l nn m n n i n iwirnn WSS 4fOV. Now that tbe campaign is coming on ever; subscriber of the Gazette should provide himself or herself with a news? paper uf more than local importance. The Qnette shop is the place tn subscribe for all periodicals. Don't forget that the OeZette needs all arrearage, even though Christmas ccmea but once a vear. OFFICIAL PAPER NOTHING RISKED, NOTHING MADE. The man who advertises, get the cash. Notice it. ELEVENTH YEA II HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY. MARCH 20, 1894. WEEKLY NO. n76. 1 8EMI-WEKKLY NO. 215. 1 i : LMI A h : K L V (iAZhl'l h rU HMr-HKJi I'uesdsys and Fridays J BY HE rATTERSOX ITBLISII1XG COMI'AX.. AlVAH VV. PATTERSON Bob. Manager. Cri8 PATTKltSON Editor A t2.5 per your, "il.2. fur bix niuntht,, 75 etB. f( r till He lllonl liM. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Tiie EA3-LE, " of Long Crei'lt, tiraut Cciiiiiy. orcyim, 1b pLihlifihetl by the Hume coiu jmiiy every Friday morning. SubHrrition unci1. j'(;r yeiir. For advertising I'ntes, mid reus c:e-?.I.UT ZD. -X-X'JS.TsoT, Alitor and Mnu;ii;i'r, I.IPHK Cruuk, Oregon, or "jri.tHo," li'l'imer, oreyon. "PUIS 1'Al'Kli In kept nn lllr Hi li, I . Hnke'r, I AilveiUHiuK Akcui-j. fit IIMll t).'l .UlTclllllll.H E.vctnus'. Hhii i''rHiicir,oo. Cull fori i in. wiiertj co... I'aclt for ml VHit imijiu i.hii be. made or it. TIIK U.vZtiTI'ti'S (i MS. Wittier, IMl.lDIt, Lun creek. .. Kcho .. . Crtlilrir- i'mlrie, . Nye, Or., Hh r.n.iiui, or,, K. A. HnnsHlter l'ljili llei-j.uer I hr KtiKle . . . Postnatal r . Onr.tr l-lc it ill .. II. c. ttriidil t'os tn ster .. . . J'osrmo.-it-r T. J.Ciirl . K. 1. Mrllaluy ri. L. TarriKli . . .U. 1. Skeltoii J. K, snow . F. 1. Mi'Calliiln .John KitiiiKtou i'ostinaHier I'oMliiLaKier Miss stellri Klett Hamilton. Grant Co., t tone Prairie City, Or Ciiuyon City, Or., i'ilot knelt IMS ville. Or., Inhii Uiiy, Or., Athena, or i'eitilii'l'iii, (jr., .Mosiit Vernon, liruilt (. Shelby, or Kr-x, (ir.int (Jo., Or Kitilit Mill', or., V (.or liliL'H Creek, . . . l).,iu;lit'., Or Ijnlt; Itorl-., or Micl;flT Oointon, OruyuM !,exili::lnll . Ai.isvr WA.NTUIJ )r. 'o.,Or., .1. H. Allen AwlilintlKli I'. Ilt't I.i.mI l'oscinuster M re. t.lrev B. U. M. JoliuMoh J. U. K tell Herbert llrilsli'ti.l Jan Lunch IN KVKItY I'UKUM.T. Umqv Paofic Railway-Local card M-. M), louvea Hoptm,i tt:41 p. id dai y exoyit Sa'idj-y ni, ' ar. at WiKowti Jo. p.m. y, " ltiivtb " ii in. " . " ar. at I leppner a. 'U. dtil excepi Mondny. Khh huuua, iiiuin line nr. at Arlington l: t! . iu. Wpst " ' " U'KVHh " 1 :J 1 h. m. Wrt4t ho i id Ij al fr iur'n 1 jiiv '8 Arlinion 8 it") a. m., u TivtH t Van L) hen i:l p. m. I -rai ut Piirilaud ut 7:Uj p m- liaiteil titittuN Ulliciuls. I'll- ....Gruvor rK-volund , . . . . Ad ai 8 evi'iitioii ...Waaory (irtjflumt Joiiii U. t Hl'iinlx JlUkU blllllli ....Dami'l . tintKii iiilfiry A. tierneti Wlll-Uii CJ. Hlrtr.t..il Uiuli.il'il & Otbey ...J. OLuilluK JiortUii Vi H. 1 Vttnlilt'il heo-o'ut'j ol oituw buci' tai j ol I rniitiuri , bo if iHry ol interior iiirv of rt ar bed bu'-rwHii'i o Navy i'ustnmsier-Uoueral Atl'ritw-Uuuernl BbrttLary ot Agriculture.. State ot ih'Hoii. (iovornor SeciHKii'i ot 8iatw Treahurttr.. ISupi. Public lUBtrni Hull. Hnnaiortt CtDKi"WP"iya lMn!,fr Muprmnfj Judrfoa.. , S. Pennoyer li. W. Mulltiuc Fliit, ,Yltu&i;tiau b. li. lun.lru J. II. Mm;iiMii J. N.U.di.i, liltiei' lioiiuHiili ' ( W. u. KiitH KmuK v. . Hukei t. A. .Woo tc t'. ..Old f ti. 8. Uetin SyVfiitil .IlldK'iiil IhsttMCt. Oimut jndk' W.L. IratUtiHw JVo.vooui.ij Aliorntjy W. U. VV dis u Muivuw CouuU OlHnni-. Jimmtor... rMi.iiaiiv iiy.) udKo 1 t-'mniuBKioimrb. J. M. liaUur. rierk aiieriii '1 rniiHurer Anwritior 1 durvoior .. .3"houi aup't... ('oronur ...Henry HUukiuatt J. lN. Brown llllKIrt K'illll . lioo. V. Yiuceut , J. W, iVlorroH tjt'o. Nol)te. ,W. ) . L tzei It. i,. haw isa Brown W; L. .nulUiy T..Aye. Ji IIKri'NKll TOWN OKFlOEttrJ. aiKU,i J Virions Uoai.i-hiu.-n . E. r'anmw'.rtn. t Jiiclileuttutl, Otiw I'attHrdon, Julius K.nLldy. V. A. loauitou, J. jL. Yeaur. Hi-u.M.i.