i I". . .1 - . if C i ; ! ! o HIE -ffljip 0 SELL YOU BPHJ ! 8 1 'j One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.:.'.- irto OKMK DBBDBD-160 i in I ' : n UD 1 60 ACKES Timber Clt.re clai. obi.g, .1 .bich deeded ...d there .,. 140 .ere. good f.r-i.g Ul d tl.e b.l,,c. A 1 p.e.ure. The deeded ...I b.. .Bod ,Priee w.to-o. Ml fence. Situated two miles west e Hardman. Pnoe for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800. ANOTHER BARGAIN. Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, beat stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms. AND STUvTv ANOTHER. ' i 3- t ,1 j l Gte jour business to II eppner people and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize Wo hold each and every correspondent re iponsible (or hi. or her communication. No eorrespoudence will be published unle.8 the writer s real uatne i signed a. au etldeuee of good faith. Did yoa ever Bead about the Man who Hid his Light under A bushel? Yes? well That is like Doing business Without advertising. All the Sni.le schemes In the country Will not accomplish Half as much As a good ad. In a (rood, live, Legitimate newspaper, One that Is read By the people, And that owns Its own Soul; that U-ps its space Like merchandise, Worth dollar For dollar. JE3 JE3 JE3 Announcements. FOR JOINT SENATOR. At the earnest solicitation of my friends, I have decided to beoome a candidate for mt seutitor, (or the counties of Harney, Grant and Morrow, subject to the will of the convention for the senatorial diatriot, April 11, 18(11. J. N. ErtoWN. Am, signs point to the re-nominalion of Hon. W. It. Ellis lor congress (rum this district. The Record had belter not go to milking comparisons between candidates too early. He may not be thoroughly "on" yet. The Record may find fault with Harrington but the voters will not. He will ninrch in with a bit; vote June Etb. So will the reBt of the ticket. Frank P. Mats denies that be is a OBiididate for congress in the second district. This denial was soarcely neoeanary. Salem Statesman. How ever, Mr. Mays is favorably mentioned at) a possibility fur attorney general. When yon eleot the republican ticket straight, you do that much towards building up a grand republican oigani sution in our county, and assist in making Oregon overwhelmingly re' pnblioun. Our people are protectionists, and they will vote the protection ticket. The wool growers of New South Wales had a splendid exhibit of wool at the World's Fnir, over which was displayed in a oonspicuous place a placard with the iiiBoription: "We can raise wool at 6 cents a pound. What oau you do?" We oan't do that but we can give you a market for it when the Wilaou bili pauses. The extranrdimiry session of the Colorado legixlnture adjourned Mur.'h 12, sine die. The extra session of the fifty-two days cost an average of $1,000 per day. Dtiriug thetime seventy eight lulls were introd.ioed, covering matters of legislation suggested by the governor in his cull. Of these, eleven became laws. Toe R cord rakes the republican convention as only a partisan democrat can. It was a bnrtuonions convention, remarkably free from jobs and rings. Because the editor of the Guzstte did not get votes euough, is no reason that he will not tell the truth and abide by the result. II u is for the ticket and will stay with it through thick aud thin. Tub Record did tell the truth to a certain extent when it said a news paper man always comes out "at the little end of the born." But don't worry about Pat, brother. A oat has nine lives, aud we will give you to understand that you oan't dowu a Patterson every time, and though he may not be widowed with th t vitality attributed to the feline species, it takes thrioii nine knockouts to eonviiioe him that he la dead. Put is with the con vention's choice, sod don't overlook bim. From what the Gazette can learn, the republicans are well satisfied with their ticket. It is particularly expected that those who made snob a noise about the Gazette supporting Blaokman lu 1890 will be the most loyal to the ticket. There are but few democrats iu this part of the state but would as soon see Ellis returned to congress as the Rev. Joe Waldrop. Elgin Reoorder. BLACK31AVB APPOINTMENTS. He Displayed Rare Jnditment in his Selec tion of Depatiea. From the Seattle Telegram. After the naming of the deputy at Tacoma, which is daily expeoted