Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 06, 1894, Image 2

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r-sOne of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.
The deeded land Las a good spring of water on it, all under
CTTND 160 ACHES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded knd there are 140 acres good farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture,
i fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
- ,i ah An. uUr,l llo. timlior Anlrnrn rdaitvi. 800
Trice for tne wnoie, uiiw ; or wiiuuu.
Deeded ranch, 160 aoreso
for it with first crop raised on it. Reason for selling, owner lives in tbe fcasi aim un
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms.
Oive your business to Heppner people
and therefore waist to build up llepjt
net. Patronize those who patronizt
We hoi
each and every correspondent re-
sponsible for liiu or herein
nminiiiiieaiiou. ii"
published unless me
writer's real ua.ne Is sinned as an evidence ol
good fttllh.
Dili j on ever
Read about lie
Man who
Hid bis
Light nmler
A buBhel?
Yea? well
That is like
Doing bnsiness
Without advertising.
AH the
Bui le scheme:
In the conntry
Will not accomplish
Hull ns much
Ab a u;ood ud.
In a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
la read
Bv the people,
And that owns
Its own
8til; that
O 'Pi its space
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
Fur dollar.
For Representative,
J. 8. BOOTH BY, of Lexington.
"orSheri II,
0. W. IIAUItlNUTUS, of Heppner.
For Clerk,
d t iiui'tfi nf ileunner.
.1. L. IIOWAKI), of Uulloway.
For AsseSMir.
J. F. Wll.l.H. or Lexington.
For School Huperlnteudclit,
MISS ANNA .1. HAL-IIUKK, of lone.
For Hnrveyor,
CKO. W. I.OItl). of lilla.
For Coroner,
1. W. AYliltS, JU., of lli'ppnvr.
For Justice of the 1st District,
For Constable of 1st lllatrlcl,
For Justice of and District,
1. 1(. lUTEII.
For Cons ableof 'Jnd District,
For Justice ol 3rd UUtrlct,
For Constable of :lrd District,
For Jusllce of lib District,
l W. P. US KIT.
For Constable ol Itll District,
Fur Justice ofWh District,
For Constable of.'ith District,
J. I.. UOWAltD.
For Justice of lth District,
For Constable oflilll District,
for juixr skxatur.
At the earnest solicitation of
friend", I have decided to become a
candidate for ) iint aeniitor, for the
counties of Harney, Grant and Morrow,
subject to the will of the convention for
the senatorial distriol, April 11, 1H1I4.
J. N. Uimwn.
Si'Rakkr Crisp Iiiib declined to be D.
8. senator.
Gov. Tillman, of 8. O., is still hav
ing H bard tune lo enforce his new
tangled liquor law.
Laht Monday wax a day of niuniclpial
elections in the Knat, and the repub"
liouns swiped the works.
Wahoi county steps nobly into line
with a solid delegation inatriieted for
W. R. Ellis. Good f..r old Wasco.
J. A. Monday has been appointed
receiver of the Vancouver laud otlloe.
He was Blackmail's opponent for col
lector of internal revenue.
Tint editor of ibe K cord had beltel
look out for Kepri amt'ilive Bonthby.
When be geta throiuh with our fricuil
he will not think him so "decrepit."
Tim republicans of Kent precinol,
Wai-oo county, have organized an
enthusiastic V. K F.llis republican
club. This iudicates the direotion of
the wiod.
Late new fn m our correspondent at
The Dalles inforniB ns that Waaoo
county ban i istrncted her delegates to
the republican congressional Convention
for Edis, first, last and all the time.
What's the mailer with Kllisf
Tub Record bad better not go to
mnkiuif comparisons between candi
dates too early. He may not be
thoroughly "ou" yet. Uazette. ine
Gazette will find bt-fore election time
that we are "on" to Borne things which
it will wish wewerenot. Reoord. And
the democratic party of Morrow oounty
ami Ibe fresh editor of the Reoord may
tiud before this campaign is over that
e are "on" to a "few things" whioh
they will sinearely wish we were not.
Collector Blackman, ex-boss of the
moBsbackB of Morrow, seems to be
taking a baud in local politios in Port
laud. According to the Telegram be
with the other federal office holders
have milled for a con erence of the old
liners, with a hope that they may be
able to force the democracy of Oregon to
endorse Cleveland. They will find this
deoidedly uphill work.
