Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 06, 1894, Image 3

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r HOSE desiring the innertlon of ditDlfty ads.,
nr chauite of Mine, iuunt tret their copy in
not later than Monday evening for Tnesdar's
edition, or ThnrHdny evening for FrtdavB edi
1. The Bum of five oenfa por line will be
chartel for "cards of thanks," "resolntiona of
resnpet." Hits of woddine presents and donor,
and obituary notices, (other than thooe the edit
or hall hlniBf If give an a matter of news.) and
notices oFgpeoial meetings for whateverpnrpo.
2. Not ires of church and anciety and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to le de
rived, shall be charged for at the rae of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to tn evpry instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for Mb nr her communication. No
correspondence will he published tin less the
writer's real name is kigned as au evidence of
good faith.
,1, i Iiik A Kent, 21 Men-bants bxchanife.
Ban Kraticlsco, ti our aiithnitztw aKeiit. This
pajter I kept on tile In htMithce.
Stafre for Hardman, Monument, Lontf Creek,
John Day ami Canyon City, leaves as follows ;
Every day at 6 a. m., except tfnmlay.
A rrlves every day at 6 p. in., except Mrtnday.
The cheapest, quickest and beat line to or
from the interior country.
J. 6. DELEVAN, Prop.
l'hlll Culm, Agent.
Give your biiKinens lo lleppuer people,
and therefore anxixt to build up Uepi
tier. lJationize Hume wlio patronize
Here and There.
He held her hand ivlihin hia own,
And with low bended knee.
He vowed that true aa steel to her
He would forever be.
That night he held another hand,
At pretty one at that;
The wretch, you say? Oh, no; you Bee
It waB four aces pat.
The Wilaon bill was heard to sign:
"What will the harieit be?
1 wonder if I'll know myaclf
When they get through with me."
Ed ly Saturday niiiht.
Club meeting Saturday night.
Jan. Jones lust his fine Jack a few
davo t(ii,
Ciini" nut to the club meeting Saiui
dtty niylit.
Arthur Smith will olean watches nt
the reduced i noe of $1.
Mrs. 0. Cate has moved out to bei
(unit top nd the summer mouths.
Geo.Wellw, deputy comity clerk, re
turned fntin Purl lnd ibis nmriiiiit'.
The Heppner Canyon Htiiue hue is the
beat, flu npest mid quickest to the iu
Hood's Pills are the best after dinner
Pills, nsiist digestion, cure headache.
Tiy a Imx.
If yon want a good iron or Benin,
machine, cme to Ilia U. z lie ilnue aim
we'll fit yu out.
Those that have ooivity scrip for an 1 1
should cull on (ieoiKt) Cui.ptr hi Tbi
1-irst NHiiiimd Butik. 2 it.
The GiZ'lle will be sent to any ad
driSH iu i he United Slates till at ei
campaign for 5U oentH. j
Lriil blank, pleuly of ib'm, at 'In
Gazette i lliee, and at worlii'd prleei..
DiuutintH on Inre miters.
J. ii. Eddy will address the Morrow
county reimbncuu jiluti at the opera
bouse SaluriUy evening.
Green Matbeus baa op-ned up bis
bai bei shop, lit xt door lo Hayes it nm
HbnVHH, etc, on tup as usual.
Kvery man who lakes an) iuterest in
fast slock etiould subaonbe for Tut
Horsemau UaiieUe shop, auents.
The U Zfite will takeoouuty scrip ai
face nil subscription, and pay balance oi
Same m cnh at Llghrst maiket p'lCc.
7 6U
Ben Svaggart's famous Jack will
seasou at his ranch seven miles norm
east of Lijmgiuo. Teims: iut-uin cc,
810. 2j 2.
Sti'len Two fine dogs from my liiioir
in tiepputr. Please return to A. Alua
ham.ok. W-'di.
The Gizelle dee now runs an iu
suiauoe and notarial t-bip. Come iu
wheu you want to do yuur insuring and
Jim Junes' race boise, Cora Junes,
was bdiy cu uu a wire fence aoout a
month hko She was Luit much woise
than al first thought,
Vawier (!'afoid and wife returned
from Wailsburtc, Wat-h., thia morniu.,
wheie I he) have beeu visiting relatives
for a lew we past.
