Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 03, 1894, Image 2

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    Si :Ww T0 mh 1011 T wm
One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.:
CTJND 160 AGUES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded land there are 140 acres good farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded land has a good Bpring of water
y. fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800.
Good, deeded
Give your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize Otose who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
pomible for hla or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writers real name Is signed as an evidence of
good faith.
Did you ever
Bead about the
Man wlio
Hid liia
Light under
A bushel?
Yee? well
That is like
Doing business
Without advertiaitiK.
All the
Snide sohemes
In the country
Will not accomplish
Half aa much
As b good ad.
Iu a good, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Ia read
Br the people,
And that owna
Its own
Soul; that
Viet its apace
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
wcirjHLic&N county ticket.
For Representative,
J. B. BOOTHBV, of Lexington.
For Sheriff,
O. W. HARRINGTON, of Heppner.
For Clerk,
F. J. HALLOCK, of Heppner.
For Treasurer,
FRANK GILLIAM, of Heppner.
For commissioner,
J. L. HOWARD, of Galloway.
For Assessor,
J. F. WILLIS, of Lexington.
For School Superintendent,
For Surveyor,
(1KO. W. LORD, of Ella.
For Coroner,
T. W. AYKU8, JR., of Heppner.
For Justice of the 1st District,
For Constable of 1st District,
For Justice of 2nd Dlstrlcl,
For Conslable of 2ud District,
For Justice of 3rd District,
For Constable of 3rd District,
For Justice of 4th Dlstrlcl,
For Constable of 4th District,
For Justlco of 6th District,
For Constable of Mil District,
For Justice of (1th District,
For Constable ot Mil District,
At the earnest solicitation of mv
Iriends, I have decided to beoome a
candidate for joint aenator, for the
counties of Harney, Graut and Morro
ubject to the will of the convention for
the Benatorial district, April 11, 1!.
J. N. Brown
A red-headed Iudiaua boy got tired of
being called "bricktop," so he applied a
rai-niiit bought from a peddler. He
antnrated his hair with ooal oil and set
fire to it. Now he haa no aoulp and ii
disfigured for lite. Yet this foolish
b'jy'B experiment ia about ou the line
the dootrinairea have prescribed for
.Mirintf our financial ills. They have
natnrated the word with the gold cure,
and now discover that it ia an
llanimable material. The wautou de
tttruotion of one-half of the money
nniilv of the world, is burniug tb
scalp off of business enterprises, au
haa diefitfured industry beyond reoog
uition, Those who were wise in their
own oonoeit thought it waa the thing to
do. aud being the doctors in the case,
tlidv aDDlied the remedy. Now the
country will have to wear a wig, in
which some ailver threada will appear
moug the gold. Telegram.
Aa far aa Wasco county if ooucerned
it ia aafe to say that nine-tenths of the
voting population ia in favor of the re-
eleotion of Hon. W. R. Ellis. The
Dalles Chronicle. Similar reporta are
coming from every part of the district,
.ml if the wishes of the people are
carried out, Ellis will b nominated on
ranch, 320 acres, best stook ranch in
The Record did onr republican can
didate for representative great injugtioe
in Its last issue. Mr. Boothby ia a man
well along in years, but he ia as active
a man of forty. His qualifications
for the office to which he eeeks to be
elected are excellent. While he doea
not pretend to be a oollege graduate, he
has that practical and thorough edu
cation brought about by years of
experience and researoh. He ia one of
our grand old aoldiera who "votes as he
hot," and that ia the kind of timber
that will represent Morrow oounty at
the next session of the legislature. It
matters not how abusive and unfair the
partisan rag aoross the street may seek
to treat our ohoioe for representative, he
cannot blind the voters of our oounty to
the real foots. Boothby will be elected
by a big majority.
Ekithlioans naturally expect a
partisan sheet to show its colors, but
there is a wide difference between fair
treatment and base misrepresentation.
We will see bow the democrats manage
their convention, and also as to the kind
of timber of which they seek to make
publio servants. And as the gauntlet
has been thrown, we shall call things by
their right mimes, but justice shall
temper our remarks. We shall also
Btop at the truth. Our neighbor ia too
young in this journalistic field to branch
out so "braahly." Besidoa people who
have lived here for yeara, and helped to
pile the rocks that made the oountry are,
perhaps, fully oompeteut to judge as to
the merits of candidates without any of
the Reoord's alleged funnyiams.
Next Saturday is the day set apart
for democratic primaries throughout the
oountry. The boya are busy figuring
already. Look out for aome fun, and
don't forget that though the boss is now
in Portlund, bia handiwork will appear
on convention day, juat the same, We
confidently predict that the position is
an empty honor thia season.
