NUTICE TO ADVfiltTlttKRB. tHOSE desiring the insertion of display ads., orcliange oi suine, must (jet their copy in not later than Monday evening for Tuesday's .iltioii or Thursday evening for Fridays edi tion 'J'HK I'ATTE HHOM i'UULlHHiWO JO. iSOTU'E. 1, The sum of five cents per line will be chai'Ked for "cards of thaiikw," "roHOlutions of resist," lists "i wedding presents and donors, anu obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall liinifiolf give as a matter of news,) and untieeHof spet'ial nieeMiiffH for whatever purpose. -2, Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be ehared for at tlie rate of live bents a lino. TUuse rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No correspondence will he published unless the writer s real name Is Bigued us an evidence oi good num. -T P. FISHER, NEVVHPA FEK ADVERTIS- f A- nig Agent, i Merchants Exchange. ban l?roncisco, is our authorized agent. This paper is Kepi ou nie in nisomce. TIME TABLE.. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek John Uay and Canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at ti a. in., except ttuuday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or frmn thu iM1nviir om.ntrv ,..,, u . J' EKLEVAN, Prop, Pnlll Cohn, Agent, Give your business to Heppner people, ana uierejore assist 10 OMwa up Hepp ner. Patronize those tvho patronize you. Here and There. Judge Bennt-tt ia here to look after oourt mutters. liulph Ditteuhocfer over Sunday. was in the oity Arthur Smith will clean watches at the reduoed price ot SI. A. R Chapman aud Mr. Campbell, of Ridge, were iu today. Culleotor H. Bluckman Sundayed with bis family in Hoppuer. J. W. Vaughan came up f rom Lexing ton Suuduy to attend oourt. Lost A baby's gold locket and finger ring. Leave at Gazette office, It J. D. Hiokey commenced lnrubing a few days ago, and reports no loss. F. S. Morris, a Denver bond and warrant buyer, was in town Saturday. Gub Hale left today for the Warm Springs country to look after bis ranch, T.J. Allyn and Henry Padburg, of lone, are in attendance at court this week. The Heppner-Ounyon stage line is the beat, cheapest aud quickest to the in terior. Geo. Thornton left last night for The Dalles to take a position on the Union Pacific. Dan SUlter's fine imported Clydedale stallion, Top Gallant, died Sunday morning. Fell Bros, are making prices on b11 their goods that are Belling them. Spot cash only. It. Unfailing in effect, always reliable, pure and barmlesB, is Simmons Liver Regulator. Hood's Pills cure nBusqa, sick head ache, indigestion, biliousness, Sold by all druggists. If you want a good gnu or sewina machine, come to the Gazette office and we'll fit you out. Fell Bros', spring opening of millinery is on, and you are cordially invited to inspeot their stock. It. Those that have oounty scrip for sale should call on George ConBer at The First National Bank. 2-tf. The Gazette will be sent to any ad dress in the United States till after campaign for 50 oents. f Legal blanks, plenty of thPm, at the Gazette office, aud at world's prices. Discounts on large orders. Green Mathews has opened np his barber shop, next door to Hayes Bros. Shaves, etc., on tap as usual. Mat Liobtenthal is in reoeiot of the sad news of the severe illness of bis mother at her home in Chicago. Good wbiBkey, oheap and artificial. Send )fl postal note for recipe. Address Jjox 101, Pendleton, Oregon. i 12 The W. R. C. will meet in the K. of P. hall, next Saturday at 1 p. m. All members requested to be present. Go to Fell Bros', for your millinery. They have just reoeived a new stock, you will find their prices low. It. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should snbaoribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. The Gazette will take oounty scrip at face on subscription, Bnd pay balanoe of game in cash at highest market price. 7-60 The Gazette offioe now runs an in surance and notarial shop. Come in when you want to do your insuring and swearing. Otis Sargent was taken to The Dalles, by bis mother Friday night to have a piece of apple-peeling removed from his trachea (windpipe). Elder DaviB, of the Church of Jesus Christ, will bold services at the opera house tomorrow evening, at 7:30 p. m. All are respectfully invited. Those who have brought in various kinds of supplies in lieu of cash, should dall around at this office and get credit for same if not already given. The Christain churoh will give a dime sooial at the old Beoord offioe. MBy St Tburday evening, Proceeds to go to ward purchasing song books. Rev. Potwine arrived from Pendleton this morning, and will hold divine services at the M, E. churoh this even ing at 7 :30 p. m. All are invited. Eoho stage leaves Heppner for Echo Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. ArriveB Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. Fare, one wBy, $2.50. PbillCohn, agent, A. Andrews, Prop. Lost A note dated June 11, 