. - la-.v A WISE MOVE. Now that the campaign it Doming on ever; subscriber of the Gazette should provlile himself or herself with a news paper ut more than looal importance. The Gaiette shop is the place to subscribe for all periodicals. IXjn't forget that the Oa2ette needs all arrearages, even though Christmas comes bnt onoe a year. PAPER OFFICIAL NOTHING RISKED, NOTHING MADE. The man who advertises, gets the cash. Kotloe It. HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY. APRIL 10, 1894. WEEKLY WO. fiTO.I HEMI-Vil-EKLY NO- 221. TWELFTH YEAR or lewtwf SEMI .VEEKLY GAZETTE. rDBLIHHED Tuesdsys and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING C01IPAM AL.VAH W. PATTERSON... Bus. Manager. OTIS PATTERSON EaitOT Ac (3.5 1 per year, f 1.2.'. for sil months, 75 ota. for three moium Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. The "EaLE," of Long Creek, Oram County. Oregon, is published by Hie name coin May every Friday morning, liubsirlptloii nrlot' I'J per year. Fur advertising rates, aildress bSlilT tJ. FJTXEIsasOST. Editor and Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette," Heppner, Oregon. VALUABLE A Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN FREE TO OUKREADERS T-HIH PAPER is kept on Die at t. (.. Duke s 1 Advertising Agency, HI and r5 merchants Eiuhani-s, Ban Francisco. California, where co rnet for advertising can be made for it. TUB UASUSTTS'S A iNTS. Long Creek,... Echo..... .. Camas Prairie, Nye, Or., ...Phill Heppner i ne r-.agie . . . Postmast r Oscar le Vaul il.C. Wright by a special arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to furnish FREE to each of our readers a year's mi Inscription to the popular monthly agrioultural journal, the American Farmer, published at Springfield and Clevelnnd, Ohio. Thin offer in made to any of our snb sortbeis who will pay np all arrearages m subscription and one year in advance, and tu Hny new subscribers who will pay tine year in advance. The American Farmer enjoys a large national oiroula riun, ami raiiEs anions tbe leading aKi'ionltnral papers. By this arrange- meut it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re ceive the American Farmer for one year, It will be to your advantage to oail promptly. Sample oopies can be a en at onr office. Hanlnuui, Or ' 111 s;-'r Hamilton. Grant Co.. Or., Postmaster lone, Prairie City, Or.,.. Ciiuyou City, Or.,., pilot Hook Pnyvillo, or.,. T. J. Carl ,R. K. Slcllaley . .. S. L. i'arrish ...G. P. Skeltou J. K. anow John Hay, Or ' .ew"u Atliena, Vlr Joilli fcillimloii lvndlctoll, Or Postmaster Mount Vernou, Grant Co., Or Postmaster sheltiv, or., Miss Stella Met, Fox, Grant Co., Or., J; . A-1i1 Kignt Mile, or "K'-rS" " i (j ppcr ritiea creeK, uougias, -jr. . Lone itock, Or R. M F. Hevland Postmaster Jolno-ou Gooseberry Condon, Oregou ...Herbert llalsteaii Lexington J8- AS AUKNT WANTED IN EVERY PREUNOT. Union Paofig Railway-Local card. N". Ml. mixed leaves Heppuei 9:41 p. m llai'y exoept Sunday jo. ' ar. at Willows Jo. p.m. B, " leaves " am. u, " ar. at Heppner 5Do a. m. daily xcept Mondny. . i- .,.-- East bound, uiain line ar. at Arlington 11 0 . m. Went leaven " i a. in. West bound loal fr ugh leaY a Arlington .a a. m., a rives -.tjhe D Ilea 1:1 p. in. Local pasaeng r leave-Th Dalles at J'OJp. m. amv a at Portland at 7AJP in- Tlie Orlelnal Unabnd sters D10T10HHRY . CI'E'ICIA.Ii BISEOTDBY. L'ulld Stutea Officials. . PiHMnt..i..,.A..w..i.J.i,.Gri.ver Xleveliind V ire-l'resideiit . . Ail at S' evens' n bec-otai y of iiliila Walter Q (iraaham SecleUiry ol treasury Join. 0. Carlisle BecretHry of Interior.. ... Hoke Smith becreiary of War D. I 1 ' S. Lhuioiu ou..r.Uryof Navy Ill r, t. Herbert post muster-General Vt. o S. Hwsell Attorney-General . .Hic,...r.i 8. Olney Bm.iuuUi' of Agriculture J. Sterling Morion State of Oregon. Governor S. Pennoyer Secretary of State U. W. Mclinae Treasurer run. Jletaclian Supt. Public Instruction E. B. Mcfciroy 1 J. II. JlllclleU Senators j. ((, Dipb Uluger Hermann Congressmen iw.u. Ellis Printer Frank C. Uaker . W. p'.'uonl ( It. S. Setin Supreme Judges Seventh Judicial lllatrict. Cncnit Judge W. L. Bredafiaw Proswut.ug Attorney W.M. mm n Morrow County Ollicials. joint Seuator... "aury Blackmau UepreSMUtalive ; i.,.i. Jn bus KellhlJ IViuiniissio'ners (ieo. W. Vincent .1 VI Uulfnr. r-er J. W. Morrow Slieriif'.'