to be made, the appoiutive work of Colleotor Blaokman in Washington will be com pleted. The Oregon list has also been filled, with the exception of a few minor places. The personnel of the appoint ments is oonceded to exoel, iu point of efficiency aud ability, any other se lections of deputies made since the organization of the district of Oregon. A prominent repnplican, who has been connected with the iuternal revenue service for the past 10 years, in talking of the matter, said: ''I have seen a number of changes in the internal revenue service of this and other dis tricts and have met the men wboreoeived appointments for the various sub districts, and I must confess that the men ohnsen by Colleotor Blackmau as bis deputies are, in my opinion, the best qualified aud most competent that has ever come under my observation." When Senator Blaokman reoeived his appointment as internal revenue col lector of the district of Oregon, which includes the states of Oregon, Washing ton and the territory of Alaska, he adopted a method of bis own regarding the selection of deputies. Accompanied by that genial gentleman and prince of good fellows, Senator W. F. Matlock, of Pendleton, Or., he set out on a tour of the district that he might beoome acquainted in tbeir respective homes with the men who aspired for deputy. ships. Possessed, as he is. of a keen conception of men, from his long experience in public life, be soon famil iarized himself with the standing, politically and and socially, of men who applied for positions uuder bim. He visited Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane and Walla Walla, iu Washington, and his subsequent ohoioe in the selection of deputies fully justifies the wisdom of his method. His appointees at these places are men of whom he may well feel proud and who will undoubtedly do honor to the revenue service and prove a credit to their upright, conscientious and thoroughly capable superior, Col lector Blaokman. To Washington he gave four district deputies, though iu the Walla Walla district is included two counties of the state of Oregon, and whtoh plaoe bas usually been filled from Oregon. John Nestor, the deputy at Spokane, is a man whom the democratic party has twice honored by elcotion to the office of city assessor, and who was once the nominee for oouoty assessor of Spokane county. He is a well known business man, being one of the largest holders iu and secretary of the Spokane transfer and cab company. J"hn Leauey, appointed at Walla Walla, is a thorough business mao hav ing been for mauy years aocountant of the railroad oompauy at that plaoe. He enjoys the esteem and oonfidenoe of his fellow citizens regardless of tbeir party affiliations M. S. Hellman, appointed as ganger at Tacoma, was a delegate to the national convention at Chicago in 188S from the state of Oregon, and was a member of the notification oommittee which formally conveyed the knowledge to Uruver Cleveland of the action of the convention. The Seattle office is the most impor tant in Washington, it being the reve nue stamp office for the whole state The seleotion of J. P. Uleasou insures to the public an efficient and thorough ly business service. The mauy patrons of this olhce will flud in bim a most competent aud courteous official. With suou men as his aids, Collector blsokman will enter upon an active discharge of his responsible duties with the confidence and well wishes of the entire district . He will no doubt con tinue on the earns line in tbe work so well oommenotd, so that when be severs bis oouneotiou with tbe service to whioh he has been called by a demooratio administration we predict that there will go out to him from an appreciative publio the unanimous commendation of "well done, good and faithful servant." "How to Care All Skin Diwaaei.' Simply apply "Swayue'a Ointment." No internal medicine reanirml. Chirp. tetter, eezemii, itob. al1 amotions on tbe face, bands, nose, Ac, leaving tbe skin clear, white and healthly. Its great healing aud curative powers are possess ed by no other remedy. Ask your drug gist for Swayue's Ointment sw 1 yr. ClKt'UIT CUUKT MATIEKB. Monday, March 26. Felix Johnaou vs. E.l. Day, c.mtiuued for term. J. B. Huxt vs. Newt Jones, continued for term. Henry Heppner vs. Hayes Bros., dis missed at Plff's costs. Ben Parker vs. Spray BroB., settled aod dismissed. Wm. Hughes