Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 20, 1894, Image 4

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3 to Kmitoil and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
In va!u3ble Presents to be Given Away in Return for
.. 1 O.G33 jtOlXKO
t 1 5, COD LARGE PICTURES (11x23 Inchon)
no advertising uu them
231,030 PTilzrs. AMOUNTING TO
Th" n'w! nrtlclcs will bn distributed, 1-y
IIFAL) Pill;,' Tobacco, end return to us thu IIS
Vc will di-itribuio S33 of these prizes la
o THE PUtTYsen 1in us the crcatcst nnmtxr of SPEAR IILAD
i'Alid Itoin. county we will give
IV, tli" FIVE PVRTIEH s"n'lintr m the next croatcst pumhrr of
SPEAK HEAD T.VJ-S wo will give to each, 1 OPIUtA OLAK.S.
To the. TWEN !'V PI!T.'E( rendtrifc in the noU prcntcRt ntimhcr
of Sl'i; Ut KE Y.) TAG -1, wo will (live to each 1 POCKET
To th-1 OV'E IirisTlT.Tl PVTtTIES pendine; us the next greatest
I; ' r -if s--:A:t HEAD TMH, we will k'lvc to each 1
JiJ.jLKIi ;i)l,:i u ATl.-I CIIAK.M TOOTH J'ICK
To tin- OV'-l lirSll'SED PARTIES Rcndlnsr us the next greatest
iiinn.vr f S'.'rt :l HEAD T.i;x, wo will give to each 1
Tt:.il riunaocr of Pi-ircs
c rTION. No Ttti will ho received before Jnnnnry 1st, lfll, nnr after February 1st,
i I. E .ri piei;:.'-'e ' ont iiinin; t-fjs iiir.s' Ik- innrkeil plainly wilh Nnme of Kuitler, Town,
.'- St..!,, an I Nu liber oi Tays in each pucliage. All charge: uu packages must be
'"''''Vtli U1.-TKA It IIED posses'ies more qualities of Intrinsic value then nnr other
pi.j" I icc.i pro't'ie. 'I. II s tin- 'We. test, the lointhcst, the ri"het, M'liAlt HE A It Is
a!isolut"lv. pn-iiiveiv and di.'inc'lvely different In llavor from nny oilier iilus tobacco.
trial will entmin n die lined Hliepllciil of this fact, IMS the largest sellerof any similar
tiiiar)" aiitl stvle on eiirti,, which proves that It has caught tho popular t-odo nnd pleases the
people, Trv'it, mi'l pari Iclp'ile in the contest for prizes. See that n Tl. TAW Is on every
lu cent puce of .SPEAK HEAD vou hoy. Hend lu the tags, uo matter how small the
uiiantuy. Very sincerely,
4 J THE P. J. SOP.a COMPANY, .Middletown, Onio.
A llt nf the people obtaining the prizes In this county will bo published In thlt
paper Imme.liuU;ly after February 1st, ls:il.
I! '('. '
mho lumpily
am i (
itorxi) Tin i Tir.K i:r-i coon von :to
11 II
this fair
From Hiin Kma isio to other points In Cali
fornia will he iillnwed plirehnsers nf epeeltil
Mhlu inti-r Fnlr th liets at ihe folhning round
trip rales:
'lo stalinas nailer I jU miles fnnn un Kran
elsco. one anil O'te-lliinl one way lure.
To MhUihih Iftl) miles or mere Iioni tSin
KrnneUeo, one and one llt'lh one way hire.
For exact ralrennul lull information impure
of J. II. Kirkiaial. lUsl. aaelit ut 1:1 Th'st
8t., I'orilaml. or., or address the undersigned.
tieu. Tl'allie Mutaiger. Oen. Pass. Agt.
Fun l'ranilse(, Calif.
K. P. ItUliEltS, A. (i. 1'. A- P. A.,
Portland, (ireneu .
foi-lu 'et .Mad.1 by inan or Theui lea
ilatnet I', nrlrailll, n )'l C'tKiaell I.
'Viie 1'rea -Invwiiiaii. unli!;c her Knp;
hsh si:.t:-r, has, u-i ;i rule, a very tfood
luisincss e lu I:i tlie common
B'jhools, says tlu; Ch'uu;ro Herald,
she liivs been tau;,'lit hoiuieholtl booU
ki'opintr mid luia bccMi riveii lesstitis
in puivliasiii',' an 1 ni-'ful c-ipendiiurc.
Ab a wli'j, f.'ae b 'p:'jt 1 ir-'iierully
tu lu'lp lier husband in hi-i bu:.iiR'ns,
and s.iiiK'limes i;ho m:i;:iires it entirely
hr him. In the sur.ill stures alio acU
as eler'.t f ir him and in the; larprr ones
she in un equal partner. The lion
Jlatvho was m:v.!o famous by Mine.
Uou -i anlt, who helped her husband
found n:id maintain the establishment,
and tifler hi:; death .she took entire
eharffe of it. Her system was one of so
niu li 1. indues:; and consideration to
ward her employes that they called
her "the Lauy of the lion iMatvhe,'
and look-eil upon her as almost a saint.
She was very prosperous in the busi
ness, and associated with herself as
stockholders the chiefs of the various
departments who had been faithful in
their service, that they merht share iu
the profits. Then t.he wished to in
clude as many of the other employes as
possible, so she ceded a part of her
shares lo a common fund subject to
their pur.'hase. In her will she left thu
rest of her shares to toe stockholders.
She als rave one million dollars of her
own private f irtune for a pension fund
for those of the employes wh.i from a re
or illness were unable longer to work.
There are. many other Usrjre establish
ments la Paris mnmercil by women.
Mine. C que'.i.i. it i ; said, 1 ve-ts all her
husband's m uvy for hie.i .ud many of
the wiv.-s of the utvi.ts ina:ia;re the
sellin;r an.! c:;hibili in of their liu., bands'
works, and attend to the eolle.'tiii;; and
payiiwrof debt:;, obtain orders and call
upon the newspaper men, doiiijr all o
the, necessary work to make their hus
bands' artistic, efforts profitable.
The uenenil 11:1 r 'iiMii'liBe tstnhlisb
111 tit fiirinerly nwneil hy C'llin & HI' r'nr
1 iinl. hurt lalely chiinueil I:hihIh. imw he
l-w utnl-r tli- n nitri'l nmt mnnatf. ment
of Tin Merarliintl Meruantile C'liiipanv,
whioli (MiitmneH hiiiitene hi the old sluad
with a larger stuok thuu ever. t
r.,100 00
IN ELEVEN COLORS, for iraming,
$173,250 00
cnnn'fea, nmont parties who chow SPEAR
'1 AOS taken therefrom.
this connfy na follows:
.100 P1CTUUES.
for (Ms Connty, SCO,
There, was never h tirae in the hin'ory
of our country when Ihe demnnd foi
inventions ami improvements in the arts
mid sciu' oes (renerslly was so great hp
now. The conveniences of mankind in
the faotor.v find workshop, the hons-ehnld
iilnl on the farm, hh well us in official
lile, riquire onulinunl nccessuins to (he
appniteuanOH and impliments of each
in order tu save labor, time and expense.