Poshiiilt Ignatius Donnelly, wbeu he
comes to stump the state of Oregon, can
apply his oryptogram aud find out by it
the author of tbe resolution in tbe late
unpleaaantneaB endoraing the courtship
of Cleveland aud the queen of spades
and the antipathy of Grover to the
Eastern Oregon Bbeep. Salem States
man. Tin! Gazette came into existence
Marob 2!l, 1888, so that it has now
passed its eleventh birthday and begins
the twelfth year. We are tbunkful to
our friends for their support in the
pust and hope that we may be so favored
in the future.
It looks now as though the Wilson
bill, aa it was called when the bouse got
through wilh it, will never become a
law. If tbe boya would burn it and go
home, we ooitld confidently look for.
ward for a return of the good old times
of yore.
At a late meeting of the farmers'
alliance and industrial union held at
Baudon resolutions were adopted con
demning tbe actions of J. H. Upton and
J. S. MoEwen in accepting mileage via
San Francisco. Salem Statesman,
Tub Washington Timea tolls us that
Congreasmuu Ellis, of Oregon, is a "cold-
water oougressman," having made a
speech at the sixtieth anniversary of tbe
Congressional Temperauce Society last
week. E. O.
When the Gazette spells f-ii-n-n-y
again, for the accommodation of its
printers it will adopt no phonetic style
But the publio know that the Record is
extremely "fuuuy" for a fresh hand, juat
the same.
Pretty soon the full tickets will have
been placed in the field and then the
music will begin. Protectionists will
vote the straight ticket. Oar selections
are good, und all well worthy of support
The Wilson bill won't recognize its
grandmother when it gets back to til
bouse, if ever. The peruioioue instru
ment ia about the worst of its kind ever
heard of in this couutry.
Cleveland a veto of the seiguorage
bill doesn't aet very well iu this seotiou
Morrow oouuiy is decidedly iu favor of
silver as mil legal tender money.
Tiih suggestions of our Lexington
correspondent in regard to the Record'a
remarks about our honored candidate
for representative are well put in.
Tub Record'a editor is beard of aa
possibility for representative. Boothby
will "scoop" bini like a "jay." Don't
overlook bitn.
The republioau party never atarted
out with brighter prospects iu Morrow
county tbBU at preseut. We have
good ticket.
Coxet's commonweal army baa juat
Morrow county, cheap apd on easy
Tor farther
Tdb Lb Grande Chronicle is ODe of
the best and ncalest (xotiRiiReB that
reaches this office.
The selection of Eugene l'rutziDiui as
Portland postmaster wound up the list
of big plums in Oregon.
The new liquor law in South Carolina
bas brought about trouble, and several
men bave been killed over it.
The president baa put one more nail
in thedemooratio coffin by vetoing the
Bland aeignorage bill. Good-by, Grover.
Let the work of organizing republican
olubs go on; also those in existence
should meet regularly at stated intervals
and keep up the good work.
One newspaper has the temerity and
impudenoe to say that John 0. Leasure
is the best timber for representative to
congress. Great Scott.
Two newspaper men in Salem are
slated for the legislatiue. E. Ilofer, of
the Journal, is one of tlu nominees on
the republioau ticket far representative,
and E. H. Flagg, of the Democrat, is one
of the democratic nominees tor state
THK itch him omen.
From the Halcm Independent.
This ridiculous idea of men auuono
ing themselves an ouudklates for par
ticular ollicee, in part of the oorrupt
system of politico that has driven eo
many from the ranks of the two old
parties. Men should wait until they are
aaked to he cnndklfitea. The office
seeker should be 1 Hiked up'iu in the same
way meu look upon n boil on the faoe or
a blister upon the body. Tbey not only
mar their beauty, hut they hurt as well.
A number of office -seekers in a party
will destroy it quicker than anything
else, Tbe practice, therefore, of one
announcing himself as oandidate for a
uiven office belongs nut to this age of
progress ffud new ideas. It is as much
out of date as a canceled postage stamp.
Such a man is not wanted hee he may
be in KiiBoia. He will find a large force
nf nflloinla there who believe that tbe
chief end of man is to hold offioe. Let
him emigrate, He is superfluous in a
free country.
In looking over the Heppner Gazette
the other day we were amused to notice
the string of notices from men who
were willing to sacrifice themselves by
accepting office at the handa of tbe deur
people. Une fellow began his notice in
this way :
"I hereby anuiMiut-e myself a candidate."
