Km, Ydu mm . .hie myiyE to 8 . . . r.inh; . 1 One of the Best Pfes of Land in Morrow vui,. 160 ACHES tnrmi it. all under . erd tootog a ti a l n bcdoeded land DasBgouu'K - QTIND 1 60 ACKKS Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded land there are yl fence. Situated two miles weat ef Hardman. Trice for th whole, SUOO j or without the timber culture claim, $300. 1 ASD AXOTHKK. . . , t j Will nn ensv terms. A C."ul rustler can pay AKOTHBR XIAROiVITC. Good, deedad ranch, S20 acres, beat stock ranch in Morrow county, cheep sad on easy to: Gire your biusinexx In Heipner people and therefore anxixt to build up lleii ner. Patronize those who patroniz: vn'i. We hold e ich ani ever? correspondent re sponsible for Uls or her cnimniitiiulttoii. No Correspondence will be published utileBB the wrlrer s real iiiiiue Is siynei as an uvlUeuce ot good faith. Announcements. for joint senator. At tl.e earnest solicitation of ray friends, I liave decided to beoouie a candidate f ir j 'lnt senator, for t lie OonntinB of Hnrney, Orntit hnd Morrow, subject to tlie will of the convention for tli e senatorial dntriot, April 11, 1891. J. N. Bkowm. FOR R K PRESENT A TI VE. Through the solicitation of my fiiends, I wish to inform the republicans of Morrow county, Hint I will ollir myself be ore the lepnhlicim o unit convention HS n Ouudidute fur representative. J. 8 Moothbt. Lexington, On, F'b. 2S, Jh91. I hereby nunonnoe tnysolf bs a can didate f.'T representative, snhj 'ot to the will of the republican nnmiu.itintf Oou ventiou, March 21, 181)1. Oth Pattekson. Thrnuuh the earnest solicitation of my fri tide, I have decided to umxiunoj myself as a candidate for representative of Morrow county, Biilijct to the will of the republican oouuty convention. J. VV. Vadqha. FOR SHERIFF. row county I have decided to allow my name to b.) used as u candiilate for sher'ff subject to the decision ol the republican nouiiuntini; oonveutiou, Maroh 24, 1801. Andrkw Kooij. Among the possibilities for sherill', T desire to be considered sithj "Ot to the decision of the repulil nan iioininutiiiK conveutiou, March 21, 1804 A A. KnHKHT.4. FOR TREASURER. UeiitR ifll oted with theoHioe itch, and desiring to linger iu the county funds, I hereby aunouuoe myself a candidate for the ollice of oouuty treasurer suhj'ot to the pleasure of the regular republi can county convention. L. W. Briirs. FOR SCHOOL S Ul 'E RIN TESDEX T iiy the rtqneBt of my ( lends, I have deeined to bi O"ine a candidate for county school superintendent, subject to the will of the republican convention, Maroh, 24, 1894. J. V. SlIirLKY. 1 desire tj announce myself as a candidate for school superintendent, subject to the decision of the republican nomination convention, March 24, 1894. Am a teacher of 12 years experience iu Oregon. John F. IIoysk. Ex-Rktkotivb Dam Covjuhlin, famous as one of the Crouiu mnrdeiers, has been discharged. The Hn ziUinn rebellion is at nn end, and )ct the dynamite cruiser, Nichtheroj , didn't get to tire a shot. Uehmany has appointed a commisMou to look into the merits of the silver question. It is composed principally of bimetallists, and is a hopeful sign. International ngieeiuent seems not far off. Gov. Pknsovkii's alleged Seattle "smutty" story consisted ofiiconipnrisou in whioh he likened a certain move of the old parties to the fault and slip of a girl which she hoped wouid be i soused liec.iuse it was such "a little thing." Is Till! oourse of a speech in the upper house of ooogiean a week a,'0 Thursday Senator L) dpi) used these words: ''Hut I wish to say to toy democratic frieuds that a day of reokoniug is coining. T he baudwriiiug is on the wall. The people of this coiiutry will