GREAT SPEAR 'JHTTlW uWsh SAVE THE TAGS. 3ie Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, $(73,250.00 In valuable Presents to be Given Away in Return for SPEAR HEAD TAGS, 1 , 1 55 RTEM WINDING) ELGIN GOLD WATCHES KH,650 00 6,775 FINE IMPORTED KKKNCH OPERA GLASSES. MOROCCO BODY, BLACK ENAMEL TIUMMI.VOS, GUARANTEED ACHROMATIC... 28,875 00 23,100 IMPORTED GERMAN UUCKHORN HANDLE, FOUR BLADED POCKET KNIVES 23,100 00 1 1 5,500 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM ROTARY TELESCOPE TOOTH PICKS 57,760 00 1 1 5,500 LARGE PICTURES (14x28 Inches) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing, no nil vert JHiug on thein 2P.875 00 261,030 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO The above articles will be distributed, liau t lug looaeco, auu return u us me u.i iam tuxen tuereiruui, We will distribute 838 of these prizes In this county aa follows: To THE PARTY sendin? us the greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TA(iS from this county wo will give To the FIVE PARTIES Kondlntr us the next SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to To the TWENTY PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of SPEAll HEAD TAGS, wo will give to each 1 POCKET KNIFE To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending numlier of KPKAIl HEAD TAGS, wo ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM TOOTH PICK 100 TOOTH PICKS. To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest rmtiiln-r of SPEAll HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 LARGE I'K TUUE IN ELEVEN COLORS Total Number of Prize, CAUTION. No Tags will be received ,n;,, r,;it;u ,;i;nll" ruiiLiiiuiiiE I rtt'.H in UOL UC HllliaeU piUIUl WllU !UUlVOI m'HUer, 1UWU, Counlv. State, anil Number of Tugs in each package. All charges on packages must be prepaid. KEAD.-HPEAR HEAD possesses more qualities of intrinsic value than anv other plug tobm'co produced. II Is (he sweetest, the toughest, the richest SPEAK HEAD is absolutely, positively and (liHgliiclivoly difl'ereut lu flavor from any other plug tobacco. A trial will convince (he most, skeptical of this fueL It is the largest seller of any similar shape and style on earthy which proves that It has caught the popular taste and pleases the fieopie. i ly 11, uuu ii.tiicji:uo in me contest u cent piece of tsi'KAU HEAD ynu buy. quantity. Very sincerely. nm A lie! r.1 the innln nMoinlntr thncn nnner immediately after February 1st. 1894. DON'T SEND ANV TAGS Seed.! Trees! Choice Seeds Fruit Trees THAT WILL GROW. Wholesale and Retail. Catalogue Free. Address GEO. STARKETT, jan25-3m sw Walla Walla, Wash. GREATLY REDUCED RATES MADE BY THE SnnlWn Popifip uuu mil u i uuiw iMiiJilJ FOR THE CALIFORNIA EE FAIR. KOL'NI) TRIP TICKETS OOOl) FOR (10 DAYS. Portland to San Francisco -AND RETURN 127.50 INCLUDING FIVE GATE TICKETS TO THE FAIR EXCURSION TRIPS From Sail Francisco to other points In Cali fornia will be allowed purchaser! of special Midwinter Fair tickets at the following round trip rates: To stations under ir.0 miles from Sun Fran cisco, one and oue-thlrd one way lure. To stations 150 miles or more from San Frn nelsco, one and one-lift h one way fare. For exact rates and lull Information inquire of J. B. Kirkland, Dist. Pass, agent at 1H4 First St., Portland, Or., or address the undersigned. KICH'D OKAY, T. II. U0011MAN, (leu. Traffic Manager. (Jen. Pass. Agt. San Francisco, Calif. K. P. KOdHRS, A. a. F. it P. A., Portland, Orogou. AN HONEST JERSEY Ql She llefused to Take a Purse That Wh Thrust Tpon Her. ' She was from the country, and the country in her case whs New Jersey. You would learn the first from the tun on her nose and the second from the mud on her gown. If there had been any room for douht on either point it would have been removed by her bag. The woinnit from Jersey, according to the New York World, always carries a bag when she comes to town. She was on a lirondway ear and had ridden all the way from Grand street up to Twenty-first. There slin signaled the con ductor to stop the ear. She let it come to a dead standstill before she rose from her seat. Then she made a leisurely progress to the door and stepped from the platform still deliberately. The car was well under way in obedience to the Impatient jerk of the conductor's bell before he espied a purse lying1 where the woman had been seated. He gave the bell a second yank, seized the purse, and, with "Just liko a woman," he made a break for the platform and hailed the woman. "Here's your purse!" he. yelled. "You've gone off and left it." 1 She turned, walked unhurriedly back to the car, looked hard at the purse and aid in a gentle drawl: "I can take it, if you wish, but it Isn't mine!" The car, with a mad conductor and a load oJ amused passengers, was started on its way by a tingle that almost wrecked the bell rope. The woman miled and returned to the sidewalk. MIDWIN HfcAD CONTEST. AND $173,250 OO by ronntlH, among parties who chew SPEAR 1 GOLD WATCH. greatest number of each, 1 OPERA GLASS. ...5 OPERA GLASSES. 