1: 1 . 1 1 i ' i '' ; i . . TIME TABLE, Htuj-'O for llHnltiiHii, Monument, Lnni? Crwk John IMy ana Canyon City, leuvHii hk fuiliivvs : ' Kvpry dny at tt a. in., exrept rtiiiiiUy. Arrivt'Hevt'ry diiyai 6 p. in., except .Monday The chcHpeht, quiekt'itt him U;t line to or from tlit) interior country. m.n.r..,.. a-....J- ""VAH, Prop. (7u'e your bumneiwi to Heppner penple, and therefore arniixt to build up JJepp tier. Patronize those who patronize you. Here ana There. nt I'm juit from plnylng football, ma, I'm an s.ve It'iuuKud out m ths n.cliBti But I navu in j- Kmr uiifter my arm, And it iuiil In Hi' .tll ppckut, M. E OmiHj is nrer from Ootidon, The poijuli-li hve uo local UvM iu lillllHHI CUtliiiy, Geo, Nublp, Jr., is deputy city mar- rjiiwi. .iuuu uoy, Deeds, m iilgi(fel etc , executed tlie Unzntto olnoe. ChHs. Frey is "crying off" J. W. Mat look's stuck of goods. Park Gurrigiug is circulating around MUiiug tbe "buys" here. Arthur Smith will olean walches lit the reduced iriCK ul $1. K. Sn.M-r, (if D.iuuli'S, was iu Ilepp ner the lirnt f the wei k. II. V. Ontec, if Hillsbi.ro, is luokiug after iuteresls in this city. The Heppiipr-Cimyon ste line is the best, chu.i.est and quickest tu the in turu.r. Give your pet dogs and cats Hitnmnns Liver lieuhitor, wiieu sick it will cure them. If you want a good gnu or siiia machine, cine to l he UuZette i.ilije ami we'll fit yu nut. Those tlmt have coii'ity scrip fur sale should cull on Ge nua Oiinser at Tun Jonah and db Whalh.-A negro ex plains Jojah and the whale si follows: His exposition of the story of Jonah and the whale is, perhaps, the funniest of them. He says: "Dat oountry war a sea shonh, an de hotels day war named atter de tings ob de sea. Dar war ds Sailiirs Rt, Mirjuer's K 'treat, de 8e iarmg Man's Hume, an' a lot ob eioh places jnst a yo kin fin' 'em at Norfollt now. Anving dese plaoes was one called da Whale's Jlelly. Jonah come along an' he didn't hab no soript in bis purse. He stayed dere tree nays, and when de land ady found be didn't hab no money she spewed, him oat, It is gib tn n to hn, wbsq we don't treat mm riyht kins tin's pnrs. w may b kiokind' nu atige. unawares!" TwKbot iTobobb -Tbe following Is the pHtiel of j trors for tha Oomtng term f circuit conic wbiob convenes March 2G h. J. W Vanghan, 0. J. Wilson, T. L. Durman, T. J. Ally h, J. W. Hilton, . C. Large, T.T. McMillan, J.O. Magge,. Robert Buyer, Ourl Crow, William' Hughes, G. L. Coate, J. 0, Hayes, W. H C inner, U. W. Turner, J. L. Ayerr, W. C. Metier, Cluis. Anderson, Henry J uii'H, Henry Padberg,J. W. Beokett, A. II Stump, Murcellus Williams, J. 0. K'ithly, Joe Mason, 0. M. Long, Joe K'clor, Hubert Hart, John Handy J. J, icElligotl, Jerry Oobn. 2 tf. sent to any ad States till nf'er t of th'TO, at 'he worlds puce. hirst iNa' i jiiiiI Bunk The Gi zeite will be dresn in i he United cairjj;iign for DU cehts, Legal bliinkn, plenty Gazette nlKce. and lit DincmiiitH on huiie outers. Green Mnllieus bus opened up his bat her sliop, ntxti dour to Hnye8 Bros Hhaves, etc., on Hip lis usual. GikkI whiskey, cheap and artificial. Send ponUI Hole for iccipe. Address i. ox .101, t' mtleion, Uregnu, i 12 Every mmi who takes any iuterest in fnt ntork should snhscribe for The lioreemau. Gazette shop, agents. . The Gazette will take oiniuty mirip at fare on sulijcripliuu, and ni tmlnnce of same in ctiah nt hitiht-at luaiket p'loe. 7 (id The Gazette i Hue now runs an in surance and iiutiiriiil i-h"p. Oome in when yon want to do your insuring nud swearing. TIih Heppner fl mring mill having closed dowu for the season, li. H Kriha, the miller, iii leave this evening fur a new rield. S. P. GHrrignoscame up the first of t In week fruru S deui. lie comes to look at' ter Heppner interests aud will remain several 1I1158. The lvichai'dsuiis, mau and wife, 'vho were sent up about a year ago for willful destruction n( property, have relumed to Morrow ouiiuty. Thine who have brought in various kinds of supplies iu lieu ol cash, slum d call iiroiiiiii al this tilhce hm1 get credit for s.iujo if nut alieady given. Photographs, Sl.