Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 10, 1894, Image 3

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rHOHE desin.'g tfaeliiBerUon of display adi
or chauge 01 Jatne, must get their cony in
uot later thuu Monday evening for Tuesday'
edition, or Thursday evening for Fridays edi
L The sum of five cenn pr line will be
uharged for "cardi of thanka," "resolutions of
reajwct," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of Bpeciai meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rale of live
tents a line. Ihemj rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every inetanoe,
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name Is signed a an evidence of
good faith.
ing Agent, il Merchant exchange,
bun Iram-isco, is our authorUeu agent. This
paper it, kept on tile in hUoitu-e.
Btage for Hardmau, Monument, Long Creek,
Johu Day and canyon City, leaveit m follows :
fcvery day atti a. in., except einnday,
ArrlveaeverydayatB p. ui except Monday,
Ibe cheapest, quit-Kent and bent Hue to or
from the interior uouniry.
J. a. UKLEVAN, hop.
Fhill Cohn, Agent.
Oive your bumnens to Heppner people,
and tlmrejore umh lo build up Hepp
ner, 1'aliontze those who patronize
Here ana There.
Grandma Wright is quite ill.
Rev Adams returned rum below this
Fred Sherman is shearing sheep np at
Peuluud's rawb.
Mat Hatvorson and J. F. Spray are
up from Pirilud.
Arthur Sini'b will clean watches at
tbe l educed ( rice ol SI.
Geo. W. Cot'Ser and wife spent Huu
day out at the hnuieot U. A. Rhea.
W. S. Brown, of Tremotit, Neb' Baku,
extensive cheep buyer, is lu the city.
A. W. Patterson and J. W. D.wson
departed ou Satuiday night tor Portland,
The HeppuerCanyon staiie line is the
best, cheapest rind quickest to the in
If you want a good gnu or sewiois
machine, onine to the Uuzdte office anol
we'll fit yu out.-
We are pleased to report that MrH.
Wm. Warren is rnpiuly rtuuveilug from
h.r severe ulues.
Those that have county scrip for side
should call ou lieoige Conner at Tbe
First National Bank. 2tf.
The Gi zette will be sent to any ad
dress lu the United Slates till afer
campaign for 5U cents.
Legal blanks, plenty of them, at the
Gxzetle office, and at world's priced,
Disoouuts ou large orders.
Green Maidens bus opened np bis
bai ber shop, ui xe dour tu riayeB Bros
Shaves, elo., ou lap as usual.
The pupils of tbe high school gave
Mia Jeuuie Wine a pleaxnut sutpiibe
party ou last S tiurday evemug.
Every mau who takes an) interest iu
fast stock rbould subacrihe for The
Horseman. Uazetle shop, ageiils.
MifS D il ie Glisau departed for The
Dilirsou Frid ) night's tram Where she
Will vndt for some UUld with ll lends.
The Gazette will takeoouuty scrip at
face on subscription, and pa. balance of
Bameui cash at highest uiuiket p'lce,
, 7 6U
Ben Braggart's famous Jack will
season at bis ranch seveu miles norm
east of J-aXiugtou. 'leims: Iiu-u:aice,
810. 2j i.
Stolen Two fiue dogs from my home
in Heppuer. rlcaoe lcliiruloA. Abra
buma.ck. SiU-3i.
The Gazette ffioe now runs au in
urauoe aud notarial Miop. Come lu
wheu you want to do your insuring aud
J. N. Brown went down to Portland
8aturdt evening to look alter me
Uoiiiiuatiou of J iut senator for Monow,
Gran I aud Harney cuuutos.
The town is full i f faithful democrats
today, tbeocoatsiou belug tue democratic
county convention, a lull report ot
which will appear in our next issue.
Little Otis Sirgeut, wuo has beeu
Buff ring lor some time from au tffectiou
ot ibe throat, aud wnioh it was leaie.
would prove Ulal, Is reported ad greatly
Hall's Vegrtable Vioilian Hut Renew-
er i Ui queellonahly the heat pieaeiVa
tiveol toe hair. It is also curative of
dandruff, tetter, and all sucu scalp
aff. ciions.
