V 'tarn o OTE WJiyy TO SELL YOU J W$ty 1 3 One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County. - . r - ' lCOACRBS DBBDBD60 C7TND 160 ACliES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded land there are 140 acres good farming laud, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded land has a good spring of water on it, all under yi. fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman. Price for the whole, 81100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800. 4 ANOTHER BARGAIN. Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms. AND STUylv AXOTHBR. Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good rustler can pay for it with first crop raised on it. Eeason for selling, owner lives in the East and has no use for it. For further information call at our office. THE PATTBRSORT FUES. CSO. Qive your business to Ileppner people and therefore assist to build up Ilepp ner, Patronize those who patronize We hold each and every rrorreimondent re sponsible for hie or her communication. No correspond!-nre will lie published uiiIohs the writer a real name is signed as an evidence oi good fa! Mi. lilil'UBUCAN COUNTY TICKET. For Representative, .1. H. BOOTH BY, of Lexington. For Hhenll, (1. W. HAIUUNdTON.of Ileppner. For Clerk, K.J. IIAU.OOK, or Heppner. For Treamirer, I'KANK tiJJ.MAM, o( Ileppner. For cutnmlHHioner, J. L. HOWARD, of Galloway. For A BHeHHor, J.F. WILLIS, of LexlllKton. For School Superintendent, MISS ANNA J. BALSNiKH, of lone. For Surveyor, OHO. W. LOUD, of Kiln. For Coroner, T. W. A Y K KS, J It., of Ileppner. trot. J. V. Urown, ol Liexingtori, IB a stranger to na personally, and from what we can learn beie little known the oonnly over, having resided here bat a short time. In other words he is s cttrpet-bagKer, and " snob deserves to stay nt home until he becomes better acquainted with the needs of theoounty .HIHTIrKS AND I'ONKTAIU.F.H. For JiiBtice of the lt District, For Constable of 1st District, JAH. IIAKDMAN. For JwHtiee of 2nd District, I. K. ESTEH. For Constable of 2nd District, MAX 1III)I)!,K. For Justice of :;rd District, For Constable of :lrd District, For Justice of Ith District, L. W. llAltNF.i r. For Constable of Ith District, C. C. HI KIN. For Justice of 5th District, A. (i. HART1IOI.OMKW. For Constable of Mh District, J. L. IIUWAItl). For Justice of Mil District, K. L. FltKKl.AND. For Constable offith District, N. S. WHKTSTONK. THE SOUTH CAROUSA FIGHT (lovernor Tillman has well said that "the Btruh'tfle in South Carolina has been that of democracy atiaioet aris tocracy, of the people against ol itfareby." Tillman himself Mauds for the "corn cracker" element of the population, the pu wlji'e trash the element out ol which baa Kprung some of the Kreatest figures in American public life such men as Jackaon and Lincoln. It a the country and niuuntnin vote that elected him. and the country anil mountain people are now with him in his Unlit aainat the aristocracy and the militia of the towns ami citiea. IMS poor white element, contempt ously thoiiKh it ban aUays been held by the proud southorn "chivs," and the black slaves and servants of the bouse' hold, poBHesses civic virtues of the bilfheHt degree. Simple-hearted and kindly, its men are proud and inilepend eut, and its women virtuous. As a rule it stood by the Hun in the lillu, and rule it atanda np for law ami government today. AKimiHt theae rilled hoatH nnd the law and n fenrlesa governor to uphold the law, are arrayed the whisky element, the posterity of a long liue of iumir rHoliotiiHls, and, travesty upon temper ance, the probibitiunists of the Btale. r-peoial correspondents at the front telegraph that the most fanatical pro- uiuuioniHta uro working shoulder to shoulder with the men who kept the lowest of Krofc'Nliups before the dispen sary law went into elVect. So lonit as the law stands it will be enforced. The aristocratic militia com panies will have to obey orders or throw up their ooniiuisHious, and as taut as they go out of Commission, new companies will be recruited that will uphold the law and the governor's ell'orts to enforce it. Tillman is the right mau for South Carolina. She needs a long line of just such governors.