Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 23, 1894, Image 3

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    ! I
'plnWK rtonirinir. the Insertion of display ail,,
i or oiiumti' it cnrod, must tret, tlwilr copy In
tint Itilor tliiin limlny (iveniuir for Tuefilny'fl
e.lHlon, or 'tliureiiiiy isveiiliiir lor Kriilnyn eili-
1. Tlie mini of flvo renin per line will be
ChiNKed f'-r "frti'lH oi IhiililtH,'' "rfKoliitinim ol
reHinvl," lists ol weiliiiun rivnentn ami iIoiium,
anil otiltnary nutiooH, (other limn thono t.hu u'iit
or KfiRll liinniiill Kive hh ii miitlm- of noWH,) tllirl
uut.itx'R'if specie 1 imHMIiiirH for whatever pnriinw.
2. Notice oi clmrcti nnd society anil n.11 other
pnU'ruiininenUi from which revenue in Uj bedo-
rhvil, uluil be charged for at Uie rare of five
events ii line. Them- rules will be strictly mllicr-
CU lo in ev ery I Orinoco.
AdvertisiiiK rates reasonable and madeknown
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her eonnininicatioii. No
correspondence will be published unless tiie
writer a real name is signed asau evidence of
good faith.
iliB Aueiit, 21 Meri'hiiiits fcxclimiKe,
ban raucisco, is our authorized afenc. Tills
paper is kepi on tile in hisollice.
Slinre for Iliirdman, Monnnicnt, Lour Creek,
John Day and Canyon city, leaves as follows :
Kvery day at ii a. in., except Sunday.
Arrives every day at p. m., except. Monday.
'I he cheapest, quickest und best line to or
from the interior country.
,,,,., . J- s- DELEVAN, Prop,
l'hlll Colin, Aircnt.
Give your Innrivcim to Heppner people,
and therefore twsui In build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
Airs. H. E. Hallook is quite ill.
Bob Shaw oame up Tuesday from
O. D. Allison says Eight Mile is too
wet to plow.
H. V. Gates departed Tuesday night
for Hillsbore.
E. Minor is considerably crippled up
with rheumatism.
O. S. Van Dnyn and wife are visiting
down at 1 lie Dalles.
J. L. Ayers nnd family have moved to
their couutry home.
Arthur Smith will clean watches at
the reduced price of $1.
Thad. Armstrong and wife were in
from Alpine Thursday lust.
Mrs. H. Welch will leave Monday for
her ranches ou the John Day.
Hood's Pills become the favorite oalbar
tio with every one who tries them.
Aden Sioun lias gone to 'Frisoo to take
in the sights of the Midwinter Fair.
Mre. VV. (. Boyer noverl to her home
stead iu this vicinity last Wednesday.
Joe Bibur gut buck from 'Frisco Tues
day, aim is ugain with J. 11. Kolman.
There will be sadness tomorrow night.
And the Gnzutte may have a share of it.
The Heppner Canyon stage liue is the
befit, cheapest and quickest to the in
terior. J. B. Sperry returned from a visit to
the Willamette vnlley on Wednesday
Put in your spring ads. and otherwise
"spi ing" yourselves. You must" rustle
to succeed.
Fell Bros, aro making prices on all
their goods that are selling them. Spot
cash only. It.
If you want a good gnn or sewiou
machine, come to the Gazette oilioe and
we'll lit you out.
Fell Bros', spring opening of millinery
is ou, and you are cordially invited to
iuapeot their stock. It.
Geo. Miller and Geo. Lord, candidates
for assessor, have been among uur
people some this week.
Those that have county sorip for sale
should call ou Geoige Censer at The
First JN al lun al Buuk. 2-tf.
The Giizatte will bo sent to any ad
dress in the United StateB till lifter
campaign for CO cents. f
Legal blanks, plenty ot them, at the
Gazette office, and at world's prices.
Discounts ou largo orders.
