Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 27, 1894, Image 2

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    ""J.V 'A
5 f
Good, deeded
Give ycmr business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronite those who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for hid or her communication. No
sorreapondo nee will be published unless the
writer's real name Is signed as au evidence of
good faith.
Did yon ever
Refill about the
Mnn who
Hid his
Libt muler
A bushel?
Yesf well
Tbnt is like
Doing business
Withont advertising.
All the
Snide schemes
In the country
Will not accomplish
Half as much
As a good ad.
In a Rood, live,
Legitimate newspaper,
One that
Is read
By the people,
And that owns
Its own
Sonl; that
Usei its space
Like merchandise,
Worth dollar
For dollar.
At the earnest solicitation ot my
friends, I have deoided to beoonie a
candidate for joint senator, tor the
counties ot Harney, Grant and Morrow,
subject to the will of the convention for
the senatorial distriot, April 11, 1891.
J. N. Brown.
The republicans of Morrow oounty
have done nobly, and put in the field an
exceptionally Btroug tioket, one which
we know will be elected to a man at the
June election. The Gazette is exoeed.
ingly glad that all passed off pleasaully
and in the good old-faahioned republican
Now let all fall into line and work
baud in baud for party success, without
dissension iu any quarter. Life is un
certain ami conventions are likewise
liable to do what we least expect. But
no man defeated lat Saturday is bigger
than hie party, so let us bury the past
and take a fresh grip on the tiller of the
grand, old, republican ship and steer it
to victory. Coming as it does from the
editor of the Gazette who went down
last Saturday after a sharp battle, as did
his ancestor, "Billj Fattersan," some
years ago, it should be considered aa ad
vice worth listening to. It matters not
if a grayhaired man came into the
convention under the protest ol his pre-
ciuct to vent a personal and undeserved
spite on an individual, or it a little job
was "epritng" to trap the unwary, we
must consider this aa the macbinatious
ot men and that our party is better,
higher and nobler than any individual.
Hard, practical politics rule conventions
and this we must expect. If delegates
promised to be loyal and "fell down," it
is not our place to kick and "bolt." The
principles of republicanism are dear to
us all, aud it is our plain duty to abide
by the result, full iuto line aud do our
utmost to place Morrow as one on the
list of certain republican counties of the
state ot Oregon.
Losi bjjo when our pareuta were
young, there was a of deal excitement
down in Virginia. There was a deep
mystery involved. Children prattled
over it, women gossiped about it, the
village editor wrote on the subject and
politicians discussed it oo the street cor
ners. The mstery is solved. It is now
patent to all that Bootuby "struck Billy
Thk ticket is a stroug oue and will be
supported by the republican party of
Morrow. Vote 'er straight .
A severe rtieiiuiatic pain m the left
shoulder had troubled Mr. J. H. Lope',
a well known druggist of IVe Motoes,
Iowa, for over six months. At times the
pain was so severe that he could not
l.ft anj thing. With all he could do he
et uld not get rid of it until he applied
Chamberlau's Tain Balm. "I only
made three applications of it," he say s,
"And bav suies beD free from all
pain." He now recommends it to per
sons similarly afflicted. It is for sale
by Slocuai-Johnsou Drag Co.
So doctor's bills presented to the
families who nse Simmons Liver Regulator.
7TNI 1 60 ACltES Timber (!.. claim .djob, ot .hich taded land the,, . 140 .ce. good iS l.ad, d tliebalnoce A 1 p..U,,. Th. deeded ,d L.. Eod eprine o ..to,
I fence. Situated two miles West ef Hardman.
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $800. '
ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on
The Delegates From the Various
Trecincts of Morrow County
Meet in Harmony and
Congressional Delegates Instructed for
Kills and State Delegates for Brown for
Joint Senator.
The delegates to republican oonven tion
of Morrow oounty met at the court
house last Saturday morniDg at 10
o'clock, and in the absence of O. E.
Farnaworth, chairman of the county
central committee, were oalled to order
by Qea. Conser, congressional commit
teeman from Morrow. A. G. Bartholo
mew and A. W. Patterson were placed
in nomination for temporary ohairman.
Oo ballot Bartholomew received 11 votes
and Patterson 22. Patterson was de
clared elected, and on motion appointed
F. J. Hallock, temporary seoretary, and
A. G. Bartholomew, Asst. seoretary.
On motion the chairman appointed
the different committees, composed of
the following: Credentials, O. N. Peok,
Lexington; Jas. Boyse, Dairy; Geo.