-Spokane Heview. Tun democrats ol this oounty eyi dently put up their strongeet material on Tuesday, but they won't (jet enough votes on election day to make the con test intoiVHtirg. A man who is strong in the right does not sacrifice principle :or harmony "It is not what 'they Bay' but what I do, that concerns me most," is the motto of the truly great in self-government, and the man so governed is tree from the control of the unworthy. In tub city of Albany, N. Y., Mr Cleveland's home, on Tuesday, the democratic ticket was defeated for the first time iu fifteen years. Elections were held iu other cities of New i'ork and also iu New Jersey, the republicans sweeping the works. Straws show which way the wind blows. J. b. Boothbv, the "grauil 0 j man," of Lexington, will make a good race for representative. He is a sound repub lican Bud stands solidly by his princi ples, lie should reoeive the support of every repubhoau in the oouuty, and should be do this his eleotion is assured by ft good majority. His opponent, A cunning and ambitious politician is Senator Hill, of New York. It la a striking commentary upon the extreme disfavor in which the Cleveland admin istration is held that this man who wanted to be president, should seek to strengthei himself by boldly attacking the reoord of bis own party. Here we have a clear illustration of how odious democracy grows even with itself. Review. Tim fresh editor of the Reoord is doing a vast amount of orowing this week over the brilliant viotory in store for the doniooratio nominees. We will acknowledge, brother, that you are intelligent beyond yonr years, but we venture the assertion that you will have to eat a large mess of orow after the June election. Yon must not forget for a minute that the republicans have a ticket in the Geld, and that it is there to win. Job Wai.drjp, the populist candidate for congress, is somewhat on the politi oal order of Dennis Kearney. He oan best be desoribed as the latter was some years ago by an admirer. "And who is this man Kearney, Mike, of whom you are BlwayB talking?" "Faith if you wasn't just from the old sod, Teddy, I conld not excuse your ignorance; why, Dennis is the greatest mBn in Amerioa." But what does be do?" "Do; why be don't do nothing he's a workingman." Portland Dispatch. Pkobabli the most remarkable po- itical address of the year was that just issued by the democratic: leaders of Minnesota through the democratic assooiauon of Minnesota. It says in part: "It is useless to disguise the fact that our party is confronted with serious peril. It is time for plain words. Silenoe now is disloyalty to onr party and its cause. In less than two years after winning the most complete victory any party ever won, and while in full possession of the powers then given ns, we present the appearance of a defeated party, while our opponents defeated in the battle wear all the airs of victory." BOYS DON'T UK DECEI VKI. Tub demoorats in congress are still wedded to sham. They pretend to re strict expenditures and boast of econ omies on the stump and then bring in deficiency bills. The fifth deficiency hill in this ooogress has already passed the house. A deficiency bill represents sham eaonomy. It is the parliamentary device resorted totooover up a campaign lie. It is the result of nretended r. trenchment in appropriations, when, as a matter o' faot, in order to deceive the people, nn adequate Biuount was in the first instance intentionally not appro priated. The amount of delioienoios already passed by the house in this congress, to make good pretended economies of the last congress, isSo'OOOV (100. The clmirman of the (lnnronri. " i r- atious committee of the house has ad mitted that it will be necessary to ap propriate 814,000,000 iu deficiency bills In order to maiutain the oovernment. In other words, when, during the last campaign the democratsiu tbeirepeeches olaiuied that they had effected savings of $14,000,000 in the curreut expenses of the government they misrepresented the facts. They had simply deffered the payment of honest obligations, aud are now compelled to make appropriations in the guise of defimennv nil la Tim letuoornts seem never to tire of resorting to this nucient trick. They still pre sume lUHiu the gullibility of the Ameri can public Salem Statesman. Those who never read the advertise ments iu their newsuauera miss nn.ro han they presume. Jonathan Kmuhh of Uolnn, Worth Co., Iowa, who had been irouuieii Willi rheumatism iu his back, arma ami shoulders read au item in bit paner about how a prominent tier man citizen of Ft. Madisou bad been cured. tie procured the same medicine, and to use Ins own words: "It rnred mo ri.rhi up." He also says: "A neighbor and Ins wife were both sick in bed with rheumatism. Their boy wasovertornv house and said they w ere bo bad he bad to do the oookinir. I told him nf hatuherlain's l'ain Halm and how it had cured me: he not n huttla mot it tired them no in a week, fill ntnl bottles for sale bv S nnnm.Jnlinann Drug Co. "How to Care All Hkln Diseases.' Simply apply "Swsyne's Ointment." No