-i A. A. UotmriM. frwtfium K. U. ystoouiu Alai-aiiar J- W- liaBiiiue. Pri'i'iiicl OlJii''P. Justice of the Peace F J. 1hill..k IJuncHable W. Ujuiiftrd ITnitoiI taten Land tlrliewrs. TUK DALLES. OK. J. V. Lpwih It K'8 ' T.S.Lann U.-cmv t LA OR V SUE, OB. B.F, Wi's-in... J. ii Kobuins.. .... Koyeivei SECRET SOSISTIES-. erj 'limwiay nveiiiiiK at 7..SU o'elork ii their (. aatie Hull. Naimmil liank Imihl- tli. bojiUf UlIlK tirnlhiTf Uni l"- viifl to t nd. J N. Buow.v. i W. V. CilAWFOltD, IV. ol li. til o. tf UAWUNfi I'UST, N 1.81. G. A. li. tletB at Lexiiigtoii, Or., the Urn Hattirdny mc!. mouth. All veterauM an mvitwi to jnin. . (. Iioon, Ad.iniaut, Gw). W. SMITH. tf t'mlllUHUdBI PSOITECSICITAj-i. Hnre Hint Coll cttonH. Offio- i" 7ouuoil Cbambeis, Hi pi'iir. )r. Hwtf. S. P. FLORENCE, STOLKKAISHR ! HKI'PNKK. OKKUON. -'tM hrui'lnlaml rmKrked mhiiwnbn Hureai K on riisht ahonlilMr. Mycattle rnnite in Morniw and Umatilla conu ''.. 1 will i, tioc.oo for th arreet and con icitoQ of any person atmiiJMC tnv Htonk. VALUABLE PRISM Year's Subscription to a Fop ular Agricultural Paper GIVHNFREETO OUKREADERS liy a apeoiiil arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to famish I' r.KE to euuh of our readers a year's "iilixoriptinn to the popular mouthly iitriiniilitiral journal, the Ahebicak Farmeb, published at Springfield and Oleveliuid, Ohio. This offer is piade to any of our eub HenheiB who will pay up all arrearages . li Biilisi riition and one year in advance, and to any new subscribers who will pay "He yeai in aiivanoe. The American v'akmku enjoys a lare national circula tion, ami limns among the leadiug 'igricnltnrnl papers. By this arrange- ii t it COS'KS YOD NOTtllNG to re- eeive the Amkkioan Fahmkr for one year, I will be to jour advantage to chH prompily. Hauiple oooiea can be eti at our utlice. Tle Original s DIOTIONHRY. b' " ' . "-.Hi- .i IhOI HlK puulinliern, a h are ahle to obtain a number oi tr ahove bonk, and propone to furniBh a co(y to eat-h of our subHcriuers. I lie dictionary is a necessity in every home, school and business house. It tills a vacancy, and tiiriiiuhes knowledge which no one hun dred other votumt'B of the choicest books could supply Youugaiid old, educated and ignorant, rich and poor, should have It within reach, and refer u its cotitenis every day iu the year. AG Borne have asked if thiB is really the Orig inal Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, we are able to state we have learned direct from the publishers the fact, that this is the very work coninlete on which about forty of the best years ot the author'H life were so well employed in writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of about itfU.uou words, including the correct spell ing derivation -und definition of same, and is me regular stanuaru si,e, containing about iki,iiihj square inches of printed surface, aud, ie uouuu in ciotu nan morocco aim sueeo. Until further notice we will furnish this valuable Uictonary First 1 o any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now ;n arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at me rouowing prices, viz: Full Cloth bound, gilt side and bact stamps rrtdrbied edges $i-oo. HaH Mo occo, bound, gilt side and back stamps, marDled edges. $1.50, full Sheep Dound, leather label, marbled edges, $2,00 rifty cents added in all cases for express tge to Heppner itBf-AH the publishers limit the time and numiier of books they will furnish at the low prices, we advise all who desire to avail them selves of ihis great opportunity to attend to il it once. .SILVER'S '11aM1jION. :T U E-HE Itodi'-. Mountain News THE DAILY -BY MAIL. Subseription price reduced as follows: Cite Year (by m til) : : $6 00 Six Month " ; ; 3 00 Time Months " : 1 50 'Hie Mouth " : : SO (HE WEEKLY BY MAIL. One Year in Advance) : fl 00 The News Is the only consistent c ,anrplon of silver in the West, sod should be In every home in the West, and in the hands of every miner 1 business man la Colorado. Send in your stibscr.ptioas at once. Address, Denver. Colo. LUjWJBER! K HAVE FDK KALE ALL KINDS OF UN dressed Lumber, 16mIiesof Heppner, at hut is known as the 4COTT