NOTICE " m .-iil .tortlrlnt Hie Inaurllon of display ads., .. I'lmiifce o; i-aiiiii, must gel iticir copy in u .1 t,c. limn Molality evening lor Tuesday's r.uiiiiMi, ur liunMiiy uvuiiinn lor Fridays edi tion. TH 1'ATTKHMIM I'll BUSH 1110 Co. NOTICE. 1. ilie Bum uf II vo cents pur Hue- win he e:..uwl l..r "cards of Uianmi," "resolutions of ,, , . i i, iinoioi weuuing presents and donor iki uoituary notices, (oilier tlian phone the edit . hlmll liiniseii give as h matter of news, and .iuUix-h ol special meetings lor w iiatever purpose l. Polices oi oliiircli and society and another riiU'rUiiiiiiieins iroin wliicn revenue in to bo de rived, alia)! tu charged for at the rato of live touts a line. These rules will lie strictly adher ed lo in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known u poo application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for Ills or her communication. Ho correspondence will be published unlest the writer s rual name is mna asau evidence of yood faitli. I Y, KWIIKlt, AKWSPAPlvR AUVKKTIS 4J In AKout, ti Merriiaiaj f,(.,aKo, t mni'ispti, w nnr autiwiUiiU agent. This (.npnl is kept on tlii; III lit oillna, ' ..... uu cniuuiiaueil a too sorial parlor, at the Matlock building ..uuoriu oinious' blacksmith shoo " '""v me iiaironage ol bis old customers and all whodesirestriotly tirut jlass work, shaving, shampooing ami hair cutting at living prices. JJ0u't overlook uieeu Miitiiews baa opsued op hit unruer suop, next door to Hayes Bros. tiuuves, etc., on tap ub usual. TIME ill' HhmIii TABLE, I'uMinuui, Moimmeiitf Urn O'olt J. .on JMy ami umyim oity, leaves us follows i ' Jivery day a! a. in., except Sunday Arrives every day at li p. m except Monday, j ho cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior coun try. i'lull (John, Agent. Prop, Owe your business to Hetmtutr wnie and Uierefure assist to build up Uepp' iwi: tammize those, who patronue you,. V.. n vuiruMNiA. c a. Mann ar nveu raturuay from California. Siuoe the iirst ot the year he lias been engaged iu surveying in California, near Los Angeles, having given up his position on the "peniDsula" last December 31st Mr. Mapn gave our reporter quit an. interesting desorjption o( th lower section m regards the eatmtrjr, ellmsts and peppie, Or4ioartlf times weuld bt wry guof down in thai ffglge, but Mexico M enjoying (J) small nhsra of tus world's flminoial depression, Mr, Mann will remain in fliBHeppner region a Cew dujs to look after business matters. Here and There. '1 he politicians ol Morrow Kay knowingly, "We are for you " lint when Ihc conventions o'er Won't the boys be mighty sol o, In this naughty hind of sorrow. Perdu, niortnn,'CB, etc, executed at tllB UliZutti) oHioii. O. T. Dou(,'lua was up to Heppner .Stiturdiiy on business. Artliur HinitU will clean watches at the reduced price ot Jfl. Union mid Umatilla counties are or gnnizitiK repnblioim olubB. Sprinjr in yH playina with the tail of wihUT in 'ere parts. .John W. Dunk arrived Saturday from below, mid wi'l remain here thin season. 'Die H'iiii('r-Oiiny(!ti ittnjje line is the !.'t, el r iipcut mid ijuickeHt to the in. twkir. tlood'rf Pills do not purye, paiu or K'tl't', lull nut promptly, easily and i iiicu utly. IL-fV. Orny. of Iho Cbrintinn cbnroh, liwptiHHd h. ). Buy uol iu Willow creek li::;t ! u ml ay IE you want a jrood yuu or sewiui: machine, come lo the Gusi'.'tte ollioe and wti'il lit you out. Louis Mule, of the Iono section, onlled nt the Gazette ollioe Saturday lunf, while iu town. Some pacrili'sious cuss stole altar tr,iis from the Pendleton Catholic church Inst Monday. Those that hnve county sorip for sale Khould call on Ueorye Conser at The I'irst National Bank. 2-tf. The A. O.U. V. lodos, of thin place, is experiencing n boom, and is growing by dozens and scores. Th Oni8itt be siMit to any art-drc-w isi tin. United Htulee till after caiopaico for HO cents. ) ,ej.:'i! blanks, plenty of them, at the GnKotte ('liiie, and nt world's prices. Uii-count on 1 ;t r.;r? orders, (looil whiskey, ohenp and artificial. Send Jfl postal utile for recipe. Address .Box 101, Pendleton, Oregon. 