NUT1CE TOJJJVpTUKK I SheBPSHKARERS OBa.XIZB.-As p rTw ( eepsbearers met .t not later tnau AI outlay evening uir r.-f.i-.. the rpnnrHflr'a nffloft loot Sotnt-oo wiiuou, or Xiiuruday eveultur for Kridavl 111 L n . J ilrrKHHON pl;L.Ti.M 1 i D t 2 p, in., and were called to order respect," lute 01 wediliiiir nin iiS ?? y uuucw, (otuer tlmu those the eult: or BUali iiiuiaL-ll give as a matter ol news,) aud aoticeH ot special ineetmgs lor whatever purpose i Actios 01 cnurcli and society aud illiituer eutertamiueuts irou. wliictt revenue is to be de rived, stia.1 be cfiarged lor at tlie rate ol live terns a Hue. 1 uese rule, will be strictly adher ed to lu every lustauce. Advertising rates reasonable and made known UpoU application. , "ounu u . cach auu every correspondent re sponsible lor His or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the Bood ' lib Ultme " W' " Bu evidence ol T , i'lfHKK, KEWSPAPEK ADVEKTirf lug Ageut, zl ilerchauts iichauge, tmu riaucisco, is our authorized ageut. ims paper is kept on tile in his ouice. TIME T AISLE. jon way aua uauj'ou wty, lettvti. as luilowi uaj at q a, ui,, except ouuutty, ArriUJB tJVUrV liH.VH.Ui 11. 111.. hVuhmi. Alr.nHai. 'Jiiti Uiaapent, ijuluJLimt huU bwt Uue to' or .,, , . . DELEVAN, Prop, I'hill Cohn, Agent, (Jiue joitr business to Heppner people, and titerejore asatut to buua up Uttpp net. Patronize those wlio patronize you. Here and There. Club meeting Saturday night. Come out to tbe club meeting Satur day night. Arthur Smith will olean watchee at the reduced price ot $1. J. D. Hamilton wus out at hia Hard mau rauoti over Sunday. Hardman was ooneiderably wrought up over a oivil Buit Saturday. Born To the wife of JeBse Kirk, no ISbea creek, March, 31st, a girl. Born i'o the wife of Oliver Snyder, near Gooseberry, March, 28, a girl. Pains in the region of the kidneys are cured by Simmons Liver Kugulutcr. Mr. MuFarland. of the WW ,,.,. try, is sojourning in this vicinity at pres- The Heppner-Canyon stage line is the uttn, cueupesi ana quickest to the in terior. Hood's Pills are the best family cathur 10 and liver medicine Huruiiese reliable, sure. Marian Pickard is back from Oregon City, mid hn8 taken his old position wnh (iilliaui & Hiebee. K you want a good gnu or sewina muchme, come to the Gazette offioe and we'll tit you out. 0. D. Logan wbb over from Butter oreek Saturday, aud attended the meet lug of sheepsheurers. Those that have oountv sorip for sale should call on Geoige Couser at The iirst Waiional Bank. 2-tf. 'Gene Noble and Mr. Gentry haye bought out Hayes Bros., harness aud saddlery establishment. Kev. Barnaby will arrive here Friday morning and hold services that eveninu in ine opera house. The Gbzette will be sent to any ad dress in the United tjtates till after campaign for 60 oents. ( Legal blanks, plenty of them, at the Gazette office, aud at world's prioes. Disoouuts on large orders. Green Mathews has opened up his baiber shop, next door to Hayes Bros Shaves, eic, on tap as usual. Morrow oounty, for its size and popu lation, has in the Gazette one of the best approved offices in the state. Ben Patterson, accompanied by his room mate, t'. K. Smith, is visiting the former's pareuts at this DiaOc. Mrs. S. P. Garrignes returned from Saiem to her Heppner home Saturday, after a stay of about one year. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. A, B. rules, of the Walla Walla firm oi jsiies a Vinson, arrived Sunday overlaud on his way to the interior. The Uuzette will take oounty aorip at face on subscription, and pay balanoe of Bumem cash at highest market price. T-bU The Gazette office now runs an in ' BUiuuoe aud notanul shop. Come lu wheu you want to do your insuring aud Bweariug. Those who have brought in various kinds of supplies in lieu of OBBh, should call arouud at this office aud get oredit for same if not already given. A reoent letter from Indiana informs the GaZdtte of the illness of Mis. J. P. Daruall, nee Miss Cora Patterson, well known to many old Heppnerites. Hall's Vegetable Sioilian Hair Ke newer is uuqueutiouably the best pre servative i.f tue hair. It is also curative of dandruff, tetter, and all scalp affections. Eoho stage leaves Heppner for Echo Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. Fare, one way, 82.60. PhillOohn, agent, A. Andrews, Prop. Our foroe in the office is email, owing to prevailing hard times, henoe do not oipeci too muon Iromua. Weare "scrap ping for breath" like all good oitizens, and must economize. Lost A note dated June 12, 1892, igueu oy u. w. owaegart, calling for jAuuu, in ravor ot P. 0. Thompson, lfae publio are warned against negotiat- iuk ur or uurcuasiug saia note. tf. Jas. Mcflaley reports having in bis larder good eating apples two years old. This is sometblug unusual, and proves conclusively that we have a great climate for the preservation of fruit as well sb health. U W. Lieuallen, Billy McMillan, Jas. Movers, Geo. Speiry, Ray McA'lister and Jess Lieualleu came up from Lex ington yesterday, and le t today for Penland's ranches to work with sheep this summer. W. W. Statesman: William Rasmos, well known n this city as proprietor of the Walla Walla soda works and a votary at the alter of Thespis, is reported to have joined the M. E. church ntSp-ikane of whioh his Brot er .Hanrv hink., and will study for tue ministry. Gid Hatt has now estubhuhorl a fnn 4-Borial parlor, at the Mttlock building next door to Simons' blacksmith shop where he invites the patronage of hie old oustomersand all who desire strictly first .