Sure Gizre for Sprain, Brcisa cr Kurt ! ftST.JACOBSOIL Yca'II Use it Always for a Like Mishap. CKAXKS AT THE CAPITAL. Government C.Telr.l3 Boset ty Crazy Ciimnts. An AnnnyinT Cl-ss of r'co;)!p Who Seem to l.e Attr:icti';l Totr u-ij IIiiim V iio li:d.l roltl.t-iif "The recent dovci'ipmont'; in insanity remind gij of oar c.vK'i-Kiiieos in Washing-ton." uiid a l wV,-v. lios:; husband has, through two n&ainhtrutions, held a high oa.:3 in the jpvornmoat. "Why men in oCickil iiaco:,," slio continued, "are not onu aad all victims of crazy malcvolrcc is a wonder. CranUs and lunatics t i.U hinds uvm to be partic ularly r.tlracted toward those who hold political places. As n rule, their mania chiefly consists in writing letters innu merable on every s;.'joct under the sun to the heads of t ie departments. This, of course, is Uinpiy nnnoyinfj but sometimes it, takes a most serious form. Insane claimants corao to WasMnfrton by the hundreds with preposterous de mands of crerv hind. Of course, at tho department:; and :t their houses the pres ident and his cabinet are guarded as far as may bo from there intruders; but they sometimes rain nceess to the peo ple they dc.-.ire t-j fi.'O. and pive a gTeat deal of trouble. "Owing', probably, to my name hav ing been laoroi.i- !. in the newspapers, 1 had not a lit!'" ivance from these people myself, r-oiuen as well as nu n u'.ed to di'licrc me with the most absurd aK'li'vt i n ,. One very funnv incident, iivit, was most an-).-c;irred after we "('I only n short i warned my serv-iw.-iitric gentry,, and I was room :d)jut eleven :r ; -nests had de- uoyin;? at the ;ii.:,'. had been in Vi'ii- M time and before i !:: ants ajrainst I.Y .' We ha.l had a l.i -alone in the drawing o'clock, just all..'. parted. 1 lipi-.i-i! : jiall, but, fan''"if"' ii iu away, di'l .if' !! it. I'rosenl ly I1'" i'; footman aniinmccd iaitj as if ' j;m."4, in wall; i d a v in!.' woman, who that she had a claim ury depart me:it fur i anil Uiat she hail :i:i mil il .she had arri.ii faetorily. '1 have In she explained, :!;, Mlpti:.e I ninv l.avt u!e Imst.h; in the v:,s some one go erl myself about r I'Ofned and the .ui:. ( lark,' and, an expected 1 lady-like look- Ty lialv infoi-med me. ; t the treas- .c million dollars, to i.Lay with us cd matters satis i'.i.;!it my trunk,' arioosodly, 'as I to !,.np with you for some time.' Awl t lion I found that I lie i had arrived in a '; my eonsterna laaan (for she a.virrrc) had brought all a;al that she had I ller whole de Vt and assured that i '. I'l ti the door never t ;.he was expected. her box into lh.' 1, paid and mn ineanor v;n; .,' qu t!ie servant -h i. dreamed but tin To have a eraxy house at iiiiihi! ,-ht position, I assi:;'!' y, must be li-.'.iioov excuse, la. ouian in your not a pleasant v..n; I felt that she i-eil, and, making l!y sought my hus h him with the situ- y Dr. , our good sin a few doors, and, to a-,!; his advieo and tv'tt with a curriiitfe i.iily Ut a Haft shelter r 'i TH-nl tact lie per wil.I'. him, nnd she bund and ac; : ution. For''.:, i'. neighbor, lived .. '.' wining liini a H:!c IlHI:nlU.tUUi. WO .'.!'. visitor luuil la: an to lake the lioor for the ni.iht. Minded her to j;'o took leave nf l: . wiUi r.uiny apiloyie8 for her skorl "My next rams. My d ami on the d'nir 1 had :1a-. u! ..In u t, 'Iv'parture. :u n: i- w :is more se v .vas to be miirrict mini before the wed up to :y rooia for a 1'' lil tli! rost wl-.t-ri 1 v;:s (li;,Lurleii by one 01 the servants, who inionned me that 11 yriHlom.Mi was iuu nstnirs who in hii'.ti'd iip'iii Rccinff M iss Mary' (ray daughter) or iny..vlf. 'lie. wouldn't ffive his mi'ssa;;-,1. uia'am,' cxi'luimed tho inuu, 'alth(;ii;;li I t 'KI him that you did not wisli b be disturbed.' Thinking that it mi;.rht lie f.oructliiii of impor taui'e 1 went down lo t lie reception room, where 1 found a tall, very id-loo Icing1 man, who in an j:;.yiiatel manner told me that he had l -ny lvpd my Mary, had seen her marri.ifjv spoken of in the piipetx, mid had traveled niht and day ' ffinu Ins home in the we-.t to be in time to prevent s in ! 1 a . upon wen;;.;" lay d:: Was SO r,ciii'd t li-ii'-htene.l, bat ! mind, and eon'riv man. S 1 1 1 w iv, lie insisted er at once. lie 1 was terribly my presence of rinjr for the foot iilleman out,' 1 upstairs. Some mt. rpt s;dd, and f.;irly way or other Ui that evenia,.r he ne.Nt mur.u;;, llei y rot rid rf h'un, but ret nrneil, and aain the Of eonrse he was not admitted, bat 1 was made so thoroughly nervous t'u't my hm-haud sent for a couple i f p-diei ii,e'.i in e'ltien's elothos, who reiaai. ". . lib the wedding party until the yo'.i.ij;-eouph' were fairly off on the tram." ,1ri niiti:;'.-i ltriiw;;li:tm. Tlio Into ;irlin;-.l M;iimin was a tall, (mir.t mini, w ith u vigorous framo anil :i l ii-vv In'iwl fial v:is iihnost com ph tv!vb:M. liolunl u fnce that bore tin' imnriv; of oKI Ktimi.n UrmnosR, ami lit1 lodki'il liUt- t!u- .icttiro of a grout oliurohtn:!i of oU. lie was a toototalor, unlikf miiuv ('f his pri'ili't'osstjrs, nnd uto only tu ht'cp bmly anil mind m a healthy tMinlitUin. There wus nl Hnlutely mi ostentation about htm. When he was made eaniinal nn influiMi tiat member of his (loeU said to him: I vouh! hlce to see your eminence riding iu something better than that shabby old brouhatu." "Ah!" replied tho pre late, with a twinkle in his eye, "when eurtlinals went about in hue carriages they generally went to the devil!' Oilrtnnl Luxury. The late TewttU Pasha, the Tryptian lihedive, lived in tvpiealOriontal luxury, but even then he did not spend one hundredth part of the money which his father, bmi:il Pasha, lavished alnmt lam. 