&U per dozen, at Sbep paru'e, groutnl li.or gallery, u,xt il-w south of Mubiuie'B wagou factory. Morth Main siieei, Heppner. fi-lij L. D. Bojed's hid fur the Nurth Fork btidne wms J56.7UO, jet the o uirr,ot w., awarded to a ciutiactor at $9.b'UU. Lnuka funny to a man up a stump, don't il? Echo stage leaves Heppner for Echo Tuesdays. Tnoi-d.iyB and Saturdays. Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and tn days. Fare, one way, St'2.60. PiiiliOohu, agent, A. Andiews, Hup. Lost A note dated June 11, 1892. signed by J. VV. ttwaggart, calling for $2,000, in li.vorof P U ihouipu. The public are warned agaiust uegotiating fur or puichasing s .id uote. tf. Cook's Dead Shot squirrel poison, war ranted i quid to if mil superior to any on the mm at. Manufactured by T W. Ayers, Jr, Heppner. For Bale Uv drng gists, groceis and geueial itealers. 4'f. To our cnstomeis-Nu diff.-reuce Unw large or buibII our iicuount is, come iu aud settle, either by cash or note We must have one or the other to enab e m to B ern the flood. Hayes bans. 0if. From Arthur Smith, local observer, we learn that the precipitaiiou at tit-pi-uer for Ihf pint six moiiibs, to Feb. 28 has been 13.3 iucln-s. Tins is almost an in neb iih tin- lunau auuual precipttutlou wbiob is 13 38 inches. The editor of the Record may be a little out of tirHOtiOs but we notice I hat he "soiNflurs," yet in good shape. Please credit us with locals clipped hodily. Mr. Keoord. We don't mind a small steal, but kick on furnishing copy for yum whole issue. Timmerman Bros, of Nebraska, formerly ol York state, have been visit ing ii h their old K-isUru acquaintances, A. Malh.ry aud E A Kiuudage, for more than a wet-k past, t hese gentle men will probably locate iu sume part of Oregon or California. Chamberlain's Cunb Kempdy gives the best sHttsfactior of any cough medi cine I handle, and as a seller leads all other piepHialiuus iu ttiiB market. 1 reoumm ml it hecatiHe it is the best medinine I ever bandied for onngbs, colds and croiio. A. W. Baldndge. Mlllersville, III Fur sale by Sluouin Johnson Di ng Cu. The Keooid notes that J. N. Brown and the Gizeite have bnen (lon at Douglas oigaiiizing a lepub ican club Thanks. But we will inform our brish competitor that there has b-en a club lii that place for sume time, and iu good working order. The regular subscription price of the fiomi.Wprk V IjaZBIte lfi.U" uo Cond'in Politioj The republicans of Condon met on the 10th inst., and organized a rousing club, with Jay P. Lnoas, president, and H. B. Hendricks, secretary. Jiighty members joined, eight of whom were formerly democrats. T. H. Lyons and 8 G. Hawson made good speeches. The ri publioans are in earnest, and are in faot decidedly "in it. The pnpnlisis are making a desperate etTort. but are having little effect. The foregoing is the way a friend puts Condon pnlitioB Cldb Work Next Saturday evening at the oou.t bouse, the following pro gram will ba rendered at the meeting of the Keoubliean Club of Morrow connty : M.isic, by thaGloe Club; elect Beading, lay Shipley; Address, J. W. Dawson, of Heppner; Music, by Glee Clnb; Talks hy members of olubs and others; Closing song, "Arnerici." AH are invited to attend. The meeting ot the club will be mads interesting as the program will be carried out to the letter. returned from below Republican primaries tomorrow after-noou. J. W. Morrow Wednesday. Geo Fell is on the sick list. A oase of la grippe. E. A. Kiamer, of Baker City, has been in tuivu for several days past. Attend the primaries tomorrow and select your best material for delegates. Joe Kolmau returned yesterday morn itiK hum an extended visit down in California. Abe Wells, Jr., badly