i i ! i f A', ,EAT SPEAK SAVE THE 3 18 Hundred and Ssvsnty-ThrEa Thousand Two Hundred and In valuable Presents to be SPEAR HEAD TAGS, 1 ,1 55 STEM WIXDIXO Ki.fii:; CiOI.T) WATCHES fsi.no 5.773 I" INI- IMPORTED IU!:'"''II oi'KK M.ASSKM, MOROCCO IKWy, Hl.ACK ENAMEL lKIMMl.'i., l.C llANTKKi A II KO.M A I i i( '. . . U',1.75 0C 23,100 IMPORTED OKKMAN' IllCKllUll.N HAKM.K, l O'.Mi liLADE!) i ut Ki-.r knivi-.s : ,15,500 HOM.kd GOLD WATCH CIIAUM JW.".U:Y TCLLsct ;;: PiCL.S 1 1 5,500 I.AIlOn rrCTUUES (11x23 inches) IX ELEVEN COIXMrr-, '.' t no advertising un lucm 201,030 PFIIZS3. AMOUNTING TO Tli" nhov? articles will br? 1i( rlbtit'''!. r-y rimn'rc-n, nmone pn:l !-s v, HEAD I'lu, Tobacco, and rclura to us tbo ') AUS Uikcu tliereircm. We will distribute of theso prizes in thli conu'.y tiu follows: o THE PA11TY sending us tho prcntost number of Sl'EAIt HEAD TAGS from lljir, esmaiiy we will give io the EIVE PARTIES sndincr us tho nevt crcntost rutmher of SPEAK MEAD TA'j.-', we will give to cucll, 1 Ol'EKA ULA.SS. To tho TWENTY PM'TlE- sending us tho nct prentcst number of MPI-. VI: lll'..Vil TAei.-j, wo wi;; ijivo to each 1 POCKET KNlFl-l To tin- ONE Iir,VI':':! PM:TIES wnilimr UR the next proatest ji ii 1 .,f WI'ilAit HEAD T.i. !, we will etvn to uiu.il 1 1,1)1, l.Kii (.()!, 1 W.Vll II CHAUJl TOOTH 1'ICK To Hi" ONE UW:t PAMTKH scn.lli.ir n the next prentest iim.-r of IIKAU TAliS, v.. will give to t-ucu 1 LAiUiri i H TUllJ IN ELEVEN COUHW r:)I:!3 Im r.ber of E'W-es ( A r?IO"'. No Ta'-' will be received before Janu-iry let, , nor after February 1st, 1"'!. C .'! p;i' l-':iri: '-on I :i i n i ni bc.' nicsl l)e nifii'iieil plainly wild Nunie ot' Si m'.ei', Town, Couiitv. t.il.-, an I N''i;,ib.-r n' Tas in each iiaclltige. All charges oa packages must be pri. pa i l. KEAP.-SrKAIt 1IEAH poe- a-s more qnalitlnt ot Intrlri'-ie value then nr.v other plnsr toiee-co pr'ndnc.'d. It is Ut,. stmM, the loinjhest, the ri-le-d. HPMB il KAI is aiisoliitely, p-,-it i v.dy :ii i! (Mi ino' i vely dillerent in llavor I'rom :ny i lies nliiti tobacco. A trial will couvi m e 1 lie hhki sk ..pi ic:i i of t his fact. It is the birct seller of any similar sliute! and slvi,- on e;irth. whieti proves I hat it Ire; o:ul;ht the pooular t-isi,. und pli-n.-es the people. Try it, mil p irlleip oe in the contest for prUes. S'cc tleit a Ti TK1 is on every lu cent pleeo of bPE.'.U HE A I.) von b iv. Send in the lags, no tnalier bow small (he quantity. Very sincerely, HIE P. J. SOItO COMPANY, MlDBt.ETO-, Ohio. A list of tie' people nbloiniri'jr these prizes in tills county will b;1 puMished in thi' patter Immediately atier Eelauary 1st, ls-Hi. D!)"T SEND AW TUGS BEFORE JAfjUAKY I. fS4 ! nc VLfJCOC: TflAWIP. Ono of thn Italic ml V Just Whal Ian T -ri to Kuoil in 7,1 -ans. your liapor tho "I saw nn articb in other dav," r,:ud t!i:; l;-.ii:v)a-( rwchpd tho Detroit Freo I're:; i ii ri;; floor "an articlo cjiout t!iy v-i'1! i ci l:".r:tp. I want an explanation, lio-.v did this tramp loo!:?" "It was some reporter who wrotci the article." "Well, does verbose mean that ho was hustler?" "Hardly ' "Wan ho lan'runl?" "Not that, cither." "Dnco verbose raean that ho had lost his appetite?" "Xo." "Run down in flesh?" "No. Verbose i'j vei-boie. It's a sort of domou-nor end 1 ool; hard to describe." "Am I vorboao?" ; "Xo." "Id it any thing urainat tho pur feshnn?" "No." "Won't dt-eoure.'vo the wotnen from passing out cold victuals and old elol hes?" "Not a bit." "Then I'm natisfled. I didn't know but it was fiomo nciv thing- something to work agin us, and I watucd to know. Couldn't lnan.v of IIk; boys lio verboue il they wanted to, could they?" "No." "Then it won't spread?"' "Oh, no." ' "All ri.Tlit -tlmf.! all. I've dodged iraost every t hiii;1; for I c-on; v-t wo years past, and am glad 1 worry over this. No thank you. M;;v bo unction lias cttrri. i, thus far.- HE WAG D!CA? l'.:-.'e;)'t got to -rho-iiy here, all rigiit, but safely through ?Ot NTED, dan n Colored M i i .:is lose f;i nee ( tmi Shortly nfler a Or . in South." say.; the New V colored i.ie. i c;.ih d on t'oi'ieoed ly an i my. a- t iv;t "down u'i; Lodger, a an insurance agent, and said: "Wants lay money, Cap'n "I don't ov y a ;viy ; io: "Ain't yi'-ise'i' do '!,:-o'rne "Yes, I am ah invarm--- : "Den yer owe:; i:i i i i.ee-y. agent?" ; rent." f ir r.iv sto burned up durih' tie 1 Ih-e. rah." "You were not ins.nwl in my com pany." "Golly, you say I v.1;'.':!' "Cor.ie, tget out of lenv. "Hold on. o in, ti-i' lemmo 'splain. W us Mr. Junes 'uhored in yer comp'ny?" "Ye;i." "Wur. Mr. Jad;stMi "Yes." "Wall n' good. ua' bertH i :: .' Ir. ,1 Do wall o' ilar -t ,'.t ito'. If yer'd a t e tto' woutder le1--:! -larown ig i's i i -h Bee?" N'ew my - an',Ji i ;. h- de sto' was. . Jack-on. Is o eiv :;i o'.; orway. my 1) 1 in .liorin' o' i.iine, il'iau ver "No, I don't "i).-n 1 ai l i ",i." "I'll recoil io cou'f'oa .'i 1 iiway. h 1 tn -1 : : umiiih; w.i,'. . olame ;e o' ; ... i' fr get nufiln, is I?" an ee v. aut ' and. tor i r h'l. -',.