o HIE SlJIIJP TO SELL YOU Wl ! 8 One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County. lGOACRBS DBBDBDrt60 CTJND 1 60 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded land there are 140 acres gord farming latod, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded land Las a good spring of wateron it, all under I fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman, Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800. ANOTHER BARGAINi Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms- AND STIII ANOTIIEK. Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good rustler can pay for it with first crop raised on it. Reason for selling, owner lives in the Entt uud has no use for it. For further information call at our offioe. . Give your business to Heppner people and therefore ujuist to build up IJepjr ner. Patronize those who patronize lift. We hoi 1 each and every correapondent rn iponslble for Ilia or her communication. No Gorrettpoii.k'iK'e will be published iinlesB the writer tt real na.ae U signed ai au evldeuce of good faith. Diil on evnr Read nbont the Man bo Hid bis Light nniler A bushel? Yen? well That is like Dnivg bnninpus Without advertising. All I he Bni le nchemea In tbe country Will not HcoompliBb Half aa much As n ond ad. Id a srnnil, live. Legitimate tinwapnper, One Hint Is rend Bv the penp'e, And th it owns Its own Sunl; that D en its apnoe Like merohwidise, Worth ilnllar Fr dollur. JS1 J JE1 to be rrgretted tbst our esteemed ood temporary shnnld bave made the grave hi under of ooufiiundiDit the anooess ol tbe repnblioan party with tbe attainment of the congressional prize which Mr. Li anire bag so long coveted. We have no doubt that tbe better judgment of tin onnventiou will control id tbe leleotinn f.ir Hint responsible position, BDd thl the present incumbent wbo command the respect and Confluence of all gorn on iz 'hp, irrespective of party, will b' rennminnied anil returned. Tbe Hon. W. K. Ellis is the mnn. A RKMARhUBLK HISTORIAN. . A Physician Talk. The Remarkable Mory and Affi davit of Dr. Lewis Blundin. PEOPLE'S PARTY Afflicted with Para ylii3 for Twenty-five Years Prnnnnced Inrnrable by the Foremost I'hyxii'ians of the World A Cane of World Wide Interest. An Inebriated Individual Brings Forth gome Startling; Facta. KKI'UIIMCAN COUNTY TICKET. For Kcpreae ntatlvo, J. S. BOOTH BY, of I.exliiKton. For Sheriff, O. W. UAllHISU ION, of Ilcppncr. For Clerk, F. J. HALLoCK, of Heppner. For Treasurer, FIUNK H1U.UM. of Heppner. For commissioner, J. L. HOW A KD. of Galloway. For Assessor, . F. WII.I.H. or Lexlnstoti. For Hchonl Kuperlnteiklent, MI.U ANNA J. HAUIUKK, of lone. For Surveyor, GEO. W. I.OKD. oIEIla. For Coroner, T. IV. AVEltS, Jit., of Heppner. Aooordibg to theSouth Norwalk News, Ex-Henntor E 3. Hill is relating a new "ti.ry nhicb floated into his anecdotnl scoop-net iu Bridgeport the other night. It goes something like this: A loqiiHoious individual with a jug on bonrded a train at an obsenre Western station where there was only one small factory, which was shut down, balanced bi jug np against the oar door, looked the pnsseugera over, gulped up a bio conuh aori interrogated: ''Izzy Hny demooratsh in zisb oar?" No response. Tbe question was repeated with tbe same result. Then the boozy philosopher strength ened bis braoe against tbe door and grandiloquently delivered himself of this observation : "I've been readin' 'merioan bis- (hio) hiet'ry. I find there's been three grant men iu Ibis country. George Wush'n 't in freed the country from Brit (bic) Dritiah tni'iiion 'an we haiu't bad no britiab tnxes since, Abram Liuc'u freed the sis (hioj-Blnves.'an we hain't bad nn slnves since. Orover Cleve-(bich)-liiLd. be freed tiade an' we uau'l had a d d bit of trade sinoe." JUSTICES AND COKHTilll.US. For Justice of the lit District, For Constable of lit District, J Ad. HAKDMAN. For Jimtlee of 7iut District, I. It. El l Ell. For Com able nli'mi District, MAX HlliDLK. For J ml li e ol 3rd 1'Utrlct, For Constable of 3rd District, For Justice of 4th District, L. W. BAKNKrr. For Constable of 4th District, C. C. BOON. For Justice of 5th District, A O. BUTIHH.lMEV. For Constable of Mh District, J. 1.. HOWARD. For J us' Ice of nth District, K. L FHEELAND. For Constable of nth District, N. 8. WHETSTONE. Announcements. FOR JOIST SENATOR. At te earnest solicitntion of ray friends, I have decided to beonuie