Tboe who have brought in vanotli
kinds of supplies iu lieu ol cieh, t-hmi d
Oall around at llus olliie and get ortdil
for siiuie il uot aliead uivru.
The senior editor of the G zelte, suit
A. A. K' beits depar'ed on last nmlilV
train for Potthind lo look after tlx
political interest of Uou. VV. It. Ellis.
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Ke
newer is HiiqutBtloiialily ibe best pre.
seralive ' f tne hair. It is also curative
of d.flidMjU, tetter, and ad fO dpaff clioi 8
J. B. Kddy, of Pendleton, will ad
dress tbe repuohcau club t the rpera
bouse Saturday eveuinn. Everybody
invited. Appropriate musio by tbe
Club qu it ten.
Echo etatfe leaves Heppner for Echo
Tuesdays, Tnuid"s and Saturdays
Arrives Mondays, VViilMesdina and Kri
days. Fare, one way, i2. 50 PluliCohn.
Btjent, A Andtews, Hrop.
C. M .Tones iw a passenger on laai
ni Id's down irai". He vi,k beaded lot
B k"r Oily, wheie be hoies JJ.lue
Fortune may be pleas d to rewind bun
with ri mini-MUive labnr.
L 'St A note d ited June 12, 1892
signed by G. W. .SKgirt, ed ihl- tin
80o0, tn f,,vor of P. (J. Thompaon.
Tbe piihlin are warned nifainst negotiat
ing for or purcbaaiiig ald note. it.
Elder Barnnhy waa aunonnced t
preach a' Ibe op. ra honsn ou this and
tomoirow t vt-iiii,te. hut be ailed to
arrive, henoe lliere will he no pleaching
at this plHCe ou tbe above date.
Found .Journal: R-v. Howertnn visit,
ed old fUMJila in Heppner last week,
and intended to c-itnn aroas country to
visit bis relalivea iu tbia plaoe, but tbe
tate of the road prveno-d, and be ban
returned to Ins home at Ilwaoo, Wash.
Old Halt lia now pa'nbliahed a ion
so-ial iiarlor, at tin Almoin hui Idmv
next door to Sinnoia' blackmirli shop
where he invites Ibe patronage of his old
customers and ah whoiteNirenlrtctly fiist
claaa wot k, sbavintf. shampotiinii and hair
ontting at living prices. Don'l overlook
Our hotter Lalvs aiv tbry Cnnld not
kpep honse without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It is naed in more than
bntf the hemes in Leeds. Sma Brim.,
Lede. Iow a. This sh 'W lb esteem in
which that remedy l held where it has
bent! b dd for yea's and is wdl known.
Mmher have learnel that tlmre is
nothing so good for colds, croup nd
whooping oo"gb, that it cures th'-SH
ailmn's quickly and porrnmeutlv. and
that it i p'H-Hnt and safe f r children
lo take. 25 and 50 Cent bottles for sale
bj Slooum-Johnaon Drug Co.
Aloert Lovegrsen. W. M. Courter and
W. (). Allison, ot Eight Mile, passed
tl rouub Hepp er Tues lay afternoon
nroute to the Nortb Fork country
where they expeot to spend tbe sum
mer developing their mining property.
Thev expect to put in a hydraulic
system Inter in tbe season.
Word was received bere Tuesday of
tbe death of Mrs. J. E. Adkins, of
llillfhoro, and Rev. Adkins aud wife de
parted Iha evening to be present at tbe
funeral. Mrs. Adkins was a daughter
of Rv Carp Sperry, and nieoe of tbe
Speiry Bros., of tbis place.
Dr. E. T. Gagen got back from a
tour of the East and a few week's
a journ at 'Frisoi, Wednesday morn
leg. Ibe doctor seemed glad to get
back, for he said tbat everywhere it
wr the same or, and worse times than
in Morrow oounty.
