, (' .1.
connected with the Ass;.cii::i'i Vrass:
"By a deep sense ot gratuwle for tiw. yrv.at
benefit I have received from tiic t'si' f IlnoXs
Sarsaparilla, I have been led to v r.li! i..e pillow
big statement for the benefit of sufli rcr who
may be similarly afflicted, i'tir 1-"' ytvrs 1 h;;ve
been a groat sulVerer from dyspsh a;:d
Heart Trouble.
Almost everything I ate would distress me. I
tried different treatments and moUieiues, but
failed to realize relief. Two yenrs ."so a friend
prevailed upon me to try Hood's hursaparllla.
The first bottle I noticed helped me, so I con
tinued taklm; it. It did me so much good that
my friends spoke of the improvement. I have
received such great benefit from It that
Cladly Recommend It.
I now have an excellent appetite and nothing t
eat ever distresses me. It also keeps up my
flesh and strength. I cannot praise Hood's
Sarsaparilla tuo much." Mas. 11. M. Pick,
Tracy, California. Get HOOD'S.
Hoed'l Pills are hand made, and perfect
tu proportion and appearance. 25c. a box.
The demoorats of Morrow oounty
assembled iu oounty convention at the
oonrt house on Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock. Many of the delegates had
arrived the night before, and an inter
change of good feelings mixed with
bad whisky, was indulged in by some,
while others repaired to Matlock's hall
to fix up a slate and get the numerous
asDirants for the different offices in run
ning order.
As things were in good trim by Tues
day at 1 p. in , when the convention was
called to order, they prooeeded to busi
ness, and in a very short time the full
tioket was named. Some skirmishing
was looked for when it oamd to naming
a man for sheriff and clerk, but it was
soon found that MoQee held the heaviest
hand ot trumps for the sheriffalty, and
when Morrow made tbe convention a
little Bpeecu and told them be waa a
demoorat, tbe fate of all other aspirauts
to the clerkship was at once sealed. How
ever, the convention passed off quiokly
and quietly, and the demoorats feel that
they have a ticket that is sure to win.
But talk is oheap now and it takes
votes to count in June, and we are in
clined to think the tioket nominated
Tuesdav will receive just enough votes
to stay at home and "saw wood."
The following is the proceedings of
the convention in detail as reported to
us by Mr. Tbos. Nelson, tie secretary of
the same:
J. C, Thompson and Frank Kellogg
were placed in nomination tor temporary
chairman. The ballot stood: Kellogg
13, Thompson 30. Whereupon the elec
tion of Mr. Thompson was declared
unanimous. Thomas Nelson was then
placed in nomination for temporary sec'
retaiy. There being no further nomina'
tions, Mr. Nelson was appointed by the
On motion the chair appointed th
following committees :
On Credentials Matlock, Evans and
On Order of Business Frank Kellogg,
Mr. Pearson and Wm. Hughes.
On Permanent Organization Swift,
Hughes, McDonald, Swaggart, Kirk
On Resolutions Kellogg, Swift, Kirk.
Simons, Carl, Neville, Nelson.
On motion the convention adjourned
until 1 p. m.
At 1 p. m., Chairman Thompson called
tbe meeting to order and the reports of
the various committees were read and
adopted. The committee on resolutions
reported as follows:
We, your committee on Resolutions,
beg to report as follows:
Resolved, By the representatives of the
Democratic party ot Morrow County in
convention assembled that we favor tar
iff reform, and be it further
Resolved, That we favor the free and
unlimited coinage of ail the silver prod
uct of the Uniten States, and that we
faver restriction on all foreign silver.
Resolved, that we denounce all mo
nopolies, cliqes, and trusts.
Resolved, That we favor the election of
all otlicers by direct vote of the people.
Fkaxk Kellogg, chairman.
The temporary Chairman and Secre
retary were made permanent, and Mr.
M. C. McDonough was appointed as
sistant secretary.
Mr, Evans and Holloway were ap
pointed tellers, and the convention
then proceeded to make nominations
by informal ballot.
For representative Mr. J. D. Brown,
of Lexington, was nominated by accla
mation. The informal ballot for sheriff stood :
Woolery 15, McGee 21, Meadows 5,
Rogers 5, Sperry 7. The second ballot
stood; Woolery 19, McGee 23, Meodows
3, RogerB 2, Sperry 4. The next ballot
stood : Woolery 22, McGee 28. It being
found that McGee had a majority of all
the votes cast, he was declared the
nominee of the convention.
The next in order was the election of
a clerk. The informal ballot stood :
Herren 15, Morrow 30. Cn motion Mr.