caudidHte f ir j int seiiatur, for tbe counties of llnmev, Ornot and Morro subject to tbe will of the convention for tbe snuatorial district, April 11, lHQi. J. N. Browm. The reunite of lUmooratio rule are not quite so doubtful, hut we fttnoy, are not altogether sntinfHCtory to the average Voter aud InX-payer. Tint populist proposiiion is an experi ment the neult of which is, to sav tbe least, i xtremely doubi fill. Aud doubt ful things, as some oue has well ob served, are "mighty unsartiu." A bktciin to a republican adminis tration and the enforcement of republi can principles, is i t only the most natural, but at Ibis juncture the most imoortnut step for thoughtful ineu to oonsider. The react iou should be emphatic, as Ihe deimrtiirtt was general. Blackmax is getting stale, and now the Portland press will begin to danre atteniliuice on I'roliman. He is a bet ter snl'j 'i't even than Blaclcmao and we will have him for brenkfast, luncheon and dinner for a mootb at least. Tbe average reporter has mighty resources in the way of obsequious fl ipdoodle As toria Budget. mi remiieton innnne is not In an editorial entitled 'On to Victory" in which it is annoniired that the dele gation from Cnintilla would goto the convention pledged 1 1 sapuorl John V. LeMUre (or aongtessman. II It seriously Those who never read the advertise mnnte iu their newspapers miss more than they prennme. .Innatban Kemsoii, of lloliin, Worth Co., Iowa, wbo hud been troubled with rheumatism in bis back, arum and shonlders read an item in bi inner about how a prominent Germau citizen of Kt. Mndisou bad been cured. He procured the same medicine, and to use his own words: "It cured roe righi up. lie also says: "A neighbor and his wife nere both siok in bed with rheumatism. Their boy was overtolrm houae and said they "ere so had he bnd to do Ihe oooking. I told him Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bow had on red me; be gut a bottle and c ii red them up iu a week. 60 oenl hut ties for gale by 8 ooum Johnson Drug Co. CONCERNING THE FPIHCOPaL CHUKCH The Rev. VV. E. Potwme held divine services in tbe M E church, South, on Sunday last both morning and evening. wiiu very go u Bizeu congregations la attendance. Among other announce ments made, was that of the next service 1 1 be held on Wednesday, April 18tb a 7:10 p. m , when Bishop Morris will be present for the purpose of making a visitation of this part of the fluid, and ouiiflrmiug any candidates that may bi preseuieti hi mat time, we are in. formed that tbere is a olnssof some ten or twelve peraons wbo will receive tbe apostolic, rite of the "laying on of bands' at that time, and thus beoome oommnni- oants of that cbnrcb. The nieniberehii of this church continues to increase, and has a fair prospect of early organization here. The Onz'tte has nothing bill good wishes for the work. Pileal 1'lloal Itching Piles. Htmi'Toms Moisture; intense and shuuingi most at uight; worse bv scratching. If allowed to continue tu mint form, whiob often bleed und ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swatne's Ointmrnt stops the itching and bleeding heal ulceration, and iu m ist cases re moves the tumors. At druggists, or b mail, for 60 Oeuta. Dr. Swayue & Son, Philadelphia. iw 1 yr. AUCTION MALE, On Saturday, April H, at 2 o'clock p. m., 1 will dispose of my entire stock of household furniture at auotion. Sale will be held in building one door south of Mrs. Buark's millinery store. Al1 sums over S3, 6 months time with approved security. Dan Ohmkrs. II'SOO FAKU AND MIX K KAM I! It will take only $813 to buy it; 48(1 acres, aou acres plow land; one-hall mile miming water, luiprovemeuts 1(1 acres fuueed, 15 acres cultivated, 2 bouses and stable, spring and minor improvements. Adapted to farming, sheep aud hograiaing, An extensive sheep range joining to Hock creek. terms: tf'KJ down; remainder ou long lime, Loonilou: Un comity road, two and one-halt mile- west of Hood hill. Right Mile. Or. i0 acres for 1610. oi JHW for ownership in lb;) acrea solum ami or will exchange for two gooo res. Original co-t of school hmri 8o".'0 A pplv nt Heppner liaz-'tte oftlei Heppuer Oregon. 