-laes work, shaving, shampooing and hair cutting at living prices. Don't overlook Our better halves say thry could not eeo house without OhamruFiain, oiigli Remedy. It is nsed in more than homes in Leeds. 8im Rm. Iowa. Thisshw tha Mtm in wuicu toat remeuy is neid where it has ee-. Bold for years and is wll known. Bothers have learned that there is othing so good for colds. boopiog oongh, that it cares theso llments quickly and permanently, and that it is pleasant and safe fnr children C v., "'"i uuines ior saie by Dlooom-Johnson Drug Co. by Walt RiohardeoD as temporary chair man, with A. W. Patterson as temporary After considerable discus sion an organization to be known as the Association of Sheepshearers of Mor row oounty wbb perfeoted. Appropriate by-laws which bad been previously arranged were adopted by the body to which 20 signed their names as members. The following were selected as perma nent offioers: Walt Richardson, Pres.; Frank Roberts, Vice Pres. j J. O. Watten burger, Seo.; W. J. Brown, Treas. A committee of three were appointed to investigate and report the pnoe for shearing to be adopted by the body. said committee to report next Saturday. Considerable interest waa manifested by all present. Johs Day Baoino. Word come) oyer that the North Fork ot the John Day it raging, being out of its banks and ren dering it impossible to cross at ferries, At Monument, the water has flooded the stage bru and also stable of Pry Wilson, being Up to the doorstep of lat' ter's residence. The ferry cable has broken loose on the north side, and the ferry boat is laying over on the other bank near P. Caris'. Down at the Clar no ranch, the river is reported to be two miles wide, and the ferry ia anohored out to u fence in a bay-field. One of the approaches to the bridge near the month of the river it is reported to be gone, and, and altogether the river is on considera ble of a rampage, No mail has been re ceived from the interior beyond Monu ment for several days. . Heart Palpitation Indigestion, Impure Blood Cured by Hood's. Jlr, D. W. Br Ida- "0. 1. Hoort ft Co.. Lowell, Muss.: "Dear Slrsi-During l,wwli'.tr anil uprltif I have used a dozen l-ottlei of flu:xn Sursapa. rill In my fstnliy, and I am qului su; e we have been greatly bpaeflwd by It, Vat y.virs I have been troubled with ltidinestloh, accompanied Reserved fcr McFarland Mercantile Co. SarsapariSIa til by sympathetic heart trouble, aud Hood's Sar suparilla has done me very mush good. We have also given It to the children tor Impure blood and ringworms with very cood results." D. W. Bridges. Pleasant Hill, Oregon. N. B. It you decide to tike Hood's Sarsapa rllla do not be induced to buy any other. Hood's Plllscureall Liver Ills, Biliousness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache. 25c. Sheepshearers in Umatilla. W. A. MoOarty, formerly of Echo, but now of Pilot Rock, will organize at Pilot Rock, Saturday, April 7th, at 8 p. m., a sheep shearers' union for Umatilla oounty. The constitution and by-laws adopted by the Morrow couuty union at Hepp ner, will be the basis of the proposed Umatilla county union. The organiz ation is to be a permanent one. The purpose is to Beoure regular and fair prices for sheep-shearing. It is expected that about 100 members of the Union will be obtained in the two counties of Morrow and Umatilla. All persons interested in shearing are earnestly re quested to be present at the time and place above mentioned to assist in effect ing an organization. Alliance Herald. LEXINGTON ITEMS. Ihe inhabitants of our little villagi were startled by a terrifio racket iowu met monaay eve, and fears were expressed that the "Mighty Lion" had emerged from his lair to roar again, but investigation disoloaed the fact that was only Mr. Willis electioneering. Ask him about it. Sudden Death. Last Saturday, Uncle" Ed. Baling, as be ia known by all, died Buddenly of heart disease, aged 67 years. Deceased had been in Hepp ner that day on business, and was in Minor & Co.'s store where he said he felt as well us usual. Returning home that eveniug, he waff suddenly taken ill and expired about ? o'clock, p. m. Mr. Saliug was universally esteemed, and In his