20 POCKET KNIVES. us the next greatest will give to each 1 .100 PICTURES. for Ibis County, 230. before January 1st, 1891, nor after February 1st, lor prizes, nee mat a n.n iau is on every Send in the tags, no matter how small the r. j. auitu uujirAt, jmiudletown, onto. nelvna In ll.lo nnnnln mill n n k, 1 .. this BEFORE JANUARY I. 1834. PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. There was never a time in the history of onr couotry when the demand for inventions and improvements in the arts find seienoes generally was so great as now. The Conveniences of mankind in the fuotory and workshop, the household and on the farm, an well as in offieial life, require oontinual accessions to the appurtenance and impliments of each in order to Baye labor, time and expense. The political change Id the ad minis, tra od government does not affect the progress of the American inventor, who beiug on the alert, and ready to per ceive the existing deficiencies, does not permit the affairs of government to de ter him from quickly oonoeiving the remedy to overoome existing discrepan cies. Too great oare oannot- be exer cised in ohoosiug a oompetent and skill ful attorney to prepare and proseoute an application for patent. Valuable in toreslB have been lost and destroyed in innumerable instances by the employ ment of incompetent oounsel, and es pecially is this advice applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrust their business to this olasa of attorneys do so at imminent risk, bb the breadth and strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quick endeavor to get an allowance and obtain the fee. THE TKESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, General Manager, 018 F street, N. W.,Wa8hington, D. 0., representing a large number of impor tant daily Bnd weekly paperB, and gen eral periodicals of the eountry, was in stituted to Droteot its natrons from the unsafe methods heretofore employed iu this line of business. The said Con pany is prepared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare aod proseoute applications generally, inoluding me ohanioal inventions, design patents, trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives especial atteuion to rejected cases. It is also prepared to enter into competition with any firm in securing foreigu patents. Write for instructions and advice. John Wbudehbubn. til8 Street, i?. 0. Box 385. Washington, V. C. GAMBLERS' SUPERSTITIONS. ljueer Notions Kntct-liiiiicil by Profession al On mciiterg. "When I used to gamble," said a good citizen in the Kansas City Star, "if I won I always nude it a point to buy new clothes or pay my hoard a month ahead or buy a diamond or something like that. That's the only sure way to beat the game. Men who don't do that get tho worst of it. "All gamblers are superstitious. I defy any man to bundle a pack of cards any length of time and not get a lot of superstition mixed up with it. Cards will come so peculiarly. Sometimes a peculiarity will last only one night. -., "I remember playing poker one even ing and haviug eveay hand beaten that had a ten spot in it. ISig huuds, too, some of them. I hud four tens beaten that night by four jncks and 1 had seen an ace in the discard, too. I "Another weakness 1 can't slinU-e ntT is horror for the queen of spades. I won't draw to queens, nii.vliow, unless I've got three of them, but I'm afraid of tho queen of spades especially. I won't draw to a hand, no matter what I've got, if the qiuvn o.' s,i id.-s is there. I've tried it and ,u--.y.- ,u.uh a win." Papers for sale at the Oazette office at two-bits a hunlred. A good thing tor you to do is to sub scribe for the Gazette. INFLUENZA, Or La Grippe, thonpb occasionally epi demic, is always more or less prevalent. The best remedy for this complaint 18 Ayers unerry rectorai. ' Last Spring, I was taken down with La Grippe. At times I was completely pros trated, and so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemed as if confined in an Iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking It than relief followed. I could not be lieve that the effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete. It is truly a wonderful medicine."-W. H. Williams, Crook City, 8. D. AVER'S Cherry Pectoral Prompt to act, sure to cure IF YOU WANT INFOAMhTION ABOUT . . ...I- -i. ii-n,- ,n niM!tj cum i THE IMtRtttt 4'I.AIliai nmpivv !0HN WEDDERBURN, . - Managing Attorney. i'. O. Uox 403. WASlIISultJS, D. 0. r-'VS.'OXS PKOC.TKEn fort SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHiLOSEM, PARENTS. :,..'. . : ,.T--t I Sallon-. .l!--!i,lc(' in Hi,- line of inly In rce I'OlYUElir Arnivor Nflv,1 Mill ce Flic w:ir hn-i.'i vj ,.- t:,. Ihiiiini -.var., ,1' ls:;-J l: ."i-d Ia n- K. .,,., .,,,. ,.tlt,l. i.. ,e;.-et, ,l ci iim.-- ''.' e-' ;llliI.H I'l'tili, , tu N i ' 1U.; "! So efcurse .of t.lvhv. x.n-r good AimcE. Every patriotic citizen should give his personal effort and influence to increase the circulation of his home paper which teaches the American policy of Protec tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect in every way possible. After the home paper is taken care of, why not sub. scribe for the American Economist, published by the American Protective Tariff League? One of its correspon dents says! "No true American can get along without it. I consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in the United States." Send postal card request for free sample copy. Address Wilbur F. Wake man, General Secretary, 135 West 23d St, New York. Ore px a WiencAo tVe cause q o; (Xvnevn can. Are you willing to work for the cause of Protection in placing reliable infor. mation in the hands of your acquain tances ? If you are, you should be identified with The American Protective tariff league, 135 W. 23d St., new York. Cut this notice out and send it to the League, tatlng your position, and give a helping hand. (beats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights, And