199 tf-sw. For a mild tonic, gentle laxative in.' invigoranl take Sitsoiooi Liver Bego-lator. (From the Philadelphia Times.) Many survivors of our late war left the ranks nnxounded but with broken constitutions; an instance in pnint, is Lewis O. Blundin, a resident nf Hulme ville, Bucks Co., Pa. Id relating bis experiences and what he had suffered in coustquence of the btrdshtps he had enooaulered Mr. Blundin aaid: "I was born at Bridgewater, Penua.', in 1841, aiid went through the war as private, Bergaut aud bosuital steward iri Company C, 23 h Pennsylvania Volun teers. My service was active and while in Georgia I Imd an attack of typhoid fever, which left me wenk and a ready victim for future disease. My kidueys were (ben aBVoted and this finally de veloped into spinal tronble whioh lusted through my army seivioe. In 18G6 I was mustered out with aD honorable discharge and entered the Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia as a student. I graduated two years later with a diploma but did not practice, At that time I wns living in Manayunk, jub oay, tutor i una graduated, 1 wss lying on a suf i at my home in Manayunk when I felt a cold si nB.it.on iu my loner limbs as though the blood had suddenly left them. Wheu I tried to move them I whs borr fi d at the discovery that was paraljzed from my hips to my tots. Tbe paialeis wns complete and a pin or a pinch of the fi el i made no pain, could not move a muscle. I called' Dr. William 0. Todd of Philadelphia. He mnde a oareful and txhauttive examination of my case, sounding and testing nnd finally announced that my trouble was caused by ii fl immation of the spinal oord, and that I would likely have another stroke of paralysis, consulted Dr. I. W. Gross and Dr. Pan coatt of Jeff. r.Hon College, Philadelphia, with tbe same result. I called in Dr, Morehouse, of Philadelphia, whn said that no amount of medioiuo would ever prove the slightest hem tit to me. "One dny lust lie itemher decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for pair people. I sent for some. I bad alwajs been troubled with a sort of vertigo after my firs; s roke of paralysis to such an extent thnt when I got out of my bed my bond would swim and I had d. faculty iu saving myself fn.ra fulling. Vly appetite wan bad, digestive organs ruined and no assimilation of food. In alditioo to mj many other ailments, rheumatism held a promiueut plaoe. By the time I bad fitiiMied tbe first nox of Piuk Pills I was comparatively free from the minor ilis. Keliof followed upon relie with aatouijhiug rapidity. first one ail would disappear; then another until the pills got to work upon the foundation stones of my trouble imraijniM. uerore i nan laiten tbe six boxes of pills, I was sitting in my obair oue afternoon, wbeu I felt a ourions sensation iu my left foot Uoon in. .......:.... r t 1 . . n .. .oDi,Kniiiui i iiiuuu it nau n -xea or to other words, become movable, and I oould move it. From that time ou niv improvement as steady aud it was not long before I was walking around on orulohes with little or no discomfort. It wat three years before taking the Pink I'ills that I had been able to use otu'ohes at any time. My health is daily im proving aud I feel sure that Pink Pills have done me mo-e good than all Ibe doctors aud all Ihe mediciue iu the country aud as they are ,.nt costly 1 oan easily afford the treatment." 8orn to before me this I.Vh day of May, 1893. GgJRUi Uarbisjn. Not. Public. These pills ooutaiu in a ooodensed form all tbe elements neoessary to give new life and richness to the blood, aud re store shattered uerves. They are an unfailing apeoitfo for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis. St Vitus' dance, sciatioa, rheumatism. nervous headache, aud the after effasts ot Ihe grippe, palpitation of the heart. pale and sallow complexions, that tired feeling resultiug from nervous pros trstiou; all diseases resulting from (ion uuuiiiib iu me uiooii. luey are also specific for troubles peculiar to females. Iu men they effect aradioalcur in all cases arising from mental worry, iverworc, or excesses of whatever nature. These pills are manufactured by ths Dr. WilliamV Medicine Compmy, ajheoeotady, S. Y.and B -.ukvilU, O it , md are sold iu b iX', at 50 oenis a hox r six boxes for 82 5J. ami 4oU iu bulk or by tt.u d t-u orbundrrd EDITED Bi C. M. DOGTE, IMDMAN, OR. All matter Intended for this column shnnlH be sddresied to its editor, as Ihe (jazette has no amuoiuy to puDUsn same without bU consent. Ihis column belongs exclusively to the t'eoplee Party, of Morrow county. and unit be uwd by them as they see fit. The management of the Gazette will m no way