demise. Morrow oounty loses one of her best oitizens. He leaves a wife and a number of children, nearly all of whom are grown. He ia also the step-father of Messrs. Milt and, Sam Morgan, of Sand Hollow. Precinoi Club Meeting. Last Satur day evening the Heppner Republican Club, composed of republicans from the precincts of Heppnor, Mt. Vernon Bnd Gentry, met at thj court bouse and were greeted with numerous visitors. Chairman Srown presided and though no "set progrom hBd been provided, several members oooupied the time in appropriate remarks on republicanism. Two weeks from that date this club will meet at tbe court house or opera house, as may hereafter be deoided. A splendid program will be provided for the oc casion. Come out all. What Gall. J. 0. Leasure is home again, after a week in Portland and other points. He attended seveial republican olub meetinns, several con ferences of politicians, visited Astoria, and said this morning: "I came home because the thing was getting so unanimous I was afraid there would be no contest made in the conveution. There would be no fun ia that heap, fun, big fight, so I thought I would oome home and rest on my oars, while the other fellows hustled up enough votes to iojeot a little vinegar into tbe con vention deliberations." E. O. R-o- de-n-t-a. Sopposed to be Drowned. Word oomes over from the John Day oountry that the mail carrier, J. S. Delevan, came up missing on Beech oreek. The horse and mail were found in good oondition . It is feared that Delevan in crossing Beeoh oreek has been washed from his horse and drowned. No late news has been reoeived, and we hope that tbe report is unfounded. Morrow Co. Club. The republican Club of Morrow county will meet at the opera house next Saturday evening, and as a program has been gotten up for the oooasion, we expeot a large turnout and a good time. It should be borne in mind that all republicans over the age of 18 years are eligible to membership. Come in and get your name down on the list. J Ifeeild, A Delioatb Operation. Saturday last, Drs. Geisendorfer, of Arlington, and McSwords, of this place, performed a very delicate operation on Mrs. Wm. Warren, removing a tumor more than twice the size of a man's fist, and weigh ing several pounds. Mrs. Warren is doing nioely, and all bids fair for her early recovery. It is reported that Jess Lieuallen, the populist candidate for oonstable, obs gone to Gilliam county oanvassing for votes, while Boon offers free vegetables to all who will support him. Many farmers are poisoning squirrels, l'hey kill lots of them but say there seems to be more left than ever. The oounty should furnish free poison, as we are too "dod-gasted" poor to buy it. Grass is very good and wheat looks better than ever before known at this season of the year, and only for . the peBky squirrels we would feel sure of good orop. If our candidate for representative ever gets hold of the editor of the Reoord he will not think him so deorepid, and probably would not have time to enquire as to his learning. copies or me Arlington Iteoord are being distributed with a long aooount of the miraculous cure of the "drunken old soldier." Rats! If he had kept hie subject with him all the time instead of those seven days he (the Bubjeot) per haps would not have made so many bad breaks. We would give a bit to hear the writer of that yarn read it to a Lexington oongregation. That dodge is played out, Elder. Try something new. We read Bro. Briggs' advertisement to the demi monde as to where they would nod a home and think it very kind of him, too. Still there is no necessity for abusing Bex so continually. The object in referring to the matter was not to pull down or discourage the work of any one, for that is noble work, but to show the vain oonceit of those who boastingly proclaimed their share of the business. Does not the Good Book Bay to "let not tbe right know what Ihe left doeth?" We were not aware that Bro. B. had also been sold ont by old Rork. We sympathize with yoa, kind friend. that your God should turn out so badly and would advise you to worshiD the lrue and Only, and not be running around after side issues. By tbe way, we notice a direct oontra- diotion, from the party mostly interested in tbe last Gazette to one of "Glory Munday's" "Sio Transit" statements, but, perhaps Mr. Briggs knows more about the correspondent's business than she does herself. Don't worry about Rex' morals, brother, for although he has not put himself to tbe task ot re formingthe demi monde, he is accustomed to associate with as respeotable people as you ever did, and while be reforms, perhaps you will oultivate charity a little more: and I mitrht sav. truth n well. Rex. Lexinqton, Maroh 31st, 1894. F. (L. Tr?oiiQPSoi 0)0, Heppnei, Oregon. General Line of Agricultural Implements, 1 1 a w , GREAT ASSIGNEE'S SALE. ALL STOCK, mm?. Closing out the entire stock of Boots and Shoes of the old firm of M. Liohtenthal & Co.. at Cost for Cash- Call and Secure a Grooci Bargain. Assignee. Illis, JDcrwson. Xs Tyyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HEPPNER, All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILTHNO. OREGON, THE MONOURAPU. For one Dollar and Yonr This Snbjert. Opinion on ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Shoemakkb. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just located in the Abraham siol' Dnilding, on May street, where be is prepared to do eveiything in hia line. Mr Birbeck is strictly a first-class work man and warrants all work. Give him a call Uwtf Land Foe Sale. 480 sores over in Wilson prairie. A good stock ranch un will be sold cheap. Call at Gazette office for particulars Bnd terms t;. laxative and Liver Regu- Tbe Studebaker wagon heads them all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a "Hardware" did you eayJ Why, yes at P. C. Thompson iCo.'s stand, and the plaoe for bargains. a Tbe Keeley Institute, at D'orest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine ana ooaoco nauit. bee ad. Tbe Palaoe is the leading hotel in the oity. well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a If you want to buy eroceries. and bread staff cheap, go to the Enternrian n g. t,.-l, . ' -jiuucij. iwir k xtum, proprietors, a Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix up your watoh or clock. He keeps a full stock of everything pertaining to his business' a M. Lichtentbal & Co.'s new stook of splendid, summer botton and tie special ties in tbe shoe line are attracting mark ed attention. a What is tbe best Monetury system for the United States? This is the greatest problem confronting tbe Araerioan people. It is tbe intention of the pub lishers tlmt "The Monograph" shall oontain the best thought of the nation oh this question. The reoognized lead ers in all political parties have been called npon to contribute plans for their ideal Monetary System. But not oontent with this, we are determined to embody in tbe same volume the opinions of thousands of the "Great Common People," and to that end we will allow two dollars on the price of the book for your solution of this problem, expressed in not more than 800 words. The Mono graph, tbe best modern work on Mone tary Systems, will be sent to any address on receipt of $3.00. It is a book that, will interest and instruct, and Is des tined to become a giant factor in shap ing the future monetary system of the nation. The Monograph Publishing Company, Room 44, German Am'n B'k Building. St. Paul. Minn. wererence by permission, Nat'l Ger Am'n Bank. if It THEY WERE ALL Where? At Abrabamsick'a. In addition to his tailoring business, he has added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hosierv, etc. Also has on hand some elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrabamsiok. May street, Heppner, Or. will be an agreeable snrtirise to persons subject to attaoks of bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may be had by taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Iu many instances the attack may be prevented . by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms of tbe disease appear. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. RHODE Vartou ISLAND'S NAME. Been Ad- For a mild tonio. gentle I lovigorant take Simmons latnr. "What'g in a namer Well, that de pends. For instance.tbenameof "Ayer" is sufficient guarantee that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a genuine, scientific blood-purifier, and not a sham, like bo much that goes by the name of "sarna parilla." Ayeri .Sarsaparilla is the standard. Theories That Have vanced for lu Oriuln. Several explanations are given of the manner in which Rhode Island acquired a name. One supposition is that from the abundance of cranberries found in the marshes of this province it was called by the Dutch Roode Eylandt. Others suppose that the original name was Ruel de Eglant (the red island), from the fact that some clay banks at certain points along the coast gave it a reddish tinge. It is most likely, how ever, that it was named from the Is land of Rhodes in the Mediterranean, says the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, and this supposition is strengthened by the discovery of the fact that on January 13, 1644, the general court of elections passed an ordinance reading as follows: "It is ordained by this court that the Island commonly called Aquethneck shall be from henceforth called the Is land of Rhodes, or Rhode Island," Aquethneck was the Indian name, and it is probable that tome odds and ends of learning among the colonists induced them to select this classical name. PATRIOTS. Seventeen Members of Que FamUy Served Their Country in Its Need. . 