scalded one of his feet recently by overturning a coffee put on himself. Mrs. ,B Potter, of Hood Eiver.ar- with relatives iu this city. D m't forget the republican olub touiorruw illicit ut the court house. A good piogrum has been arranged for the occasion. The Gazette is under obligations to Hon I). W, Vorheea for a oopy of the tariff bill as il p issed the house. It is in pmiplet form and systematically urra: ged. Some chicken thieves attempted to rob Win, Walbridge's cbiCkeu bouse Wednesday night, but were frightened away by the scieams of the children who were alone. A S. Batty, formerly a traveling man iu Una territory, was in theoity Wednes day and 'Ihursday of this week. For tue pist year Mr. Batty has been travel ing dowu iu the valley. tiowaid C. Dodson wi 1 leave this ev nil g for Portland where he at once ufHiiuien the duties of U. S. oily gauger i Uiler Hmrv Bhu kmau. Howard leaves null I be best wishes of bis many Hepp ner friends for h s future success. h. I). Boved returned from Canyon City Monday, where be bad gone to place a bid ou the Monument bridge. From h ui we leaiu that the contract was let to the Itiihiu Bridge Co., nf Colorado, lueir bid .vas PMOd. The bridge is to be a cnibiuatiuu of ircn acd wood. A severe rheumalio pain in the left shoulder Imd inuibled Mr. J. H. Loper, a well known druggist of Dee Moiues, Iowa, for over six months. At limea the pain was bo seveie th it he could not lift an thing. With all be oould do be 0i old nut get rid of it until he applied CbHinberlai i's Pain Balm. "1 only made three applications of it," he says, "And leva since been free from all pain." He nu w recommends it to per sons similarly i ffloted. It is for sale by Sloouui JohtiBou Drug Co. the regular price ol the Weekly Oxonian is 81 50 Any one suhi-ctibuig for the Gazette and paying or one var in ad vance can get b.lh the OaZette and Weekly Oregonian for d All mil enbsenb-rs paying their siihsoripMoi.B for one yeai in advance will be entitled to the same offer. Mrs. J N. Brown entertained a few friends last evening with a treat m the form of a musical entert intna t given hv her olass of students. 1 ue mii- ii -given represented Imost everv graile of advancement, snd in each selection the work of caiefnl training wns very aierceptihle. Mrs. Brown intends to iv,'- a similar entertainment in the near utn-f which will elearly show the pro gress "f eaoh stndfut. Mail from the East has been con- fid-rallU delaved for the past few da ,v wash.m and s'ldo-. Q u'e a wreck was report! !. have nncirred at Mountain li on- verday, in wl.iel the engineer and s-veral Irsmes were kil ed. 'ihu. morning it "s reported that uye miles of track-had washed away over t-, the sarn eonntrv. The ..ranch trait, in waiting tor the eastern conneo.ion did cot arrive until this afternoon. Eip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Kip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your reBidenoe, sawed or nn sawed. Wood eaw.-d and delivered at 87.00 tier cord. Wood sawed twioe in two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, $1 00. Vaidnenr the depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Howard's. 4-tf. Pboemakkb. Ed. Birbeok. a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just located in the Abraham-sioi- i itilihng, on May street, where he is i.reeared todo eveiything in his line. M Kit beck is strictly a first-class work mr. and warrants all work. Give him a oall 14wtf Land For Sale. 480 aores over in Wilanii nrairie, A good stock rnnob in.. will be sold cheap Call Bt Gszc'jte office for iarticnlsrs and terms O id Hstt has now established a ton soria I parlor, t the Matlock building nex' dour to Simons' blacksmith shop where he invites the patronage of bis old customers and all who desire strictly first lass work, sba ving, shampooing Burl nair outtiug at living prices. Don't overlook