Now that the fresheditorof the Record
is slated for representativa on the demo.
oratio ticket he seems to have it in fur
Booibby. The people of Morrow
county will have an opportunity to
Bpeak their sentiments next June. We
will then see who's vindicated.
"What does the term lOto 1 mean in
relation to the coinage of silver?" asks
a patron. Why, Bilver coined in the
ratio of 10 ounces of silver to one of
gold. A gold dollar contains 2o 8
grains, while a Btandard silver dollar
has in it 16 times as much metal, or
412 8 grains.
The Gazette acknowledges receipt of
a oirctilar from Hon. T. E. Fell explain
ing the advantage of the Pendleton
roouriiig mill to growers of wool.
Heppner should have bad tbia mill, and
would have snoceded had ber citizens
been moie alert at the proper time.
poiilinul wind is now blowing down
there: "No West Texas congrenHman
who voted for free wool will ever see
the national capital again except at his
own expense."
Oi B correspondent from The Dulles
says KIIib is I lie coming man. This Is
the reporl from every seotion of the
distriot, Ellis should and doubtless
will be nominated on Ibe first ballot.
H. R. liKKVk's, of Li Grande, formerly
of Heppner, has been nominated for
representative of Union oounty.
From latest advioes Gilliam oouutj's
ootivtrcssiouBl delegation is solid for
Peach trees are in bloom along the
road as far as Blalooks.
At the demooratlo primaries yester
day ever) thing passed off very quietly,
W, R Ellis is the coining ninu here
by big oilds. Roth parties sanction him
very s'rongly.
The Columbia river is rising very
fast. Lots of drift wood is floating
down tiie river.
n Hill water at Lai Uiamie is causing
delay to west bouud business. Hiu
tln-y are making extraordinary good
time after they hihb the high water.
Last uight in East Dalles Conduc'or
Rice waa joking Niiihtwatch Hurper
regarding the saloon robbery which
occured here soma time ago. Words
grew until both men became angry,
ending in Conduotor Rice gettiug bis
nose very badly bittei. and a thumb
considerably disfigured.
The John Day and Desohutes rivers
are botti very high, but no damage is
being dune so far as learned.
Internal Revenue Collector Blackman
has appointed Geo. Herbert, of Ibis
city, ns store keeper at Grant's Distill
ery. Henry is being complimented very
highly by both parties here for this an
i ointment, as Herbert is a good stAuuob
Tun Dali.hu, Or., April 1, 18m.
The republican couuty convention
met in The Dulles today with a full
delegation present. The convention
placed in the field one of tbe strongest
tickets Wasco couuty has ever had.
The delegates to the congressional Con
vention have been instructed to sup
port tbe Hon. W. R Ellis 'or congress
tbst lust and all the time.
Ed. Copner is now a full Hedged
Kuigbt of the grip. Ed is in the city
and will make a tour of the interior
towns, of Wasco, Mieruian, Gilliam and
Morrow comities.
Active preparations are the order of
the day uu tbe Columbia river among
the fishermen, an salmon seasou opens
the 11 th.
Tne Union l'acifio railroad oompany
intends iu the near future to place two
work-lraiui betweeu here and Portland
to fill in several m ashes, and placing
For further
gravel in on the roadbed.
We have been lufurmMl by several ol
the conmeroiul men tint business is on
the increase in Portland. Ttiey say
Front street has begnn to afBiimeits old
state of aotivity.
The Dalles, Or., 4. 1891.
Deafness Cannot be Cared
by local iipplioutiouB as they cannot
reach the diseased uorliou of the ear.
There is oulv one way to cure deufntss,
and that is by constitutional remedies
Deafness is caused by an iufl imed
coudition of tbe inactions lining
of tbe Eustachian Tube. When this
tube is iLflimed yon have a rumbling
Bound of imperfect hearing, aud when it
IB entirely closed, deafnesi is the result,
and unless the iiiiiiimalion oau he taker
nut and this tube restored to its normal
condition, bearing will be UestrnyeU for
ever; nine oases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing bnt an
inflamed condition of tbe mucous
We will give one hundred dollars for
any case of deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Hend for circulars; free.
F. J. CHENEK & CO.. Toledo, O.
jfjty"dold by Druggists, 75,
cikcuit router pkocekdinos.
Wednesday, March its.
Hatty Harris ys. Geo. Noble, verdict
in favor of plaintiff for 5(i and oosts.
J. W. Rasmus vs. Torn of Heppner,
Plfl. filed ans vt r.
i:g Try.