( il 1'i'l-u- s ill'll ; d,-1 y 1 wi 'i de rmciit i) i;oii .f riin. ! Tie stood at a b ;! en Eroailway stmk Ingdioo ',:h to1 bai'tenih-r, s.;ys the Mihvaukeo 'i:.consi:i, a i l, (ilancingat the floor, di..eo red a roll of hills. Tho -ooin w as fa! 1 of m a, and ir none of ihem claiim-d the money tho bartender would, si s -If hr.en -t d nuandol that Qe should pio't i;p the m eiey vithout being seen. 11 1 plained his foot upon (t, and tossed the dice while he looked "or an iipport uni ly to grab tho roll When ti;e bartender had "done" him a lozen times or more the opportunity same, and he heaved a si. ;h of relief as ho shoved tho roll into his pocket, lie Hastened to his ollice on tho West Bide to examine his find. There- was twenty two dollars in the roll just tho amount lo had put in a roll in his other pocket. & thought flashed across his mind and oo dived Into tho other pocket. Tho oil was gone. He had been to all that Touble- lo fik up his own uicnoy, Produce L' Ml an I to t tlie t! 'Z 'He for i one year. Nice la.uily paper, uud bul ly to paper oalnns. I Ivm CONTEST. Ati'J Given Avvsy In Return for il 750 00 t..J5 00 t2,230 03 b, - ,T:.iii 1 GOLD WATCH. . ..: OPEP.A GLASSES. SO POCKET KNIVES. ....ICO TOOTH PICKS, ..100 PICTUEEa for this t'oimty, NOTiCK TO LWKNTORS. There was never a time in the history of our country when Ilie deni'md for iiivetilioiia iitnl improvemeulB in Ihe arts ami seiecces genendly wao so tfreat as now. The conveniences of maukiud iu Hie factory and workshop, the household and cm tho farm, an well as in official lile, ri quire continual (iceessinns to the appurtenance and iiuplimenta of each in order to save labor, time and expetiHe, The. political chanao in the adniinintra iiti (overntiietit does uot alTect the progress of the Americau iuveutnr, who lieiogouihe ulert, ami ready to por eeifo the existing defliiieneies, does not oHnnit tho niTiirs of government to do lor him from quickly omioeivitiit the remedy lo overoouiH existing discrepan cies. Too yreat care cannot be ex-r-iiised in choosing a competent and flkill !nl iiltoruey to prepare and prosecute in application for patetit. Valuable iu icris'H have been lost ami destroyed iu innumerable instances by the employ nient of iticompeteut counsel, and es pecially iu t Lis tidvioa applicable to liesH who adopt the "No patent, no pay" 8) stem. Inventors who entrust tin ir business to this class of attorneys lo at imminent risk, as the breadth mil slreu,;ili of the patent is never eon--idered in view of a quick eudeavor to et an allowance and olituiu the fee. 1T1H PKESS CLAIMS COMPANY, lohn Ueddeibiirn, General Mannger, UI8 F street, N. V., Washington, D. C, epiescn.iug a lart-e nuniber of impor tant daily and weekly papers, mid gen ral periodicals of tlie country, was in stituted to protect its patrons from die unsafe methods heretofore employed in this line of business. The said Con puny is prepared to lake charge of all ii.ilent business entrusted to it for rea ion.ilile fees, and prepare and prosecute ipplioiilions generally, including me chanical inventions, design patents, irade-niailts, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and gives especial iiHcnion to rtjected eases, it is also prepared to eutrfr into competition with any firm in Bccuiiug loieigu patents. lite for instructions and advice. John Wiuujiinm'UN. b!8 F street, (). Box ,'ISY Washington, D. C. it pnoVnco of out irott mciitf. r woakne,, an,l deoilv, nervous ih-bililv mul toit vitality sent free for 12 ci-ute Ml )l,.nn Ull.Tltvll.w ..ml, n. am ...... ... vn. nnnu iitoiuiuic, UVil. KlliSt. ST. lOLlo, SPILES rrtl in one PAim-tus treats out itti ut kuifi-. , - t. ,,t iiiu I rum lntiiuti. Fistula, I'lei' fit'., (lino ciru. '1 yi'.irs 1-4 Quoitloii llUtik mid Hook free. Cull or write. ii. 11. u. m its, 63? Pino Street. 8t. LwtiS, Mo. Suliiry uutleiin'iisespalilwootcly mm start. jjrf'J ' ipcrii'iiiit uniifft'ssjiiry. 1'i't'U I iar jrfii f aJvimtivfT'-'StolnJUlniiPri. Llui'i'ftl ctinnniiisloii to local part- VV I time aLVonts. Larost -jrrowers of clean, tun r n htliln O" . jki w -sr .u.ii-in,., i 3i fort.it'or.'linul, '(I tlck' vlfTV rfl Iftwii and n.-ml.-n a?1? nA. w Vir wewnmyiMini'w.wmu' Agents. $73 Ki.-hiMV,- urtu.n. 16, lliit-i,! Ill.hl,.b.r. V..lir,lliliu .1, . luf . t.Uill, ID ,41, QJIUUI0. 'll , llll.i', UJ-I Oil,. ib'UJ ltlUI .-lllb III, hailii. Y..U ,11 1I11, lmnn. li, Km, In 111-,10, 1 t r ,1, lri. h, imll-11,,1 .ll-lir, il ,-11. T fill KM,,. No .0.,. Ii B- r- im-ulli',l liuml.or ,-lu, I, lug brkl,ll .ll-b-,,liluu. I'll, .p r.ll,,..rraui,a. Cirv ul.rifrc IT. P. UAKltt-ON CO., thrk .. li, t'a.bw O Rffw nnl!ars. PATENTS! inra trial 9 IkiiuK. ti s:. il ,l .mar i,. I..' important. (("d elivm'o for ,W KJP ';Hlv;tiuvuiont. Outfit and fell pur- la k titMiUr.Mn o. BKOW N UKiW. CO., nur 1 K.Ts.'rvnKMi. rort'nml. Ore. (TUia houjo ia ! j fi" rol.wt le. V:ni't this prtptT. Ed.) 7U I 1.,HU,n I I A migftt Lad, Ten years of z?,e, but w ho declines to Rive Ills name to die public, unites this authorized, confidential statciue.lt to us: "When I was one year old, my mamma died of cniisiinm'.inn. The doctor snid that I. too. wMiln soon die, and all our iioiidibors thought tint even il I old not die. Itvould never l.e utile lo walk, because I was so wo.