4 12 Kvory mail who takes any interest in fast stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. M. E. timith departed . for Junction (Jity baturduy night. He may return, However, and looate in Morrow oounty. The Gazette will take oounty scrip at face on subscription, and pay balanoe o same in cash at highest market pnoe. 7-CO The Gazette ollioe now runs an iu. surauoe and notarial shop. Come in when you want to do your insuring nnd swearinR. News from Florida states that Cor- bett was acquitted ot the oharges against him. 1 he whole thing was an egregious farce. Those who have brought in various kinds of supplies in lieu of cash, should call around at this office and get credit for BHtue if not already giveu. L. D. Boyed is figuring on the N rth Fork bridge, to be built by the Grant county authorities in the near future It is badly needed nt that place. Photographs, 81.00 per dozen, at Shep pnrd's, ground-floor gallery, next door south of MotJride's wagon factory. North Main street, Heppner. 5-13 Chns. Hopkins, general manager 'of the Spokrne Telephone Co., is authority for the statement that the line will be extended into Heppner the coming season. Mrs. W. P. Scrivner, of Heppner, was one the successful contestants in the Examiner's guessing contest. However, she was not the first and was not awarded the prize. Echo stage leaves Heppner for Echo Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Arrives Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. Fare, one way, $2. 50. FhillCobn, agent, A. Andrews, Prop. . To our customers No difference how large or small your aooount is, come in and settle, either by cash or note. We must have one or the other to enab'e us to stem the flood. Hayes Bkos. 90tf. Cook's Dead Shot squirrel poison, war ranted equal to if not superior to any on the market. Manufactured by T. W. Ayors, Jr., Heppner. For sale by drug gists, grocers and general dealers. 4tf. Mrs. Phill Cohn left last night for San Francisco, tier husband accompany ing her as far as Portland. She will Btop nt Anderson, Calif., on her way down for a brief visit with a married sister. The lecture of F. 0. Davie, lost Sat urday evening, on the subject of "Tbn A. O. U. W.," at the opera honse was largely attended and from what we bear was much appreciated. The A. O. U. V. at present is the most prosperous se cret order in Heppner. Immigrants nnd returning voyagers find in Ayer's Sarsapanlla a cure for eruptions, boils, pimples, eczma, etc., whether resulting from Bea-diet and life on ship-board, or from any other cause. Its value as a tonic and dlterative medi cini cannot he overestimated, Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy (rives the best satisfaction of any congli medi cine I handle, and as seller lends all otlo-r preparations in this market. I ri ccrnm 'lid it because it is the best medicine I ever handled for conghs, c Mr and ermin. A. W. Baldridge, Millernville, ill For sale by Slocnm J' 1 n - hi Drug Co. Julai 1). Ni?!i'r, of Spokane, bas been appointed by Col. Weidler ns deputy Collector of internal tevenne. The CoIolcI desired to remove the -Spokane man who is a republican, and ns he will remain in r.fgne bnt a few week", end in deference to his sncoeor, Henry Blaok man. appointed Mr. Neater, a democrat. Mr. Nester has a good show to stay. A Cobbeotion. Through a typo graphical error, the representation of the various precincts, for the next cuuuiy repuoiicuu convention, was in correct. It should be as follows; Wells SpriogH, 2; Matteson, 2; Pine City, 2; Alpine, 2; Eight Mile, 3; Dry Fork, 2; Iiena, 2; lone 3; Gentry, 5; Dairy, 5; Mt. Vernon, 5; Heppner, 9; Lexington, 3; Cecil, 2: Total, 47. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. The religious services at the opera house conuuoled by the Evangelists, Baruaby and Crawford, ooutinue to attract the earnest attention of the people of Heppner. Many are attending who are not usually considered churoh goers; iu fact, they are known as such. The subjects handled by Mr. Baruaby are, many of them, of a different ohnraoter to those generally treated by revivalists, while his manner of treat ment is clear and logioal, thus leaving a distinct and indelible impression upon the niinds of those who hear him. His subjects thus far sioou our last report have been as follows: On Saturday evening it was "The Gospel, Gods Power unto salvation," founded upon Rom. 1:10, showing that salvation is to those who hear the gospel, believe it, aocept it and obey it, that is God's plan and that all other plans are the devioes of man, out of harmony with God, and there fore no salvation in them. Ou Sunday morning he preaohej an exceptionally, plain, practical sermon to the ohurcb, taking for his text I'hillipian 4:8,9. An individual or a ohuroh, following out the line of moral and religions conduct laid down by the speaker, could not fail to oommaud the respect and esteem of every one. His leinarlu were very plaiu and pointed, but spoken in tones of love and will have it lasting influence upoa