Morrow's nomination was made unanimous.
The informal vote for treasurer
stood: .Simons 40, Minor 4, Hopner 1.
Mr. Simons having received the major
ity of all the votes cast, he was declared
the nominee.
Miss Martha Neville was nominated
school superintendent by acclamation.
Next come the nomination for com
missioner, The informal ballot stood :
VinBon 15, Pearson 33, Hughes 1, Swift
1, Rhea 1. On motion Mr. Pearson was
nominated by acclamation.
D. H. Jenkins of Hardman was the
unanimous choice of the convention for
The informal ballot lor assessor stood :
McCarty22, Robets 22, Van Cleve 4,
Steele 2, Kellogg 1. On the second bal
lot McCarty got 30 votes and Roberts 21.
On motion Mr. McCarty was declared
the nomine.
Phill Cohn was nominated coroner by
Next came the election of four dele
gates to the state convention. On mo
tion it was decided that the four candi
dates be voted for at once, and that the
four receiving the highest number of
votes be declared elected. Snyder,
Hughes, Thompson and Evans received
the highest number ot voteB and were
declared elected.
Frank Kellogg was elected a member
of the Democratic Central committee by
On motion the convention adjourned.
The following are the central com
mitteemen from the various precincts:
Heppner, Wm. Hughes; Lena, Wm.
Brown j Gentry, TomQuaid; Mt, Vern
on, Mr. Morgan ; Wells Springs, J. A.
Warinoth; Alpine, Henry Thompson;
Pine City, G. W. Pearson; lone, J. A
Woolery; Cecil, L. M. Covy, Lexing
ton, J. C. Thompson: Dry Fork, J, D,
Ball; Matteson, J. W. Hayes; Dairy
Hiram Tash ; Eight Mile, .1. Baker.
Samuel Leezer was nominated jnstice
of the peace and Joe MasterBon constable
for Heppner precinct.
& I3icfbees
Ollis, Dfiwson Ijrons,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
mBnner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
Not only onoe but Bgain and again. They know that from us they always est
full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell the best is ex
plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes ns friends,
and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some of our
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general
merchandise store. Come in and see ns, everybody.
OP MAXCH 1C.-4 1 1C W, BlVGL,ANn
W PATTERSON. AGENT. OneqUheBoBtlnthe World
Mrs. Languish. "Tired 1 Ob, bo tired
all the time!" Mrs. Smart. "Well, so
I used to be until I began to take Ayer's
Sarsaparilla as a spring medicine, and
now I don't know what it is to have that
tired feeling. Try it, my dear; only be
sure yon get Aver's."
A Subprise Donation Partt. On
Wednesday the ladies of tbe First
Christian churoh of Heppner, repaired
to the home of Eld. Homer Gray, 1
miles east of town and gave that gentle
man and his family a pleasant surprise
in the way of a donation party. Numer
ous articles of wearing apparel and quite
a quantity of groceries were turned over
to the family, and the ladies also took
witb them an excellent dinner prepared
for the occasion. It was strictly a "heo
party," there being no gentlemen present
except Elds. Barnaby ana Gray, and the
ladies report having had a most enjoy
able time. The following ladies were
present: Mesdames French, Willing
ham, Hayes, Sherman, Ayers, Minor,
Boyer, Boyed, Whetstone, Gray, Sloan,
Griffith, Wilkins, Rtiark, Rasmus, Ford,
Cohn, Nelson, Marlatt, Foster, Patter
son; Misses Hewitt, Nelson and Noble
These ladies extend their thanks to Mr.
Binns for furnishing a conveyance for
them. He took tbtm np to Mr. Gray's
in his big 'bus.
Our better halves say they oonld not
keep honse without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It is used in more than
half the homes in Leeds. Sims Bros.,
Leeds, Iowa. This sbowh the esteem in
which that remedy it held where it hai
been sold for years and is well known.
Mothers have learned that there is
nothing so good for oolds, croup find
whooping ooogn, that it cores these
ailments qniokly and permanently, and
that it is pleasant and safe for obildren
to take, an ana su cent ooines tor bhio
by Slooum-Johnson Drag Co.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok. s shoemak- j
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, bas just Joosted in tbe Abraham
sioK building, on May street, where be
is prepared to do eveiything in bis line.
Mr Birbeck is strictly a first-class work
man and warrants all work. Give him a
oall. 14wtf
Land For Salb.-480 sores over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranch ;in
will be sold cheap. Call at Gazette
office for partioulari and terms ' '.