-ilc and puny. A iKilhei im; formed and broke under my aim. I hurt 'my iinKcr and it pitliercd and tlirc-.v nut uec..s u i,0ne. If I hurt myself so as to break the skin, it was sure to become a rununij; sore. I bad ta take lots of medicine, but nolliini; ba3 demo mo so mucdi poml us Ayr's Sursauar tilla. It has made me well and strou"." T. I). M., olcatllr, Kans. AVER'S Sarsapari!!a Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, will cure you IF VOU WANf IfirORHnriQM ?DU' ' P. O. BOX IS3. WASHINGTON, i. o. ' P'-NVOXS I'EOCTHUD Ton 01.0 '.cevrs ...i!,l SHller:; 'UflnM- fl It IN- Hi,;, of rfjaj-;!.inr,-i.v..,-;-,,illil,.,i. t. ; , , .. -I'!'-. -I-!!-;..,- IS".! C. I.I--, ;J Miulo In flit nrvlea nnS ntjia l.ifrlitoql. fvt stroagest, easiest vorlchu:. safest, simplest, i most accurate, lnost compact, and most M moacrn. i- or pn;o oy an acaicrs in arinn. y Catalogues mailed free by The Marlin Tira Awns Ca.. New ITavew. Cokh., P. S. A. 6. B.,-;-.5iWrVliliB1 Or V(st cause aj Proe&Voa( Are you willing to worl; for the anise of Protuction in placing ruliaHd nUw. ination in the hands of your acejuaii . tanccs? If you are, you should Widenti I tc.1 with Jm THE AWlERfwiij Protective Tiyan tuEAc , 135 W. 230 SK'iTYar - Cut tl.la notice out and simhI U 'o Hi' i ,, , Ptali.iyr voni- (.tiiiitioti, atnl y;ivc a lic'.i-intf -t.. . J A te teri iri I i Ei mh'i Caveats, Traito-mais, Design Fr-tanls, Copyrights, And all TaiL-iit husini'ss eolKhu-lctl fcr MODERATE FEES. Itifennatlen iiiul advice given to luvenlors without Oharije. d:lress CL A IFIS CO., JOHN VEDOrHBliRM, Manai ntt Atuinicy, o. riox -itiit. WASinxnios, D. C, iy?TMs roiniaay is n'.anfi:J0iI hy a com' :.iatlon of lie- l;irri-,t !:iul I lu-a In !' n.-n t i e.l nrw;-n '-'r-- In the 1 Hive, Slate-,. i'r- t'i-- eviv-s imrp.ii of ,,1-oli'et u,a ii.oir .u.-i-i .e.-, ;ri,ia ,t na.auimiou. mul l.ii-eatiie'cni I'.i.e-.u A'.ienli, and each papel la-lntiu thly n1vt-;-t!M im nt vonehesfor tin- responal. tjtllty aii-t til,;liL-uinlUii; ef lI'.o 1'rcss Callus tompanv. GOOD ADVICE. Every patriotic citizen should give liis personal efiort and influence to increase the circulation of his home paper which teaches the American policy of Protec tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect iu every way possible. After the home paper is taken care of, why not sub. scribe for the Ajikrican Economist, published by the American Protective Tarifl League ? One of its correspon dents says: "No true American can get along without it. 1 consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in the United States." Send postal card request for free sample copy Address Wilbur F.Wake- man. General Secretary, 135 West Ijd St., New York. ll.UV jt is euviv.' ford that ever, was wiveke.l 1 boy i.aved. -. innne. t!-,-ev cull and the de: gresstn.tn i'iii. Ne w lied- 1 a shif tily one I ',v his :-.!'v.ud. 'as con I- ,-tis. Ih.n. Mr. Cr.i;o. says .Vtiieri case of ,1;,, horn ihe .-.; were l'ole;'. lo b. added, d 'aeries, the '- M-immt, o iiK familj r.-i irououncc called tho -'. re." so that - into . . ' '...'.:::e eom y." which is . !e o-. :;civ, to '":u-!i i)'.,i ;. aborted by l.l able surtKit.ie: "Poles" and t tho liamo "Polend." "i!: mon in t'.te r, suppo:-d by he a coi :'.v-i i -bigne," cr.,1 ; r, some noble lui. a of r I IS ASO'JT PiOPLE. I Mr.. Yn, theCoroan minister at AVash- Jnirtnn, and Ms wifo at tend the Pres byterian cliureh, but not inC'orean eos tumcs, which thej" wear only v.pon state occasions. LIl ffai.o Jinx has bought a ten-t hou- I , sand-dollar residence in Xorth Platte, ! 'cb., very nenr the spot whore ho ; killed his first Indiim, and there ho ii i tends to spend tuo rest of his life. Mns. Dcoas, dau9;lite,r of Gov. Pick ens, of South Carolina, died lately, and her body was borne to the grave by e.x- ! slaves, not one of whom lelt the serv j ice of the family, notwithstanding the emancipation act. John HooiiF.n, husband of Isj1 clla j Iicechcr Ilnokcr (sister of the late ! Henry Ward Heecher), has just re signed the position of reporter of the supreme court of Connecticut, which he had held for thirty-six years. ! Tun estate of the late Edwin Booth is valued at six hundred and live thou sand dollars, and the greater part of it is left to his only daughter. Kdwina llooth-tJrossinan. A life of Booth, written by his friend, William Winter, is soon to be published. FRCM SCIENTIFIC FIELDS. The largest known species of night flying insects is the atlas moth, a resi dent of