The pnlilieal clmnife in the ftdminmtra
o i government does Dot affeot the
process of the American inventor, who
l),-inir mi I lie nlert, nud reHily lo per
ceive Hie eiiHting definieneies, does not
ermit (he -(fairs of (fovernmeut to de
ter bim from quickly oonoeiving the
remedy to overcome eiieting diHcropau
cies. Too great oure oiiunot be exer
cised in obooniug n competent snd skill
ful attorney to prepare snd prosecute
an application for pitleut. Valuable in
terest lime been lust Hud destroyed in
iniiiimer ible instsnces bv the emplii
ment of incompetent counsel, and es
pecially is t Lis advioe npplioable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
tlu ir business to this olass of attorneys
do in at imminent risk, us the breadth
and strength of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get mi allowance and obtain the fee.
John Wedileibnrn, General Manager,
018 P street, N. V.,Washiiigton, D. C,
repiesendug a large number of impor
tnut daily and weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the eountry, was in
stituted to uroteot its natrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line of business. The said Com
pany is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, iiud prepare and proHeonte
applications generally, including me
olmnioal inventions, desigD patents,
trade-murks, labels, copyiighta, iuterfer--nces.
infringements, validity reporte,
mil wives especial altenion to rejected
ciiNes. It is hIbo prepared to euUr into
noinpetition with any firm in scouring
foreitf , patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Wkuiikiibi lis.
tilH F Street,
t'. 0. Uox 385. Washington, D. C.
SSoods! Trees!
Choice Seeds
Fruit Trees
Wholesale and lietail. Catalogue
Free. Address
jun'25-;i:n sw Walla Walla, Wash.
r a. 1 ...... . .-. .r.
I.aUo Miporior it., ti.i.-s, wm tu.
tho oeeiui. Observation:, at IHthtth : iiow
the daily rise tint I fall nf water at that
city, independent of wind influenced, is
eighteen inches. This is not strange
when the fact it considered that Lake
Superior covers an area of 35,000 square
miles ana has a pronoral direction of
east and west. There is also a small
tidal wave observable daily at the west
ends of Lalto Krie nnd Ontario. The in
fluence of the wind on the lojtes is very
observable. I havo seen Niagara falls
lowered to such an extent, by the piling
up of waters in the west end of Lake
Erie, that it would soom that one could I
wade across the river. The vast marshes
alm t'.ie ml'i slnnv of Lake Erie are
often oveeilmvod with wind-born
waters and ai:;in made almost dry.
gfoopjl siP
clear! n (long1
skin! JsL li FE li
m 1 1
M. Hammerlv. a well-loinwn hnines.s mnn
of Hillsouro. v'a.. semis tlii.s t'-stimmiy to
tiie merits of Aver's Sarsaparilla: "Several
years ago, I hurt lav leg. the iniury leaving
a sore which led toervsipelas. My -.iffei iii:;s
were extreme, lev leg. Iioni ihe knee toil.e
ankle, being a solid sure, which began 1" ex
tend to oilier parts of l lie laid-. Af.ei trying
various remedies, 1 began lakne-' .Iyer's
Sarsaparilla, and. before I had liuislicd the
first boltle, I experienced great relief: UiO
second bottle eUected a complete cure."
Ayer's SarsapariiSa
Prcpred by Dr. J. C. Ayer li Co., Lowell, Uu.
Cures othersri!S cure you
lf w I
a. : pa .
A'.1r"-S n lef i r e 'St l coc :n
rsii: I'ltriss cr..ti.nN coTH'iny,
(OHN w;n0Hat,n.H, if-mn .ilooicy
ko.hov a. '.ta-hi:.o ;:-.n. ii.o
pcs.oss ;
SOL riS'-B,
i:':c:T.Eri ro-
p ,, pic PIT p.
i , rs Klin -r vni-
kty in l!it rer-iiljir Ai-i;v .
sl.rvlv.-r. A 0 .. I n li ... .r-ir.-tle'ir
I :r,..', , urV 'Iiti'le I (
.1 3-.ee) iitv. 'I"'.nami:i.ii, cut;
Sclef pV e.n- Iiiw i. 'u cliav;
ami! leaiee.-ij'ul.
Every patriotic citizen should give his
personal effort and influence to increase
the circulation of his home paper which
teaches the American policy of Trotec
tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect
in every way possible. After the home
paper is taken care of, why not sub.
scribe for the American Economist,
published by the American Protective
Tariff League? One of its correspon
dents says: "No true American can
get along without it. I consider it the
greatest and truest political teacher in
the United States."
Send postal card request for free
sample copy. Address Wilbur F.Wake,
man, General Secretary, 135 West 23d
St, New York.
Ore ox
a PnendAo
Vc& cause
oj Olmencan.
Are you willing to work for the cause
of Protection in placing reliable infor
mation in the hands oi your acquain
tances? If you are, you should be identified
the american
Protective tariff league,
135 W. 20D ST., NCW YORK.
Cut this notice oat and send It to the Leae.,.1.,
staling your position, and give & helping hand.
"t-f I. ,t
Caveats. Trado-marks, Csslgi Patents, Copyrights,
And ull rut not huiiln'Kii ironduetetl fcr
moderate; fees.
Infcrmiition an..l mlviro clvrn to Inventors wlthoot
nrfjL'.. Atlitrt'sii
llur:iintin .Vttomey,
1' Vv
com' 'nation of
li-wsiu n'rei In the
1 a ,;.r;:ori.; oJ" ppotort-
l ;nt -, and eat'U pupot
touches for the rt-Sponsi.
.n Pr .hH Cluliiw CompauT,
Salary antlexpousLS paid wo-kly I'rom utatU
Paroiant'DtpoMtttun. Eielusivu territory.
Exporience unnecoflswry. Pccullnr fFjk j
ftdraDtmfftsBtorjeginneri. Liberal .
oommlBBion to locnl part
Urn airontft. LanrcBt
t .!.. m. "tr com.
"""'jftAB Tortlieorehanl, ,
voclt. (rVw lawn nnd panli'n. I
th fmtt InduHtt-v Is boiB
Inmnrtunf. On.td (.h.tnCO lOT ll
.riv.inpHinont. Outfit atid tull pur- ni
tiolra tire. ltllOWN IlltOK. CO.. nur- 1
TYineii. I'urt'snit. lim. 1 1 ihbuwihw u ,
relialilv. Nnm tluB pftr. .ao
atmk KvHL-tw unlt.m. Tk
1. jpl.l UUb a-tirr. Wa.lit-t. HiUb
ai ii lui m Itaimia iu uu' niiuuit.
