1 At 'II if 11 V J 1I jtuncs to AuvfeaiiioiiKa. 1HOdJC diriuK Ui uiaertiou ul dleplay adr, or uuttu4 ui iMiui, iuubi gut tii if copy xu itul later luuu Mouutty wvyuuig lor iueuay'a piimou, or iiiunmny eveiuutf tor Friday edi tlOU. 'ink ATTHlUaOM tVULlbUltHi CU. 10T1E, 1. The sum of tlve cetitg per line will be ciiuiKtiU lor "carUb ui UiauM-n," "luaoluUuus ui rennet," lulaoi weduiug piesenU uti aouurn, auu ooiiuaiy uuiicub, luiuei' maw lliu IU ctlll or HitM.il iixuibeu ftive hh u luiiLUjr oi iitmn.j ,ud lioucen oi npuciiii iuuuiiuga lor w UdUiVur pui pobe. 2, ioUi:u oi uuuecu and bociuiy auu itiioiuer vuiuiiuiuuivuu iroui w uicu revenue it to W) de nted, Bim.1 uo uutu'Mj tur at iuv ruj ui uve t.euw u liuu. lUcht luit V1U UOBLflcuy aUUur eU to lu every lueiuiiue. Advuitituiig itttod tcttoouaUle ttud luadefciiuwii lipou appiluauou. We liold eucb and every correnpotiUeut re sponsible lor liib or ner vuiuiuumuiuuu. No COlTUHpOilUUUUU Kill UtJ plibUbliUd uuiuhh UltJ wriuu b tvtu uuuiu in biguoU uau euuyuue ol tjuou laiiu. 1 i. I1 loll Eli, NKWbl'Al'ii.K AiAMaio- JLJ IHK ilfcCUlt 1 iilLIUllttliU liALiiUUgO, &uu A-laiicibco, in our auLiiuiii.uu anui. Xuio pttptr lb h-tpt, Oli UlU 111 lilbOUiUU. 11ME lAbLE. Htage for Hardmaii, Mouuinent, Long Creelc, Johu uuy mm un)uu city, leaven tu, luilvvvs ; Jj.ver uttj ui u u. iu., eM;upt ouuuuy. Atuvvbu.ei) uu uiu u. in., omxsi. jiouday. 'lire ciieulrtiBl, iulcat;BC kuu bvftl Hue uj or truui ilie lutuiiur i.uuuti'. J. o. UKLEVAN, i'rup. Paul Culm, akuiu. Give your btutimum to Heppner peupie, and tnmvjure uxautl to Uutia up uepp ner. fucrunize thu&e wnu patronise you. Mere anu 1 Here. J. J. Huberts is uss asmg tbe county. Mis. Will. Viuiieuia very ill at her hoMV lu Ueupuur. Kldor DuTia is holding services at the upuitt bullae. 'Ihe CLnibt iu Huciuble was a gruud euoocBB itio i eveuiutf. ArtUur Uiuiili will clean wulches at tbu leiluoeU nue ul $1. Tbo Krcord la 'Vbummv," if a man baa no rcnu.d lor iuo liuiu. C. S. Vuu Duju u ml wife returned from lim i) .ins riulUidny. Mrs. Alice Ladd departed fir bur bouia m Lit Uuuide VVedueoday. U. M. Hi'Kue, poU'idt cuudidute for olmk, was lu rieppner yeaterday. tlder Qn.y will preacti at tbe opera bonne Sunday, uiormuif and evening. Park Uarriiiiies and family will anaiu lo!utu at lleppuer lu ibe near future. Our r- porter notes that Sum Meadows, nf llurdiuau wus iu tuu yesterday. Joe Bi ck, of 11 .iniltou, retorued from New Voik on jeaterday ui' rniuK'H traiu. A. R Grunt. ..f the O. V. K. Wf(. Co. whs looking after busiueps bere Uedut-o-day, Tbe Heppner Canyon stiine liue is the btbi, clitapebC and quickest to the iu teiior. Unfuiliug in effect, alwaja reliable, pure and liarmleoB, is ciuiuioua Liver Kegn later, Hood'a Pills do not purge, paiu or gnpe, but act promptly, eaaily aud fcllicienlly. If you want a good gnu or sewing niacliiue, c.iuie to iliu Uazdte ullice aim we'll fit y u out. Those that bav uouuty scrip for sale should call on (ic.oiKe (Ju titer at Tbe first JNailunal liauH. 2 It. Tbe Oezette will be Bent to any ad. dress lu the United Slates till nf'er campaign for fiU cents. f Ijegal blanks, pleuty of tlu m, at 'he Gazelle cilice, aud at world's prices. Discounts on large orders. Green Matbens baa opriied up bis bar ber shop, utxc door lo Hayes Bros Huuves, eto., ou lap as UBiiai. Good whiskey, cheap and artificial. Send Si postal note for recipe. Address 1-ux 1U1, P.ndleton, Uregon, i 12 Tbe ai tide for the people's party ctd nmu, under caption "Why ami a pop. UIibi?" will appear next isBue. Tbe VV. R 0 will meet iu tbe K. of P. ball, in It Saturday at 1 p. ni. All meuibeia rtquesled to be preseut. Every man who takes any iuterest in fast stock should subscribe for Tbt Horsemau. Uuzette ebop, agents. Tbe Gazette will take county scrip at (ace ou subscription, and pay balance ol same in cush at bigbest market price. 