'lew HI; had four palaces, all of them wry beantiial and ornate, and in each of them he was attended in true, rovnl state. Personally he was ii pleasant ami ureeable man. lie nl wHyrt wore the Kur.ipean dress a black Prince Albert coat, with striped trous urn, but added the TtirUr-'i fez. On oc casions of ceremony he wore the fill I uniform of a general of this Kjjyptiau army, with his breabt covered witb gay decoration. 11, t- ynerHl meroimniline establish ment formerly owned by Onftin & Mi' Far land, has luli'ly changed hands, now be lntt under the oontrol nnd nmnhtfeiiint of The MuKarlHiul Meroanlile Conipauv, which oontiuues business at the old stand with a larger stock than ever. a PATENTS! notice to inventors. There was uever a time in the history of our country when the demand for inventions Hnd improvements in the arte and sciences generally was so great as now. The convenience of mankind in the factory and workshop, the household and on the farm, as well as in oQieial lite, require oontimial Accessions to the appnrtenaiioe and impljments of each in order to save labor, time and espouse. The political change io tbe aduiiiiiatra on government does Dot affect the progress of the American inventor, who beiug on the alert, and ready to per eeive the existing deficiencies, dues not i ermit the affairs of government to de ter him from quickly oonoeiviug tip remedy to overoume existing discrepan cies. loo great oare oamiut be exer oised in eUoosing a competent and skill ful attorney to prepare and prosecuh an application for patent. Valuable in teres's have been lost and destroyed ! innumerable instances bv the empln meat of incompetent counsel, and es peeially is this advice applicable t. 'hoso who adopt the "No patent, n pay" 8 stem. Inventors who entrus their business to this class of attorneyi do so at imminent risk, as tbe breadtl and strength of the patent is never con sidered in view of a quiok endeavor b get an allowance and obtain tbe fee THE 1UES3 CLAIMS COMPANY Juhu Wedderbnrn, General Manager 018 F street, N. W.,Wasliiugton, D. C, represemiug a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the country, was in stitnted to protect its natrons from tin """'"H metnoils heretofore employe! i" Ihis line of business. The said Con- pany is prepared to take charge of al patent business entrusted to it for rea souable fees, and prepare and proseotiti applications generally, including me ohanioal inventions, design patents. trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports and jives especial attenion to rijeetfi eases. It is also prepared to enter iuti competition with any firm in securing roreitfn pttteiitH. Write for inHtnictious and advice. John Wkdderbukn. til8 F Street, P. 0. Box 385. WuHbingtot), D. 0. GREATLY REDUCED RATBG MADE BY THE FOR THE CALIFORNIA ROt'NU TRIP TICKETS (I00D DAYS. to on Him (I AND fiETl'RN FIVE (UTK TH K FAIR TlCK'KTS TO KXCI'KHION TRIPS I'rmu San KriuiHscu te other pniatH ia Cttli foriila will lie ulUtweil pnrchafiorn of special Midwinter Fair ttrkuta at the follow Inn round trip rates: To Hlatuma under U0 milea from San Kran ctneo. one and one-third one way funs. To stations IM) ml lea or more from San KraneUi'o.oiu! and one tlfth one way fare. For exiiet rates and full Information Inquire of J. B. Klrkland, Dint. Pacs. agent at ltV4 Klrnt St., Portland, Or., or address the underslKned. HioirnoiuY, t. a. goodman, Gen. Trathc MamiRer. Gen. Puhb. At. San Frauclsi'o, Calif. K. P. HOtiKRH, A. G. K. A P. A., Portland, Oregon. Seeds! Trpes! Choice Seeds -AND Fruit Trees THAT WILLGROVV. Wholesale nud Uetuil. Catalomie free. Address OEO. 8TAU11ETT, jiui25-3m bw Walla Walla, Wash. i 'AMY LAP Yean nvtm valuable ecret that coal iuu &.u0, and a rubber shield for at Cfftis, Mrs. V. M. APP. CO. 1'IIK STRBFT, ST. I.OI'IK, MO. FREE &L': pckft ol uf treat ment tor vkniiftnd decsT. nervouidbl)lt loft Tlt&llt Mul (tm for U wnU R. WARD INSTUTUTE, l30S.9ti8tST.LOnS,XO. limit, nits Rained In Texas. A very fine bunch of bananas (frown in Galveston Tex., was exhibited in the Galveston Chamber of Commerce recent ly. The bunch carried sixty-seven full crown bananas of cxcelleut quality. The feasibility of prowiiiR bananas out side tbe tropics has often been doubted and all our supply ut present comes from the torrid zone, but Texas Is go hivr to try to estubluh a new home In-lustry. Mlira FAIR. Old MRrylan.-l Churches. I An interesting landmark of the past ' la All Hallows' ihi-i-. h at Snow Hill, , Worcester '!,!.. u hi.m has just ; passed thr.ui . ii a ..-r'i!'.-.i- (.-, ss of im- i provement. The p.-.-i 1: i, .:. arly two 1 hundred yea.-, old. aad lac cliarch edi fice was rearc.l in J Til4. The earliest church was be.i'.t of los. b-.