W-h a, llli.r. KID1 atitt iti
nhmi 11 lutt id hii.J. Vot
VU1I1 ihe liuimti, ill' niBi'biueiloH
- H. Iln h'. .Hiit-liit. Ubft
ki.il . lie rftil w tv. . o arnaeJ
n..r r-. uuikl-niBiiciirtliiilitug
0,nht-n 'U-h",iitiuuii. rtn p
W. P. UAllltl-ON A CO,, tWb Nh. li, Columbut.
F'TAWYLAPY can jreta vnltitiblcaeeretanitl
cosi iuc S.'.lm, and a ru bber shield lor i0 c jr tl 1
I Mrs. V. M. APP. CO.
S'!9 nF TRPFT, ST t.TI. MO.
B TDIStl A PcltsK9 of 0"r tea
L U La lal I rilUL ment t r vraann, and
I ilLLC ' d.vay, ne.you, debility
i llaWlal and lot yltalie mat in. tor la cuu
R. WARD INSIUTUTE, 130 X. th St. ST. LOUIS. 10.
n rilV-.l IL&ti C7.& K icp 1 Jl 'XI H
ri v t--, , .v jam
Towering Precipices Easily De
: Bcendod b7 the Woolly Roamer.
A rureller of th Cragtl and Cllfft of th
: Itockr tluant ilns-IIow th Cautions
j Aiiln. U lusiipe from th
till of the Hunter.
I In a Main street cijrar store, says the
Kansas City Star, is a stuffed specimen
of the Arg-ali, or bhj horn sheep of the
Rocky mountains. This animal is not
only very shy, but. having an appetite
for vegetation which can only ho dis
covered amond tho very highest plateaus
of tho Rocky mountains, is a dweller oi
the crags and cliffs. It is seldom it
breathes a more rarllled atmosphere than
is found ia an altitudo of 0,000 feet. Its
manner of lifo and its place of living
make it a diGicultanimal for the hunter,
and the Utcs and other mountain In
dians in the day of the bow and arrow
looked on the killing of a big horn as a
feat. They aro very scarce and not at
all prolific.
There has always been a large amount
of lyin about tho" big horn. Hunters
had, for a time, somo unexplainablo ex
periences w ith them. A bunch of foui
or five would be seen feeding upon
some high grassy mesa or table-land,
which would find termination, on three
sides perhaps, ia a procipitous up-and-down
descent of several hundred feet.
The hunter, ambitious and indefatig
able, would, with infinite labor, creep
ing up canyons and crawling
among rock9, come in behind
them. lie would exult in the certainty
of a shot. The big horns could not es
cape. A 400-foot precipice on three siaes
so steep that a bird could scarcely sus
tain itself theroon and the hunter cut
ting off retreat on tho fourth, matters
looked gloomy for tho big horn. Best
ing himself for a moment to recover his
breath and nerve, both somewhat
strained in his scramble among the
rocks, tho hunter would move forward.
On catching sight or scent of him the
big horns would amble in a confident
and contented way apparently to the
edge of the precipice and disappear
Tho hunter on coming forward would
see his game racing far out in tho valley
400 feet below. How did they got there?
That was always tho question with the
j Western man. It was finally concluded
on all hands that tho big horn jumped.
As his four slender legs could scarcely
be expected to sustain such a descent,
tho ingenious Western mind had re
course to tho big horns from which the
Argali gets his soubriquet. These are
from four to seven inches in diameter
at tho base and sprout in horny spirals
from tho animal's head much after the
fashion of tho horns of that engine of
destruction tho common Merino ram.
When tho big horn leaped, said these
Munchausens, ho turned head down
ward and alighted on these horns. They
had seen him make the trip, they said,
and they would thereupon enlarge on
the downward whirling plunge of any
thing from MO to -2,000 feet, according to
the mendacity of the raconteur. They
would tell how ho descended like some
curved woolly boomerang, and re
bounded from his horned frontlet to a
height of forty feet and then ambled
away bleating with pride and pleasure
at his success. So accurate a naturalist
and so careful a writer as Mayno Keid
wrote a book about it and in his story
jast his big horns over precipices of
1,000 feet without a scruple.
Uut tho Argali does not indulge him
I iclf in tho flights ascribed to him. He
has too much good sense. A jump from
! uch heights would smash to smithereens
a big horn made of steel. Hut tho mat
ter is not left to doubtful argument.
Their manner of descent has been dis
jovcrod and is easy enough for a big
horn when once you witness it. Al)
through these mountains you will find
.earns and rifts which split the preci
pices from top to bottom. The rock has
been torn asunder by some force of na
ture and tho result in many instances is
a cleft or split whero tho walls are not
separated twenty feet and yet run from
the bottom to tho top of the cliff some
hundreds of toot. That the rock sides
were once together may be seen in the
iwells or protuberances of one wall cor
responding to tho depressions in the
The big horn is the prince of caution.
Before ho is found anywhere he has
made a complete war map of the neigh
borhood, which ho carries locked in his
woolly head. When ho disports himself.
on some dizzy plateau he is always cer
tain of an outlet. No cul de tac for him;
he is too good a mountaineer for that.
Before ho nibbles a mouthful of the
crisp herbage, ho has looked up one of
these deep rifts which go down to the
valley bolow. Tho momont he is dis
turbed ho makes straight for it. Arriv
ing at tho verge ho never hesitates but
jumps boldly out and down, aiming foi
tho other side of tho deep crovioo. This
ho strikes with his four hoofs, which aro
hard as cast stool, and at once leaps
back for the othor sido. lie descends
perhaps fifteen or cightoon feet at a
leap, and as ho could not retain a foot
hold for a moment at any one of the
places he strikes tho rock, he never
pauses in his zigzag leaping until the
last one brings him to the valley hun
dreds of feet below. That crevice is the
big horn's stairway and that ia the way
he descends.
Compreiseil Air Torpado.
Still another torpedo, this one the in
vention of an Austrian Count, lluona-
corsi by name, has made its appearance
i 1 !,:.
lu inu iiiruitean navui laiu Luiitmry
world. According to oflle.ial and private
reports of tho trial of this instrument
they wore eminently successful, (rivinjf
results superior even to thoso obtained
from the Whitehead Tho motivo powoi
is compressed air, acting direotly from
a reservoir upon the propeller without
any assistance or intervention from ma
chinery. The propulsion is effected by
twin screws working; inversoly and giv
ing a velocity pi-eater and more contin
uous, it is contended, than any obtained
m other torpedoes. O110 remarkable
feature of this invention is tho faculty
of automatic guidance, which enables it
to avoid protective nuts and shields, and
to dive any ilistancd before rising tt
five its blow.