Norma1' Kelley has his spring grain in
though it had to bo sown in the Oitid.
Pretty late seeding this year.
Green Mathews has opened up bis
barber shop, next dour to HayeB Bros
Shaves, etc., on tap as usual.
Good whiskey, cheap Bnd artificial.
Bend SI postal note for recipe. Address
liox 101, Pi lidlelon, Oregon. 4 12
Go to Fell Bros', for your millinery.
They have just reoeivad a new stock,
you will find their prices low. It.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock Bhould subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
The Gazette w ill take county scrip at
face ou subscription, and pay hnianoe of
same in cash at highest market price.
The Gazette office now runs an in
Biiranoe atid notarial shop. Come in
when you want to do your insuring and
We are thaukful for a onpy of the
Medical Kfgieler, of this state, through
the kindness of Dr. Jaa. Browne, of
A ' dog jumped through Kolman'e
window Wednesday, xiia dog escaped
uninjured, but a four dollar pane of
glass suffered severely.
John Turley and Billy Crank are in
from the foothills after a hard winter's
herding. John returned yeBterday, but
Billy will go to Hitter.
Those who have brought in various
kinds of supplies in lien of cash, should
call around at this office and get oredit
for same if not already given.
Permature baldness may he prevented
and the tmir made to grow on our hei.ds
riready bald, by the use of Hull's Vege
table Sicilian Hair Kenewer.
Echo stage leaves Heppner for Echo
Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays
Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days. Fare, one" way, 2.50. Phil! Colin,
agent, A. Andrews, Prop. .
Lost A note dated June 11, 1892.
sifciied by J. W. Swaggart, oalling for
82,000, iu favor of P C. Thompson. The
public are warned against negotiating
for or purchasing said note. tr.
To our customers No difference how
large or small your account is, oome in
and settle, either by cash or note We
must have one or the other to ennb e
us to stem the flood. Hayes Bkos. 90 tf
Married At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
El. Saling.of Sand Hollow, Wednesday,
March 21, at 1 o'clock. Miss Lulu Snyder
and James F. rtevev, Rev. Gray, officiat
ing, i rnsperity and happiness is the
wish of the Gnzette.
Gid Haft has now established a ton
BoriBl parlor, at the Matlock building
next door to Simons' hlacksmith shop
where he invites the patronage of his old
oustomers and all who desire striotly first
ni i.i-rr''ne, Bbampoowgand hair-
" " Pon't overlook
j NuEiH Fork BaiDl. Last Saturday
wm tun date set for the oouaty ooarl to
; nwiml the contract for the construction
ot a urwee across the North Fork of
tlte John Day river at Monument,
Oregon. When that order business
wiis Inlicti up, it was found that eleven
sckIpu proposals had been filed, contain
ing bids running all the way from $4,500
tn 810,000, according to the materiel
with which the undue is to be construct
ed. L. D. Boyetl, of Heppner, Oregon,
Lad filed two bids, one for $4G0O, and
one for 85700, the latter being for a
Hnwe Truas bridge which is aoknowl
edged to be ouo of the strongest wood
and iron combination bridges ever con
structed. However these bids were re
jected as well as seven or eight other
bids for various patterns of bridges,
ranging in price from- $0000 to $8500.
The Bullen Bridge Co., of Pueblo,
Colorado, represented by C. A. Bulleu,
was awarded the contract, their bid
being the highest filed, whioh was
JilOOO for a Tbacber Truss, a wood and
iron combination bridge. The span as
reported to the Eagle is to be 230 feet in
length, resting at encb end on iron piers
four feet in diameter. The bridge is to be
a double track in width having a clear
roudway of sixteen feet. Eagle.
Coinciii Meeting. The council met
in regular sesBion last Monday evening,
all present and Mayor Borg presiding.. .
Minutes of last regular session read
and approved Bills allowed: F.