repudiate you as soon as they get au opportunity. The next house of representatives will be as overwhelmingly republican as the present is deiu loratic. The next presi dent id he a republican. The people of this country will ut-ver rest until by their ballot they have placed the party of protection iu a posiiiou to uudo the uiisohief which this oougrees has already done Hud will yet do." Statesman. Thr republicans are, perhaps, aware that t imnrro is the day Appointed for priinniies, and one week from that date the seleotion of candidates for Couoty officers and for represe dative occurs. Our beet material, iu the judgrneut of the conveutiou, should be cbosen. No one should feel sore over the result, but bear iu mind that the candidates of the convention should be the candidates of I he party. This year is deoidedly propi tious for republicans, and united effort will succeed. If you work agaiustone nominee, even, you weaken the ticket. Then let all j in in one grand effort to brine it Morrow county Bolid in June, a goodly part of that 2 i.POO majority that belongs to the republicans in the great commonwealth, of Oregon. A vallei exchange very truthfully reniniks that Kllis is the only logioal candidate for congress from this district. Yes, it would be worse than folly to substitute anyone for Ellis. As The Dalles Chronicle suggests, Ellis is doing well enough, and will do better right along as be familiarizes himself witb the work. He has already got through some important bills, and has shown that he is a vigorous worker. Oregou may as well not have a representative as to change every two years." At many of the populist county con ventions held in this state lust Saturday they deoided, notwithstanding theefforts of the democracy to receive recognition, to adheie strictly to one of their cardinal principles by "keeping in the middle of the road" and nominating a full ticket composed only of those who foreswear allegiance to all other parties and sub scribed to the Omaha platform. So it seems that the democracy's courtship baa as yet availed uolhlng In the line of luaion. Of thh populist ticket selected for Vmetrrnm' remarks that it might properly be called "The Great Uuknown." "As Mrs. Partington would say, the nominees are obscure celebrities Yet that may be in their favor. It is sometimes to a candidate's advantage to be little kuown. But, however, little celebrity the nomi nees may have, it is a safe guesa to say they will poll the full populist vote." A Buffalo, N. Y.,man hnsbeen select ed to succeed Stngge as receiver of the Oregon National Bank at Portland. The fijht against Single was made by parties iu this stnte with a hope that they might be appointed. But Cleveland became suspicious nf them all and will appoint a m m from his own state on whom be can rely. This gentleman will also pass on all appointments in Oregon where the hjjB can't agree. Tumin may have been times when in dependence in politics was consistent, in a measure, but unw it is out of ques tion. The only course left is to vote the republican ticket straight, "early and often." Principle before man every time. Besides the republican party has as good oiti.ene as can be found any where. The editor of the Reoord starts out a little enthusiastic for a fresh hand. A few month's labor in this seotion of the vineyard, under a democratic administra tiou, will cool his ardor somewhat. Ouuanizk, republicans, and stay with it. Remember that organization begins in Ihe precinct, county and district, and if we ruin (be foundation of thestrnotnre, the whole will fall. Bob Johnson has been appointed pnatmaster at Corvallis. Bob was for several years editor of the Times, a staunch democratic paper of that plaee. li. S. Siikhidan has been appointed by the president as reoeiver of publio moneys at the Roseburg land utlice. Another plum. C. A. Johns, of linker City, anuounces in the Oregouiun that he positively will not be n onndidate for congress from this district. 