7-60 News la acarre but money is soace-. The O ZitteOHUDot pav for more type letting till the buys get so they cau pa) up. The Gazette (ffice now runa an in lurauoe and notarial (-hop. Come in wheu you want to do your insuring aud swearing. Thoie who bave brought in vnrioue kinds of supplies iu lieu ol ci.sb, should oall aronuil at tine ollice and get oredit for same if not already given. Eoho atatje leaves Heppuer for Echo Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays Arrives Mondays, VVtdneadajs and Fri days. Faie, one wa, Ki2.6u. PlnllColiu, Bgenf, A. Andiews, Hop. Gee. Snaggait exhibits a 11 pound fleece, shear, d tioin a etner. It is oleau of dirt and trash. Nj it lieo. could get the old MoKinley price, be would be "iu it." Lost A note dated June 12, 1892. aigued by G. VV. tjwavgart, cal.iug for 82.0U0, iu favor of P. U. Thomiisou. Tbe public are warned against negotiat ing fur or purchasing said note. If. To onr oustumcia No difference bow large or Buiull yunr account is, Oome iu aud settle, either by cash or note We must bave one or the other to enab e us to Bteui the flood. HavksBhoS. 9U f James Cornell was arrested Tuesday night, and brought before tbe reoordei Wednesday morning ou cbarge of drunk and disoiderly Conduct, where he pleaded guilty and was assessed $6. He served tbe same nutju jdil iu lieu of tbe 0 ish. All the elements which nature nquires to mate the hair beaumnl and abundant, are supplied iu Ayei's Hair Vmor This pieieiaiiou keeps tbe soalp free from daudrtiff, pnvi-nts the bdr from becoming dry and harsh, and makes it flexible aud glossy. Gid Hatt baa now established a tou sorial parlor, at tbe MatlocK buildiuti next door to Simons' blacksmith simp where he invites the patronage ol his old oustomersaud art who desire striotly fiist class work, shaving, shampooing and hair outtiug at living prices. Dou'i overlook Jim Jones and T. A. Rhea who de parted for 'ij'nsoo reoeutly with some 600 head of she-p returned borne yester day morning. The sbt-p were disposed of at S2 50 per head. B itb report a very pleneant time while dowu below. Tlley visited the lair and Bay it is well worth aeeiug. J. W. Drtvi, formerly a stage driver of tbe Canyon-Monument etae line, re turned Thursday morning from an extended visit tbnmuh tbe East. While away be bus visited Chicago aud Louis ville. On reluming he stopped with friends and relatives in Iowa and came borne via 8 m Francisco, where be visited the Midwinter Fair. Mr. D-ivis onrta a very pleasant time while away a. Atty. Wilson rerurned borne on E E. Hiuith on bia return from Hepp Der leoeuily, lutoiined the Globe mao ' that Ueppner wua very quiet aa nearly everv oue bad droppeu business and was ruuuiug fur oilioe, tbe fever having struck the place broadside. If Mr. Smith were here now he would find tbiuga different. Both tbe auoceaaful and iiusuooessful are now luoki g after b isiuesa, Condon Globe: Lige Hendrix is lyiug dangerously sick at Smith's restaurant lu Condon, with niflamatiou and ubsoeaa of tbe liver. His brotbers, Geo aud VYm., bave been with him tbe lant week, and are much alarmed at bia cunditiu I'iih morniug he is some what better. Dr. H igao ia attending him. CbRS. Brown, one of the staunch Mouutaiu Valley German boya, was iu the dty tbe tirHt of the week. Mr. biowu says everything looks very much like epiiug over tnere. Stuck bave wiutered well and Bpriug grass is now two inches high. Ed. VV. Copner is now a lull fledged "knight of tbe grip," having 00'nmenced this week aa tiaveling agent for Zdnn Broa. & Co , wholesale dealera in wood en waie, willow-ware, etc., Portland. We iiuders and Ei. baa nut disposed of bis mercantile interests at Lone Kook. Attorney A A. Juyne, ot Arlington, came up yeetetday morning to look after court matters. Howard Dodson came np on yester day's traiu for a eb.irt stay in Heppoer. Tempi!1iancb Lkctdke. Mra. Ada Uniub, state lecturer of the W.C. T. U.. delivered a very interesting leoture to a large and appreciative audience at tbe opera bouse Monday evening. Temper ance aud the principles ot