Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 13, 1894, Image 4

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3 le Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
In valuable Presents to be Civen Away in Return for
1 POCKET KNIVES 23,100 00
' PICKS 57,700 00
1 1 5.500 LARGE PICTURES (14x28 Inches) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for 1 ruining,
uu advertising on tlieni 29 875 00
261,030 prizes, amounting to 173,250 oo
The tinav articles will bo distributed, by rutintira, among parties who cliew SPEAH
HEAD 1'lutr Tobacco, and return to us the 'B'A(S tukeu therefrom.
Wc will distribute) 226 of these prizes in this county as follows:
"o THE PAKTY sending us the greatest number of SPEAK HEAD
TAGS from (Ilia county we will give 1 GOLD WATCH.
To the FIVE PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of
SPEAK HEAD TAGS, we will give, toeach, 1 OPERA GLASS. ...5 OPEItA GLASSES.
To the TWENTY' PARTIES ponding us the next greatest number
of Sl'KAK HEAD TAGS, wo will give to each I POCKET
To the ONE (l!'N!ii;i:!i PARTIES sending us the next greatest
number "f Ki'B.VK HEAD TAOS, we will give to each 1
To the ONE :n'NHii!:l) PARTIES sending us the next greatest
HMtiit-.-;- or Sl'KAIt HEAD TAGS, we will give to eucll 1
'i'olnl Number of rrizeo for this Connty, 23(1.
CAl HON. No Tacw will be received before January 1st, 1801, nor after February 1st,
1"M. E e'ii ii.e-kuire eontiiining tues must be marked plainly witii Name of Sender, 'lown,
loimiv. struo, and Number of Tugs in eaeh puekage. All charges ou packages must be
READ. Wl'AR liEAii po'weses more qualities of Intrinsic value than iinv other
phi'.; toliaeeo produced. It is the MVeeie.st. the toughest, the richest. WE'KAU 1IEAI is
absolutely, positively and illHluncf ivoly dillerent lu (lavor from nny other plug tobacco.
A trial will convince the most, skeptical of tills fuct. It Is the largest seller of any similar
shape and style on earth, which proves that. It has caught the popular taste and pleases the
people. Try it, and participate in the contest for prizes. See that u TIN TA is on every
10 cent piece of .SPEAR HEAD you buy. Ketid in the tags, uo matter how small the
quantity. Very sincerely,
THE P. J. SORQ COMPANY, Middletown, Ohio.
A list of the people obtaining these prizes in this county will he published in this
paper imuiediutely after February 1st, 1SD1.
They Are Almost as Numerous as the
Samls by the Seashore.
' The numerous portraits of Columbus,
presentin;' sui;h wiilu extremes of ap
pearance as to seem absurd, yet have
enough fet'lures in common to provide
good material !'orere;;tin a mental pic
ture of Columbus. In person ho was
tall and shapely, long-faced and
aquiline and had very pule pray eyes.
In early life hit, complexion was very
In the generally accepted historical
pictures he is represented as possessed
of mustache anil pointed beard. )
At thirty his hair was quite pray. He
was temperate in eating, driulcinff and
dress, aud so strict in religious matters
iv ? Ill
" k Hi V
that for fastinff and sayiiiff all divine
oflices, he might be thought professor
in some religious order.
Notwithstanding all he has done for
this country some American writers
have recently sought to prove that his
moral conduct would not stand the
high test of a comparison with that of
a New England Sunday school-teacher.
He was really so devoutly religious that
his signature is a cipher, said to mean
'Servate me, Xristus, Maria, Yosefus,
In his later years he suffered from
gout, ophthalmia and other maladies
which his many hardships brought on.
His sight and hearing were quick and
his sense of smell extremely delicate,
J( My ,
f siuNATrm: of coi.i mius.
and he hud a great fondness for per
fumes. Even on his voyages he was
fond of having his linen, which was
very fine, and his gloves scented with
essences or more often with dried
ilowers. Otherwise he was moderate
and simple in diet and apparel from
taste and on principle; he may be
added to the list of great men who eon
fined themselves as far as possible to
vegetable diet und preferred water to
wine. He was scrupulously careful of
garb and person, even when he wore
the garb of an associate of the order of
8t Francis, its he did whenever circum
stances permitted.
Tho Lndy In tlio Moon.
It is If ft to our four huiulrvilth oon
U'nnial to i-oli'liraty a charniinjf dis
covery. It socms not to be iMu-rally
known that tho ivyal "nnm in the
moon," who for nj;rs or eons has been
looked upon us the sole ruler of his
planet, shares his throne and divides
his honors with thr loveliest seuiblanee
of woman. Would you see her ut her
best let it bo on u cloudless night
as near tho full of the moon as
possible. Use a good opera or Hold
glass, lie patient; smne fail to tind her
at Hrst. The faeo is in proiile. and looks
toward your left us you gaze, "eupying
half the surface of the moot, the hair
dark and coiled rather high; her throat
and nook are radiantly beautiful. Be
yond her profile is seen the dark face of
a man looking straight forward.
There was never a time in the history
of our country when the demand for
inventions and improvements in the arts
nud sciences generally was so great as
dow. The oouveuiences of mankind in
the fiiotory and workshop, the household
aud on the farm, uh well as in ollieial
lite, require oonliutml accessions to tbe
appurtenance and impliments of each
in order to save labor, time aud expense.
The political change in the admimstra-
on government does not affeot tbe
progress of the American inventor, who
being on tbe alert, and ready to per
ceive the existiug deficiencies, does not
permit the affairs of government to de
ter him from quickly eonoeiving the
remedy to overcome existing discrepan
cies. Too great care cannot be exer
oised in onoosing a competent and skill
ful attorney to prepare and prosecute
an application for patent. Valuable in
tereslB,have been lost and destroyed in
innumerable instances by the employ
meut of incompetent oounsel, and es
pecially is this advioe applicable to
those who adopt the "No patent, no
pay" system. Inventors who entrust
their business to this, class of attorneys
do so at imminent risk, as the breadth
ami strength of the patent is never con
sidered in view of a quick endeavor to
get an allowance aud obtain the fee.