1892, signed by J. VV. Swaggart, oalling for 82,000, in favor of P. C. Thompson. The public are warned against negotiating for or purchasing said note. tf. To our customers No difference how large or small your account is, oome in and settle, either bv cash or note. We must have one or the other to enab'e us to stem the flood. Hayes Bros. 90tt All the elements which natnre requires to make the hair beautiful and abundant, are supplied in Aver s Hair Vigor This preparation keeps the soalp free from dandruff, prevents the hair from becoming dry and barsh, and makes it flexible and glossy, Gid Hatt bas now established a ton sorial parlor, at the Matlock building next door to Simons' blacksmith shop where he invites the Datronage of his old Customers and all who desire atriotly first jlaes work. Bbavins. sbamnooineand hair- Outting at Jiving prices. Don't overlook Many of tbe delegates to the repub lican convention are bIso in town this week as iurors. Amnne them we notice W. 8. Connor and M. Williams of lone, J. W. H'lton and G. D. Coats, of Hardman, J. O. Maggs, of Gooseberry, J,W. Beckett, of Eight Mile, John Handy, of Ella, Joe Reotor and Robert Hart, of Heppner. ITEMS. LEXINGTON The weather ia too cool for plowing as the ground freezes most every night. O. O. P. primary Saturday, Maroh 17th resulting in the selection of Wm. Pen luud, Chas. Jobnton and C. N. Peok ai delegates to the county convention. wruuupa uarneu ana v. v. noon were nominated for justioe and constable. When the demoorats pat men in nomi nation tor me same oraoes we'll see lively times. Meeting closed last nigbt with about 20 additions to the ohurob. They will come in good play to help support the preaoher "those hard times." We notice the Eight Mile correspond ent holds up his bands in holy horror at the thought that we were waiting for Dampman to tcare as and will venture to aay that it Eight Mile people were not soared or excited there must bave been different methods used there than bere. Several families are moving out of town for the summer. But rumor Bays there will be a wedding Boon, bo we sup pose business will go on aa before. Publio opinion has been very muob divided on the subject of the man wbo visited Heaven talked politicb with God, burned bis fhoesolesoffwalkiug through Hell, eto. The aforesaid gentleman drew a map of Heaven, we suppose with the intention of selling ooruer lota in the Heavenly Kingdom, and also drew a couple of pictures of Hell perhaps to make people invest in those same corner lots more readily. But one "Yuhoo" who bad borrowed the pictures to con template his future roasting happened to also fiud a oopy of "Dante's Inferno," and in that book were the original pictures from wbiob the drawings were made with suoh fidelity that a glance was sufficient to identify them as the same. It was also disoovered that "God's friend" had been reading the book, and after service Sunday the "Modern Munohhauaei." was shown his pictures aud told there was a book containing the same. On expressing a desire to see the book it was shown him then and there and the drawings com pared with the original, creating con siderable consternation. He feebly attempted to claim tbct some one else drew them, but as be bad proudly shown them and told all about tbem the olaim I ell rather flat. Many people saw then to their disgust, but the "seivant of the most high" in this plaoe got possession of the drawings and we understand re fuses to let any one see them. All this taken with many other singular occur rence suoh as looking at the picture of living people and claiming to haye seen them in Heaven, also that statement that God gave him permission to chew tobacco etc., caused a broad smile to come over the face of the person bere wbo speaks of the "Heavenly Combi nation." These statements may seem rash but we stand ready to prove them. Glasscock, he of the swelled bead, again rushes that beautiful name of hie into print to make an attaok on Rex from behind the petticoat of the W. C. X . U. We were not aware that Rex had attacked the W. O. T. U. or that Master Glasscock was a member of the same The order no doubt is a good one and our dear friend and the ladies who belong to it are probably sinoere Christ ians, though somewhat given to the worship of false Gods, suoh as Roarick, Damper, Paraohute, etc., and no re flection was oast at tbem. The alluBion was made to show the falseness ot the olaim set up by the minister. Now as to the "red ourtain element," it is bard for a sinner to see where any of those who claim to have reformed them are entitled to bo muoh "credit." They, or no one else, oan disprove the statement made in regard to tbem in the last communication. As to Mr. Glaascock, he no doubt with many others ot his "long-eared tribe" think it all right for a minister to assail from the pulpit all who disagree with him, and that it is a righteous act to tell a "lie for the good of the cause." As