all Patent luislnims conducted fcr MODERATE FEES. Information and rid? ice elven tu inventors without cbarge. Address PRESS CLA3MS CO,, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, O. Box Washington, D.C tf7Tiilii Company is inaiiaKed by a combination of tin InrirtMit and most influential newHptuiers In tho ntti:tl Slatcn, tor the expreiw purpose of protect to jff their Htilifti'ritx'i'H against UMHi-rntmloui ami lmouipi'ti-iit Patent Aiient, and each papei I'l'iultns tlila aiviTtiacment vouches for the responsi bility and hifiu atamllutj of the Press Claims Comyonj, Slu7 uidexpeiiseupuldweekly from start Permanent position. KicIubIvo territory. Kxparlenoe unnecessary. PecuUarJffi f fcdruit&yea to bag inner. Liberal aommhwloa to local part time ayenta. Larf est BTOwara ot oImd, Com- hardy, reliable Vts assortment nursery for the orchard, stock. lawn and garden. We want you now, while thn fruit Industry Is so important Good chance for rtTancement. Outfit and full par erTtnan. Portland, Ore. (This house 18 reliable. Name this paper. KQ. ar:r;s?.Aoent.$75 awi'vk. KiclutiT territory. Tb RpH DUkWubt. Wtabutlliat dtatiM foe family la mm Wdm, Wubti, rlBMi and drlM tbri viibout vottiog lb htod. Toe pmb ihttrattoa, ibvmutalntdeM tb r. Briibi, polUbd dliJua ud cbwrful wlvws. N toaklM 0uir,noiotlilbndiOf alothitif No btoktv dltitvi. bo ami, Cbp W. P. aAHKlMON A CO., Ctirk Ma. It, Celtursaw, 9 . oan RetaTaluableseCTetthmtl cost luo S-'-OO. auJ a rubber shield for SO ema. I Mrs. V. M. APP. CO. I 8 STRFFT. ST. T.OrlS, MO. FREE TDIKI A pacing of eur tmt I filial . mwittor vakunuj 4Vy, wnu d.bllitj and ImI vtallt mi m n. i R. WMD InItDtXiTE, 120g.MSt.8T. 10115,10. P-AWYLAD' RAT-CATCHING IN ENGLAND, A Sport In Which Many Bold Briton Taka Great Delight. Though the tenant and the landlord, ! the eame-keeper and the ijardener be- wail the platrue of rats, Bays the Lon don Globe, there is one personage who is delighted at its existence, and that is the lazy, sport-loving, poaching village wastrel, who finds in rut-catching' an employment that at once gratifies his inclination for out-of-doors recreation and yields a respectable wage without excessive toil. In Norfolk there hardly seems to be a hamlet without one or two men of this kind in it, and, being in that county about a fortnight ago, took a fancy to watch a forenoon's rat- catching. That was no difficult matter. You cannot take a walk without com. ing across some one engaged in it. -the specimen I stumbled upon was a stiffly-built but strong-made veteran of sixty or so, with a bristly gray mus tache, a big voice, a sharp eye, and a joke ready for every occasion. His implements were a long spade with an iron hook on the handle, a sickle for clearing away nettles and un dergrowth, and a box which contained his ferrets and a number of glass-stop pered bottles. "The varmin bit so," he explained, "he had to carry ointments and balsams to dress the wounds." Taking up one of his ferrets he showed where its head was all scarred with toothmarks. For the protection of his own hands he wore stout chamois- leather gloves. Hut the most interest ing part of his equipment consisted of the sharpest looking dogs I have ever seen. The fancier who administers small doses of arsenic in order to make the coats look well on the bench might well have envied them the healthy, glistening skins produced by constant work in the open. Yet the creatures themselves were hopeless mongrels, in color and shape not unlike Scotim ter riers, but larger. A hole was just being finished as I went up. "Is there any more, Bob? asked the rat catcher, addressing, just if he had been a Christian, the most aged of his followers. Hob sniffed and turned away. "All right," said his master, "go on to tho next." Hob wagged his tail and set off along the bank of the dyke, merely glancing at several little burrowings. "I follows Hob," remarked the man, as he gath ered up his traps together. "There! he's found 'em;" and sure enough the terrier had stopped and made a "dead point" fifty yards along the ditch, and no sooner was a ferret taken out of the box than he planted himself in front of one "bolt hole." His companions chose two more, and the whole three stood alert and vigilant, but perfectly still. while the ferret was put in. Hardly had that been done for a couple of min utes ere the rats, large and small, be- fan to dash out into the very jaws of he dogs. Fifteen had been killed and then ame an interval that made us think the last was finished. But when we at tempted to move liob gave a, whimper and a little scratch at the earth he was watching. "I mini dig him out," said the man, and a few well-directed pokes lth a spade disclosed a rat that might have been the father of the tribe, caught in a blind alley. A single snap was enough to lay him dead, and Hob, ith his customary sniff, turned heels ' and was off to new quarters. This time his point was made opposite a thick hedge, the dry ditch running alongside being quite choked up with briars, net tles and weeds. With the reaping hook these were soon cleared away, however, and some idea of the extent to which the vermin prevail may be judged from the fact that at least half a dozen "loose" rats were killed before the ferrets were used at all. I imagined a splendid day's work had been accomplished when eighty-six rats had been killed, and both terriers, ferrets and men were obviously becoming fagged with the work. For it must be