internal medicine required. Cures tetter, ecisema, itoh, al1 TuiXioua on the faoe, hands, uose. Ac., leaving tho obi ilear, white aud henltlilv. Il ,-rut healing a.id curative powers are possess ed by no other remedv. Ask vonr ilmu. gist for Swa.uie's Oiutment. sw 1 yr Malarial fever and its effects a nick I v give way to Simmon luver Regulator. When the old parties can still hood wink their voting dupes with a sham battle over the tariff after plugging away at it for 80 years there seems hut littlo hope till a new gen ration is born. Settle the tariff and then the republicans say we will settle the money question. What have you been doing Bince 1802, my Q. O. P. friends? Shall we all starve and be slaves while you follow the lead of John Sherman, Bill McKinley, Grover Cleveland, Jtued and other gold bug republicans, With ten million of people in the U. S. suffering for the necessaries of life. Wheat at 25 cents in Eastern Oregon and 00 cents in New York and everything in proportion, except taxes With plunderers at the publio crib, with a ".jtar lioute" fraud in one oabinet aud the Tennessee coal and iron company iu the other, with the sugar and standard oil trusts in the presidents chair, then howl for another ohauoe and have your blind dupes yelling themselves hoarse for tho Q. O. P. There is not one old party mnn out of twenty that "dares" to read the other's side, and theold party bosses won't let them if they cm balp it. Tiny would follow the example of n P. M of Mor row county, who made a bonit that lots of populist literature came to his offioe and be would not distribute it, but he put it iu the stove. There must have been something iu them that burnt his seared conscience. The editor of tho Q.izotto told us that the republican party is a freesilver party. Now a question, is Mo&iulcy, Tom Heed, Whitelaw Reed, John Sherman, Sen, Hoar, J. M. D.'ptiy, The New York Tribune and the Oregmiau repuhlioanB? Yonr oounty cm en: ion endorsed the grand record of their oarty. Did that include the seventeen dayB they were dodging a vote on Bland's bill and them getting $15 a day and mileage extras? If that is a free silver party, what in "Hades" are the gold bugs? Now be sure that you don't follow Pat's advice to vote early aud often, for some of us populists will kick at that and if ne catch you at it, will give you a trip over the road. We are supposed to have a free ballot und fair count. Kino E. William. PEOPLE'S PARTY EDITED M C. M. IIOGCE, MtDMAN, OR All matter intended for this column should he addressed to its editor, as the Gazette has no auinoruy to puoiiBn same without his consent. This column belongs exclusive! to ine peoples fariv.ot Morrow count, and will be used by them as they see fit. Tlie mtinaoement of the Gazette will in no way be responsible for any tli ing that may appear therein . STATE TICKET. The Ccmph xlnn of a Chinese Is not yellower thnn that of an un fortunate individual whose liver com plaint has assumed the chronic form. The eyeballs of i Lie sufferer assume a saffron hue, there is dull pain in the region of the oiguu blleeted, the tongue is oonted, hieath sour, sick headaches usually but not always occur, and there is sometimes dizziness on arising from a sitting posture. Constipation and dyepepsia are aUu ultundants of this very common ailment, always in its aggravated form, liable to breed ah cesses ol me liver, winch are very (lungerotis. Hosteller d Stomach Hit ters wholly eradicate it, as well as the troubles coDiiilicntod within and which it originates. Iu chills and fever, complaint which aKvays yields to the Hitters, me liver is seriously involved. luis nne alterative rouio removes costiveuess ami indigestion, rheumatic, nervous aud kidney trouble aud debility Governor, Nathau Pieroe State Treasurer, R. Caldwell Secretary of State, Ira A akefieid Supt. Public Instruction, T. O. Jory Attorney General, M. L. Olmstead, Stute Printer, George M. Orton. Supreme Judge, R, P. Boise. Congressman Sec. Dist., Joe Waldrop. Jt. Sen., Morrow, Grant and Harney, George Gilbert. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTBICT. Pros. Attorney, E. P. Sine. Board of Equalization, B. F. Searoy. COCNTV TICKET. Representative, Sheriff, Clerk, School Supt., Assessor, Treasurer, Surveyor, Coroner, B. F. King. Joseph C. Hayes, 0. M, Hogue. Miss Addie Coulee. W. B. Ewiug. J. L. Gibson . Chas. Ingraham, J. M. Nunamaker. COMMITTEE CALL. Notice iB hereby given to the members of the people's party central committee of Morrow oounty, tliBt there will be a meeting of said oommittee at Lexing ton, April 14th, at 10 o'clock a. m. Every member should be present if possible W. O. Metier, 219-22 Chairman. Lexington, Ob., Maroh 31st, 1894. oooooooooooo Pimples, blotches O and eruptions com- Q pletely vanish before Q Q a steady use of q Beecham's Worth a Guinea I a Bo.) Pills (Tasteless) O and health again glows in the pure skin and clear complexion. 