Where? At Abrahamsick's. In addition to his tailoring business, be has added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hnsierv. etc. aibo nae on nana (.me elegant patterns for snits. A. brnhamsick. May street. Heppner, Or. LEXINGTON IT ISM8. Nice spring weather again and some of the boys are striking out to work on ranches or for sheepmen. The former are paying 830 and the latter 825 per month. The tick nominated by the populists t -Heppner- was . well - received here, e.8xlal!y the .nominees for Justice and eoDstttble. "Marsh" has assumed a thoughtful expression while Jess has the sppearanoe of a man whom it is daDgerous to trifle with. Mrs. Thompson is verv ill and not expected lo Ji. She bss the best of attsDtlon, and It cood suriing and nadleil skill oh ? ptneo, b will larely git well, Tb Meter rrid (ted li rnonlng niftht snd day, It .lometlmes files the traok (of want ot ballast, and It takes church members, splrltUliats and Sififters to get It back again. It is not using the red head-light at present, as;the friction is already so great it might oatiBe a conflagration. The "month disease" has extended to tbo pulpit in this towr, nod we were treated to some Bermono last week that, had they been uttered outside the pulpit, aud by anyone but Methodist preaohers, would have been considered grossly vulgar and abusive. One of the "perfeot" made a bitter tirade against, all who re peated any slander or gossip, and in the same sermon made tue statement that prominent citizens of Heppner had lured some of the "red ourtain" element bad; to their life'of sill utter he and some ladies had persuaded them to give up their calling. Bill we sinoe learn i that one referred to, reformed herself. while the other was taken out bv the oburoh people aud left penniless to be supported by the "vulgar" world. Oh, constsienoy tnou art a jewel. It ie reported that Borne one here has sent a communication to the Record thiB week that will annihilate ooor Kei. who is so soared that he's beginning to onnt tor a strnw-staok to hide in. By the graoe of Grover and permission of the editor of the G- zette, we propose to champion the oause of common sense against fanatioism. Tbey may kill the devil aud throw themselves out of a job, if tbey wish, but as long as they abuse every man who thiuks for himself, we propose to treat thtm to a dose of their own medicine. Rkx. Lexington, March 13, 1894. How's Th is I We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot ba ourea oy Han s uatarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve bim perfectly honorable in all bnsiness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Tbuax. Whole Bale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldino, Kinnan & Martin, Wholsale Druggists, Toledo O. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally acting directly npnn the blood and muonocs surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. Prioe75o. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. FOE E-6.X,E E-ST"i " O T" -. 1 , , , , u i mm & iiisbee, iiErPNEn. on Hornor & Warren. EIGHT MILE ITEMb. muddy, although improving. Rev. Swift has commended protracted meeting at Eight Mile Ceuter. Rev. Parish will preach next Sabbath at 11 o'clock, and also atnigbt. Bud Ingraham is attending tbe Lexing ton meeting. We were surprised to hear the Lexington correspondent say tbey were waiting for Dampman to scare tbem into the fold. If that was an insinuation that he has been soaring Eight Mile people, I would say the cor respondent was mistaken for two reasons; Mr. Dampman had no desire to scare any one, and another reason is Eight Mile people won't scare worth a cent. It was a remarkably quiet meet ing. No excitement. Every one knew what tbey were about. No scare about it at all. Tbe converts were not exoited, tbey sat at the feet of Jesus and learned of bim and rejoiced in the forgiyeness of tbeir Bins. E.M.O. Eight Milk, March 14, '94. t.1'200 FARM AND STOCK KANCH. It will take only 8812 to buy it; 480 acres. 