Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 13, 1894, Image 3

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soii'j lor lliuUinan, Monument, Long Creek,
Julm utty ana canyon Liiy, leaven as kdiows :
lively 'lay al 0 tt. in., except ftunuay.
.m m en every day alti Li. nel.ccul Monday.
llie eneanobi, tjuicaesi anu
friuii the interior euuiitry.
J. .1. UKUiVAN
Faill Colin, Agent.'
bent line to or I Center
Uive your business to Heppner people,
tiiui Iherejoie assist lo build up Hepp
ner. 1-uiiuuize those who patroume
go a.
Here and There.
Auction sale.
At J, W. Matlock's stcre,
Thumduy March, 15, 181)1.
Joe Woolery Bud wife were up from
lone Fining.
J. M. Hamblet whs in from
Baluiday luHt.
Deeds, mortgages, eto., exeouted
the Unzetto olhce.
J. W. Morrow left for Portland
Friday evening.
A. A. W ren will shortly move to bit
plaoe above town.
Dr. P. B. McSwords is quite ill at bis
home in Hepputr.
Arthur HiiiitU will aleau Hutches nt
the led 11 Ceil price ot $1,
(J. N. Peck, oi Hie Lmiugtuu couutry,
Was la tue ciiy iSiiliiidiiy.
John AilaiiiR, of Hardmnn, is the
Bucoemfiil ciuuliilute for stock inspector.
The Uepiuer-Ctinyon utmie hue is tlie
best, cbfHpest wid quickest to the in
terior. The ootmtry is so well Bonked tbitt a
pond orop would be bald to hiibs in
these purls.
A number of republicans contemplate
visiting tlie Oceil club at Douglas tomor
row uig t.
Hnuil's Pills uro the best after dinuer
Pills, assist dmestion, ouro headache.
Try a box.
If you want a good gnu or sewiuu
machine, couie to tlie Gazette ollioe and
we'll lit you out.
Those that have county scrip for sale
should call mi Ci-eiiige Conner lit The
first National Hunk. 2-tf.
The Gazelle will be sent to any ad
dresrt in 1 be United fcjiutcs till after
cnmpiiiirn fur DO cents. t
Wal blnnkn, plenty of them, ut the
(iiizitte i.tlice, and at world's prices.
Dismount!) on lure orders.
Green Mnthews bits opened up bis
bio ber eliop, next door to Hayes Bros
Shaves, eic, tin tup as usual.
Gnmi wliidkey, obeap and artificial.
Bend SI postal note for recipe. Address
j-ux 101, P. udleiou, Oregon, i 12
Every niiin who takes anj interest in
fast stock should subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, audits.
The Guzettu will take ouuuty scrip lit
fat e on subscription, and pay balance of
Biiruein cash Ht highest market price.
The Gazette office now ruos an in
surance and notarial tuop. Come iu
when you want to do your insuring sud
Dun Hire wan down from Hardman
Saturday last. Dan has been quite sick
for souie tuu pust, but is now able to
get around comfort' bly.
C'luntv oourt was iu session last week
with (JoinniieMoiier linker and Vlncenl
in nttei dunce. The prooeediugs will
appear iu Friday's issue.
Those who have brought iu various
kinds of supplies iu lieu ol cash, Bliouid
Dull around ut Urn ollicd and get credit
for Si.uie if not already given.
Pbotogr..pbB, $1.50 pur dozen, at Shep
paru'a, ground-Boor gallery, utxt door
south of Mottride'e wagou factory.
Nortu Main Bireet, tieppuer. 613
Eolio stnye leaves Heppner for Echo
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days. Fare, one way, 2.50. PuillOubu,
agent, A. Andrews, Prop.
Among the faithful in attendance at
the democrat io caucus last Friday, our
reporter nottd J A. Woolery, Jay Ball,
J. luckeep, J. J. McGee, J. 0. 1'buuip
sou auu J. O. Warmoth.