25 cents a box. ooooooooo DR. POOTB'S II AMI-HOOK. OF HEALTH HINTS AND READY KECIPBS, Is the title of a very valnahle book that (fives a great amount of information of the I'tmost Importance to Everybody, concerning their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, eto., IT TELLS ABOUT What to Eat, IIow to Eat it, Things to Do, TbiiiK-s to Avoid, Perils of Summer, How to Breathe. Dangers of KisBinf?, Influence of Plants, Parasites of the Skin, Care of Teeth, Occupation for Invalids, Bathing Best Way, After-Dlnner Nans Alcohol as a I'ood and a Lungs and Lung Diseases, Effects of Tobacco, Medicine, How to Avoid Them, Cure for Intemperance, Superfluous Hair, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause & Cure. Removing Same, How Much to Wear, To Uet Hid of Lice. Restoring the Drowned. Contagious DlKcaroa. -Malarial a trt t....D nvurhanttno- Hruioua ToiaT. tit, it Tlrot, ! ..1 . afl. Ilnn, ,. A ..,.1.1 mi . . .1 ' '-"-"""a "-"- .t,u.tv. awm mem, croup to rreveni. Ventilation, ness, Exercise, IT TELLS HO IV TO CURE Black Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Chlllblalns, Cold Peer, Corns Conghs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth' Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache Ulcers! Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms In Children. IT WILL SAV E 1OOTOHS 1IILLS. SrAll new subscribers and prompt renewals duringthe month of Mar. will be preeensed with a free copy of this as a premium. Notice of Dissolution. TVrOTK'E IS II K It I II V ll partnership h'Tftofo (IIVKN THAT THE ex H.'intr between W. A. Kirk ami C. Knhl. under tlie llrni inline of Kirk A liuhl, has this day oeen dissolved by mutual consent, W. A. Kirk wlllnlriuvfug from tbefirui. However. .Mr. liuhl will itintie at the same location, c. laibl will collect all debts ami pay all liabilities of the old linn previous to tins date. H. A KlltK. c. Hum Dated March 1:1. ls-jj. -U-21. .. ,,n.h.. r...1 Administrator's A'otice. NOTICE IS IIEHEHV OIVEX THAT THE undersigned lots been iipnoiiited by the county court ot Gilliam eoiiiilv, Oregon, ad ministrator of the estate ol j'ncob Johnson, eceased. All persons hiiviiiLr idiiiins mniitiHt. said estate are hereby notified to present them to meat r.mni. .nne, -Morrow coiintv Oregon, Illy verilied according to law. within six months from this date. (.liven under inv hand and dnted this (tth dv of March Isill. E. I). Kooo. -'1---'. Administrator. HIS SPEAKS. I see in the Gazette of the l.'ith that the populists are a free trade party, that is, you claim that their vote in congress shows this. Now as a populist I will dispute your assertion. We olaim that the tariff issue is used by both old parties to blind the niaBBes, and that the money question is the main issue. We made the same claim in 1802, and the events which have followed proves us to be right. Kepublican and democratic papers both oalled for the repeal of the pur chasing clause of the Slu-rmiui law, aud said we would have prosperous times ns hoou as it was repealed. The populists said no. Let me ask yon who was right? And further eVi'ry populist in the house and senate voted against repeal, aud the majority of the repub licans aud democrats voted for repeal. You Bay that the republican party is a free silver party. We will take your own measure aud by that measure they are opposed to silver and paper, they want nothing but gold. For instance look at their vote in the bouse, July 13th, '92, for free silver, 9; against free silver, 00. August 23rd, '93, for the repeal, 111; against the repeal, 13. In the house March 1st, 1894, repeal for seignorage bill, 19; repeal against seignorage bill, 71. You may settle the tariff and then in 1896 you will see and do something on the money question. Now Otis you kuow as well as I do that if we ruu on a gold basis till that time that it will be settled by the sheriff and you also know that it we do not have relief sooner than that republicans, democrats and popu lists will all be paupers together and a little ring of Wall Street gamblers, some 30.1XH) iu number, will own all the property in the Uuited States. We have no tariff plank in the Omaha platform and our members have their own views, but this I will say, not a populist would have voted for the Wilson bill without the inoome tax amendment. How does your party stand on that amendment? If I am