Echo stage leaves Heppner for Echo
Tuesdays, Tiuids and Saturdays.
Arrives Mondays, Wtdnepdays and t r l
days Fate, one way, 2. 60. PhiliOohn,
agent, A. Audi ewe, riup.
3. F. Willit-, republican candidate for
assessor, and J S B xnbtiy republican
oantlitlute lor reprrseu auve, botn of
Lrxiugiou, were in atteud-iuue at the
republican speakii.g bturday evening.
Lost A note dated Juue 12, 1892.
sigued by G. W. Swsug irt, cal.iug lor
$2.0u0, in fvor ot P. U, Thompson,
The public are w.irued against negotiat
ing fur or purchasing caid note. tf .
Elder Geo. Bari.abv, of Daytoo, arriv
ed ou tbia morning's train and will hold
services at the opera house this evening.
He txpeoia to b-in the city a we.-k or
ten dots a . d will pieaoh nightly while
Tiger Hose Co , N 1, have received
some Solid gold, UrMiitif ully engraved
badges, a M ftidient immher so that
each member f ihn coiupauv wilt lur-
afier wear one. They Came all the
way from Germany.
E. N. Crrckett, T. S Williams, J. J.
and Ifran L. Pnttersou arrived Ironi lying
Creek, Sunday. All l ft last evtntng for
Portland aud Sin FrnoiKco, no pt Mr,
Williau.s. Air. Crockett will repreneul
Northern Grant lu the republican state
convention at Portland tomorrow.
Old Hatt has now extnb'Hheil a ton
so rial parlor, at tin M it men btiililing
next door to Simonn' tilack"miih shop
where he invites the patronage of hip old
customers ami ai wlintletire strictly Hist
.Tlae work, r-havintf, ehamping and hair
Otittlug at living prices. Don't overlo-k
Our better bnlv-e say thry conld not
keep house wilhoat Chamberlain's
Cougb Remedy. It is nsed in more than
half the homes in Leeds. Sims Bros.,
Leeds, Iowa. Tbtssh-iw the esteem in
which that remedy la held where it has
beon a dd for yea'S and i w-ll known.
Mo'hera have learne-t thit there in
nothing so g iil for Colds, croup r.d
whooping eoogh, that it enrea thesv
ailment qnickiy Hint perroanentlv. and
that i i p'want anil safe f -r children
to take. Uf) and 50 oent bottles tor sale
by Slocom-Johnsoc Drug Co.
Democratic Primaries. Tbe demo
cratic! primaries in Morrow county
passed off rather quitely, so they iav,
Saturday afternoon. Io tbe three Hepp.
ner preoincts it was simply oat and
dried affair, all tbe tickets being
previously wiitteu oat. Tbe delegates
from the Heppner irecinct are what tbey
style as representative democrats of tbe
county. However, aa for tbia we leave
tbe readers to decide. So oe bave never
voted a national democratic ticket for
eight years, and others bave sworn tbey
uever would aain. tiome also voted at
tbe republican primaries, thus violating
the laws of tbe state. On tbe other
hand however, some very good material
may be found among tbe selection by
close inspection, 'lhe faithful of Mt,
Vernon s ems to be particularly pleased
with tbeir seleotioo, and in all it is a
fairly good one. The following are tbe
delegates: Heppner, W. A. Kirk, J. W.
Rasmus, A. L Florence, J. B. Matter,
John Woodarri, Thus. Nelson, Wm.
Hughes, Jerry Oobn and Jim Neville.
Gentry, W, J. McOarty, Frank Kellogg,
J. K. Stmois, Tbos. Quid and D ve
MoAtee. Mt. Vernon, 0. A. Rbea,
John Hughes, Fruuk Rogers, J. W.
Mutlook, il Binns aud Oeo. Noble.
The Diffkkknce. "Can I get this in?"
said a mau vith a roll of papers io bil
baud, to an editor. "What is it about."
"It is a reply to Prof. Huxley." "Not
m i,-h you can't," said the editor and tbe
mm went away. Pretty soon another
mau camei t with a roll of paper. "Ciin
I get this in P he inquired. "What is
it?" It's an item about a preacher ai d
a deacon's wife." "You just bet your life
y in can get it iu," said tbe editor. Aud
so it is, some mno suooeed while other
meu fail. Exchange.