K. Sherman, $10; P. O. Borg, $1;
Gnzette, $27 Finanoe oouimittee
report that the treasurer should have on
hand $S'!6 83, as verified by his books.
The books of the treasurer were
asked for and turned over to Treasurer
Giuin Bond of1 Treasurer Gunn
read and approyed Marbhal asked
to collect dog and poll-road tax
Couuoil adjourned.
County. Republican Club. The Re
publican Club of Morrow oounty meets
uext Saturday evening at the court
house at 7:30. The ful lowing is the
program: Song, Glee Club; Seleot
Handing, W. W. Smead; Address,
T. R. Lyons; Song, Glee Club; Address,
A. H. Hand; Song, Glee Club; Reci
tation, Mrs. J. N. Brown; Song, Glee
Club. Come out, all.
FiiEPAitiNG fob Mining. Rich Blaok
well was over from Fox Friday of last
wpekitter supplies to last during the
mining season. To an Eagle reporter
he stated that he thought the spring
run would commence the first of April.
There is an abundance of snow in the
mountains, and more than an usual run
ib erpeoted. Ulagle.
Vandalism. Recently, out at the
Six Dollar school house, some person or
persons ottered the building Bfter
"literary," tearing up benobes, turning
the stove over, etc Suoh vandalism
should not go unpunished, and should
the perpretators be discovered, they will
regret their action .
The M. E. church, South, has added
ehoiric lights. Every hall and oburcb
in town should be so provided. It is in
! lie line of progression.
Wm. Hughes' little son got his leg
sprained recently, keeping him on
crutches for several days. He is now
able to attend school again.
H. E. Wan en and wife were in from
Eight Mile Wednesday on business. Mr.
Warren "votes as be shot" ana says
Eiyht Mile has fifty of that sort of votes.
I. L. Viiii Winkle's ohildren found
nineteen plugs of tobacoo on the hills
near town, recently. It was taken from
Will Kahler s warehouse, at Hardman.
A special meeting of the council was
tie d Tuesday to arrange some bnsiuesB
iifTuirs Taxes will come in soon and
we hope the town will be better off fi
If any person feels aggrieved at the
course of the Gazette, or through the
aotion of correspondents, he bits the
columns of the Gazette to "get back.
It is "naughty" to sulk Bnd growl.
Yir the purpose of raising money to
pjjrobase t.ew hymn books, the members
of the Christian church will give a
sociable on uext Thursday evening at
the building on May street formerly
occupied by the Record. Come and
help along a good cause.
Elderly people remember their spring
bitters with a shudder. The present
generation have much to be thankful
ful for, not t e least of their blessings
being such a pleasant and thoroughly
i-ffcotive spring medicine as Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. It is a health-restorer and
Eli. Keeney informs us that the report
in a recent issue ot the liazette, relative
to the robbery of the Belvedere saloon,
in which it was stated that his faitbfnl
watch-dog had effected an esoape by
jumping through tbii front window, is a
mistake, as biBdog was not in the build
ing that evening. As the dog is a valu
able one we gladly make this correction.
The shouting on our streets Wedner
dny evening was not a fire alarm as many
thought, but some of our young re
publicans practicing campaign yells for
the ooming politio.d fray. Such seemed
to be quite a novelty here, though it is
very oommon in oities where ever)
political club has its yeil. This is also
noticeable at oolleges, as all have
their colors and appropriate yells,
A severe rbeumatio pain in the left
shoulder had troubled Mr. J. H. Loper,
a well known druggist of Des Moines,
Iowa, for over six months, At times the
pain was so severe that he could Dot
lift anything. With all he could do he
c uld not get rid of it until he applied
Chiimberlai i's Pain Balm. "I only
mails three applications of it," be says,
'And have smoe been free from all
pain." He now recommends it to per
sons similarly afflicted. It is for sale
by Slooum-Jobnson Drug Co.
Don't Delay.