vs. John Simon, dis missed at Piff's costs. Frank Bros., Implement Co., vs. Au gustine Liebl, settled aud dismissed. Coffiu & Mcfarlaud vs. J. F. M. Far reuB & Sons, dismissed at Pifl.'a costs. I. D. Miller vs. Frank AloFarland. argued on demurrer. Overruled. Given till tomonow at 9 o'clock to answer. Geo. H. Rankius vs, J, H. Koloian, dismissed. Hattie Harris vs. Geo. Noble as sheriff, argued on demurrer and over ruled. J. W. Rasmus vs. Town of Heppner, demurrer argued and sustaiued. PUT. allowed to amend complaint and de fendant give i till 1 ;30 p. m, tomorrow to answer. Mary Frey end Katie Pettys vs. T. J. Allyn and wife, demurrer ovei ruled und answer tiled. W. L. Ellwooil vs. Thos. Keauey, judg ment by default. EQUITY. Ellis Minor vs. Mat Hughes, Dan Osmers, Johanna OsmBra, Wm. Hughes, J. T. Kennedy and the Rosenblatt Co., order confirming Bills of real estate. Wm. Douglass vs. R ibert S. Rule, Eliza J. Rule, J. T. Cliambdrlaiu and D. W. Humor, decree of foreclosure. O. R. Tayleiir vs. W. O. Minor, O. W Rea aud S. P. Uarrigues, order of con tit mation. In the matter of the assignment of J. J. MoGee, continued for term. Mrs. J. H. Stahl aud The Rosenblatt Co. vs. Osmers & Hughes, John Hughes and Wm. Hughes, demurrer argued and taken under advisement. W. B. Cunniughame vs. J. D. Ball, order of confirmation. K. F. Hughes vs. Geo. S. Gray and Luoy L. Gray, order of conciliation. W. O. Minor vs. G. W. Rea, demurrer sustained. Tue.dny, March 27. The Oregon Mcrt. Cj. vs M. Shurte, order of cuunrrnation. CRIMINAL. Slate of Oregon vs . Ohas. Mnokey on trial for larceny nud found guilty. To be sentenced Friday morning. State of Oregon vs. Stella Smith and May Wrigbt, ii; dieted for keeping a bawdy house. LAW. Wm. Cecil vs. Geo. Noble as sheriff, dismissed at Dft-'a ousts. I. D. Miller vs. Frank MoFarland. Answer filed aud given tomorrow to answer. J. W. Rimmua vs. Town of Heppner, Dft. filed au answer. Plff; given ti.l tomorrow to answer. Hattie Harris vs Geo. Noble, on trial. Testimony in part being taken and con tinued tomorrow. Wedne.day, March 28. Hattie Harris vs. Geo. Noble, trial complete and given to tbe jury. CRIMINAL. State of Oregon vs. Stella Smith aud May Wright. Arraigned an J pleaded not guilty. Case oo trial. An Unseen Enemy. It is more to be dreaded than nn open and visible one. i but subtle and lurk ing foe, which under the genet. o name ot malaria manifests itself, when II clutches us iu its t uacioiij gr.isp, in the various forms of chills and fever, bilious remitteut, dumb sgue or ague oake, can only be effectually guarded agaiust by fortifying the system against its insidious atlacki with Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, a thorough autidate to the poison of miasma iu t lie system, and a safeguard against it thoroughly to be relied upon. In the event of a malar ious attaok, avoid poisoniug your system witb quiuiue, and use instead this wholesome remedy, nnohj ctionuble in taste and far more efficacious than any drug. Cse tbe Bitters for dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation, kiduey com plaints and rheumatism. fl'200 FAK51 AND STOCK RANCH' It will take only $812 to buy it; 480 acres. 260 acres plow land; one-half mile running water. Improvements 10 acres fenced, 15 acres cultivated, 2 bouses and stable, spring and minor improvements. Adapted to farming, abeep aud bograising. An extensive sheep range joining to Rock creek. Terms: $!)0 dowo; remainder on long time. ixMiaiion: Uo county road, two and one-balf miles west of Rood bill. Eight Mile, Or. 320 acres for M0, or $108 for ownership in l(i0 acres school laud or will exchange for two good horses. Original co"t of school land $320. Apply at Heppner Unztte cfliee Heppner Oregon. 