o HIE ffljip TO SELL YOU ji -.-, One of the Best Pieces of Lai.d in Morrow County.- - - CTTND 1 60 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of wbicli deeded InnJ there are 110 acres f;o d fanning land, nnd the 1 e.liuiee A 1 i nstnre. Tlie deeded lund hns a good spring of water ou it, all under yi. fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman. Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, S800. ANO STIIL ANOTHER. Deeded ranch, 100 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good rustler can pay for it with first cmp raised on it. Reason for selling, owner lives in the East and has no use for it. ANOTHER BARGAIN. Good, deeded ranoh, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms. For farther information cull at our office. ESSIES PAKSRSOM JTOO. Give your business to II eppner people and therefore assist to build up H epp ner. Patronize those who patronize We hoM each and evory oorrBspondent re Bpoiifllble for his or her communication. No correspond!; nee will be published unless the writer h reul name la signed as au evidence of good faith. Announcements. FOR JOINT SENATOR. At tire earnest solicitation of nay friends, I liave decided to beoome a onndidHte for joint senator, for the counties of Harney, Grant aud Morrow, subject to tbe will of the convention for the senatorial diatriot, April 11, 1894. J. N. Brown. MAINE'S PROPHECY. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. Tlirnuub the solicitation of my friends, I wish to inform the republicans of Morrow county, that I will offar myself be ore the republican ouimty convention as a oimdiduto for representative. J. 8. BoOTHBY. Lexington, On , Ftb. 28, lh'94. I hereby atiuoiinoe myself ns a can didate for representative, ntibjeot to the will of tbe republican nominating con vention, March 24, 1894. Otis Patterson. FOR SHERIFF. At the request of my friends of Mor row oouuty I have docided to allow my name to be used as a candidate for sheriff subjeot to the decision ot the repnblioau nominating convention. March 24, 1894. Anduuw Hood. Among tbe possibilities for sheriff, I desire to be considered subject to the decision of the repnblioan nomination convention, March 24, 1894. A. A. Roberts. FOR TREASURER. Beiu i,fllioted with the otllee itch, aud desiring to finger iu the oounty fuuds, I hereby nuuounoe myself a candidate for the olllce of county treasurer subject to the pleasure of the- regular republi can county convention. L. V. Bi iggs. FOR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT By tbe request ot my friends, I have decided to become aoaudidatefor oounty school superintendent, subject to the will of the republican convention, March, 24, 1894. J. W. HlIII'LKY. I desire to announce myself as a candidate for school superintendent Htinjectio me decision oi the republican nominating convention, March 24, 1894 Am n teacher of 12 years experience iu Oregon. John F. Koyhb. The following portion of one of James O. Blame's speeches is now reoalled, which reads like a prophecy. I love my country and my country men. I am an American and rejoice every day ot my life that I am. I eu jny the general prosperity of my ooun try, aud know that the workingmen of this country are tbe best paid, bent fed aud best olotbed of any laborers on the (ace of the earth. Many of them have homes of their own. They are surround ed by all the oomforts and many of the luxuries of life. I shudder, however, at tbe thought that the time must oonie when all this will be changed. When the general prosperity of the country will be destroyed, When the great body of workingmen in this land, who are uow bo prosperous, wili hear their wives sad ohilderu cry for bread; that the day must come when the great factories and manufactories of this lund will be shut down, and where there ia now life and activity there will be tbe silence of the tomb. And the reason why this must be is this: The great southern wing of the demooratia party are determined to establish the doc trine of fr ee trade in this land. They will be