Another; "At the urgent request of my
friends. 1 hereby announce myself a
candidate, etc." But he took good
oare that ho did not publish the names
of these friends. Auother: "At the
earnest solicitation of my friends I have
consented to allow my name to be used,
ate." Hesimoly "consented" to "allow
his name" to be used. But another fel
low with more honeBty, and tbe gail of a
slaughter house, begau his announce
ment iu this way: "Being alllieted with
the oflioe itch, and desiriug to finger in
the oounty funds, I hereby announce
myself a oandidate for tbe offioe of
oounty treasurer subject to the pleasure
of the regulur republican county oon
Cheeky as the foregoing notice is, yet
it contains symptoma of outspoEen
honesty. The candidate admitted that
he was '-alllieted with offioe ltoh;" the
other aliok schemers only "oonsented at
the earnest request of friends." He
admitted that he wanted "to finger in
tbe oounty funds" tbe others only
"oonsented" to do this fingering at the
"'earnest request of their numerous
friends!" This praotice, of course, is all
wroua. It belongs to a past decade. It
waa peouliar to Tammany in her palmy
days. Yet, if we lived in tbe oounty
where these aspirants resided, and to
vote for any of them, it would be for tbe
fellow who confessed that he was so
badly besmeared with the "itch of office.
We believe he yould "tltiger" less of the
funds than the others, and would not
be so likely to start for Canada between
two days with a sheriff at his heels.
Those who never read the advertiae-
meats in their newspapers miss more
than they presume. Jonathan ReniBou
of Bolan, Worth Co., Iowa, who had been
troubled with rheumatism in bis DaoK
arms and shoulders read an item iu his
paper about how a promiuent German
citizen of Ft. Madison had been cured.
tie procured the same medicine, aud to
use hie own words: "H cured me right
up." HbbIso aaya: "A neighbor aud
his wife were both sick in bed with
rhmimaliam. Their boy waa over to my
houae and eaid they were so bad he had
to do the aonkiug. 1 told mm
Chamberlain 'a PBin Balm and how
had cured me; he got a bottle and
cured them up In a week. 50 oent
bottles for aale by S ooum Johnson
Drug Co,
To cure ooostipatiou, sick headache
and dyspepsia Bimmuua Liver Regu
lator baa oo equal.
information call at our office,
All matter Intended for this column should
be addressed to Its editor, as the Gazette has no
authority to publish same without his consent.
This column belongs exclusively to
the People's Party, of Morrow county,
and wilt be used by them as they see
fit. The management of the Gazette
will in no way be responsible for any
thing that may appear therein.
Governor, Nathan Pieroe.
State Treasurer, R. Caldwell.
Secretary of State, Ira .Vakefieid.
Supt. Public Instruction, T. C. Jory.
Attorney General, M. L. OlmBtead,
8tate Printer, George M. Orton.
Supreme Judge, R. P. Boiae.
Congressman Sec. Disk, Joe Waldrop.
Jt. Sen., Morrow, Grant and Harney,
George Gilbert.
Proa. Attorney, E. P. Sine.
Board of Equalization, B. F. Searoy.
School Supt.,
B. F. King
Joseph C. Hayes,
0. M. Hogiie.
Miss Addle Coulee.
W. B. Ewing,
J. L. Gibson .
Chas. Ingrabam,
J. M. Nunamaker,
Notice is hereby given to the members
of the people's party central oommittee
of Morrow oounty, that there will be
meeting of said committee at Lexing
ton, April Hth, at 10 o'clook a. m. Every
member should be present if possible
W. O. Metier,
219-22. Chairmau.
Lexington, Or., Marob 81st, 1894.
Why am I a populiat? is a very perti
nent question; and every peoples par
ty muu should poat himself ao as to have
aa many ready answers as these bard
times may demand.
The approaching eleotion demands
the abolition of ignorance on political
matters, and the people ahould have
their eyes fully open to the faot that ig
norance ia not bliss nor is party preju
dice conducive to tbe general interest
of the country. Hence we propose to
answer the above questions, and by so do
ing we probably will give the republi
cans a few nuts to crack. But first
why do we make our thrust at the
republicans? Simply beoaUBe judging
from the political atenab that rises to our
olfaotories. that demooracy niuBt now
be well along in tbe state of decompo
sition, and we do not wish to resuscitate
its hideous form, and I might well say,
that the last I beard of it, the money
makers were rendering it up for the
tallow there is iu it. But the republi
cans are still alive and menacing tb
best interests of the wealth-producing
elements, and they often do so, when
involves their own best interests.
The money power have oaused a mis
to arise (by the looking up of the finance
of the country) that they may obscure
the real issue until they can more fully
get oontrol of our wealth, and tbey are
doing ao by the aanotion and aid of the
republioau party, the aid given them
when the republicans were in power.