to throwing filth, if one were to write verbatim some of the sermons delivered here Bnd send through the mail he would be liable to a fine for sending "obsoene matter." We have the utmost respeot for true religion and none for vain boasters, and the fact that a fraud has been unearthed here, which plainly showed itself to be the result of conspiracy between men wbo make a living reviling sinners, oauses us to be on the lookout for hypocrisy. Now my sweet friend, Rex, don't care a ouss for your advioe, but wben you want to praise those ladies ot Heppner again, please do so without making false statements con cerning him. These articles are not written through malioe nor with the hope that any one would think tbem witty. Neither have we a desire to attack the Methodist or any other church, but whoever the shoe fits may wear it and if it pinohes, why howl as Rov did. Well we don't know who to abuse next but you may be sure there is one individual who won't misB a chance to kick up a row. and that is Rex. Lexington, Maroh 20tb, 1894. ' 1 ' Circuit Coubt. Judge Bradshaw and Proseonting Attorney Wilson arrived Sunday morning, and yesterday took tbe reins and began to look after the offend ers. As we go to press ine ium. Maokey oase, horse Btealing, is on trial Nothing of importanoe except this has been transacted since the opening of tbe term, yesterday having been taken up with civil cases, eto. The grand jury, men are as follows: Wm. Hughes, fore. man; J. O. Maggs.I. C. Large, Joe Reo- or, Jerry Cohn, J. O. Hayes and J. W. Beckett. Bailiffs: J. W, Rasmus, J as. Leaob and Geo. Sperry. Where? sf atahnmaick'a. In addition to his tailoring business, be bas added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hosierv. etc. Also nas on nana some elegant patterns for soita. A. Abrabamsiok, May street, Heppner, Or. Simmons Liver Regulator never fails to relieve tbe worst attacks of indigestion. Our;BabyBoy Suffered Intensely From Impure Blood v WTIII Perfectly Cured by Hood'ty ; Sarsaparllla ""7 Harveyvills, Kansas. "C. t HdftO ft Co., towel), Mass.: c Our little baby boy Is now alm ist two years old. When hfl was about sii weeks old tlisrs appeared a breaking out on his head and breast We tried various salves and soaps, but It Continued to Crow Worse And we took him to a doctor, lie said It was scrofula, but his treatment failed, aud we called upon three other physicians, who termed it salt rheum or eczema. Even then ho grew worse. A crust would gather on his head as thick as quarter and puff up with oorruption. Then It would come off, taking the hair with it About three months ago w resolved to try Hood's Sarsaparllla and Hood's Olive ointment. To day we are happy to say that Burtron is now Entirely Well. The sores hare all disappeared and his hair Is frowing nicely. He has only taken one bottle ot Hood's Sarsaparllla and used one box ot Hood'sCures Ointment We can now recommend Hood's Sar saparllla to others, and truthlully say It has worked wonders In our little boy's case. I havt also been taklnir Hood's Sarsanarllla fnrtniii,r. tlon and liver trouble and am Improving right along." David A. Kino , Harreyville. Kansas. Hood's Pill are nrnmnt and nM.t.t v asjr In action, gold by all druggists. 2Sc. ' How Baby Was Saved. AN INTERESTING STORY FOR PA RENTS. A Child That was Born With A Terrible Affliction Pronounced Incurable by the Leading Physicians of Hahnemann Col lege Saved by a Miracle. From the Philadelphia Inquirer. , . From time to time there bave appeared in the leading and most reputable news papers of the oountry marvelous ac count 9 ol many wonderful oures that bave been affected by a medicine called Dr. Williams' Fink Fills for pale people. These statements bave been made bv some ot tbe best known men in business circles, ohurch oiroles, and bave been backed up by their affidavits. The Inquirer is pleased to add another to the list and gives the story below, properly vouched for. Little Ettie Moncrieff is tbe daughter of Mrs. Helen Moncrieff, wbo resides with ber sister, Mrs. M. G. Meek, at 748 Wbarton street, wbiob ia a neat little bakery. The reporter found Mrs. Meek herself behind tbe counter and she said: "My sister's daughter, wbo is now a year old, was afflicted from ber birth with a spina) affection, and the dootor who attended ber said she would not live. We bad two other dootors to at tend ber. They also said she could not live. Finally I took her to tbe Hahne mann College. That was four months ago, wben she was 8 months eld. Tbe examination was made in tbe presenoe of a room full of pbysioiansand students. Tbe Frofessor lectured on ber case, saying it was a very rare one, and that in such oases there was very seldom a recovery. It was.he remarked, tbe most peouliar oase that was ever brongbt to bis attention. "I brought tbe obild borne immediately believing as the Frofessor and others had said that she oouldn't live. In fact, at one time, we