remembered that the creatures had not congregated in one place, as they do in a corn rick, but were all found in open country that is to say, in the boundary ditch and hedges of a turnip field. But subse quent inquiry showed that the slaugh ter had not been exceptionally large, two men having between them killed two hundred and forty-three in a single morning on an adjacent farm. The BeKgara of Pari. "'A clever Frenchman has just been taking the statistics of the charities of Paris, which are immense in volume, and he finds that three-fourths of the colossal sum which they represent is absorbed by professional beggars. He gives a very amusing account of the de vices which they adopt for getting this enormous sum and for living in idleness upon it, and his conclusion is that the whole system of almsgiving must be reformed. If something is not done soon he thinks that the deserving poor will be entirely crowded out by the fakirs. There are well-known mendi cants in Paris who have plied their trade until they have become rich and who are yet undisturbed by the police. J White Anta In Central Australia. A traveler in central Australia-has discovered that the surface of the country has been greatly changed by what may appear at first thought a ridiculous agency the white ants. On plain and in thickets their nests are so numerous that it is difficult to drive among them. The clay with which the nests are built is, when cemented with resinous matter, as hard as brick, and when the nests fall to pieces they form elay flats, almost impervious to water and not easily cut up by traffl Knd of a Iionff-l.lvcl llumbup. The cold bath is going out of favor There was, indeed, an element of hum bug in the noisy enjoyment of the man who in the dead of winter broke thin ice to gain ablution. The ghastly smile and the chattering of teeth gave the lie to his protestations of delight. The Japanese, whose civilization may well excite envy, shun cold water as neither refreshing nor cleansing. The poorest , inhabitant has a tire of charcoal lighted i under a movable tub. And just as hot tea in summer is more cooling than the iced drink, so is hot water to be pre ferred to cold: nor need the advocate of this principle be necessarily a disciple of Hahnemann. A Wonder In ere. The eyes of insects are immovable, and many of them seem cut into a multitude of facets like the facets of a diamond. Each of these facets is sup posed to possess the powers of a true eye; Lenenlxx-.k counted S.1S1 of them in the cornea of u bectic, and oyer 8.0UC in that of a ocmiaun horse-rly AYEJK I mmm JUS CURED OTHB.i A Bright Lad, Ten years of age, but who declines to give his name to the public, makes this authorized, confidential statement to us: "When I was one year old, my mamma died of consumption. Tbe doctor said that I, too, woald soon die, and all our neighbors thought that even if I did not die, 1 would never be able to walk, because I was so weak and puny. A gathering formed and broke under my arm. 1 burt my finger and It gathered and threw out pieces of bone. If I hurt myself so as to break the skin, it was sure to become a running sore. 1 had to take lots ot medicine, but nothing has done me so much good as Ajer'a Sarsapa rilla. It has made me well and strong." T. 1). M., Norcatur, Kans. AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer ft Co., Lowell, Man, Cures others, will cure you Titiuiiifp ill way which if followea leads to Prof. HARRIS' SOLUBLE MEDICATED Pastille ITbb been put up In a proDrletarr furm since 1878. and has beun used for yeara nrtorto thut time In private pructlce. It Is no nil tried bob t rum, of doubtful reputation, but a genuine Bpecltlo fur a very prevalent diaoaBe. TuouatiiidB of men. of all wes, have at some time In life brought on nervous debility and exhaustion, with orvnule weakness, by over brain work, excesses, too fre quent Indulgence or Indiscretion and vicious habits, and It Is to these that we offer a remedy that will, by Its direct action upon the seat of the disease, stop the drain and restore the patient to vigorous health and strength. Our method of Introducing Prof. Harrfs'PastlHe trentmout Is one which commends Itself to alt sensible pereons for the reason that we supply it upon their judgment of Its value. We ask of our patronB nothing in the way of expense beyond a postal card and a two cent postage stamp. Tbe con tal card in be used In sendlnu us their full ad- dress and the postage stamp for the letter return lng the statement of their case for which we suoulv them with a Question blank, to be filled out, and an envelope addressed to ourselves for use in returning it wnen nuea. Bssma.f When we receive the state t-o ment on blank we prepare H I M I swif eight days' treatment and for w iii u i if uy uittu uuu piupiiy ' lfQTIr rwiutiiiro trior Ann nnrl Mlonir ward It by mall and prepay I'm Piipirarip with theeight days' treatment fALftAbE, we Bend full directions for using. The treatment In no way Interferes with poison's attention to business, and causes no pain or inconvenience In any way. We are so positive that It will give perfect satis faction that we leave the matter of sending orders entirely with those using the free trial treatment. Having satisHed those sending for trial packages of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we feel that they are more largely Interested than ourselves In continuing the use of the Pastilles. Even then we do not attempt to rob them by de manding hlirh nrlces. On the contrary, we make the prices as low an possible, and tbe same to all. They are as follows: $3 for one month! 