1K Gama has at last surrendered to Peixoto and thus ends the Brazilian farce. "Perhaps you would not think so, but a very large proportion of diseases iu New York, oomes froinearlessness about catching cold," says Dr. Syrus tCdsou. "It is such a simple ihing and so com mon that very few people, unless it is a case nf pneumonia, pay any attention to a cold. New York is one of the health iest places on the Atlantic coast and yet there are a great many cases of catarrh ami consumption which have their origin in this neglect of the simplest nreoantion ot every day life. The most sensible advice is, when yon have one get rid of it as soon as possible. By all means do not negbct it." Dr. Kilson does not tell you how to cure a cold but e will. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will relieve the lungs, aid expectoration, opea the secretion and sunn elT'Ct a permanent onre. 25 and 50 oent bottles for sale by Klooutn John son Drng Co. HliNKY MhACKMVN I.NSTA M.KD. The New ltcveiuie I 'i, Ureter Assumed his Dalles Wednesday. Heuiy Blackmail, the newly appointed internal revenue collector, was installed iu office Weduesday afternoon. At thBt time be announced the following ap pointments. For local office Temporary chief olerk and cashier, J Emiuett Bellinger; office clerk, Randolph Harrison, and steno grapher. John Rodgers, all of Portland. Traveling deputies E. L. Minns, of Pendleton; J. B. Mil I lay, of Portland; A. J. Barlow ot Gold Hill. Uoited Slates city gauger Howard C. Dodson, of Heppner. Chief Clerk J. Frank Davis, of the Weidler administration, will he retaiued as instructor. For Washington the traveling deputies are: John Nestor, with headquarters at Spokane; John Leahy, with head qilBiters at Walla Walla; store-keep' r aud gaugor, M. S. Bellman, ot Tucoma, with headquaiters at Uuiontown. So far no appointments have been made for Seattle and Tacoma, Wash., and for Med ford and Graut, Or., as those places are to bo filled by Ihe seoretary of the treasury upon the reoommendntion of the col'eotor. Aud at present the Chinese registration department also will remain undisturbed. "The hiatal is the Life," Runs the old saying, and everything that ever makes part ol an organ of the body miist reach its plaoa therein through the blood. Therefore, if the blood is punned and kept in good con dition by the use of Hood's Sarsapai ilia. it necessarily follows ihat the benefit of Ihe medicine is i?nnart.d to eveiy organ of the body. Can an) thing he simpler than the tnethnd by wh eh this exnell ent medicine guee. good health to ail who will tiy it fsirlv and patiently. THK MONtKiliAPH. For one Dollar and Your Opinion on -ttiibi m merest ftVuVeVhry system tor the United States? This is the greatest problem confronting the Amerioan people. It is the intention of the pub lishers that "The Monograph" shall contain the best the nght of the nation on this question. The recognized lend ers in all political parties have been called npon to contribute plana for their ideal Monetary System. But not content with this, we am determined to embody iu the same volume the opinions of thousands of the "Great Common People," aud to that end we will allow two dollars on the price of the book for jour eolutiou of tliis problem, expressed iu not more thau 80J words. The Mono graph, the bet modern wotk on Mone tary Systems, will be sent to any address on receipt of 3.00 It is