Ely, Cecil; N. R McVey, Dry Fork, and
Dan Galligber, Gentry; permanent
organization, J. L. Howard, Pine City;
Chas. Johnson, Lexington, and Jim
HBger, Heppner; order of business, T. R.
Howard, Heppner; Jas. Talbot, Matte-
son; W. B. Parsons, Well Springs; A.
Charlton, Eight Mile, and F. J. Hallock,
Mt. Vernon; resolutions, A. G. Bartho-
mew, Alpine; J. W. Hilton, Dairy, and
Steye Lalande, Mt. Vernon. On motion
the committee on order of business was
to report manner of presenting candi
dates and voting. Also that represen
tation f.om Eight Mile be left to
credentials committee. The committees
were instrtioted to bring in their reports
at 1 p. m after whioh the convention
adjourned until that hour.
The body was called to order by
Chairman Patterson at the anpointed
hour when the reports of the committee
wore heard.
The committee on credentials reported
favorably on the representation adopted
by the oentral committee. The dele
gates were as follows : Heppner, T. R.
Howard, A. Mallory, Robert Hart, Lanus
Fenlaud, Fat Quaid, E. A. Brundage,
Jas. Jones by J. M. Hager, proxy, A.
W, Patterson, and D. Cox. Mt. Vernon,
A. M. Gunn, A. M. Slooum, D. W,
Hornor, F. J. Hallock and S. Lalande.
Gentry, D. Galligber, E. R Bishop by
Ed Rood, proxy, J. N. Elder, W. G.
Sweetser and Joe Reotor. Cecil, S.
Troedson and Geo. D. Ely. Alpine, A
G. Bartholomew and A. Andrews.
Dairy, Jas. Hilton, Jas. H. Royse. G. I
Robinson, G. D. Coate and Ben Poppen
ga. Pry Fork, N. R. MoVey and J. O.
Maggs. Lexington, C. X. Peck, Chaa,
Johnson and Wm. Fenlaud by Ed Rjod,
proxy. Lena, Mike Kenny and Jerry
Brosnsn. Well Spring, W. R Parsons
and John Handy. lone, W. S. Connor
Frank Engleman and M. J. Williams,
Matteson, Jas. Tolbert and Harrison
Hale. Pine City, Thos. Soott and J. L.
Howard. Eight Mile, Ed. Rood, J. W
Beckett and A. Charlton. The report ot
the committee was adopted.
The committee on permanent or
ganization recommended that tempo
rary officers be made permanent.
Report adopted.
Tbe committee oo order of business
raoommended that the following order be
adopted: Election of four delegate to
the congressional convention, four dele
gate to tbe state convention, nomi
nation for sheriff, representative, olerk.
treasurer, commie ions r, assessor,
school snperintendent, urveyor, coroner,
justice of the peace and oonstable for
each district, precinct committeemen
aud selection of chairman of the oentral
committee. They further recommend
that the vote be taken by individual
ballot, and that the tint ballot be in
formal, to bring out the candidates, and
on any ballot after this the person
receiving a majority ot all vote cast
should be declared the nominee of the
convention. Report adopted.
The committee on resolution pre
sented the following:
Wbkrxas, A state of general depres
sion exists throughout the United
States at the present time, capital idle,
labor unemployed and upon the verg
of starvation and
Wuisrias, Measure are under con
sideration by the legislative bodies of
our country which axe a menace to the
welfare of her oitiiens, and particularly
of our own state and county, therefore
.Ktwired, By the representative of
the republican party of Morrow county
in convention aaeetnbled, that we again
One of the Best
assert our unqualified endorsement of
tbe principles of our party, and oondemn
the unwise, injudicious and ruinous
policy pursued by ihe democratic party,
and more particularly their action of
matters of tarifl legislation whioh threat
ens to destroy our leading industries
of onr oounty, thereby bankrupting our
citizens engaged therein, oloeiag our
business houses, and leaving the laborer
poorly paid and scantily fed.
Resolved, That we refer with pride to
the record of Hon. W. R. Ellia, repre
sentative in congress from this district,
and that our representatives to the state
convention be requested to use their
utmost efforts to secure his renomination.
Be it further
Resolved, That we endorse the Hon.
J. N. Brown, of Heppner, as the oboioe
of this convention for joint senator of
Morrow, Grant and Harney counties,
and our representatives are requested to
give bim their unqualified support in
the nominating convention.