John Wedderburn, General Manager,
018 F street, N. W.,Wa8hiugton, D. C,
representing a large number of impor
tant daily aud weekly papers, and gen
eral periodicals of the country, was in
stituted to proteot its patrons from the
unsafe methods heretofore employed
in this line ot business. Tbe said Coo-
pauy is prepared to take charge of all
patent business entrusted to it for rea
sonable fees, aud prepare and proseoute
applications generally, inoludiug me-
ohamoal inventions, design patents,
trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer
ences, infringements, validity reports,
and gives especial atteuion to rejected
cases. It is bIbo prepared to enter iuto
competition with any firm in scouring
foreign patents.
Write for instructions and advice.
John Wkdiiekbuiin.
til8 F Street,
P. O. Box 885. Washington, D. 0.
03 'ddV "W A 'JIN
t)Knjf joj prapi jaqqni pmi'pn-ciioiTMsotq
j mil lauu emvuniA 9 la uvo .
T D I A I PE of out treat
I IImI mat for wvaknui !
mnki dcy, nwToui debility
and loit Tltallty md! in tor 1. cenU
WARD INSTUTUTE, 120 9th St. 8T. LOUIS, 310.
( Salary andeipenaea paid weekly from trtarU
11 Pffrmam-utpoiltkm. Eii'lutiveterr
Kiporletice uunect'saary. Peculiar
adTantayustobairlnnera. Liberal
commission lo local
tlma agents. La
irrowara of cUan,
Ooin- .
hardy, roll,
lawn and uarden.
Wo want you now, whtl.- .
tha fruit iuduitry ti sol
iiiuwrtant. Good chanea for
ndvanoeuit'iit. Outfit and fuH p.ir-
ular8fr. MROWN BiUr. IX., nur-
'orttand, Ore. ontauoudeu
roll a I) le. N n ma ihla paper. Id.)
L,ne. w rLii. Agents. 53
a wiwk Kie!uU urrttury. Thl
Hapkl nuk H ukir. Wnliot allibf
dubvtfiM a laiutlT inuat mmuM.
V tibti, riuirit anS dutt ibia
Without wtltUt the hatidi. Yo
puH iDb tiutlva, iLr niti'blut doM
ibernt. Hrtihi. pollthrJ UiitiM
auii ohferful wivrt. No icUe4
anfri.Doioovlfaaiidior olotbtng
drum diart,iij niiii. Cdb
lurabl,wrai4. Circular fTM
W. 1. UAUKISUN St CO., CUrk M, I, CUaM, O
Only tbe Scars Remain.
"Among the many testimonials which I
ee In regard to certain medicines perform
ing cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes
UitfBY Hudson, of the James Smith
Woolen Machinery Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa., "none
Impress me more than my
own cue. Twenty years
ago, at the age of 18 years.
I bad swellings come on
my legs, which broke and
. hecanie runtiluir um.
I ltd Our family physician couia
do me no good, and it was
feared that the bones
would be affected. At last,
my good old mother
urged nie to try Ayer'i
Sarsaparllla. I took three
bottles, the sores healed,
and I have not been
troubled since. Only the
cars remain, and the
memory of the past, to
remind me of the irood
Ayer's Sarsaparllla has done me. I now
weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and
am in the best of health. I have been on the
road for the past twelve years, have noticed
Ayer's Sarsaparllla advertised in all parts
of the United States, and always take pleas
ure In telling what good It did for me."
For the cure of all diseases originating In
Impure blood, the best remedy is
AVER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Cures others, will cure you
Address A letter or pcHtal enril to
JOHN WEODERBUHN, . - Managing Attorney,
1'. O. Hon 40S. WASlUNU'rON, D. (J.
Also, fur Soldiers und Sailors disabled In the line of
July m Hie iiH'tt'.ilar Ai-nivor Ntcv wSncellie war.
biirviv..-.- ..f Hie Indian wars of 1SS2 lo IH-1'J, and
tllelr v idmvs, now entitled. Oldiuid releeteil claims
a i-il'v. Thousands ciltlllcd to IdL'licr rail's.
w'lv: i'"l i? Iinv-:. .No Charon iur iidvi:i:. N - tee
Until uuc.TbSlul.
Every patriotic citizen should give his
personal effort and influence to increase
the circulation of his home paper which
teaches the American policy of Protec
tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect
in every way possible. After the home
paper is taken care of, why not sub
scribe for the American Economist,
published by the American Protective
Tariff League? One of its correspon
dents says: "No true American can
get along without it. I consider it the
greatest and truest political teacher in
the United States."
Send postal card request for free
sample copy. Address Wilbur F. Wake
man, General Secretary, 135 West 23d
St., New York.
Ore vynx
a PiAendAo
Vcve, cause o;
oj Oimer'voan.
Are you willing to work for the cause
"of Protection in placing reliable infer
mation in the hands of your acquaic.
If you are, you should be identified
the american
Protective Tariff league,
135 W. 23D ST., NEW YORK.
Cut tl.ia notice out and send it to the League,
stating your position, and give a helping hand.
Caveats, Trade-m?.rks, Desirii hlh, Copyrights,
And all Parent husiui'ss conducted fcr
Information an J advicn given to Inventors without
Hilar ge. Adtlrt'Hs
press claims co
john we0der3urn,
Managing Attorney,
. O. Hox 403. WAsmtuiTON, D. a
.CPTIiIh Company la manaped by a combination oi
tliL' lurp-it und most luiWit'ullul newMpniort In the
l'ulti'tl Ktiiti'in, for tin cxpri'ss punpoBu of protect
In U. thi'lr mitttriM in uKultut uuscrupuloui
anil Mu'DiupfU in ru.i'tit Aonts, aud each papal
prtutiuit tills a tvovtlsi'int'Tit vouches foe the maponii.
bili ty and Uih B'.audl nu of tbo I'vesa C'.alme Company,
Or, The BooOIerg Lament,
I wandered to the river's bank 4
And looked across to where,
Upon the other side, I saw
Thelighu reflected there;
And, as I gazed, a longwg came
To reach that place once mora,
And walk upon the good old soil ,
rd often trod bo lore.