to believe your leading papers and some of your local leaders you are bitterly opposed to it beoause it might compel Astor or Vanderbilt to commit perjury to escape taxation. It runs too muoh in private anairs, en, out wnen it oomes to you or me, don't the Bbsesor ask us how much we are worth; how many hogs, sheep, horses, cattle; how much land, money, notes, etc. How is the tariff on the same point. The revenue ofDoer asks questions, opens boxes, bales, trunks, throws ont dirty linen, and searobes man or woman, but the same olass who say that that is right, say it is wrong to tax Gould, Kookefeller, et al. Give the country plenty of money and then we will have prosperity and you oan have either high or low tariff, but tbe next tariff you yell for be sure that you have it fixed so that an American laborer has protection against the Poles Huns, Italians and other alien contract laborers, and not as at present to protect Carnegie's manufactures and allow him to import workingmen to take tbe olaoe of Amerioan citizens, or to allow White law Reid to import bis laborers from France to build his million doll mansion. I will refer you to Peffer and Allen in the U. a. senate or the national oom mittee resolutions on the Wilson bill. ami lor tear yon have not seen them I will send them in my next. m Deafness Cannot be Cared by local applications as thev cannot reach the diseased portion of tbe ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused bv an inflamed condition of the mncuous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is iutlamed you have a rumbling sound of imperfect hearing, aud when it is entirely closed, deafuesi is tbe result. aud unless the intlamation oan be taker out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine oases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an intlatued ooudition of the mucous surtaces. We will give one hundred dollars for any CBse of deafness (caused by oatarrh) mat cannot oe oured tiy Hall's Catarrh Core. Send for circulars; free. F. J. CHKNEY & CO.. Toledo. O. ttJSold by Druggists, 75. $1HOO FAKM AND STOCK RANCH' It will take only $812 to buy it; 480 acres. 2bll acres plow land; one-half mile ruuniug water. Improvements: 40 acres fenced, 15 acres cultivated, 2 bouses and stable, spring aud minor improvements. Adapted to farming, sheep and hograising. An extensive sheep range joining to Rock creek. terms: $X) down; remainder on long time. Location: On county road, two aud one-half miles west of Rood bill, Eight Mile, Or. 320 aores for $510. or $108 for ownership in 100 acres school land or will exchange for two good borses. Original cost of sohool land 8;t20. Apply at Heppner Gazette offioe Heppner Oregon. 199-tf-w. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN pursuance to an order of the eooot.v court of the county of Morrow, state of Oregon, wmic uii me ,i ii nay 01 .unroll, 1WI, in the matter of the estate of Lizzie Morgan, deceased, the undersigned, the administrator of snld estate, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, on Saturday, April mh, 1!H, at iu o'clock in the forenoo.y of said dav, at the court house of said coiinlv, -ill the right, title interest and estate of the said Lizzie Morgan at the time of her death in nnd to all that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the Baid county and state ami more particularly described as follows: The S. 4 of the S W. u andS., of the S. E4 of Sec. 26, Tp. , . of K. ' M. R. Moroan, Administrator. 5 s - 3 MM O.W.R. MF'G CS-PORTLAND. ORE. For sale bv Slocum-.Tohnaton T)mo Co. and T. W.Ayers, Jr. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The Studebaker wagon heads them all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a "Hardware" did yon say? Whv. ves at P. C. Thompson & Oo.'s stand, and the place for bargains. a The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove oures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine and tobacco habit, see ad. The Palaoe is the leading hotel in the oity. Well furnished rooms with ulentv of light are provided for everyone, a If you want to buy groceries, and bread stuff aheap, go to the Eutemnse urooery. Kirk & Until, proprietors. Borg, the jeweler, is tbe man to fix up your watch or clook. ue keeps a full stook of everything pertaining to his business. a M. Lichtenthnl & Co.'s new stook of spleudid, summer botton and tie special ties iu the shoe line are attracting mark ed attention. 