-.t the pres ent building ir. rf brick i: ifrtd from , England ar.d paid f. r v illi tobacco ! raised by a cv.-ui-ai 1. vv i.p.-.n the par ish. Sixteen lailc-, tiwn Snow Hill is old St. Mania s chur.-h. now disused, a brick structure of nearly the same age as All Hallow-,'. St Marti-i's parish is older than th i h.u- h. a; the baptismal service still in n. was pi-cscnted by' Queen Anne. l:iite as old as either of these church orfaniMati'-ns arc several Presbyterian churcl-i'r. in the same re- ' gion, founded by Mai-Kennie, the father ' of American rresbytcricnism, while ' some of the earli'-'t !'ct'j.'list consre-. gallons in i a Mates were founded upon the ic peninsula. aN-fiitMc. ur years old was devout in church a t to aiissattend- lieas.-.j l.r ;.' A littie girl but f. observel to be very and to be very eri'cr : ing the service-., when you are !'.;;, , lady friend. "Y -i must pet ver.- lh-. J ices." The li , a gravely. "! a: i i:c. "I have i rn-'.c'; ; i do you ;-n i '. t. i lady. i;i !.; ; , -: and v. lil-p.-: v t,b eyes: "1 ! '. ; to thank Co '- ! r " . : :at lo you do i: -!"'.'" asked a ; ' ad and you . .'! lo:i'serv- '.: her head ii," she said; l.od." "What pi rsisted the on her knee r ;oul in her .ivh too often ."rn a boy." Only the Scars Remain. "Among the many testimonials which I tee in regard to certain medicines perform ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes Heniiy llouso.v, of tbe James Smith Woolen Machinery Co., Philadelphia, Pa., "none impress me more than my own case. Twenty year9 ago, at the age of 18 years, I had swellings come on my legs, which broke and became runnine sores Ourfaniilypliysiciancould do me no good, and it was feared that the bones would be affected. At last, my good old mother urged ine to try Ayer's Sarsaparllla. I took three bottles, the sores healed, and I have not been troubled since. Only the scars remain, and the memory of the past, to remind me of the good Ayer's Sarsaparllla has done me. 1 now weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and am in the best of heal I Ii. I have been on the road for tbe past twelve years, have noticed Ayer'g Sarsaparllla advertised in all parts of the United States, and always take pleas ure in telling what good it did for me." For the cure of all diseases originating In Impure blood, the best remedy Is AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer St Co., Lowell, Mast. Cures others, will cure you IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT AildrosH n letter or poHtnl card to TIIF PKKNS C'OMPAXY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. P. 0. iiox .103. WASmNGXOX, U. C. TM?Vs;o.VH PROCTHED FOTt SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. A.'fl' fiii' SiiliiierM nnd Sailors dlHitblcl (n thf lino of Jurv in tlic rfffiilnr Annvnr Nitvv MlncctlH' wur. irv c if, . Iiuitnn vnn of lSH'J to lHh, nnd ilit-lr -I'i'uva, nw "ntlrli-il Oidiind relrctcd ninlmn i niH'i-ln). v. Tfiotisfinda entilleil to liiL'tier n.res. it'H;l rni'v.; lien. :Vy clmr ior advice, N J fee GOOD ADVICE. Every patriotic citizen should give his personal effort and influence to increase the circulation of his home paper which teaches the American policy of Trotec tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect in every way possible. After the homo paper is taken care of, why not sub scribe for the American Economist, published by the American Protective Tariff League? One of its correspon dents says: " No true American can get along without it. I consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in the United States." Send postal card request for free sample copy. Address Wilbur F.Wake, man, General Secretary, 135 West 23d St., New York. e aovx a VVieudAo 'VKe cause ProVe&Vxorv. 0 OiwevoaY Are you willing to work for the cause of Protection in placing reliable infor mation in the hands of your acquair.. tances? If you are, you should be identified witli the american Protective tariff league. 13S W. 23D ST., NEW YORK. Cut thll notice out and tend it to the League, staling your position, and give a helping hand. V tif-- i-y; wziyi V tjj Caveats, Tn.da-ma;ks, Ccsi&i Plants, Copyrights, Aud .ill Pi.ttut Iniali'tfn ci.u.luctril fcr moderate: fees. In t'orniHt ion mid atlvlc elvt'ii to iuvcutors without ab&rgc. ituldtvs PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDDERBURN, .Mauafrinn Attorney. n. O. Rox 46S. WASniMOTON, D. U (0"T'ih Company Is minatreil by combination of tli.' ::.nvit ;tml I'uwt Intlni'utlfil DewsiWH'rs in the I nn ii si it.vt. for thf onrt$8 purpose of itrolert tifj; iv nuimrrlbt'in aniuit uu-ruuloui y.ui '.vi?ivH'W.t 1'inont At-tiu. aud eaoh papei I I fiiiiutf this a IvvrttsKiui-nt vouclit'i f or Uie rvipooiU Ultt v unit iih rXaudlag of Uw Prew C'.atam Coupiuy, A II i Ktcypt Kiflh nlff.