the prohibition paity was her subject, though a con aiderable portion of her address wae that concerning women's suffrage. Mra. Uurub used a amall amount of sarcasm iu referring to tbe objection urged by min, that tbe women should stay at borne and oare for tbe babies instead of mingling iu political circles. It wae peculiar, said she, that a mother could go to a dance or to camp meeting and say week, and her husband would not worry about the babies. But aa soon as the suu arose ou eleotioo day tbe father beonmavery tender of the little ones, and on that day the mother must not think for a moment of leaving them. Mrs. Dnruh also made the remark that there was no cliff -ronco between tbe re public .n and democratic partiea. The populists also 8'iy this, tbougb such remarks will bear investigation. How ever, all iu all tbe address was except ionally good. Appropriate rausio was ii I ho a portion of tbe eveuing's eutertaiu meut. ClKCLIT CooKT. Tuesday was occu pied by circuit court iu tbe trial of Chas. Alackey, charged with horse stealing. Tbe jury found him guilty and be was sentenced today to two years in tbe "pen." Then came on the case, State vs. May Wiigbt and Stella Smitb, charged with keeping a bawdy house. I he jury disHgrt ed. Yesterday theoase, J. M.Rismua vs. Town of Heppner, wus ou trial. A motion to non-auit wae entered last evening and argued at length. This morning Judge Bradsbaw deeded that the motiou was well made and the ouse wus tbrown out. Other matters ot lesser importance will occupy the attention ot the court today, aud it ia possible au adjournment will be reached this eveuing. Dkath cf Moses Minthorn. Rev. Pot wine leoeived a telegram Wednesday announcing the death ot Moses M in thorn, of Pendleton, nod requesting nis return to hold funeral services. He departed on tbe nigbt train. Mr. Mintboru belonged to tbe tribe of Cay uses on the reservation. He represented tbe bettor olass among bia people, was we.l eduoated baving attended school in Pennsylvania. He had f r a long time aoted as agent tor tbe reset viit ion Indians in leasing their lands, oaring (or tbeir interests. Mr. Mintboru was also a member ot tbe Presbyterian church. Leo Broken. Just ab ut train time Tuesday evening a telegram was received for Dr. MoSword nforming him that Frank Cecil bad broken bis leg and n q'lested him to oome down on tbe eveuing traiu. As the train bad Dot departed tbe 'bus was sent up from tbe depot for him while tbe train awaited ibeir arrival. On bia return we learned that Frank met with tbe aooident by a horse falling on him, breaking bis left leg juBt above tbe ankle. While t is is an unfortunate accident, yet we hope to hear of Fi ank's reoovery in due coarse of time. Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, s shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just looated in tbe Abraham net' uuilding, on May Btreet, where be ib prepared to do eveiytbing in his line, d' tiirbeck is strictly a first-class work man aud warrants all work. Give him a oall Uwtt A severe rheumatic pain in the left shoulder bad troubled Mr. J. H. Loper, a well known druggist of Des Moines, Iowa, for over six months, At times the piu was so Bevere that he could Dot lift an thing. With all be oould do he 0' old not get rid of it nntil be applied (..'hamberlai i'a Pain Balm. "1 only made three applications of it," he says, "And bve Muoe been free from all pain." He now recommends it to per ons similarly (.filiated. It is for sale by Sloouoi-Jubnson Drug Co. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The Stndebaker wagon beads them all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee'a. a "Hardware" did yoo eayT Why, yes at P. C. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the place for bargains. a Tbe Keeley Institute, at forest Grove ou res liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine and tobacco habit. See ad. The Palaoe is tbe leading hotel in tbe city. Well furnished rooms with plenty uf light are provided fur everyone, a If you want to buy groceries, and bread stuff obeap, go to tbe Enterprise Grocery. Kirk & Buhl, proprietors, a Borg, the jeweler, is tbe Uian to fix np your watch or clock. Ue keeps a full stock of everything pertaining to bis business a M. Licbtentbal & Co.'s new stock ot splendid, Hammer bottoa and tie special ties in tbe anoe line are attracting mark ed attention. a Mr. A.w;le Thama Sodavii, Oregon. Weak, Tired, Nervous Pslns in the Stomach Nino Years of Sufftrfnt; How It All Enci3d. "C. 1. noorl & Co., Lowell, Mas?. , "For 9 years I havo had a p:.i:i In my stomaeh besides nervousness, weak spells and constant tired feeling. For the first five years I did not doctor much hut gradually gmwl-g worje, came to till! state for the hen fit ot p-y health. I was treated by several good physicians but contin ued to grow wnraa. For the last year I have been confined to my bed nearly all the time. I became ao weak I could stand but a few min utes at a time. I could eat but a Uttla and I (ell off In weight from 130 Pounds to 80. About tour months ago I commenced taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and from that time I have iteadlly improved in health aud gained la HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES strength. I also had a bunch on my neck aa big as a hen's egg which bothered me to breathe. Since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla that has dis appeared. During the past year my husband's body became bloated aud be was unable to work. He took two bottles of Hood's Sarsapa rilla and la feeling as well aa ever." Was. Anoib Thomas, Rodaville, Oregon. Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation, bUiousnesa Jaundice, sick headache. Indigestion. WKONGLY ACCU8KD. Knowing that some of the citizena of Heppner are being acoused with having committed a wiong, of which they are not guilty, I feel tbat an explanation from me will perhaps make amends for a part of tbe injustice done them. Iu an issue of last week's Gazette, I notioed an item from Lexington wbiob Btated, tbat during a sermon recently preaohed in tbat place tbe minister bad acoused some of tbe most prominent oitizens of Heppner with baving lured me back to my life ot shame and dis grace after be and some ladies had persuaded me to give np that life. I see no reason for any one to receive tbat impression. I am sure it would benefit no one in Heppner for me to lead a life of tbat kind in La Grande. I oan only say ; some are greatly mistaken and others are being made to suffer throuub tbat mistake. As for beiog persuaded to give up tbat oalling, tbat is also a mistake. I gave it up because I was disgusted with tbe life. No one came and asked me to seek refuge in a better place. No one efiVred me their assistanoa until I made an effort to da that whicb was right, I came out on my own determination and expressed a deaire to become a better woman before any ona offered their assistance in helping me build np my lost reputation. It was then two ladies, who will ever be remembered by me for their kindness, offered their help. I accepted the offer ot a home from one, and do person could bave done more for another than that lady did for me. But as far as tbe minister is conoerned, bia help was not offered until I went to bis ohnroh. The oburcb members and also those who belong to no church were very kind to me, and I thank tbem for tbe interest tbey bad for me. 