16 for two months; 17 for three months. These prices secure the delivery of the Pastilles by mail. If desired by express we leave the patient to pay the charges. For over ten yeara we h a vfl nnAPn laiA nur ism k mi a luimrflltrtU Business upon mis pian witn satisiactory results. We ask all persons needing treatment for any Of the secret ills which come to mankind through a violation of nature's laws to send us their ad dress on postal card or by letter and allow us to convince them that PROF. HARRIS' SOI,. V'BI.E MKIUCATKD PASTILIS have merit arid are what they need. All communications confidential and should be addressed to The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists MBMkman St., NEW YORK CITY, V. Y. MrV.i.ll:mi:H.I.IJ.II:lt..n;tnrnBT : C f00 wor"'' lovely Music lorForly 3 r?I J) I U 9t?1: co"sisllnS,of ' Pa(,' . J: , f"H size iheet Music of Uie latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular 3 P3 selections, both vocal and Instrumental, gotten up in the most elegant manner. In- ""j Jf; eluding four large size Portraits. T CAHUCN0ITA. the Spanish Dancer, 3 5 PADEREWSKI, the Brent Pianist, --S r ADELINA P ATT I and 5 it: MINNIE SELIQMAN CUTTING. rS ADDHC ALL O.DKHS TO E THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. 3 g ' Broadway Theatre Bldg., New York City, 13 SZ, CANVASSERS WANTED. 3 THB OLD DOCTOR'S i LADIES FAVORITE. ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly SAFB. Tr-s same u used by thoujands of woman all over the United Stfttos, in the 3LD DOCTORS rlvate mall practice, for 38 years, and not a singli bad result. Money returned if not as represented. Bead 4 cent (stamps) for sealed particulars. D3. WAED INSTITUTE, 120 H. Klath St., St. Louis, Ha 28 Years' Experience In treating all rari ties of Rupture enables as to guarantee a positive cure. Question Blank and Boot tree. Call or write. TOLTA-MEDICO APPLIANCE CO., 1Q3 Pine Street, ST. LOUIS, MO Reduced 15 to 25 pound, per month. No "'""J. no Inconvenience, ro bad remits, no n.uicom d.nti.1. Que. ion 4 , nk.nd Bookfree. Cull or write. DK. 11. B. SUITS, m Pine blre.1, St. Loui., a $50 A YEAR FOR LIFE Substantial Rewards for Those WfaoM Answers are Correct A mn once entered prison where wm oooflDed l condemned criminal On making request Co b inducted into the presence ol the doomed man thi 'uitor was informed that none but relative, were permit, j to see the prisoner. The rieitor said : " Brother! tndsultn haie I none, but that man's (lie prisoner ! ather is my father's son. -vw , He was at once taken to the prisoner. Now. what pa. auon was the prisoner to the Tisitorf 1 .As.cultu"ll'1"bl'"h"1c(pan7 01 rive ISO a rear for hf, to the perron Kndin. the tm Krrectarl wer: -,)to lb. second ; 3rdf:S0; ,,h, 1 sS too. and over 10,01)0 other rewards, consisliij of utSS wns, ladies and cents fold and aurar wSsneilSS errices, diamond rings, euj. To the i penon sending tbe last correct answer will b. ft h,1!hS0", D1n- ." nest to the last a bean" RVI.KS.(l) All answers must he sent brmatt. aa ar postmuk not later than Dec SI, 18S3. (sj ThS. wtf w no charge whatever to enter this compel t on. but al who compete are expected to send one doC for ,b jionths. subscription to either In Ladim. MAUA2, , TB, CANAOHN AOEICrLTORn5.wC f the choicest illustrated periodicals of the dM 7l All prise wmners will be e,ped to Uit uTin enend ng our circulation, 141 The nrst correct tnswe? rece! sender's postmark taken in all cases as date of Sin? o as to give ever, one an equal chanc "no , maVrtX or she ma; reside), wUl secure thi first nriL- tS econd. the nest pme, and so on P ' Thb AomcriTi-RisT is an old established mncer, and posmw. am,,le mean, to enable T to cwrrfSsS Jt-lwrs.-The following well-known eeutlemwi has. onseoud to Kt as Judges, and wiU hTlBS2 we f.irlj awarded: Commodore Calcuu tnroi5S r.lmsLineo( Sleamer.i, FeterborooghTand MW PR RETRIALS XVr.UB- 11r Y na .bF'-V Varicocele id strigtube B With all bad connoueroea, itrangnarr. mo enrrcT. nervous, nervous debilltj, unnatural discharge, lo.t manhood, d..pondeeoy, inM. n. ss to ni! irr. w'l"il e.v the organ., certainly - and pid.y cured kf tsl. and ea-y meth..d ,. Cnres post F tuar.iilei-J. uueslion Bisuk and Book free. Call or write. DR. WARD INSTITUTE. 120 N. Ninth St., ST. LOUIS, M0. DK.DODD' CiiroVoJ OI.IC IN HORSES. GUAHMIS . littt. n,nr A lior." Mliiilllll kCCO lion hand. It ma- .av the life o. valiuble animal. Ooo psrUge will euro eiglu to ten caac. I rice 81.'U Sent liv mai' o exlircn. Our Ac-, count con"'", hints to elnl.le keepers, inall-d I ., Establlilied 38 years. Treats mnlo or ,-m.i n, married or slnBlo, In cases of exposi ie, abuses, excessBS or improprieties, mull GUARANTEED. Board and aiartn!?n,fi furnished when desired. Question BlanH and Boon free. Call or write. , saw aw. ill sew rhe worst forms post . Is L. I JHvcly cared 91 K" raysaweucce..ful nrsclice. Treatment confldenttst. Cure, by mall oral office. Terms low. Question Illnnk am Hook free. Call or write. DR. WARO INSTITUTE, 120 N. 9th St..St.Loull,Mo fANCERil Di-.R-fH CM IIKU wiilKiut t AND OTIIJEH AMONAMT tli HBO ol 'kuile Qu9Htlon Blank und llook freo. Ultl write JJld. 11. It. 8S2PlniSL Ol, 1A)U1S, MO, WANTED. k WVZV TABT, employed or unemployed , wIvAlfLLm can make tlusfor a lew hour, wurk each day. Rslnrv or comnilHfilon. flu Baniplcs free Address H. BtNIAMIN ACO.,822 Plnebt.,St.Louls,Mo. Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances j eleotro-eiilvaiiio hiittery em bodied into medicated. ;'?j&jg limits, Siinpeiisorlos, S,il- nut apiiiiiiiich, JS.(ll,lll. ltial fsupportorH, VostH, Drawer,, OlUoe Caps, ThhoIoh. etc. Cnres Rhenmntlsiii, A-lver nncl Kidney 'tamphiilitH, llyspopstn, Errors of Toutli, jost Mliiiliood, Norvmisn,ss, Sexual AVoiik iess, and all Troulilofi In Mule or 1 einalo. iiestioa lilunk aud Isook freo. Call or Trite. Volta-Wedica Appliance Co., 3!4 Pino Street, - X. LOUIS, MO. Foot-Prints on tlio Path to Ilcnlili. Everyone nepdins; a ilortor's mlvioe should read ono of Dr. Footi's dimn pamphlets on "Old Eyes," "Oinup," ,'Un(iture," "I'hiniosii'," "VHrioncele," DiseiiBe of men, Disease of Women, nnd lenru tlid best melius of Hell-cure. M Hill Pub. Co., 129 Kast 28tli Hi., New York. STOCK BKANDS. While you keep your subscription paid up yen oan keep your bran J in free of olirtrKts Allyn. T. J., lone, Or. Humes OO on loft shoulder; cattle euuie on loft hip, under lilt on riirht ear, and uppor bit on the loft; rmitfo, Mor row county. Armstrong, J. 0., Alpine. Or. T with liar un der it on loft shonlder of horses; catllo shujo on left hip. Allison, O. D., Einht Wile. Or. ('nttle brand, 0 D on left hip sutl hoiws saute brand ou rilit shoulder. lUnire, EiKht Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Korfios. ,TA con nocted on left flunk; cuttle, same on left hip. Bartholomew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 7 K on eilhor shoulder. Kanse in Mor row couutv Bleakman, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flop, onleft shoulder; cattle Bittne on riLtht shouldor. bannister, J. W., llanlmnn, Or. t.attle brantl ed B on left hip and thiKh; split in each CHr. Brenner, Peter, iioosnberry Ort'Kou llorsos branded P B on loft shoulder. (,'Httle siiuie on riftlit Bide. linrke, M Bt C, Long Creek, Or On cuttle MAY connected on left hio. omn ntf left .ir n,,' tier half crf,n off riirlit. fiorsoB. same hmrnl on letft shoulder, ltang-e in Grant and Morrow connty. Krosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. llorsos branded 7 on riKht shoulder; cattle B on the left Bido. Left ear half crop nd right ear upper alone, Barton, Wm Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on nght thigh; cattle, same ou riarlit hip; split in each ear. urown, tea, j-ieiinnton, Or. Hiirses IB on the rigntsLiiie; uatue Butneon riKlithip; range, Mor row countv. Brown, J. C, Heppnor. Or. HoreoB, ctrole C with dot in ooi ter on left hip; cattle, same Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left U1U. Boyer, W. G., Hoppner, Or. Horses, box brand on riRln hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Bom, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder; cattle, eame on left hip. Brownleo, W.J., i'oi.Or-Cattle. JB connected on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece out, out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Kange in Fox valley Grant county, Carsnei , Warren, Wagner, Or. Homes brand ed O on right BtiBe ; cattle (three bars) on right ribs, crop audsplit in each ear. Kange in Grant and Morrow counties. Cain.E., Caleb.Or.-li Ij on horses onleft Btifte 0 with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder and on left stiHe on all colts under 5 years; on left shonlder only on all horsss over 5 years. All range ui Grant county. Clark, Wm. H. Lena, Or. -Horses WHO onn nected. on loft shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties Gate, Chas. H Vinson or Lena, Or. Horse! H C on nght shoulder; cattle same on right hio Kange Morrow and Umatilla oounties. Cecil, Wm., Douglas, Or.; homes JO on lefi shoulder; cattle same on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two bite in tho right oar. Curl. T. H John Day, Or.-Oouble cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit m right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grout oonnty. On sheep, invorted A and spear point on shoulder. Jiar markou ewes, crop on left ear puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half orop in left ear. All ratiga in Grant countv. B HCo?.k',- J-ljena-Or--Hprses, (Won rightshonl oe,ffVaiDieoIM1!illt "f: ear square orop off left and split in right. left'stifle K- Currinsvllle' 0r- "HorseB, to on Cox Ed. 8., Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with E in oenter; horses. 014 on loft 'lip. Coonrsn, K. E., Monument, Grant Co, Or Horses branded circle with bat beneath, on left Bliouldor; cattle same brand on both hips, murk under slope both ears and dewlap Ohapiu, H Hardman, Or.-Horees branded O on right hip Cattle brauded the same. Also brands CI on horses right thigh; caf e ssme brand on right shoulder, and cut off emHf right ear. v Dickens, Ebb Horses branded with three tinea fork on left stifle. Cuttle sa-ne on left side Douglass. W. M.. Galloway, Or. Cattle It hm,' 0Cfe(8t,dhiJ8WU'1OW-fork iU each BD 3,.UM,,i Or-Horees TD thS .."Ki't stifle; cattle same on right hip, B' , 1"DS; ouglss, Or.-Horse i Civ --:--e, uorsee orani , hiohnl. iA r J!1' C8tUB left . hoi niinoti. wae right Bhonlrlep lliott. Wash.. Heunner. Or T;. j . . .n.ucim. on Emery, 0. B Hardman, Or.-Horees branded 'Jr reversed C with tail on left shoulder icau F eeT V.hl bip-J" iD Morrow cj,, Fleek, Jackson, Hep,uer, Or. Hursea Ik' off left tar'I"'rk' i- "Kht and crop Florence, L. A., Hoppner. Or Cntti, ip . Jffi1 "r F "ith -dongnt shoulder. Florence, S, right shoulder s cattle. F on right hip or S'.igh. .French, Georgn. Heppner. Or.