Repdblican Speaking. Hon. J. B.
Eddy, of Peudletou, addressed tbe re
publican club of Morrow county ol the
political issues of the day at tbe opera
house last Saturday evening. His re
marks were well received by all present,
and many of the illustrations brought
forth laughter and applause. In all
Eddy is a forcible speaker and will be a
v lnable speaker io the coming campaign.
Appropriate mueio wbs also furnished by
the quartette.
Couldn't tand it While n the
streetB tiie other day we overheard the
following conversation between two
w-ll informed politicians: 1st Politioi
bu. "What do jou suppose were Cleve
land's reasins for vetoing the silver
Bill?" 2nd P. "He couldn't stand that
16 to 1 racket." 1st P. "What does 16
to 1 mean auywaj?" 2nd P. any d n
fool ought to kuo that. It means 816
lo every one we have now." Wasoo
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er and repairer of mnny years' experi
ence, has just looated in tbe Abraham-
sici' unilding, on May street, where be
is prepared to do eveiy thing in bis line,
M Bit beck is strictly a first-olass work-
in to aud warrants all work, Give him a
call. Mwtt
Land Fob Sale. 480 aores over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock rsnob unu
id be sold cheap. Call at Gazette
office for particulars and terms t.
A Cheap Power,
And at the same time a reliable power,
are tbe points to be sought tor in pur
chasing an engine. With steam power
a constant watob on tbe gauge is
necessary to prevent aooidents, and the
expense for engineer is a serious item
against eoonomy The gas dr g'soline
engine is by far the ohe ip-iat power, as
it will rim all day without attentiou or
fear ot accident, and tbe cost is about
two cents per hour for fuel per borse
power. For interruittnnt power the
economy of gas over steam is beyond
comparison. White these points of
i-upeiioriry are wi bout question, it is
important iu selecting an eugiue to get
the best; the best iu Ibe long run is the
cben peal. Do not fail to investigate
the sinking advantages of the Heroules
Gtis and Gasoline Engine. Seud for cata
logue If you want seooud handengiaes
ot ther makes at cbeap rates we oan
supply )u. We have a number taken
in trade and caunnt take any more until
they are realized on. Palmer & Rex
Tips toONDHY, Front and Alder Sts.
Portland Oregon.
The Stndehaker wagon beads tbem all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
Hardware" did yoo say? Why, yes
at P. C. Thompson & Co.'a stand, and the
plaoe for bargaius. a
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
onres liquor, opinm, morphine, oocaine
and tobaoco habit. See ad.
Tbe Palace is tbe leading hotel in tbe
otty. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided (or everyone, a
If yon want to bny groceries, and
bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise
Groceiy. Kirk & Rubl, proprietors, a
Burg, the jeweler, is tbe man to fix up
your watch or clook. Ue keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to his
biiainess, a
M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s new stock of
splendid, summer boltou and tie special
ties in Hie shoe liue are attracting mark
ed attention. a
At Abrahamsick's. In addition to his
tailoring business, be has added s fine
line ot underwear of all kinds, negligee
shirts, hosiery, etc. Also baa on band
some elegant patterns for suits. A.
Abrahamstok. May street, Heppner, Or.
It will b an agreeable surprise to
Hereon mil i el tu attaoka of bilious
coin: to learu that prompt relief may be
t bad by taking Chamberlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In
mmy instances the attack may be
prevented by taking this remedy as
soou as tbe first smptoms of tbe disease
appear. 25 arid 50 cent bottles for sale
by Stocum Johnson Drug Co.
Tb- elnom r f ;ars ayd the weariness of
Moil, of which ho rnoiv oomplaiu, would
i disiippe .r if 'lie blood w-m mode more
i tiPKiiliy htfire it r-Hehes the brain,
i Aye.'s Strsparilla purine and vitalize
! ibe bh od, and thus conduces to health
j ot body and mind.