Il is your dutv to yourself to get rid
of the foul accumulation in your blood
this spring. Hood's Sarsaparilla is
just the medicine you need to purify,
vitalize and enrich your blood. That
UroA feelincr which affects Dearly every
one in the spring is driven off by Hood's
Sarsaparilla, the great spring medioine
and purifier.
n T:.Unnlr n ultnAinillj.
mioemakeb. -unucua., auww-
er and repairer of many years' expen-
o., haa inat located in the Abranam-
'Jsicl- Vnildine, on May street, where he
' 1 Jn nn.iclhinn In hia linA.
'I liirkL- la atncHv a firnt-class work-
in and warrants all work. Give bim a
11, 14W
Mi Erwtn C, Chase
Botlicll, Wash.
Read Kir. Chase's Expe
rience with a Substitute
And the Clad Result of Taking
"C. T. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. :
" T.ast, March I had to (live up work, 'com
pletely worn out.' I telt tired all the time ; had
frequent headaches, and suells of dizziness; I
had no appetite, and what little I did eat, dis
tressed me terribly. My wile was feeling about
the same. 1 went to the drug store, and called
for Hood's Sarsaparilla. The druggist said he
was out of Hood's, but that he could give me a
medicine made Ifrom about the sams formula,
Just as good. I bouRht a bottle and carried It
home, and wife and I took it faithfully. That
bottle was finished and we could see no Improve
ment. A second and then a third bottle follov
ed, when my wife declared she would take It no
longer, as she believed she felt worse than she
did before taking It We put the third bottle
away half full; and I went to the drug-store and
got a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla, aud a boxes.
Hood's I'ills. In less than a week
We Began to Improve.
We began to relish our food, and It didn't dis
tress us as before. That tired worn-out feeling
left us gradually, and after taking Ave bottles,
we called ourselves well: and give Hood's Sar
saparilla the oredit It deserves. 'Whenever I
take a severe cold I always take three of Hood's
Fills at night, and tn the morning find my cold
broken. Hood's Sarsaparilla ana Hood's Pill
are a complete medicine chest In themselves,
and I heartily recommend them to everyone."
Erwin C. Chase, Bothell, Washington.
Hood's Pills aet easily, yet promptly and
efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 2fto.
How the Friends of a ITrench Tlilef Got
Themselves Into Jail.
Some years ago, says the Detroit
Free Press, the friends of a Parisian
thief adopted a decidedly unique method
Of carrying on a clandestine corres
pondence with him while he was await
ing trial. One day the jailer was vis
ited by the prisoner's betrothed, who
asked him to give her lover an envelope.
This upon being opened was found to
contain simply a small lock of her hair,
around which was folded a leaf of a
book. The jailer did not consider it
worth his while to deliver this souvenir
to the culprit, and, therefore, threw it
A day or two later a similar inclosure
was handed in at the prison gate and
shared the fate of its predecessors. In
the course of a week another was left
by the same person. This aroused the
suspicion of the governor of the prison,
to whom had been detailed the circum
stances, lie determined to investigate
the meaning and accordingly first ex
amined the printed leaf. This he found
was torn from a novel and contained
twenty-six lines on each side. He
then turned his attention to the hair
and discovered that there were twenty
six pieces of unequal length. This puz
zled him for awhile, and then suddenly
jumping to the. conclusion that, there
must be some connection between the
number of the printed lines and the
number of hairs, he laid each of the lat
ter along the line of the page they re
spectively reached, beginning with the.
shortest hair, at the top of the leaf.
After changing them about several
times he discovered that each hair
pointed to a different letter, and the
combination thus produced formed a
slang sentence, by means of which the
prisoner was given to understand that
his friends had ascertained the day on
which he was to he taken to court and
were determined to make a bold at
tempt to rescue him as soon as he made
his appearance.
Taking the cue, the governor adopted
every precaution to frustrate the well
laid plans of the outsiders; the attempt
was made and, as a natural conse
quence, the conspirators soon found
themselves in the same condition as the
one for whom they had planned the
Centennial of a Manklller.