Last night I dream 'A that once ag ala
I saw the old, old home
Where oft, when I was but a lad, :
My wandering steps did roam
rd crossed unto the other side
Of this wide, running Btream;
Alas I I woke In full delight,
, To find It but a dreutn.
Oh, could I but retraoe the years)
And backward go once more,
I would not then be cursing fat j
Upon this barren shore.
What recks It that I have the gold
Wherewith to pass all t me?
Since I must while away the years
In this most wretched clime 1
Ye stars that shine so bright to-night.
In yonder vault above, f
How merrily ye re looking down
On friends that 1 do love.
Would I were there; but yawns a gull,
Wide as eternity!
The sheriff arm, the broken trust,
Doom me to misery!
So, here un exllo I must stay.
On this cold, barren land;
No Bftrht of homo, or kindred dear,
No grasp ot friendly hand;
With gna win thoughts of keen remorse,
LlUe specter, ever near;
Kor one kind sm. le, nor welcome glance.
My louoly life to cheer.
H. McGrath, In Amorlo.
An Excellent Device for Resoulnff
the Shipwrecked.
Tta Appll.nf. I of Ort Hlp to tho
Daring Llf6 "rr ' lh !,,w Jr7
Coul-Ho It Ii Soot to
gluklnl kblpb
The stunly surfmen of Long Beach,
as they call the ribbon of sand south of
liarnejrat iulL't separating the waters of
the bay and the ocean, have made two
(fallant rescues in the past week with
the Lyle gun and the breeches buoy.
The opportunity to use these appli
ances is always welcomed, says the New
York Sun, because it means a fight with
the elements that stirs the blood and
strains the muscle. Whenever the
news that a ship is ashore is
telephoned from station to station
over the beach wires every surfman
within twenty miles says envious things
nbout the lucky patrolmen who are
called out to make the rescue. The ordi
nary routine of the bei"eh patrol is full
of hardship and monotonous in the ex
treme. A daring rescue makes talk for
the rest of the winter.
Considering the number of vessels
which have to pass it, the Xew Jersey
coast is the most dangerous on the con
tinent, and many ships go ashore on
the shelving sands there every winter.
Ninety-nine times out of a hundred,
however, the surf will admit the
launching of lifeboats, and the surf
men bring ashore the shipwrecked iu
this way. It is only when a great
storm is raging and the surf is so rough
as to baffle the skillful oarsmen that
the gun and breeches buoy are resorted
to. This does not happen very often.
When the patrol sees a vessel aground
or in danger he hurries to the station
and gives the alarm. The surfmen are
out in a jiffy. They always take all
their apparatus, so as to be ready for
any emergency. If the lifeboat cannot
be launched through the surf, they
bring out the Lyle gun. This is a small
brass cannon, which has a projectile fit
ting over the barrel like a sheath over a
a sword. To the projectile is fastened
one end of a stout cord. The gun is
aimed to throw the projectile over the
ship, and thus bring the cord within the
reach of the men on the wreck. It sel
dom requires more than two shots to
land the cord. The sailors then pull it
in and get hold of the rope to which it
is fastened. When the end of the rope
is hauled aboard it. is made fast to one
of the masts. Sleantiine the surfmen
are burying a sand anchor. This is a
great square of planking, whose sur
face grips the sand in which it is sunk.
To it the shore end of the rope is se
curely fastened.
Then comes the breeches buoy. This
consists of a great ungainly pair of
canvas trousers hung to a circular life
preserver. It is suspended by stout
ropes from a pulley, which the surfmen
quickly rig upon the rope connecting
ship and shore in such a way that it
moves freely back and forth. A guy
line, one end of which was sent aboard
the ship with the rope, is now fastened
to the breeches buoy, and the surfmen
pull on a. line which starts the breeches
buoy traveling seaward. As soon as it
reaches the ship one of the shipwrecked
gets into the pair of canvas breeches,
sticking a leg through each capacious
hide, and grasping the life preserver,
which comes just under his armpits.
He does not need to be tied in, for his
scat is secure.
All being ready, the surfmen ashore
begin to haul in. The breeches buoy
rolls rapidly shoreward, suspended from
its hempen track. For n.ost of the dis
tance the man in the breeches is dang
ling above the water. When he reaches
the surf, though, he is bound to get a
ducking, lie holds his breath, takes a
fresh hold on the life preserver, and in
he goes. The next minute he is on the
beach, whore a dozen strong hands
reach out to pluck him out of his can
vas breeches. The buoy is sent straight
back for another, and so on until all
are rescued. A do.en men have been
brought ashore in this way by a single
breeches buoy in less than an hour.
It sometimes happens that a woman
is aboard the ship. She may be the
captain s wife. If the ship is a steamer,
there may be women passengers. The
Idea of getting into this pair of canvas
breeches may be repugnant to a woman,
but sue does not hesitate a second. Pull
ing her dress up around her, in she
steps as unhesitatingly as though she
were born to trousers. All she asks at
that moment is to get ashore.
There have been many devices for
rescuing the shipwrecked, including
the life car with which the stations on
our coast are provided, but no other
appliance is of such tried utility as the
breeches buoy.
The little toe is said to be disappear
ing from the human foot.
A Philadelphia medical paper says
that city noises produce disease.
The value of Canada's fisheries yield
last year is announced as 813,941,171.