be responsible for any thing that may appear therein. STATE TICKET. Governor, Nathan Pierce. State Treasurer, B. Caldwell, Secretary of State, Ira A akefieid. Supt. Public Instruction, T. C. Jory. Attorney Geneial, M. L. Olmetead. State Printer, George M. Orton. Supreme Judge, R. P. Boise Congressman Sec. Diat., Joe Waldrop. J I. Sen., Morrow, Grant and Harney, George Gilbert, SEVENTH JUDICIAL DI8TBICT. Pros. Attorney, E. P. SiDe. Board of Equalization, B. F. Searoy. COUNTY TICKET. Representative, Sheriff, Clerk, School Supt., Assessor, Treasurer, Surveyor, Coroner, B. F. King. Joseph C. Hayes, 0. M. Hogue. Miss Addle Conlee. W. B. Ewing. J. L. Gibson . Cbaa. Ingraham. J. M. Nunamaker. COMMHTKE CALL. N'olioe is hereby given to the members of the people's party central committee of Morrow ooumy, that tbere will be a meeting of said committee at Lexing ton, April 14th, at 10 o'clock a. m. Every member should be present if possible. W. C. Metier, 219-22. Chairman. LtxiNQToN, On , March 31st, 1894. . Who was it we heard wanting to "fuse" with the people's party? Who are servants of tbe gold bugs and traitors to the people? Cleveland. Carlisle, Sherman and Vooreees. o o oooooooooo A Clock out of order shows it on the face. When the hu man machine goes wrong, the physiogno my tells tales. If you do not look well, take 8 Beecham's SBr) Pills (Tatteica) O s cents a box Q 5000000000 o DR. FOOTK'S HAND-noOK OF HEALTH HINTS ANB HEADY BEOTPBs), is the title of a very valuable hook that gives a great amount of Information of tbe l tmot , Importance to Everybody, cGmrning their dally habits of fating, Drinking, Dressing, etc., I IT TELLS A ROUT ! What to Eat, Influence of riants, Pnrasltes of the Skin, Care of Teeth, Occupation for Invalids, liutlnng Uest Way, After-Dinner Haps, Alcohol as a Food and a Lungs and Lunfr Diseases, Effects of Tobacco, jiuw w rttwiu mem, i;ure ror intemperance, Clothing, What to Wear, Headache, Cause & Cure, How Much to Wear, To Get Kid of Lice, igera of Kissing, Restoring the Drowned, contagious Diseases, Malarial Affections, Ventilation, uess. Exercise. IT TELLS' HOW TO CURB Black Eyes, Dolls, Burns, Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Corns, Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning, Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth, Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcers Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms in Children. If WILL SAV 11 DOCTORS' 11 ILLS. SA1I new snoveribpTs and prompt renewals dunngtbe month of Mar, will be presensed with a free onpynf this as a premium. Dow to Eat It. Thinirs to Do. Things to Avoid. Hiedteine. Perils of Summer, Superfluous Hair, How to Breathe, Removing Same, Dancers of Kissing. Restoring the Drowned. Overheating Houses, Preventing Near-Sighted- How to Avoid Them, Notice of Dissolution. NOTICE IS HEIUBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing between W. A. Kirk and C. Knhl. under the linn imnii. of Kirk & Kuhl, tnis this duy been dinso!ved by mutiiHi consent, w. A. Mrk withdrawing from thelirm. However, Mr. huhl will continue at the same location. (;. tuhl wi 1 eo leet all debts and pay all liabilities of the old tlrm previous to tnis date. W. A. K IKK. i:. Kuhl. Dated March 13. 1!M. -iW-'U. Administrator's Notice. mm FOR INVENTIONS. Equal with trie interest of those having claims against the government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in emolovinc comtietent and reli- Notice is HKJtKitY oiVKX that THK able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not undersigned has been nnnointert bv tbe t. .fj uluuJ6.vUj, .. wb county coutt ot Gilliam conutv, Oregon, art-1 ULlIV! "V i"c CBC aau sf"" .UI lne attorney. mtniBtrator of the estate of Jacob Johnson. With the view of protectins inventors from worthless or careless attorneys. i j i . : J Ki"oi. ana oi seeing inai inventions are wei protectea Dy va ia patents, we nave re. said estate are hereby notified to present them .,;,t ,,.,,? . . , I to nie at Kiirht Mile. Morrow conutv llrecon. i uiny veimeu necoroiiig 10 lav., Wlllliu SIX niontns irom tins date. diven under niv hand mid listed this lith tlav of March WW. K. I). Rood, AilininiHtiator. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. VOTICE J8 HEHKHY OIVBN THAT IN il pursuance to au onler of the eouiitv court of the county of Morrow, state of Oregon. inuue on me .1 11 (lay 01 .uaren, i mh, iu tne matter of the estate of Lizzie Moreati. rieeuiei1. the undersigned, tbe administrator of said estate, will sell at public auctiun to the highest bidder, for caBh. on Saturday, tnril ysth. lxi)4 at IU o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the court house of said county, iU the rluht, title Interest and estate of the said Lizzie Morgan at the time of her death in aud to all that certain piece or parcel of land lvLuir huh heinir in rha said county and state end more particularly described as follows: The S. of the S. W. aim o. oi uie a. r..y4 oi see. zu, i p. i, s. ol K. 24, E. tt . M. 21S-21 M. R. IfOKOAS, Administrator. Boys take warning; and remember that it is principle we are working for, aud not for the sake of an offioe. "Half a loaf is better than no bread." "For illustration, ouokoo Martain, of Kansas aud John Palmer, of II inois. What splendid results for the people when nnht is uia..e to run ehanoe in a compromise. (Jbioago .Express. Hear tbe "Gazette." "Republicans should stay with tbe ticket nominated." Mr. Editor if you want them to "stay wilh tbe ticket nominated," I would advise you to prescribe a daily an- plication of St Jacob's Oil to remove tbe soreness. Tbe old party organs are having con siderable to say about tbe income tax being unconstitutional. It is strange that all bills that are intr.iduoed favor ing the poor are unconstitutional. How about the fifty million dollars of bonds? Dou'l tMX iueomes. No don't do that; for the burden of taxation would be lifted from tbe shoulders of the producers and the neb would have to support tbe lazy drouea at Washington while they are making tbe laws whereby they can deoeive and rob the people. "The populist state convention was sileut on the silver question." Heppner Gazette. Now we must say, that tbe Oazette's editor is either very ignorant of the proceedings at that oonventmn or he wishes to deceive the people. That he may understand, we quote from the preamble as adopted at Oregon City, Marob 15, 18U4. We hereby make tbe following de claration of principles, reaffirming and giving oar cordial adbearanoe to tbe oational platform adopted at Omaha July 4th. 1892." Is that not clear enough? Probably our friend does not know what the Omaha platform con- sins; and for bis benefit as well as some others, we will give a quotation from the platform above mentioned. It says: oratio administration m its efforts to demonetize Bilver." Their platform of ln!)2 is nbcut ibe same iu substance. Now why do thoy want to condemn the democrats for trying to demonetize silver? Does not tbe framers of tbe above platform know that it was the republicans that demonetized silver in 1873? Aud in 1893 stood by the demo crats in giving silver another blaok eye. This looks to me a little like case or "tbe kettle oalling the pot blaok." Mr. Editor, keep yonr platform before the people and show them how your men have stayed with their pledge. communication. Editor People's Column : At the present date I have a letter layinn before me written by Miss Addie W. Conlee tbe people's party nominee for school superintendant of Morrow county in answer to tt few questions I wished to know prior to espousing her cause, as a oandidate. The letter is a model one, and shows a workin$man to be approved by tbe people. We do not believe in espousing the cause of any without they are naturally and other wise qualified to fill the position with oredit to themselves and tbe oountrv. Although she is comparatively a strang er ber qualifications are backed by two diplomas from Eastern institutions and ber obaracter so far as we know is unmarred. Will Hoskins. Hakmun, Or., March 27, 1S94. tained counsel expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course tc pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rigt ts, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to u for a reliable OPINION before acting ou the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, O.C. -B0 M JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. W Cut this out and send It with your Umnm,a a a o c 3 P a a iK.ujrai.iuiujiuBlJoianurocuuaiiiauiou l-ivulias KuvliIyiUK pills cure constipation 9 Prentiss Rectifying plllBcuro constipation Prentiss Boctltylug plllacuro constipation 1 3 31 P. n RENT1SS RECTIFYING PILL rlR5 u JA vo. a,, iiuisw moaieine proauco cc-istlpntion. here Is a rill tact cures