a book that will interest aud instruct, mid is des tined to become a gisnt factor in shap ing the future monetary system of the nation. Tub Monoohapb Pdiilishino Company, Room 44, Gorman Am'u B'k Buildiug. St. Paul, Minu. Reference by permission, N ,t'l Ger. Aui'n Bank. tt BIOHT MILK NEWS. Miss Lilly Saliug is visitiug her sister, Mrs. A. Adkins, on Dairy Ridge. Suow falling very fast at present and we think winter is still with us. Sunday sohoo at 10 o'clock a m. and Epwortti League at 11 a. m. every Sun day. The class meJtiug last TueBdav even ing, conducted by W. G. Warden, was a grand success. Grandma Cautwell, who has been poorly for about fourteen months, is a little better at the preseut. The Epworth League is still iu its infancy, but all members are positive it will be a great beuefi: to both old and young. Mr. D. Dampmau and Bud Ingrabam have gone to Lexington to help in the protracted meeting; also to Clark's oanyou. Rev. Swift, of the Christian ohuroh. has just closed a successful piotracted effort at Rooky Point. About time joined, but ye scribe did not learn their names. They were immersed Sundity. Mrs. Fuqi requested Mr. Dampman when next he had a trance to ask God about baptism. At Mr. Ingraham's he again visited Heaveu and the Lord told him sprinkling was all that was neces sary and the baptism of the heart, and he was also informed that the Son of God arose from Ihe grave on Sunday. The meeting clos. d here last Friday, March 2ud. It was a grand success theie beiug about 28 that united witb the M. E. church. It was conducted by Rev. Parish with the assistance of Rev. Dennison, Galloway, Powell and Young. Rev. Parrisb has won the oon adenoe of all here by h s kindnefs, sociability aud a multitude of other virtues. He deserves praise from all for the good he has done here hud he still has a large field to work upon. F F I Eight Mi'e, Or., Maroh 9th, 189'. ' For further inUtion call at out office. cdrY COUItr PROCEEDINGS. Coil court met iu regular session al hnnse. Wednesday, Maroh 17, the o i 1894. J Judge Keithley, Commission- era Bi and Vincent, Clerk Morrow and Sbff N ible present. Aftedue proolaiMtiou court was npeneund the following proceedings were b, to wit : Misnaneotis bills that do not oocur in the) lial list, allowed as follows: L. F. lipley, Iusane acot 8 5 00 C. M jogue, drawing precinct jury 8 CO Thos Ukins and L. W. Lewis, assents, each, 'l 00 Iu t matter of petition of L. B. Kiunejo re-establish Castle Rock voting precinluow a portion of Wells Spriugs preciul court ordered that same be set ai for want of jurisdiction at the preset) time. Billiallowed for drawing preoiuot jury idistrict No. 3 Blloed as follows: Geo. Mler. $3; W. H. MoOormacb, 82; O. T. Iiuglas, $2. Repctof J. M. Kees, supervisor of road Istriot No. 35, examiued aud accept!. Bill of J. M. Keen, 88, allowed, Repjt of Henry Jones, supervisor of road ditrict No. 18, examined and ac cepted) Bill of Henry Jones, 85, alloweq The ill of costs in the oase of State of Oreglu vs. Wm. Best, Chas. Wells, Wm. leedy stdered and and Wm. Geinger, con allowed. Total amount 840.45. THURSDAY, MARCH 8. Petition ot Wm. Craddick aud 70 others lor the coustruotiou of a bridge at the crossing of Rock Creek ou the Heppnur aud Lone Rook stage liue, considered and rejected. Petition of E. P. Sine and othera for squirrel bounty considered and re j cted. Kill of P. R. McSworda of 830 for ik.M:iiM9iral al the sheriff i the responsible party. Report of O. T. Douglas, supervisor of road district No. 4 accepted, and bill of services of 83.84 allowed. Report of J. C Wattenburger, super visor of district No. 8, examined and oontinued for term. Report of A. T. King, supervisor