A. G. Bartholomew, 1
Steve Lalande. Com.
J. W. Hilton, )
The obairuiau appointed Frank Engle
man and Cbas. Johnson tellers. Tbe
convention then proceeded to ballot for
The informal ballot was as follows:
A. V. Fattorson 21, G.'O. Conser 20, F.
J. Hallock 15, Jus Ener 15, J. W. Daw
son 14, J. W. Viiugluui 34, D. VV. Hornor
14, Mike Kenuy, 10, W. E. Kahler 8,
S. Lalande 6, E l. Rnod 4 Frank Gilliam
4, and many other scattering votes. On
motion the eight receiving tbe highest
vote were declared elected delegates to
the stnte and congressional convention.
Nominations were then declared in
order for
The informal ballot showed G. W.
Harrington 21, A. Rood 14, A. A.
Roberta 7, 1. Large 3, and N. S. Whet-
stone 2. There being no choice on the
first formal ballot, a second ballot was
taken which resulted as follows: Har
rington 26, Rood 18 and Large, 3.
Harrington was declared the nominee.
Tbe informal ballot showed Patterson
20, Boothby 14, Vaughan 12 and Daw
son 1. At this junoture on motion of
Thos. Scott tbe candidates for repre
sentative were invited withiu the bar to
define their positions on the political
issues of tbe day. In response Otis
Patterson. J. W. Vaughan and J. S.
Boothby addressed the convention. J.
N. Brown, as a candidate for joint
senator, also defined his position when
balloting continued. The third formal
ballot resulted as follows: Patterson 21,
and Boothbv 26. Mr. Boothby, having
received a majority of all votes cast.
was declared the nominee of tbe con
vention for representative.
The informal ballot for olerk resulted
as follows: Wm. MBllory 17, F. J. Hal
lock 12, E. P. Vomz 11, A. W. Patterson
4, and W. E. Kahler 3. Patterson
thanked the gentleman for the compli
mentary vote but informed them that be
was cot a CBnd'date for oounty clerk.
The second formal ballot showed the
following result: Hallock 26, Mallory 18
and Voruz 3. Hallock was declared the
The informal ballot for treasurer re
sulted as follows: Lichtenthal 19, Gill
iam 12, Hornor 11, Briggs 4, and blank
1. After tbe first formal ballot D. W.
Hornor withdrew and the next ballot
resulted as follows: Gilliam 27, Lich
tenthal 18, Briggs 1, and Hornor 1.
Gilliam was deelared the nominee for
On the informal ballot J. L. Howard
received 26.A. Charlton 10, A. L. Cornett
6, X. R McVey 1, Yonng 1 and blank L
On motion tbe vote was made formal
and J. L. Howard declared the nominee
for commissioner.
This fight proved to be quite different
from the commissioner, being strongly
contested to the finish. The informal
vote showed: Willis 16, Jayne 10,
Miller 9,; Coek 4. Lord 4, Hamilton 2.
blank 2 and Handy 1. The secoud
formal ballot resulted as follow: Wil
lis 25, Miller 12, Jayne 9, and Cook 1.
J. F. Willis having received a majority
of all votes cast was declared the nomi
nee for assessor.
Ihe informal ballot showed tbe
following vote: J. F. Royse 15, J. W.
Shipley 13, W. L. Saling 7. Miss Martha
Neville 6, Anna Balsiger 5, and blank 1.
The leading candidate on the first
formal vote were Miss Balsiger 13, J. F,
Royse 18 and J. W. Shipley 12. The
second formal ballot resulted as follows:
Miss Balsiger 24, Royse 14, Shipley 6,
Saling L Miss Neville 1 and blank 1.
Mis Balsiger having received a majority
ot Ml to tea oast was declared the
nominee of the convention for snperin
tendent. SVBVSTOB.
G. W. Lord was nominated surveyor
Pieces of Land in Morrow County.
easy terms.
For farther information call at our office.
by aoolimntion.
For coroner T. W. Ayers had evidently
frightened away all opposition, as be
was also nominated by aoolimatioo.
Diet No. 1, Jas. Hardman, constable.
Diet. No. 2, I. R. Estep, J. P.; Max
Biddle, constable. No. 3, . No. 4,
L. W. Barnett, J. P.; C. O. Boon, con
stable. No. 5, A. 0. Bartholomew, J.