To cure constipation, sick headache
and dyspepsia Simmons Liver Regu
lator has do equal.
Wentber is good and everybody is
farming or planting garden.
The latest game introduced in town
is that of leap frog, BDd seems to be
enjoyed by some oi the young men.
However we think a few months sheep
herding will tone tbem down eomewhut.
Quite an amusing inoident occurred
here lately when tbe mail carrier was
offered a kiss by a pretty girl, but whs
too bashful to take it. Some think bis
bnshfullness is on account of bis being a
Dative of Arkansaw, while others think
the true reason for refusing was that he
had two strings to his bow.
Friend MoGee, of Hardman, came to
town lately on a tired horse which he
left at tbe feed stable and struck out
aorosa the hills on foot to "see a man."
The day was warm and the distanoe
loDg, and when Mao came back he re
marked that the trip waa rough but he
would go a long ways now to see a
Rev. Moter preached here last Monday
night and left for Arlington the same
night, taking his protege with him.
He (Dampman) claimed to have visited
hell again lately and found another
preaoher there. Funny that be finds
all kinds of preachers, except Methodist,
in torment. Perhaps if he makes
nnoher trip when the present crop dies
off he will find some ol them also.
X, of Eight Mile, yon are probably
sincere in your defenseof Dumpmau, but
let me tell you something. Kev. Par
rish told a gentleman in this town that
Dampman had read a copy of Dante's
Inferno after he was oonverted. He
showed the same drawings to several
parties in this town, pointed out his
uncle (who was a preaoher) and described
each and every feature of them in detail.
On the faoe of one was written "Inmates
of hell as seen by Diimpmnn" mid on
the other were the words "I can't help
you" proceeding from the mouth of the
figure which he claimed was himself.
When he was told there was a honk
containing the same pictures be pio
fessed the greatest astonishment uud his
conduct was such as to lead one to think
he had never henrd of it. Furtln r,
more than half a dozen of his storieB of
scenes iu hell were as accurate de
scriptions of other piotures iu the same
book as words could draw, If there was
no "funny work" why did linv. I'arrish
Beonre the drawings aDd refuse to let
even members of his own ohiircli see
them? If he is sincere why did the
preachers keep him witb them while
here except ou one oooaeiou mid he
wanted to take a preaoher with him
then? If he is honest why did he claim
to recognize pictures of living people ns
persons be bad met in Heaven? Why
should God have given him permission
to chew tobacco? Why should he try
to palm off a song that plenty of people
in this town heard years ag . as one he
learned in Heaveu? Why should Gd
have forbidden bim to read the bible or
to pray? There are plenty more
auctions we oould ask. We didn't
mean to refer to this matter again but
ciroumstanoes made it necessary. It is
tbe deliberate opinion cf maoy people
in this place based on the foregoing and
maDy more suspicious circumstances,
that Danipmun is a bare faced Iriind,
aided and abetted by those who hve
bim in eharge, or that be is in a hypno
tised condition aud not renponnible. And
in this eouneotinu we have good iiiitbo-
rity for stating that a certain minister
told in this town of bis mesmerizing an
old woman, making her think she wus a
dog. How she run around on her all
fours and barked.almost soaring her little
girl to death. In regard to the mirac
ulous enre, there are plenty of men
ar mnd here who met Dampman haul
ing wood from the mountains day after
day last fall and be didn't walk with a
cane even if six inches of his thigh bone
was shot away and tuongn ue wr.s
wounded 14 times in the battle of Kpott
sylvania and onoe in tbe rear.
Friend Roy we are surprised that you
bonld think we are making any charges
of fraud. We don't like to write but if
you will promise to never tell it, may be
we will tell you sometime, how quiok
witted you nre. Heppner is
certainly too small a place for a man of
your ability.
Lexington, April 6th, 1894.
At Abrabamsicli's. In addition to his
tailoring business, he bas added a fine
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
shirts, bosierv. etc. Also has on band
some elegant patterns for suits. A.
Abrahamsick, May street, Heppner, Or.
It will be an agreeable surprise to
persons subject to attacks of bilious
colic to lenm that prompt relief may be
had by taking Chamberlains Uolio,
Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy. In
many instances the attack may De
prevented by tailing this remedy as
soou as the first symptoms of tbe disease
Bppenr. 'Zo and 50 cent bottles Tor sale
by Slocum-Johnson Di ng Oo.
The gloomv fears and theweartnesB of
soul, of which so many complain, would
disappear if the blood were made more
healthy before it reaches the brain.