The guillotine is to have its centen
nial this year, the first execution on it
having taken place in May, 1792, when
a brigand named Pelletier was experi
mentally executed by the new inven
tion, being the first to feel that "slight
and pleasant freshness at the neck," to
which Dr. Guillotine would so often re
fer. In creating the invention the doc
tor hoped to assuage the sufferings oj
criminals by the quick action of the
knife, but when he saw the diabolical
use to which it was put and the horrible
connection of his name to an instru
ment of torture he died a broken-heartr
ed old man in the Eue de la Sourdiere
t the age of seventy-six, in March. 1814,
"Perhaps you would not think so, but
a very large proportion of diseases in
New York, oomes fromcarlessness about
catohing cold," says Dr. Syrua Edson.
IT, ia atinh a ailTirilll tlllnfT aTlH Hll COm-
mon that very few people, unless it is a
esse ot pneumonia, pay any snemiuu tu
.. Anl Va V,-k lu ntia of thn hanlth.
n UU1U. Alow j.um io - -
iest places on the Atlantic coast and yet
mere are a greai mauy tnnw m
and consumption whioh have their
origin in this neglect of the simplest
i!nn rt ,..,,.., Aaa life Thd most
preunuuuu ui ctwij ..-.
sensible advioe is, when you have one
t ... u.. nll
get na ot it as soon as possioie. jjj "
Z J- t ..lt i, " T. V.Honn
does not tell you bow to cure a cold bnt
. . , i , i-i u.
we will. lane unamneriain s vjuuk"
Pemedy. It will relieve the lungs, aid
eipeotoration, open the secretion and
lnA a -.a.n-ananf flnpA. 9J. ftnd
HUUU CIICUl jDiuioutu,
50 oent bottles for sale by Slooum-John
son Drug (jo. .
Rip's Wood Yabd. The Heppner
funnA vavrl Tinrfor thA manatrement of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residence, sawed or uu
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
$7,00 per cord. Wood sawed twice in
I 7 la rtor nnrd threA times. 81.00.
Yar'd neBr the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan Howard's. 4-tf.
ro -GiLliam
Iillis, Dawson &5 Iyons,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public aud Collectors.
Wheat, bu 35
Flour.bbl 2 50 3oO
Beeves, cows & two-year-oldB, cwt. 1 50
" " three " 1 75 2 00
Sheep, muttons, head 1 50 2 25
Btook l ou Ml (ii
.Hogs, ou foot, cwt 4 50
Hogs, dreBsed 6 50 7U0
Wool 6 10
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40 50
Eggs, doz 20
Chickens, doz 3 00
Wheat, cwt U 03 & 1 08
Flour, bbl 3 Ou fcs 4 00
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (ci 5 00
Muttons, cwt 6 00 8 00
Hogs, owt i 00 (g 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 M 12
Butter, R 25 a 30
Eggs, doz 20 35
Chiokens, doz 5 00 m 6 00
Turkeys, lb 15 & 18
Wheat, cwt $ 85 &
Flour, bbl 2 90
Beeves, owt 1 75 (?
3 15
2 75
G 00
3 00
6 00
5 50
(ffl 30
4 50
" dressed 3 50 lei
Muttons, live sheared... 2 50
" dressed 5 75 (c
Hogs, on foot i 50
' dressed 7 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 6
Butter 20
Eggs, doz 27J
Chickens, doz 2 00 (n)
Turkeys lb 10 (ffi
We have had procraoted meeting bj
Rev. Parrieh (Methodist) for about live
weeks, nnd when his services closed we
bad services by Rev. Swift, of the
Christian church, for one week. He hud
a good attendance. His services dosed
yesterday. His lesson was the second
chapter of Acts. In the course of h s
sermon, at his explanation ot the 38th
verse, Mr. Beymer had a serious disa
greement with bim on baptism of the
Holy Spirit. A large majority of the
audience disapproved of Mr. BeymeiV
course and the worldlings made sorne
pointed remarks in regard to it, but 1
failed to hear of Rev. Swift ooming in
for their condemnation.