P.: J. L. Howard, oonstable. No. 6,
E. L. Freeland, J. P. ; N.S. Whetstone,
The delegates of Ihe various precincts
were requested to name their committee
men. They stand as follow: Heppner,
A. W. Patterson; Mt. Vernon, A. M.
Gunn; Gentry. Joe Rector; Cecil, O. T.
Douglas; Alpine, A. Andrews; Dairy,
A. Rood; Dry Fork, N. R. MoVey;
Lexington, O. A. Johnson; Lena, Mike
Kenny; Wells Springs, W. B. Parsons;
lone, W. 8. Connor; Matteson, I. 0.
Large; Eight Mile, C. G. Fuqna; Pine
City, J. L. Howard. A. W. Patterson
was ohoeen by the committeemen as
The convention adjourned sine die
after an enthusiastio and harmonious
"Perhaps you would not think so, but
a very large proportion of diseases in
New York, oomes fromcarlessness about
catching cold," says Dr. Syrus Edson.
"It is such s simple thing and so com
mon tbBt very few people, unless it is a
case of pneumonia, pay any attention to
u oold. New York is one of the health
iest places on tbe Atlantic coast and yet
there are a great many case of catarrh
and consumption whioh have tbeir
origin in this neglect ot the simplest
precaution of every day life. The most
sensible advice is, when you bave one
get rid of it bb soon as possible. By all
means do not neglect it. Ur. Edson
does not tell you how to cure a oold but
we will. Take Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It will relieve the lungs, aid
expectoration, open tbe seoretion and
soon effect a permanent cure. 25 and
50 oent bottles for sale by Slooum-Johnson
Drug Co.
Willow creek has reached the high
water poiDt.
Messrs. Tom Carl and Joe Woolery
were at Heppner and returned this even
ing. The Pettys school baa an enrollment
of,16 pupils, the largest number for many
Tbe Pettys school commenoed Monday,
March 13th. Miss Mason ia employed
as teacher.
Spring weather is at hand Bnd the
faimers are busily eagaged in rolling
over the soil.
The Pleasant Hill elected J. R Dooley
as director, and re elected Paul Riet-
man as clerk.
A dance was given at the Grange hall
during the week, bnt was pronounced a
dismal failure.
Saddle school started Monday, Mar,
13th. M iss Sayer ia employed as teacher
for tbe spring term,
Tbe Republican Club of lone precinot
met this evening at 7 o clock. After a
leogtby political discussion of principles
and candidates all adjourned. Eight
new members were taken in today.
Tie land near the month ot Rbea
creek was badly flooded the other day.
Tbe oitizena of lone re-elected J. A
Woolery as director, and T. J. Carl,
clerk. The spring term will commence
later in the season.
The question of "Irrigation or no irri
gation" is considerably agitated in onr
vicinity. After due consideration quite
a camber have become interested and
are eonvinced that a ditch can be made
from Lexington to near Douglas, past
ing Ion at the north, which will pro
vide enough water for irrigation pur
poses. Ed. Holloway has already a
large number of follower inthi scheme,
and work will eommeece u sooa a
possible. All who are interested should
lend a helping hand.
Th primary of the republican wis
held tbia afternoon at tbe lone school
house. Quite number were present
The meeting was called lo order by
Paul Rietman, president of tbe lone
republican club. A. C. Petty was elec
ted chairman, and H. M. Thornton,
Sec., but Mr. Thornton declining, W. 3.
Conrer was elected in hi plane. After
the chairman stated th object of the
meeting, they at once proceeded with
nominations for delegates and their
election by ballot The following: M. J.
Williams, Frank Engleman and W. S.
Conner, receiving the majority ot rotes,
they were duly elected delegate to the
Morrow county Republican Convention
to be held on the 24th. They then ad
journed and all were satisfied with oar
March 17th. 1894.
Simmons Lirer Regulator always,
enrea and preTents indifsstioa or
Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good
for it with first crop raised on it. Reason for selling, owner lives in the East and
Patient Suffering Q
is no virtue if there (J
be a remedy O
gy - (Tasteless)
positively cure Indi
gestion, Biliousness,
Sick Headache. Why
endure continued
aj cents
a box.
Notice To Sheepshearers.
sheepshearers of aiorrow county, and those de
siring to affiliate with them, will meet at the
courthouse In Heppner, on Saturday, March
lsy4, at 2 o'clock p.m., lor the purpose of
perfecting an organization of sheepr.hearers.