R. L. Hughes vs. G. W. Thomas, sale
ratified and confirmed.
Josephine Forward vs. W. F. For
ward, default of defendant entered.
Mrs. J. H Stahl and The R' senblatt
Co., vs. Osmern Hughes, John and
Wm. Hughes, demurer sustained.
Htnte of Oreg l vs. Stella Smith and
May Wright, jury out.
State of Oregon vs. Genrgie Doe and
Alice Morris, bai' forfeited tn state.
was given until 7:30 to plead. At
which time be pie d not guilty aud
case was set for Thursday, bnt after
wards plea was withdrawn and plea of
guilty entered when fine was assessed
at $50.
Thursday, March
Stale uf Oregon vs. Geo. W, Good a
cnsedisinissed aud defendant discharged
Stato of Oregon vn, Stella Smith and
May Wright, jnty failed to agree.
State of Oregon V: Alice Morris Bnd
Georgie 1) ie, case dismissed.
Htuto of Oregon vs. Lawrence Hall,
oase dii-miaaed.
In the matter of the assignment of
M. Liehteulhul 4 Co., divideudof 50 cts.
declar, d.
In the matter of tbe assignment of
E. H. and 8. H C x, property orderd
sold at private sale, dividend of 23 ote.
R. L. Huhin vs C. 8. Vuu Duyn, con
tinued for term.
Mary Frey and K. Pettys vs. T. J.
Allyn, onntinned for term.
I. D. Miller vs. Frank MoFarlaud,
continued for term.
J. W. Rasmus vs. I'owu of Heppner,
ou trial. After P. IT had examiued
witnesses, ier. nieu motlou Tor lion
suit, whiah after argument was taken
under advisement.
Friday, March JO.
Hattie Harris vs. Geo. Noble, motion
of PUT tor t ew trial overiuled. On
motion of P11T. judgment ou verdiot
grunted by the Court.
J. W. Rasmus vs. Town of Heppner,
motion to non suit allowed, riff, given
90 days to file bill of exceptions.
MrsJ.H. Stahl and The Rosenblatt
Co., vs. Osmers & Hughes, John and
Win, Hughes, amended complaint tiled
aud clerk ordered to take testimony and
report next term.
In the matter of the apsigmneut of
0. 8. Vau Duyn, order confirming Blip.
plemeulal report.
Josephine Forward vs. W. F. For
ward, divoiee granted and sum of $1000
awarded plaintiff, txecntiou issued.
Slate of Oregon vs. Charles Mackey,
sentenced to a term of two years iu tbe
State of O egon vs. Stella Smith and
May Wright, ce diniised.
Those who never read the advertise-
niente iu their newspapers miss more
than they presume. Jonathan Keelson.
of Itolan, Worth Co.. I iwa, who ha. 1 been
troubled with rheumatism 111 liia back,
anus and shoulders read ati item iu hi
paner about bow a prominent German
oitiien of F. Madiaou bad beeu cured.
tie procured tbe same m-dicine. and lo
use his own worde: "li cured roe right
up." He also tats: "A neighbor aud
his wife oere hoiu sick in bed with
rheumatism. Their boy was over to niv
house and said they were so had be bad
to do the cookiug. I told him of
Chaoiherlaiu'a Pain Balm and how it
had cured me; be got a bottle and it
cured them up in a week. 50 ceut
bottles for sale by 8 ocom Johuson
Drug Co.
Fains in the region of tbe kidneys are
oared by Sininiona Liver Regalatir.
information call at our office.
pp:ople'S party
All matter intended for this column should
be addressed to Its editor, as the Gazette has no
authoilly to publish same without his consent.
This column belongs exclusively to
the People's Party, of Morrow county,
and will be used by them as they see
fit. The management or the Gazette
will in no way be responsible for any
thing that may appear therein.
Governor, Nathan Pieroe.
State Treasurer, R- Caldwell.
Seoretary of State, Ira A akefieid.
Supt. Publio Instruction, T. 0. Jory.
Attorney General, M. L. Olmstead.
State Printer, George M. Orton.
Supreme Judge, R. P. Boise.
Congressman Sec. Dint., Joe Waldrop.
Jt. Sen., Morrow, Grant and Harney,
George Gilbert.
Pros. Attorney. E. P. Hrae.
Board of Equalization, B. F. Searoy.
B. F. King
Joseph C. Hayes,
0. M. Hogue.
School Supt.,
Miss Addle Conlee
W. B. Ewiug,
J. L. Gibsou
Chas. Ingraham.