KA-WMIIjXj. KK I.IKKi FEKT. KcU'tiH, (LEAK, 110 00 17 50 I K IiKI.IVEKED IN HEPPNER, WILL ADD I I.WH) ier I, IKK) feet, additional. IAMII.T0N, Prop. D. A.. HHinlitun.Man'er TUB- AISCOXSIN CtNTKAL LINES Run Two Fast Traini Daily Betueen St. Paul. Minneapolis, and Chicago, Milwniikoe and all p. iutsin H'lBCOiisin making connection in Chicago with all lines running Eiist and South. Tickets xld and hngitagc checked through to points In tlie United States and Canadian ''roviiices. For full information apply to your nearest tleket agent or JA8. C. POND, Oen. Pas. andTkt. Agt, Milwaukee, Wis. IT MM "As old as the hills" and never excell ed. " Tried and proven " is the verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is the hiyfrPfony Liver and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely Veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver and Kid Tha n Pills neys. JLryit. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. The King of Liver Medicine. 1 have used yourHlmmons Liver Regu lator imd can cotisulenciouBly any it Is the kiln; of all liver medicines. I consider it a medicine chest In itself. Geo. W. Jack son, Taconia, Washington. 3-EVERT PACKAGE-E ttan the Z Stamp in red on wrapper. C? (TICK TXrvt E3 1 TO JSfii Francisco lid nil pointa In California, via the Mt. Mhacta route of the Southern Pacific Co. Phe great hiirhway through California to all points Kaat and South. Grand Hcanio Route of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet Hleepars. 8eoond-clas8 Hleepers Attachedjto express trains, aftordmg superior tcoommodations for senond-olase passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, ito.. oall npon or arldress tt. KUEHLEK, Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Asst. en. F. fe P. Agt.. Portland, Oregon. 0 WM. PENLANI), ED. R BISHOP, President. Cashier. f ransacts;a;general banking business COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD (JB'.PPNER. tf OREGON Free Medicine ! A Golden Opportnuity for Suffering Humanity. Physicians Give their Hemedfes to the People llfl VniT HFPFIi ? Write ua at once, explain I(U IUU Oirrrjl f jnt; your trouble, and we will send you FREE OF CHAkGE a full course of Buecially prepared remedies best suited to your case, we want your reeomraenoauon. We can cure the most aggravated diseases of both sexes. Our treatment tor all diseases and deformities are modern aud scientific, acuuired by many year's experience, which enables us to guarantee a (jure, do not despair. N. B. We have the onlv Dosltlve cure for Ep ilepsy (fits) and Catarrh. References given. rennanentiy located. Old established. DR. W LI.IAM8 MKDICAL AND SURRIt'AL INHTI- tutr, 719 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. ARfc VOU ANY AT PUZZLES ! The genius who invented the "Fifteen" puz zle, "Pigs in Clover," and many others, has in vented a brand new one, which Is going to be the greatest on record. There is fun, instruc tion and entertainment in it. The old and learned will find as much myBtery m It as the young and unsophisticated. This great puzzle s the property of-the New York Press Club, for whom It was Invented by Samuel Loyd, the great puzzleist, to be sold for the benefit of the movement to erect a great home for newspaper workers In New York. Generous friends have given $25,00uin prizes for the successful puzzle solvers. TKN CKNTfc sent to the "Press Club Building and Chrrity Fund," Temple Court, New York City, will get you the mystery by return mail. mm Muli in all ttvlai and sizes. Lightest, I strongest, easiest working, safest, simplest, I most accurate, most compact, ana mom i modern. For sale 6f all aeaiera m arm,. Catalogues mailed free by Tie Marlin Fira Arms Co., New Haves, Conk., IT. S. A. spiles; e'-red in one painlesh irtatmerit from bmineil. FStula, L'lct , eta., alio eurr-d. ;t0 yean' c ilti ut kinfo, iom or una QQMtlon Blank end Book free. Call or write. Dtt. 11 IS. BU I IS, 622 Pine Street. St. Luuib. mo "SGOO PARCELS OF MAIL" FEES coJ!J n drerw if received whhin -x 2 rS$ffls days will bfc for I year boldly guaranteeing ias.