-ri-ne Than It tM -eiiturte Affi. The cr ters in "The Tlinnand ' and Oiie jhts" may be almost Im agined tot out of their setting of words nniake form and plow with , the g-one warmth of life before one's rer -es. The natives still ! drink the e coffue and out of the same cups ,y smoke the same pipes; they wea nerally the same dress; j they play, same primitive instru ments tht hisper the same strange and plaint tones; the funeral pro cessions v their way along' the streets as old; the popular festi vals or mot, are still observed with ; the same u ing capacity for enjoy ' ment; the blic reciters still prae j tice their ession before admiring crowds; thWr carriers still carry their burdJso welcome to thirsty ups; exceptLhe houses oi me rice and thorouff Europeanized food is , Rtu! eaten w the fingers and in the same cnani, and the hands are washed witthe same basins and ewers; the Isque of El-Azbar still, says the Gleman's Magazine, at tracts its cris of students. fclven the tjwooden locks and keys are still in n and the water jars are still kept c in the lattice work of the overhamg mushrabiyeh win dow framesj Instances of this sort might be mjiplied a hundred fold. It is indeed ,wonderful change and contrast thals presented to the eye when you lve the European and enter the nrve quarter. And the mind and feeigs turn in unison and become attutl to the changed scene. The sense otaking part in a new and differentEe steals over you, and you temporal? throw off your affinity with the westnd the nineteenth cen tury. The elk of time is for the mo ment put bacfor you. HAS GNE TO HAWAII. Mr. Illount, airman of the Comiuis. Ion, malt the laluiirig. James H. loimt, whom President Cleveland hn.iunied to be chairman of the Ilawaiialcominission, was, until March 4. the femocratie father of the house of ri'U-sentatives. Cpon that date he retiremfter twenty years' serv ice as a incmhr. He was at the time chairman of te committee on foreign uffairs, wherele gained a knowledge of the internatioil relationsof the United States that espeially fits him for the position to whj h he has been chosen, Mr. Hlount i a native of Macon, Ga., where he w iirn September 13, 1K37. He made his ffst appearance in public life in 1ST:!, wS' n he was elected to con- (.toss from thoixth district of Georgia. Since that tim he has been continuous ly reelected. t the time of his last election he hai a hard fight against the fanners' alliun e, but came out success fully, althou six of his colleagues went down beftre the new element. Mr. Ulonnt rjtired from the house be cause he dei'linl'd to take a renomiua tion last fall. At that time he intended to return to thf practice of law in Ma con, Ga. When the cabinet was iu process of formation his name was more '.ban once spoken of as possible postn: .ster general. February 4 Mr. Hlount, in view of his approaching retirement, received an un precedented tribute from the members. The proceedings of the house were in terrupted to allow Judge Holman to eulogi?.e his services. The judge was tii?,w;.d. bj.HriiwAwpr iDjerasii M?. McCreary, all of whom spoke of his work in high terms. valuable possessions. Most of the fine coral known to com merce is obtained by divers along the coast of Ituly. Diamonds to the value of over five million dollars were sold in one lot re cently by the De Beers company, of South Africa, to a syndicate. Tub topaz took its name from a Greek word meaning guess, since the ancients could only guess at the local ity where this beautiful stone was ob tained. The finest specimen of native gold ever found was in a Ural nugget, which gave nearly ninety-nine per cent, of gola, the balance being sibyer and copper. The value of coral depends much up on its color, which varies from the most delicate flesh or pink to deep crimson. The pale shades are the most rare and highly prized. Whex" Pizarro sacked Peru many gems were obtained, but a monstrous emerald, as large as an ostrich egg, called the "Great Mother," was hidden by the natives, and has never been found. The gold mines of Peru were so rich that Atahuallpa, to buy his ransom, filled a room 22x17 feet to a height of 9 feet with golden vessels. When melted they produced $15,480,710 of gold. There is an unknown quantity of silver in the bay of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a silver mine, in fact, of com paratively speaking unlimited dimen sions, and every ship that drops anchor there cuts into the bed of ore. There are four unique mountains in Lower California, two of alum, one of alum and sulphur mixed and one of pure sulphur. H is estimated that in the four peaks named there are 100,- 000,000 tons of pure alum and 1,000,000 of sulphur. Discontent and 111 Health. One observer remarks, sententiously: "I never knew a grumbler who was I well. Discontented people are always i sick, or ailing, because they are always thinking- sick thoughts. There i9 Mrs. miT'.ur " L . ? .! Koing to sleep, sure that whatever she eats will distress hor, sure that she isn't any better than she was six months ago. and she will toll you thai she has never been strong and never expects to bo. Tho trouble is that she believes too much in her weakness and not at all in her possible strength. For it is impos sible to be otherwise than weak when the mind is contiuually filled with an image of weakness. Then? are plenty of people who have a good physique and strong constitution, yet live as if they were walking on eggs. They do every thing from the point of weakness, and the result is fallr.w Phrenological Journal. la'e lleol or a Kins;. The state bed of Sobieski. kinff of Po land, was "mode of Smyrna fjold braid, embroidered in turquoises with versos from the koran. Its sunmirts were of silver jilt, Iwautifully chased, aud pro fusely set with enameled nnd jeweled medallions. It had been taken from i Turkish camp before Vienna, and 1 standard of Mohammed stood under R THE SAME. 99 Says CABR1B E. Stockwkll, of Chester Beld N. H.. "I was afflicted with an extremely severe pain In tbe loner part oi the chest. The feeling was ai if ton weignc on a spot the size of my hand. Dur ing the attacks, tl pei-splraion would stand Iu drops on my lace, aud it was I agony for me to 'make sufficient eflorl eveu lo whis. per. They came suddenly, at any hour of the day or night, lasting from thirty minutes to half a day. leaving as suddenly; but, for several days after, I was quite pros trated and sore. Sometimes the attacks' were almost dally, then lessrfrequent. After about four years of this suffering. I taken down with bilious typhoid fever, and when I began to recover, I had the worst attack of my old trouble I ever experienced. At the first of the fever, my mother gave me Ayer's Pills, my doctor recommending them as being better than anything ho could prepare. I continued taking these Pills, and so great was the benefit derived that during nearly thirty years I have bad but one attack of my former trouble, which yielded readily to the same remedy." AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J- C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maaf . Every Dose Effective "convince the stentic and point the way which if followed leads to LNfT.l-I.llLf!lfTlTnT.7.l:i Prof. HARRIS' SOLUBLE MEDICATED Pastille Hub been out up In a tirnnrletnrv f urra Bince lB7fl. and baa betrn used fnr vfiars orlorto that time in private practice. It ts no untried nosm ro. oi doubtful reputation, but a genuine specitlo lor a very prevulent dlBeaee. Thousnnds of men, of all agoB, nnve at Bome time In life brounht on nerrous debility and exhaustion, with oriranlo weiikneBB, by over brain work, exceBueB, too fre quent indulgence or Indiscretion and vicious habits, and It is to thee that we offer a remedy that will, by Its direct action upon the seat of the disease, Btop the drain and restore the patient to vUtorous health and Btrength. Ourmethod of Introducing Prof.HarrlB'Past.lle treatment la one which commends itself to all sensible persons for the reason that we supply It upon their Judgment of Its value. We ask of our patrons nothing In the way of expense beyond a posUlcard and a two cent postage stamp. The potftal card to be used In sendlnn us their full ad dress and the postage Btnmp for the letter return ing the statement of their case for which we supply them with a question blank, to be tilled out and an envelope addressed to outsoIvob for Uf-e in returning It when filled. a wnen we recnivw uio mw ment on blank we prepare eight days' treatment and for wnril it. hv mntl and ore pay ' iffOLSL postage thereon and along HTWvmrv wltbtneeigniaays'ireaimeni. fLKAb we send full directions for UHing. The treatment m nowayimuriwrwo wnu a person's attention to business, and causes no pain or Inconvenience In any way. We are so positive that It will give perfect satis faction that we leave the matter of sending orders entirely with those using the free trial treatment. Having satisfied those sending for trial packages of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we feel that they are more largely interested than ourselves in continuing the use of the rnstilU's. Even then we do notattemptto rob them byde manding high prices. On the contrary, we make the prices as low as possible, and tbe same to all. They are as follows: $3 for one month! 15 for two months; 7 for three monthB. These prices secure the delivery of the Pastilles by mall. If deBlred by express we leave the patient to nar the chartrea. For x nvmxv h ftvn operated our business upon this plan with satisfactory results. We ask all persons needing treatment for any of the secret 111b which come to mankind through a violation of nature's laws to Bend us their ad dress on postal card or by letter and allow ub to convince them that PROF. H A It KIN' SOI.. 111LE MEDICATED PASTIXXES have merit and are what thev need, All communications confidential and should be addressed to The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists WBeekmanSt, HEW YORK CITY, H. Y. i.-t1:I.IMJ:i;M.IIJ,ll:H.WJ.lJW.CTP latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular gotten up in the most elegant manner. In- 5 -r Cludint? four larpe sizp Portrait;. atMetuons. Dotn vocai ana instrumental, CARMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer, PADEREWSKt, the Great Pianist m ADEUNA PATTI and 1 MINNIE SELIQMAN CUTTING. UDDDCII ALL OSDCRt TO THE OLD DOCTOR'S LADIES' FAVORITE. ALWAY3 RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. Th tame as used by thou jands of woman all over tfc uutiea oiatoB, in ine ."JjU uoi;ruivB private ma: jjr luuce, ior years, ana not a single D&a resui Money returned If not as represented, bend Dents (Bt&mpB) lor sealed particulars. OS. WAED IITSTITUTE, 120 M. Wath St., Et. Louis. M& BDTTDBS SS Vetim' Eiperliinco In treatInK all vttrl ties of KuDtura enables us to Kiwrantee i positive cure. Question BlanK and Boo) rree. uoii or write. VOLTA-MEDICO APPLIANCE CO., 3 Pine Street, . 