Kev. Baruaby and Mr. J.V. Orawtord,
tiiA luiter Hi'oomoauied by Mis. V.iwier
Crawford, who ill leinain at Wttitsburg
for a few weeks, departed for the upper
country Saturday evening.
The Gazette was entitled to the
courtesy of a full report from the secie
tary of the populist convention, but il
failed to maieiialize, and we bud to do
the best we oouid tor a report.
John Willinms, for several years n
Bheepherder iu this section, bus just
reciived notice that$30U0 bad been led
to bim by a"relative m the old country.
Very acceptable news these times.
Look out for bargains Bt Matlock's
auction sale at the Cash Baokei store
beginning Thursday next, March 15.
1894 and coutiuuiug from day to day
until the entire stook is olosed out.
Cook's Dead Shot squirrel poison, war
ranted tqnul to if not superior to Biiy on
the ma net. Manufactured by T. W.
Avers, Jr, Heppuer. For Bale by drug
gists, grocers and geneial dealers. 4lf.
To our customers Nn difference how
large or small your account is, oome in
and settle, either by cash or note We
must have one or the other to ennbe
us to siem the flood. Hayes Bros. 90. f
H. Blackinan returned borne from a
tour through the Willamette valley
Sunday morning and departed lasl
evening for Portland He expects to
assume the duties of colleotor tomorrow.
For the present, however, his family will
remaiu here.
Quite " delegation of our populis'
frieids were in Heppuer Saturday.
Among t'.iera we noticed many prominent
in thill circle who went home feeling
jubilant over tbe chances f:.-r sut-cess
in June, nuustqueui '"ii
the delu ion.
Kev. W. E. Potwine will hold divine
services at tbe M. E. church, S"iith,
Tbnr-day and Friday evenings next, at
7-30 p m. All are inviied. Tlie Con
firmation class will iilso meet nt the
home of Mrs. E. B. Buhop at 3:30 p.
m. each atieiuoon.
Conductor Dunn departed Saturday
night for Eilensbtue to attend the
funeral of a brother-in-law. whose death
or-ourred recently at that plaoe. D. J.
Harris, of The Dalles, who held down a
position on tbe braDcb line for a short
time about two years ago, Is here dur
ing Mr. Duju's abeeuoe.
Chamberlain's Coiil) Remedy gives
- - the best satisfactioc of any congli medi
cire I handle, and hs a seller lei ds ul
nn.narations in this market. 1
wl ir. Ii, cause it is tbe best
r.uolioiue I ever handled for conzhf.
e ihli and crouo. a. w. biih",
Miller-ville, 111 For sa'e by Slocum-Jobni-on
Drug Co.
The regular ubscriplion price of tbe
Cmi.UVeklv 0'iztle ishJ.oU
regular pno '
ip SI 50. Any
Gazette and p'
u-ublv Orei-'onian for S3
Biibscnb-rs paying
Eight Milk Club Mattebs. On
I Saturday Messrs. Johu lioyse. J. W.
Shipley, Will Mallory, L. W. Briggi and i
i Otis Putterson went out to Eight Mile
to attend the meeting ot tbe
Eight Mile Republican Club. Tbe
party reuobtd 'Squire Cliff Jones' about
6:30, p. ui., where much appreciated en
lertuiument for man and beast was pro
vided, arriving at the school bouse at 730
wherea good numberof .staunch republi-
I cans and populists were present. Among
Voruz, of Heppner. About 8 o'clock
President C. G. Fuqua oalled the meet
ing to order, and tbe secretary being
absent, E. P. Voruz was appointed
pro tern. After the usual order of ex
ercises were gone through with, various
persons were called upon to expatiate
on the grand principles of republicanism.
Several populists were invited to speak,
and availed themselves ot the oppor
tunity, but we believe made no con
verts in the ranks of the enthueiustio
g o. p. But one thing we must say for
Eight Mile, no better boats were ever
fuuud anywhere, regardless of political
aliiliattons. They have the Binoere
I hunks ot the entire party of visitors for
the rpleudid entertainment during their
brief stay. You will find Eight Mile
people kiud hud boBpituble in ever particular.