.'.V..' i'- ?"bi- Treasurer W. J . L ezer Assessor , Surveyor laaHrown ' School Sup't L.Oaling ' Corouer T. W.Ajwr,. Jr HEPPNEU TOWN omOEBS. Mayo, R. Simons Couni-ilnieii 1). E. faruBWortb, SI Licliteutlial, Otis Patterson, J.dius K.eltliij. W. A. Iouutou, J. It. Yeger. Keeoruel . li"m"- Treasuiel . K. U. Slooom Uarslial J. W. Haamua. Precinct Offleerp. Justice of the Peaoe Constable United States Land Officer. THE DALLES, OR. . W. Lewis T. S. Lang LA OBVNOE. OB. B.F, Wi'snn Rgifter J. U Kobbins BY SPECIAL aKKANOKMKlNT WITH THE publishers, ve are able to obtain a number 01 IP above uooa, aiiu propose to imiuau enov to eat-h of our subscribers. 1 he dictionary is a necessity in every home, school and business house. It tills a vacancy, null furnishes knowledge which no one hun dred other volumes of the choicest books could supply, ouugaiid old, euucatea ana ignorant. noli alia poor, suouiu nave il iviliuu rettcu, uu reir mils eonteiils every dav 111 the vear. As sciine nave asuea n mis is reauy tne ung- ltml Webster's I nabridged Dictionary, we are able u slate we ha.e itarned direct from the publishers the luct, that this Is the very work coiiiolele on hicn about forty of the best years ol the author s me were so wen empioyea in writing. It contains the eutlre vocabulary of uhmit iihi.ihki words, iueludlng the correct spell ing-,, derivation and denuitiou ol same, and the regular standard sue, containing about iou.uUo square inches of printed surface, aud is bound In eloiu nail morocco auu aneeo. Until further notice we will furnish thu valuable Dictonary Fust I o any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now in arrears who pays up and one year in advance, the following prices, viz: Full Cloth bound, gilt side and bad stamps marbled edges $i-oo. Half Mo occo, bound, gilt side and back stamos. marbled edges, ii.so. Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled adces. S2.00 Fifty cents added in all cases for express age to Heppner. jp-As the publishers limit the time and number of bookB they will furnish at the low prices, we advise all wno aesire to avail tnem- seives 01 Ulis greal opportuuuy hi suvuu i.u at once. dlLVKK'S CHAMPION ;the ...F. J. Hallnck .0. W. Ujcbard ,.K iris- r .Ueceiv r tteceiver SECBET SOCIETIES. Doric Loage No. 20 K. of P. meet ev- ery Tnewday evening at 7.30 o'clock in ' S A llieir I'astle Hull. National Hank build- nig. oojoorning oromers iir'iialiv in vited to attend. J.N. SHOWN, C. '. W. V. CllAWFOIlD, H. oi U. 4 0. tt Locky-. Mountain-:-News THE DAILY BY MAIL. Subscription price reduced as follows: One Year (by mail) : : $6 00 Six Months " 3 Three Months " : : . 1 One Month " : : 50 THE WEEKLY BY MAIL. One Year (in Advance) : $1 00 The Sews is the only consistent c.iairplon of silver in the West, and should be In every home in the West, and in thu hands of every miner nd business man 111 Colorado. ,Send in your subscriptions at once. Address, THE TV 33 "VAT IS. Deuveri Colo KAWLINS POST, N J. 1. G. A. R. .Vlets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of ach month. All veterans are invitod to Join. Hoon, Adjutant. (iao. W. Smith. It 1'ommander. PEOrESSIOlTA.. A A. ROBERTS, Real Eatate, Insnr- ance and Collections. Office in Counoil Chambers, Heppner, Or. ewtf. 'haftrELSfif MAIL" FREE f'jH 10 1-GENT STAMPS -d-l we-uiiir price tir itu- ci .nw ; !dresa if Tecwvwi wiunn l.,l.. -ill tui f,,r 1 !, riA.fll priniea on turumeu labels. Onlv Iirc--tnry ,.A-ntaoi,.n AAA customers; from put Ushers and munufae turers you'll receive 1 y.i. j ' v -- r r -I 1 - fcvi - -.tv . A.U r .is II SM if probably, thousands ci All frM ukI each oart with one of vour primed address Libr-lt pusu-d thereon. EXTBA! We wil, al p nd prepay potae on Ajr'&e-' Mick on ywr enve(ope,bojkrs, e'c., tc "ft. ';stS prevent lueir being lout. J. A. Wai:k 1 A&tVJ ol Heil'iHe. S. tV, writer: " Kr;.ir t EH''iftQ J mv 2ft cent addrew In votir I ifthrti iu ViVrffS. Df-cU'rv I -ft recflved myoO' :ifl.ln-w ljIXj y li.ht.