1 FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because 01 tne incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent aud reli able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of apateut depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care aud skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that iuventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to ue for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D. C. r. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. 5" Cut this out and send it with your Inuulr. JO a a lit lea. CtaC 1 1 11 1'rcidiisKoctiryiupllla cure constipation Prentias lioelifylng pllla cure constipation Pl-eiitlHS Rectifying pUlscure constipation PRENTi LU SS RECTIFYING PILL AT 1 obi au 111113 ami medicine produce constipation, here is a pill tlint cures torpid liver, biliousness, rheumatism, imllaestlon. sick headache and kidney aud liver nublcs without erlplujr or lenvlns any trace ot CONSTIPATION, which 1 the prime causo ot all sickness, bewaro of it getting habitual and chronic with you see to it lu time i thoso pllla will cure ycu. t"s ORFNTISS RECTIFYING PILL. becauso it Is the only sate and harmloss remedy that will Burely BEAUTIFY tho 1'ry a box aud see for your. COSVIP Cloar tho akin and remove all blotches from tho lace self. 25 Cents a box. E31.n RV Al I noiMo Or sent by mail upon receipt ot prion by " Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing rn 4W CALIFOSTREET SAN FRANC.SCO, CAL. : "-:"!" constitution Prentiss Eooiirvio Prentiss Rectifying pills cure conallpatlon Prentiss T.i K Pills curocoiisilMito.n etlfyliiK pll la cure constipation 33 o 5 a a 3TJ IT 5" o o 3 05 Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER AT THE MONOGRAPH. For one Dollar and Yonr This Subject. Opinion on For a mild tonic, gentle laxative and invitioranl take Simmons Liver Regulator. A'lmt is tbe beat Monetary system for the United States? This is the greatest problem confronting tbe Amerioan people. It is tbe intention of the pub Ushers that "The Monograph" shall oontain the beet thought of tbe nation on this question. The recognized lead ers in all political parties have been oalled upon to contribute ulaus fur their ideal Monetary System. But not ooutent with this, we are determined to embody iu tbe same volume the opinions of thousands of the "Great Common People," and to tbat end we will allow two dollars on tbe prioe of tbe book for your solution, of this problem, expressed in not more than 00 words. Tbe Mono graph, tbe best modern work on Mone tary Systems, will be sent to any address on receipt of 83.0U It is a book that will interest and instruct, and is des tined to become ginnt factor in shap ing tbe future monetary system of the nation. Th Monograph PrBLisiiiNa Company, Room 44, German Ani'n B'k Building. St. Paul, Minn. Reference by permission, Nat'l Oer. Am'nBank. ti LEGAL BLANKS. Plenty of them at the Gazttte Office 'F YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ",u""T!?TITsfffi! -. ADDRESS A LETTER OR POSTAL CARTJ Tn THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY muu urnnr-nmm.. .. .. jwnn tuutiBUKH, Managing Attorney, Washington, D. C. P. 0. Box 463. v da vs. or owr. In tti .at. uat moor, whether disability circumstances. ws due to army service or not, if now denendent .n Vh.fr"r,'CSi.Wie'h"so,?i"'?.d.h thi f 1. ,1...- . . - r " wi iui suunori. winrnDs noVdF,e."Ae,?i-lip00 fclrrr!1'ta ar 'm if the UHILDKEN in.it.iiil.,1 n, ,..i. T"V:" " uemn w ant to service. idow. or she has since died or remarried ' CaS" where ,here w PARENTS are entitled if cni.iilVTl' Mrvloe. or from effect, of .ervlce. and 1 thev Ire now a,Z5Z.' P"" soldier died In port. It makes no difference whether !i$T,Vf..j S u.Pon eir own labor for sup. navv. " u " ''e war or in regular army or I uut JoVip, Inyrhf Und" ne l3W' m Wl" te. Md.r other hirTt now pensioned, but also for others, whether dot. tn . oibaomuei lor which Soldiers and sailors disabled in lineofdutvin wmlara.nrr. entnled, whether discharged for disabilitv or not. T r sinoe the war are also Ida Indian Wars of 1H33 to 1843 aor Flor- Suryivors. and their widows, 01 the Klark n.b . 19 to 1843. ar en. 1,1-1 ' " "' . anQ Seminole 0 tlsoentltled, if sixty-two years of age or d later laws or not. 'unea, Whether pension has been granted under n..i ... , - - - " "iii-ii uaoer a re 3T dependent. " ,,nmw'. U sixty-two years of age or disabled uia claims completed and settlem.nl .m.i. Reiected claims rennened e.ii. . ... Certificate, of A Ai "i ecurea. 11 rejection imnrooer or Illeral. have lost their original k"ea lor soldiers and sailors of the late war Who "" - , N charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Add. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY bIm w. managing Attorney, " B0X463' WASHINGTON, D. Q- P.O, A m