the American tropics, which has a wing spread of over a foot. Tin-: whale moves through the water with a velocity which, if continued at the same rate, would enable him to en circle the whole earth in less than fourteen days. Tur: desideratum of printing photo graphs on marble has now been real ized to such a degree as to insure a genuine artistic result, and this by a process both simple and economical. Tut-: process of carbonizing wool is one to which special attention has I the agency of magnesium chloride and aluminum chloride in connection with this has been a matter of interesting investigation. Tm: queer finger-shaped lakes of western New York, all running north ami south, wore undoubtedly scooped out and formed by glacial notion, their steep banks being formed by glacial i moraines. All of them are deepest at the southern end. OLD AND G3AY. JIrs. IIanxau Day, of Brunswick, Me., died recently in hor ono hundred and first year. lCx-SiiNATou Josr-:!'!! E. Brown, of (icortfia, is said to bo failing- fast. lie :.s now about sevonty-two yours of a'o. Joux Vahyax, of Indiana, is in his ninoty-iirst year, and doubtless the , oldest legislator in the world. He lias voted at eighteen presidential elec- j tions. A womax named .Mary Smoaton, re- 1 siding in the suburbs of Cincinnati, al though past the age of ninety-tine, has Wiitun the last year cut four new ' teeth. t Jt'tiGK Ja.mks A. Lewis, who died tlie otftor nay at lSlicton, Ma., was long tin: private secretary of John M. ("lay ton, and as such it was his task to write at .Mr. Clayton's dictation the original draft of the Clayton-IJulwer treaty. Tlie private secretary lived to become probate judge of Cecil county, OUR NER NEIGHBORS. Oxe-hai-f of the population of Mex ico are full-blooded Indians. I." South America a hoy who wants to own a pet animal g-ets a monkey in stead of a dog-. I.v Cuba etiquette requires thata re quest from one smoker to another for a lilit must always be honored. Is the last ten years, 1-10.000 resi dents of the province of Quebec have emigrated. Most of them have taken up their residence in the United States. Ix some parts of Mexico, the party in em power maintain their positions by ; tnroiving into jail their political op- ponetits on the eve of an election. , When the election is decided, the dis- franchised arc released. Tub little town of Newport, Hants county, Xova Scotia, has a population of about 1,4(10, and there are among them forty persons, twenty of them women, whose united apres amount to 3,300 years, an average of 8-1 years each. EXPORTS AND IMPORTS. Since 1s07 there have been exporter! from Cape Colony 50,000,000 carats of diamonds, approaching a total value of S;;50,ooo,ooo. Siam's exports last year included no less than six and one-half tons of birds' nests sent to Ilong Kong to make the celebrated Chinese soup. It i' st-iterl Ihnt A m , I i r 1,-, sidteci mat an American hniisp has concluded a contract for 2,500,000 ions oi .Japanese coal, to be delivered at San Francisco in the course of the next ten years. Hitherto the coal im-1 ported at San Francisco has been prin-, cipally Australian, Ix California during the second week of this month nearly live million pounds ' of fruit were shipped by railroad from Santa Clara county alone. Of this amount nearly three and a half million pounds, including S0S.010 pounds of Bartlett pears, came east. i FOREIGN POSTAL POINTS. Toiiacco, cigars, cigarettes and the usual mixture are forbidden from en tering New Zealand by parcels post. The Swiss post office Conveys any thing from a postal card to barrels of wine, scythes and bundles of old iron. SorTll AfKTHAI.l.v's revelino repnlnlc for the past twelve months were -' . 450.0M, a decrease of f:eo,oon as com- I Pnr0,a with Previous year. Victoria's '"V " K,v "'-: ' "eercase ot i,',,,v,,H u eoiiqiuit-o wiui last year. The French government has just created, in the nature of an experi ment, a postal service by camel express in tlie French territory of Obosh and the Somali coast. In connection with this service a special provisional stamp will be issued, the value being five francs. A e iid thing f r on to do U to nub. scribe for the (bizette. Th. Typ. of Ideal Ueautj. This is Max O'Eell's ideaof "the typ, Of ideal beautV : I K-Tukc -he hair of a Hladoo, i no nose or u oroeK, . Tho moutu ct tho Cniltsh, Tlie compioxion of a German, Tjo hetjht ct a Noiwegiaa, Tho f jet of a Caiacso wuaiaa. To tecii cf a : African, The i rm of a Uet-..n, The lejjct i::i l:siioagtr The eye of a Spaniard. Tho t;race of a I-'rouvh woman. And you will havoan American beautj j fill Saved Her Life. Mrs. 0. J. Wooi.nrtiDGE, of Wortham, Texas, saved tlio life of lipr rhihl by tho Use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. t "One of my children had Croup. TliO case was attended bvmir physii-mn. mid was supposed to he well under control. One nijil.t I was startled hy the clnld's