4 A revolutionary tradition of Rhode Island, long currently believed but only a tradition, has just been verifies! by the collection of a luimber of scat tered bits of evidence. It would be dif ficult to find another instance of an equal amount of patriotism in a single lumiiy. Caleb Arnold and his excellent wife, Patience, were, at the time of the rev olution, the parents of eleven grown children, eight sons and three daugh ters. Caleb and his eight boys Esek, William, Nehemiah. Edward. Oliver. Ephraim, Jabez and Othniel all en tered the patriotic army. His three sons-in-law became soldiers also. His wife and her three daughters, Patience, Anna and Achsa, together with a daughter-in-law, Isceah, re mained at home and managed the farms in the men's absence, finding time and sirengm to perform, In addition to these labors, the duty of nursing the sick ana wounded among the soldiers of the state. It is related, says the Youth's Com panion, of the two sons, Jabez and Othniel, that as they were marching with Gen. Greene's brigade to Bunker niu othniel was seized with the pre- senumeni ol death which so young soldiers have experienced. Jabez," he said, turning to his brother, "If I am killed in this battle will you marry my sweetheart, Rachel Phettyplace?" ' M, Jabez did not hesitate to give the re quired promise, and Othniel, though he survived the glorious disaster of the day, received a wound which eventual ly proved mortal; but either because Jabez felt that his word had been too hastily given, or because Rachel had not been consulted as to her views unon the question, he did not then marry her, but shortly after was wedded instead to the Widow Cole. Being within a few years left a widower, he came courting to Rachel, who was still unweuded, married her, and so kept his word. - , Counting sons-in-law with sons and daughters-in-law with daughters, we find that in -this one large family of little Rhode Island there were seven teen persons and perhaps more who erved their country in her need. It u fine record for their descendants to re niember. . . Why Don't You. Call on the New firm at the old Van Dnyn stand ? lou will certainly be surprised at the low prices in Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and A Complete Line of Groceries. COME IN AND SEE US ! NoHrouble to show poods and' give prices. Eespectfully Yours, TTTTh; PEOPLE AEE COMIKG OUR WAY! Not only once, but again and again. They know that from us th.v .!.. 17T t? T? f0t the ,east aooe'- m the beBtieex" plained. The "best" brings people back, holds custom, makes ns friends and bo establishes our trade. We want you to have some of our ' friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see us, everybody. y INOR & co Heppner, Oregon. ThG My kliiulc OF- For the Cure Oi ' Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It la located at Forest Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Count. atrMRli5 Qf,z?TIE 0Bco ,or Particulars, strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure KIRK & BTJHL. The Enterprise Bakery and Grocer? Store. onre.oppoBiie raiaoe Hotel. They will keep on hand a full line of STAPLE AND FA TsmV 4- Groceries anil Provisions. A full line of choice Vioa nniroo nn,i t j . t , usuaUy kept in a flrst-class bakery siore. Tb.y"wi, sell oheaD ST'c sw try them. many Land Patents Land patents secured for settlers in tlie shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled Old Claims and Disputes i Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests ' Between individuals havini n,i,n;nHr. .. j. iL ws.and those between . "--.Br, l"B Bn"nrM d claimants; and also between c.aunUTndBr any o ,h 'pDWio 1.. are annoyed and worried by dely in the issue of their patentl, caused ; by Tt S Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed. inning Advice also given in all matters relating t the publio lands esoeolallv on If you want your land patent in a hurry-if you want your land business of izTsxzet ended to by Bkm,ui ttnd ompe,eD' -tt- rmssr PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., P. O. Boi, 385. Washington, D. 0. BORG, : Out for THE C ASH Bargains IN J ewelry, Cash Talks. SEE BOKO, MAY HXltEIflT, JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc, Etc. Trust Busts HEPPNER, OB. PIImI PllesHtching PIIm. Symptoms Moisture; intense and stinging, most at night; wors by soratobing. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcer ate, beooming very sore. Swaynb's Ointmbnt stops tbe itching and bleeding besls ulceration, and in most case, re moves the tumors. At druggist, or by mail, for 60 cent.. Dr. Bwsyne A Son, Philadelphia. aw yr' It is the Headquarters ! Jfatnta, Drug, Oil. Glaaa, Tol let Artloe, Patent Menloinea, Kto. . Office of all stages running out of Heppner. PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. The Lancashire Insurance Co. n. raUMMWI, flUlaVl One oHheUctt