-ia ami over HUtHt Pntn-eU oi Z Ttail. My wl'Jivttis you tttttticrw v Klli &'Jt-- aiiiu. jE utiblihtTs artd jiinuf:t-turf rs Ji-Sr35 are nrrivlni; dnlly.on Vrthnthlt "aro'li 11 u,e v oriu.- DIRECTORY CO., x 147 f raokfonl and Glrard Arm, PtiUadei- pULt, Pla LUMBER! TZ HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF CN v dressed Lumber, 16 miles of Heppner, what Is known as the ' 9COTT A.XA7-1VIIXjiXj PKK t.OOO FEKT, KOI'OH, " CLEAR, 10 17 60 "As old as the hills" and never excell ed. "Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions. S immo ns Liver Regu- ... ii. f?TTPY only Liver jLJbl'I'Of and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King of Liver Medicines. " I have used vourSimmons Liver Regu lator and can conBclenclously say It Is the king of allliver medicines, Ionslderlt a medicine chest In Itself. Geo. W. Jack son, Tacoma, Washington. WEVE11Y PACKAGE'S fiaa the Z Stump In red on wrapper. an LIFE IN BRAZIL ' TRICKED THE DRUMMER. The Clever Scheme of Some Maine Prac tical Jokers. The town of Destcr, Me., boasts tbe hardest-hearted set of wags to be found anywhere. The most of them are con The Paople Very Fond of Decoration, Blantly on the lookout for the subject Prevalllnar Customs lu the 'Rural Districts. Pills Bat Are Not Partial to an Abun dance of Clothlne Stranee Street Scenes. Among- other queer things that the stranger observes in Brazil are the vast numbers of decorations stars and crosses, etc. which appear to have been recklessly bestowed often upon boys of twelve to fourteen years old, who certainly can have done nothing to win such distinction, says Fannie It Ward in a letter from Rio de Janeiro to the Chicago Times. There is a very large body of ex-officials in Uio belong ing to the decayed aristocracy, and most of them still sport on all possible occasions the court dresses and uni forms and decorations of a past regime. It is their small sons and grandsons whom one sees tricked out in tawdry silks and velvets, with stars and crosses of a practical joke, and hardly a day passes that they do not And one. The latest, related by the Lewiston Journal, is on the fresh cigar drummer who thought his merchandise better than anything of the sort on earth. In his travels he carries in his coat pocket a big cigar case and advertises himself and his goods by giving freely of his brands to any who will smoke them. He was in Dexter this week. The day was hot and ho left his coat and cigar case on a chair while he sat in a cool ing draught in the door. One of the jokers got a rubber comb and broke out twenty teeth. They were small and sharp. Into the end of each cigar a rubber tooth was pushed, and with a small nail the tooth was driven in out of sight. Tho tobacco leaf came to gether, completely hiding the tooth. Then the jjkers waited for the fun. Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PURE THE WESTERN PEDAU0UUK. and miniature crowns pinned on their Soon the cigar man, now well cooled quick txxvt xc! : TO SSnri Frnnclsco And all points in California, via the Mt. Shasta route of the Southern Pacific Co. tie great highway through California to all points East and South. Grand Hoenio Route of tho Pacifio CoaBt. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. Second-class Sleepers Attaohed to express trains, affording superior accommodations for second-class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations. to. call upon or address R, KOEHLER, Manager, E. P. ROGERS, (Jan. F, & P. Agt.. Portland, Oregon. jackets. These decorations are as likely to have been obtained by purchase as by inheritance, for there used to be a custom in Brazil under which patents of nobility, with all its signs and emblems, could be bought for filthy lucre and the rage for them was unbounded. The highest of all decorations was "the in signia of the order of Christ," and at one time the keeper of every pudqueria, as well as his fellow citizens above and below in the social gamut, appeared on every holiday with a "habito doChristo" on his waistcoat front. Church