J. M. Nunamaker.
Notice is hereby given to the members
of tbe people's party central oommittee
of Morrow oounty, that there will be a
meeiiugof said oommittee at Lexing
ton, April Hth, at 10 o'clock a. m. Every
member should be present if possible.
W. 0. Metier, '
The Complexion of a Chinese
Is not yellower tban that of an un
lortnnate individual whose liver com
plaint has assumed tbe chronic form.
The eyeballs of ibe sufferer assume a
saffron hue, there is dull pain in the
region of tbe organ affected, the tongue
is ooated, breath sour, sick headaches
usually but not always oocur, and there
is sometimes dizziness on arising from
a sitting posture. Constipation and
dyppepsia are also attendants of this
very common ailment, nlwayB in its
aggravated form, liable to breed ab
cesses of the liver, which are very
dangerous. Hosteller's Stomaoli Bit
ters wholly eradioate it, as well as the
troubles oomnlicated with in and which
it originates. In obills and fever, a
complaint whioh always yields to the
Bitters, tbe liver IB seriously involved.
This fine alterative ionic removes
costiveneBs and indigestion, rheumatic,
nervous and kidney trouble and debility.
Ear one Dollar and Your
This Subject.
Opinion on
'.V 1 1 a t is the best Monetary system for
the United States? This is the greatest
problem confronting tbe Ameriosn
people. It is the intention of tbe pub
lishers that "Tbe Monograph" shall
contain the best thr light of tbe nation
00 this question. The recognized lead
era iu all political parlies have been
oalled npon to contribute plans for
their ideal Monetary System. But not
content with this, we are determined tn
embody iu the same volume the opinions
of thousands of tbe "Great Common
People," and to that end we will allow
two dollars on the price of the book foi
)our solution of tbia problem, expressed
iu not more than K00 words. Tbe Mono
graph, the heft modern work on Mooe
tary Systems, will be sent to any address
on receipt of $o.00 It ie a book that I
will interest and instruct, and is des
tined to become a gisut factor iu shap
ing the future monetary system of the
n ill ion.
The Monoohaph Publishing Company,
Room 44, German Am'n U'k Building.
8t. Paul, Minn.
Reference by permission, Nat'l Ger.
Am'n Bank. tf,
It will take only $812 to bay it; 4S0
acres, 2tjO acres plow land; one-balf
mile rouning water. Improvements:!
40 acres feuced, 15 acres cultivated, 2
houses and stable, spring and minor
improvements. Adapted to farming,1
sheep and hograising. An extensive
sheep range joining to Rock oreek
Terms: $H0 down; remainder on long
time. Location: On county road, two
and one-half nii lea west of Rood bill, 1
Fight Mile. Or. 320 aores for T10, or!
$10S for ownership in 100 acres school '
laud or will exchange for two good
horses. Original coal of school land
&V20. Apply at Heppner Gaitfe office
Heppner Oregon. 199 tf-sw.
"How to Care All Skin IIiowb.'
Simply apply "Swayne's Oiutment."
No internal medicine required. Cares
tetter, eczema, itub. al "motions ou tl
face, hands, nose, ie., leaving the skin
clear, while and bealtbly. Its great
bealiug aud curative powers arc possess
ed by no other remedy. Ask jroor drag
gist for Swayne's Ointment. sw 1 yr.
A world of misery is
implied in the words
"Sick Headache."
A world of relief is
wrapped up in a twen-
(j ty-five cent box of
8000000000 8
Notice of Dissolution.
partnership heretofore existinu between
ic a k-irb un,i i1 kuio 'nmler the tirm name
of Kirk & Uuhl, has tlilsduy l.een illssolved hy
mutual consent, vv. A. kii k v. unurawniB nmu
the firm. However. Mr. K11I1I will continue at
the same location. C. Kulil will collect nil
debts and pnv all liabilities of Ibe old hrra
previous to mis nine.
1 w. A KntK.
1 '. Kuih..
Dated March U. WM. SM-K!.
Administrator's rotice.
county couit ol I.
niinistrator of tb
has been appointed by the
Milium county, )reon, ad
e estate of Jacob Johnson,
sons havitiL' el.ij'ns ntrniuat
deceased. All be
said estate are bei
eby notilied to present them
foment Eight Mi
duly verified ace
mouths from this
(liven under my
of March lx;H.
ie, ftiorroiv cnmn wiesou,
oniim; lo law, within six
hand and dated this lith (lay
K. 1). Itoou.
Notice of Sale of Real Estate.