260 acres plow land; one-half mile running water. Improvements: 40 acres fenced, 15 acres cultivated, 2 houses and stable, spring and minor improvements. Adapted to farming, sheep and hograising. An extensive sheep range joining to Rock creek. Terms: 890 down; remainder on long time. Looation: On county road, two Bnd one-half miles west of Rood bill, Eight Mile. Or. 320 aoree for $510, or 8108 for ownership in 1B0 acres school laud or will exchange for two good burses. Original cot of school hind 8320. Apply at Heppner Gazette office Heppuer Oregon. - 199 tf-aw. A valley paper oucn published some thing about eonietiody which made the latter mad On seeing a lawyer to know bow he eo.itcl break up the paper, be was advised to buy the paper and rjjn it himself for about eix months. An Unseen Enemy. It is more to be dreaded than an open aud visible one. i hat subtle and lurk ing foe, which under the gener.c name of malaria manifests itself, when it olutobes us iu its t nacimi grasp, in the various forms of ebille and fever, bilious remittent, dumb ague or ague oake, can only be effectually guarded against by fortifying the system against its insidinnB attacks with Hostetter's 8tnmaoh Bittere, a thorough antidate to the poison of miasma in the eystem, and a safeguard against it tborongbly to be relied upon. In the event of a malar ious attack, avoid poisoning your system with quinine, and use instead this wholesome remedy, unobjectionable in taste and far more efficacious than any drug. Use tbe Bitters for dyspepsia, bilionsness, conBtipatioo, kidney com plaints and rheumatism. WANTED. Re ter on 650 n-res of land in Klick itat C ... Wash. Good honse, barn, and nlntv of watpr. S;x miles to market. 9tf. F. O. Bdcknim, Heppner, Or. E. 0-: T. E. Fell will go tomorrow morning to Biliings, Mont., to superin tend the removal hero of tbe scouring mill nmchine-y. He expects to retnrn in a week, aud tbe machinery will come in two weeks. There ie no exouse for a y man to ap pear in society with a grizzly beard sinoe tbe introduction of Buckingham's Dye. wbiob colors a natural brown or black. Land Patents Land patents seenr. for settlors iu the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested ens intelligently and skillfully handled. Old Claims and lisputes Old elms and disputes speedily settled. Contests Between individuals liavg conflicting claims under the agricultural land laws. 'and those between elainuts under the Mineral Laws and agricultural claimants; and bIso between elrumts under any of tbe public, laud laws and the Railroad cnmpBiiies and their gintei-s, aud the states and their grantees, under the Swnmp-Laud and Schanl l.nd Grants. Specialty made of seenrir patents in the shortest, possible time for settlers who have complied with the la under which tbeir entries were made, and who are annoyed and worried by delys in the issue of Ihpir p itente, caused by Trifling Irregutarittes which can be easy aud speedily removed. Artviee nlon oicon in oil ruttoro rclntina to the nnlllio lands. eSneOtally OH points arising under the new la's wbiob have been receutly passed providing for the disposal of tbe public dnmin. If yon want vmir land piient. iu a burrv if yon want your land business, of any character, attended to by sillful and c mpetent attorneys, and promptly ap posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Weiderburn, Gen. Man., P. O. Box, 385. Washington, D. 0. TF PEOPLE AEE COMING OUR WAY! Not only once but again and again. They know that from ns they always get full weight Bnd good measure for tbe least money. Wby we sell the best is ex plained. The "best" brings people back, holds custtm, roskfs ns friends, and so establishes our trade. We want you to have some ot our friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept iu a well-regulated, general merchandise store. Come in and see ns, everybody. M IBJOR S& OOs Heppner, Oregon. 