digni taries and civilians of high degree wore down, began business. Going into store he first gave away a cigar, which the intended customer began to smoke. Soon the air was ordorifcrous, not with a sweet and fragrant smell, but with one not unlike that of old gunlocks or burning rubber boots. The customer Bickcned and threw away the weed, and said ho had on hand cigars enough to last all summer. Another dealer had a similar experience. Still another was given a day's nausea, and when that drummer got through with his gifts he was hated by nearly every cigar dealer in town. lie packed his goods in sor- them also, and, being handed down from row, and docs not know to this day generation to generation, they still ap pear often with ludicrouB inappropriate- Asst, ot that an old rubber comb from the sta ble box of a hostler Wrecked him com mercially in Dexter. j A PIRATE'S POWER. I The Talented Lnfltto mid 1IU Control Over Ills Men. "I recently met a survivor of Pirate Lafltte's band of freebooters," said Thomas ITaincs, once a lieutenant in the United States navy, to a St. LouiB Globe-Democrat reporter. "He was a tough-loolcing specimen and must have been well past eighty years of age, for it is more than sixty years since Latitte had his headquarters on Galveston island and preyed upon the commerce of the gulf. The relic of those half forgotten times was an inmate of a Jersey City charitable institution and was not much inclined to discuss by gones. He said, however, that Lafltte was a very handsome Frenchman, more than six feet in height, well made and possessed of wonderful talents as a commander. He ruled the toughest lot of men ever congregated on one island as mgh thev were a flock of lambs. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLI) short trips we have so far made into the Occasionally a lawless spirit would uiu;riur we uuvu uci:ii uiiiuscu aj our- reoel, However, out 111s uuys uiuuoc OREGON ladies promenading the streets with all forth were brief and full of trouble. the airs and graces of peafowls, wearing Evcrv woman who ea me in contact with enormous hoops, with "pelerines" and. Lafltte fell in love with him, and he waterfalls dangling down their shoul- was as safe among his female friends ders, exact copies of the fashion plates of thirty years ago. But this is a great country for the study of anatomy, if one were so in clined, for the majority of the "common people" perambulate so near to naked that the slight similitude of ''clothes" they wear seems altogether superfluous. WM. PENLANI). ED. E BISHOP. President. Cannier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BDS1KESS COLL ECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. The prevailing costume of Brazilians in the rural districts has not changed much I In the last one hundred years. The men still wear broad-brimmed hats with low i crowns, tied under the chin with a rib- 1 I bon; velveteen jackets, waistcoats of gorgeous colors, bedecked with brass 01 silver buttons, linen drawers, high, black gaiters buttoned to the knee; the I whole topped by a sort of cape, similar to that still used' in Portugal, generally ; lined with scarlet and thrown negli gently over one shoulder. This quaint, old-time fashion prevails only in the in terior, principally among the well-to-do. In Rio and other seaside cities the I gentlemen dress in the most correct of I European costumes, and the ladies get themselves up more Frenchily, if one may coin a word, than anybody in 1 France, barring glaring incongruities in the matter of colors, sometimes so atrociously blended as to "swear at One 1 another" in a way that would drive a 1 French woman crazy. During the few DOG BARBER OF PARIS. A frenchman Who Slakes a Good Thing Out of a Tecullar Business. Going down the river Seine, after passing the Pont des Invalides, one sees a curious little ark by tho water's edge. It is like a small houseboat, and its in habitants prove to be two men, a woman, a magpie and a cat; also, a dozen or so of dogs as transients. This is, in short, the dog-washing establish ment of Monsieur Marie. The proprie tor is very willing to talk; in fact, a writer in Forest and Stream learned from him that he clipped from ten to thirty dogs per day, that he got from Airl.t fmnno alctltlT Mmtfi in one oUar and sixty eeiu) apiece, and ""'"nt Evenls'.