Saved Our Boy
A Clergyman's Statement
Constitutional Scrofula Entirely
(i .f vP
-as. f X)
hk Ta'i :'riWntP .
Diimockatio Committeemen Meet.
Pursuant to call tbe democratic central
committee met last Friday. The pro
ducts were represented as follows: Hepp
ber. Joe Williams; Gentry, J. W. Mor
row; Mt. Vernon, Tom Morgan; Wells
Mprings, J. O. Warmoth; Lena, T. J.
Matlock; Lexington, J. C. Thompson;
Eight Mile, J. Iuskeep; Dairy, J. J.
MoGee; Dry Fork, Jay Ball; Pine City,
; lone, J A. Woolery; Alpine, G.
W. Vincent; MaltcBon, J. C. Kirk; Cecil,
Ed Hollow ay. After discussion it was
decided that their representation shoa'd
be based on the vote of W. L. Bradshaw,
one delegate at large, one delegate for
every 15 votes and fraction over one half.
This would make tbe representation lis
follows: Heppner, 9; Mt. Vernon, fi;
Gentry, 5; Wells Springs, 2; Lena, 3;
Lexington, 2; Eight Mile, 3; Dairy, 4;
Dry Fork, 2; Pino City, 2; lone, 5;
Alpine, 2; Matteson, 3; Cecil, 3; Total
51. Tbe county convention will be
held April 10, and it is recommended that
the primaries be held April 7th.
A Good Listenisb. Internal Revenue
Collector Henry Blaokman arrived in
town Wednesday to listen to the various
applicants for this deputysbip. He suc
cessfully played tbe role of Spbynx
uutil 9:30 in the evening, when be left
tor Heppner. He oame, be saw, but he
said not a word to give hope to any of
the hungry and thirsty. Mr. Blackman
got through the day with much less
near and tear than many of those who
were pressing their olaims for appoint
ment, tie is highly accomplished in
the art of listening. If any of those
seeking an appointmeut did not get his
ear yesterday il was their own fault,
lie is extrmuly obliging and polite in
lending thatorgan to those invoking bis
aupoiutive favorB. He was busily en
gaged during tbe entire day in re
ceiving tbe many petitions, and several
lively incidents are reported to have oc
curred. He was accompanied by Senator
Matlock, of Pendleton, who is still in
tbe city. Walla Walla Union.
Club at Lena. Ou last Saturday
eveuiug, Messrs. J. W. Vaughau and J(
F. Willis, assisted by Jerry Brosnan,
the republican wheel-borae of Lena
precinct, organized a republican club ot
twelve members, with many more
pledged to join, making in all between
twenty-five and thirty. It is officered as
fulluws: Jerry Brosnan, Pres.; W. A.
Anderson, Vice PrtB.; Alec Cornett,
Seo'i ; Mike Kenny, Treas.; G. D,
Anderson, John Waddell and Dan Hirl,
Executive Committee. The remaining
members who signed the roll are: Phill
Hirl, i. A. Johnston, C. Thompson, W.
G. HyLd and C. Charlton. Messrs.
Vaugban, Willis and Brosnan opened
up when the time came with rattling
ringing, republican speeches. This
club starts out bright and prosperous,
being effloered and manned by as loyal
a crew as eyer piloted a republican
oraft to tbe port of victory.
A severe rheumaiio pain in the left
shoulder had troubled Mr. J. H. Loper,
a well known druggist of Des Moines,
Iowa, for over six months. At times the
piiu was so severe tbat he rould not
lift au thing. With all he oould do he
o uhl not get rid of it until be applied
Cbainberlai i's Paia Balm. "I only
made three applications of it," be says,
"And have smoe been free from all
pain." He now recommends it to per-
0. 1. Hood & Co., Lr-weil,
"Osntlemen: Wishing tot !:
laparllla has done for ns, I
ago we had t en itlTul ens iv
about six iim.it' s .! 1 u? i o
Everything that !. tw:i :
In such cases w:is ue - i. II'
all to no benefit. Al li.e
breathed his last. Tims wo . . .