his audience. At 7 p. m. Sunday his sub ject was "How the Holy Spirit Speaks," based upon first Cor. 12:3 Here, as in furmer discourses, he showed the reason ableness of the religion of Christ, that Uod is the devisor, Christ the exeoutor and the Holy Spirit the perfecter. This shows the beautiful harmony that pervades the Holy Soripturesand divests Christianity of the "hoous poous" Bnd mystification that modern theologians have invested it with. Joe music under the leadership ot Mr. Crawford oontinues to be a promt nent attraction. It is to be regretted that the people are not more generally furnished with Bong books. Mr. C. is an enthusiastic believer in old-fashioned, whole-souled congregational singing, and never fails to work up a good interest in that part of the worship when he has a fair show. Lost a Lj Blood Po' by a SlIgM Accident But Hood's Sarsaparlila Purified, and r.ci3:ored Keatth. "C. I. Hood &('o Lowell. Muss.: ";entlcmcn:-Thrce years ami a file neni'trat. ed one of my legs Just above the knee. I win some distance from a doctor and t::. wound was not properly dressed, fr.i:):,.- to iceive th necessary treatment, Dlood Poisoning set iu. I became so weak and n:y system so much run down that I could not turn in bed or lu'ip myself iu any way. After seventeen moulds' confinement, my wife took me to Walla Vi'ulb, Wash. Here the surgeons amDUtated ii.y lei' half way between the knee and the hip. l'ulWWlUIi tills mv health inmmvarl uljl.ti.. i..1: shortly Balherings began to form on Biy body and caused me much pain and sufierliis. Sev eral rented es were tried but did not Rlvf me re lief. Final y Hood's Sarsaparilla wa recom mended and ".uiu I Could Sea a Change from tha first Gradually I hare Improved; I am growing stronger and the painful gatherings have disappeared and I am about cured ot my HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES 111". AH the credit Is doe to Hood's Barsapa rllla and I feci that I cannot speak too highly ot tt" B. L. Burnett, Starkey, Oregon. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and efficiently, oo the llvw and bowels. 25c. Reserved fo McFarland Meucantile Co. A severe rheumntio pain in the left shoulder hud troubled Mr. J. H. Loper, a well known druggist of Des Moioes, Iowa, for over six months. At times the paiu was so severe that he could not lift anything. With all he oould do he or nld not get rid of it until he applied Chamberlai i'b Pain Balm. "I only made three applications of it," he says, "And have since beeo free from all pain." He now recommends it to per sons similatly afflioted. It is for sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. 81,200 FAKH AND STOCK ItANCH. It will take only $812 to buy it; 480 acres, 2o'0 acres plow land; one-half mile running water. Improvements: 40 acres fenced, 15 acres cultivated, 2 houses and stable, spring and minor improvements. Adapted to farming, sheep and hograisiug. An extensive sheep range joining to Bock oreek. Terms: $110 down; remainder on long time. Looation: On county road, two and one-half miles west of Rood bill, Eight Mile, Or. 320 acres for $510, or $108 for ownership in 160 acres school land or will exchange for two good horses. Original cost of sohool lan d $320. Apply at Heppner Gazette office Heppner Oregon. 199-tf-sw. Rip's Wood Yabd. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residence, sawed or un- sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at $7.00 ner oord. Wood sawed twioe in two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, $1.00. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan He Howard's. 4-tf. SQUELCHING A DUDE. A Chicago Ex-Judge Performs the Job Willi Ureut Success. One day not long ago on an Illinois Central suburban train a woman entered the car and looked around for a seat, says tho Chicago Tribune. There was but one vacant, and that was in one of the little four-seat compartments in the middle of the car. In this compartment were seated three poople. Noxt to tho window and facing the engine was an ex-judge who lives at Hyde Park Cen ter. He is a large, portly old gentleman, quite as dignified in every-day life as when upon the bench. I don't remem ber who sat beside him. Opposite him lata slim young fellow who lives in that anstooratic and exclusive neigh borhood known as Kenwood. He is a dude of the "would-be" variety, and is, or was, studying for the ministry. He had two or three small parcels in tho seat beside him. The woman paused in the aisle opposite this seat and looked at the parcels and then at the young man