Invalid 3 Years,
Cured by Hood's
"0. 1. JTood & Co., Lowell, Kan. :
"Gentlemem I am gla.1 tj tell you that I
have been given good lieuloi by Hood's
S.irsiiparllla. For three years I was an In
valid, sufferlti!,' terrtMy frnrn
Ncrvouanoc end Lameness.
"Iwas so nervous I could not liwir the least
noise, and I had to war: v.Uh crnichcs for
six months, as I eonltl nor put o:ie of my feet
to the floor, rtiyslclans i!i ! .nt do tne any
good, so a friend tnlrt w !n en llnml's Sar
saparllla, but
I Said There Waj Uo Use.
"However, after thinking tlio malter over, I de
cided to give it a trial, t:;d have taken six
bottles of flood's Sarsa;artlla, and the re
sult Is that I am well as any one could wish
to be, Rnd can do any kind ot work. I ad
vise all my friends to take Hood's Sarsapa
rllla for I believe It will do them good."
Miss St siR Donsox, Colton. California.
Hood's Pills cure llver 111,i constipation,
biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, Ind.lgestiom.
Who They Will Probably Vote for at
From the East Oregonlan.
People generally are interested in the
standing of J. 0 Leasure in tbe repub
lican oouuty convention. Mr. Leasure
has a habit ot olaiming everything in
sight, and be was not slow in telling
people all over tbe seoond district that
be would go down to Portland with a
solid delegation from this oounty, aa
well as from Union, Baker and other
Eastern Oregon oounties. It was, per
haps, not unreasonable for him io lay
claim to tbe Umatilla oounty delegation,
since many persons tbink that couuty
patriotism impels them to support a
congressional nominee from their own
oounty, no matter whether be is fic, moral
ly or intellectually to represent the people
in tbe legislative halls. Such is the
candid expression from numerous re
publicans, who blush for bim in private,
and yet feel compelled to stomach bim
in public. They do so, also to prevent,
if possible, a split in the party. For
tbey well know that tbe individual in
question looks only to bis own selfish
interest, and cares nothing for the party
which baa made him what be is, at least
given bim tbe prominenoe. he enjoys,
tor out of consideration for the good,
honest republicans, we hesitate to lay at
tbeir doors responsibility for anything
but for b s prominecoe. He would,
therefore if defeated, sulk in bis tent.
When B. F. Conner, at tbe ratification
meeting held after tbe convention re
ferred to Mr. Leasure, in a speech calcu
lated to boom John 0., it would naturally
have been expected that the "favorite
son" would be reoeived with a large
measure ot enthusiasm. But the ex
pected applause failed to materialize.
Fifty people out of five hundred faintly
clapped tbeir hands, and a oold, olammy
sweat stood on tbe brows of the "bboys'
who were standing in.
It transpired today that tbe delegates
eleoted to the state convention are di
vided between Leisure, Donaldson and
The Portland Oregonian's rtatement
that tbe county convention instructed
fur Leasure for congress, and Judge Fee
tor renomination, is untrue. They
instructed no one, although they would
have instructed for Judge Fee, without
hesitation, had the issue been raised.
Hood's and on y Hood's.
Are you weak and weary, overworked
and tired? Hood's Sarsapariila is just
the medicine you need to purify and
quicken your, blood and to give you
appetite and strength. If you decide to
take Hoods Sarsapariila do not be induced
to buy any other. Any .Sort to substi
tute another remedy is proof of tbe
merit of Hood's.
Hood's Fills are the best after-dinner
Pills, assist digestiou, enre headaobe.
Try a box.
Tbe river is falling fast and will soon
be normal again.
Tbe Indians are calobing some fine
sturgeon now some that have weighed
175 ponnda dressed.
H. C. French intends going io Tacoma
in tbe near future to work for tbe N. F.
Railway Company.
Frank Fain and Will Bennett bave
just completed the first coat of paint on
tbe new opera bouse here.
Tbe Gazette is read by a great many
here. Heppner seems to be the "biggest
little town" in Eastern Oregon.
Geo. Noble, Jr., stopped off here a few
days last week on bis return from Salem.
visiting relatives here and at five Mile.
Tbe democratic convention of Wasco
conntv meets Tuesday, April 10th. There
will be a bitter fibt over tbe nomination
for sheriff.