Imrcl brejitliin;, and on ptinp to it found it si ran giiiifr. It had nearly ceased to breathe. KeatizhiR that the child's alarndnc condition had become possible in spite of the medicines piven. I reasoned that such remedies would be of no avnil. Havinc part of a bottle ol Ayer's Clieri y Pectoral in the house, I p;ivo the child three doses, at short intervals, and anxiously wailed results. From the moment the Pectoral was piven, Ihe child's breathing grew easier, and, in a short time, she WH3 sleeping quicMv and breaihinir naturally. The child is alive and well lo-dav, and 1 do not hesitate to say that Ayer's Clierry Pec toral saved her life." AVER'S Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J . C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Uam. Protnpttoact,suretocure convince the skeotic and coiut the wav which if followed leads to Prof. HARRIS' SOLUBLE MEDICATED Pastille Has been mitun in a Drourietarv furm sinco 1878. and has been used for years priorto tiiat tluio ta private pnicUce. It Is no untried nostrum, of doubt till reputation, but a genuine specific for a very prevalent disease. Thousands of men, of all rtges, have at some time In lite brought on nervmis debility and oxbimstton, with orwinlu wenkuess, by over brain work, excesnes, too fre quent lndulKence or indiscrotion and vicious habits, and it ia to tbeiio that we offer a remedy that will, by its direct action upon the Boat of tlie disease, stop the drain and restore the patient to Vigorous bt'iilth and BtreiiKth. Ourmeihodof introducing Irof. Harrla'Pastill treatment is ono wblch connnonds Itself to all sensible persons for the reason that we supply it upon their judgment of its value. We ask of our piitrnns nothing in the way of expense beyond a post:'.l enrd nndatwo cent postage stamp. The postal card to be used in sending lis their full ad dress und tho pontage stninp for the letter return ing tho statement of their case for which we supply them with a question blank, to be rilled out and an envelope addressed to ourselves for usa in roturnlrg it when tilled. When we Teceiv the state ment on bhmk we prepare eight days' troutmeut and for- wiirrt it. hv mull nnrt nromnf TRIfilj postage thereon and along pj. r if r v with the eight days' treatment Al!lnu wo Bend full directions for using. Tho t.eiitmentin no way Interferes with a person '8 attention to business, and causes no pain or Inconvenience in any way. We are so positive that tt will give perfect sntln faction that we leave the matter of sending orders entirely with those using the free trial treatment. Having satisfied those sending for trial pnck:tgcs of our ability to benefit tholr sexual condition we feel thnt thoy are more largely interested than ourselves in continuing the use of the Pastilles. Even then we do not attempt to rob them by de manding high prices. On tho contrary, we make the prices as low as poasiblo, and the same to all. I'liey are as follows: 13 for one month; $5 for two mourns; wt tor tnree montna. These prices secure the delivery of the Pastilles by mall. If desired by express wo leave the patient to pay the charges. For over ten years we business upon this plan with satisfactory results. nave operated our We ask alt persons needing treatment for anr of the secret ills which come to mankind tliroutrh a violation of nature's laws to send us their ad dress on postal card or hy letter and allow us to convince them that IMHOF. HA ICR IN' SOI., V1II.J3 MKHU'ATEII PASTURES havo merit and aro what they need. All communications oonndonti&l and should be anuressen to The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mfg. Chemists 99BeekmanSt., HEW YORK CITY, N.Y. t 'ML E Wt S ff IflOO worth oflovely Music tot forty 3 !Z 45 l 0 Pli"8- consisiinc of wo r-.n-es 7 J .atest. brlghSluiv" iS ai!d M selections, both vocal and Instrumental, aVCtea- '" JT! CARMCNCITA, the Spanish Dancer, "SWmSi" S- MINNIE SELIQMAN CUTTIliB. S-Z oE,nioiBeMTo gZ intNtVVYOKKIKUSICALECHOCO.- uiuauwiiy i iieaire map;., new York Uty. i,i,v-jotH3 WMINTED. .i TH3 OLD DOCTOR'S LADIES' FAVORITE. ALWAYS RELIABLE and perfectly SAFE. T United States, In the ?LD DOCTORS private mri'tt pnitiaa. tor ns vi-m-,. i.nH nt . .irir,, in-.-u u, liiui jhzius or woman aiioeerieo . 2JSi BwMl SV TifflaiSHiniS, IMS. Htttb St., 8t.t:uli.j jjmjmmiT5Q (tSjWk, 25 v.Pi?T"' Z1""" pmiuvo euiT i perleneo In treitlnR all vnrl Bomihlos us to jruarantee a riniltlvo pnrn. llnnttlnn m.inir m,,l Ti,,nii tree. Call or write. VOLTA-MEiJICO APPLIANCE CO., J23 Tine Street, - ST. LOUIS, MO Reduced M to 5.1 pMindarcrm-nth. No itarvlng. ,10 incon on enoe, . o luti restilts, no rnuw,,, drti M rRt neti t p rfcrt I y hnrrr't-M and irii-:lv couil AenLal. (Muon tl k nn'l ltontc iroe. Ciillorwrile S50 A YEAR FOR LIFE t !,st''ntial Rewards for Those Whose Answers are Correct A man . i-einl.nin ,.liii-tiil crtered . prison u-hire was wmflne :rnnii,iil On making request tu t Ilie nn-scnw of il,., rin,niui ... ... 