Our Darling C!
In tlie grave, tin Au. 4. i. i,
born unto u;i. A t, 1 he n; v ol t,v. i .i
came afrlicteit with thp - :une (M-vs;
the boy's trouble was constilutin:
common sore mouth. 1 pi-.te i.-eil
r i' rood's Sar
i hat 3 years
i to us. When
sn.e mouth.
:v.' il romeiiics
. ;i ,U. tills but
:i r.i inii: he
i -tin r boy was
.lo.itiis lie be
rsc. 1 believed
al, an not
a hut lie ot
Hood's Sarsaparilla and couinentv.t to give it
regularly to both mother and hat y, and occa
llonly washed his mouth with a syrup of buck
brushroot. Improvement lieg'tn'atouee. "Ws
have succeed in eradicating tlie serot'ulous blood
from tlie system and to-day we are blessed with
a nice, fat baby boy, eighteen months old. lie
li the very
Picture of Health,
all life and full of mischief thinks to Hood's
Sarsaparllla. I am a minister in the Methodist
Protestant church. I am here to back what I
ay and 1 am in no way interested in any profit
In the matter, except it affords me much pleas
ure to recommend Hood's Sarsaparllla to all as
a safe, sure remedy. Even my wife, altel
taking Hood's became healthy and fleshy and
has the bloom of girlhood again. We have used
only three bottles, but I keep it in the house."
Kev. J. M. Pate, Brookline Station, Missouri.
N. B. Be sure to get Hood's and only Hood's.
Reserved fo' McFarlantl Mercantile Co.
Closing out the entire stock of
Boots and Shoes
of the old firm of M. Liehtenthal & Co., at
Cost for Cash-
Call and Secure a Good Bargain.
Hood's Pills eure Constipation by rentor
tug the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal
From San Francisco to other pointB in Call
for n la will bo allowed purchasers of special
Midwinter Fair tickets at the following round
trip rates:
To stations'under 150 miles from Sun Fran
cisco, one and one-third one way fare.
To stations ISO miles or more from Sun
Francisco, ono and one-fifth one way fare.
For exact rates and full information inquire
of J. B. Kirkland, Dist. Pafs. agent at 134 FirBt
St., Portland, Or., or address the undersigned.
Gen. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt.
San Francisco, Calif.
E. P. ROGERS, A. G. F. & V. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
Yes, there are many of them.
Some very good, enme bail.
Bail dru.B arc poisonous,
Also of no value w hatever.
Pure drugs are great helps,
And these aloue should be
Used in compounding.
We claim to keep in stock
The purest drugs made.
To oompound them skillfully,
To prepare prescriptions quiokly.
To charge for them reasonably.
Who can do better than thiB?
Hornor & Warren.
Not only onoe, but again and again. They know that from us they always get
full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell tbe best is ex
plained. The "best" brings people back, holds custcm, makes ns friends,
and so establishes oar trade. We want you to have some of our
friendly bargains in Dry Qoods, Groceries, Glotbiog, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general
merchandise store. Come in and see us, everybody.
-Hep toiler, Oregon
PHIL. COHN, Proprietor.
Land Patents
Laud patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time.
Contested Cases
Contested cases intelligently and skillfully handled.
Old Claims and Disputes
Old claims and disputes speedily settled.
Between individuals bavine conflicting olaims uurier the agricultural land
laws, sod those between olaimiints under the Mineral Laws and agricultural
nloiniAnta: ami al-jn hfltween claimants under any of the public land laws and the
Kailroad companies and their grantees, and the states and their grantees, under
tue Swamp-Land and School-Land Grants.
Specialty made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers
who have complied with tbe laws under whioh their entries were made, and who
are annoyed and worried by delays in the issue of their patents, caused by Trifling
Irregularities wtnoli can be easily ana Bpeeuny removea.
Aitome nlon criven in all matters re atine ta the Diib 10 lands, especially on
points arisiug under tbe new laws which have been recently passed providing for
the disposal of the public domain.