199 tf-sw. Whatever may be the canae of blanch ing, the hair may be resiored to its oiigiual onlor by the use of that potent remedy Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. For further information call at our office. tttr PATTERSON a-pE. CO. PEOPLE'S PARTY EDITED BY C. M. HOGUE, UIIDMAN, Oil All matter intended for thi. column should be addressed to it. editor, al the uazetle has no authority to publish same without hU consent. This column belongs exclusively to the People's Party, of Morrow county, and will be used by them as they see fit. The management or the Gazette will in no way be responsible for any thing that may appear therein . STATE TICKET. Governor, Nathan Pieroe. State Treasnrer, R. Caldwell. Seoretary of State, Ira A akefieid. Supt. Publio Instruction, T. 0. Jory. Attorney General, M. L. Olmstead. State Printer, George M. Orton. Supreme Judge. R. P. Boise. Congressman Sec. Dist., Joe Waldrop. Jt. Sen., Morrow, Grant and Barney, George Gilbert. SEVENTH iUDIOIAL DIBTBIOT. Pros. Attorney, E. P. Sine. Board of Equalization, B, F. Searoy. COUNT TICKET. Representative, B. F. King. Sheriff, Joseph C. Hayes, Clerk, 0. M. Hogue. School Supt., Miss Addie Conlee. Assessor, W. B. Ewing. Treasurer, J. L. Gibson. Surveyor, Cbas. Ingraham. Coroner, J. M. Ntinamaker. We have a number of communications which we cannot publish this week for lack of space. Owing to the limited amount of spaoe we have, we would suggest that those sending in articles tor publication be oareful not to tako up too much spaoe, and give all a chance. Bimetallism is an independent issue, and tbe independents should continue to strive for tbe success of tbe measure. Gazette. That's right, and the people's party is the only party that advocates it and votes (or what it advocates in its plat form; voters, put this down in your note book. In speaking of the populists, tbe cap ital eays: "That party bas bred more bell aid done less good than any so called party sinoe tbe cation was found ed. Behind tbe republicans and the democratic parties are principles whioh appeal to reason and on which great in tellectual and moral battles have been fought." Yon said we were dead only a few days ago, and thus yon intrude your rutle remarks to make onr sleep Ibbs sweet. We fear you are inclined to over-estimate the importance ot tbe Pops. They didn't vote against free sil ver. They didn't lower the tariff. They didu't redeem silver notes with gold. They didn't try to retire all the greenbacks. Tbey didn't try to trans fer tbe money-issuing power into the hands of the national banks. Tbey didu't seduce Maria Halpin. They didu't issue bonds for Wall street specu lation. They didn't board the money aud cause a panic. No, tbey didn't do all the above, but you and your twin brother did it all and a thousand times more toward bringing tbe merchant and farmer down to a gold basis, thereby citting prioea right in two and doub ling tbe value of debts. Yes, yoa did, and now you sing out "free silver" to catch votes while your master, John Sherman, calls for more bonds, death to greenbacks, gold basis and more power in the national bankB. Now don't dis turb us any more but concentrate the fire of your "great intellectual and mor al battle on the democrats." Chicago Express, "Perhaps yoa would not think so, but a very large proportion of diseases in New York, comes fromcarlessness about catching cold," says Dr. Syrna Edson. "It i such a simple thing and so oom moo that very few people, unless it is a case of pneumonia, pay any attention to a cold. New York is one of the health iest places on tbe Atlantic ooast and yet there are a great many cases of catarrh and consumption which have tbeir origin in this neglect of tbe simplest nreoantion of everv dav life. The ninat sensible advioe is, when you have one' get rid of it as soon as possible. By all means do not neglect it." Dr. Edson does not tell you how to cure a cold bnt te will. Take Chamberlain's Congh Remedy. It will relieve tbs lungs, aid expeotoratiun, open tbe secretion and soon effect a permanent core. 26 and 50 cent bottles for sale by 81ooum-John-son Drug Co. "March to search" is tbe old adage. It searches r,nt any weakness of the svstem, resulting from impure blood. Those who use Ayer's Sarsaparilla find March no more searching or even disa greeable than any other month. This medioine is a wonderful invigorator. Simmons Liver Regulator always cures and prevents indigestion or dyspepsia,. OOOOOOOOOOj True Economy doesn't buy what it doesn't need. Indiges tion, Biliousness, Sick Headache, do not need a dollar's worth o o of doctor, but a Q quarter's worth of q Beecham's Pills o (Worth a Guinea I a Box. 3 Price as cents. ooooooooo o Notice To Sheepshearers. NOTICK IS HKREUY HIVKN THAT THIS eheepsheurers of Morrow county, and those de siring tn Rrtiltnlt wilh them, will meet at the courthouse in Heppner. on Snturday. March I 111, 1SU4. al2 o'clock p.m.. for the purpose of perlectme; an organization m Muceppnciinrrn All shearers are invited tn attend. tf Notice of Dissolution. NOTICE IS IIEKKBY OIVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing between W. A. Kirk and C. Kuiil. under the linn name of Kirk Ruhl, h:i this dav hcen dissolved by mutual consent. W. A. Kirk withdrawing from thetinn. However. Mr. Kohl willcontinue at the same locution. I'. Kulil will collect all debts and pay all liabilities of the old (Inn previous to this date. V, A KtBK. e. item.. Dated March 1:1, 1KU. '-'H-M. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been appointed by the county eouit ol Milium county, Oregon, ad ministrator of tlic estate of Jnrob .lohuson, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notilb-d to present them tomeatEiKht Mile, Morrow county Oregon, duly verified according to law, within six months from tins date. tliven under my hand and dated this iith day of March Will. K. D. Kooi), 21.V22. Administrator. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HRKEBY GIVEN, THAT LET ters of Aduiiuifitrtttion on the estate of Abraham B. Hiatt, deceased, were granted to the undersigned on the '21st day of Feb. WM, by the countv court of Morrow county. All persons having claims aitalnst said estate are required to cxnioit mem to nio tor allowance, at my home on the head of Butter Creek, Mor row county within six months after the date of tills not'ee or they ernill be forever barred. This 21st dav of Feb. 1W1. William E. Hiatt, MS-IB Administrator. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN ii pursuance to au order of the county court of the county of Morrow, state of Orecon. made on the 5-h day of March, 1H94, in the matter ot me estate ot Lizzie morgan, deceased, the undersigned, the administrator of said estate, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, on Saturday, April '28th, ism, at 10 o'clock in the forenoou of said day, at the court house of said county, all the riuht. title interest and estate of the said Lizzie Morgan at tne time of ner ueatn in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being In the said county and state and more particularly described as follows: The 8. ', of the 8. W. iiu o. yji Mixs a. c.y vi oec. 4U, i u, , a. ui ft, 24, E. Vv. M. 215-24 M. R. VfOROAN, Administrator. LIST OF LETTERS. , LETTERS ADVEKTI8ED AT HEPPNER Mar. la, 1894. Brown Bill Clay Eannie Dundas U D Ekleend Erlck Krey Mr.. Lyde Junklnc J A Tuttle Frank 2 Thomas Lee Utter Wm WlkeChasS When calling for these letters please lay, advertised. A. HUlloky P. M. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives tbe beet satiefactioo ot any congh medi cine I handle, and as a seller leads all other preparations in this market. I recommend it because it is the best medicine 1 ever bandied for oonghs, colds and oroun, A. W. Baldridge, iHillersville, 111 For sale by Hlooum Jobnson Drug Co. THE MONOGRAPH. For one Dollar and Yonr Opinion on This Subject. What is tbe best Monetary system for the United States? This is the greatest problem confronting tbe Amerioan people. It is tbe intention of tbe pub lishers that "The Monograph" shall contain tbe best thought of the nation on tbis question. The recognised lead ers in all political parties have been oalled upon to contribute plans for tbeir ideal Monetary System. But not content witb tbis, we are determined to embody in the same volume the opinions of thousands of the "Great Common People," and to that end we will allow two dollars on the prioe of the book for )our solntion of tbis problem, expressed in not more than 800 words. Tbe Mono graph, tbe best modern work on Mone tary Systems, will be sent to any address on receipt of $3.00. It is a book that will interest and instruct, and is dea. lined to beoome i giant faotor in shap ing the future monetary system of tbe nation. Thb Monograph Publishing Comi-any, Room U, German Am'n B'k Building. St. Panl, Minn. Reference by permission, NatT Oer. Am'n Bank. tf Economy and Strength. Valuable vegetable remedies are nsed in the preparation ot Hood's Sarsapa rilla in snob a peculiar manner as to re tain tb full medicinal valne of everv ingredient. Thus Hood's Sarsaparilla combines economy and strength and is thaoDly remedy of whioh "100 Doses One Dollar" la true. Be sure to get Hood's. DR POOTB'S n A NH-BOOHL OF IIEAI.TH HINTS AND READY KBOIPKft, Is the title of a very valrxWe book