of district No. 9, considered and ordered continued for the term. Report of C. A. Repass, supei visor of road distriot No. 24, accepted after due consideration. Bill of $14, for services, allowed Mr. K pass. Report of A.J. Cook, supervisor ot distriot No. 19, examined and nooepted Bill of 829 for services, allowed. Petition from various parts of the country for extensiou of time in which to pay taxes rejected, as acoordiug to law the oounty has not the power to grant such extensions. Scrip issued to Deputy District Prosecuting Attorney in oases of State vs. Chas. Jones; State vs. John Herkin; State vs. Wm. Geinger, Wm. Best and Chae.. Wells, couflrmed by the court, After thorough examination of present ownership books, records, plats, maps, etc., as oompleted for oounty by Paul A. Uzaune, the court Sods same com pleted in a very satisfactory manner aud according to contract in every respect, and orders payment of 81,000. Report of viewers and surveyor of road application No 132, after due con sideration, acoepted and Chas. Ander son, Wm. B ckett and R. Muukers ap pointed to assess damages as claimed by F. Ashbaugh by reason of road passing through his farm. Said viewers to report at the next term. Total amount of costs allowed in oase, 824.50. FIIIDAY, MARCH 8. .Miscellaneous bills allowed as follows: Nat McBee, stock iuspeotor, 8100; F. J. Hallook, teaohers' examination, $12; W. L. Salmg, salary, $134.20; S. A. Wood, witness insanity Mrs. Coohran, $1.50; J. W. Morrow, olerk fees, 86.66. Cost bill, State vs. John Doe, $3 70, allowed. Cost bill, State vs. Alice Morris, and Georgie Doe, allowed. Total 810.40. Cost bill, State vs. Stella Smith and May Roe, allowed. Total, $12.10. Cost bill, State vs. J. M. Yoimg, al lowed, amount $3.10. Cost bill, State vs. John Roe, allowed, amount $0.40. Resignation of Peter Brenner, super - visor of distriot No. 20, acoepted and W. 1) Ingmm appointed. Scrip issued in matter of State vs. Stella Smith, Mary Jones, Alice Morris and (Jeorjjie Doe, confirmed by the oourt. Miscellaneous bills allowed as follows; G. W. Vincent, commissioner, 820.40; J. M. Baker, oommisBioner, $20; Julius K' ithley, judge, S150; Julina Keithley, pauper account, $19.80; Geo. Noble, sheriff, 8762 92; J. W. Morrow, olerk, 8350. In Ihe mattir of appointment of stock iuspeotor the court considered the ap plications of T. J. Carle, Thos. Morgan, Geo. Uray and D. W. Jenkins and the petitions of N, A. Kelly and James H. oooooooooooo O Agony is anyance Q O concentrated. pf Beecham's PillS are concentrated remedies for the annoyance of Indigestion or the Agony of Dyspepsia. 35 cents a box. ooooooooo ii i rjjro v hack a chb ? DR. GRANT'S AND Diabetes, Briaht s Disease, Inflammation of the Blad der, Yellow Water, Brick DUSt Sediment in urine, Burning Sensation, fain in the Back, and all Dis eases of the Kidneys. PREPARED BY 0.f.B.MannractnriDi Co, PORTLAND For salo by Slocora-Joiinston Drug Co. and T. W. Avars, Jr. Notice To Sheepshe.arers. NOTICE IS HERKP.Y WIVES THAT THB BheepuliearerH of Morrow county. Mid those rte- HI, 1K1U, at '2 o'eloi'k p. ni., lor tlie purpoBe ol' perfectiiiR an oritentatinn of nheepbhearers A 11 Bhearers are invited to attend. tt Notice of Dissolution. NOTICE IS IIEUKBY UtVH.N THAT THE partnership heretofore exiHiinir between W. A. Kirk and O. Kuhl, under tlie firm name of Kirk A Kuhl, has tills rlay been dissolved by mutual consent. W. A. Kirk withdrawing from the linn. However, .Mr. Kuhl will coutiuuo at the same location. V. Kuhl will collect all debts and pay all liabilities of the old firm previous to this date. W. A. Kirk. C. Kuhl. Dated March 13, 18S4. 