1 pursuance to 1111 order of the county
court of the county ol Morrow, state of Oregon,
made on the s h dav of March, IK'JI, Iu the
matter of the estate 01 Lizzie .Morgan, deceased,
the uniiersiKiien, uie auiiiuiieiim.'i n-.
estate, will sell at public auction tothe highest
bidder, iur cash, 011 Saturday, pril isth, 1!H,
at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon of suid day, at the
..II tl.a pi. ,li, tllle
court nouse ui Ham '-.miiiij . hi i,,
interest and estate of the said Lizzie Morgan at
.l ti .I.....I, :.. ., ,..t tn ..II lliat ...Ttnln
me nine in it i umi" '", "
piece or parcel of laud lying and being iu the
nun 3. 01 me r. r..'i Ol cc. Ii, Tp. J, 01 K,
it, E. . M.
For sale by Sloonrn-Johnstou Drag
uo. ana i. w. Ay ere, jr,
Uundred Feet High Many Uses
for the Leaves.
The talipot, or great fan-palm, grows
for about thirty years, and reaches a
height of more than one hundred feet.
Then, for the first and only time, it blos
soms. What looks like a single huge
bud four foet in height is developed,
and finally bursts into a pyramid of
snowy plumes composed of numberless
small cream-colored flowers. The clus
ter is sometimes twenty-five feet high,
and at its base has a diameter of forty
feet. As Miss Cummings says In her
"Two Happy Years in Ceylon:" "It is
a glorious object, and Is visible from an
immense distance, as it often grow,
among flat surroundings, such as riot
The natives turn the leaves to a thou
sand uses, domestic and literary. When
on a journey, and especially if they ar
on a pilgrimage to some sacred shrine,
each of them carries a portion of one of
these great leaves tightly folded into s
long, narrow form, like a gigantic
closed fan. This serves as a sunshads
or rain cloak by day, and at night seT
eral friends contribute every man hit
palm leaf, three or four of them, with
the pointed end upward, forming a verj
fair bell-shaped tent. And very pictur
esque a few groups of these tents look
when pitched in some forest glads
around blazing camp tires.
Formerly the exact grade of every
great noble was show n by the number
of such sunshades which he was entl
t' vl to have carried before him, and on
s.jte occasions a leaf, inlaid with pieces
of glittering talc and folded like a hug
fan, formed the ceremonial canopy
which was held above his head by one
or more attendants.
The leaves attain their largest size
when the tree is about twenty years ol
afe, at which they sometimes measurf
twenty-five feet from the base of th
leaf stock to the outer edge of the fan.
It will h an agreeable surprise to
persona unbjpct to attaoks of biltone
ooltp to learn that promm relief roar be
had by takine CbamberUin'a Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In
m-ny inetanoes the attack may b
prevented by taking tbia remedy as
onn as th Bret avmploma nf tbe dieesse
appear. 25 and SO cent bottlei for sale
by Slocnm-Johnaoa Drag Co.
, "r",?e"k that gives a great amount of Information of the Vtmort
?flno of Plants. Parasites of the Skin,
What to Eat,
TInw tn Knt it.
Occupation for Inyauns, ;
ThlnuB to Do, .
Occapattoa tor InvalMs. totliw-t w
Ai ,, a9 a FOOU ailU 8. ijUIIKS BHU UUiiK 1'incaouo, " "V
Alcohol as a rwu "ntn AVi,. TKm. mm for Intemperance,
ThinKS to Avoid,
Perils of Summer,
llnv tn Rrenthe.
-.,ll..i.ia HOW
RenviSame, t
ilancers of Kissing,
s, nermious Hair, riotlilng, What to Wear, Hoadacne cauj wure,
SvXKs, pngUNeuSlBhted- jiow ,0 Avoid Them. Croup-tc Present.
Veml',T t'ei.1. S HOW TO CIBE Black Eyes, Bolls, Barns. Chlllblalns, Cold Feet, Corns,
n v r y niirrhrM DiDhtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid
SifiliSffiKMnvel Hoarseness, Itching, inilamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning.
' Piles III euniatism, Itlngworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth,
Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms m chiluren. 1 1 WH-I, !A h. DOCXOlts uilks.