(toO 1 Uirera you'll rfivv, probably, thouKandH o) i valuable books, pH'wrt, ' sanmles.maiiazine.f'tc tjrf?ittSi JSSAU tr and each pan-e iW pastwl thereon. EXTB A! Ve u B1BO ffriui. K""1- ' " your label addreww to you; stirk on your envelopes, IxjoUp, U . urevuiii lurii uoiug awui. w. i of RetUville, . C, wtIm : r 'nm my a OPni aareniu yotii k- kum nm I)frertcrv I'-e received mv.j mUhv-w lutein and ovpr 30M Parr! 'Tfnll. Mv addn-rwer. you waito-re ,f aill'Hm piniiimi'-isniiuuHitiiiiiMi.ii... - an1 arrivintr dfdiy, on vulnol- ar '- of mail from all :ru " t Woria WORLD'H AIR 1IREC10RY CO., No. lHFrankford and Girard Ave. Phlladel-' phia, Pa. msgim AT TllAViLEIS. Tho Chineao in Ar.i-rloi Continu ally on tho Go. They Atp Mucli at tfotno In a Third Clam (jtr an If I.r.Illuy: at Ease trndr t V.'.js,hoiwe TAiilf, The Chinese are ffa' proficient have th? ,t the usr of or" Vi-'t'o';'. : edpre of unr w r. ; . i ' i cilia railrsw-.l i and ',t essary to rnuinuri it;; agency at S;;e'i"r"to. r bce.'i nl.H : L '!':. ways on the g . i. to a writer in tho s it ; , icle. Wlir.t t.li,-. e: v.":t; t do, he write?, for utll ' travelers. S' :'.ls bpeome i t.f'"1 knrMv . -.i r ;;o ! '!;'"'' ru rl ;V. I: as jn. :.-i. cf lcnot ii, '.!: -iChrnn f. .ins wr:-r.I. it U't.ti'liT (; passeufrvjrs unless they ,;nl a ,;; BO Of Moilfrri'iJ.S j V, v.'l h(t to say. Wt'.ci ru, . v. r.'ic'X rail and sees l.hj .sr.. ; v i :, ,: irifr and inooui':" ; j. :;. he how tiioy iTi:;!!...,';.1 1 .ivrt i.;."V'V to pay so v.iv. :b r ::: k: i !' .:' . for a iirjmiint will mt.' t.:'iit,'i , the assertion that in proxnion tn Uuiir percentage of thu pojnilitkm they are much printer travelers than the white people of this country, leaving aside all consideration of t-ieir bir journej' across the l'aci.l.'.. When the San IVanoIsco Chinar.cn'ii resident rts r.ionc;,' eri(u;rh tteretlnu" to take atri'ito Loi.i Ann ies, (hnttha. t;tu cago or 3Sew York he tfenerally bc-rins to think of Iravelhuf. It mutters not what, he may he lining here; if hetliinus Kansas City needs a new vvjishhott.se he buys a ticket for that town and away he goes. In the matter of ticket pur chasing he has a front advantage over white persons. If he is at all shrewd, nnci he fcnerally is. lie can buy nn emi grant ticket at a cut rate of from five to fifteen dollars cheaper than any white man can bv.y it. This fact, curi ously enotrii, is wholly due to the white man's utter hick of conlidence in him as an oath-observer. "We ca.i s;dl a Chinaman a ticket cheaper than anybody else," says a Cal ifornia, t.ijket. aerit the other day, "for the reason that there, is no danger of anybody in the railroad pool catchino- us cuttin;f vatos. All tes timony as to rutj-r.-uUiiijf before the pool eoi.nnii.si.mer must he by affidavit, and as Chinamen's affida vits are not admissible as evidence, of course we can always steer clear of a fine when we cut a rate for them." When John travels he invariably car ries a stufly-loohhiff carpet sack in his hand and a lot of ::oiidescript bundle? over his shoulder, pmernlly tied to gether with a heavy cord or a piece of hayrope. Where tlicy get all tlircsr' pet sacks is a rriystry. They are cer tainly not tin Astatic article of hrjgafre, but thev cannot Irs dissociated from the idea of Monrrol'vi (ravel in this country. Appro::chp ; liie Oakland ferry, aftct buyintr liis tut.:.'t np-town, John easts a wary eye about luta for the poll-tax gatherer, who haunts the landing-and keeps close watch over all the newcom ers as wnll us cnt;roem. He is a very lucky John if he citn manage to run the gantlet oi t.tosi; keen optics. As soon as the attack begins the Mongolian clutches with mighty rrtisp the handle of his carpet suck, for he knows that this is the iirst point of advantage which the seeker for his two dollars will try to gain. The poll-tax man knows the trick ol loosening the heathen's hold. Having secured the carpet sack he will not lei it go until tlie tax has been paid. Kc Chinaman was ever known to pay his poll-tax cheerfully, and this John is nc exception. He shakes his head, jabber! and raves and tries