assisted by their northern allies. The fluht is now on. There is a great body of visionary but eduoated men who are employed day by day in writiug free trade essays and arguments in fuvor of that doctrine, whiou find their way to every demooratia paper in the land. The great body of our people have never experienced, themselves, the suiTenugs whioh always result when the nroteotive prinoiples are laid aside. Poisoned and excited by tbe wild statements of these writers aud demagogic aprjeals of demo crats speakers, the result will be that iu the near future these forces whioh are now working will be stioug enough to defeat at the polls tbe party advo cating the doctrine of protection. It must ineyitably follow that uuoertaiuty and doubt will ensue. The business men of the country, fearing the de struction, will deoline to engage in busi ness, consequently mills will shut down and the workingmen will be thrown out of employment. The people will then see, as they have never seen before, that tbey cannot be prosperous and have work while this principle is threatened, Iu the midst of this suffering tbey will learn that the only way that they can be prosperous and happy is to vote for the party that bas built up tie in dustries by which they have gained iiveuuoou; oecause tney will tben see clearly that when tbe manufactory is shut down there is no demand for the only thing which they have to sell, nod that is their labor. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the First National Bank at Hepp ner, in the State of Oregon, at the Clone of Business, Feb, 2$, l'ui. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $l:i0,8-.1.15 Overdrafts seou red and unsecured l,127.f4 U. S. Bonds to seoure circula tion 12.509.00 Premiums on U. S. bonds l.AMl.Oll Stocks, Hecnriti . etc 4,89'j 38 Banking-house furniture and fixtures 3,849.14 Due from National banks (not reserve agents) 1 ;!!!" C I Due from Approved reserve agents 2,1.!.99 Ohecks and other cash items 84.09 Notes of other National Banks 20J.O0 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 17. ofl LAWFUL MONEY RE:-KRVE IN HANK, VI: Specie ll,99S.fjO Legal-'encler notes 40.09 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation) ,"62 50 Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid iu Surplus fund Undivided profits ln-s expen ses aud taxe cei l National Bank Notes outstand ing Due to other National Banks. . Due to State Banks and bank ers Individual deposits subject to check 23.232.!)0 Demand certificates of deposit 48.2-io.42 Time certificates of deposit l,2.r.49 .$170,275.69 . 850.000.00 . 12.000.00 22,020.80 11,250.(10 1.0S2H 1,1.12.97 Total ?170,275.C9 State of Okeoon, ) County op Morrow, 9S 1, Ueorge (Jonsnr, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement ih true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Geo. Conker, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 10th day of March, 1894. K L FliERT.AND, Notary Pnblio tor Oregon. Correct Attest: J B. Natter, Frank Kellogg, O. A. Rben, Directors. THE MONOUHAPH. for one Dollar and Your This Subject. Opinion on OitiiiiON was never bettor represented than she is uow in both branohes o congress. Both Dolpb and Mitchell are able statesmen, aud bold command iug positions in the councils of the natkiu. In the lower house, Hermann and Ellis are iudefatignble workers aud keep oureful watch over Oregon's interests. Times-Mountaineer. In this issue, a populist, formerly t republican, explains that his party as i parly, should be for protection for pro tectiou's sake. That is all right, but it is on record as a free trade party, and their record in congress proves it. If a populUt wants protection for any reason whatever, he should go back to the party of protection and stay with them to victory. This is the great issue, becaufe of democratic promises aud tariff tinker iug the couutry is well nigh ruined. A large per Cfnt. of republicans are bi iuetallists, and it is growing in favor. Tbe tariff question once decided by the overwhelming viotory of "Jli, then the matter of finance can be dealt with. As it is, the populUts are getting the cart before the borne, for with free trade, or anything approaching it, we can put all the good money of the world iu the United States an I it will go out about as fast as it is brought in. Tha end, of course, w ill come and then nothing but bankruptcy will follow. Let protection ists get together bih! work for the com mon good. '.Vhat is the best Monetary system for the United States? This is the greatest problem confronting the Amerioan people. It is the intention of the pub lishers that "The MontiizrnDh" shall ooutaiu tbe best thought of the nation on this question. The reoognized lead era in all political parties have been oailed upon to contribute plaus for their ideal Monetary System. But not content with this, we are determined to embody iu the same volume the opinions of thousands of the "Great Common People," and to that end we will allow two dollars on the price of the book for your solution, of this problem, expressed iu not more than 800 words. The Mono graph, the beft modern work on Mone tary Systems, will be sent to any address on reoeipt of S.'i.OO. It is a book that will interest aud instruct, bih! is des tined to become a giant factor in shap ing the future monetary system of the uation. The Monookafh Publishing Company, Room 44, German Am'n B'k Building St. Paul, Minn. Reference by permission, Nat'l Oer Am'n Bauk. tf "I've tried all sorts of blood purifiers,'' aid an o!d huly to a "cutter," and yon can't persuade me that any other Sarsn .parillu is as good as Ayer's " There's when she had him. She knew that Ayer's was the best and so did he, but it paid him better to sell cheaper brand. l".'u() FARM AND STOCK RANCH. It will take only 8812 to buy it ; 480 acres, aU acres plow land; one-half mile running water. Improvements 40 acres fenced, 15 acres cultivated, 5 houses and stable, spring and minor improvements. Adapted to farm iug, sheep aud hograimug. An extensive sheep range joining to Rock oreek. Terms: 8110 down; remainder on loug time. Location: On county road, two and one-half miles west of Rood bill, Eiiiht Mile, Or. 320 acres for 510. or JflUS for ownership in ItiO acres sohool laud or will exchange for two good horses. Original cost of sobnol land 8.120. Apply at Heppner Gazette office Heppner Oregou. 19il-tf-sw. Hood's anil only Hood's. Are you weak and weary, overworked and tired? Hood's Sarsaparilla is just he medicine you need to purify and quicken your blond Bnd to give yon appetite aud strength. If you decide to take Hoods Sarsaparilla do not be induced tu buy any other. Any effort to substi tute smother remedy is proof ot tbe merit of Hood's. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the National Bank of Heppner Heppner, in the State of Oreyun at the elose of bn.iiness', Feb SS, ISM. at RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $ 82,818.42 Overdrafts secured and unse cured 1,202.82 U. S. bonds to secure circula tion 12.500 00 Premiums on U. S. Blinds 1.000 00 Stook securities, etc 3.G3189 BankiughoiiHe, furniture, & fix. 2,509.30 Due from National Banks (not Reserved Agents) 1,096.80 Due from state batiks and bankers 4H3 50 Due from approved reserve agents fi 090 71 Checks and other ensh items. . 103 52 Notes of other National Banks 50.00 Fractional paper currency, nicltles, nml oeuts 21.72 LAWFUL MONEY RKHP.KVK IN BANK, VIZ: Specie $2.800 40 Legal-tender notes. . . 200.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation) 3,009.45 502.50 Total S115.6S9.03 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 8 50,000 00 Surplus fund H.fjOiUK) Undivided profits, less expen ses aud tHXes paid (i.53ii l2 Nut. Bank notes outstanding.. 