Tnbicc.i iin.i i.n .t'.'th.
Tho nso of t ib.uiM tloos uut tho
tocuh: tho nicoLino Jeokn;, t'.icm r.r.i
tho oxoos.sivo uso of iho t-.'oth hy.
baceo chcvirs nuturalty nvars I'.u'ia
down much more rapiilly than if Ihry
wore used simply to crush tho fud.
Teeth, when worn do.va to tho pira
from thia or other causes nro in tho con
dition so ofton dosorilvd as "doublo
teeth all tho way round," presenting,
as thAy do, a broad, smooth surfaoo, not
unliUe tho app 'aranoo, though slightly
smaller, than tho tupaof the roal double
Fttpers for unit ut tli Gazette office at
two biti a hunlred.
A Gentleman
Who formerly resided in Connecticut, but
who now resides in Honolulu, writes: "For
20 years past, my wife
and 1 have used Arer'a
Hair Vigor, and we
attribute to It tho dar k
hair which she and I
now have, while hun
dreds of our acquaint
ances, ten or a dozen
years younger than we,
are either gni) -headed,
white, or bald. When
asked how our lialr has
retained Its color and
fullness, we reply, ' By
the use of Ayer's Hair
Vigor nothing else.' "
"In 1868, my affianced
was nearly bald, and
""3 the hair
lient fall.
a--J-'A -ifF. kept
e ry
day. I
,riCll induced
her to use
Ayer's Hair Vlfror, and very soon, It not
only checked nny further loss of hair, hut
produced an entirely new growth, which has
remained luxuriant and glossy to this day.
I can recommend this preparation to all In
need of a genuine hair-restorer. It Is all
that It Is claimed to be."-Autonio Alarrun,
Bastrop, Tex.
convince the
skeDtic and point the
wav which if followed leads to
Hns been put tip in a
proprietary form since
S78. and bB bpen unecl
fnr vfiflrs nriorto thnt time
In private practice. It Is no untried nofttrum, of
doubtful reputation, but a genuine Bpecitlo for
a very prevalent disease. Thousands of mon, of
all HKes, have at some time In life broUKut on
nen-oua debility and exhaustion, with oisanlo
weakness, by over brain work, excesses, too fre
quent indulgence or Indiscretion and viclons
habits, and it ts to these that we oiler a remedy
that will, by its direct action upon the seat of the
disease, stop the drain and restore the piitient to
vigorous health and strength.
Ourmethodof introducing Prof. Harrts'Pftstille
treatment is one which oommenrts itself to all
sensible persons for the reason that we supply it
upon their judgment of its value. We auk of our
patrons nothing In the way of eTpense boyond a
postnl card and a two cent postage stamp. The
postal card to be used in sending us their full ad
aretes and the postage stamp for the letter return
ing the statement of their case for which wo
Bupply them with a question blank, to be tilled
out and an envelope addressed to ourselves tor
utMi In returning it when tilled.
wnen we receive me siaie
ment on blank we prepare
olght days' treatment and for
ward it bv mail and nrenav
TRIAL postage thereon and along
Drr-fmrB wtth the eight days' treatment
rhulSALlt we send full directions for
using. Tliet.eatmontin no way interteros who
a person's attention to business, and causes no
pain or Inconvenience in any way.
We are so positive that it will gtve perfect satin
faction that we leave the matter of sending orders
entirely with those using the free trial treatment.
Having satisfied those sending for trial packages
of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we
feel thnt they are more largely interested than
ourselves in continulnff the use of the Pastilles,
Even then we do notattomptto rob them bydo
mandtng high prices. On the contrary, we make
the prices as low as possible, and the same to all.
They are as follewH: 13 for one month; $5 for
two monthsj 7 for three months.
These prices secure
the delivery of the
Pastilles by mail. If
desired by express we
leave the patient to
pay the charges. For
over ten yoars vro
have otienited our
Mm t inter hhihaChITiUI
bnsiness upon this plan with satisfactory results.
we assau persons neeuing treatment ior any
of the secret illswhich come to mankind through
a violation of nature's laws to send us their ad
dress on postal card or by letter and allow us to
convince thorn that PROF. HAHRIN' HOI.
merit and are what they need.
All communications confidential and should be
artdreHned to
The HARRIS REMEDY CO.. Mfg. Chemists
' BOBeekman St., VEVT YORK CITY, V. Y.
I R B 3B
It: ff in" wor,hof lovely Music lor Forty
T 4D1IJ.. Cents, consisting of too pjtcesT
Z-Z full size Sheet Music ef the
latest, brightest, liveliest and must popular JF
T. selections, both vocal and Instrumental,--"
fjotten up In the most elegant manilsr, In- 3
y eluding four large size Portraits.
CAHMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer, 3.
fe: PADEREWSKI, the Great Pianist,
Broadway Theatre Bldf., New YorkCity.
Z.. . w.ava&Btfla WANTED.
ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE, lie
fame an used by thot iandB of woman all oyer tbe
United States, In ttia JLD D00T0H3 rlyate mall
prafittos, for SO years, and not a BlnRlj bad result
Money returned It not aB represented. Bend
cents (stamps! lor .oaicd particulars.
:S. WASH IHSTITUIE, 120 H. Math St.. Et. Icals, )t-
Tears' Flxperleneo In treitlnR all varl
ties of Uuptnre e:iuliles us to guarantee a
positive, cure. Question Blank: una Boot
tree. Call or write.
J23 Pine Street, SX. LOUIS, MO
nuueeu 15 to za tnund, rer m-nth. N
Rrdueed 15 to 2a pound, rer m-nth. No
,larrinr. no lnccnMn n,". ,n UmmIi .......
(lnw. 'lreatnientperfectly hartules, and ,rii-:ly c.iofl
dcotial. Ouention Bl -V an-l Hook iree. Csllorwrile
PH. 11. B. BUTTB, &13 l'.n. tttett, bl. Lorn., Mo.
wbstantial Rewards for Those Whose
Answers are Correct
A nim .M-e pntfrt-d ft prison whpre wu wmflnwj
'inii.i'iimi a rr'tniiiid On makitig a rpquMt U b
nt'iictif niti. iIih iiresm' nf the doomed man, th
Mior wu ti!onm ill at nonp but relative werv irnnt
i te i tie pneoner. Ihe viBilor Raid : "Brother!
K.r Imvt' I n nt. but that man a hhe nriM.mr :
ih.T i- my faihrr'on."