to convince the tax man that he has not the slightest notion in the world of what he is alter. Thai dodge will not work-, however, for it i: an old one and the tax gatherer, sittiivi serenely on the stuffy carpet sack, wim the day, unless John values his two dollars more than he does his cheap luggage and flees for the boat; in which event the: tax man wins a two-bit "jumper," a pair of wornout overalls, some mystcrioHS-lookhig provender and a pair of cork-sole d tl.ces vt ilh turned up toes. Once aboard his train John sits bo- side a countryman of his, who is sure to turn out either a eon .hi or a cousin of a friend of his. They make a few remarks about the weather, the state of the labor market and the chances ol getting rich in a few weeks at the places whither thev are bound. None of these remarks are of a lively nature. In fact, John on the rail is tho same stolid, letharffie. John that he is any where else. He folds his loosely-draped arms and takes little heed of anything, dozing away the long hours on the train as contentedly as if he was lolling at ease under tlie washhouse table. Iu fact, a carload of Chinese is as much like a carload of mummies as it is like anything. Ihe nomadic insti-itt is so dccplv rooted in the Mongolian that he feels al most as much at homo while scurrying around the country as h- does under his own roof tree. The intense desire to travel is without any doubt a Tartai heritage, most of the forces of worlrin;: Chinese who have come to this countr, being gathered from the grout plaint-, oi the eastern part of tlie empire, where the roving instinct is strong and where manv tribes are almost constantly on HIC go. l.u.,L,:.ii c ... try of homes, and il !...: . vrrt ns tie quiet merc'iiMit. the ci tat in.iiau' am the steady-goin; sewia:; mtiehine oper ator, liven these, howev-'f, are great patrons of the raio-oad. They have "cousins" living at Vreka, Yuba or Yuma that must be visited now and again, and this keeps them on the move for days at a tima. - Th World'! Metropolis, The London Of tn-dmr. mrfth Ha Tn'N lona of inhabitants, Includes more Scotchmen than thero are in Edinburgh, more Irish than there aro Dublin, more Jews than there aro in Palestine, and more American than there are in Kalamazoo, gke; . A. II. NOTICE. We take this opportunity of informing our Hubeoribers Hint ihe new oomuii ioiier of pi-unions ban beeo Hpiinnted He isuu old a..ilier, anil we teliero tint Holdiem and their heirs will re teive jiiHiice ul his liHiids. We do not. .utieipate that tliere will be any raduia) liatiktes in the HdmiuistrMiou of pensioi flairs under Ihe new regime. We would Hdviae, however, that V. fl .Idiers. sailors aud their heirs, take o-p.t to make Hpplioatiou at ontie, if ley bHve not ulreHdy done so, in order i t-eetire the benefit of Ihe early filing of their claims iu case there should be any futuie puiBuiu legislation. Snob i euislatiou is seldom retroaotive. Ihern fore it is of k.rent iuiportauoe that Bp .jliOHtious be filed iu the department al he earliest possible date. If the U. S soldierH, sailors, or thei M iown, ehililteti or parents desire in ntiuntiiiti m regard to pension matteri bey should write to the Press Glujiiu .'oiupau), at Washington, 1). 0., nil, he) wih inepnrc anil send the ueceBBarv ipplieaiinn, if they find them entitled in dei Ihe numerous laws euuetad tut heir benefit. A.l.hess l'liKfiS CLAIMS COMPANY, 'IMS W EllUlUiUt UN, Al.iUliillK At t." : e, iVaslilliKlwu, 1) U., P. O. lioX 3 -tf. TIIK WKilHUN l'KDAUUUIIK. We are iu receipt of the May number four state school paper. It exceed iny of the former liuiub rs ir. vabi Tlie paper llii tin nth contains ma uew nut! vtihtiibte features. The ill lie (rated series on the pcIiooIh of the stai is introduoed by paper uu the Friend Poly technic Institute at S-dem, Oreuoi these piipern. cannot fail to be nf trret, value both to the soliools uu 1 tu tl public. There are also several tine article, by our b-st writers mid the departmeut "Curreut Eveuis,""Snturday Thoughts,' "Educational News" "The Oracl Answers, Correspondents," elc , euo coutuiii