'iina.r win ii.fnnniHl I llnt ne l.ni relaii,,, werp ,,,,,1,. The vi,ii,.r said : " llniil'm hiHi M my tfttni-rsVnn' LT,,r- -"" mr'f i'lT'1.""!?1 l'"llli!',""i','"i"I"ny will fin 10 ier: .1 ,1,0 RW1; 3r, ,;,,) Jh t, " (oH. ar.d ever lcixl ,!,, r,rrt., ,n,, .,- TrMi-p, ihnninnd nn-.K, etc Mi.tj, J'u ilie 1,,-n.nn wili the last eorreet answer will h, Itl'l.KS - il) All an.wers must l aPut h, n,al rprimrk ni lalerlh.n llee. 51, ISO l"l Th tl ThT,';lZV.M'''"'" '.""""'i-roinpelHi It i I.Hf choiee., illu.trale.1 rerlodi, .1. of ll-r dav ,J Sa'SL 'iV:?i!::"' " ' iten.1 ii.l.r ivMinark taben in oil ,,e ,,, ,"'!,',' ai M :e piv, ev.ij e,.,- an eemil (I,,.,,,... .. , , or n-av ,,l,-l, .ill sreurt U:c tm r fl ve,,inl, th.-m-M p.ie. u, n i.M, til iiiininiinii. , r i. nn, a.m. i . . ! "lid 1 eel.' l.,i,esleenl.c ,,,,, ,. is,i.d for piMitol u..t oi iimi.r u. : I r i Nil'l I -111 ! ire ::i I Til- Ml 10 I'l f Ui-winj .-.11-'. now,, r.r'l'i " l ' 11 ' ' v II ; "I : (', n n'".t, i I a, iv t , r I,,. fr - j, ( , ,, I u,f iTSi " ,"."") I'l -is Al.ll, '. II. lul. P, trboruuif(i. ( i u Ev De" Mm into a BtuiNai'MBTiai i pi" nm fn i li .r r n.W 0 ICU u v U ww" ' " W Y.' lh nil 1'i'i coiiwr?ncrcPti.Krr.fi.;n-iry. i -p-r irr Prrvi.i:s f itrm . iivmu dcb.ilty, Tun.iti.r .idncfiornri ...it inmi li.Kxi. ili-pond ticy, unnT r rt tom rrv. wtftmr awav of ttift oriyna. c-rt nl.- a.ia ...!.:... ,od l, rut,-a- Jrs T nil'th 'tl . reJ t'V rilt ' tl rs y mriii-'u . Ctirci positively jfl. WARD INSTITUTE. .'fif--fl!'!Tr:i- LL ,,r n Iht-.' -'.i'i t kt'er, I, U na j.i.v: i.k .if- ci j il UK I'l-i'J I i''''' "v"l I 'I'. , , ij ,.,.rf. O -r Aj- K , ' '"'" ,,,l IHUU' i 'i a C ' f5-1 1int Ptt fc'T. ix'tiia, iio The GfdJ3Hs. -As Estnlill'lied.isvnri. T:vatiin"loor I'nui '1", innrrlea or unu,o, ' u,n ' " " , -, . nhlises, exc'Fses or luiiuoprmtleh. Mill.t GUAUANTKHD. Hoard und iita.rtments tur-islied when desired, (.kijsuou iJlaelt and Uouk free. Call or write. Tho wonl form. posl. Illlvelv cun-il 09 scan I ... ruf ., Tr,.!,tm..nt .-., fl ,1 tl n ' . rnri-i bv mail or a: ollii-c. Tiru-slnw. Qiicslinn lllatik aui Book Irce. Call or write. II R WAR J INSTITUTE, 1?0, -1.3th SUSt.Louls.Mo and ornr.K ,IU- JT U,1.1Q .INT Ci:iu:l) w limit tliiuse ol kaili: Queilion llliink imil Hunk trm. Call writ. mi. 11. It. isiri-rs, 8i2PInoSt bb. Louis, MO, WANTED. (IK 1 UirClr' ANT LADY, emploved or uncmplovod wE3 A Vlfltfti can i -Bitot. .is' ru few houro work r.ul day. Hhry o conirtilBpion. 510 sumph'S tree Addr;'si H. BLNJAM1N & CO., 827. Ptn0at.,Gt.LOL.'iS,io. liEirflrMYLAIJY can wt v vnlur-bloBeerot thff.l ;j jcost ino Sc" .00, uuil a rubber tjiiield luriJUCJt-i i I Mrs. V. M. APP.CO. S .n-.ifi"9JtJ'Kii.sTR v r 7 -J,? -Ill,ar, Dp. Hash's Belts & Appliances v-ygpyp.?r--ftr?-3?t An clcctro-p -hunio Intlcry cnl- It'll 1I11U J Belts, fins Itlll ,!tllI-.. tll.ll.l.l inl hunuorlera. Vesta iijrawera, Olitcu Caps, itl,TPfl T?Iin,iT,miiu, E.!v,,, n.-l TT 1 ,t. Compt.'iiiitM, Iyi4MiHia, Krrors ,if Y-nitlt, Lost Muutm-Hl, ei-voi:siips, sexual Wi'iik nt'HS, niui nil Troulil- s i il Male or , cmalc. Question ljlaull aud Uuoh. i'ree. Cuil or ivriiu. Volla-Medica Appliance Co., !33 Pino Street, . SX. Lot!I.3j MO. J-'ont-l'rints un the Pnlli lu ili-nlili. Everyntie lueiiii , ti iIik-Ihi's i,i!v1m shimld rend one i4 I'r. Fnete's dime pamphlets on "Old Eyi .," "(!ieiii,' .Hniluie," ''I'liimo-is," Vmieei'i le,'' Disease of nn P. Disc; se of V. ivi n, re,! h-aiii Hi best ippin-H if sil-cuu-, y. Hill Pub. Co., 12'.) tail 2.S:h St., Ji, Yoik. STOCh HRAMIS. While you keepyiiiu- ailti"(;ri,liiiii pi-id'ep -i oan keep yourhnmj in treei.f eiiria'i . nujii. ,.o.. ,uin-, ur, Iinisi-H t,i, en i-ri ahouhler; entile mine mi h-ft hip, rani 'r h't. m. riirht i-ur. mill llinier hit tin ihi, I,-!'i , row eoiinti-. Anustronir, J, t'.. Alpine, Or. -'l' ivilh l,nr un. der n on left ahullliier of Imrsea; eellle ni'iu,. on left hip. Alliwm, O. D Kiuht Mile. (r.-Vrln bruiul OUon left lap and horses sumo hniiid on rein shoulder. Hnnue. Illicit ftlik,. AdkiiiB, J. J., lleppner. Or.-iinrsw, ,1A eon iieetitl un le t tlai.k: onltie, wimeim h-fi hip. Harthol.-unew, A. (i , Alpine, dr. ,n8,,9 braniiedT li oil either shoulder. l!ain;e in JI,, -roweountv Illeiikninn, Geo., Ilnrdimm, Or. Ilnraea a tl-u. ,u left alionhler: enitle -nnio i.n ril,t -1,, ,, i , ) mimiistiir, J. VV Harilnian, Or. H,nh. ,ra,i ed 11 on lefi hip and tliiirli: spiil in end, mr ' Hrenner, Peter, (nn hi-Iiiti-j Oreiriiu-HuraeH lirandeil Pll on left shoulder. Cm Me Rune rildit Hide. lirirke, II Bt (', I,iIK (reek, (),--( in enlll.. :;1AY eimneotei on left l,,p, eiupoiT left ,-r, a-,: der half cr,,, oil riulit. II, ,., ,(, ,,,; , let It ahouluer. liaiiKO in (irant and ,lirr.,si nonnty. Hnmaian, Jerry, Lena, Or.