Mi shearers are invited to attend. tf
Notice of Dissolution.
11 pa
rtnership heretofore existing between
W. A. Kirk and C. Kuhl. under the linn name
of Kirk Si Kuhl, hs this day been dissolved by
mutual consent. W. A. Kirk withdrawinc from
the firm. However. Mr. Kuhl will continue at
the same location, t;. Kuhl will collect all
debts and pay all liabilities of the .old firm
previous to tnis date.
W. A Kirk.
C. Kuhl.
Dated March 13. lS'.u. 2U-2J.
Administrator's Notice.
undersigned lias been appointed by the
county court ot Gilliam county. Oregon, ad
ministrator of the estate of Jacob Johnson,
deceased. All persons bavins: claims atailnst
said estate are hereby notified to present them
R) me at r-ium sine, iuorrou county uregon,
duly verified according to law, within six
months from this date.
Given under my hand and dated this tith dav
Of March 1SW. E. I). Roon,
ilo-22. . - Administrator.
Administrator's Notice.
lt tcrs of Administration on the estate of
Abraham B. Hiatt. deceased, were granted to
the undersigned on the ".'1st dav of Feh. ISili. hv
the county court of Morrow countv. All
persons having claims against said estate are
required to exhibit them to me for allowance.
at my home on the head of Butter Creek, Mor
row county within six months after the date of
this notice or they shall be forever barred.
hub tst day ot i-eb. imu.
William E. Hiatt.
205-16 Administrator.
Notice of Sale of Real Estate.
il pursuance to au order of the countv
court of the county of Morrow, state of Oregon.
luaae on ine otn aay ot aiarcn, law, in the
matter of the estate of Lizzie Morgan, deceased,
the undersigned, the administrator of said
estate, will sell at public auction to the hlthest
bidder, for cash, on Saturday, April 28th, 18t4,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said dav, at the
court house of said county, all the right, title
interest and estate of the said Lizzie Morgan at
the time of her death in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land lying an being in the
said county and state and more particularly
described as follows: The S. 4 of the S. W. !
and S. 1 j of the a. EM of Sec. 26, Tp. 2, S. of K.
24, E. . M.
SUo-24 M. R. VOEOAS,
Mar. 19, IS!.
Brown Bill
Dundas U 1)
Frey M ri. Lyde
Tuttle Frank 2
Clav Fannie
Ekleend Erick
Junkinc J A
Thomas Lee
Utter Wm
ike Chaa S
When C&llin? for thm tetur nlas bov
advertised. a. Majxoy P. m!
Chamberlain's Congh Remedy gives
tbe beet satisfaction ot any Congo medi
cine I handle, and as a seller lead all
other preparations in tbi market, I
recommend it because it is the best
medicine I ever handled for oonehs,
colds and ctood. A. W. Baldridge,
Millersville, 111. For sale by Sloonm
Jobnson Drag Co.
For eae Dollar and Yoar Oploloa oi
This Sabjett
vThat ia tbe best Monetary system for
the United State! This is the greatest
problem confronting tbe American
people. It is tbe intention of the pub
lishers that "Tbe Monograph" shall
conUin the beet thenght of tbe nation
on thi qneBtion. The recognized lead
ers in all political parties bave been
called upon to contribute plana for
their ideal Monetary System. Bnt not
content with thi, we are determined to
embody in tbe same volume the opinion
of thousands of the "Great Common
People," and to that end we will allosr
two dollars on tbe price of the book for
joor solotioo of this problem, expressed
in no more than SCO word. The Mono
graph, the hett modern work on Mone
tary Sratetas, will be sent to any address
on receipt of S&Oa It is s book that
will interest and instruct, and is des
tined to beooma s giant factor in shap
ing tbe tarnr monetary system of the
Thi MonoemAM Pcilishisg Coxfaxt,
Boom 44, German Am'a B"k Building.
St. Paul, Minn.
Reference by permission. Sat! Ger.
Am'a Bank. a
PmliMi t lulf.
So eminent! an.MMPni t... rr
Sersapanlis, been thai many leadi-ir
u in us ID! tea states
fnrniso testimonial ot enre which
em almoet miraemlooa. Hood' gars.
panlU is ot an aeeidettt, bat the fruit
ol industry and study. It possesses
, merit "peculiar to itseif."
fir i
1 a
Is the title ot a very valuable book that Rives a pjreat amount of Information of the Utmost
Importance to Everybody, concerning their dally hublts of Eating;, Drinking, Dressing, etc.,
What to Eat,
Dow to Kat it,
Things to Do,
Things to Avoid,
Perils of Summer,
How to Breathe.