Is Itlaekstone's time 150 offenses
were punishable in England by death.
It is usually considered that an
adult should drink about three pints of
liquid a da'.
The prince of Wales has seventeen
brothers-in-law, sixteen uncles, sixty
seven cousins and fifty-seven nephews
und nieces.
The seeond son of the archbishop of
Ciiiiter'.mry hus uchievod oonsiilonibl j
success wiih a novel entitled "Dodo,"
dealing with fashionable society.
The Gkoou (very wealthy) "Why
did you marry an ordinary chap like
me?" The Bride "I haven't the
slightest idea; mamma managed the
whole affair." Life's Calendar.
Tbe general meronandise establish
ment formerly owned by Coffin A Mc Fur
land, has lately changed hands, now be
ing under the oontrni aud mRuagiment
of The MoFarland Mercantile Compnnv,
wbioh continues business at the old stand
with a larger stock than ever. a
"For Years,"
gays Cakrib E. Stocbwkll. of Chester
Held, N. H.. "I was afflicted with an
extremely severe pain in the lower part ol
tie chest. Tlie leellng was ai If ton
weight was laid
on a spot the sli
of my hand. Dur
ing the attacks, the
perspira'lou would
stand in drops oo
my face, and it was
agouy lor me to
'make sufficient
effort eveu to whis
per. They came
suddenly, at any
hour ol the day or
night, lasting from
thirty minutes to
ball a day, leaving as suddenly; but, for
several days after. I was quite pros
trated and sore. Sometimes the attacks
were almost daily, then less frequent. After
about four years of this suffering, I was
taken down with bilious typhoid fever, and
when I began to recover; I had the worst
attack of my old trouble I ever experienced.
At the first of the fever, my mother gave
me Ayer's Fills, my doctor recommending
them as being better than anything ho
could prepare. I continued taking these
Pills, and so great was the benefit derived
that during nearly thirty years I have had
but one attack of my former trouble, which
yielded readily to the same remedy."
Prepared by IT. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Uaa-
Every Dose Effective
convince the
skentic and point the
wav which if followed leads to
Has been nattiolna
DroDrtetary form since
1878, and hus been UHed
r Years orlorto that time
In private practice. It li no untried nostrum, of
doubtful reputation, but a genuine Bpocltio for
a very prevalent disease. Thousands of men, of
all a trea, have at bo me time In life brought on
nervous debility and exhaustion, with organic
weakness, by over brain work, excesses, too ire
queut Indulgence or indiscretion and vicious
habits, aud it Is to theae that we offers remedy
that will, by its direct action upon the seat of the
disease, stop the drain and restore the patient to
vigorous health and strength.
Our method of introducing Prof. Harris' Pastille
treatment is one which commends itaelf to all
sensible persons for the reason that we supply it
upon their judgment of Its value. We auk of our
patrons nothing In the way of expense beyond a
postal card and a two cent postage stamp. The
pofltal card to be used in sending us their full ad
dress and the postage stamp for the letter return
ing the statement of their case for which we
supply them with a question blank, to be filled
out, and an envelope addressed to ourselves for
life In returning it when filled.
mamm a When we receive the state-
H P" nient on blank we prepare
Ba BAaa ei"t days' treatment and f or-
J ward it, by mail and prepay
M(3- 3fJSL postage thereon and along
B5Tr-i with the eight days' treatment
4av X&blUuiCj we send full directions for
using. The treatment in no way Interferes with
person's attention to business, and causes no
pain or Inconvenlenoe in any way.
We are so positive that It will give perfect satis
faction that we leave the matter of sending orders
entirely with those using the free trial treatment.
Having satisfied those sending for trial packages
of our ability to benefit their sexual condition we
feel that they are more largely Interested than
ourselves In continuing the use of the Pastilles.
Even then we do not attempt to rob them by de
manding high prices. On the contrary, we make
the prices as low as possible, and the same to all.
They are as follows: S3 for one month j $6 for
twomontns; 17 tor tnree montns.
These prices secure
the delivery of the
Pastilles by mall. If
deBtred by express we
leave the patient to
pay tbe charges. For
over ten years we
have operated our
li.mii.ii.il ...imnrimu
business upon this plan with satisfactory results.
We ask all persons needing treatment for any
of the secret Ills which come to mankind through
a violation of nature's laws to send us their ad
dress on postal card or by letter and allow us to
convince them that PROF. If A KRIS SOI.
merit and are what they need.
ah communicauons connaenusj ana snouia do
addressed to
The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists
MBeekmanSt., NEW YORK CITY, N.Y.
00 worth of lovely Music lor Forty -g
full size Sheet Music of the
latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular 5
selections, both vocal and Instrumental, 2
gotten up in the most elegant manner, in- a
y; ciuainp rour large size Portraits.
CARMENCITA, the Spanish Dancer,
PADfRFWftKI. ih ant Pitinitt-
Broadway Theatre Bldg., New YorkClty.
ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. Tbe
Same as lined by thoujands of woman all over the
Vnlted States, In the ?LD DOCTORS private mall
practice, for 38 years, and not a stngls bad result.
Money returned it not as represented. Send 4
cents (ti tamps) lor sealed partiouiara.
SB. WABB I1TCTITUTS, 120 U. Ninth 6t.a fit. Louii. tf a
25 Tears' Experience In treating all Tart
ties nf Kuntura enables us to guarantee I
positive cure. Question, Blank and Bool
tree, uan or write.
33 Pino Street, SX. LOUIS. MO
Reduced is to 2S poundi per month. No
starving, tio inconvenience, ro bud reiulu, no muiecm
diu. Treatment jwrfoctly harmlen aud itrictly coufi.
OeutiaL Question Bl nk and Book frM. Call ar writ..