11,25000 Due to other Nat. bunks 21)9 50 Dividends unpaid 25.00 Individual deposits subject to cheok 2a.23t 71 Demaud certificates of deposit 1 877 00 Bills payable, 15.t4W.00 Totaii 115,GS9.63 O TATE OF UltEOON, I , County op Morrow, J ss' I, Ed. R. Bishop. Cashier of the nbnve nnmed bank, do solemnly swear that the nbive statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. i.i. K. Iishoi Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of Maich 1894. Otis Pattkrion. Notary Public for Oregon. Correct Attest: Wm l'enl nil. () R Famsworth, P. C. Thompson, Directors. "Perhaps you would not think so, but a very large proportion of diseases in flew lorn, comes irom car leanness about catching cold," says Dr. Syrus Edsou. "It is such a simple thing and so com- niou that very few people, unless it is a case of pneumonia, pay aoy attention to ii cold. New York is one of tlie health iest places on the Atlantic coast and yet there are a great many cases of catarrh and consumption which have- their origin in this neglect of the simplest precaution of everv day lif,i. Tbe most sensible advice is, when you have one get rid of it aa soon as possible. Hy nil means Ho not neglect I'KUTIXKNT T:l Till-: I'KOl'l.i:'," PA li 1 V. For the- l'onj'h 'i I'.trly i nlnm-i. For the br-nt-ti! of your many roaO-Ts. we wish to Lfieflti a few facts from vr-.-ll known authors for the purjtoeo of rlrnw ing up tbo rc.il pliarisdi-r f the potpVs par y, TImio li:te hcen an many uu warranted i-taum-'a's chatting r.s as n party tut!) u jibing to split U,e re pulj!ie:ij party tiial the oom .(::. itir parly nifc'lit one:- more como to the front, that we deem ii bigiilv important tliM the voting element r-!i mid imo-- the ground wi; occupy. hile t h" v riU t-indorses tl:'.' Omai.a plalf. im in lull, Le oti'y uirhts theit were two more planks naiicd down solid upon which to stand, trr.iue.v, tiiriiffor -rots ciion's sake and pro'rioiti. n for the pake of lire protection of the people, especially as a Kifeyuard for the ri.sing jenemtion etui the women. wu have no suy in our eleclioi s, but are belli amenable to our Jans. 'J.'hcs.- se 'timcnts may not ho enilorstil by nil. and especially at the first, glance it riots nol look so when wo take into account the vote cast by the party in (tie h ni.-.p on the Wilr-oi biil. but we believe the vote was cast iu favor of that bill only lor the put pose of lowering tho demo. emtio party in the estimation of tiiu people; we can hut denounce the vote, though they were not commute. I in :lieir platform while democracy was, but such a vote catts opprobrium on tho cause they represent. ' Jbut li. order to show the people that we art a party do no!, endorse any part of tbe uiiigttuinp dt-njocracy we qn-.to Irom Advance Thought, a paper wenll endorse. Speaking i f democracy it Bays, "It has the preside!!', the eougross, tho stnahi and the supreme court ail filled with lis emissaries and j in, units anil now is fan tilling the poor bouses, the soup houses, the afcylums and the streets " itli the viulims of tlie tinnncinl mid political miscarriages of the woiet quack doctors of finance and legislation this country evor hud." Again the same paper aays, "Toe mote a man kno.re ot the linaiicifii iiiisnuih.-nja ment of this country at the hands of both tho old parties the more he kicks and the more he feels like kicking himseif." 8ucl) statements show that our party in nol endeavoring to lift either of the old parties into power, but firmly believes iu the principles of the platform we endorse, not wishing to silotract from it, bill would rather add planks containing principles of broadening philauthrophy jnstastt party claiming the patronage of the people should do. One may generally judge n party hy the out-spoken expressions of tbeir leading organs. However, like all new enterprises of a political nalure, out tarty is besieged hy a claes of nil herenta which are a disgrace to any philanthropic move such as those who are anxious for war without countiug tho oost either iu blood or mortality, llut we steadily deny that the influential leaders of the patty have any suoh orrjeui in view, out ill tn at the main taining of the national integrity ami the gin.ral upbuilding of the bent interests of all the people. Hencj our leading authors advocate the tariif for protection's sake, though t-,ey do not believe that protection ought to bo so bih us to build up the interests of one man, to the detriment of the maesvs. We do not believe the t.uitl' to l,e the great issue upou which hinges American pr si erny, out we uelieve that financial legislation hits done more toward pro (Inning hard times than all other is.