Aver's Sarsaparilla purities and vitalizes
the bluod, and thus conduces to health
of bodv and rnind.
A Page From Her History.
Tho iniportitnt expnrlonfm of others
ntcivstini'. Th(! fnllowlrijf in no uxfM;n
I li::d heeii trnuhled Wltll hoart (IIhouho 2.1
yc:irs, much or tiiiit linn; vry seriously.
Why Don't Youj.
Call on the New Firm at the old Van Dnyn stand ?
You will certainly be surprised at the low prices in
Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and
A Complete Line of Groceries.
No trouble to show poods and give prices.
Respectfully Yours,
cfe GO.
Heppner, Oregon.
The My Institute
For the Cure ox
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It in located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazbttk office for particular!.
Strictly contldeiitlal. Treatment private aud aura
C. UTTHL, Proprietor
The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
Od May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keepon hand a full Hoe ot
Groceries and Provisions.
A full line of choice Pies, Cukes find Bread ; in fact everything that is
usually kept in a first-class bakery Btore. They wilt sell oheap foi cash. Oall and
try them. bw
jus 1 was treated by one physician con
finimusly. I wiim in huHinesH, hut obliged Ut
retire fn fifcniinfc of my health. A phy
sician told my friends that, 1 could not live a
month, ft v feet and 1 mb.s were haulv rtwol
leu. and I was Indeed Iu ascrioun condition
when a uerit lennin direr; ted my attention to
Dr. Miles' New lleart('ure, and maid that his
ulster, who had been an hcte.d with heart a n-
ease, had been cured by tbo remedy, and was
H-r:tin afcron, neaiiny woman, l purcuaseu
a txif tin of tbo Heart Cure, and in lews than
an hour after tnkinir tiie first dose I could
feel a derided Imnrovomentin thuclrculatiun
of tu y bl'Htd, When 1 had taken three dosen I
emitd move my ankles, Bomethins 1 had not
done for rnont lis.and my llmbfl had been swol
len so lon ( hat they seemed almost putriiied.
lteforo I had taken one bottle of the New
Ilejirt Cure the swelling had all pone down,
and I vmm so much better that I did my own
work, si my recommendation nix others are
takluir l hi valuable remedy." Mrs. Morgan,
5iiH W. MiiiTison Ht.,Chirairo, JII.
Dr. Miles' N,;w MuartCure, adlscnvery of an
eminent specialist In heart disease, lnwold by
ull rlruyists on a positive Riiarantee.or sent
by h ; Dr. Miles Medical Co.,Klkhart, lnd.,uq
receipt of price, II per bottle, six bottles fof
go, express prepum. jt m positively u) Ifuui
uii ojuuiu-i or uungeruus uri
For HHle by T. VV,
Ayerp, jr.
ha vn voir ba cicA cue ?
i m m yyj
VJ Diabetes,
Bright s Dmaw,
Inflammation of the Blad
der. Yellow Water, Brick
Dust Sediment In Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
in the Back, and all Dis
eases cf the Kidneys
1 1-333 Co'
For bhIb by Klocnm JobnBton Drag Co.
and T. W. Ayum, Jr.
PaitiH iu the reiuo ot the kidneys are
cured by Himmona Liver Regulator.
Land Patents
Laud patents secured for settlers in the shortest posHible time.
Contested Cases
Contefttod cases intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily'settled.
Between individuals having conflicting olaima under the agricultural land
laws. Bnd those botween claimants under the Mineral Laws and agricultural
claimants; and also between claimants under any of tbe pnblio land laws and the
Knilroad companies and their grantees, and the states and their grantees, under
the Swamp-Land and Hcbnol-Land Grams.
Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers
who have complied with the laws under whiob their entries were made, and who
are annoyed and worried by delays in tbe issue o their patents, caused by Trifling
Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed.
Advice also given in all matters relating tu tbe publio lands, especially on
points arising under the new laws whioh have been recently passed providing for
tbe disposal of tbe publio domain.
If you want your land patent in a hurry if yon want your land business, of
any charaoter, attended to by skillful aud competent attorneys, Bnd promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wedderhurn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Boi, 385. Washington, D. 0.
It is the Headquarters !
j-nlratiB, I)ruuni Ollas, Olnas, Tol.
let Artluea, l'atent Metllclneii,
Office of all stages running out of Heppner.
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
1. Only Firet-Class hotel in Heppner.
2. Building Wired for Electric Lights
8. Best accommodations for tbe traveling
4. Courteous treatment assured the ooun
try people.
MItS. M. VON CABOW. Proprietress