1)U. 11. fi. BUlTS.&m'.iiebtrect.bt.luii.Ma
Substantial Rewards for Those Whose
Answers are Correct
A man mini filtered a prison where was eonflned
l fitiuleimiwl cn 1.11111. On making request to b
wndiictfa inui ilie presence of the doomed man, th(
nsitor was mfoniipri that none but relAtivea were permitr
d u aee the prinoner. The visitor said : "Brothen
mi BiHtvra nae i none, DUt UlAtlUAns (tlie pruoDer
ather i iny father's son.
He was t once; taken to the prisonsr. Now, whAt rs-
The Agriculturist lihluthint- I'nmnin win tn
rear for lifo u the person aemlinft the flrat correct ad
twer: S-StX) to the second: 3rd 'sa- 4th -iitni. ,ik
f;HJ, and oter 10,000 other rewards, consisting of pianos,
nsana, ladies and gents gold sud ailTor watchea, ailvei
tin icea, diAniond rings, etc.
10 uie person sending the last correct answer will bt
nmi a n ten-toned piano, to the next to the laaf a beauti
ul organ, ami the uxl 6,000 will receWa raluabla prizat
f MWerware. Sm.
Rl.-I.ES. (1) All Answers must he sent by mail, anl
er iKWimarli not later than Dec. 31, 18X3. (2) Th re wil
"e no charge whatever to enter thin competition, but al
h. poinprte are expected to tnd one dollar for ait
itonihft, suhsenption to either The Ladics, Hont
Mv.iazink or The Canadian AuRiccLTi'Hiirr tws
f the cftotceM lllutrated periodicals of the day ,t,
All prise winners will be expected to Aeoiat Us in,
ng uur circulation. (41 The fin correct infr:. ; '?
sender a pttuiark taken in all caws an dai ' ""temi
o as to give every one an equal chance i.y i recenei
or the niaj reside J, will secure toe. M,''It
voond, the next ptire, and so on. ,' "ln,"r
Thb AoBioi i.Ti RisT is an old eat'11
ttul posa s?C9 ample mean to enable , ,, .
t pnmiises. (Send for printed IK", f'1,i,,h, ennnm
.nnef 1 r tot-Airyout aL
Ii-nEH.-The following wetl-k ,st of ',,rm-r P"
jonsrntetl to act as judges, ami
sre tairty awartlrtt ; Commod, ,l,,wn rmlenH, hai
Cakntt's Line of Steamers), )y 7' ,hul A,r XT Ul
R.lnson. Prenident Tio.f, V ,rt TO'1
borough Register all m irt.wi.n. ati.l Mr
9LJijiit Vv Co. ILL n'OI li'DirAny. vtp'
' -'ir let'ers. Addreea, AuaJ
fiV' M WuTtHITOUStl, i'AnAaA.
1 mm m tMz
T-crvout exi-lttma .t, t.crtuua
f r J , c,-.ml t f." d T ..th..d Cur.. J
Jr4B1,a. y,u.call1UandUokfr.... t'.IUlwrl
DH. Stt St. LOUIS. MO.
.,vxx?r4 otJC IN HORSES.
The Old Reliable
EstabllsliedHByoars. Tronts maloor .cm.ile,
married or slnle, In cases ot Bxiioeure,
abuses, excoeses or Improprieties. Hiiu
GUARANTKKD. Board and uimrtmpnts
furnished 1 when desired, (.mention Blank
and Book free. Call or wrlto.
w q ii I r Tha worst forms poll,
BSk. f ll I In I wt'tlvely eared Us Tear
aVtucctMfiil practice. Tnatmeut confidential. Curet
by mail or at office. Tenusl-w. Question Ulauk urn
Book frc. Call or vrlte. DR. WARD INSTITUTE,
120 N. 9th St.,St.LOU(S,M0
ltamr Dliaiea CI! liKD without tha uue ol
,r ril. I J It. 11. It. milS.
knife uueauon iiiniia "u i'v i"' "
622PinaSL Bt. LOUlK, MO,
IC 1 ANY LADY, emploved or unemployed
allD A WttR. n.n makelliMfrrafi-w hciun work tc.t
daj. Sitlnry or rommisilon. 10 anmplsa fre Addresi
H- DbNiANIIH A UU., t!C rinB Ol., Ol. LOUISi wo.
Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances
. M An eleciTO-ffnlvanic hsttfry m
?rvVS.-Sa bo J led iuto inuuiuuttu.
Belts, SiiHponsorlM, SjI
ii ill AppliniK'8, Ablonit
inal Support iM'Ht Vsts,
Drawers, Ollic Cups,
TiiHnlr.s. etc.
Cdtpb ItlimimfLtiKiu. L,lvci and Kldnoy
Complaints, lynpnpsift Krrorn ol Youth,
Lost Mniiliooft, NervoiisiieKS. Sexual Wenk-
ness. and all Troubles iti Main or i omsK
guistiuu Bluuk aud Hook irco. Cull or
Volta-Wedica Appliance Co..
W3 Pine Street, - SX. LOUIS, MO.
FuotFrintn on tlie Putli to Ilcaiih.
Everyone iifedintf h (lut-ior's Hilvioe
should read one of Dr. Fodtt'n dime
pamphlets ou "Old Eyes," "Crimp,"
'Rupture," "Phimosis," "Varietc'i'le,"
Disease of meu, Disease of Women, muI
learn the beat means of spli-cim. M
Hill Pub. Co.. 1129 East 2Slb ISt., t v
While you kep vonr RubHcriiition naid iti ven
can keep yourbrauJ iu irwut cJnuge.
A)vu. T. 0.. lone. Or. HorsfH (Hi on l.ifi
shoulder; cHttla baoie on left lap, nndor b't on
nclit ear, hiio upper bit on the left; rnngu, Mor
row county.
AruiKtronir. J. C, Alniun. Or. T with bar nn.
der n on left shoulder of huirten; cnttle tfniao
on left hip.
Allihon. O. D.. Eiuit Mile. Op.-Cntt,l hmr.rt.