-nvs put together, though we are frank iu admitting that tariff tinkering has contributed its share. "In 1831 Gun. Jackson in iiis mesj;:ge congratulated the country upon its gronth in mnnufaotuios, agriculture and commerce aud thei xivsa of r. venues over expenditures bid been for that year 813 0.10,0 0. Dnri,,, ,.; tjis time the country was nuil.-r bimetal!: -m, Rr:l,l and silver both having I, en f.fv coined and both beimr of frill I. ... r tender since the openir.gof the mint in 1792." Ami duriug this time the country was mirier reasonable tariff, but tbstai.il was cut so 1 ov as t toreigu goods ou our mirkets, then gold and si'ver was soon taken from the oonntrv, because the output of our mines wouiri not supply the d.-r.ru U These things teach ns to snj n neither gold nor silver, hot Iter p tl.r as full legal tender and look well fo " WORTH A GUINEA A BOX." i COVERED WITH A TASTELESS AND SUl.t lll.E COATlXO. A VY0ND:R7U'. MEDICINE FOR Intlhfrnttnn, Want of Appetite, Futtnetffl ;ter mviiih, t timitints, HicHm-M of the Mtntmrti, JitlioHH or J,irer pi n hi tn. Sick nvmlavhe,VoM CItillH, J 'tushhnjsof llvat, Loirnrttttof' $2ir- tis, una .m jyeriwHs Affections, To euro thnsft rntiml.iints wn mnflk remove Mlio cjinsrt. Tho iriii'ipnl rmise in KBiitrnllv to he found in tip Mmutich and llverl put nt'fVo itr,fm riihl ,ht oil irill he trrtl. From y tn four i'illa iwicp fi rinv for & short time will rmiiove tin evil, nml rftstore thu sufferer i) to sound ftiia lasting iienltb. J Of all drupcriHts. Price 2S cents a box. 2 Oow York rViKit. Pniifil rtt. DBi's ! II VNW-HOOK OP IIEAIiTII HINTS AND READY RECIPH,. a very vali---llo book that gives a great amount of Information of tha I tmnrt FOOTE'S 1 Is tbo title of a very vali --lilo noon mat given a great amount or Informal on of tho i-..J 1 r.- !....!,. ..-.a.,.. Iliulr .nOltf Imhlta nt V,iHn Tl1..lrn.. l. ... . IT T!:i.I.S Allot T What to Eat, Influence of Tlants, Pnrnsltes of the Skin, Care of Toetli How to Kat It, Orwupallon for Invalids, Hatlihig-lleat Way, Aftor-Dlnnur Nnrin Things to J)o, Alcohol as a food, aud a l.uniis uud Luntr DlHeasos, Klfeots of TolmcVn Things to Avoid, Jieiili.-lne, How to Avoid Them, Cure for IliternDi'Sn Verlts of Summer, Srrper-lhious Hair, nothing, What to Wear, Hoatlaehe, Causn How to HriKiIhe, Hemovinu Sumo, How Much to Wear, To Get Hid of LI ' Drurirers of Klsslinr, Hestorlnif the lirnwncd, t'otitarrloua Diseases, Malarial Affecti.,,,.' Overheating Uouse3, Pveventinij Ncur-Siglitwl- llow to Avoir! Thorn, Croup-to Provunt.' r, Knot tire s 1 1 . 1 1 anil 1'or 1 .J -V.i, vmi: X'tll'li A lo alor it Inn i!iiH-i Hie eorre '1 Iris J ; .- t day ( 1 '!! TIIK Cr-rl'NTY .oaay, plainttlf, . . .tilinnrr, ile- l i thi ii'inre of lo-j-i'i'V i-.-ijiiirt-it . in;;,l,-.iiit Illerl till ru-tina on or r rcrralnr terra of ! : 'l ue 'Jli ilrry rrf -o tn n new i'i', for I OHO' .iiiiluoni'lit i I'.-oiOy-lniir unit "f-. '.'illl illtl'l'l-Nt i.i-.rt- i,i nt tire a mull pul'l. For ios alio, n iy 'a I'uo I'n'i: is v palilii'iilina tiy nir jinlac ol' the i' -!iji' oi llrenou ilny ol' .liiiiiiiu-y, X. HU'IWN. i-y ior riniiitii)'. ft'ulive. KN. THAT I.KT- ine estate of eiv tTl-nnri'rl trr i f Keli. IWI, In-oi-iihv (-utility. All niit said estate arc o rue inr iillrnviinee, t H utter Cre-.'k, Mor 'iilis al ter tire date of il tie forever barred. IM.1AM K. ttiATT, Adiiitliixlriilor. IT TELLS MOW TO CURE Black Eyes, Dolls, Burns, Chlllblalns. Cold Toot iw Coughs, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dandruff, Dyspepsia, Earache, Felons PetS Feet, Freckled, Headache Hiecout'li, Hives, Honrsenoss, Itchiujr, Inflamed Breasts, Ivy PolmnlnL Moles, Pimples, Piles, ltheumntisrii, lilnsworm, Snorlnir, Htummorlnir, Sore Byes, Sore Momf' Sore Nipples, Soro Tlrroat, Sunstroke, Stings aud Inseet Bites, Sweating Foet, Toothache Dlro Warts, Whooping Couth, Worms tu Children. IT WILL SA VK 1OOTOUS BILLS. tWAIl new mmseriliera ami preriipt retrr-walfl rlnringtlip raontb of Mar, will be prepensed with n free copy of this asi a premium, "i. tioiicejo Sheepshearers. H'H'E IS IISitHIH- 1IIVKN THAT TUB IwlitKn-ri "f Mi.i n.