8T. LOUIS, MO TiWT POLKS n .rill Mil A In 9X nnnnrf. . mnnth K dm... Trcmtmentperfcctly harmlei. and itricll. couli. deuti.1. Uiie.tion Bl nk anri Hook I ree. Cltorw.;,. .nrvmr, no inconvenience. 10 Una re.ult.. no n.ii.ei,,, DK. 11. B. UTTS,8f.n.btrct,bl.Louli,lo. 530 A YEAR FOR LIFE I '""t'sf-ntlal Rewards for Those Whose Answers are Correct A ninn i-ihb fiirered a prison where wmi crtnfine 1 "imu iti i crii.iintu. on making roquent lo iinliK-tiM intu llif iirfflpiice of r,h Honmprf mn lh. iNKor wK informed tliai none but relatives werp nermi ! L tbe prisoner. Tim visitor said : " Broihen im oihifiTi nnve i none, Out, UJfttmans lihe pruuner' il.irr my father', son." He ut (nee taken to th pridnner. Now, what rion won (he urifmiier to (he Tisitor? T e .V.-ri ultnriit l'tir.lishins Coinimny will ffire $10 er tor lifn to theiMnon st-ndinc the first correct hi wer: to the second; 3rd, 50; 1ih, tlW. 5tli nnd over ld.OiX) other rewartti. ctMiisi inir of iiimnf' 'iiui!, ladies and nents I1! and silver waUhet, aUvei '', uiiviimitii nntu, eio lo l)ie Demon smdincr the Iturt. mrrvt. tn..i. twil (iven a luuh-ionel nmno. to the next to the l&nr hoimr! iti 'en. and rhe uexi 6,000 will receive valuable priwst Rri,KS.-(l) All answeri mnst nent by mall, at war ponfmiirk not later than Dec. 31, (2) Th re w ""1'iimigf vtraiever to eDtr tins competition, but ho coinpete are expected to send one dollar tor lUM.tJli". KllhRiTintlnn tr sair.hd Tit T a nn-o U, Maozine or Thk Canadian AiRiciTiniKtsT-twf t the rnnii-pfit illutrated fpriodicala of the day (3 All priiH winners will be eTecied to a?ti!it us in extend rut our rircnliitinn. (41 The first correct answei reteim lendt-r's roslnmrs taken in all rases a date of ren jut to as vive every one an eijnal rhnnce, ro ntatter whett or nhe may resule). will ftfeure liie tirt priw; tin 'ni. iJiei.ext mre nil m-i nn H'i.ti aiwr Pi r, 'tertioroiii. I fcniujt "For Years, ,1 MffTRIMi rJ K mo ' 1 J TrwU-Mtifc I 1 I f00 worth of lovely Music forFoMy g wr- JIEJ.. Cents, consisting of ioo paes 7 r ' full size Sheet Music of the i iik aoi'.h i i.ii kist ui old estsNlshn) eoncrn with onarteV eiVu ' a mue- ''onnd-top , V1" over three bars un lefi hi.,T ' 1 unl iw .ra aii.eU' mean, to r n,M. it i. .;7. i Z." ''luarter circle under it on the i.. ? and sin in wu-t, u. " hip; cattle same t i , ,ur.. is.,,,1 f, printe.1 lkt of lemur "? '"yr"?w and I; aiatilla onntie.7 P' Wien A A p. . 'nX i ST' "r-fig'' ' Hardman Or.- :";,' L,.,..i s.,,.r.,. I'.trrtnror, ,', j couH4d)on nT:' : J (T F L ' R'de. hor, 'fc Z couiiected) EW on left !: 'r"n':.",."l'T;I,"".rr .J. Pm onrifht nB "ght shoulder. J. W- r J'tiltlUUiHLL ui ...a ... . .r.ia i, itcnit. t. 1 ' us debility, i uanl l Otl.Uti v olthe ontsis, cert. qW " 1 irv, -ttiinc DS V'ARD INSTITUTE. 120(6. Kiftlh St.. ST. LOUIS. HO. AXfc ' .-,rn-? ni IS IN 7" "i GUAKANTEiO -4 nii life; It ,.11 miii'I. val-irttiio Biii'.l tav.' ti- li. -oil ..... iTi-e M'JU ir.-". t'ir Ac 1 il if -a 6X. LOU13. ulj The Old Reliable Estahlltljcrtiayars. TfonMmnloor . m il Siarrled or 6lnt?le, In cusos nt xl"'"'". Jhusos.excoeses or lmi:oirlo. les. t . Hiiurtiiinntb Urn.sbod whoa cl.slred. ".Qaesuou iUank aud Book free. Call or wnio. SYPHILIS sucieiBfiilpTS clu-e. Tnjatr The wont fonni pott. lively cared !f8 yeart it conflilptitia'. t-urf il.w .;u r-Il r rlt. I)R W1R ) INSTITUTE, WANTED. IC I UltCV ANY 1.ADT, employoa or uncmpioyca T'T 0.1-.., .m,(0In. S10 aniitD GB Ire. Add n. DtnJHmin a vv., wfcfc . Dp. Rash's Belts & Appliances An elpctro-plvamfl battery am- 1UW lutuitaim. lit3pfS l.,al SilDDOl-tcra, !, fej ; 1 lirsmri, OlUoo Caps, rurpn Ithenmntisiii. J.ivcr nnd Kidney Coinplnlnt-i, Djspupul'i. Ki-rora t.f " Lot Mnnliunil, Mirvousni, Nnxnnl kiiK o ,wi oil I'm., ill iii Miili) or i oinnh. Qm-stioa Blank aud Buuk free. Call or vniis.Nipnirs nnn ance bo.. . W3 Flue Street, b. Wltui fll Pont-FrintH on IhcFulll to llfullli. Kvprvone lifiiiiinr H cin-tei mivip sbonld ren;l one of Dr. Kiit.- (Im piiuililets on "Old Eyw," "Ci'oni. Rupture," ''Phimosis," "Vancocili', DisensB of men. Disease of Woidpd. ' learn the best means of sel -cine. 51 Hill Pub. Co.. 129 East 28lh HI., JSw York. STOCK BRANDS. While you kepp your subscription paid up y can keep your bran.1 in freoof ctmrKc. Alh-n. T. J.. lone. Or. HfirHob 0(1 on M shoulder; cuttle mump ou left lnp, under hit nnht etir, and upper bit on t.lieiett; runce, ,H. row county. AriUhtronw. J. t'., Alpine, (tr.T with bur un der il on lull Htiouldel- ol horceN; i-.Mtlle sain i lefi hip. Allison. O. D.. Einht Mile, Or. Cattle brnnt () D on left hip and homes siimo brand on riyi shoulder, llange, ,tKhl dine. Adkius. J. J.,Heppner. Or. llorhes. JA named on lelt nana; cattle, santoon left hip. Rnrthohunew. A. (.. Alpine. Or. Hnrsei braudiHl 7 K .n either shoulder. Kantce in At row countv opleft shoulder: cattle same on riifht. nli,,rh. nnnnister, J. W., Hardiuan, Or. Cattle brand ad il on left hip and thixh: split in each OHr. nrenner, reier, wu seoerry UreRou HorBei urHiuieu c n ou leu Biiouiuer. t;attle sums riKht side. IJurKe. ill ttt Jrfini? tlreeb Or fin MA 'i connected on left iiip, ciop olf left ear, ui w.uuuu 'iKiii. iiorseH, same brand LeLit. suuuiuer. lioiiKB in (imnt and Moirov Bounty. lirosman. Jerrv. Lena. Or tlnraaB on riKht shoulder; cuttle 1) on the left side u . . ui.,p uu riRin ear upper slope. Uarton, Win., Hi ppner, Or. -Horses, J B r.Kht thiRta, cattle, same on right hip; Bplit each ear. nrown, isa, LiexinRton, Or. Horses IB on tli riKht Btifio; cattle same on right hip: ranue Mm row county. ii ',"WJ1,. ' ' ""PP.'""'