O D on left hip Kini horHiis fiaiue brtiud on riht
shoulder, ilanue, Eibt Mile.
AdkinB. J. J.. KepDuer. Or. ilorsi-n. JA r.nn..
ncted on lelt tiank; chIUo, unmoon ltft hip.
Bftrlliohimew. A, G.. Aluine. Or. HnrnuB
branded 7 E un either Bhoulder. Jlane in Mor
row countv
Bleakmau. Geo.. Hnrdman. Or.-Hiiroa a Hun
onleft shoulder; cuttle stun e on right Rhnulder.
tianniBter, J. W., Hurdman, Or. Cattle brand,
ed Bon loft hip and thih: split in each ear.
.Brenner, feter, tiooeeberry Oregon HorseB
branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right side.
liurke. al ot C Ijon Crmlr. Or On mttL
MAY connected on laft bin. fMnri riff Itif, u ...i
dor half crop oil rii?ht. Homes, eume bmnd on
letit Bnouiuer. llauge in Uruut aud Morrow
bioBman, Jerry, LeUR, Or. Horses bmnded 7
on righl shoulder; cattle U on the li-ft side.
Left ear hHlf orop and rijiht ear upper slope
. Hnrtm, Wm Hoppner, Or. -Horses, J n on
ncht thlah: cattle, sumn on rii.l.t hi,.-
each ear. 1
Hrown, Ibr, Lexington, Or. Hirse IB on the
right stifle; cattle same ou riuhthip; ranno Hior
row oounty.
Hrown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in tie! teron lofthip; cittle. 6Hme
Brown, vv. J Ina, Oregon. Horses Y. bnr
over it, on the lelt shoulder. Cattle same on lelt
Boyor, W. G Heppner, Or.-Horsoa, hox
brand on right hip cuttle, same, with split, in
each ear.
Bore, P. 0., Heppner, Or. HorseB, P B on left
shoulder: cattle, same on left hip,
Hrownlee.W. j.,k'ox,Or-rattle, JB connected
on left side; crop m left ear and two splits and
middle piece cnt out on right ear; on horses same
brand ou the left thigh; Kange in l'ox valley
tirant oounty, '
Carsner Warren, Wagner, Or.-Horsea brand
ed O on right itifle; cattle (three bnra) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Kange in
Grant and Morrow counties.
Cain.E., Caleb.Or.-Y. li on horses on loft stifle
U with quarter circle over it, on loft shoulder
and on left stifle on all oolta under 6 years; on
lett shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Grant county.
Clark, Wm. H. Lena, Or. -Horses WHO con-
neci.eu.on leu snouiiler: cattle same on right
r, , ,, auu w ""-'"a couniies.
I .ate, (,has K Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right Bhoulder; cattle same on right hin.
Hange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cecil, Win. .Douglas, Or ; horses JO on left
shoulder; cattle same on left hip, waddles on
A Jw and two bite in the right ear.
?rt- 1 " J?hn Dur'' Or.-Double cross on
each hip on cattle, .wallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split m left ear. Hange in Grant
nDni.tJ''u0n wBp' '""ted A and spear poitn
on shoulder. Lar markoii ewes, crop on left ear
pouched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
ri?n a'.d n"der hlf orop in left ear. Au range
in Grant countv. B
m201i J"LeilR.Or.-Hpr8e8, BOon rightabout
or,m ff efV7T." i;f rul nl,p; mRrlt 8t)tiare
left"sUtfe K- X" Currinevifle. 0r- -Horses, 00 on
Cox Ed. 8., Hardman, Or.-Cattle, C with
E lii center; horses. CE on left Hip.
Cochran, K. E Munument, Gmnt Co . Or -
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left
o:pe8&e abnTddewTapbth
brands CI on horses right ihigh; me
brand on right shoulder, and cut oft end of
right ear. "
..'-''f1'"". Ebb-Horses brarded with three
suiiv. lauue sa-ne on left side.
JJouglass, W. M.. Galloway. Or.-t;attle, It Jj
"n left1Hp8WH W m eBch 0ari hor,Ies' 11
Douglas 'o. T Douglas, Or-Horses TD on
" "Kht stifle; catUe same on right hip
Ely, J. B. Jt Sons .Douglas, Or.-llorses brand.
rigTt'sn'oufi"" Htl,Pner' r' Did
Emery, C S Hardman. Or.-Ilorsos branded
.) reversed.Cwilhtaill on left shoulder ;-Ht-tie
ante on nghl hip lag U1 Morrow J,
leek, Jackson, Heppner, Or.-Horse i I V
connected on right shoulder: cattle, .ami or,
IS left. "' t'it,1""k'hu' "Sl't and Vol
Florence, L. A., Heppnor, Or.-Cattle, LP on
Siouiie?: h ",lh bHr uuder
Florence B. P. Heppner, Or -Horses, F on
right shoulder : catt e. K nn riK ... "a
wvZfil' 'ie"T" hPPUt. Or.-Cattle branded
W i.with bar over it. on left side; crop off left
il H"' Hme 'eft h-Vcvvici ,w-
.houider. " Tr.
dilman-E l--
eil, Ur. V itnch. Land and Uvu Stock Co., Foe
au.e on ' turww, anchor H ou k'ft Bhoulder; vent,
BUT " l.tfr ofiHu I'ntrlii m.TTisi nn Vuith hi.ia
ai ark s, cnin off rinlit ear and underbit in loft i
..autte iu (iilliain, Urant, Crook aiid Morrow I
(ientry, Elujer, Kcho, Or. Httreen bn-nderi H.
8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stitle.
ban tie iu Morrow and Umatilla couittiea.
Hayee. tit'O.. Lua, Or, Urand Jit coniMH tod
with qimrlr circle ovtr it, on left shoulder,
Hiatt A. B., Uidne, Or. t'attie. round-top K
with qmirter circle undtr it ou the rwht hip,
Hftnue in Mnmif and I'matilla conntiea.