-JInrseo hrimrlrrl 7 on rwhl shoulder: ealtle H ,, ,,e ,.f, Kjcll,' heft ear hid f crop mi nulil ear upper .Harton, Wni., H ppner. Or. -,vo, J '); r.Kht this,,, cattle annie on r.Bhi lup; t1ii i each ear. 1 i U,Z' lm L'invt(m, (Jr. lion Ill p nl(, rielitetitle; eattle same on ruin nip; m,,,,,. j row couiily. ' Hrown, J. C, lleppner. Or.-IrBPB ,r(.l,. ''.nye ler.m lefl ; ,.,, k Brown, . J., Lena. Orecoa. n(lre(.H .. over it, on the lelt shoulder. Cattle s"n,e ,, Hoyor, W. fl. Hepp-ier. Or.-llrses l,, eSear'. ' " '"" t'"t1"-"n,e. will, pW','n liort!, P.O., Heppner, Or.-lloivea, P Hon left ahonlder; enitle. same on lefi din Bionloo.W.J., K.a.lh-Cattle, JH ,iI.l.,m on left Hide; crop K left ear anil two ,,,lii, Grmacounn! 'el U,",hi lUmK" '" l" Caiwier .VViirren V,'i.Bner. ()r.-H,.ra,n hrand. ed Jon iiKht Hlfl t 1 1 (,l,ri. h-irsl ,n rutlit nl, crop audspl,, jn i, 'rr.'" j ' Grant and Mnrrow ecuintiea """ton. il ."o-lfi" ' :"lul,-!"T " "il horses on left stiHe Uwitl, uimrter e.ircle over it, i lefi ,,,,.r lelt shoulder only on all ,ral.B tBr 5 yuiira a ij rauae in Grant eon n tv. '" A" ('lark, Win. 11., Lei a. Or.-IIrnes WHC eon hfo dianJ , ' "'"''"' ,le N.,e on X H O on riKh, siiould,., (Til wT,Wir"' ,u'"!'"" "ouinu... M" """ eael,iw,ndtw,,,;in'u,u,;:'l;;ir- . eaeh-uponcaui; su;;,fo7k1,rr;,ur ;;;; iu riKhtear, split in left ear. II i i Ke in Gr pimched upper bit in riKl,t. Wetl ers r ? i, C.IM.U A .1 I a..,., 11. de, ( 'ttie: z vK, p-0HV";;,a'rk',:1,onl oiop on left und spli, r,; rit. Kr """k leftaVlile. Ur- '.i Cox td. 8., Hnrdman, Or.-(V!lo C n-1,1 in ceiueri horsoe. CK onh-f, .,""'" C wi" (oehrun, li. K. Mi.nuiut.til. Giant Co 1 "rrr ,."!"'d';'1 iti, i, im,i";m ;.7, .,.......,. OIIIKMIUIU Ul'llIlU OH ,,,1 hilm L uinler slope hull, ears and 1 "'"' """ k Dnniiiitt n T n , , . .I.e.lKhts.itteiealtln;;,: 1,J ed tbi on lelt , l,,,i , ',. .,'.',.. '""'"I- lup. Iioie ir riHht ear '"" "" '"" ri'oLuir-- ilm,U"r' r' KtTHl I X II.. ..t Hk .1..,.: . ' ""'" eounly. couueetedo, ,d' a Z , 1 1".'- Vi;7ii'"!J: "' I laorenco 1 A lleppner, ()r.ce , ,,- , Ji"?!"!?:?-P- ""liuaer. Or -Horses. K ,, l L. l i 1 1 "" ""lit hip -r Hnul, houBtde,1.,"i'' "Ul,"""r' Ml Giiman-French, Laud and Live Stock Co eiir marks, crop off rittlu ear ai.d euderlii " l Gentry, Klmer, tho Or.-H.irreb hrsnded 11 8. with a quarter circlet,- it, on left fc',t.' Kansi-in liorrow and liniatiilacoui'ties Hayes. Geo..J.ena, Or, liraml J!t em ne,-l. 1 wuti quKi-. r cirelo , der i , , " Jl.t ' , Hho? J1'."-"!"! ' aiaiill,,,,,,,,,,'" Huit.iii ,v Jenky. I aai Itni Or i ,, i Ru'lM Hin.i.J W .. r "H-Ij uii rmui lup oi.d on l,.ft - ;?". nuht ear and slit in loft. V k '? i si. onaiereti i ill Utlir Ii3 llnle. Milton, V,,,.,. )r. irB. -( I, in l,- with I'lirnllel ,B ,, fn"", (viduwmw -u i.ttiiip uimm.,,,.,,, ';;. Hull, Hilwin..Ti.hii Pnj.Or.-Caul,. j, . in: iiitrsiw wiluu on iil.Ii( al,...,l.i.. , rinlil (iiant mmuty. ' ,K,,"ii. Hnwitrd, J I,, i-Tiia, mini, i.n le.l .id. limine iu Murn.w and V""6 lilhii-.iiu.liei,. m" eoi. lliiKhea, JIM. Hei.iinr, ()r.-Hi,r, I,e.-irl on the left aliinihler. H,1K Mur",l! 4 iluiiMikel:, II . VwiiriM-r, (Jr. u ". -I hl.-r.ua ll.,ii iMfi hi,.. """"'"J left HanliHy, Allien, M, Orennn-Hor,,,. . eiilnieele,!. on left attouldor: uitl,. ,, ,i " , ' l,li,.en,p off left tr. " M IliiiiililirovK. J U. Hardmnn, Or.- Hum., u lef Hank """"-Hui, Hayes. J. HI., Heppnor. Or.-Hrs,a wjn. ,, .in letl .hoiiUlvi entile, muuouu nnht 1UV lilistoii. I.utlier. I'.lthi Ulle, (Jr.-l,,rJ. u 'In- letl ahoiihlei Hini htau-ttiu thulnti slule i-utl ' I" siinie 'Ml left hip. ItjilitfH in ill,,rniur lv.v. Alfred. Li.liK Crwk, Or --Cult T,'"' rielil Int.. eropnll li-rt etir and Iju n, ,,lt ii''n .nine hnunl on lelt .hnuliler Hh-u-h ',, t m ,,inlv ' "rUt .1-ins, Ib.rrv, Heppn r, (ir-llom,,, . , "J.iiHih I. ft ahull. del : entl.e uulUlin, ', ual iikI'I Inn. "Im. iinikihit w ha t,-,r. itc"' ei limy. '""iKem Jin. Ion, B. ill., Ileppiii.r, Or -ln,MB, ,A ' J -a leli s eaihlor. Ciutl,,. tli'e !lan,:e en r.ltdi' .Miln. Mu". ,el,l,K.n. 1-eliA, OliR, Or.-lli,,'. fin-lnT. :.-n Hilie; entle, .,,, ,, riKM ,, UI1 u tun in nalit niul aulil in l,,fi wir .l. iikii.s, U VI., Ml. Ven,.,i,,i,r,-J ,, k :,. . inulderi oe eattle, J un oll 1,",? S H'.;;.vHlu';,''' "n bu",w "wi23 h-niii, Mike, Hejumrr, Or. HrrH . . K,NV en leftlnp enttleaVine,,,!,! " at: under li me on I In, riht iet Kirk J T-. Ileppiier, ()r.-llres tuj n l.r. I'.iniil. r: enltlK. i.Hiiii hut hip. " "n hirk. ,1 (', lleppuer, Or.-liru8. 17 n oi in keiii i In It on riirlit aiih,. '"""eitlii,, Kirk Jenne, lleppuer. Or,; linine n i ,. L: niili-r; entile Blilneuii liKhtaiuo, under!,, 1 l: I , I ear. 1011 OH kuiiihei'huiil.VV.n.. Mount Vernon Or-I I . in i le n riKjil and left sides, bwmlmv f,'k i ar anil uinler eiop in ri,:ht ear. HnrI ' I, rami on left nhoulder. l(aTO i (jrl '. , "H,ne l.otten, Hlophen, fox. Or-M " ;'," on eattlB. crop and split n riijlit ear Vi p hiiiii liiand on left huuldnr, ltanKe' SnJ i-iei. alien, John V., !,e-I .