mm' 1 1 valuable reading f" teachers or paieuts. The magnzin h"S about 50 pages of mailer, wel printed and arranged. We prnuouDC ihe Western IVdagogne Ihe best eduea tional monthly uu Ihe 0m. st. Everyoue of tmr readers should have the paper if they are at all interested in education. No teacher school direc tor or i-tii.li n cau get aloi.g well with- ). iW- -Hr will ,,-o,-'w ,mW at this i fflce. Price only 81.00 a leai Wheu desired we will send the Westen Pedagogue and (h.zette oue year lo odi address for $!j(W Call aud ezamiiu aini'le Copies. Teachers, directors and paten's, i . . --.v is li e lino o. .ntcribe. tl WE LOVE MEDICINE. Doctor Says That Americana Are Ktitiou of llruff-Takers. 1 think Americans should be described as a nation of medicine takers. The re turns from the sales of patent medicines are astonishing, but no general practi tioner is at all surprised at this, because he has long since learned that hypo' e.hondria exists almost universally,' and awful prison house of the damned, in dawned on me. I took r.p a court calen that medicine taking is tho great de- the "cry nucleus of some (perhaps yet dar There it was: 'Ella vs. Sweet,1 light of an enormous percentage of mankind, says a physician in the St, Louis Globe-Democrat. One groat object a doctor should have in view is to cure with as few doses as possible, and I believe that ninety-nine out of one hundred medical students commence practicing with this idea bo fore them. If their cxperienco is like mine they have somewhat let down in their efforts in this direction, and if they have not done so they have cer tainly offended quito a large number of patients. There seems littlo to choose between the sexes in tho matter of a desire to take medicine regularly, and it is often impossible to persuade an apparently rational-minded patient that a cure has been effected, that no more medicine is needed and that nothing but good diet and careful habits are required to build up tho constitution. A number of doctors save themselves from falling from grace by prescribing a harmless tonic after effecting a euro, but those wdio prido themselves in dis posing of cases by aid of a dozen doses or less seldom attain any great popu larity. 1 The often quoted and much vaunted practice in China of paying a physician while his patient is well and stopping his pay during sickness could never be introduced successfully into this conn try, because so many people whoarj perfectly well are prepared to file affi davits that they are dangerously sick, that no doctor under the China regim would bo able to earn his board Norse. A-n'iltlon. Norway is an ambitious country, and Its people are given to original modes of thought, A scientist of Christiania proposes to immortalize himself by proving the feasibility of reclaiming the gold and silver in sea water by electrolytic nation. lie suggests that a Jhannel about sixty meters wide should be selected for experiment. The place should be well sheltered from sea and wind, and tliere should bo a current of about four meters per minute. Across this channel sixty plates of galvanized iron, each two meters by three meters, should bo fixed at an angle of thirty de grees with the stream, anil an electric current be sent through the series to precipitate the precious metals. Ilerr Munster, to whom tho credit of this jon cption is due, has hit on a very fas cinating idea, a veritable electrical philosopher's stone, and if he could only succeed in demonstrating its prac . Nubility he would deserve to the full .'e fabulous reward that would fall to him. A annrl thing for too to do is to sub. scribe for the Oazette. Highest of all in Leavening ABSOLLJTELY PURE A SHOWER Or CLACK h'AIN. Examination l'rovi-.l .t t Ilaie a Pet!. Smell and a :;: Taate, The meteorologi'-al , n-cords of thi world chronicle several i.v.'ontestibh instances of black rtiinf,'!!