The night watchman, Harper, who
committed the crime of mayhem on Con
ductor Rice, has uot been seen since tbe
affair took plaoe. Conductor Rice ia
getting along nicely.
There has been a combine formed here
to knock out the Hon. W. B. Ellis, but it
is loo light, as tbe delegation oan not be
workei over. It is composed of aome
that we know cannot be approached.
Bionott & Fish hve opened an oper
boose bere with a seating cspaoi'y of
700 people. There are six exits, being
Reserved fcr McFarland Mercantile Co.
Heppner, Oregon.
General Line of Agricultural Implements,
1 1 a w
Illls, Dawson &s Lyons,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors,
Out for
Cash Talks.
all on the first floor. - The building in
cludes ticket office, private rooms, and
in faot all tbe latest improvements. It
will be opened by Dalles borne talent in
side of 10 days.
The Dalles, Or., Apr. 8, 1894.
Seeding is about oompleted and plow
ing oontinues in dead earnest.
Warm and beautiful spring weatl-er is
at hand, inoluding mjisture iu abund
Vegetation is shooting tip with great
rapidity to tbe immense delight of uiuu
and beast.
Quite a number from lone and Douglas
were in attendance at the repuhlicau
convention at Heppner,
Messrs. T. J. League and Joe Filkins
were up at Heppner tudny to attei.d tne
monthly meeting ot the G. A. R
Mies Anna Balsiger was down from
Heppner today to visit relatives aud
friends, and no doubt also on an elec
tioneering tour.
Love, courtship and marriage, is tlie
whole history in a nutshell, of Osinu
Cochran and espouse. The people tx
teud beaity congratulations.
Miss May Sayers, present teacher of
Saddle eohool is talked of fur the demo
cratic nomination for superiutendtney.
She is undoubtedly good material.
The ooming campaign waxes warm.
With tbe republicans on one side and a
combination of democrats aud populists
on tbe other, the outcome is doubtful.
The republican olub of lone precinot
meets tonight. Every member should
endeavor to be present aud briu,' a
visitor. If there ever was a time to get
in and work it ie now.
lone scores a viotory 1 ! ! At the re
publican convention, tbe nomination for
tbe superiutendency was tendt-red an
experienced lady teao er of Ioue. Tbe
lone and Douglas delegations were solid
for our lady. It now remains for these
preoinots to give her suon a rousing
majority next June as bave never been
equaled, Our lady must get there.
Ione, Or., Maroh 31, 1894.
To care constipation, a ck headset e
and dyspepsia Simmons Liver Regu
lator has no e qual.
a uqmd OramatlHt.
Queen Natalie, the Beautiful, of 6cr
via, is among the authors. She ha
written a play entitled "Mother." Ne
doubt she gives utterance in it to hci
own motherly sufferings and anguish
when forced to separate from her son,
the boy king of Servia. A I'arisian
theater is said to have bought the piece
and will produce it. Whether it oc
good or bad as a work of art, the per
son and the misfortunes of the authoress
have attracted so much attention and
supplied the world with so many sensa
tional reports that there will be a great
demand for the revelations expected to
be given by the pen of the queen, which
will insure to the enterprising theater
full bouse and a profitable buaioeaa.
Etc, Eto.
' Trust Busts
TUo ScnfiatloiiK as Described hy a Itanflas
"I was hanifcd for a horse thief
jnee," said V. II. Stephens, a con
tractor hailing- from the Sunflower
state, to a Globe-Democrat man. "It
w as just after the war. Stock thieves
were pretty thick, and when caught
were not allowed to waste muen ume
repenting of their sins. I had just
moved into the state from Michigan.
bought a horse, a regular old plow
plug, from a youngster who appeared
to bo all right, and the next day mount-
3d him and started to Fort Scott to
transact somo business.
"I had ridden perhaps a dozen miles
when I was overhauled by a posse of
irmed men who were hunting stock
thieves. The horse 1 was riding had
been stolen f rora a member of the party ,
and I was swung up to the limb of a
tree by the roadside without oeing
fiven a chance to explain. There won
a sharp, momentary pain, a choking
iensation, succeeded hy one that I can
only compare to the delightful intoxi
jation of the opium smoker, and then
unconsciousness. I would like to ex
perience that sensation again, but do
not care to undergo the necessary pre
liminaries. The party concluded that I
might havo confederates, and let me
down, hoping that I would peach.