Would it not be right for some to show
the spirit of Christ in their aots? "B
their deeds ye shall know them."
I. Exicm.
Eight Mile, Or., March 10, 1894.
How's This!
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
oured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
r. J. UrJE-NKx, & (JO., Toledo, U.
We, the undersigned, have known F
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve bim perfeotly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations mude
by their firm. West & Troax. Whole
sbIo Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldino,
Kinnan & Marvin, Wholsale Druggists,
Toledo O.
Hall's Catarrh Core is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and
muonocs surfaces of the system. Testi
monials sent free. Prioe 75o. per bottle.
Sold by all Druggists.
It will take only -$812 to buy it; 480
acres, 260 acres plow land; one-half
mile running water. Improvements:
40 acres fenced, 15 acres cultivated, 2
houses and stable, spring and minor
improvements. Adapted to farming,
sheep and hograising, An extensive
sheep range joining to Rock creek.
Terms: 890 down; remainder on long
time. Looation: On county road, two
and one-half miles west of Rood hill,
Eiebt Mile, Or. 320 aores for $510, or
$108 for ownership in 100 acres sehoul
land or will exchange for two good
horses. Original cost of sohool laud
S320. Apply at Heppner GHZtte office
Heppner Oregon. 199 tf-sw.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives
tho haat GufiafuMinr rif linv .'onil medi
cine I handle, and as a seller lends all
other preparations in this market. I
recommend it becanse it is the bent
mcrlininA T Aver hHTllllprl fur nonyhs.
colds and oroun. A. W. Haldridge,
MHIersviiie, ill for sale oy oiocum
Johnson Drug Co.
At Abrabamsick's. In addition to his
tailoring business, he has Bdded a fine
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand
some elegant patterns for suits. A.
Abrahamsiok. May street, Heppner, Or.
Land For Sale. 480 acres over !n
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranch m.
will be sold cheap. Call at Ghc.te
office for particulars and terms l.
& Bisbee,
iiEnKTEii, on.
Clergymen, lawyers, public speakers,
singers, and actors, all reoognize the
virtues of Ayer's Cherry Peotorial. One
(f our most eminent public men says:
"It is the best remedy that can be pro
cured for all affections of the vocal
organs, throat, and lungs."
"It seema to me" said the educated
tramp, "that the funny literature of the
day of which we form such oompouent
part, is alien to all our views and tradi
tions." "How so?" asked the overcome house
holder faintly.
"Why, you see, my dear sir, they onn't
work the tramp, so they are working the
jokes about him for all they are worth
But the door closed on his eloquence
with a dynamite slam.
1 dUT" J
Miming appeals so Etrongly to a mother's
affection as licr daughter just building into'
ni;iii.iuiiuwi. iiinuoiuH II, Ull lllnLUHCU . UUT
daughter, Hlanrlie, now 15 yours of ago, hart
bum terribly alllictcrl with nervousness, and
had iobt tho entire uso oi' her right arm. She
was in such a condition that wo had to keep
her from school and abandon her music les
sons, in fact, wo feared St. Vitus dance, anil
aro positive but for nil invaluable remedy she
would havo had that terrible affliction. We
had employed physicians, but sne received no
benefit from them. The. iirst of last August she
weighed but V.'i pounds, and although she haa
taken only threo bottles of Nervine, she now
weighs 1H6 priiinds; her nervousness and symp
toms of Vitus daneo are entirely gone, Bhe
attends school regularly, and sludies wilh com
fort and ea-o. bhe lias recovered complete use
of her arm, h-r appetite is splendid, and no
money could procure for our daughter the health
Ur. Miles' Nervine lias brought her.