'Tie only too true I am back, but the impression that I was lured back is wrong. I had reasons for coming back I left Heppner becauae I felt I was a burden on tbe minds of some and tbat I was oausing a great amount ot trouble tor others whioh oould be avoided by my leaving. I took up my old life be cause I saw no other means of support. I did not feel that I would reoeive tbe help bere tbat I did in Ueppner. I can safely say there was not a person in Heppner wbo knew for a certainty tbat I would go back to my old li e; for I bad no idea ot it myself. Hoping that in the future this un pleasant affair will not be talked of in tbe pulpit or in other public places, unless to exonerate those citizens from blame, I am Yours respectfully, E. Laura Lentz. How's Thlal TFo ntfar nn hnndrArl rlnllnra rttwarA for any case of Catarrh tbat cannot be cured by Hall a (Jaiarrn (jure. F. J. CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, O. VLIa 1 V. n nnurllnllHrl haVA If n M IV Tl R J. Cheney for tbe last 15 yeara, and be lieve him perleotly nonoraDte in an business transactions and financially able to oarry out any obligations made by tbeir firm. Wkst & Tbdax. Whole Bale Drnggiata, Toledo, 0. Waldino, KinHan Mabvin, Wholsale Druggists, TI.H,. (1 Hall's Catarrh Core is taken internally acting aireotiy npon toe oioou auu muonocs surfaces of tbe system. Testi monials sunt free. Price 75a. Der bottle. Sold by all Drugg'sta. Where? At Abrabamsick's. In addition to bis tailoring business, he has added a fine line ot underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hosiery, etc Also has on band some elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrabamsiok, May street, Heppner, Or. Laitd For Sals. 480 sores over !n Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh an. will be sold cheap. Call at Gaze vie office for particnlara and terms t. l j 1 1 I FOB SAIE E-5T Gilliam Illis4, Dawson & Lyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner, Notaries Public aud Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, i Kji'J w,?x cpa pnn i EuaEisir' Ji$ THE pTSgij?? a ly.;;5f cr V.'': . i .'Vo y .-. O.W.R. Mr'G. CS-POKTWra. Cf'! For sale bv 81oonm..T Co. and T. W.Ayers, Jr. FULL OF BUSINESS. A Woman Who Known How to Make Money Without Working for It. There was a party of us on the train going to the Rocky mountains, says a correspondent of the St. Joseph (Mo.) News, and the news agent badgorod us so that one of us got a lurid narrative of Jesse James' life just to got rid of the fellow. He read picccs of it to us and we got so entht-s'.astic that we stopped aft a day at St. Joseph to look at the house Jesse wus ki'.lcd in. When wo had climbed the bluff at Convent Hill and a darky pointod out the shanty, our ardor began to diminish. We knocked at the door and a woman opened it, looked at us awhile, and then said: "Want to see the house Jesse James was shot in?" We said we did. "Well, this is it. Just como right in. There ain't no shooting around here now." We came into a miserably-furnished room, and passing1 through she showed us a perfectly bare room. "Thar' it is. Jist as it was the day they shot 'im. Right thar's whar he stood. Right outside this windor's whar the Ford boys stood." The floor was all whittled and pieces out out of it. One of us suggested that we get some relics to tako back Ecst with us. "We would like to havo a small piece of tbo floor as a memento," said one. "Wal," she said, ''wo don't make no habit o' selling sicb, but, seoin' as you's all the way from back East, why, I'll let you have a piece each at half a dollar apiece." She cut small slices of the flooring and gave us each one, and, when we bad paid her and passed around to the yard, wo hoard the woman saying to somebody in tho houso: "John, guess ye'd better hev tho car penter como up and put a now floor in thet room. This is tho fourth we've hed is, and it's nigh all cut away." IN HIS WIFE'S CLOTHES. The Sorry I'llht or a Hallway Official In lieiglum. A gont has often put a man at a dis advantage, but seldom so effectually as in a cai recently reported by a foreign correspondent of a New York news paper. Station Master Mareliand, at the little village of Goduryville, in Belgium, has a gout which has the peculiarity of al lowing only Mme. Marchund to milk her. A short time ago Mme. Marchand went to market before breakfast. The Btation master was in haste to begin his daily duties, and there was noth