that gives a (Treat amount of Information of the Utmost Importance to Everybody, c.m.ernlng their daily huhita of Eating, Drinking, Dressing, etc,, IT TELLS ABOUT What to Eat, IIow to Eat it. Things to Do, Things to Avoid, Perils of Summer, Influence nf riants, Occupation for Invalids, Alcohol as a Food aud a Medicine Superfluous Hair, How to ureaine, Removing Maine, -., m vuinHtiv i. mnmra. Overheating Bouses, Preventing Near-Sltfhtud- How to Avoid Them, Croup-to Prevent. Ventilation, Dess, Exercise, IT TELLS HOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Bolls, Burns, Clilllblains, Cold Feet, Corns, Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earaohe, Felons, Fetid Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning, Mole'a, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Moutfc, Sore Nipples Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings aud Insect Bitos, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcorai Warts, Whooping Cough, Worms in Children. IX WILL SAVE DOCTORS' MILLS. Cg-All new sutiscribera and prompt renewnls dunngtbe month of Mar. will be presensed with a free oopyot this as a premium. FOR INVENTIONS. Enunl with trie interest of those havinff claims acainst the government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their ntents. Tor, tnurli rnre rannot be exercised in emrjloviutr competent and reli able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. Witn ine view oi protecting niveniurs irom wonniess or carcicss unurucys, and of seeine that inventions are well -protected bv valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If vou have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to t.lie Dest course t- pursue. Models are seldom necessary, ii others are infringing on your rigt ts, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to u for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 P STREET, NORTHWEST, p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. Sf Cut this out and send It with vour l"i- I'loutisd lit ciuying pilla euro cuudupiuiuu Prentls3 Rectltying pills cure cnnatlptnlon PRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL MS j Alrcost all pills and modldno produce constipation, here Is a f.V.l mat euros torpid liver, biliousness, rheumatism, lndl-eatlon, Bick headache and kidney aud liver .i..ui griping or leaving any trace of CONSTIPATION, which 1. the prime cause of nil sickness, bowaro ot It getting habitual and chwnlo with you. see to it In tlmo; thono pills will euro ycu. LA niCD U WTI3S RECTIFYING PILL. a EseJ' t I !$ b0cau88 11 18 the only 8ate and harmless CO AC sete clear the skin and romovo all blotches self. 25Centaabox. I m Or sent by mall upon receipt of prlco by Prentiss Chemical and n si ,-3 a a . VAU.I-UKWIA STREET, . Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER LI Ulif us IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT .-7 J--ETTER OR POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, P. O. Br" WED0"- ".erne,. Honorably discharrrerl ,nui j , Washington, D. C. are entitled, if now paJuallyor "hollv o'llawUf 0 8e,7ed nlne,y or OTer-ln he ,ate w w7,wn"ice r not, and w.durt,; CIinnKni-SrPon their own lb" 7 eStftfeJ fT t,l?'r owJ iiboT for PPOrt. Widow. D?EJ ,r ""tied (if under sixtein !! f f old!er dOi w. due to service. dT,?;ih'h'ndiedorr"ma"ied een ye" almost.il case, where there was no l u'uercace wnetber soldier servri v ; laoonor h- MV?-... . "secttordiedinIatewrorlTircMiir.rmvor Uw,. Uh"utlohlSvS inousandsof soldiers drawin from . -SSF1 "sS v..r ?f'A'm" wnpleted and .ettlenw -,..!. Rejected I claim. " P'ntion h" b" rantei ""der u82ZffniP" dh"rye7btaineCdford.' !Jltion improper or illegal. a box 483. URN, Managing Attorney, Washington, 0.6 Parasites or the Skin, Care of Teeth, Bathing Best Wnr, Aftor-Dlnnnr Napa, Limps and Lunp Diseases, Kffeota of Tohacoo, How to Avoid Them, C'uro for Intemperance, Clothing, What to wear, Hoadache, Cause & Cur., now much iu near, To Uet Hid of Lice, (jonmeious u season. tnaianiu ahvuuvui. WASHINGTON, D.C, 1 1't'inirta Ittx'tUyitig pills euro ciiiBii put lua i remiss Kwtirylug plllncuro const. put Ion 33 - "... duiui, utiMU I r IUO CVIAM from the face Try a box and see for youp- Manufacturing Co., S.N CDiwrIC. A1 rKrtnv,i3cu, vALit CALL AT OKPICK DAT Plenty of them at the Gazdte Office. I " -1 or navy .ln th. war arc at .