-;. t say noth ing- of the more startling phenomena o. "shotvers of blood, lh;e. snows," etc Prof, liarkcr in April, 1S;."j, laid before the Royal society of Dublin some ob servations on a shower of black rair which fell around Carlaw and Kilkenny extending altogether over an area o1 about four hundred square miles. During the course of his lecture Prof. Barker exhibited to the society a speci men of this uncanny shower which had been sent him by a friend. The speci men shown in the vial was of a uniform black color, much resembling common black writing fluid. Dr. Darker found, however, 'chat, after allowing it to stand lor a short period, tho black coloring matter separated from the water with which it had mixed, rendering tho color of the rainwater much lighter, but still dark enough to be called "black rain."' The shower, which was in broad daj light, was preceded by a darkness su dense as to make it impossible for one to read without tho aid of a candle. After this darkness had continued for some time, a hailstorm set in, attended with vivid lightning, but without the utatii serai'iance oi inuntier. n ncn tnis naiistorm was over tne Mack rain be gan to fall. On examination of the rain immedi ately after the storm was over it was found to have an extremely fetid smell, as well as a very disagreeable taste. All light-colored animals and all articles of stains, and cattle refused to drink the water or eat the grass until after a shower of "real rain" had walked off the black, poisoning matter. ON A COMET. That Is Where a Fcieutist llelievea lladee Will lie Located. What do you think of the idea of hell, the future abode of tho wbked, being a sweet ffirUuiowu to ino as Ella, vuuiuw o.ro opmioii, oa.ya too ou woo nau oeon tlie sweetncart ol my col Louis Republic, odd as it may seem to lego days the year boforo. I was those who have given comets and the startled from my' reverie by a boy with future state of the dead but littlo at- a message directed to mo. It wa3 from tention, has been entertained by many my friend across tho way and dated Chi really eminent scientists and philoso- cago, but its contents made my brain phcrs, among them the learned Dr. whirl. With telegraphic brevity' it said: Winston, the friend and sometimes ad- 'Ella is sweet. Don't delay. Take it viser of the great Sir Isaac Xewton. I up and try it ' I was just considering In answer to the inquiries of a friend, the advisability of a proposal, and my who wrote to ask the doctor for some astonishment can bo imagined. My tangible proof on the subject, the fol- first impressions were that Avas either lowing unique theories were ad asleep or the 'Windy City' had driven vanced. ". . . . According to my my friend int-ane. Put there was the calculations and deductions, this theory, messenger boy. so I read the telegram which you rightly say 'must belong to upside down, "sideways, and everyway I me and me alone,' does locate hell, the could see it, mid ' the li'dit llnnllv '" unthinkable "In this wide-circling chariot of fire they will he whirled in tho twinkling of an eye from tho intolerable heat ol the surface of the. sun back into space hundreds and hundreds of millions of miles from the great torch-bearer of our system. "Thus instantly the wretched tenants will be given two unbearable extremes, one of cokl and the other of heat; this to continue through the endless ages of eternity, while tho Almighty is dispens ing the severities of justice." Did mor tal man ever harbor a more horrible idea than this? BIG HAILSTONES IN TEXAS. ompa Six Inchea In Dliimctcr Maid to Have Fallen In a Recent F-'torm. A recent hailstorm near Gay Hill oc curred about 4:30 p. m. About two p. m. heavy clouds appeared in the west, and as they slowly approached a roaring sound was heard, such as usually indicates a coming hailstorm. Lightning, accompanied by distant thunder, suggested an unusual storm. About six miles distant from the Gal veston News man's point of observation the clouds divided. A li.r ht-colored cloud passed out from tho more dense cloud toward tho southeast, while the latter continued its course toward the east, but far above it at a high altitude was another cloud of a pinkish cast, which moved also toward tho cast. A few minutes after the rain commenced small hailstones fell, and each