-.v i-niiiity, nml thnae de iK io n:l,li;iic h iili v.rll aicut nt ,e I. ua r-n l r i rrluy , Mureli in., lor tiie purpose of itii'ii uf slieepsiit'.irerrr. ti'iilk-iu!. ti I vil. iu 1 ,.;.. I ln'ili-'Hiiili- roi oim .1 11 slieart r;: are in t'lll'i I ,-'.I!Y. when ;.iiu,;t n our It. llr. El Sim uues not ten yon now io enre a oolil tint retmonn hie or ,te,-tivB i,ii,. ira II T..l. ll I l .... I .' iit. inriti v-uaiuoer art h i.ool' i nemetiy. it win relieve the Iiiih'o. n il expeotoratiuii, open the seoretino ami oon effeot a perinanent enre. I!) nml 50 otnt bottles for sale by Sloonm John son Drug Co. All signs fail" excent nirnnles ami blotches. These never fail to imlleate ho impure oontlitiou of the blood, whieh may he thnroniililv oleansed niirl re. newed by th use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ine most effifttoious aud eeouomieal of blood purifiers. Give your pet doss Bnd oats Simmons Liver Regulator, when siok it will cure mem. If Lnuland should send u-r nriniev h-re to ooi i'ier us we would Imr! tliem baek with a determination that vrmil.) siir-iife the world. lint Ikt cni-.lnlts may diel.--.te on r financinl pn'.iey ;:.. ! we bow to tut-ir cold as ri-a.nly a1 ;i t Israelites bowed to tlie u-ihi.-n eaif, an,! let our cot-uress eiiain its down u-n, ., loiulerons uolil eiiain that will ,n tl to dt-stiiitViun. St.ll tlie.r ce.-d is m t sntisfitd; wenin?t bind our i-r-,:,-r,:t in k.'ol.hn bunds until ue can no 1 in.- r silin the sonws of freedom or eio.nt tin, odes of American liberty. Wti.L HosKrss. I Mary Delia T.ibu departed tins life March 4, 18IU, at the oge of 17 years, 7 months nml o days. She was horn iu D,-cittnr Co., Iowa, July 23, 1870, moved to Oreeoii when S years of aire where "he hue since resided. Datt September she came to Dayton Wash ., to attend school, stonrrinrr win, h -r r.ncle, Wm. Vatii;hu aud family. tier luuei-al was preached at the Baptist church by Kov. C. P. Bailey, on ..ifirou bth nt lu o'clock, from words loutitl in the 12th chapter ?f Luke, a portion of tha 20:h verse, "This night iliall thy sou! be required of tbee," after which iniiuy friends and relatives fob lowed her to the cemetery where the remains were laid to rest. She leaves a father, mother, two sisters, aod two brothers, besides many friends and relatives to ruotirn her losa. Delia was an exceptionally good girl. None knew bor hut to love her. She was kind to every one. During her stay in Dayton elie never missed n day of school until taken sick Saturday tnornintr. dyin Sunday at 11 :30 o'clock. Duriior the winter of 1SD2 while iittend itK t-choo! in lleppjer, Morrow couutv. flr-oir,,,. .r,o .... . ! " ,u, a proiession of re- hf.'ion, hut going to her home the next morning, she never united with anv church, and since coming to Dayton she requested the prayers of Christians, having a desire to be fully n.iu.-iieu mm unite with the cburoh uueuienc ouiiti, never giving her parents a cross word. Wo sincerely trust wheu the meeting time comes again we. may all meet to part no more. May the Lord comfort the dear parents aud loved ones. Dourest Delia, tlrou bust left us, Here thy luss w e deeply feel; Hut 'tis God that hath bereft us, He can all our sorunvs heal. How we miss you, iteutle Delia, la ear earthly joys you'll join no more. For your spirit is unv re-tiiig On that happy golden shore. Yes, we miss yon denr Delia. Willi your bri-lit uiid lniiHiiini; eyes You are happy in, the .nigoU in your home In-voad rlu iskv I Ye- rKnin we hoi.,- to meet the When the r,ys oi life have lied, And ia heaven with jy IO K,e0t thee U here no f!lrt.u ell tear is shed. You will know in, dear Dells 'I'lioiiKhwlthRiiBeiBwemaybe