thought she was entirely gone. She was uBsconsoious, with scarcely preceptible pulse or breath. Several times Bbe was in an almost equally helpless oondition and we looked for her death hourly. ' "Then I oalled to mind bow Dr. Will iams' Fink Fills for pale people bad once cured me of tbe after-effects of tbe grippe, and tbe miraculous recoveries I bau heard of and read about of people cured from paralysis in various stages, and even from physical deformities ., I told my sister that since all the dootors bad abandoned tbe obild and she seemed to have no chanoe for lite, it could certainly do no barm to try the Fink Filli to see if they could possibly repeat other wonderful cares.' She oouldn't move at that time, both ber legs and arms being Bffected. But we began that very nigbt giving her tbe Fink Pills, letting ber baye one pellet a day divided into three parts. On tbe third day we could see that she wai improving. Before that it was bard to get ber to take food. At tbe end of two weeks we saw great improvement in ber. We continued giving ber the pills more tban a month. After we ceased giving ber the Fink Fills, however, she seemed a little less happy and healthy, and we goon began using them again. Now she is a oheerful beautiful cbild in splendid health. She baa entirely recovered from her spinal and other troubles. She sleeps well and takes her food well. For a child of ber age she seems to be aa strong and healthy as oouldbeeipeoted. Wben we hold her by the arm or she is at our knees she can stand, and for a child who was once deprived of all power of spine, armB and legs, this seems Reserved fcr McFarland Mercantile Co. R Q). rpllPSOl) 60, Heppner, Oregon. General Line of Agricultural Implements. 1 1 a w ASSIGNEE'S SALE. W DISCOUNT Closing out the entire stock of Boots and Shoes of the old firm of M. Liehtenthal & Co., at Cost for' Cash- Call and Secure a Groocl Bargain. T.QU7IID, Assignee. J, rll its, Dawson Ss Lyons, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory . manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPFNER, wonderful. . We oannot have the slight est doubt now that she will grow up a strong healthy cbild." Mrs. Meeks made tbe following affidavit to tbe above: Sworn and subsoribed before me this sixth day of May, A. D. 1893. . seal. James F. Rooney, ' Notary Publio. Dr." Williams' Pink Tills are not a patent medioine in the sense that bame implies., They were first compounded as a prescription, and used as suoh in general practice by an eminent pbysici an, So great was their efficaoy that it was deemed wise to plaoe them within the roach of all. They are now manufact ured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, . N. Y., and Brookville, Ont., and are sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred, and tbe publio is cautioned against numerous imitations sold in this shape) at 60 cents a box. or six bur ;b for 82.50, and may be badot all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., from either address. The prioe at whioh these pills are sold makes a course ot treatment inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment. $1'200 FARM AND STOl'K RANCH' It will take only 8812 to buy it; 480 acres, SJU acres plow land; one-halt mile running water. Improvements: 40 acres fenced, 15 acres cultivated, 2 bouses and stable, spring and minor improvements. Adapted to farming, sheep and hograising. An extensive sbeep range joining to Rock creek. TermB: 890 down; remainder on long time. Location: On county road, two and one-halt miles went of Rood bill, Eiebt Mile. Or. 320 bo res for MU, or 8108 for ownership in 160 acres school land or will exobange for two good homes. Original cost of school land 8320. Apply at Heppner (iazette olhce Heppner Oregon. 199-tf-sw. "March to search" is tbe old adage. It searches ont any weakness of the system, resulting from impure blood. Those who use Ayer's Harsaparilla find March no more searching or even disa greeable than any other month. This medicine is a wonderful invigorator. Snnvuinn VA. RirhAnlr. ft flhnAmak- er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just located in the Abraham siol' Duilding, on May street, where be is prepared to do everything in bis line. Mr KirnecK is strictly a nrst-oiase work man and warrants all work. Give him a oall lwtf Whatever may be the cause of blanch ing, the hair may be restored to its original color by tbe use of tbat potent remedy Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenewer. ON ALL STOCK. OREGON. LOAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat, bu 35 Flour.bbl. .2 50 (a 8ll0 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owe, 1 CO tnree ' 1 75 2 00 Sheep, muttons, bead . . . . 