M R. Morgan, nt Eight Mile was in
the city Wednesday. Mr. Morgan la.
forms us that he expeots to leave for
California with horses soon. He will
also visit the fair while below.
East Oregonian: W. P. Fell, brother
ofT. E. Fell, arrived iu Pendleton this
morning from Heppner to ssaist in the
nonatmotion and operation of tbe wool
scouring mill.
Ruports from different psrts of the
stato indicate that soon the march
toward Portland, by tb 'Sft interested
i state politics will begin in dead
Antelope Herald: Gne Glinnn, who
hnd been stopping with his parent" nt
Henpnormnst of th winter, returned to
Antelope last Saturday.
John K. Ijke. of Albma, has taken
he n'nce nf B. 9. Miller, as brakesman
on ih hrsroh line. Miller is now on
the main line.
W. R. Ridillo was in from the Goose
berry nation Wednesday. Also at the
me date J. 0. Akers P. M., at that
Alex Sweek was in Heppner Wednes
day and yesterday on business, going
below Inst evening.
V. O.: Mrs. T. E. fell and two
Mijldren arrived frjm Chioago Sunday
Homer McFarland has moved into tke
Ellis property in the lower pBrt of town.
Martha Neville hegan a term of school
Monday out on Butter creek.
Frank Wbetatnne got in from Port
land Wednesday morning.
.T. B. Delevnn is reported to have
turned np all right.
Mrs. J. O. Warmoth, of Ella, is quite
ill in Heppner.
Council Meeting. Counoil met in
regular session, Monday evening, Mayor
Borg presiding, and all tbe dads present
except FariiBwnrtb Minutes of
lat regular Bnd speoial sessions read
and approved Bills allowed: A. 8.
Ronnett. $125; J W. Dawson, 825;
Gilham & Bishee.89; Gen. Noble, $5.90;
. M S..cum. $4 3j; W. P. Scrivner,
83; F. J Hallock. 820 16; Heppner
Light Water Co. 876. Bill of Meston
IDaart. Book Mfg. for 812 wbs rejeoted
ind receipt bo k ordered returned to
them Bond of Reoorder Hallook
aco-'pled Resolution presented and
adopted aulhotizing treasurer to Bet
aaido any money coming into bis hands
towaids he paymeut ot interest on
bonds and sncb airrmnt as is needed
for purpose Council adjourned.
Good Speakers Col. J. W. Reding
'on's Pullallnp Commerce finds tbe
fdlowiugin our Semi-Weekly: "Five
hiiudred Cleveland uemocrats wanted
in eastern Oregon next spring to sbear
sheep. Reform wages will be paid
one-half oent per bead or 10 cents per
hundred." Red Bays tbat in his opinion
Cleveland democrats are wanted be
cause they always begin at tbe tail
euo of everything, so tbe sbeep will not
have to look them in the face, and the
sbeep owners think tbey will make
ijood shearers.
Nuptials Ou Inst Monday, April
21st at 1 o'clock p. m., at the Palace
note), Heppner, occurred tbe marriage
ol Mr. Harry Phipps and Miss Estella
Webb, Elder Gray, of tke Christian
church i flicialiug. Only a few relatives
if the contracting parties were present.
The happy couple start out in life's
ru diim mial b at with tbe best wishes
of a large circle of friends.
Sboemakeb Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er aud repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just located in the Abraham
sioi building, on May street, where he
's prepiired to do eveiy thing in hia line.
l Bitbeck is strictly a first-class work
on in aud warrants all work. Give him a
nail. 14wt'
Land For Sale. 480 aores over in
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh uriu
will be sold cheap. Call at Ga.c.te
office for particulars BDd terms t.
The Stndehaker wagon beads them all.
for sale at Gilliam & Bisbee'e. a
"Hardware" did you say? Why, yes
it P. C. T'hompsou & Oo.'s stand, and tbe
place lor barnttius.
The Keeley Institute, at forest Grove
jures liqnor, opium, morphine, cocaine
ind tobacco habit. See ad.