. Or.-Horses, circl. j . n,,i,.i , u.ra leruu iri nip; catt e. same. Brown, W. J., Lena. OreKon. Horses W oyer it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on lef ooyer, . u licppner, Or.-Ilorses, b. u.nuuut ui, mp came, same, wit i sp it each ear. t, Ti . "-""PPfsr, Or. Horses, P B on lef' " roi,yr-i uttle, j u connocti in iiBit sioe; crop on left oar and two soliLsain onma on the left thigh; UanBe iu Fox vallev , : p.--." ymwi iik'ii ear: on nurses ( arsnei- arren Wanner, ()r.-H(,r8e,i bran equ on tight Mine ; cattle (three burn) r iu i iDB, crop and split in each ear. Jlange brant and Mm-rnw emmHoM fa j - ,,V". ..:5 !, r iMt shouldei i . " D"V an cons n-oer B years left shoulder only on all horsos over 5 years. , range m Uraut county. . i t.larlc, Wm. H., Lei a. Or.-Hraer WIIC hfo 't M! 'I'oulder: cattle eame on ri(! i-v ir ... wuuuiiMi couniiee. I ate, I. has. It., yinsnn or Lena. Or. H, t eiil, Wm Douwlas. Or.; Iire J( on lef ach jaw and two bits in the right, eir. , . tiB (mine on left ti waddleB .i, unn , or.-l)mble cross f u.p ca,it!' "wallow fork and under bi .,Kun.i, spin in lettear. Range in (irm 5nhn"P?r bitTn r,h70VeXr0s cr 0 IOrant couS UUI in left . Cook, A. J.,Lena.Or.-HorsosHln r,i !..., crimoff KTrSjlfe A tefi'stihe.1'- S'- Cttr'in8"1'.'Or. -Horses. y i.u. o., Jiaroman, Or. Cattle r ih f in center: h.,r.o. i v : "l"8' u 'tl H'ff.'5lAi?tf!5!H Mrant Co, Or, T """""7 win oai oeiieath. m i..i, ."fSSf" W.rMon.e. branoe, h, ri. T i PV "lue orauueil the same. Als, rightear ' u cm ...... .c ii- iiKii, ptiP fclhott. Wash.. h.nn. tv. r,, neat Bboulder. v,,. diamond on connected on right shoulder r,'nu n?htfthip. Eaf mark.Vu 'crop Florence, L. A lloppner. Or -Csttu l it Florence, 8. P. JienchrrVeTll ' IHZ'h sttle, h on right h el'orsZin ""P'Sl "'tie branded Gay. Henrv. Ho. UIP: un 11, I.. shoulder. ppuer, ur.-tiAK on left .ii O?-HyS.0h' H"11 sna livestock Co. Fos. ame o'lef. ""Ilc,h.or ? ltf' shoulder; vent marVs'l?',' 9 ou both Mpt ear marks, croi rtanKe i: count lee Range in' Gijiam ST ft" jrant, Crook and Morrow RG?,Vry' E,mer-Kcho, Or. -Horsee branded H SS2.-W!Ut in" left; M"?J.i win I i f Jot writ. 1K. II. ! B.l,T7S'., Hell 4 u o:j '"'"ouiaer. ,.--""'' V. lsjn ( reelr n.n in naratack Hiiln, MiUnn, WHnrt r.- IIm. brni dwi -(V (rircl witli phihIM tut l) tm lfi ahouhlnr. Ottle same uu Ml nip Inruv circle ou left Holl. kiwui, ".' " "!" lii: norwr . aur." u. iimnl eirtiuty. Hnwrml, J Ij, 1 s,inwi.y, r. nuw, -r hms uu ti.r iilitivt it) ou ritilit nhmiliipr: omHi fnnieoti I1 'I Hide. Uuugo iu Murruw und tina. Ii...hMa Mnt. HPTHjnor. Of. HorwOH. Bhrulm. hwtrt on the lf t ehouideir. llaiiee Mtrrow Co. HmiHukor, li f , vvaitrHr, ur.-iin, v on left IhhiMmi oh tlf. Hon l'ft hit. HHuiiHtw, Allwrt, wye, ureKoii-itorppH.A H ooutii'Oteti. on i-'iisiiouiuwr, vulup via uie inri n,cni ou len twr. Hunjt..irev, 4 fll. bardman, Or. Iloraes, H on Hfivtw. J. M., fieppner. ur.-iiornes, wiueuiaae mlnft btumldt'i CHitle. wmie on riBht iii. HuPton. linthtr, cinni ,uue, wr. uorhe n ou helfl Bhonltlorand hoart ou the loft Btitle (,,. lfwiiiif ti htft lii p. Kunu-e in Morrow comity. Ivy. Alfred, I-odk t w, yr-HU.i i u ou igixt hip. ompolt hftettrand n m rmut, llorww Hint UinliU ou leu bihjuiub miujko u Ultmt Juhu. Hurry, ll"Pin r, wr-Jioiwn irHndeil J the h ft th"tiulfi : cuttle Uiumleii J u n hip, xlwi uudei hit iu lull ear. llange in JunUiu.O. M., Ilfpptifir, Or norMGB, horbo- hop J on ltrt fliiouitior. i '.u, ute bhius. luiuip on Kiwhi Mile. Jrhiiboii. ruiix. Lena, ur. tiono. circle j ou ttft Htitic; t'HtUH, Bfinie on riKht hip, uuder tmlf n.p in ntrht hmO hiuii in ion oar Ji'iiltuiB, if w.,itit. nirnon.ur.-j od uonieHoti fl ulinlllllHr: ON Cattle. J OD loft hillftnJlarn imooth cnpu on both ears. Itaiitrein KozAiid Hpnr vall-'JH Kptiny, Milce, lloppner, Or. Hornea h mm! oil KNY mi left hip oattle Btime and crop off lttft ,t;ittitor Hotooninn rutin hirk J. T., Hoppner, Or. Horsi HB o:i l0fi honhh'r; cnlile, 'iWon loft hip. Kirk. J i iipppmr, ir. 11 in hob, n on nitlw Hti k : i-att lo 11 on riht side. Kirk. Jtwee. Hoppner, iJr.i horHe 11 on tt honldnr; cattle Hume un light Hide, undorbit on Hrh: ear. KtwiiiK'r!aitd.w.iTniotmi vornon. Or, I L on al!l( on riK'd and left hhIpb, swallow fork in U ft ar and under uiop in riwht etir. HuraoB same rnnd on loft Hhouldec. liaiiffe in Grant count v. Loften, (Stephen, box. Or. a L ou lort hip u cattle, crop and split on riuht or. llnFuu. iinue bmud ou left Bhoiiider, Itanve Unmt Licimllen, John W., Lwi Or. Hornii irandcd hail-oucly JL coimooted on loft hIuimI. lor. (nttle. Nttiui on loft hiu. Kuni'e, iinur ngton ht'iihcy. J. W Hcppnnr Or. HorNoa brandpd anu A o h it hhouidor; cettl naino on lnft ip, Witulo ov. r ye, three bIiu iu r ht ii. Lord, lieorKC, Heppner, Or. HorseB bratidnd loiioip 11 coi. nlMtt omoti tiieB called w win: ii. on in enoutuer. Mnrklmm. A. M.. Heptuier, Or. Cattle large tl on h'fi sido both ears cropped, and split in iu it iniiwi.,n m uu ieiL um. iianue, l.lark a an yon. Minor, Ooear, neptmer, r.r. rattle, M Don irlit hip; horse. M im left shoulder. Miittinn, S. N., lietipuor, Or. Ilitrses, .VI ) n li-fl Mhonlil... entile Kiune on left hip. Mef'iinilier. .las A. tfeho, Or. Horsns. M with iiv over on i-itrht Klmulder. Morgan. Thos., lleppner. Or. Horses, eirelw efl shoulder and left thiuh; cattle, Z on i.'lil thicrii. Mitrhell. Oscar. lone. Or.