-Saturdsy Thoughts " that the large breeds of dogs paid the , 'Etluoationnl News' " The Oracle best, while the poodles gave the most Aim tiers, Correspondents," eto , eaoh work and were paid only as small dogs. ! nontiiin much valuable reading for Then louowea a aiaiogue wtuco wui teachers or imteuts. The msBOZine Iibs alitnit 60 pnges f matter, veil printed and arranged. We prononnoe the Western Pedunostne the best educa tional monthly 00 the otiaBt. Everyone of our renders should have the paper if tbey are at all interested in eduostion. No teaoher school direo lor or etndf-nt can get along well with- ut it. We will receive snbsoripl.ona We are in rereipt nf the MRy Dumber of our state school paper. It exceed Hiiy of the former numb rs it v.iIuj. Tbe paper thia mtnth contains many uew and valimble feu In res. Tbe illus trated Belies on the schools of the state la introduced by a paper on tbe Friendi Polytechnic Institute at Salem, Oregon, These papers cannot fait to be of great value both to the BOhuols an to the public. There are hIpo several fine articles by onr beet writers and the departments Interest those dogmcn who have taken a stand on the K'steur question. "1 see you do not muzzle the dog; do you never get bitten in consequence?" "Bitten!" said he, "look there," and he showed his hands and arms slashed and scarred up to the elbows with in numerable old scars and one or two re cent wounds. Then his wife showed her hands and arms, and the assistant did the same. Each of these persons .it this effloe. Price only $1 00 b year. had been bitten oucc or twice a week for years, and yet were in perfect health. "Have you no fear of hydrophobia, or perhaps you take ample precautions?" "Never think of such a thing," said he. "If the wound is a bad one, we tie it up; if not, we take no notice and it heals in a few days." When desired ne will send the Western HedHiiegne hit! (Hzette one year fo one sdilress for $3 00 Oil and examine -ample oopies. Tenohers, directors mid parents, now is tbe time to t-nbsoribe. tf tt. A. K. NO I R E. HEPPNER. tf Free Medicine A Qolden Opportunity for Suffering Humanity. Physicians Give their Remedies to tbe People- fn Villi CnVUTn t Write us at once, explain l)U I UU Sir F In i ing your trouble, aud we will send vou FREE OF CHAKGE a full course of specially prepared remedies best suited to xhe street gamin, and even children of yOUrcase. We Waill your reuuiuuieuuauuu. ,i 1-,W .imnmclnnnoQ nlnn about their doors and screech and turn ble in the streets without a stitch or rng of clothing upon them, with no more Idea of modesty than the mangy dogs that are their companions. At the age of eight or ten, or thereabouts (which, in the tropics, you know, is equal to fif teen or sixteen in the far, cold north), the girls are partially covered by a cot ton tunic and the boys by equally gauzy drawers. When fully grown and ar rived at the dignity of fatherhood and motherhood themselves which will be surprisingly early in life, you may be sure their full dress will consist of, foi the women, a cotton chemise, embroid ered around the yoke and armlet, and generally slipped on one shoulder or We can cure the most aggravated diseases 01 both sexes. Our treatment lor all diseases and deformities are modem and scientific, acquired by many year s experience, which enables us u Guarantee a Cure. 1)0 not despair. N. B. - We have the only positive cure for Ep- llepsy (fits) and Catarrh. References given. rermaueniiy locateu. uiu esmuiiniieci. na. Williams Mkhical and Suroioal Insti- tutk, 719 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. ARL TQU AM GOOD AT PUZZLES ? . The genius who invented the "Fifteen" puz zle, "Pigs in Clover," and many others, has in vented a brand new one, which is going to be the greatest on record. There 1b fun, instruc tion and entertainment in it. The old and learned will Hildas much mystery In It as the young