The Palaoe is tbe leading hotel iu the
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
oi light are provided for everyone, a
Ir von n.ant tn hnv aniceries. and
uread stuff cheap, go to the Euterpnse
uroceiy. KirK & ivim, proprietor.
n,,r,r tl.o taAlar ia ttlA tl.fttl tn tlX UO
your watch or clock. Ue keeps a full
srocR oi every tiling pertaining u u
business, a
M. Lichtentbal & Co.'s new stook of
spiennui, summer botton and tie special
ties in he shoe line are attracting mark
ed at eutijii. a
At Abrabamsick'a. In addition to bis
tailoring business, be baa added a fine
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
shirts, hosiery, etc. Also baa on band
some elegsot patterns for suits. A.
Abrabamsick. May street, Heppner, Or.
"What's in a nameT Well, tbat de
pends. For instance, thenameof "Ayer"
is enflient guarantee that Ayer't
Sarsapanlla is a genuine, scientific
blood-purifier, and not a sham, like so
much i liar gnea by tbe name of "aarsa
panlla." Ayer's S.rsspanlla ia the
Catarrh In the Head
An Unfortunate Inhcritanco - How
It Was Destroyed.
"Spokane, V.'asli., Any. u, la3.
C. I. Jlood & Co., Lowell, Muss.:
"Gentlemen i I wish to add my testimony to
the worth of Howl's Sarsapaiilla. My little
girl lias been cured by it of hiucrited catarrh.
She had colds continually every month aud yel
low discharge, but since tal:hi Hood's Sarsa-
parilla ha been entirely cured. Hood's Sar
sapariila I have found of great help to my
other children." Mns. L. M. 0 ili.ktte.
Hood's Pills are hand made, and perfect
hi proportion and appearance. 2Rc. per box.
Herond Grailuatln Class In the History oi
the Pntdie Schools til Morrow Co.
Class Motto: ''Not for ouraelveB alone."
Tbe second olass in Morrow county
which bag graduated in the public
school coarse, began their commence
ment at 2 p. ru., Friday, Mar. 23.
A Bhurt entertainment was given by
the sobool, followed by a song "West
ward Ho."
Ma.y J. Miller, president of the Sbilob
olass, '91, introduced Miss O. May King
wbo gave tbe history of the class.
Miss Nellie B Miller read a sketch
from tbe life of Lafayette.
gong by tbe class, "Sootlands burn
ing." Miss Ida Dickson, class profit, in a
flight ot imagination gave a glimps of
the class at work in the beginning of tbe
20tb century ; after whiob they adjourned
to tbe sobool grounds and planted their
class tree.
A number of prizes were then awarded
to the champions of tbe atbletio games.
Tbe program was tben to be continued
at tbe hall, and at four o'clock all who
anticipated a feast for both tbe body and
mind were fouud beaded for the ball,
where a bounteous repast was spread
despite tbe cry "hard times."
At seven tbe honse was called to
order by tbe principal of tbe Eobool.
Class marched through tbe hall to
musio furnished by Miss Mollie 1 ly.
Miss Ida Dickson, salutatory in ber
address, "Rowing not Drifting," made
us tbiuk witb Oouper, Absence of
oooupation is not rest. A mind quite
vacant is a mind distressed.
Francis E. Miller showed in his sub
jeot, "Education ends only witb lite,"
tbat one who is striving in this line has
plenty of work ahead.
O. May King in ber subject, "How
shall we man our ships," urged great
care in tbe selection of those who fill
official positions. John W. Grabell, in
his oration, "Education is one's self,
morally and intellectually," Bpoke
briefly ot ti e necessity ot moral as well
as intellectual education.
Quartet, "Evening Bells," by the
Gooseberry Glee 01 a b.
Mary J. Miller, "Progress of Time,"
from the stage ooaoh to the iron horse,
and tbe expectation ot tbe flying oar
Benjamin F. King, was next to speak
and we noted with pleasure tbat "Our
Flag" was not forgotten by the class of
gong, "Freedom's Banner," by class.
Minnie V. Hughes in ber address
"What is your aim in life," urged us to
rim bigb and work to that point.
Osoar J Williamson pointed out many
difficulties to be overcome in obtaining
an education, in bis "How two young
men completed their o ollege course."