torpid liver, biliousness, rheumatism, ingestion, sick headache and kidney aud liver tnubles without grilling or loaving any trace ot CONSTIPATION, which 1 the prlrao causo ot nil sickness. Scware of it gottlng habitual add chronic with you. see to It. in tlmo; theoo pills will euro yen. Lf'i T S ET O CS' nFNTISS RECTIFYING PILL. Aft -J) S g because it Is the only sate and harmless m BoJ" & festal aP remedy that will surely BEAUTIFY the COSVIPLEXION Try a box and see tor roup. C3LO RY Al l nmn:rinTe Or sent by mail upon receipt ot price hy ' Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing; Co., vALiruKniA SIKtLi. clear the nkiu and remoro all blotches Irom the tars. seit. k cents a box. Prentiss Rectifying pills cure coustip SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. liLrnti"RengS iiiamm lUBiiimtmii THK MONOGRAPH. For one Dollar and Yonr This Subject. Opinion on What is the best Monetary system for the Suited States? This is the greatest problem confronting tbe Amerioan people. It ia tbe intention of tbe pub lishers that "Tbe Monograph" shall contain the best tbrnght of tbe nation on this question. The recognized lead ers in all political parties have been called npon to contribute plans for their ideal Monetary System. But not ooutent wilh Ibis, we aro determined to embody iu tbe same volume tlie opinions of thousands of the "Great Common Ptioo" and In thut end va wilt till... 'We demand the free and unlimited Uo dMm on the prioe of . ii.ioiiir vj n vtr ana goia at ine present legal ratio of IS to 1." Malarial fever aud its tffeota oiucku dive way Io8imoioni Liver Regulator. Now Mr. Editor don't worry about our not having a silver plank in onr platform; whenever tbe state has the right to coin money then we will have a free ooinage plank in oar state plat form, and our representatives will vote to have tbe same enacted into law. Our national platform has a free silver plans, and our congressmen and senators voted for itto-amau. Did yonr men do like wise f Below we give the financial plank fmm the republioan platform of M88. 'The republican party ia in Nvor of tbe use ot both gold and silver as money, aad eoademM the policy of the damc- )our solutiou of this problem, expressed io not more than 800 words. The Mono graph, the bert modern otk on Mone tary Systems, will be sent to any address on receipt ot $3 00 It ia a book that will iutorest and instruct, and ia des tined to beoome a giant factor in shap ing the future monetary sjBtem of the nation. Th MoxooRiPH Publishing Compakt, Koom U, Geiinan Am'o B'k Bmldiug. St. Paul, Minn. Reference by permission, St'l Oer. Am'n Bank. tt Mrs. Langnish. "Tired ! Ob, so tired all the time!" Mrs. Umart. '-Well, so 1 nsod to be until I began to take Ayer'a Sareaparilla aa a spring mudiome, and now I don't know what it is to have that tired feeling. Try it, my dear; only b on yon get Ayer'a." Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC 0 CONVEYANCER CALL AT Ol'PICB LEGAL BLANKS Plenty of them at the Gaz.tte Office IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ADDRESS A LETTER OR POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney, O. Box 463. Washington. D. C. are wtuTfr nowI."!;.", 5""" ? WMr over. thelat. war. wai cuird hv mmi.. . a j ""'en "or orainary manual labor, wnetner disability Svf DOWSof?. rl 2Ti5 anaJ"K?"-dl"8 of their pecuniary circumstance.. ZMAnAln5XlilZnno 'C"0" deP'"d-I' "Pon their own labor for .upport. Widow. CBILDRr??. ,?, borJa'- entitled if the soldier', death w. due to .ervice. widow, or she has aince diert or r. ."i11"" 'ears' ,n almo" 111 wbe " WM emr?fr tom ftTV2i l. S.ldl" J'? ne,,h" wM,"r ' ". provided Ktdler died h port It mil?Md?rr,?i ? 1"J "lP""tl.t upon theirown labor for sup port. u makes no difference whether .old!er .erved or died ia late war or in regular army or toJftMiiftfS? aai" one apply for Warner rte. and., otk .ntifeher'disfo? ddoUr,nolre',,Uran,"'0r " " 3t dfp'ende'n't " oI,"er, "'''" widow. aUoentlUed, if .ixtytwo year, of aEe or disabled fcte?u.,aono?n,pl'tedB'iMttlemfn,obUined' wheth"' Poio has been cranted under ci'Sw.C.'aJf,n" "OP""? d Mttlement .eenred. If rejection Improper or IHefal. UveCIc,,me"SrVK'Cp.edrd.'" bUin'J f' ldi"' d f " U " h Send for law. and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless racceuful. Addreaa, ,....THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, -O.BoxeX WASHINGTON. D.C