CB-A1I new snmcribers and prompt renewals dur.ngthe month of Mar. will be
presensed witu a iree uopj -
... . . 1
Ten 11 a 1 TtritTi the interest oi inose navuig tiaima v w B
that TlNVENTORS? who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents CWare cannot be exercised in employing Vnot
abe solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a pateut depends greatly, f not
... . 1 1:i 1 nf trio nttnmV-
entirely, upon xne care -
, oeio
tainea counsel expert m r'"-"i -
Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to.
eether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
fdvised as to the best course ti. pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rigt tsfor if you are charged with infringement by
otners are niriug J e rJ:.Me. opinion before acting on the
Otners, suuum iac uiauw w -
p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
J a ...Uta nn,liiaia'"
Pruulisa l.LciiLyliiij jalidcuiu eu.-.iipiin-u
Prentigs Itectlrylug pi lis cure coustlpui Ion
. i
u.. ua'uiuuo ijroouce ccibiipaiion, nere is a r-.l la.'it cures torpid
liver, biliousness, rheumatism, inC:;os:lon, sick headache aud kidney aud liver
tnubles vrltoout eriplus or loavlns any truco of CONSTIPATION, which
is the prime cause of all Blcknoss, icwaro of it gottlug habitual aud chronic with you,
boo toitlatirao; these pills will cure ycu.
clear the skin and removo all blotchoa
self. SS Cpntn n hn.
Or sent by mail upon receipt of price by
Prentiss Ciemics!
lll'll 2i!',S'!BB "T Cm' co,lal'l'-lu"1
Prent.ss Bonifying pills c ire constipation
Otis Patterson
P. O. Box 463
Honorably dischsrired soldiers and sailors
are entitled, ft now prUaiijor who wd hi
W iM?wyS-7, CJ r, '0t' of their pecuniary circumstances.
.. J,f.,. 8ofsuchsoldirrsand sailorsareentitled (if not remarried) whether aoldicr'ldeath
Wi d,n VT.n,', ' r dePe"d'nt upon their own labor for support Widow.
CUILDRFVr. f entitled if the soldier's death w. due to .ervicc
vridow'has" c'edi'ed'oreJrVed1'"" ye"rS) ' ,lm" " tb"e " "
PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died 1st
rT l;0? FJ of .erviee. and they are now ,iepe,,nt upon UeirownUbor for sui
port. It makes no ditfercace whether soldier served or died in l.tiwar or in regular army
l.wiSt'll-rlS? laW- mayPP'y forh.ehtc. nnd.roth
Thousands of soldiers drawing from Si to Jto per moMh nnder the old 1-are entitled to
m h'rwheflf r.lf W'.n0t "'y on account of diMbiliUea for which now pins'on.d, bat
also lor others, whetherdueto servicaornoU K ' w"
Soldiers and sailors disabled in lineofdutv In regular army or navy lino the war are also
entitled, whether discharged for disabintvor not. ' " "
ia ur.v1,vor"nd the 'r widow., i o( the Hlack Hawk. Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor
id. Indl.n War. of to 1843, are entitled under recent net.
w dependTnt " and their widowt alentlUel. if nxty-two year, of age or disabled
Jt.?law.aornnompleled,nd"U'Cm",0l,tained' whelh Pension ha. been granted wider
Rejected clai ms reopened and settlement secored. If rejection Improper or Ulea-al.
Cert.hcates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and tailors of the late war Who
Save lost their original papers. v. iuc wie wmr woo
Send for law. and information. Nochargreforadvice. Ko fee nnless succei.fuL Addreu.
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. a Bex 463. WASH I N GTO H, D.C
Care of Teeth,
ii"'B-'. " SV,rf Tnhac.
Aftcr-Dlnner naps.
TO A Villi! 1UUII1, iuiciu ""'"l"-r"'
"'"V,". Ma,al Affections
.Ia.'wb nrrn'tiof tV.A efftwrtimetlt IB
:Z' a, rareless attorneys,
ami therefore are tireoarea to
Jr-ieuiiKs lieclnylng pills'curoconstlpatioa
t'l-entlee Rectirylug pills curucoustlofttlnn
bocauso it la the only sate and harmless
remedy that will surely BEAUTIFY the
Try a box aud see for youp-
and Manufacturin C.n
1J''"S3 ItocllryluB 1.118 euro constipation
l'rcntlns r.-i-iiiyl plllseureeonatllmtlon
Plenty of them at the
GazJte Office. . . . .
Managing Attorney,
Washington, D. C.
who served ninety