Influence of rinnts,
Occupation for Invalids,
Alcohol aa a i'ood aud a
Superfluous nalr,
Removing Same,
KcHtnrlm? the Drowned.
Dangers of Kissing,
uverneatiug nouses, rreveuvius iieai-ci6ui.vu-iiww ivn.uwiuom, t-roup to rrevent.
Ventilation, ness, iierclse,
IT TELLS HOW TO CUKE Black Eyes, BoUs, Burns, Chlllblalra, Cold Test, Corns,
Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fetid
Feet, Freckles, Headache, Hiccough, Hives, Hoarseness, Itching, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Poisoning,
Moles, Pimples, Piles, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Snoring, Stammering, Sore Eyes, Sore Mouth,'
Sore Nipples, Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings aud Insect Bites, Sweating Feet, Toothache, Ulcer!
Wart. Whooping Cough, Worms iu Children. IT WILL SAVE. UOCTOltS' BILLS.
t3PAll new sonscribers and prompt renewals dunngtbe month of Mar. will be
presensed with a free oopyof this as a premium.
Equal with the interest of those having claims against the government is
that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because
of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their
patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli
able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not
entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney.
With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys,
and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we bave re
tained counsel expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to
Obtain Patents In the United States
terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases,
Register Trademarks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to
Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and
Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc.
If yon have an invention on hand send a sketch or tihotoeraoh thereof, to
gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once
advised as to the best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If
others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by
others, submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the
p. Ot box 463. JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney.
Cut this out and send it with your inauim.
PKiutiss Keciilylna pills euro cimstlpaliMU
Prentiss Rectifying pllle cure constipation
, . y CURES
jUNu AT ilk
Alo-ost all pills and medicine produce constipation, here Is a pill mat cures torpid
liver, biliousness rheumatism, indigestion, sick headache and kidney and liyer
troubles -without erlplns or leaving any trace ot CONSTIPATION, which
is the prime cause of all sickness, "jowaro ot it getting habitual and chronic with you,
see to It la tlmo; these pills trill euro vcu.
clear the skin and remove all blotches
aelt 25 Cents a bos.
Or sent by mail upon receipt of prico by
Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co.,
Primes Rlcuwnl Iml U3t,ilJaliou rL'mla3 l'l'ymB pills euro constipation
. l-rentlss Rectll lug pll9 cure constipation Prentiss KecHlym,; pills cure constipation
Otis Patterson
ZIII , U L IBJ Lllll
p n b J,HN WEDDERB"RN, Managing Attorney,
was caned bT MrrkVoTnoV and ?eeard etJ n Vh.i ord,aa,7 manual labor, whether disability
W I DO WS of juch soldier "and salfor, a ri.f h F fCUn.,ary circums,ns--as
due to army sen-ict o, not if Sow ddent f,-' ren"ied) whether soldier'sdeath
not dependent upon their o,. labor TrSf S?L !r .5" ,,hJtlr own labor fr support. Widows
. CHliDBEN-Te entity ( if und" ra'neawf lni)'S' .fi"1 w" d 'o serrice.
widow, or she has since died or remarried ' m0St a11 where there was no
rJS?7ffe prided aoldierdlrf to
port. It nodtfereucewhetherVoKe
l,E&tiZ?j3Si&?i'aiaw Uw- ""y'PP'y for hieher other
121tfOTJf5 m" " - ''
siSdlherS" wh,her dM to t oi y disabilities for which now pensioned, but
entiued ' wJAht"iKhwMbfo? d?ibHivor? """nnyor navy sine, tie war .re also
.,iL-f the Black H.wk.OV rv.. ...
or dependent. " "d the,r w'd'"
, . oUcUimscomp!etednasetUem.' - . - - ,.:
oilZiST IK,t"
j?f,hc,,r ""K-nal papers. S obtained
Send for laws and informaii. v-.v .
TUB- BDcrc-
o .t, all uI
rustler can pay
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Gazette Office
v a o n I n y lorif w.
Ho entitled, if .ixty-two years of age or disabled
- - J -
' wnetner pension ha been granted asder
for soldiera and sailors of the late war who
. .
i,u-uargeioradvir. v r . ...
"aTlce- Koreennlesssno