-- -Horses, V7 on rigi.l tun; i-att le. 77 on riaiit side. Sli'Claren, I). 0., Hniwtisyille, Or, Horses Kiirure on i-iu;h whouliler; cattle, l12on hip ' nievuny, uieiu u. r.em .n. Horses branded DM r-omiectiHt, on the left shoulder; cattle same Mi tliir. Krai'ik. Fo Valley, Or.-Mule shoe villi liie-eu'k on cattle mi ribs nsil uuder in aeh ear: horses mime brand on left stitle. llcllal,.,. o. i ., .- uii,r.,L. Or. on Momn - llli Imlf ;i-i!le under nn left shoulder; on 'little our bars ei'iii.iecn.,1 ,m top o:i the right side' iri tlrimt Cuuntv. ISeul. Aniirew, Lone Koeb.t lr. Horsos A N eon eeled ou left shoulder; cuttle same on both hips, Nunljkn, Nilverton, Or. Horsos, circle 7 on -ft iliurli: I'l.'itle. same on left hip. (Iliyer, Joseph, Cuiijoii City. Or. A J on cattle li left In p: on horses, Hume on loft thigh. Hangs n tirai.t ci'llnly (Hler, I'errj, Leiiiigtoii. Or. f O on left dip, Herman, I'tuiiie City, Or. On cattle, O ,1' eonueeteil ou loft hip; homes on left stiHe ml wai'ile on nose. Iliinee iu (Irant eounty, IVnifon, I Have, liiglit Mile. Or.-Horses, nuar er circle shield on left shoulder aud 24 ou left ,ip. utile, fork iu lef: ear, right cropped. 1 n left hip. flange on Hight Mile. l inker (lleHiion. Hit: iluiari, Or, Horses IP.,o ft f-hotililet. 1' per. r ri.o t,, Or.- lior es htand- t. (L t eomieeioi!) oi left shoulder ; cuttle me ou ri(:ht hip. li.-oige, Morrow counti-. l iper. J. II., Islington, ur. -Horsen, J U eon. ecied ui left shoulder; cuttle, same on left hip. mder bit ui each ear. lVttya, A. C, lone, Or.; horses diamond F on - shoulder; cstilo, ,1 H ,1 connected, on the ;ft hip, uoper slopo in left ear aud slip in the mht. I'owell, John T., 73aytllle, Or Horsos. ,1 1' eou. lec ed ou left shoulder. Untie OK ouiiueeted oil eft i hip, two under half crops, one on each ear, w. tie under lima,; l;a, Bi Grantcouuty Hood . Andrew, llimlman, Or.-Horses, eousre riif. with quarter-circle over it on left stitle. eft should'e, ""fl'""'. Or.-Horses, C 1! on lliee. Dan, ilardman, Or.; horses, three panel vorm fence on lelt shoulder; ca:tle, UAN on iglit Bhoulder. llauge near Ilardman. Itoyse, Aiiron, lleppner, Or-llorses, plain V on eft Bhouluer; cattle, samo brand reversed on iglit hip and crop off right ear. ltange in Mr ow county. " Itusli Bros., lleppner, Or.-Horaes branded i a the rigli; shoiiirer; cattle, IX on the left tup. rop ott left ear and dewlap on neck. Itange in ilorrow and adjoining counties. K liust, VVillium, Kidge, Or.-Horses It on eft shoulder; cattle, II on left hip, crop 08 ma and Morrow o luuties, Iteaney Andrew, Lexington, Or.-Horse, SL nstl", slu-ulder; voiii "uS .CeSbrrrowr;,tra6",UI'8 " idMmr)V,m-' "i1 U,lir"U- (IHK connecter u d . , S " tV" "V ttlen right hip md uiop oft right ear and ep it in left. Horse, aiue brand on left shoulder, liango in HorrZ .rant and (lillimn coumio, Jl"rro efiLht".rM1 VVi'.' u,"Vl"ut, JO ok eft shoulder. Cuitle, oon right hip. Spicknall, J. W., loosebcny. Or - Horses i'.'t',"' 0 m ""PI""". Or-Horses branded S A on lelt shoulder; cattle Haine on left hip. bwaggari, H. F., Leiington, Or-Horses wu , dash under it lt,tL 8a cattle 11 with iau'dludou'M r1'1 !"f' " ' ""S Jmuid V,,!!i'''1 leK-- """'e '" Morrow, uiuiamand Umatilla counties, n lwTSould,A,l'i"n"- 0r-"s brands-' 2 mien shoulder; col tin BUine on loft hlo Oreo .near, wattle on left hind leg P- P htraight VV. K, Heppner, Or.-Horses shaded Dhnor.Juhn, box ir m' - . horses on. right hip-'calire, Simeon Tgh? hi? IBun left Bliouli er- iulilj Vii'" horae8 ,Dra"d1 uodle CZ . ii . " Bame also nose Stephens V A I, I TW mi ilIlil'm ou '"'" r.gl7s;Z"'cata;'u .rutri L on iTT oteveuBoL, Mrs A j h . n H10 l lght Bld8 '"HwaL'ga'r'i'ti " if ..,..- "'"oi, A. ,t iT, :;,".V.t1,',r',0'---cattle woH ,T' ,r.'V,"u ou..r'B''t nd underbitiu laf.. .elr ---"i-. uu.nes nun lft shoulder ' shoumel Sa-tnlerP'".Or.-HorBeB. 0-on left leEiidrte?.''8 T with split inbotnars'118 6ame "n left Vsiiderpool, ll.T Sn.1, 'T Si'S""1- ' -ted ou righsiouYd,rtWiar circle? ft iWVW.-i. Horses same bra"d .m iTi,,'" right ear. Grant couuty. " Katigein S wt.eSr!ghea,?"er' 0r- braod1 uid split Sii lSt P q orop ott "KUtr ace otS'oLT 0r,-7Horsf! shdt-cau' "SUr' Ur'-Hu. on'ft tbrVee'pSeJoah,Be t'TeKTi 0" oorse. nSriluS. Or.-Ca.Ue, W on 'TftiS on rigbt HorsVi hifToi ""'""'giou, Baker Co.. Or. - - connected on lefi AnU. 1 llliRm. " y over three bam I.,., i V y"ar,r cir horses. rUngVQmm,1?'t..hl', -'"oulder. Au range In'Zro" Vm, ditrict,Momw ooonty. T8ou the riihtruT.rry'Ur--H" 1