- )p .. Iiraiuieil l,lf-,ii, 1 J I. ,-onneete,! on U ,13 dm. (iiiile.wui.. onlrfiiiit,. Kan.:e 1,1 iiuttnn lr L,s- Lenliey. J. W lleppner Or.-lluraea hrb,,,i.a b an,, A o l.-lt ahiiaaler, ,.ln m0' " W hip, ualtlii over r.a-l.t yo, three allts iu r g, l.eril, (lenriie, lleppner. Or -H(1i.,IO u .Vl.liiluiiii. A. !U. Ji ... . si n Mie iinti, - ,,r.;,.,i "e .TO h llnrses U on l.,ft hi, i,'.. " il in M .... l..f. I. : . , , 'I'Ut in im,. "am. lie-p:T, H. N II Miner. Osenr, noppner, nr. fattle J n,i leu atiouJuor. Ml , M''(',m r: -'"'A. Kelio.Or.-llonli'i'.'M ih li;e over on rmht siloulilor. w,Iri Mo,,.,,.,. lh IIhppiiw. Or.-llrs,, ej,,,,, I mi l.'fi h.,.ii', ,.r and eft il,;.-1 ,.i' .lu" n ll.iirli. ' " nn Mitchell. (War. one, Or.- Homes, ri,,i,, . hi e entile,?", in ritrl.tsido. let'llireii, Il (,., biowneville, Or,-P,,r.. I";-",",V ""';eilM.(i:d.-r. oaltlo, M-jnr' Met any, David li. keho (Jr. Ilurae hrtW ",. '"fl "Utenm. ,-d''l,;i,',T;,!ir'' ,t' V""l,tv' ()r- Mule,!,,, ., I l( "it entile on nha ami n,l,.r " '. li ,ar: hoiH. s same hrand on loft stiHe. oll'J'il'r '' 'V ''; ""'?. Or.-" in nor,,,., a u r i'l. !' "': T "" '"" "'"'"Ider:..!, . atlib, o .r l.ais c..,ii.,-,i,l lop oil the riit'it :.).!' ne.'.e m (bant Coniilv. .-eul Amliew. I,r. i;, k.Or - Horse. A N , .(:, il nn l,.rt slioiildor; ciilllo wime nnhutl, hi,.. ';;", ". I'.., K.lverlon. ()r.-llrea, eireh, n' ' ' ' i 'I : eie I i. woiii. .,F l.i Cle or. .iosei'li, rtnv.iri City, (ir.'A 2 '"'." 1 "1 1 liornea. eaine on left thiuh f: (irai.t eounly Hi niltlla Itauite 1''"'V' J-"J'1"-'1"", Or.-P 0 ii left I 'lp. Herman, Pinii-j,. Citv, (i,-,(in ,,.,,, 1.1 e..i.m.i.l l,,'t 1. ,rww , f nil. v ar.ieo', nBe l-in.,,. i ,., , 1 "re, l-::,:ht Jlilo. (lr.-Horim ' usr- . i-ri iu.U".i;"tK,,,si:- urig11 uri,i-ai I-'I'shoai:!,';.1' """" J1""i'"'''.-llrsaslPn 'v'n 'V " ''''"'"K'""- Or,- Hor es hnml. in,:i,ii o, jci, slioulller ' '"'."' S"''' '"' - lt, lorrowooui, eall.ll 1. ',, , VV I '-.'. ...i. -uoi'sea, .if, e,m. t.iu o, 1,-lt sliouhier: cattle, name on left kip, I K aim. -- o ii eai, t ,-ttys, A. C., jone. (),-.; horsoa diamond Pun , ,, , .,, ii, ,i ii o connee en, on t left Inn, u'.ot-r S l.lie r, l,.n I .::' Y. " -'-' mill III HIS Powell John T.. r;ay, in,,, ()r-lre,, j pcu. f ! , " !';u!""'' ('"ul" 0,4 """oted n lef, I ,,,, tWO l llih-r l If ,:;,,8, t we tie iili.lerllin,,,, (,o ;,, (irni.icoui ty Itoo, Aliurew. Har,ln,an. (Jr.-llorsee, s,jnM L,h U "oler-cii-cle over it on left stitin. lei fl"ln unh'i . ' 11"t",""r' (,"'--UorBe, C li on w.l'mioi'ol' l,H,!l,,"ll"; "fp I'oreea. three panel . in once on lelt aliouhler; ea'tle, 1JAN on ini .i shoulder, (anno near llardman. ,r, li ...;i i .. . f ,Me.. vi rictaes, plain v on I'j i . ' I onll),,, sumo brand reversed ... i it M I. tit and n rut i ..il -!.,.( i. - roweoainy. '"""" '"!"BB m M" III sh Bros. Heppner, Or.-Hcir.es branded 1 n. 11 n o "U""'V; '"'t!o,tX on tho left tup. ?Z 1 'llV,",r""' "n """k. t(aaKe n i " "'".''jonni-acouiiliiM. I,-i , . .' , 'UUK0' Or.-ilorsea K on MKiit ejir, iiiiderlnt on .ft eur tilla mul Monowo luntnw.'1 ear. Kantfe Uuia hi o',"!7'a iV11'''.- , l-exiJiKton, Or.-llo,. circle over brund-o '"!! T.rT! limiKo ) orroio ,.,,i,,,,, " " HoVsii tt , II n. :! iii wnli oii'irii.r ' ''; """'""'! T Mil connecter ami Col , .1 rill.;, ,.' VP " 1 "' "a IW lP ainl .,l. ...',;'" "'.' " - luLl c'loniiior. Uriu-o in Morruy? iii.ini iino ijiiiiaui eoiii.luiH. lui i i '"i i ' W,V ""I'M'er, Or.-H.m-mi. , JG 'ii. ' "lue, () on ryl,t i,,,,. branliedn 'im'i '", 'l,","",ll,m' "'' 'r,,,ty "li .uldori ibuko m Morrow olgioUjc., wilfSlniLnonte'1-: "iTvSih Gilliuuiat-d i!ZiM'm "' "1,,rrOW' iSfftiT L-.Alboiiii. Or.-llornes hran.le.' a ::.irftr,a00 lB,t c",f Straiclit W. E., lleppner, Or,-HoreBB ahailed iAM.ai5r! Imr";; f"!X r "' r-' nnooled on bltneiiao i, iir. A J ll, . " H'" "tbt ripeny, li. G lleppner, Or. Cattlo W C n shou'iie,-"' ''1-tniM."'"',Or.-U0n). (J-on left led atiou do, '; Un'i,u'"-' Or.-SmaH c capital T letl hip II T tnAiiSi r- ",,r" b'awll-"J Vmiueipo ,1, H 'r Ultr triu,i ueeteil i, rioiT, "i .7 . a' Ur!r "''roes tl V oon In,, ""uiuer,OH(Ue, siiaw on rignt uuttl-Or. Horees, V.L. oiopotl left ear wuiVi..,.. .. . 6 "p ",JI hlP- W HI'lMti ll I "..I..L. circle over l trrV wilh ","rt"' lii'.M-s aame brand Jl, ' riKht ear. Grain eonutv U ""oulder. UailKolil u ,ii . B on tile i r,,'ipP"er' 0r- branded Sl ap",t in ijft '" 6""are Br"" "a "Shtoar aoe 'rt'JKXS'JZ ,", r -Hore,, biand,:,:! ( a.tle brio, ''. "'".adder Had left bit, Wells. A. S U To' ur IjT-u '?t hUV , sliooldi-r- emi ' Ur- -"'""o". o". on ift UirU'fe City.Or-On horne, u oL,t;,l;u'S' '-'- ii H j?01"""""-. rioker Co.. Or.- W,,l,. ""nuecleo on left ouldtr els ,"?"',, ,:l8,c"' Cl"nnton,Or-Quarte- cr- iefe.?,?li7 Or-Hors:,, ,3:,-r ".jie ' .u:'l.lk'ir.Eli'i"b?th'i Poiii. Ilardmau Or.- siiie. h..' , i i., oouii..-eted) EVV on left ou.eltal,,, 1 : T"" hip, horses sain, v , r"cB lu iloiroiv coun.y. W k,.i-, I I ' .'1;"L ""oiuoei-. j. vv -