1 Mi - '3Kli:S2feS-' 1 L Why Buy of Peddlers? Wben you can get tbe choioent MEATS OF ALL KINDS, SAUSAGES, Etc, at tbe Liberty Market. Only First Clats hotel in Heppner. BniUlirg Hied for Ekctiic Lights . I l.iom.l.out .... . . PeFt foci rtrxodalions for tie traveling I ublic. Conrluns fieBlmint isturtd the coun tiy fi le. MI'S. M. TON CAEOW. Proprietress. The Lancashire Insurance Co. op aia.ncii icsTii i , isrviA.vr A. W. 'A fchulljl. MM 0I3?q.M!ie Best In the World fejf jpf A HARROW ESCAPE! How it Happened. The foliowfnjy remarkable event In alndy'a life will interesttlie reader; "KoraloriK time 1 had a terrible pain at my heart, which flut tered almost Incessantly, I itad no appetite and could not sleep. I would t?e compelled to sit up in bed and belch gas from my stom ach until I thought every minute would bo my last. There was a foelin? of oppression about my heart, and I was afraij to draw a full breath, 1 couldn't sweep a room with out sittinsf down and rusting; but, thank God, hy the help of New Heart Cure all that is past and I feel like another woman, JUe fore using the New Heart Cure I had taken different so-called remedies and been treated by doctors without any benefit until I was both discouraged and uissusfed. fii y husband bought me a bottle of Lir. Ml-es Sew Heart Cure, and am happy to say I never rejrretted it, as 1 now have a eplendld appetite and Bleep well. I welched 125 pounds hen I be- fan taking the remedy, and nowIweighlO'. ts effect In my case has been truly marvel ous. It far surpasses any other n.edicine 1 have ever taken or any benefit I ever re ceived fron physicians." Mrs. Hurrytitarr, Pottevllle, Pa., October 12, 1MO, Dr. Miles' Nw Heart Cure is so'd on a posi tive guarantee by a ' I druggists, or by the Ir, Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of price, flper bottle, six bottles $5, express pre paid. This great discovery by an eminent specialist in heart disease, contains tit it her opiates nor dangerous drugs. JPnr xhIh hy 1 vv. A 'erp, jr. 6 ummons. IN THE CIRCUIT CO CRT, FOR THE i flitnnty ol .Morrow, State ol Oregon. J. A. Wouii;ry, jiljiinliir, vs. 8. V. Adams, de fondant. To a. W. Adams, defendant, In the mime of the Statu of Oregon ; Von are hereby required to tin near ami answer the complaint filed ajraii.nl yiu in the uIjovl eniflleil action on or oeioie tue mat (lav ol me next ruijniiir term ol the ii bove-en tilled court, to-wit: The 2t day oi aiarcn, imii, aiiu n you tall so to unmver, lor v ant thereof tli plalntill' will take Judg metit iitTHinHt you for the mini of two hundred ami thirty-live und sevenieen oiie-hnmlrodthp dollaifi, ui'h interest thereon from the lit day of jiumai y ih'.iA tit tint rate ot ten per cent, per annum until pai.t, ior the Hum nixty-live dollars attorney's fee and for his costs and dis burneuienU. This mininions is served by publication, by order of U , b. liradKhaw, circuit; judge of the Seventh Judicial Itihtrict of I lie S'ute of Oregon, wain order was made on the ;il day of January, J. N. HltOWN, 20;5-I,"p Attorney for I'laintill'. Summons. I N 'I IlECIKClHTCOt; UT FOR THE COUNTY I ol Mormw, stare of Oregon. Frank Brothers Implement Company, plaintiff. vs. ft. S. Cox, o. II. Cox and H, W. Adams, de- fem autK. 