H.- wns k niu-f iakfn to the prironer. Now, what rtt-
T Arii'iilnirirtt Pn ItliRb iria? Column wtll cri ftUl
:tr for lit to the iwrrinn fit-niiinj; the Una Correct an
mm; HtmHJ ti ilie m-ond ; 3r.l, 250; 4ih, lltX): 5tjj
oriil oTtr lft.OtM) oth-r rfwanln, connir ing of itianoa,
".fiit, IioiieF ninl eenia euld and ailver watch. aUvei
- ti-tv, tlnnionii rini.-, etc
To .hf iinon w nilinn th laat corm aufwrr will bt
: a h j.ii-'oit',l vmno, to the next to the lant a beautt-
i o -!!. n.l 'he o. u 6,000 will recei valuable piixtM
I -iKt-rwnn. Ac
lil'l Ks (i All anttwpri mnM hr wnt hy mail anl
-Hi t.. inrk i. mi iHtenhan lwc. 31.18i'3 (2) Th it ml
' rio. l-nrff whnipver to etiHrrihi roinivlilion, hut al
I". . om te tr einMTted to urnd niie dolliir for an
ti milriiition to k-ithiT Tiik Laihkh, Homi
t Hip cnnii-ar ,,t trailed jeriodk-alu of the day (3
Ml pni, wim.erswill U el-T ed to mmny tin in extend
UK "in riirnUtim. I4l Tiie ttnt wirmt atwwri rerenec
Milder i ivfimitrk taken in all raren a date oi red iirt,
i an U jrie evuy m.e an enal chnn. e, to nmter whi-n
or fhe mny ie iWi, will secure liie flritt urizo: tht
Ti.tirf, th.' next pTurf . and an oo
Tui-; AnnivM.it'RiHT ia ao oli! en,atlj-hd cniicern
n.l f-(f -v ami itr-n eann toenml.le it u.. any out aL
tt,l"''- ,'St',,J for Pr""l lt of iutuit-r prua
H l..H.-The Mlnwinr Wen.tnnwn ernrler.i hart
on. -,,! lo aet a Jt'.lwa. Hnt w t Ui heinz-i
"liilKoti I'rM.lem lim.H rrmng (.unman Pet
iK.ot)ilb KrKter all n.on.y letiet Al lt"Li AZ
R LIVBiW Pt V (1,'tdl. Wternorou JiS
S aa D I,
H a a7-
VY v - - mm ,m
f-1-rcv. rtreuJ i lKmt I, I erveul orlaiity,
jaa.lal ; I"""'"'"1' drnd. ncr, "
, "d eiirid b, lo .,. u y nu-ih d . Curo. "
iaraa trj. uuct on B aak and il..ok(r. UlUf will.
120 H. Nlr.ltl St., ST. LOUIS, M0.
Z !;t-5' ''"?:'",a,o::;,.":,:",
111,1 111
live I
J if V: i
VJ.tll.iM0 l.!l'""!l
i r .CI
,,.r, '. Our A-
4-ii'ti linn Inula :
at -.
The Old Reliable
EstanniedaSTars. Trcnt?mloorr'm
abuses, exepsea or luirKopnetios. HK1LL
GUARANTKKD. Board anl uuurtuiontt,
furMshod whoa rt.-slrod. Quefltwu HUu
aud Boot free. Call or write.
MmmW iuc eisliilnracl.oy. TriMtmi
The irortt formi pod.
hlv'T cured 33 lean
ul nract.ov. Tnitmeot coitflatnlla . urci
Bookfr. Oil or write. DR WAR I INSTITUTE,
120 N. 9th StoSt.Louis.Mo
ttl i UIO 0'
'koire Uueition BIbiiIi nntl H-"K Tn9.
oruritt ilt. U. It. Kl'TTS,
822 Pine St Bv. J-OUlS, MO,
$15 A WEEK.
ANY T.ADY, employpd ortinotnployod
cant ako l io f' r n lew houri work t'ac.
,ay. VP laiv rvimnii-'niun. vv snuipifi nv auui.t
H. BtHJAMIN & CO., 822 Plnebt., St. LOUtt, Mo.
Op. Hash's Belts &ilppIiattC8
ie...lUjWevHttriK!r':S' .. ,
WBSSSgSaiffl Jteits. MlspcnHor.."., ni..
buipor!erg, vesis,
itwers, Uluco CUUS.
tnip.. efn.
Cnres Klienmatiain, liver nnl Kidney
K.tii.ilntntrt. IlvKe,MHi',. 1-h-rorH (if Y-tltll.
,nst Jllnnlio'nl, NrrvnnsneH, sesnul Wenk-
pks. and nil 1 ronl.l.-fl 1 n Piu'w or , ruiaie.
ne-.liou ltiituk aud iluok free. Call or
Volfa-Nfedica Appliance Co.,
.38 Piuo Street, ST. LOUI3, MO.
Foot-Prinls on Ihe Path to Health.
Everyone neediiiir n declmV mlvi
should rend one nf Dr l''enl.'e i!in
pHmphlets on "Oltl En.," "Cn-m .'
Rupture," "I'liimo-'ia," -Vaiieeei ! '
Disease of men, Diffuse of W, Inen. i
learn the best menes of ml.rine. A
Hill Pub. Co., 129 Eutt 2Sih .St., jV.v
While ymi kopp ytmr hii I ic -f j. ti u,
can keep yourbrnnJ iit frut'iil riivw ,
Ai)n. T. J.. lone, Or. Hurwf (Hi nr !.'
ihoulder; cattle "BUir1 en lefi lip, tindi-r hit
rinht ettr, Hhd uppor bit on t.he lni't; rKi jzt.
ow connty.
Ariiistnintr, J. l, Alpip, Or.--'! 'v. ill', i-m n
ler u n It'ft rihonldtT ui (mrm-h; .tit(!c
n loft hip.
AlliKon, 0. D EUrlit WVilv., Or.-f'Httle hrnr.o
O 1) mi left hip and hocif hhuio liritmi un tiyl
htmkler, Kanyt', Kilit ftlilo.
Adkins, J. J., Tleppripr, Or . I I (ll rtCR, J A 1411
oacifd tin luit tiaiik: ra:ilc. Haii.ctui Id) hip.
Hartholninpw, A. G , Alpine, Or.-- Hmtttr
irandod 1 E on either ahouldur. Kaiif in iUo -
nor (niiiitv
IMeakiii&n, Geo., rartlniHti, Or. Horffh, fi rih
ii loft hliDuldv'r; cat t it- "-tiitif t.n riiihl flimilHt"
inmniHter, J. V., Ifardman, Or, Cuttle biarui
fi H on left hip and ihiirli: Hplh in oach cur.