"The coining back to life was a good
deal more painful than taking leave of
it. When I got so I could talk I told
my story, but it was not believed, and
they were about to swing me up again
wiien a neighbor, returning from l-'ort
Scott, chanced along and convinced
them that they had the wrong man."
The Montana r Hnutli America and Iti
Eastern l'cru, though changing Its
political title at various periods, has
been called the Montana or wooded
country since the first colony wat
planted there, two hundred and fifty-
six years ago, says a writer in Harper'i
Weekly. The experiences of the early
settlers wore an endlesB succession ol
romantic adventures. Towns wen
built and destroyed mnny times, and
there is scarcely a single sito which hoi
not been bathed with the blood of whiU
and Indian through centuries of con-Hi-1.
Kpanu.li and I'eruvian possessioe
of this territory has consequently beer
more nominal than real until wlthil
the last twenty years, during which
time several of the old mission station!
havo flourished forth into cities of fron
two thousand to six thousand inhab
itants under the commercial stimului
given by the opening of the Amazon tc
the flags of all nations in 1HM.
Accordingly the majority of the puit
whites now living in the Montana art
either Peruvians originally from th
west coast or Germans, French and
English, with two or three Americana
who have been allured to this remote
Corner of the globe by the prospect ol
ipecdily amassing fortunes in the rub
ber trade. These new coiners are ofter
noble examples of manhood, full of that
courage and determination which art
needful in establishing government anc
commercial prosperity in the midst of t
somnolent and sometimes trcacheroui
native population. Women of appar
ently equal rank are, however, oonsplo
uously absent.
Pains iu the regiou of the kidneys are
cured by Simmons Liver Regulator.
Why Don't You.
Call on the New Firm at tbe old Van Dnyn stand ?
You will oertainly be surprised at the low prices in
DRt Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and
A Complete Line of Groceries.
NotrouMe to ghow poods and prive
Respectfully Yours,
Not only onoe but again and again. Tbey
full weight and good measure for the least money. Vi by we sell the best is ex
plained. The "best" brings people back, holds custc m, mskes us friends,
and so establishes our trade. We want you to have acme of our
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, CapB. and everything kept io a well-regulated, general
merchandise store. Come in and see ns, everybody.
C. IrtUHIj, Proprietor
Tie Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. Tbey will keep on band a full line ot
Groceries and Mil
A full linenf choice Pies, Cakes and Btead j in faot everything that Is
nsnally kept in a first-clsss bakery Btore. They will sell cbeap foi cash. Call and
try tbem. sw
Land Patents
Land patents secured fur settlors in tbe shortest possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully bandied.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals having conflicting olairas under the agricultural land
laws, and those between claimnnta under lhe Mineral Laws Hnd agricultural
olaimapts; and nUo between claim iu'b under any of tbe pnblinUud l iwii aud the
Kailroad oumpauies Bnd their grantei s, arid the states and their grantees, under
tue Swemp-Lsnd and Hchiol LhihI Grants.
Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settler
who have complied with lhe laws nnder whioh their entries were mnde, and who
are annoyed and worried by deUya in the issue of their patents, caused by Trifling
Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed.
Advice also given in all matters relating tn tbe public lands, especially on
points arising nnder tbe new laws wbiob bave been receutly passed providing for
tbe disposal of Ibe publio domain.
If yon want your land patent in a hurry if you want your land bnainess, ot
any character, attended to by skill! ill and Competent attorneys, and promptly dis
posed of, write to
John Wedderburn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Box, 380. Washington, D. C.
Closing out the entire stock of
Boots and Shoes
of the old Arm of M. Lichtenthal & Co., at
Cost for Cash.
Call' and Secure a Good I3argain.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
1 W. PATTERSON. AGENT o.oi?.Be.t x the worm
know that firm ns tbey alwsys get
&, CO.
Heppner, Oregon.
For the Cure o
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It li located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast,
Call at the Gazkttk office for particular!.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sura