moment larger ones fell than tho preceding, until they reached the size of small hen eggs. After falling for about fifteen minutes the hail and rain ceased for probably two minutes. Then it com menced again to rain heavily and con tinued for probably ten minutes, with a higher wind, and it was during this in terval that the wonderfully largo hail stones fell. This remarkable hail fell in lartre Awarded Highest fo3lHtBdkinff The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia, No Aiuiu Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report lumps, ranging trom tnree to six mcne. in diameter. I heard of one pioe eight incnes in oiameter, wnicn weighed tout pounds. They were, as a rule, spheri cal in fortr, but some were somewhat flat, and nearly all were covered with oval knobs. They fell in small areas about two feet apart, while in other places only one would fall in a space twenty feet square. Tho average un der my observation was about one hailstone to every three feet square. The earth was thoroughly saturated with water, and some of tho large pieces penetrated the ground in soft places about three inches. I gathered about a bushel of tho largest pieces af ter the rain ceased and in a very little while I placed them in a sack, which I put in a box and packed hay around without special care. Some of the pieces I exhibited in Krenham, for the reason that I preferred to give ocuSar demonstration in proof of tho state- ; mcnt I made in relation to tho size of the hail. After forty-two hours several of tho pieces were seven inches in cir cumference. At this dato (eleven days after it fell) about a quart of the hail remains. Its density i3 so great that I believe it will keep should you wish a samplo. A most remarkable fact in connection with these largo hailstones is that some of them have particles of : dirt m the center. Tho question is : now cua they crct there? A LAWYEn'3 or?v. The Peculiar .tlinttti.-n .t'iiile by a Telcff rapher. A party of newspaper men and law- York attorney told of a peculiar mis- take that laid coma under his notice, made by a telegraph open; tor. "I was a young man at that time," said the lawyer, "and had a small office across the hall from a successful attor ney who once in awhile befriended me. One day I was sittin? i-i mv oi"l-o with my legs on the table and' chair tilted back, waiting for clients and dreaming and my friend was named as the de fendants attorney. Wonderrul Workmanship. A watchmaker is credited with the manufacture of a set of gold shirt studs, in one. of which is a watch that keeps excellent time, the dial being only three sixteenths of an inch in diameter. The three studs arc connected by a strip of silver inside tho r.hirt bosom, and the watch contained in tho middle one is wound up by turning the stud above. The hands are set by turning the one below. A Monster Stone. r The largest artificial stone in the world forms the base of the ISartholdi statue of Liberty on lledloe's island. New York harbor. This immense stone was made from broken trap rock, sand and American cement. I ive hundred carloads of sand and ovi r twenty thou sand barrels of cement wore, used in manufacturing; the monster. V.:r tlie Care ol Viiltnra. The world's fair hotel and boarding bureau, which has been organized by the representatives of the trunk line railways centering- in the city, have made arrangements to open oClees on Adams street by January 1 in order that a complete list of boarding and room ing places may be ready before the fair opens. Tlie new year literature of the railroad companies will properly adver tise the bureau, and pledges have al ready been made that tho organization will be ready by May 1 to care for 70, 000 visitors per day if necessary. Mr. Lewis W. Cass, secretary of the organ ization, has a partially completed list of rooms which will bo rented next year. This list shows that 50,000 pri vate houses will bo thrown open to re ceive those who will visit tho fair. More than 40,000 rooms have already been listed and hundreds of applications are received daily. Honors, World's Fair. iii