Tbe time onoe was when the republicans
stood uutarnished in tbe presence of
free people; but today tbeir garments
are blotched, and tbe people are fast
being enslaved, and tbe blotches date
back to tbe sixties.
When the ayatem of electoral voting
was inaugurated it reduced the power of
the popular vote aud threw it within the
power of money to control the eleotions
hence oould enthrone whom it pleases
aud it always pleases to put tbe pur
chasable man in power, regardless of tbe
good of the oomnion people. Men of
financial ability are never slow in seeing
ohauoes to make money; hence tbey
through republioau stupidity, plaoe
anou men in power as would best serve
their money making purposes; this way
tbe national banking system was aet
motion which haa proven ao far a per-
pelual svstem of robbery, with several
exhausted pockets; eo if you get a dollar
you must oarrv it dowu in your boot to
the detriment of your oorn orop. Nor is
this all; we had to build railroads across
tbe continent with our own money and
tbeu give them to the mooey-grabbers,
and then back those railroads with a
large per cent, of our uuoccupied publio
domaiu; also we bave to charge tbe
republican party with selling large traots
ot our public lands to aliens at a less
figure than you or I oould purchase tb
same tor.
These things are obargeabla to tbe
republioau party while they were in
power, or while they were under Ibe
dictation of th mosey power; and now
Deeded ranch, 160 aores, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good rustler can pay
it with first crop raised on it. Reason for selling, owner lives in the East and has no use for it.
Health I Can you buy
it? Yes, when it is
possible with a single
box of
to cure
and Sick
as cents
a box.
Notice of Dissolution.
partnership heretofore exisfliier between
W. A. Kirk mid (!. knhl. under the linn uuiue
of Kirk A Ruhl, hns this day been dissolved by
mutual consent, w. A. hirk v. miarawinu irom
the firm. However, Mr. Ku III will continue at
the Bame location. (.'. Knhl will collect all
debts and nay all liabilities of the old firm
previous to tins dale.
... yi. rtir.iv.
Dated March U. MM. 21-1-22.
Administrator's A'otice.
undersigned jian been appointed by the
county court ol Gilliam county, Oregon, ud
minintrator of the esttite of Jacob Johnson,
deceased. All persons having claims neainst
said estate are hereby notified to present them
to me at iMfrnt mile. Morrow county uregon,
duly verified according to law, within six
months from this date.
Given under my hand and dated this th day
of March 1891. K. J. Rood,
2b'22. Administrator.
Notice of Sale
of Real Estate.
pursuance to an order of the county
court of the county of Morrow, state. of Oregon,
made on the .vii day 01 Maren, itv.H, in ine
matter of the estate of Lizzie Morgan, deceased,
the undersigned, the administrator of said
estate, will sell at public auction to the highest
bidder, for cash, on Saturday, April 28th, 1894,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the
court house of said county, ill the ritjnt, title
interest and estate oi tne sam Mzzie Morgan ac
the time of her death iu aud to all that certain
piece or parcel of land lying and being in the
said county and state aud more paiticularly
described as follows: The S. v2 of the 8. W.
aud S. Y of the 8. KM of .See. 2ti, Tp. 2, H. of K,
21, E. W.
M. R. Morgan,
tbey dare not croH that power save
when they are in the minority. They
may make a showing tor the purpose of
blinding tbe people and keeping them
In ignorance, just as tbe slaveholder
did the slave, that he might be a more
ready and willing servant.
It would be a useless expenditure of
time for me to go to work and charge
borne to the republicans tbe demonetiz
ation of silver, for there bave been many
abler pens tban mine that biive
exhausted all the argument and spit
out all tbe opprobrium that the English
language is capable of conveying, and
we are only left to listen to the moans
of the oppressed aud starving, allow tbe
aocount of the infamous Sherman act,
and repeal of tbe purchasing olaase, by
the oombined rottenness ot tbe two old
parties. But one of tbe most infamous
acts the republicans have been guilty
of, is tbe one making it possible to bond
or mortgage tbe commonwealth to tbe
amount that one man may think neces
sary aud for such a length of time as tbe
dictators may demand.
Now any man can see bow easy it is
for the money-lenders who are always
anxious for those non-taxable bonds, to
give a small per oent. on 8100,000,000, to
that one man, and thereby balance bis
mind to suit tbeir purposes. These
things with many others is what caused
me to bolt tbe republican party and
there bas been nothing better tittered
than the people's party, which ia good
so far as it goes.
The Omaha platform comes the
nearest to tbe old Jeffcrsonian demo
oraoy which waa noneotber than pristine
Wait Hoskins.