When my brother recommended tho remedy
I had no mil Ii in pnlent medicines, und would
not listen to him, but as a lust resort he Bent ua
a bottle, wo began giving it to Hlunehe, und the
effect was alnm-t hnmcdiato." Mrs. K. K.
Bullock, Brighton. N. Y.
lir. Miles' Kcstomtive Nervlno Is sold by all
dnigglstson a positive guarantee, or sent direct
by the Dr. Miles .Medical Co., lilkhart, IniL.oa
receipt of price. SI per bottle, six liottles for S5,
express prepaid. It is positively free from
Opiates or dungeroas drugs.
l' (ir sulo by T. V. Ayers, jr.
Ferry' K--l A initial for
cun tains Uiobuiii iitui NuhsUniceA
oi ilio iatjst nirrninnc knowl- j
uul'u. r.very i.iuntt.r fciiould ,
jiavo ii. hf;iit irtjo.
P. M. Ferry & Co..
:vy-x Detroit,
3J Diabetes,
Bright s Disease,
Inflammation of the Blad
der, Yellow Water, Brick
Dust Sediment in Urine,
Burning Sensation, Pain
in the Back, and all Dis
eases of the Kidneys.
O.W.R. Manufacturing Co,, TRILCA0
Fo- R"l" by Slnciim-JiiliUDton Drag Co.
and T. W. Ayir, ,tr.
ftf if
i3tor"n ,ttke Hin'mon8 LiverU W. PATTERSON, AGENT
Why Don't
Call on the New Firm at the old Van Dnyn stand ?
You will certainly be surprised at the low prices in
Dry "Goods, Ladies Furnishing Goods; Boots
and Shoes, Notions, Clothing, and
A Complete Line of Groceries.
No trouble to show goods and give prices.
Eespectfully Yours,
Not only once, but again and again. Tbey know that from ua they always get
full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell the best is ex
plained. The "beet" briDga people baok, holds custom, makes ns friends,
and so establishes our trade. We want yon to have some of onr
friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clotbiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general
merchandise store. Come in and see ns, everybody.
Ibe 'Keeley Uite
The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keep on hand a fall line of
A full line of choice Pips, Cakes
usually kept in a first-class bakery store.
try them.
Why Buy
When you can
Etc., at the
And at a lower prioe than sold on the streets. By so doing you will assist in build
ing up your city. Look to your interests and assist those who assist yon.
law SHAW & M'CARTT, Props.
Land Patents
Land patontH secured for settlers in the shortest possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals having conflicting claims under the agricultural land
laws, and thoae between oliumnnts under the Mineral Laws and agricultural
claimants; and also between claimants under any of tbe pnblio land laws and the
Kailroad companies and their grantees, and the states and their grantees, under
the Swamp-Land and Hchool-Land Grants.
Specialty made of securing patents in tbe shortest possible time for settlers
who have complied with the laws under whioh their entries were made, and who
are annoyed and worried by delays in tbe issue of their patents, oaused by Trifling
Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed.
Advioe also given in all matters relating ta the public lands, especially on
points arising under the new laws whioh have been reoently passed providing for
the disposal of tbe publio domain.
If you want vour land patent in a hurry if you want your land business, of
any chnraoter, attended to by skillful
posea oi, write to
John Wedderburn, Gen. Man.,
P. O. Box, 385. Washington, D. C.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
op :m A.:vcMiicj -
Heppner, Oregon.
For the Cure ox
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It IB located at Forest Grove, Or.,
The Moat Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazette office for particular.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and aura
Groceries anil
and Bread j in fact everything that is
They will sell cheap foi cash. Pall and
of Peddlers?
get the ohoioest
Liberty Market.
and competent attorneys, and promptly dis-
Only First-Class hotel In Heppner.
Euilding Wired for Electric Lights
Best accommodations for tbe traveling
Courteous treatment assured the coun
try people.
MES. M. VON CaDOW. Proprietress.
risi, England
of the Beait liUheWorld
me Horn