and unsophisticated. This great puzzle s the property of the New yorg i-ress ciuo, lor - . . . whom It was invented by Samuel Loyd, great puzzleist, to be sold for the benefit of the movement to erect a great home for newspaper workers In New York. Generous friends have given $25,000 In prizes for the successful puzzle solvers. TEN CENTS sent to the "Press Club Building and Chrrity Fund," Temple Court, New York City, will get you the mystery by return mall. Made In all styles and sizes. Lightest, I I strongest, easiest working, safest, simplest, I most accurate, most compact, ana mosi 1 I modern. For ssle by all dealers in arms. Catalogues mailed free by The Harlin Fire Arms Co., New Haveh. Comt., 0. 8. A. IF DELIVERED IN HEPPNER, WILL ADD 6.00 per 1,000 feet, additional. O. A, L. HAMILTON, Prop. Hamilton Man'sr THE WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES Run Two Fast Trains Daily ' of mail from all inns WORLD'S rAIU Between 8t Paul, Minneapolis, and Chicago, Milwaukee and ill points In Wisconsin making connection In Chicago with all lines running East and South. Tickets sold and baggage checked through to all points in the United States and Canadian Provinces. For full information apply to your nearest ticket agent or JAB. C. POND, Oen. Pass. andTkk Aart, VUwaakea, WU, Caveats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copjrights, And all Patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. Information sod advice given to liventors without obarge. Address PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEOOERBURM, Managing Attorney, o. Bos 6S. WABiniroTOsr, D. C et?Tr.fs Company Is managed by a comVcatlon of h. ind most Influential ncwupsieri in the :-.tjTt, for- ttj" exj.ress purpose of protect ;uf their auboerlbera eiiut u'jxirusialous nl i.-icoDipeteut Patent Agents, and eru papel "I h.l.ng this a-ivertUw-mrnt vouches for the reaponst. it My an.l high atandiag of U Preas Ctairas Causes. in New Orleans as on Galveston island surrounded by his armed buccanneers. According to this survivor, a prominent New Orleans lawyer once gave Lafltte offense and he made a pilgrimage to the city to kill him but changed his method of revenge and pursuaded his enemy's handsome young wife to elope with him. According to this ancient chronicler, several well-known people in south Texas and Louisiana arc de scendants of Lafittc's piratical crew and a few of his female companions are still living in that section. EXPLOSIVES IN WARFARE. Terrible Agents for the Destruction of Human Life. High explosives, hitherto untried in either military or naval contests, will play a large and important part in the warfare of the future. The most power ful nt present known is "explosive gelatine," being fifteen times as strong as gunpowder. It is made by dissolving gun-cotton in nitroglycerine, the prepa ration having-the consistency of honey. Unfortunately it is very unsafe stuff to use in battle, because a bullet striking it will set it off by concussion. No ex plosive is good for fighting purposes that can be touched off by shock or otherwise than by the actual contact of fire. A novel kind of bomb is filled with what the inventor calls "helloflte." The two chemical ingredients, binitro bcnzolc and nitric acid, are in separate glass vessels, which are broken when the shot is fired, their contents being mixed together by the rapid revolution of the shell and exploded by a time fuse. Wonderful accounts are given of the havoc created by the bursting of projectiles of this description. Up to Donald, says Spare Moments. Now it the present time no method of throw- happened that the Canadian premier lng high-power explosives from guns by had come to the house from a dinner, means of gunpowder has been proved party, and his speech in matter and successful, although one scientific form was of a decidedly postprandial gentleman has wasted three hundred clfaracter. The youthful reporter, how- thousand dollars of Uncle Sam's money ever, could not believe it possible that In experiments which only resulted la Sir John would want editing, and took bursting many valuable cannon. How