If you want vour land patent in a hurry if you want your land business, of
any charaoter, attended to by skilllul and competent attorneys, and promptly HIS'
posed of, write to
John Wedderburn, Gen. Man.,
P. 6, poiiQPgoi? go,
Uaving put their business upon a tem
porary cash basis, Call Attention to
the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur
chasing Power than ever before known in
We must get our stook into money, and profits are do objeot when the money
ooraes in sight. Shake your oash at us and see us tumble.
1 1 a w
Ik My ktilute
For the Cure oA
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It is located at Forest Grove, Or.,
Tlie Most Beautiful Town on the Coast,
Call at the Gazktte office for particular!.
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and eurt
Onr Third Party Friends Meet and Choose
a Connty . Ticket.
The populists met Saturday last to
choose their tioket for contest in June,
sous sitnilailv afflicted. It is for sale
by Slooum-Johnson Drug Co.
Kip's Wood Vakd. The
wood ynrd, under the manaeement of
Kip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residence, sawed or un
snwed. Wood sawed and delivered at
87.00 tier cord. Wood sawed twice in
two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, $1.00.
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan Howard's. 4-tf.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok. a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just located in the Abraham
Bioi' enilding, on May street, where be
is prepared to do eveiy thing in his line.
VI Birbeck is strictly a first-olass work
man and warrants all work. Give him a
oall. 14wtf
Land Fok Sale. 480 aores over in
Wilson prairie. A good Block ranch an.,
will be sold cheap. Call at GhzeMe
office for particulars and terms
Gid ffBtt baa now established a ton
sorial parlor, at tbe Matlock buildiDg
next door to Simons' blacksmith shop
where he invites the patronage of bis old
ouetnmers nnrl all who desire strictly first
Hnss work, shaving, Bhnmpooingana nair
outtiug at liviDg prices. Don't overlook
T. O. Box, 385.
Washington, D. 0.
BDd the
f the Weekly Oreaoman
,,,. putivrribirig for the
iing for one year in arl-
b'lh the (lazette ami
All olrt
their piihsorip'ions
will be entitled
At Abrabamsick's. In addition to rHS
tailoring business, he has added a fine
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
shirts, hoeierv. etc. Also has on band
some elegant patterns for suits. A.
Abrahamsick. May street. Heppner, Or.
and exhibited their enthusiasm by send
ing in a full delegation.
In the forenoon temporary organization
was effected by choosing E. B. Stanton
as temporary ohnirman and L. W.
Lewis, seoretary. These were after
wards aiade tbe permauent officers of the
The convention assembled at a season
able hour alter dinner Bnd put in noui-
nation the following tioket: B. F.
Heppner King, reprpsentative; Joe Hayes, sheriff;
C. M. Hogue, clerk; Mis Ada Coulee,
school superintending W. B. Ewing,
assessor; Joe Gibpur, treasurer; W. B.
Gilliam, commissioner; Chas. Ingraham,
surveyor; J. 15 Nunamaker, coroner.
This was all accomplished without much
friction exoept in ti e ense of county
treasurer. J. L. Yeager, of Heppner,
bad been elate for the plum, and
though on the second vote he Bhnwed
sufficient strength to nominate him, Mr.
Gibson having previously declined, an
other vote was taken, Gibson having
changed his mind and the latter was
nominated by a goodly vote.
Considerable enthusiasm was shown
during the work of the convention,
though, with a few exceptions, the
ticket is not as strong as the party might
hBve put in the field. Out in the
Eight Mile eection, the populists wi're
in (avor of Gen, CoRin for repreaen.
tative, and considerable disappointment
was expressed that be was not celected
in the plaoe of Mr. King.
Most ol the delegates lived at a
distance from town and being in a
hartf. to get away, no ratification m eet
ing waS held on Saturday evening, as
has longbeen tCeonstom of nominating
OF )The voting how to choose the best one to marry ;(.