1 50 2 25 " stock 1 50 1 75 Hogs, ou foot, owt i 50 Hogs, dressed 6 50 700 Wool.... a lo Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 40 50 Eggs, doz 20 Chickens, doz 3 00 Turkeys OAl.IFOKNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 81 03 1 08 Flour, bbl 3 00 (69 4 00 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (a) 5 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00 Hons, owt 4 B0 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 (g 12 Butter, lb 25 30 Eggs, doz 20 25 Cbiokens, doz 5 00 600 Turkeys, lb 15 18 POBTLAND MAKKET. Wheat, owt $ 85 95 Flour, bbl 2 90 3 15 Beeves, owt 1 75 2 75 " dressed 3 50 (a 6 00 Muttons, live sheared. .. 2 50 8 00 " dressed 5 75 6 00 Hogs, on foot 4 50 6 50 " dressed 7 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 6 14 Butter 20 80 Eggs, doz 27J a 30 Chickens, doz 2 00 4 60 Turkeys lb . . 15 (5 17 ADDITIONAL! LOCAUS. The Ktudehaker wnimn haflflflthAm all For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a "Hardware" did yon say? Why, yes at P. C. Thompson & Co.'s stund, and tbe place for bargains. a The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove oures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine and tobaoco habit. Bee ad. Tbe Palaoe is tbe leading hotel in tbe oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a If you want to buy groceries, and bread stuff obeap, go to tbe Enterprise Grocery. Kirk & Ruhl, proprietors, a Borg, the jeweler, is tbe man to fix up your watch or clock. Le keeps a full stook of everything pertaining to his business' a M. Lichtentbal St Co.'s new stock of splendid, summer botton and tie special ties iu the shoe line are attracting mark ed attention. a Piles! Piles! Itching flits. Symi'Toms Moisture; intense and stinging, most at nigbt; worse by soratcbing. It allowed to continue tu mors form, wbiob often bleed and ulcer ate, beooming very sore. Swatne'b Ointment stops tbe itobing and bleeding heals ulceration, and in most cases re moves the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 60 oents. Dr. Bwayne k Sod, Philadelphia. bw 1 yr. Why Don't You. Call on the New Firm at the old Van Duyn stand ? You will certainly be surprised at the low prices in Dry Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and A Complete Line of Groceries. COME IN AND SEE US! No'trouble to show goods and give TJTTS PEOPLE OUR Not only onoe, but again and again. full weight and good measure for tbe least money. Why we sell tbe best is ex plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes us friends, and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some of oar friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see as, everybody. The 'Keeley Institute -OF- KIRK & BUHL, The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store. On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keep on band a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY . GroceriDt5 and Provisions. A full line of oboioe Pies, Cakes and Bread ; in faot everything tbat is usually kept in a first-class bakery store. They will sell obeap for cash. Call and try tbem. sw Land Patents Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals having oonllicting olaims under the agricultural land laws, and those between claimants under the Mineral Laws and acrioultnral claimants; and also between claimants Kailroad oompanies and their grantees, me owamp-ijana ana ocuooi-jjanu urants. Specialty made ot securing patents in tbe shortest nossible time for settlers who have complied with tbe laws under wbiob their entries were made, and who are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of their patents, caused by Trifling Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed. Advioe also given in all matters relating ta the publio lands, especially on points arising under the new laws whioh bave been reoently passed providing for iuu uinpunui ui tue puunu uomaiu. If you want your land pBtent in a any charaoter, attended to by Bkillfal and poeeu ui, wriDeio PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Wedderburn, Gen. Man., P. O. Box, 385. BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains IN Jewelry, Cash Talks. SEE BORG, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR., It is the Headquarters ! paltita. Drugs, Oils. Olaas, Toi let Artloe, Patent MedlolriuM, Eto, Office of all stages running The Lancashire Insurance Co. Of MANCI1HHTICH, KNOLAND i W. PATTERSON, AGENT oe , iot m prices. Kespectfully Youbs, AEE COMING WAY! They know that from us they always get Iloiofoiier, Oregon" For the Cure or Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It la located at Forest Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazette office for parttcul&ri. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and aura cure. under any of tbe pnblio land laws and the Bnd the states and their grantees, under hurry if you want vonr land business, of oompetent attorneys, and promptly dis- Washington, D. 0. : JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc, Eto. Trust Busts out of Heppner. PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.