Htnton A Jenko, Haiuiltuii. Or Cattle, two la;
on either hip; crou in riuht ear and ptit in loft.
Horaea, Jwnncht thth. Untile in Orxnt county
Hachvw. Hirauel. Wiwoer. Or J (T F L
Conner tod) on riktht lioulder on hoite: on cattle,
on ritiht hip and on left side, swath. w fork in
nht ear and alit iu left. Hang in Hajetack
diwiot. Morrow ooanti .
7 ; Hi
Hide, Milton, Wiutiinr. Or. Hoimm nrHiidi
A (rlrcln with t nrHH.,1 tuilli) 1,11 Irft .1.,.,.,., 1
(lutlieearue on left hip altolargucird. ou
Hall. Kflwin, domi imy.wr.v,aun r, Hon rU,.,
hornen same on right bouldi r. h anI J.
Grant oortnty
lluwiud, J I
ailnwiiy, Hr.-Hn
n.;tl, hfir flIHiVit 1 ou right Htumlilur.
saiuu on lull side. Knuge iu Morrow anil Dwa.
tille countit.
Iluglies. Mat, lleplmor, Or. Horivw, i,h.1w1
heart ou the left shoulder. Kailgu Morrow 1
Uuniker, H A, Wugner, Or. Holhos, U on i...
shoulder: emtio. Hon left hip.
Hanliety, Albert, Nye, Oregon- Horses A H
oouneotou. ou loft shoulder; CatUeon the ief,
hilt, orop off lett ear,
Humphrey!, J M. Hardman, Or. Horses H u
lefi flank
Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglmi
on left shoulder cattle, same on right hip.
Huston, Lnther, Eight Mile, Dr. Horse H on
the left shoulder and heart on the left stilio (t
tie same on left hip. Itangft iu IVIorrow county'
Ivy, Alfred, Long ('reek, Or Cattle 1 boa
right hip, orop oil left ear and bit in right, Horses
same brand on left shoulder Kailgu n Grant
Jours, Harry, lleppnr, ur noises hrsnded
ft .1 on tbe left, shouldor: onttle bauudeil J ..
right hip, slso undei bit in left ear. liauge iu
Monow omitty.
Junkm, r. M Hopimor, Or Horses, homo.
shoe J ou left shoulder. Cattle, the sum,
Haive on iugnl sine.
Jolmron. 1'elix, Lena, Or. Horses, circleTon
lett elihe; rattle, same on right hip, under ludf
crop in iglit ami spin in ion. ear
Jenkins, I) W.,lllt. Vemou.Or. J ou homes ,,
left ahonliler; on cattle, J on left hip and two
smooih crops on both ears. Hange in Fox and
Henny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses braudoa
KNV on left hip, cattle same and crop off Uri
ear: under sloirfi on the right
Kirk. J. T., Heppner. Or. Horses nil n hit
slionlder; cattle, liUou left hip. "
Kirk. ,1 C, Heppuer, Or. Horses. 17 uu eitlmr
tliink: eat tie l. on right side. u",r
Kirk, Jetiee, Hejipnor, Or.: horsei 11 on left
shoulder ; cattle same on right side, undorhit ou
right e'ir.
Kuinlierland.W.G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I Loll
cattle on right and left, sides, swallow fork in lift
ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses Bams
brand ou left shoulder. Kange in Grunt countv
Lofton, Htepnen, Fox, Or.-M L on loft i,',
on cuttle, crop and split on right ear. llorsu.
same brand on left shoulder. Hange Grant
Liennllen, John W., Levi ef-v Or.-Horsen
brtiudcd huif-ciiole JL conneoteil ou leftshoul
dor. Cattle, saini on lefthio, Kange, near 1
Leuhey. J. VV. Heppner Or.-llorses branded
I, mill A on li lt shoulder; nettle sumo on left
hip, wattle over right -jo, three slits iu riel.r
eur. h 1
Lord. George, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
doiilile II coi.necti Nomotimes called
swing H, on left shoulder.
aiuruiani. A. HI. Heppner, Or.-f'nttle large
Mon loll side both ours cropped, and split i,i
boih. Jlorses M on left hip. Itaniro rl,L.'.
Minor. Oecar. nononer nr. futti m -.
right hip; horse. M on lefl'shouhior. '
Motooi ft N Heppner, Or.-llorses, j )
i If: I should"! cattle same on left hip
M"Cnni!,or. .Ins A. Kelt., fir n... ' m ..
her over on right shoulder. ' ' 1
Moreen. Tims.. Hotmnnr Op 11. .........
T on left shoulder mid left thiirh: euiiln
rlrfil thigh. ""
Mitchell. Orair. lone. Or. Horses, 77 on riel.t
hip; cattle, 77 on right side.
Hic( laren, V. G Krowusville, Or.-Horse.
(irnro ft on each Bhoulder; onttlo. M2 on hip '
McCarty. Oavid 11. Echo Or. Horses branded
DI1 1 ramnecfiMl, on the lof t shouUler; cattle same
on hip and fide.
McGirr, Frank. F,;x Valley, Or.-Mleshoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs am! under in
each ear: koreea Kumo brand on left utilio,
lli'llnle), . ... ::Biin,tiin. Or. tin Morse., s
Willi hulf jirolo under on left shoulder; or, imttl,.
onr bars co,ieeul on top ou the right siiio'
Ihini'e in Grunt County.
,,it;U!'A''d7.W'i)j,'i';' '!""k Hor,,"s A N '''
ii i I i "L"1''"1; cattle Bimie on both hipd,
Nonlyke, L. Hilvertou. Or.-Horeos. circle 7 ..i
left thigh: call le. snino on left hip.