down every word. His editor, on see- ever, trials that are beln.? conducted ing the copy, told him it would not do, under government auspices with a neva, and as it was not wanted fur the next mixture termed "ermensite" seem like morning he was advised to go and see ly to solve this problem. Until now Sir John and get him to correct it. The pneumatic guns have been found avail reporter, on being shown in, f.mnd Sir able for such nurposes. John, as usual, exceedingly aitauie. Branding the Ilritlsh Army, One of the strnm'i st Meas enunciated IT WAS HIS HAT. , That Was What Caused Mr. Johnson So Much Embarrassment. "A begum hat once caused me con siderable embarrassment," said Howard Johnson, an enthusiastic geologist, to a Globe-Democrat man. "In 1875 I was making some explorations in the moun tains of North Carolina and eastern Tennessee. The natives were a very primitive lot, and few of them had ever seen a locomotive or a town of 3,000 In habitants. They spun and wove their own clothing, made their own whisky, and lived on corn bread, salt pork, 'yarbs' and sassafras tea. "One evening I reached a village of perhaps two dozen houses and created as much excitement as a circus in the 'black belt.' Everybody turned out to Btare at me and follow me about, and couriers were dispatched to the country folks to come in and view the curiosity. They were soon arriving, afoot, on mules and steers, and one old fellow came in hot haste astride a bull wear ing a rope bridle. I was vexed and puzzled. I secured quarters for the night and went to my room, but the crowd hung about the house and talked in subdued whispers. Finally a commit tee, composed of two of the oldest cit izens, was appointed to wait upon me. Their missior was to inquire if my head really ran up to the top of that tall hat. They looked disappointed, and said they didn't sec any use for more hat than head, After that I wore a regula tion slouch until I got back to eiviliia Van" We take this opportunity of informing our subscribers that the new oommii sitiuer of pensions has been appointed He isan old soldier, and we believe that Boldiers and their heirs will re ceive justice at bis hsudB. We do not anticipate that there will be any radios! chanties in the ailminlstnitiou of poiimoB Hairs under tbe new regime. We would advise, however, thatTJ. 8. nldierg. sailors and their heirs, take -drpd to make application at ouoe, if , hey have not already done so, in order 10 secure tbe benefit of tbe early filing nf their claims in ouse there should be any future pension legislnlion. Buoh ' legislation is seldom retroactive. Ihere fore it is of threat ioiporlbuoe that ap pliOHtious be filed in tbe department at he earliest possible date. If the U. S Boldiers, sailors, or their widows, children or parents desire in formation iu regHfd to pension matters, 'bey should write to Ibe Press Claims Company, at Washington, 1). C, and be) will prepare and send the necessary ipplication, if Ihey find them entitled indet the numerous laws enacted for heir benefit. Adtlress PKESS CLAIMS COMPANY, loiiN Weddkbburn, Mnnstring Attor ney, Wbsbiuntun, D. C, P. O. Box 885 If. THE WORLD A Qnrel' llt'llef of till SHELL. r the south cotton skirt, a string of beads, long ear rings, and as many bracelets of brass, silver, or beads, as the wearer can man age to acquire; and for men a calicc shirt, always unbuttoned in front and worn with Haps outside the drawers, auC a straw hat. SOUND ADVICE. The Canadian Premier's Admonition to a Young ICeporter. A young shorthand writer was once told to report a speech by htr John -11 c- Nuvilgea K-llle. The sa'.'ttge inl.