COURSEiThe married how to be happy in marriage; (
)The fond parent how to have prize babies j ( ONL
)Tho mother how t -s have them without pain ; (AGENT
)The childless how to bo fruitful and multiply; ( SOLD
)The curious how they " growed" and came to be ;( 42
Vrhe hearth how to enjoy life and keep weE; (AND HE
)Tho invalid how to tret well again speedily;
YThfi iinnriiflimt how to reeitin wasted energy.
OUGHT ) All who want knowledge that is of most wortb.
TO )'Find it in Dr. Foote's " Plain Home Talk,
KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates : 200 1 .
READ Reduced from $3.25 to $1.50; circulars frtC.
P. II. T. )Mnrray Hill flock Co., 129 E. 28th St., N - VC"'
( $1,100
Tie Enterprise Bakery ai Grocery Store
On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. Tbey will keep on band a full liae of
Groceries and Provisions.
A full line of obnioe Pies, Ciiken and Bread ; in feet t vervthinjr that ia
usually kept in a first-class bakery store. They will sell cheap foi cash. Call ana
try them. sw
Out for
Cash Bargains
' -.J
Etc., Etc.
Trust Busts
have A D180KDKKKD LIVKR, -
you 8U FFHR DlBTltESS alter eating, 1
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
A. W.
AGENT One of tne Uot In the WorW
Re ter on 650 i ores of land in Kliek
itHt Co.. Whsu. Good houae, barn, and
plenty of water, Six milns to market.
!)tf. Heppner, Or.
Choice Seeds
Fruit Trees
Thereis nrt hchms for y mm to ep
pear in socle h V "
Hince the introduction of Buokiimhnm a
Dye, whioh colors" natural hn.wu or
black. v
nd Retail. Catalogue
Free. Addresa
jaii2o-3rrj sw
Walla Walla, Wash.
Don't sicken people with that bad
breath. Take Simmons Liver Keu
lator to sweeten it.
H. W. Adams, de-
1 comity of Morrow, RtHte of Oregon
J. A. Woolery, plalnllir,
To rt. W. Ailamn, defendant. In ttie name ol
the Mate ! Oregon: Von are hereby required
tu appear and answer the complaint Hied
imnli.Bt you in ihe above untitled action on or
heloretlie first day of the next regular term
ol the uliove-eutllU d court, to-wlt: The 'A day
of March. lx'JI. And It you fall so to answer,
for want thereof the plalnlllf will take Jurtir
nicnt aioiliist you for the sum of two hundred
o.iriv.f,v nl MHventcen one-hundredths
lollais, v,llh interest thereon from the 19 day of
Disease commonly comes on with alight symptoms, which when negleoted in
crease in extent and gradually grow dangerous.
Ripans Tabnles aot gently, but promptly, upon tbe liver, stomach and intes
tines; cleanse tbe system effectually ; oure dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offens
ive breath and headache. One Tabule taken at tbe first ndioation of indigestion,
biliousness, distress after eating or depression of spirits will surely and quiokly
remove the whole difficulty.
Ripans Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best
physioians, and are presented in tbe form most approved by modem science.
If given a fair trial Ripens Tabules are an infallible cure; tbey oontain nothing
injurious and are an economical remedy.
One gives relief.
A quarter-gross box will be sent, postage paid, on receipt of 75 cents by the
wholesale and retail agents,
Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules if requested to do so.
They are Easy to Take, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's BilL
January 1KI4 at the rate of ten per cent, pi
annum' until pnld. For the sum ixty-fl;
Sauxn.pl Fr on.
Application, to t3a.m Slp&23.a Co.,
"STorJe City.
dollars attorney's fee and lor his costs ana ais
bursemenU. 'I his summons is served by puhlicatlon, by
order ol W. L. Hradshaw, circuit Judije of the
heventh Judicial District of the Utate of OreKOll,
shIu order was made on the M day ol January,
""4' J. N. BROWN.
203-10 Attorney lor Plaintiff.
3llis, DflWSOIl Xj Lyons,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
for one year in advance
jo tbe same offer.