Quartet, "Hunters' Farewell," by tbe
Glee Club.
Nellie B. Miller, "Class of '83," lesson
drawn, ladies as well as gentlemen
should make some practical use of their
John W. King drove on np tbe steps
of progress ever dinning in our ears,
"Ownward is our aim," when Edmund
8. McElligott. stopped oar flight and
bade us look back to "Two men wbo
figured prominently in the Revolution
ary War," and begged us do our duty
in whatever position we are placed.
Quartet, "Singers March," by Glee
E. Jay Merrill, valadictory, tben
addressed us, calling our attention to
tbe class motto, "Not for ourselves
alone," may they all prove faithful to
their motto, living, working, striving nol
tor themselves alone, but tor the good
tbat Ibey may do.
Quartet, "Skating Song," by tbe Glee
8npt. W. L. Haling then gave them
words of praise and encouragement.
Also warned them tbat tbey would yet
find many days of toil and bard labor,
as they bad now bat reached- tbe first
round in the endless ladderof education.
He tben presented the diplomas. Flowers
and congratulations from the sobool
were tben presented to the class by
Albert King wbioh was responded to by
the president of tbe class. Mr. J. K.
Ely, who bai labored for the weirare
and promotion of his pupils, will longj
be remembered in tbe Sbiloh school j
and gratefully by tbe olaaa of '94
Reportib. '
Ellis, Dawson Sj Lyons,
All business attended to in a promtd and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public aud Collectors.
They Are Varioui u:ul "m at Ail Con
lined to tl'C Love t.f 1:1 ;.'(ve:'.y.
Every year the hunt f.-.r the pre
cious metals and the shining stones
gTows shnvper, until the plateau ol
Thibet and the further isles of the cast
ern archipelago are almost the only
likely places where the agents of Eu
ropean firms aro not iuquirinr;, and
prospecting, and sending home con
crete evidences that, if enough iii spent
and a sufficient area of unknown terri
tory is dili(fnntly examined, there may
be solid returns. The emerald seekers
of Ecuador know the paths of its moun
tains better tluin freogruphcrs, says
the .Spectator, and the hunters for gold
will make known every ravine of the
vast region between Cape Colony and
Lake Nyassa.
Every year tbe demand for wood
drives importers into more distant for
ests, while the enthusiasts of botany
and ornithology are ransacking regions
into which it was recently supposed to
be death to enter. The 1'hienkians of
our day number- whole tribes, and
they are penetrating everywhere, ex
actly like their old prototypes, iu search
of spoil. Nothing stops the explorers
for gain, aud another party will follow
them yet, not longing for minerals or
new drugs, but for great estates. Aus
tralia was not explored for explora
tion's sake, but to find lands fit to sup
port great herds; and so will Africa be,
and the eastern archipelago. ' The com
petition for great fortunes grows bit
terly sharp, anil this is a road on which
adventurers need only daring, a certain
capacity for command, and a rosolve to
explore such as was displayed in New
South Wales by the Wcntworths, who,
twice beaten by the mountains, went
on a third time, to become great nobles
in the southern world.
Kven the Kuvs of I.lRht Have a Way of
Making Theinrtclvug Heard.
One of the most wonderful discoveries
in science that has been made within
the last year or two, says the Yankee
Blade, is the fact that a beam of light
produces sound. A beam of sunlight is
thrown through a lens on a glass vessel
that contains lampblack, colored silk or
worsted, or other substances. A disc
having slits or openings cut in it is
made to revolve swiftly in this beam of
light so as to cut it up, thus making al
ternate flashes of light and shadow.
On putting the car to the glass vessel
strange sounds are heard so long as the
flashing beam is falling on the vessel.
Recently a more wonderful discovery
has been made. Abeam of sunlight is
caused to pass through a prism, so as to
produce what is called the solar spec
trum or rainbow. The disc is turned,
and the colored light of the rainbow is
made to break through it.
Now place the car to the vessel con
taining the silk, wool, or other material,
As the colored lights of the spectrum
fall upon it, sounds will be given by
different parts of the spectrum, and
there will be silence in other parts.