Brenner, IVter, Ihm Kt-herry Oregon llnrw
rand od PH on loft Hliouhler, Cattle eanie ni
iylit Biue.
iiui koi iu a umiK t rexK, ur n rattli
VlAY cunia'cted on left hip, ciopoff left ttlr, ni
etft shoulder, liane iu (irant and Alorm
Hnmman, Jorrv, Lena, Or.- Horpett .minded 1
. " . D,,','u"Jt-' -y - n on die id i Hint
imh ear lift If crop nd rurhi ear uiiper elmm
. " .' "' I'l'uri, v.. -JuirMn, ,j n ui
;iiht thiii, cattle, same on r lit tup; uplil it
ath ear.
Brown, lsa, KexinRtim, Or. H(irne IH on tht
-imlit htiile; cattle, same on ritfht hip; ranue, Mor
ow county.
Brown, J. C, Hoppner, Or. KorHea. circl
' with dot mis- teroit lofi hip: eat t If, hnmi'
Brown, W.J. , Lena. Oregon, howa W hni
vcr it, ou the left shoulder. Cuttle name on leii
Boyer, W. G., Ileppner, Or.-llnrhen, Uu
.rand or r.b hip cattle, bam, Witli hplit it
ach ear.
Uor, lJ.0., Heppner, Or.-Borbe8, P H on Iff;
houlder; cattle. 6ame on lefi hip.
Urownlee.W.J., Kox.Or-CHttle, -IB coiuieeiw
V ,V "V"7' ' ,"lJ Vl far mj iwoKpntraiic
mdd e piece cat out on nrlit er:im ietwn hhiiu
rand on the luft iIiikIi; Katise in l"ox vHe
lirant county,
Chi bi i er Warren, Wiifrner. Or.-HorHeM tinmd--dOun
nKht Mifle; cattle (tl-roe hum) ui
iBht ribs, crop aiidrtplit in each ear. lianira ii
irant and Morrow oountma.
Cain.E., Caleb.Or.- V li on hot-eon on h-ft Htitle
U With uimrter circlw over it, on Inft nhn.iidi
ind on left stitle on ail colth u cit-r .Ijcarh-oi
eft Hhoulderoniy on all hornenover t yearti. All
muua m UrHnt conntv.
Clark, Wm. H.. Let a. Or.-IIo.R,.K Wile ......
uected. on left f-honloer: cattle Mnm .m .;.).
up. lull ye Morrow and Uuuitdla cotmlieM.
Cate,(.hiw lt ViiiHon or Lena, Or. Hornet
l t, on riwht shoulder; cHttle riame ou riuhi hit-.
Uanwe Morrow and Lmnillia countiod
Cecil, Wm.,pijUKla. Or.: U-rw Jl' on lef
HhouldMr.ca'tle earne, on left ,ip, waddleB o.
ach jaw and two bite iu the rifrlit er
Curl, !. B., John liny, Ol.-l)n,ib e crone oi
I . ,! nwoiiow iorK mid inn er hi
un h.,u der. Enr nmrko.i ,, rrp ,t, ,.f', eH1
uuttelied miner bit in riKht. Weihern. eri, H
i-iKlit aud un,ir half er.,t, ,n lf, r. A)j
in tirullt ouulitv.
Cook, A. J.,Lena,( )r.-Hon.HB, Minn rinht slioul
l!tle, nieou r (tin lii,,: our uiurk soimr.
Mopotl left and Bidit in rtuht. 1
.efi""tle turr""'vlllB. Ur' "Worses. X ul
Cox Ed. B., Hartlman, dr. (V.tle. C will
in oenter: horeen. Ct n , f hi,,.
(ocnrau, It. k., Monuu.eiil. (irant Co, Or.
Uonwa branded circle with li benealli, ,, ,.f.
-houlder: cultle u,e brand on Uu, hi u, "X
under Blope both ears kihI dewlap
J'hapiii, u Hnriimiin. Or.-llorreB branneo
- on riKl, hip Cattle branded ,. 8". ajV.
orindB ti on hore iiKl,t i),iB,: ,,.' '"
riX ea? ' "1 - a", .d
. LiickriiR, Ebb li.irsen braided with ihree
imeu ion ..tilefl stitle t allies,,,. on lVinJe
JJoukIhkb. V, ,M .(iuliowas. u,.-, a, "
.tu leVt'tp!"" 1"B-f"rk "' Hd' li"f.. U l
DUKlaB,'0. T., DoihIhb. Or-llri.w TU on
t-i"KV 1 .8"tte: B"ttl8 "K,"e "" r'Bld l.ii.
til. J. U. Jt Soiib. LoUk-la,Oi.-iir I,..,,,!
ed ELI on left sl,alder. eaUle i, u"e , M,
top. hole u riuhl ear. "
riKhl'l'fi'oull'r:"- U,'""m,r' r' Di.m d on
E.nei),t . B.,ll,minial,. Or.-H.nses brand, ri
ievei,d l nub ,.fi bll,iu "i"'''.'' d
iieanie L n hi hi,.. , iUlt . " ;
Heek, Juuaou. IIiiii.ut, o, - ','
eonneetedo, . riKl,l L.,,flder imtle me .',
r.n.(tL,p. tar murk, hole in ,,ta K"cr.S
Florence, L. A., Heppner. Or. Cattle IK
ear. lii.rB.B,8i,meb.a, d,e, 1,1,1,,,, " lelt
.bouL,1.""1"' "V1'"- ''.ft
illl'l'r"l',Kr,',"'h' nni1 L'"M"ek Co.. K.w
eountl. ,'r""t' "''"k""' Morrow
(ientry, Elmer, Eeho. (I,. lr.w trmLsl li
8. with a quarter ctrele over it. on l(t atitii'
haiiKBtn Morrow aud L'aiaullaeouiiii 'He
Hajes. I,oo.. l.na, Or, UrandJH eonw.l(,ri
niatt A. H., liidtf,.. Ilr.-lattle i-,.iit,d-l,...
withtinatter eii.-le , ,er it ,, . r,t ,, ,,
Hltitim A Jenk. llnm lt,,n tlr t .., , ... ,
on etlher hip: crop i ri'J,,,"' ' ,
H,,hM, S. n,i.t. W.,;,.r t)- T X , .
cmineitedjot, liv-ht ii IdiVot, in.r . . . ,'
onrittki hip and on left Lide u . ';'';.''",''l.''
Ill. Mi'ton, Wki,!, Or.- Rorfea nrnt dd
. 1. k i i ul t. i I at .. Ii.ft ul..... I.i
-t- O ireiW W 1' II .ni.e, - i-ii, , ,i ,r .
t'ntile asino on left hip hIi-o large circJ ou left
I ....... ... ,. ..
Hall. iMlwtn, jonn iniy.ur.--i atoe r i, on nht
hip: liarsen wtuie on riKht shoulde-r. i-aUKuu.