211-22. Wylnnd, and after doe consideration all were rejected and John Adams appointed to fill the offioe for the oomiog year. The salary was also reduoed by the court from $000 to $320 per year. The affidavit of publication ot the the official list of expenditures of Mor row county by A. W. Patterson, mana ger of the Heppner Gazette, was ex amtnea and as it was forma to be in accordance witb the statute in ench oases, was accepted. No further business appearing tne ooui-t adjourned without date. THE OFFICIAL LIST. Kxpenditares of Morrow Coanty, Names of Claimeuts, services Rendered, etc. J. H. Gammell, pauper acct 9 67 50 J. L. leader, pauper acot 16 50 C. O. Boon, pauper aoct 36 00 Heppner Light & Water Co., court house and jail acct 5 00 Henry Patberg, pauper aoct 5 50 Sloau. & Howard, court bouse aud jail aoct 8 50 Pnill (John, pauper acct 17 00 Fhill Cohn, stationery acct 3 00 Ben C. Irwin & Co., record acct. 57 80 L. F. 8hipley, pauper aoct 45 00 Vawter Crawford, printing acct. 13 75 Glass & Prudbomuie, reoord aoct. 95 80 Mestou Dvgart Book Mtg. Co. reoord acot 44 00 R J. Wilkius, pauper aoct. 810, Hi lowed, oo Q. W. Carlisle, pauper acot. 430, allowed 5 00 Mrs. ri A. Wood, pauper aoct. $19, disallowed S. C. Stone, damage claim $65, dis allowed Wm. Gordon, oourt house and j-il aoot 1 25 T. W. Ayers, Jr., pauper aoot... 19 65 Gilliam k Bisbee, court house and jail acct 12 00 Lucy Wilkin, pauper aoot 52 00 Wm. Gordon, pauper aoct $3, Bllowed, 2 50 Rube Lane, pauper acot. $6, al lowed 5 nil 'P. B. McSworda, pauper Boot. S195, allowed Ifin On Patterson Publishing Co , printiuK acct 29 25 Paul A. Oz mne, preseut ownership records i.oOO 00 STATE OF OREGON,! County of Morrow. 8 g I. J. W. Morrow, Clerk ot Morrow County, hereby certify to the foretoiDg list of expenditures of the county, with the names of respective claiuiauts, the arti-cl-Bor services for whioh payment made, together with those 0 ntiuned, rejected oriu part paid, istrueami oorreoi as shown by the reoorda ot said county Witness my hand and seal of the Bttid ixiunrv ourt, mis lain aay of March A. J. W. Mojikow, County Clark By G. W. Welle, Depnty. ' I 1 moTE-s II wn-UOOtL Of HEALTH HINTS A NO READY ltEfilPRH, DRi's the title ot a very valMhio . ' - I.portancetoKverybody.e .TaTo tn,mn nf rinnts. Parasites of the Skin, Onre of Tooth. What to Eat, S?S,Hon for Invalids, lbthiim Best Way, Aftcr-Ulnner Naps, How to Knt It, . T,i i a food aud a Lungs ami banc Diseases, Meets of Tohaeco, Things to Do, A'f , ' ',',', How to Avoid Thorn, t'are for Intemperance, Things to Avoid, . ,V: nilr iilottilna, What to Wear, Headache, Caase & Cure, Perils of Summer, 8u en us l a . r, Much to Wear, To Get Kid ot l.iee. How to Breathe, 1 J"0', T "j r)rownrd, Contnirious Diseases, Malarial Affections, AK N JSU4- nevoid Them, Croup-to Prevent. Ventilation, ness, ,,... - n m.niMi rM tt-. n IT TELLS HOW TO ruu ' Pnh rholera Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons, Fotld ? inkles ileaSe, Illecou,-!,, Hives, Hoarseness. I.ohinc, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy Polsonta,, MnlM Plmolea Piles, lthcumatlsin, Kiiigworin, SnreNlDDles Sore Throat, Sunstroke, Stings and wSpCcoush, Worms to CUUdreu. 1 u-w-All new snli'cribi'rs ao.l prompt reue prepensed with a free copy of this, an a premium FOR INVENTIONS. Emtal with the interest of those having clntms aRfiinst the government is o? INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because ',,inete, cv or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their o? the incompetency or inattention of ot tne incompLiEi.j "wrtvfewTotecting "u worthier careless attorneys, andf seeing 'tha Mentions are well protected by valid patents, vve have re Uined Vounsfl expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents In the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In- terferences, Make Special Examinations, rrosetmc KCJkku . Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., fctc. . . . . i, r - Tf tinve an invention ou hand - therith des pUouo? he important features, and you will be at once n,JfTn,to the best course K pursue. Models are seldom necessary If advised as to the best course tc pur nw re infriueine on vour ripl ts, or others, submit the matter to u for a matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, r.483 . , JOHN WtOUtKBUAW, managing miiwi 3"Cut this out and send It with your ! . i'l-eutisd i..elnyiut,'alidcutocwu.-.uiiui'Mi j-reaosa luviiiying pllla cure cimaliiailnn aiiroac au pills and mod Iclno nnxluco Uvor, blllousacfls, r'.: trrables wlt!iout cri;iir aoo to ';, - or Jnavhi v-:i cure clear the iftiii. and l- -r self. iUCoclaobos. nil b! n?tle8 ts X ! "ymr-iuupoiirueeii-to r Pientiss Cm: I 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, 'A PRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL TKR PATflK Otis Patterson LEGAL BLANKS IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT eww'HaffiwHr-!!!!"- JSi5iuW..l ADDRESS A LETTFTt mTTT, vanu ill THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, P. O. Bo 46J3HN WEDDERB" '-as,s Attorney Hoi.orawydUcharerf.oMt...... are enutled, if now partially or who lit AiJTuil7t 6er?'ed ninety doys.or over, in the late war. w"""wd hy service or ooi suchsoliHf.roi.iwi l'"uiary CI . vniuiBEN reentitl,-d lir V a., ". l'cu " ln.e foldier's dt wiaow. nr she has since Ai. ,.V.r..:.!",i"B years) tn almost STS nr. ...,iti !r .. AK?5"t' s J.te?'laws',o"'nSo';0mp'Cted "d s'"nt obtai n.i.:V;r.v ""penen and settl.m.-. Rri.ot.H i..: flflv e lost their oriRinal ran. o" rvice and Ui.clur,., sena lor laws and inin., THE PRPCc r-i Srt It im of'"'. "nd theTare provided Midler died In port It mates M difference wne&rVo. Soldiers of th. 1 C War W ia "Sular ,rm' or T'hoSrtiirf"'4 UBd" UW' apP'y for hlgher nU' ma" a,e' Jifn,? "dU "".ot on?yIVcc& "0"th under the old ,re entitled to Sola'er ,"'d ' """" d ne " "" d'biUUe for which now pensioned, but SSJ "lmyor navy sine, the war .re .Uo Jnexican ar soldlen ann th.i. -.1 j. nnler recent Bet. JOHHWBITSSgS'I; P.O. Box 463, , ", " 7 , u..,u..., MiiuruiR, aiammeruig. son, ryes, aoro mora, Insect llltes. Sweating Feet, Toothache. Uleer 1' WILL UVS 1MMWOIU' BILLS. wals durtngUio monlh of Mar. will be the attorneys empioycu w uu...., ,;,.,i in pmnlnv ucr comoetent and reli. send a sketcti or , - ' . . i 1 ...:t-. 1 .-. 1 m rtamatlt tV it you are i cnargeu wmi reliahie uriJuuii roult.6" WASHINGTON, D.C, -Miirtki mm M A 4 a maw l o-ausa Koelnylnu iilllrtcuroeunBtlpatloa iJifi l-iviitlsa Bectltylug pillseurueoustlpallnn crntiintlon. hero lsa r:!l t i;:t nurr-a tor old , iv k h"adaelio end kiii'iey aud liver t-." :' CONSTIPATION, which 1 getting habitual and chronic with you. -r;r-MTicG rcctifying pill. '.so ti iy Hie otili' f ii" en-! hmrnloss if that will surely CCAUT1FY tho -a HacKi from tlie flee. Try a box and st;o for your DRUGGIGTS, and Manufacturlno; Co., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER CALL, AT OPPICB Plenty of ihem at the Gazjtte Office nn cent. . vvasningion, u. w. ary manual labor, whether disability rcumstnnces. ed) whethersoidier'sdeatn abor for sunoort. Widows nth w due to service. all cases wbere there was no . """""titled, if siy-two years of aire or disabled ined, whether pension has been Eranted under . . V'iTEa' "rejection imoroticr or Illegal. ucd for sold.ersand sailors of the late war who A,. No ' unless successfuL Address. Managing Attorney, WASHINGTON, O.C