-r,.l. itl ,1' .i vith bar ovei it. on loft side: cron oft lS. ear. Horses, lame brand on left hip uay, neniy, Heppuer, Or. GA V shoulder. on left Gilman-French. Tjm.1 onn Ti-.c, ll, Or.-HorBes, anchor S on left shouklor; vent same on left stifle Cattle, same on b,,th hips ear marks, orop off nght ear and underhit iu left Range m Gilliam, Grant, (jr(,ok and Morrow counties " Gentry, Llmer, Eoho, Or.-Horses brended H 8. with a quarter oirele over it, on left stifle Range in Morrow and Umatillacounties. Hayes. Geo., Lena, Or Brand JH connected Hiatt A. B., Ridge, Or.-tattte. rour d-ton with quarter circle under it on the right hm Ranee .n Morrow and Umatillacounties 'P' nn.!,ra?,'enk9-"amilton-0r-'ttle.twobai, on either hJp;.orop in right ear and split in left Horse., J on nght thigh. Bange in G mn t oSint, Hughes, Samuel, Wagner, Or- T fT B i The Old Reliabte Hale. Milton. Wci, n. -O- (circle with parallel fails') W Cattle same un loft hip aleo targeoflj hip; horsm same on right ihou'id,? B, tiraiit uouuty. " r- tmi He. '""Hi Howard, J L, t'.atlowar Op u with l,ur i,Ihiv ill .... """.. same on left side. Itanam ... is "'"""'tor; inn riiunuiw. Hiitfhefl. Mat. hoart on 1 1.0 left shoulder.' Kaon, Sf"' "hariUrf Hiinsukor. H A. Wamme I . "IV ""m-i" neiipner, Or.M shoulder: caille. S on left hip """"".H ,,,. V llardlsfy, Albert, Nye. Ore. n I oonuente,. on left . Bhm1lJ. nrHor8. i t hip. crop off loft oar. ' "0 Its J t Humphreys, J M. Hardman. Or -n ll lefi flank ' ""Kei.ll. 1 Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or.-Hors,, on loft shoulder cattle, same on riirlTi V ""Kiss HiiBton, Lather. Eight Mile, Ur'lu1' the left shoulder and hoart ou the'lelFS? 8 tie same on loft hip. Kanae in Mr, ' Ivy Alfre.1, Long tlreek, Or 3V right hip, cropoff left ear and biHS8, J, same brand on left shoulder n.. ?. "Oiia oonntv -""" 8ai I JnncB, llsrry, Heppner, Or-Hnr... l I H J on the left shou , lor: nultl. l."m, brtau .VtM right hip, slsoundorbit in left 7, T T I i t 'Jk Morrow oeunty. as UlUlDa. -Vitkw. Junkin, a, S. M Heppner, Or.-Horsa. c I shoo J oi lUtnge on Johnson, i'eiix, Lena, Or. Horsss cl-i . ion suno; catue, same on right bin ,, j"H orop in right and Bplit in left ear P' U"(l91 W Jenkins, I) W.,Mt. Veraon.Or -,T m i loft shonlder; on cattle, J in lefi hi ""H orops on both ears. ltanMii re"1' Hear valleys "ngein Komij, Mike, Heppner, Or.-Hories i, Ml on lefi hip. cattle same and oTnJ ear: under slop,, on the right p " la) Kirk, J. T Hoppnor. Or. Horses as shoolrior; cattle. II? on left hip. 88 " at Kirk. J O, Heppner. Or. Horeea 11 fJnnkteattlo 11 on right side. """'Illi, Kirk, Johbc, Heppnor, Or.; l1OrB0( u Bkmilder; cattle same on right Bale , i"? ' rurht e,ir. ' "'"Wtbil, Kumbnrland.W.G.. Mount Vernon n, i, calllooli right and left sides, swallow frnT'1"" ear and umlor ciop iu right ear. ',?:rr,",'f?:""1'lfto- 1(a;'Bei ariX? Mt'l". on'D and split on right ear II k same brand on left shouliler. liJJ uieuuiieu, .iuiiii y,., l,0Xf ltf',-i f, v br.i.iil,;.! lialf-circloJLconneotedon nitiT1 Sugi.m '' B"mC " 'eft "'CShS Loahey, J. W. Heppner Or. Hon, k , L ami A on left shoulder; oettl" 1 " h.p, wattle over right eye three S ear. lul ai fight Lord, flenrge, Hoppner, Or.-HriB, h , double 11 cji nect, Somotin Z JSP Bwing U, on left shoulder. M I iMarkhatu, A. M., Hoppner, Or -Tain, i M on left side both euro cropped a,,,l . i" I1 bo'.h. Horses M on loft ifi.? canyon. l'wkl Minor, Oscar, neppner, Or.-rattle n right hip; home. Mon loft shoulder I ; T..i.-. ..... ilirg!in, S. N Hoppnor, Or.-lhiim, u, ttle same on loft, hip ' on leh slionltl"! cut bar over on right nhonhlor. '".aW, Morgan, 'i'hoa., Heppnor, Or. Hon. . Th Ci!k"M"u"i Mi thi nS' ?S MoClaren, 1). it., Hrnwusville, Or.-H,,, h iguro .1 on each shoulder; cattle. M2 on h7 1 WoCarly, David H. Echo Or. HowCu DM nounectod, on the left shoulder; ettl,, on hip and Hide. voweis M.Uirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Mnlesh,. with toe-cork ou cattle on ribs aad nrjjir 2 each oar; horses same brand on loftslMt IJlclIulo,, u. ,., nauilitiin, Or.-utl Hum, , with half circle undor on loft shoulderunimu met. umtier. ,Jus A. Keh,, fieii..-. .. tour oai'B connec ted on top ou the riBht .il.' liaiitre in Onuit I 'inmfv 8 m - to-a .Andrew Lone Itook.Or. Horheu AN cm uoc;.,.,l ,m lot I. shoulder; cattle same on bothl?! i Si"!'!1 e' Pdvertun, Or.-llorsee, cm. 2 left thigh: ciiltle. samo on loft hip. " Oliver, Joeeph, Canyon City, Or ASonram, on loll Inpioij horses, same ou left tliiuh iu,: in Crant county Oiler, Perry. Lexington, (jr.-l' 0 on U " tup, Herman, I'inirio City. Or.-thi caHls n 1,1' inuectod ou left hip; hoieos on loft it'il, unil wartlo on nose. Kuiigo in Grunt countv 1'eaibou, Oiuyo, Flight Mils. OrHorsonaiiar or circle shield on left shoulder und 24 oi find hip. ( attic, fork in left ear, right cropped, Jl on lofl lup. Hung,, on Kight Mile. 1 arker ot Gleauon, Hardman.Or.-rioreeiilPiii l'fc shoulder. P. per, trne-t, Lexington, Or.