Motet county.
Himiinl. J I., alloroir. Or. HorK. r i w,
witt. bur above it) on riitlil atiottloer: ccitia
-saieiiii le'l Ride. Uenge lu Murrov, uud Ciutt-
lllla ei.uiitie.
l... Mu, llui.imo. llr II.kvu. .h...!..!
eart on Hie .en niifiiuuni. iHiu.n mtmuw ,,n.
HiuiBHker, H . Warner. Or. -Ilorstt., V on left
l,,.iil,l.-r ch ll. foil b-ft Im .
Hai.liHlj. Albert, Ne. Oreaon Hort.es, A H
-.iniii eletl. on left .boulder; t attle on lh luft
in. eniporT left ear.
lliinil'hruvM. a al Hardninu, Or.lloraea. H on
I tlank
Haje". J. Moppner. Or. Monies, wineulase
n left hlioul.lei eattle. aanie on nlu bip,
lllwlon. Luther, r.lal.i Mile, 111. Iloree Hon
hp n-fl Hh.iulileraud heart on the left btirla Ct.
ii. hxiiim ,tt, I. .ft l,,. Itanue III Alorrow rolint.y.
Ivt. Alfnnl. I..,uir Creek. Or --Cattle 1 U on
iulii hip. crop. itl left -ar and hit in riKbt. HorKe.
Him- biiuid ..u left abeiildor l:aok-e n Uiant
.1, t,i r. Hurry, Ileppn r, Or-Ilniaia branded
T J ,in lire left eh, ll I. lei: Cuttle U.nmle.1 J on
il t h"p, Kiwi nutlet bit in h it ear. llange iu
. ,,m,w e imly.
Jiii'km. b. Ai., Ileppnpr, tlr -lloraes, horae.
hoe J on lefi aboulder. (aille. thu same.
aime in Kiwhi M ile.
hi, Bull, lelia Lena. Or.- llort-ea. eireleT on
-Fl Biilie; ealtlo. Bameoli riKhi Inp, under half
rot. in riuhl Mini Hi .lit ill left ear
Jenkins, D W.,.lt. Veniou.or. J on homeaon
efl ahoulder; on eattle, J on left bip and two
.ninoih ertipa on both earn, hantfeiu Fox and
Hear vail -JH
heiiuj, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horsoa branded
KM on lefi hip eattle Bitnie and crop otf laft
, : under Hh,.e.in lh rljhl
hirb J T., Heppner, Or. HorBOa an on left
...nlder: eall lo. nil ,n IhIi hi,,.
htrk. , It ', Ileppner, Or. lluiBeB, 17 on either
i U eaitle I'i on riuhl aide.
Kirk Jeehe, Ileppner, Or.: horae 11 on laft
Lelildei : catlle aunie ou lifc-lltaidu, underbil ou
iitht ei,r.
Kniiiberland.W. O.. Mount Vernon. Or.I L on
aide on riuhl and left Bitten, Bwadow fork in 1. ft
ar and under clop in riwht ear. 11 oreua same
and nl left Hhonlder. KahKe ill (ll-ant e.niutv.
hirten, Klephen, I ox. Or. h L uu left, hip
.li entile, crop und aplil un rilit ear. HotBHB
name hnuid ou lefi .iiouldiir. (tatiKe Orant
ui tv.
tiii nallen, John V.. I, I Or. Ilnnwa
emailed liHit-eiiele.il eonneeleil on left hIiouI.
I,t. Cat'le. HHlth ou lef-hit,, Itarik-e. near UX.
, ittel,
Leiihey. J. W Ceppnei- Or-Horae b-unded
I, line A o h it ehuu.del-l e.tll.. i-iiiiih n Jf,
Inii, Kiialeovirr.jl.t ju, Ihrue ahu iu r cht
Lord, (lonrne, Ileppner. Or.-llorHea bran, ind
ionble II eoi.neei. Simetiinea eallail a-
"ll'l- II. nil let! Hhonlder.
Miiiklimn. A. M.. He, -r, Or.-Calllo Inrua
II on lefi M.lo both Mil er..pp,.,, anil plit j
'o Ii lioi-Mw M on left liij,. UanirB. Clark's
Vinor. (lear. rtoppner. ('r.-fattle, M r n
riKUl hip; holHe. M on I,, ft iili(iu,i.,r.
lorBiin. S. N.. M.M.pner. dr. It,,rBM
t, I..0 si, ml, I. ..nttln k,i... .... l..r, t
M. Climber. .Taa A, Kelin, Dr. HnraeH.' M with
it' ever on riu'bt flb'Uilder.
Mortnin. 'I'hoe.. Ileppner, ' Ir Moreen, elreln
r ,111 led HhiiniiJei and lefi ihiah; eattle. . m
n -lit tlinr):,
Mitchell. Oscar. Line, fir.- Horses. U uu riari i
hi .: ratue. ;7nn riKht aide.
MeClHren, 1). (.., Hinwnsviile, Or, Ilo,,
-iiire Sot, ..neb hI,, older, eaitle, DI2 on bin
MeCam. Iavid II. Kclm tlr. Ilur-ee braud,,d
e..nneetn.', n ! be lefi Blieuh'er; cattle Humo
leu end -ifb'.
'elli:r. IVin k. i,, Vnll... ll- m..i. .. . -
mi M.e.i-ni i nil eittll" nil nt)H HmJ nndor
tell ear; Iiiuh..n seme bnnid mi luft .in..
,, , , - - in iii Hinie
A c Jlal-v. " ... .- a,in.(lr.-uii tir. -t
.ill: h:.ir ...vie muter oti left Hhonlder; n I nfl
n: luirh e..nti-led on b.p on the riiht
iiiit:" in liie.nl Contiiy.
Neiil. Andrew. Lurie ih.ek.l lr. MorwH A N en.
.eieil nii l. fl ebotildni : r i e Biinie on lioi:, hi,,.
Nindjiie. I... Miivei-tnn.dr.-lliirHeH. etrele V ,,'
i: di'Kl : cn'tle. naitie on left hip.
Oliver, J.wepti, ( an),,,, I ilj, (1,,- A . r.n .-nittUi
"If" liol-Hea, Hiiueon left d.ifc.l,, Kuuij
. i ii-aitl county
Oiler, l-ei-rr, Lej.iin.uni, (r. - () ,,,, ..,(,(
Oip, Hernial,. I'mirie I if.-, (le.-d., (.K,,B (
I' eiintlecleii on left hi,;; I,,,,,,,, ,f, sl'iH()
eil tv.-irtle now. luince ill dmnl e.i.ttlity.
I'i-wiiii. I Hove. Kmiit ,1111b. I Ir Ii, .uuu ,
. ., r , . r O'ler IIP(I on
i:.. ( Mile, fork in lef ear. rk'ht cropped.