TuelSpriDK Hediciue.
"All run down" from the weakening
effects of warm weather, you need
good t-inio and blood purifier like Hood's
Sarsapanlla. Do not put oil taking it.
Numerous little ailments, if neglected,
will soon break up tbe system. Take
Hood's Sareaparilla now, to expei
disease and give you strength and appe
It will take only 8812 to bny it; 480
acres, 260 acres plow land: one-half
mile running water. Improvements
40 ore8 fenc8 J. 15 ' cultivated
improvements. Adapted to farming.
sheep and hograisiug. An extensive
sheep range joining to Bock oreek
Terms: 890 down; remainder on long
time. Location : On county road, two
and one-half mile west of Rood bill
Eiebt Mile, Or. Kfl) aores for 010, or
810$ for ownership in 160 acres school
land or will exchange tor two good
bnrses. Original coat of sobool land
$320. Applv at Heppner Gazette oflioe
ileppner Oregon. lya-tf-sw.
Aver a (Jherry rexioral possesses
powerful healing qualities, wblch mani
fest themselves whenever this remedy is
employed in oolds, ooagba, throat or
lung trouble. It anodyne and ex
pectorant effect are promptly realised.
11 1 t obemioal iueoet and medical
Is the title of a very valrxble book that gives a grfcat amount of Information of the Utmost
Importance to Everybody, com-erning their daily habits of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
What to Eat, Influence of Plants, Parasites of tbe Skin, Care of Teeth,
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IT TELLS HOW TO CLUE Black Eyes, Bolls, Bnms, ChUlblams, Cold Feet, Corns,
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Holes, Pimples, Plies, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Moutb,
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcera,
Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms In Children. IT WILL SAVE DOCTOS BILLS
t3T"All new subscribers and prompt renewals dunngthe month of Mar. will be
presensed with a free copy of fcbiB as a premium.
Enual with the interest of those havinef claims aeainst tlie government is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
oatents. Too much care cannot be exercised in emolovine competent and reli
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatlyi if not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.
With tne view ot protecting inventors trom wortniess or careless attorneys,
nnrl of seeing that inventions are well nrotected bv valid oatents. we have re
tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If you have an invention.on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to
gether with a brief descriptidi of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to the best courle to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your'rigbts, or if you are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
43 Cut this out and send it with your Innult."
Preuttas ItectllyTug puis cure'eoobtipatiuu
Prentiss Rectifying pills euro constipation
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AlrroBt all pills and modlclne produce constipation, hero is a pill that cures torpid
liver, biliousness, rheumatism, Indigestion, sick headache and kidney aud liver
tnublos without grlplns or leaving any trace of CONSTIPATION, which
is the prime cause of nil sickness, ewaroof it getting habitual and chronic with you.
soo to it In time; these pills will cure yeu.
a a
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clear the skin and removo all blotchoB
Belt. 25 Cents a box.
Or Bont by mail upon roceipt oC prico hy
Prentiss Chemii
Prentiss Rectifying pills euro constipation
Prentiss Rectifying pills c;ir constipation
i m. a a t s
Otis Patterson
win timmim 1 1 uuMim i am tarn iymm tithtmmmMMmmmtmmmsmmmmammammmm
JOHN WEDDERBURN. Managing Attorney,
P. O. Box 463. Washington, D. C.
Honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who nerved ninety days, or over. In the late war,
are entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disability
was caused by service or not, and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances.
WIDOW 8 of such soldiers and sailors are entitled (if not remarried) whether soldier's death
was due to army service or not, if now dependent upon their own labor for support. Widows
not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death waa due to service.
CHILDREN are entitled (if under sixteen years) ia almost all cases where there was no
widow, or she has since died or remarried.
PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died In
service, or from effects of service, and they are now dependent upon their own labor for sup
port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or
"Holdiersof the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for higher rates nnder other
laws without losing; any rights.
Thousands of soldiers drawing; from $2 to $to per month under the old law' are entitled to
higher rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, bat
also for others, whether due to service or not.
Soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty In repolar army or navy sine the war are also
entitled, whether discharged for disabilftvor not.
Survivors, and their widows, of the Black Hawk, Creek, Cherokee and Seminole or Flor
Ida Indian Wars of to are entitled nnder a recent act.
Mexican War aoldiera and their widows also entitled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled
ar dependent.
Old claims completed and settlement obtained, whether pension has been granted nnder
Jater laws or not.
Rejected claims reopened and settlement secured, if rejection improper or illegal.
Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of tbe late war who
nave lost their original papers.
Send for laws and information. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address,
JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
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