'lo S. V. Adams, defendant, In the name ol the Slate of Oregon: Von are hereby required to ni'O'-ar and answer the comolaint filed HgaiiiHt you in the above-entitled action on or bfiore the iirsi das oil he next regular term of the unove eniitk'd court lo-wlt: 'I he 2ii day of arch, l.v.it. And if yon tail h to answer, for wain thereof the plitiniill will take judgment against nu lor ine sum oi iwemy-iour ano oiie-hnndredtlis dollars, with Interest i hereon from the l'.Mlay of January at the rate of ten per cent pc annum until paid. For rlif'toim ol twenty live dollars attorney's fee ami lor ms com aim (iihourKcniouis 'lliin KiimiuoiiK jk served by pubHcation by order of VY. b Bradslmw circuit judge of thv seventh .imlniat DiHir ci ol the Mule or Oregon Hum oidi r was mane on the n (lay oi January J. N. BROWN. ti0:i-1 r Attorney lor Plaintiff. A dm in is t rat or 's No i ice, O.W.R. M F'G Cff PORT LAM 0. C RE . For Bale by Slocum-Juhuston Drug Co. and T. W.Ayers. Jr. VO'IJrK H IIKKKHY OIVEN, THAT bKT- l teiHoi Admit lKtrntion on the estate of Oirnluiiu li lllatt, detM-iifed, were rtinted to tin; uiider-iguefl on tht; 'lni clay of rub. jsy-i, by i he con ul v court of Mono'w eou"ty. All (htkoiik having chiims against said estate are ieiiiireo iu eMiiuii mem o me o-r aiiowuneo, at mv home on the head ol Butter Creek, Mor row county within mix mouths after the date of thiH noi'ce or they snail ue urever Darren: '1 Jiia 21st iay of Feb. lh'jj. William E. Hiatt, 208-18 Administrator, FERRY'S SEEDS I Aro Just what every liui of Ieriai,M K?fUl Ifirra tLe foutnlation no on wloeb hiia I. ceil l.ullt the lat(4t net-ii lusinens In the world. I'trry's Seid Annual for 1894 rou nuns l i.e m. in i.iMl KijI'Hianc of thti lult-wl liiinuiig KmiwiLde. Free lor i rte isk uiif. n w pfppv ft rn Detroit, Mich. Don't picket! people with 1 hat bad breath. Take bimtnons Liver lieu lfttor to sweeten it. And at a lower price than sold on tbe streets. By so doing you will aBBiet in build ing up your city. Look to your interests and asdiat those wbo assist you. 1 aw SHAW & MCARTY, Props. Ita 'F.ctlty kU -OF- For the Cure ot I iqimr. Opium and Toharxo Habits It IB located at Foret Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gazette office for particular.. Strictly coulldeutial. Treaiiueut private aud but. cure. KIEK & ETJHL, tie Enterprise Bakery anc Grocery Store. On May Street, opposite I'nlaoe Hotel. Tbey will keep on band a full line of STA.PLI5 ND FANCY "4 Groceries anil Provisions. A full line nf obnice Pies, CnkfS und Biend; in fsct everjtliins' that is nmmlly kept in a first-clusu bukery store. They will sell obeup foi caub. C'l and try them. aw RIPANS TABULES! Disease oommonly comes on with alight symptoms, which wben neKleeted in crease in extent and gradually grow dangerous. "laStSKffi'TAKB RIPANS TABULES. If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED or T . u c have A DISOKDEKED UVKR, - RIPANS TABULES. you SUFFER DISTRESS after eating, RIPANS TABULES. For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL -r.ir DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH, '"- RIPANS TABULES. Kipans Tabnles sot gently, bno promptly, upon tbe liver, stomnoh and intes tines; cleanne tbe sstera eirHetunlly ; onre dyspepcin, habittinl onnstipation, offens ive breath and headache. One TaBiilb taken at tbe first niliciitinn nf indigeetinn, biliousness, distress after eatiug or depression of spirits will surely aud quickly remove the whole difficulty. Ripans Tahules are prepared from a prescription widely need by the best pbysioians, aud are presented in the form mint appr. ved by modern scienoe. If given a fair trial Ripans Tabnlen are an infallible cure; they oontain nothing injurious aud are an economical remedy. One gives relief. A qnarter-groes box will ba sent, postage paid, on receipt of 75 cents by the wholesale and retail agents, BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODWARD CO., PORTLAND, OREGON. Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tubules if requested to do so. They are Easy to Take, Quick lo Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill SimjlM Pr. on application, to tlxm XUpua.a dutraicmX Co,, XTw TTorlc City. X&llls, Dawson s Tyonsj, ATTOIINEYS AT LAW. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, OREGON. i I;