For instance, if the vessel contains
red worsted, and the green light flashes
upon it, loud sound will be given. Only
feeble sounds will be heard if the red
and blue parts of the rainbow fall
upon the vessel, and other colors make
no sound at all. Green silk gives sound
best in a red light.
Every kind of material gives more or
less sound in different colors, and utters
no sound in others.
Ther Furnish a Fettftt of Months for Dofft,
C'aU ami Owlfi.
Durinp; a fine moist summer, when
grass and flowers were abundant, mice
increased to an abundant extent in I.a
Plata, so that everywhere in tbe fields
it was diflieult to avoid trending on
them, while dozens could be shaken out
of every hollow thistle stalk lyirifj on
the frround. The most incongruous ani
mals swarmed to the rfeast which they
Dog's lived almost entirely on them,
as did the domestic fowls, assuming the
habits of rapacious birds. The eats all
left the houses to live in the fields.
Tyrant blwls and cuckoos seemed to
prey on nothing else.
Foxes, weasels and opossums fared
sumptuously and even the common
armadillo turned mouser with great
luccess. Storks and short-ared owl
gathered to the feast, so that fifty of
the latter birds could often be seen at
once, and they got fat and bred in the
middle of the winter, quite out of their
proper season, in consequence.
The following winter was a time of
drought, the grass and herbage had all
been consumed or was burnt up, and
tbe mice, having no shelter, soon fell a
prey to their numerous enemies and
were almost wholly exterminated.
For a mild t'luio. Kruie im tiv ami
iDigorant take Simmons Liver Il-uii-lator.
& J3isbee,
How an Enemy was Foiled.
The following irrnnhta statement will bi
read with intense iuiurost: "Icannot describe
the numb, creepy sensation that existed in my
arms, bunds ami Icu. 1 had to rub and beat
those parts utit il they were sore, to overcome
in a measure the dead feeling that had taken
possession of t hem. In addition, I had ft
atrunjjG weaknws In my niu'K and around my
waist, together with mi Indescribable 'none'
feeling in my stomach. Physicians said it
wan crocnin'X nuralvsls. from which, accord
ing to their universal conclusion, there is no
roller, unco h rastens upon a person, tne
1 rilv. it continues lis Insidious Drosress untl
1 it readies a vital point and the sufferer dies.
a veiir and n half steadily, but with no nar-
ticular benefit., when I saw an advertisement
or lr Miles' Uostorative Nervine, procured a
bottle and be;;an usInT It. Marvelous as it
may seem, nut a row days naa passed Derore
evurv hit of ili.it, crcenv feelinir had left mo.
and there hns not been even the slightest
Indication ct us return, i now reel as
well as 1 ever did, and have gained tea
pounas m v.cinr, iiioupu i naa run aowa
from 170 to 1J7. Four others have used Dr.
Miles' Uejslorativo Nervine on mv recomen-
datlon.nnd il has been as satisfactory iu their
cases as in mine. James ivane, t-a uue, u.
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is sold by all
druggists on n positive puarumee, or sent
direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart,
Ind., on receipt of price, SI per bottle, six
bottles for e xpress prepaid, it lb free from
opiates or dangerous urutts.
ForhHiH hy T. W. Ayprn, jr.
n. i vi$ voir back a cm; ?
Bright 8 Disease,
Inflammation of the Blad
der, Yellow Water, Brick
Dust Segment In Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
in Ihe Back, and all Dis
eases ot the Kitlnys.
ritlil'AHHII liY
O.W.R. Mannfectoriiii Co,,
Fnr r do by Klneum Johnston Drng Co
nnd T. W. Aydr, Jr.
Snper.tltlon I. Hard to Kill.
It is said that on certain moors x.