Oliver, Joeeph, Cnujoii City, Or. A on cuttle
in lii iiu t' co'i" HHI"B "" 18,1 lhiKh- "'"ige
sl'm'h'i l0rri' ",1Ii"1,0" Or,-P O on left
Olp, lienmiH. I'lairie City, Or.-Ou cattle, 0
LI eonuecr.ed on left b;p; hoiues on left stills
and wiirl e on nose. i (irBt)(, cu,lntv.
Pearson, (JIuvo, Eight Milo. Or.-Uoreerj, quar
ter cmleshiehl on left shoulder aud 24 on left
Inp. ( ul ;tle, fork ,u left ear, right cropped. M
on lelt nip. Hang.- on Eight Milo.
I inker A Gleusou, Harduiun.Or.-HorNeiill'on
I'll shoulder.
1''I;";,1':,r."0"t' Lraiugton. Or.- Hor es bruml.
0 E (L E coniiecl( d) oi, kft shoulder ; cattle
s me ou right hip. liuuge, Morrow counu.
I'llitr, J. Il Lexington. Or. -Ilorees, ,IK oim.
necled oi loft shoulder; cuttle, snine on loft hip.
under bil in each ear.
Pettys, A. C., lone, Or.; homes diamond P on
- "liuulder; CBttlo, J H J connected, ou the
Wt hip. upper slope in left oiirnud slip in the
Powell, jomi T., r.ayrille. Or-Horeos, JPcoii.
nec.edon lelt slnmlder. Cultlo OK couueeted on
let hip, two under Im.f crops, ou8 on enoh eur.
wattle under throat. Kai ge in Grunt county.
Hood. Andrew, Hnidinun, Or.-Horees, square
crosi- with quarter-circle over it on left stifle.
Lomiigor, Chi is, Heppner, Or.-Horses, C It on
Hicu. Dun, Hardman, Or.; horses, throe panel
worm fence on left shoulder; cattle, DAN ou
right shoulder. Hauge uour Hardman.
Koyso, Auron, Heppuer, Or-Horses, plain V on
left Bhoulder; cattle, same brand rovereod no
ri;?ht hip und crop off riht our. llungo in Alor
row county.
K(ieh Uros., Heppnor, Or.-Horses lirundod II
on the right shoulder; cuttle, IX on the left nip.
crop oil left cur and dewlnp ou neck. Hange u:
M orrow nud adjoining counties.
est, William, Kitlgo, Or.-lloraoe H on
left shoulder; cattle, H on left hip, crop oil
right ear, underlm on left ear. rtheep. II on
Sff'":xf"lm,'or,''nriiIl. ear. Hauge (Ju.a
tliluund Morrow c iuiities.
Heiiney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horse,
branded A U on right shoulder; vent q,,rt
circle over brand; cattle same on nght hip.
liaiige Alerrow county. y
JT:-- Hi' L,"irJ,'ill'. Or H K connectec
and crop oil right eur and split in loft. Horses
Gni'iit'snd' d'l 1"U U"uMot- in W"w
II runt und (jilliani counties.
lteiitor J. W Heppuer, Or.-lorsos. JO .
left shoulder. Cattle, Oou right hip.
Spickiiull, J W., JGoo9eberry, Or.-Horses
count" ' Bh"ulJlri Morrow
Hailing, C O Hoppner, Or-Horses branded B A
on left shoidder; cattle same ou left hip.
Hwuggnrt, H. F., Lexington, Or.-Horses
with dash under it on left stifle; cuttle H with
'dBS 'i!"i 8r "." riBl-t hip, crop oft r glit ear" d
waddled on right hind fog. Range in Morrow
Gilliam and Umatilla counties. ""rrow,
bwuggart, A. L.,Athena. Or.-Hersoa branded 2
onettTtiJuretnirfeg011 ,6ft
fork in nghl ear. underbit in loft. ' Bwuliow
MpSir 3 ou
right stifle; cattle' horitsonS L oi the rSifsida
le gJJf ' M D
Hperry, E. G., Heppuer, Or. - Cattle W C
.hoSder f"Ll"erpr'se'0r--11''rses, C-on left
onhtlefiimlrderf caWine SLh
crop oil left ear and Vfght earTpped "ht hip
Wilson, Johu i Q Buiem or ,
SrrowtnnS?.nlh8 ,6ft 8,'o0'K
Horses same hran.! nn lf. i . r, rigor, ear.
Grantcouuti. " -oomuer. iiaugein
8 W
VrihL KilftR A ITut n . . .
Y on th riahtUir, "r: 'at.l.ie randed
d split in kit urop on ngUtear
shoulder- can e lime norsea, on left
tl.reetDffi!,& oUn,e,1as'hC:utfae0r,'
bit ii, both ears. ltangeeBho?rtJra.?dSlS?I
" WJuwartVf.S11.'. HePPner, Or.-Horses, CP
connected on lelt shouii.Sr. '
W atkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or.-lloriTes breaded
TJc. oonuecteo on left stino.
vyallace, Charles, Portland, Or.-Cattle, W on
right thigh, holt in lof t ear; horses, W ou right
shoulder, soint same on left shoulder.
Whittier bms nunungion, Baker Co.. Or.
Horses branded W B conneoteil ou left bhoohler
Williams, Vasco, ilnmuton, Or. Quarter cir
cle over throe burs on left hip, both cattle uiid
horses. Range Grunt count.
Williams, J 0. Long Crock. Or-Iiorses, qm.r
ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle san e
aud slit in each ear. ltanne in Grant connty
Y ten,
en, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses runningA
liuulder: Cattle, same ou right, hip.
on alio
ulker Elizabeth S Sous, Hardman Or -t
attle brauded (E W connected) EW on left
side, hersts same on right shoulder. J. W
S,.ker scuttle, some on left hip, horses same
ou left shoulder. All range In Morrow count.
I Jnng. J. Gooseberry. Or.-Hone. branded
Tt on the rujht snonlrt-