,. l-fl .111. W.-.teri It..).,
I'artei ,ii (lle:u.o.,. 1 1 Kr,linan,Or.'-l!,r:.eH If ,,o
ti shot, liter.
'' 'i''1,'.1'.1'' ' l-exiiutlon.Or,- !,,r .-e brund.
K (L L ei.i,ii,.,-ii-,; o. led l,i.ii,il,.i-; ,-Mtim
me on iikIiI Inp. liniiKc, Mnriow eiiunij-,
ill i. J. II., Lexli.Ki,,,,. II,., , Jr,,.. j. ,.,,.
icieil o lei I ebon bier; eatlle, saiue on left hip.
t dec bi iu each ear.
1'etlsH, A. ( '., lone, Or,: horsoa diamond P on
- - Bhnulder; cm i e, J M j eonueeied, on the
-II hip. upper slo;ie in left oarand oliy in tlia
I'owell, John 'I'., rtiiyriile, Ol'-UoreeB, .1 1" cotl.
ice ediil, l.-l t Bbmiluer. CatlleOK eouileetl ou
eh Inn. lo under h,.f croiw, pile on each ear,
ui tie under tliiunt. Iln. pi in dmi.t eounty.
Hood. Au.lrew. liHriluniu.Or.-H, , aouare
" widi'ltiarter-enelHover Hon left stitle.
Kwiiukm, t line, Ileppner, Or.- lloraea. i; It on
lelt Hhi.iiide, .
Ilice. hail. lltlriine.n,Or.; horaeH, three panel
i.rni fence ou lefi Hhonlder; ea'tle, DAj
iulii Blioulder. I'.aune near llimluian.
Itiijae, Aaron. Uoppi,r, OI-IU.I-HI..H, plain y oa
el Hhonlder; eallle, nauia lirand reverHwl on
iKht hip and crop of) riK,t H,f, l;,ul(o ia iJ,,r
ltiit.li MroH. Heppner, Or.-lloreea hrnoilod S
u Ihe null, ehoiililer; CHttle, IX ou the left nip,
.-inp oil left ear ami dawlnpnn m,ck. Hango c
II, 'I row anil adjoion.u eoiintiiw.
Itiml, William. Itm. (lrllrea w ...
,ell Hhouiner; eatlle. It on left bio. orot,
i IKI.I ear, uiitloruil on left ear. Slinoo. ft
ei,lli,ii,,o,,i,,lei-op,,l,,Kli ear. llauKe Un.a
li.a and Morn, wc iiiulioH.
Iteanei, Andrew Unmet,,,,, Or.-llorae,
riuided A It on nKbt Blioulder, vout ouartei
ircle over brand; eattle Biuiw ou riuht Inn,
'. in, fte .llonow coin, tv. "
lt..,Mie, ttm. 11 bairysille, Or-UK conuoeta
n i uuartei ein le oter top uu cultleon riulit bin
ml crop 1 r,Kbtear and Bpbt in left. Home,
in,, , brand ut, loft anuuldar. limtm iu Morrow
i. nmi and Oilliain riinutiea.
IU-eti,r.J. W.. Ileppner, Or.- Hornea, ,10 .
loll Bhouldor. t'aitie, oou riahthi),.
.-pieknal). J VV., Oooeberr,, Or.-Horn,.
.,'uidj! 'ulderi ,anB lu Jlorrow
baiotiK, C O Heppner, Or-MorHuo brandod S A
on lelt Hl.oulder; eattle aauie on lefi bip
Sv.aeKi.ri, h. r l.x,t, tlr.-Horeea
Willi diiHli under H on lalt Btdio entile 11 with
uuHli uiiiler it ou riht nM, crlp 0, t e p j
uoln u'Vd l""", ''l'"1 "' S Morrow.
iillliauiaLd uiuntiila eomiLies
.fle'i'i""!"'' 1'-Al'U"'1- Orlloraea brun.le-' 2
eulell Bhouldor; iMillH,une on left hip. Croo
ui eai, wattle on loll, loud Ihk m"- ul' '"V
tillkiKliI tV. K, Ileppner, Or. Horaea ahiulnd
-. t , ou lei t.e; cattle JSunHfilXHwaTlow
lorkiuriK-h ear. un.lorbll in left "wajiow
atipp. 'llioH., Ileppner, Or. Iluraaa, S A P on
ell Inp: uaiu, name ou left ho, "" ou
hhrier.Johu, lox, Or.-M; ennetnil on
nor.,.to r,Kl hip; ,, S,Vue m " rir? I,
BquueB, JaniOH. Arhu u,, TurrtbM
tdle'!'lita';'iUB',,lrrV, UM" " Hleo noe
btoihe .' "v" v'U,1'"r,'"w"mll"1'anico nties.
OleplieiiB. V. A., Ilaiduiaa, tlr-: Uoi-hhh S8 nn
a, riKhi in ; nwaliow-iork in laft r
Wperrj.E. G Ileppner, (Jr. Cart I. w t
lno p,,u, J. a., heppaa,. (jr.-ilore aon
Tin s -Iri '" lBtl ulder. ' 8
ri,oumeJf ' l,n"",0r,llurM"- c"un loft
ienUBno,,,!de,V-iHet't',l,)''';r'-SmH l'iI
"K'lis"- u hip
WalbridBe, Win.. Ileppner, Or H,, IT I
u- , tain, rnr IU, l.el.
VtiiBon, Jubu Q,. fjaiani or rfenoiiBr
circle Tve? li ) '?'''. --'ttle W with qn.irt.er
y iue over it, ou ie side, pl t iu hJlil ar
U;p;:;;.lrMl " w.idir. "C?ss
8 I on! tLb,tl,tAb,l,l6P,,n"r' 0r' ''""8
w.,j.pbt lh i.ti LluK "P " right
aee ol.". UeMD- Or.-lirBB bianded
r. tie bmudee', i"' 1D
"ll n l! ? "u !vtl H"d left hip.
Bhoauier cV Z"'' r-11'". left
tl.pSefoa,'.' Jui'? j t,Or-On horae.
r.KS; b!',a.rl.lfi ,,,,on""1,J' U'-rtle. W on
H,wirr st;
cle over iIiihTi I , 'l'""-r.-Quartr oir.
te I Creek, Or Horaea, nmr
, 7M Wl hip; cattlo mine
in ea. hear l.,,u , ,
I Mi. A A . , .
"iUe. l,..rT 1 eoi.necletlj EVt on left
: W lker' . 1 " V1'1 "''Oid.ler. J. W
on eluhou d,; a"',PO" '""i M "
i iT. i"'" iHlitiiti,..,,.
! T8oh'thrr.O,-H.mM1 brands