-llor-es brunt e .h, (L ll. connected) ou left shoulder ; li moon right hii, Kange, Morrow ooumi, 1'Uior, J. H Lolingtou. Or. -Horses, JB tun. neoted oi left shoulder; cattle, same on leitlui uuder bit in each ear. Pettys, A. 0 lone, Or,; horses diamond Ton shoulder; cattle, J It J connected, on till loft tup, upper slope in loft ear and slip in tin right. Powell, JohnT., Dayville, Or Horses, JPoon. nec, ed ou left shouliler. ( laltle Oil connected on ion tup, two uuuer naif crops, oue ou each ear, wattle under throat. Ka, ge in Grant oountf . Rood, Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, iqiiti croe, with quartor-oircle over it on left stifle. Reniugor, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C Hoi left shoulder. llico, Dan, Hiu-dman, Or.; horses, three nana! worm fence on loft shoulder; cattle, 1) All on right shoulder. Range near liRrdmnji. Uoyee, Aarou, Hoppner, Or Horses, plain V on left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed ol right hip and orop off right ear. Range ill Mor row county. Rush Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded 2 on the right, shouliler: cattle, IX on tbe left hip. crop oft left ear and dewlap on neck. Mange in Morrow and adjoining oounties. Rust, William, Kidge, Or.-Horees 11 oi left shoulder; cattlo, K on loft hip, orop oil right ear, undorbit on loft ear. Bheep, it on weatheru, round orop off righ ear. Range umi tills and Morrow canities. Keaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or.-HorBei brauded A R on right shoulder, vent quartel circle over brand; cattle same ou right nip. Range Morrow connty. Royso, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or Hli oonueotet with quarter oirrle over top on oattleonriahthio and crop oft right ear aud split in left. HoreM Bame brand ou left Bhoulder. Itanga in Morrow unwiii ttiiu uiuium oounties. Rector. J. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, JO ol left shoulder. Cattle, o on right hip. SpicknaU, J. W., "Gooseberry, Or.-HoreM branded 81 on left shoulder : tangs in Morrow county. (toiling, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded 81 on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. rjwaggart, B. F., Lexington, Or. Horses with dash under it on left stifle; cattle H with dash under it on right hip, orop off right ear mi waddled on right hind log. Range in Morrow, Gilliam and Umatilla oounties. tiwuggart, A. L., Athena. Or. Hones branded ! on lei t shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Crop on ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight W. K, Heppner, Or. Horses shaded J S on lefi stifle; oattle J 8 on left hip, swallow fork in righl ear, underbit in loft. bupp, ThoB., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P on left lup; cattit same on left hip. bhner.John, Fox, Or. MO connected on horses on right hip; cattle, Bame on right hip, crop fl right ear and under bit in left ear. Bangs m Li rant county. Smith Bros., Susanville, Or, Horses, branded H. L. on shoulder; oattle, ,ame on left shonlder, Squires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses brauded JB on loft shoulder; cattle the eame, also nose wsod'e- Range in Morrow and Gilliam counties. Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses BSou nght etitio; cattle horizontal L on the right side Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, H on right hii : swallow-fork in left ear. Bwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, M on left shouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip. Sperry, E. G Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year, dewlap; horses W t! on left shoulder. Ihompsuu, J.A., Heppner, Or. Horses, I on left shoulder; cattle, 2 on left shoulder. Tiniiet W T L n, : r- u , tall Bhoulder. i "ier f1; w-i Heppner, Or.-SmaH capital I le.'t, shonlder, horses; oattle same on left hip with split in both ears. Ihorntou, H. M lone, Or. Horses branded it oonnected on left stifle; sheep same brand, Vanderoool. H .T u..un u v nn. nected on right shoulder-cattle, same ou right hio Walbridge, Wm.. Hoppner. Or. Horses. IT. I l the left shoulder- nU,,la nn Pi..l,r Kilt. orop off left ear aud right ear lopped. Wilson, John , Q Salem or Heppner, Or. MorsoB branded Jg on the left shoulder. Ituoge Morrow oounty. . W arren, w B. Caleb, Or-Cattle W with quarter circle over it, ou left side, split iu right ear. Horses same brand ou left Bhoulder. Ratigoin Grant couuty. Wright, Silas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle brandod B w on the right hip. square orop ott right ear and split in left. Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded aoe of Bpados on lelt shoulder and left hiu w 1 1 i116 ,eame on left side and left hip. w ens, A. o., Heppner, Or. Horses, ."a ou left shoulder- oatl e same Woifinger, John, John Day City, Or-On lionws St in nHfllel bare 00 lef 1 shoulder; 7 on stieep, oountiea 8are- ltaug6 " Urant ii'1""'r connSf!:ard' Heppner, Or.-Horees, VV oiinnecUHl on left sliouldor. watkius, Lishe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded tli counecteo on left stifle. r,?)!' VharlB0' Portland, Or. tattle, W ou right thigh, hole in left ear; horses, W ou right shouiuer. some same on left, shoulder. HoIiiUi!er nnnimgtou, Baker Co.. Or. - Horace branded W B connected on left shouliler Williams Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir hoL. n thn b on left hip, both oattle and horses. Range Grant oounty. tril.am8' J.P- L?" Creek. Or-Horses, qnar nd alf,0V6r1.threebare01' left hip; cattle same and slit in each ear. Range in Grant connty on lil'.M ,!1ePPner, Or.-Horses runningA A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hiD. rV,iike; Elizabeth A Bons, Hardman Or. si?ie l anded lE w connected) EW on left Witkfc". f"11' " r,-ht shoulder. J. W on .i, eamon left hip, horses same on left shoulder. All ran.- i. jrm nn,. TS0Tta.JA?htS?rlr0r-Ho,," brM,d I I