-mtleri of the South Paeitlc believe that the world inn cocoa nut tOiell of eniirmouft dimensions at the tup nf which is a single aperture communicating with the upper air, where huinun beings dwell. At the very bottom of this mui'innry slmll is a stem gradually tapering to a point, vhich represents the begitmiiif of all things. This point is a spirit or demon without human form, wlmr,e nnrrie Is "Hoot of All lv'.i teti 'e." liy him the entire fabric oi' erentinn ift sustained. In the intjri'-r nf the CM-orcnut fchell, at Its very buttimi, lives 11 femnle demon. So narrow is Vlte space into which xbe is crowded tlmt she is obligi -1 to sit for ever with knees arid chin touching. Her name is "The ery Beginning" and from her lire sprung numerous spirits. They inhabit, live different floorN, into which the great cooounut is divitled. From eertuip of these spirits mankind is descended. The islanders, regarding themselves the only real men and women, were formerly accus tomed to regard strangers as evil spirits in the guise of humanity, whom they killed when they could, offering thstn a sacrifice. Having explained the object of his visit the renortcr was desired to read his notes aloud. This he did, while Sir John lay on a sofa listening with a face of extreme solemnity to his own inco herencies, and correcting them as the occasion required. When the notes were finished the premier arnse, laid his hand on the young man's shoulder, and began in the moRt fatherly of tones: "I see exactly what has happened. Now, my dear young friend. 1 nm an old man and you are a young one, and you will therefore not mind if I give you a piece of advice as to the practice of your profession. My advice U this: Never attempt to report a spci.i.ii unless you are perfectly sure that you tire so ber " With this Sir John bowi-d ..tit his visitor. Deedi, mortgages, etc., executed at th Gazette office. if late years is t! srts to brand -v,r irmy, in order 'lo 1 lible. No doubt uttering from :i : 3orne of his 1 . ittendert to 11 o f his own si n' this loathsor."; per successfully !" hi tcendant. 'i!" areneral, i;h; 11 . :he royal sig,:ie: rro. I i'"l f fieri Uob thc llritisl, rtion iinpos rc t.-e-iend U of atitrism. I-, mi.y have f i"'iinding v.i'M!:; and l'.ur iliitted . : ' liote lite 1- y-''-s the r.itinlsof ed t'pon the Tbe general merchandise establish ment formerly owned by Coffin k MoFar latid. has Intely changed hands, 00 he me nnder the control and management of The MoFarland Mercantile Companv, which continue bnsines at the old stand with a larger itook than aver. a Those who have brought in various kinds of supplies in lieu of cash, should oall aronnd at this office and get credit for same if not already given. NO WATER ON THE MOON. ' Oceana or Seas IIuvo No Existence on the Lunar Planet. There are, no doubt, some reasons for thinking that there may huve been once water on tho moon, but it is now cer tain that there is no liquid on its sur face, nor indeed can I find much reason to believe that tiiere is even frozen water there, as has been sometimes sup posed. It is certainly a singular fact that two constituents which are so abundant here should seem to be en tirely wanting in the moon, and it isan Interesting subject for speculation as to what has happened to tho water on the moon if it once existed there. It is generally believed that njs our satellite cooled down tho water penetrated Into the interior, and was thero seized upon by the minerals which required water In order thut they might assume their appropriate crystalline forms. Tbe water on the moon has, therefore, ac cording to this view, been transformed into a solid form, incorporated with tho bodily tcxturo of tho globe. It has even been surmised that a similar des tiny awaits the oceans on our own globe; broad and deep though they seem, they yet may be Inadequate to quench the thirst for water possessed by so vast a mass of crystallizing min erals as mu:it exist in the interior of the globo. Hut whether this be the ex planation of the absence of liquid water from the moon or not, the fact of thai absence cannot be questioned. The moou has been subjected to care ful scrutiny for centuries, says Good Words, yet no one has ever seen any genuine ocean or sea, no one has ever seen any indication of the present exist ence of water, and we are ent itled to as sert that water, in a liquid form, is ab sent from the surface of our satellite. Awarded Hitjliest Honors, World's Fair. DPR Baking Powder: The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. -No Ammonia, No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.