ing in tho house to cat. lie approached the goat with a pail on his arm, and tho goat, as usual, began to kick and back. In despair, he decided to masquerade as his wife, and humbug the goat into be ing milked. He put ou his wife's skirts, waifet and bonnet, and returned to the tihed. The goat was docile, and he began milking her. Ilis preparations, however, had consumed more time than ho realized, and .before the pail was half full ho was astonished to hear the whistle ol the first morning express, which it was his most important duty to meet. He dropped the pail, ran to the house, exchanged his wife's bonnet for his red and blue cap of iiicc, and with flying skirts hurried to tho station platform. The sight of an individual v.ith a full beard and flowing skirts and a station master's cap dazed everybody on the train, and gave the porters at tho sta tion the idea that Marchund had gone crazy. A policeman was summoned, and the station master was marched off to jaiL To the railway authorities, who be gan an investigation of his conduct, Marchand explained the responsibility of the obstreperous goat for his mi precadented performance. Ho was pvoianed by temporary removal from At? V.VA y x i & Bisbee, iiiaiTasrEii.. on, OREGON. SURROUNDED BY MYSTERY! A Great Mistake. A recent discovery la that headache, dizziness, dullness, confusion of the mind, etc., are due to derangement of the nerva centers which supply tbe brain with nerve force; that indigestion, dyspepsia, neuralgia, wind In stomach, etc., arise from the derange ment cf the nerve centers supplying those or gans with nerve fiu Id or force. This is likewise true of many diseases of the heart and lungs. Ttie nerve systemis like a teletrrnpn system, as will be seeu by tho accompanying mi, lno iiLUB whl'e lines are the nerves which co ivey the nerve f r-e from tho r.erve centers to every part of tho body, just as tho electi'iccurrentis conveyed alon; t li e telegraph wires to every station, larire or small. Ordinary physieiaiH fall to re-rurd this fact; instead of treat Ins Ihenervecen ters for thocause o f the disorders arising therefrom they treat the part affected. Franklin Miles, M. D..LL.B., the highly celebrated specialist and student of nervous diseases, and author ot many noted treatises on the latter subject, ions since realised the truth of the first statement, and his Restorative Nervine is prepared on that principle. Its success in curin? all diseases arising from derange ment of the nervous system is wonder ful, as me thousands of unsolicited testimo nials In possession of the company manufac turing the remedy amply prove. Ur. Miles' Kestorative Nervine is a reliable remedy for all nervous diseases, such as headai'he, nervous debility, prostration, sleeplessness, dizziness hysteria, sexual de bility, ,st. Vitus dance, epilepsy, etc. It Is sold ly all druggists on a positive guarantee, or sent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd on receipt of price, $1 per bot tit;, six bottles for $5, express prepaid. Kestorative Nervine positively contains uo opiates or dangerous drugs. i'or i-aie by X W. Ayera, jr. voir hack a am? iTe A bVST'O wit, orsni i o -.lil- 3 CURES Brioht's Disease, Infinmmatiun of the Blad der. Yellow Waler, Brick lust Sediment in Urine, tiuraing Sensation, Pain in .he Back, anil all Bis t.'.scs ci the KiutK-ya. mm. I'UKl'AHEI) UY O.W.R. Manufacturing Co,, PORTLAND, OREGON. For s"le by Slocnm-Jobnston Drug Oo. aud T. W. Ayera, Jr. LOAL MARKET REPOUT. Wheat, bu 35 Fh.ur.bbl 2 50 3u0 Beeves, co s & two-year-ohls. owt. 1 50 " " three ' 1 75 2 00 Sheep, muttons, head.,.. 1 f0 ct 2 25 " stock 1 GO 1 75 Hogs, ou foot, cwt 4 60 Ilojts, dressed 6 50 (4 700 Wool 6 (d) 10 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 40 50 Egus, doz 20 Chickens, doz 8 00 Turkeys CALIFORNIA MAKKKT. Wheat, cwt jfl 03 00 1 08 f lour, bill 8 00 (14 4 00 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (d 6 00 Muttons, cwt 6 00 (i 8 00 Hons, cwt 4 50 ii 5 25 Wriol-Kaslern Oregon.. 