England jealous women still mole
waxen dolls, and, running pins througt
them, melt them slowly, so that theii
human models may waste uway. Thii
seems incredible, but Fanny D. liergen
In Americon Folic Lore, gives an iiv
staneo of a belief as Insane, and ot
her own personal authority. There li
a fungu3 called "death baby," fabled
to foretell death in a family, and shi
has "known of intelligent people (in I
town not far from Hoston) rushing oul
in terror and beating down a colony ol
these as soon as tbey appeared in th
yard. "
Th? SuiM'riurity
0( Hnnil'H Harsp'irilla is due to the
trt-ujendiniH amount of brain work and
nonslHiit care n.wl in its preparation.
Tryoue bottle and you will bennnvinced
nt ils superiority. It purities the blood
bu b, Ibe miureeof bcHltb, ouresdyBpep
in overuomen sick liednobe und bilioilH
nem. Il ih just tbe medicine for yon.
Hood's I'iIIh sre purely vegetable,
osrefully prepared from tbe best ingredi
ents. Aier's Cherry Pectoral possesses
pnwerfn! h'-ahnif qualities, wbieh mani
fest theuielveH whenever this remedy is
an.r.lfivul in nulilu pmulii llirnnt n.
i lung troubles. Uu anodyne and ex-
oectnrnnt i-rt-c's sre promptly realized,
t is chemical tuccess and a medical
To cur oonstipstion. sick beadaobe
sad dyspepsia Simmons Liver Regu
lator has no equal.
ifc) ifek
Why Don't You.
Call on the New Firm at tba old Tan Dnyn stand ?
You will certainly be surprised at tne low priced in
Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots
and Shoes. Notions, Clothing, and
A Complete Line of Groceries.
NotrruMe to show poods and giva
Respectfully Youes,
Not only once but again and again. They know that frrm as tbey always get
.,11 .!Ul -..J 3 . . . . ..... "
inn wcikui Kin K""u measure tor me leasi money. Wny we sell the btst is ex
plained. Tbe "best" brings people back, tolds custi m, ornate ns friends,
BDd so establishes our trade. We waul you to have si me of our
(riendly bargains in Dry Goods, Qroceries, Clothing, Boots, Hhoes,
Hats, Caps, and ever) thing kept in a well-regulated, geueral
merchandise store. Come in and see ns, everybody.
wHeppner, Oregon.
Ilis My Institute
Tie Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. Tbey will keepon bund a full lineof
Groceries and Prcvisis.
A full lineof choice Pies, Cnkfs and Biesd ; in fsct everything that il
lHiinlly kept in a first-class bakery atoie. Tbey will sell cheap foi cash. Call and
try them. ew
Land Patents
Land patents Hecurfid for Bflttlers in the Bliortest possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully bandied.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims aud disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals havinv onntlicting olaims under the agricultnral land
sws. and those between olaimsnts under tbe Mineral Laws and agricultural
ilaimants; and nUo between elaim lilts un I-ir any of tbe pnblin Itmt I iws and the
itailroBd onmpanies and their granteis, and the states and their grantees, under
.e Swnmp-Land and School Land Grams.
Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers
ho have complied with the laws under whiob their entries were made, and wbo
re annoyed and worried by deUys in the iseue of their patents, caused by Trifling
irregularities wbioh can be etimly aud speedily removed.
Advioe also given iu all matters relating ta the publia lands, especially on
mints arising under tbe new laws wbioh huve been reoeutly passed providing for
be disposal of tbe public domain.
If yon want your land patent iu a hurry if yon want your Isnd business, of
my charaoter, attended to by skillful and Oi.mpeteut attorneys, and promptly dia
losed of, write to
John Wedderburn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Box, 385. ' Washington. D. 0.
It is the Headquarters!
paints, Druita, Oils, Olass, Till.
1 Artloes, Patent Medicines,
Office of all stages running
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
For the Cure oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It la locHted at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Mont Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Oazetts office for particular!.
Strictly conttdentlal. Treatment private and lur
1. Only Fiist Clans hotel in Ilei pner.
2. Buildup Vind for El. chic Lights
ll.ll DtL( nt.
S. 1'eFt prei n nidations for He traveling
4. ConitforiB treslnifijt esfurnl tbe ooun
tiy trile.
MB 8. M. YON CADOW Proprietress.
out of Heppner.
PHIL. OHN. Proprietor.
te e-t tn the vy orja