Ami when death our earth ties .ever Wo will then tiy home to thee. W ritterr hy bor cousin, Mtxxrs Kovsk. FOR INVENTIONS. Equal -with the interest of those having claims affainst the government li that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli. able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In terferences, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Register Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you havii an invention ou hand send a slcetch or photograph thereof, to gether with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to the best course tc pursue. Models are seldom necessary. If others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by others, submit the matter to uf for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.C, p. o. box 463 JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. 3- Cut this out and send It with your i"uir t'ruutrsd Keiauviua l'reutlss KcctUyiua j. owuiuouni iiutn.u t-ri-uuaa tiot-tilylug pills euro constipation iSS l.lllscuroenirstipe.lliiiil'i-eritisaBoctltylui-pillsrui-r.r.insrir.nilnnlSal PRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL . CURES 1 nrRT PAT flK N v J llvt-r i,,,, , , 'lo ccnstlpatlon. here Is a p::i tuttt cuius torpid -I1IUUI..MU, ini.;;;c-ii:ii)n. tnnhli-s wlt'wut Brlpli,;. or loaviri" any lstllnprl'noi-.nrsonr nil r.l a if ri.-tti! nml har-mlofls DEAUTIFY tho la o I g 'i L. f'-k hemliictra and kirlnoy aud liver r-.:.n; of CONSTIPATION, wblch , Vv.-rr.ro of It fc-nttiug habituu.1 and chronic wllb you, Ml 'S ivrll curj vcu. n . Cs' nFNTISS RECTIFYING PILL, ! : i n.ic.-uiao it iu tho only -M.cipi' ii'iiiouy rniir wr n,-.. & -v. -a ai a t ,mu lv,a"v" 'in Wotckes Irom the far soil. 25 Coma a box. Orthy1M1,1Jp0,lri,;,,fL SGISTS, Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturin- Co.. 406 CALIFORNIA STREET , lirrr," -r. . - ' SAN FKANCISCO, Try a box aud bob for your CAL. ri-iurt'iM ,.rn J- "j 1 b o'lre r.in,;;',u ft1"" Kui:Ul1 S Mils cur,, coustlpntion SlHfc I"" '" 'n.'Ptonlll1, Itr-curylrrnpi l Is euro eoustlpatlon Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER AT OPPICB LEGAL BLINKS Plenty of them at the Gazette Office IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ilnw t CniT An skin Dlww . him;. No int.. Iftit-r, , f't.M. l.li !' npply "Si-ayne's Ointment." me,lic'e squired. Curts 2 'ni.iti'li, nil .rnptii.Ds on the nd, rinse, Sit., Ifnvinir tl,o .t.;n I'?' wh,,e amI healtbly. Its Kr(mt lHinirf at,J curative pen-era are possess ed by no other remedy. Ask jour drag gmt fur Swayne's Ointment. tw 1 yr. ADDKESS A "TIER OB POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, P- 0. Bo, 46J3."N WE0DE,iBUliN- .. Washinaton. D. C. i-. ""'".y ''sclmrrred soldiers and snllorq j . 7 w ."..lieu, u now partlHllvor whollv HicKil e i.iuciy uiiys.or over, in inc mic was cruised hv service or not la nlZa it , ?,or- ord"lary manual labor, whether disability wdow, or she has since died or r "married yearS) ia almost a" casts where there wa n ervlcor'oVli "or child, provided .otdier W lo Port. It makes no difference Iw nether niS?.t e ! dependent upon their own labor for sup navy. uiacrence whetbtr soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or law's, iiituouUo'tBluy'JlK"Ai80nedUn'lerCne law' my apply for higher rates under other ll&S?$g'" Per month under the old l.r , re entitled to also for others. whelher,lu to eri or nou" d,sabiliti for which now pensioned, but HH?d. a? Sfil,1, flr.rmy0r navy .Inc. the war . al. Ma JnXTwir. Creek, Cherokee and Semlnoleor Flor- mexlcan Waroldierandthiiru.u , "" recent act. or dependent. d their widows alsoentlUed, if sixty-two years of age or disabled later , '""P'eted and settlement obtained, whether pension ha. been granted under . cate's'Terrad ud. if rejection improper or illegal, flave lost their original naners SC obta"ed for soldiers and sailors of the lati war who No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Addre' Send for laws and infornia'tic TU Fr Donr-e-e- 'e unless sued P- O. Box 463. WASHINGTON,'