10 c 12 Butter, Ib 25 (m 80 liitus, doz 20 25 Uliickens, doz 5 00 600 Turkeys, Ib 15 h 18 l'OKTI.ASD MAItKET. Wheat, cwt $ Hr, fit 1)5 Flour, hbl 2 90 0316 Beeves, cwt 1 75 (cb 2 75 " " dressed 3 50 fi 6 00 Muttons, live sheared. .. 2 60 fi. 8 00 dresMid 6 75 tH 6 00 Hogs, on foot 4 60 6 60 " dressed 7 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 ($ 14 Butter 20 30 Eggs, doz 27 (8 30 Chickens, doz 2 00 (d 4 60 Turkejs lb 15 fi 17 Simmons Liver Regulator never fails to rtlitve tbe worst attsokaof indigestion. Ni doctor's bills preaented to tbe familiea who use rjimmons Liver Regulator. --fe 5r , Why Don't You. Call on the New Firm at the old Van Dnyn stand ? You will certainly be surprised at the low prices in Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and A Complete Line of Groceries. COME IN AND SEE US ! No'trouble to show goods and give prices. Respectfully Youbs, HOENOR & WARREN. TJTTi PEOPLE OUR Not only onoe, but again and again. Tbey know that from ns tbey always get full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell the best ia ex plained. The "best" brings people back, holds custtm, mfcfcee ns friends, and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some of our friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clotbiog, Boots, 8hoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see us, everybody. IKTOR k 'Keeley Institute -OF- KIRK & BUHL, Tie Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store, On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keep on hand a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY Groceries anil Provisions. A full linenf ohnice Pies, dikes and Bread; in fact everything tbat is nsnnlly kept in a first-class bakery store. They will sell cheap toi cash. Call and try them. Bw Land Patents Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled, Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals hnvine conflicting claims nnder the agricultural land laws, and tbnee between olaimnnta under tbe Mineml Laws and agricultural claimants; and also between claim tuts undur any nf tbe pnblinlnnd Uw and the Uailroad companies aud Ibeir grantei-a, and the states and their grantees, under tne Swamp-Laud and Hchool Land Grants. Specialty madenf securing patents in tbe shortest pnssible time for settlert who have complied with the laws under whiob tbeir entries were made, and who are annoyed and worried by delays in tbe issue of their patents, caused by Trifling Irregularities whiob can be easily and speedily removed. Advice also given in all matters relating to the publio landa, especially on points arising under tbe new laws wbiob bave been recently passed providing for tbe disposal of tbe publio domain. If you want ynur land patent in a hnrry if yon want your land bnsiness, of any charaoter, attended to by skillful and Competent attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., P. O. Box, 385. Washington, D. 0. Why Buy When you can MEATS OF ALL KINDS, SAUSAGES, Etc, at tbe Aud at a lower prioe than sold on the streets. By so doing you will assist in build ing up your city. Look to vour interests and assist those wbo assist you. 1 hw SHAW & M'CARTT, Props. 1. I 2. 8. -,. 4. mcjli mm 3 I UM II The Lancashire Insurance Co. N. OP MAXCHBBIT1CH. TCiunr.jvwn L W. PATTERSON, AGENT o. ARE COMING- WAY! & CO Heppuer, Orefion' For the Cure ox Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It la located at Forest Grove, Or., The Hust Beautiful Town on the Coa$t. Call at the Gazette office tor particulars. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sura cure. of Peddlers? get tbe ohoioest Liberty Market. PALACE HOTEL Only First-Class hotel in Heppner. Building Wired for Elfchic Lights tLrouunout. Best src n-modolioEs for the traveling public. CourlPODB treatment assured the eoun- try people. MBS. M. TON CADOW. Proprietress. otti Baat in tlTte Woriri Bbt'i train.