from Kenwood in a mildly suggest ive sort of way. Presumably his thoughts were fixed on things heavenly. At any rate he took not the slightest notice of the woman. Then the woman, after looking around the car and seeing no other seat, asked the young man if the seat were occupied. "Yes, it is," snapped the representa tive of Kenwood's aristocracy. The ex-judge here calmly leaned foW ward and picked up the parcels, trans ferring them to his own capacious lap. The woman, supposing that they be longed to him, thanked him and sat down beside the divinity student, who grinned with delight to think that his portly neighbor would have to hold the parcels all the way to Kenwood. As soon as the woman was fairly seated the ex-judge, with a snort of disgust, pitched the armful of bundles into the lap of the scion of Kenwood nobility. 'PI. IU 41 .a ucDupu i,uo muruugmy-exasperatea little dude, instead of being ashamed of his rudeness, glared through his spec- laeies at tne uigninea old gentleman sitting opposite and exclaimed fiercely in nis squeaky little voice: "I think vou re real mean!" GREAT ASSIGNEE'S SALE. DISCOUNT ON ALL S IE Closing out the entire stock of Boots and Shoes of the old firm of M. Liohtenthal Cost for Cash. fc Co.. at Call arid Secure a Good Bargain. Assignee. P. Q. POITQPSOI go, LJaving put their business upon a tem 1 porary cash basis, Call Attention to the fact that Money has now a Greater Pur chasing Power than ever before known in Heppner. We most get our stook into money, and profits are no objeot when the money oomea in sight. Shake your oash at us and see n tumble. Iltf THTT, PEOPLE ABB COMING OUR WAY! Not only once, but again and again. Tbey know that frtin ns thev bIwuvh ot full weight and good measure for the least money. Why we sell the best is ex plained. The "best" brings people baok, holds custom, makes ns friends, and so establishes our trade. We want you to have Borne of our friendly bargains in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothiog, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything kept in a well-regulated, general merchandise store, Come in and see ns, everybody. Y xnor &. oo. Heppner, Oregon. or )Tlie young- how to choose tho best, mis t.n nui vrv TM 'TWO nrvTT r a t,ti mi. ' t t i , . . ' . u itor i ub imirnea now 10 a& nappy m marriage ; ( DA Y S YOU )The fond parent how to have prizo babies ; ( ONE WANT )The mother how to have them without pain ; (AGENT TO )The childless how to be fruitful and multiply; ( SOLD KNOW )Tho curious how thev "crowed" nnd rams to Ib -l AO WU 1 H-l. , 1 l; i i 1. - ' . vfrTVTr, WHAT Vrhe health how to eniov life and kopn wall EVERY )Tho invalid how to get well again speedily ; BODY )The imprudent; how to regain wasted energy. OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most vvtb TO )Pind it in Dr. Foote's " Plain Home Talk, KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 1 READ )Redueed from $1125 to $1.50; circulars ftvj, P. II. T. )Murray Hill Book Co., 12!) E. 28th St., Ne v SAVED $1,100 TN ONE YEAR. iOO.000 COPIES SOLD. Jlliw, Dawson &jons, ATTORNEYS AT lA. in a prompt ?and satisfactory HEPPNER, All business attended to manuer. Notaries Public and (Jollectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL HANK BUILDING. OREGON. Land Patents ( Land patents secured for settlers in the shortest possible time. Contested Cases Contested cases intelligently apd skillfully handled, Old Claims and Disputes Old claims and dispute: Contests voeedilv settled. 2 agricultural land Between individuals having conflicting claims u vs. ana tnose between claimants under I he Minera i.nnn nd nurimilturul olaimants; and also bstween claimants under any of tbe public land laws and the Railroad companies and their grantei s, mid the states and their grantees, under the Swamp-Land nnd School-Land Grants. Specialty made of securing oatents in the shortest nnnsibln timn fnr anttlam who have complied with the laws nndnr which their entries were made, and who are aunoyed and worried by delays in the issue of their patents, caused by Trilling Irregularities whioh can be easily and speedily removed. Advice also given in all matters relating to the nnblin lamia. eoneniHllv nn points nrisiug under the new laws which Imve been reoeutly passed providing for tbe disposal of the public domain. If you want your laod pntent in n hurry if yon want your land business, of any charaoter, attended to by skillful Hiid competent attorneys, and promptly dis posed of, write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, John Weddekuurn, Gen. Man., P. O. Box, 385. Washington, D. 0. BORG,. : THE Out for C ASH BARGAINS IN J ewelry, Cash Talks. SEE BORG, MAY STREET, JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc., Etc ' Trust Busts HEPPNER, OR. The My Institute -OF- For the Cure Ox Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Foreat Grove, Or., The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast, Call at the Gazette office tor particulars. Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sur cure. KIEK & BUHL, The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store. On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. They will keep on hand a full line of staple a.:nx fancy Groceries and Provisions. A full lino of choice Pies, Gakea usually kept in a first-class bakery store, try them. nnd Bread ; in fact everything that is They will sell oheap foi cash. Call and sw RIPANS TABULES! Disease oommonly conies on with slight Bymptoms, whioh when neglected in crease in extent and gradually grow dangerous. Shoemakeb. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just located in the Abraham eiol' cnilding, ou May street, where he is prepared to do eveiything in his line. M: Birbeck is strictly a first-class work man and warrants all work. Give him a call 14wtf ' Where? At Abrabamsick's. In addition to his tailoring business, he has added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on band some elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrahamsick. May street. Heppner, Or. WANTED. Re ter on 650 ncres of land in Klick il at Oo . , Wash . Good bouse, barn , and plenty of water. Six miles to market. F. O. Buckncm, 9tf . Heppner, Or. Land Fob Sale. 480 aores over in Wilson orairie. A good stock ranch an ill be sold cheap. Call at Gazette office for particulars and terms .". AN INTERESTING PET. ft Is a Land Turtle l;car!iig Evidenoes a KemarkunU- lilaturj'. A Baltimore gentleman has a very Interesting pet, which has afforded him considerable amusement, and particu larty so this summer. It is a dry land terrapin. It was caught, says the Pittsburgh Dispatch, by an ex-council man oi liaiumore several years ago while enioyuiff an outing at Swao creek, and as it seemed to have a rec ord somewhat remarkable, it was brought to the city, where it becama the pet of the family, and particularly of the gentleman's father, who takes a great interest in it and has kept it for sight years. On the lower shell is cut jn large figures, very legibly, "1845." lust over this date is also cut "Jack A. D." "Jack" seems to have been set at liberty then by his first master and snjoyed freedom until 1871, when this date was cut lower'down oa the ' stall. Here it has lived and grown fat dur ing the past eight summers, its winters having been spent in a box of cotton batting and sand arranged for it in the gentleman's cellar. During the sum mer it has been fed on soft snails and fishing worms placed near it, and it is so tame that it is fed thus from the hand. During the winter, of course, it remains dormant in the cellar until the warm sun shines out and it is brought up tor its summer outing. The gentle man thinks it something"of a weather prophet, and hus watched its habits very closely. When "Jack" thinks it is going to rain it is very active, hustling about in the yard, and never misses a chance of crawling through the grass during the shower, but when a very dry spell is about to set in it buries itself in a corner under the shadows of the clematis vines. This summer "Jack" has been acting rather singu larly for one alone in its little garUe"cL For some time past little mounds of loose dirt in a flower bed have occupied is attention and watchful care. The gentleman opened them the other day jind found several nrettv w Seeds! Choice Seeds Trees ! Fruit Trees THAT WILL GROW. Wholesale and Retail. Catalogue Free. Address GEO. STARRETT, jan25-3m sw Walla W'alla, Wash. ADDITIONAL LOOAhS. The 8tudbaker wagon hendsthem all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbeo's. a "Hardware" 4id you say? Why, yes at P. C. Thompson &. Co.'s Bland, anil the place for bargains. a The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove oares liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine and tobacco habit. Bee ad. The Palaoe is the leading hotel in the oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a If you want to buy groceries, arid bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise Grocery. Kirk & Ruhl, proprietors, a Borg, the jeweler, is tb man to fix up your watch or clock. Lb keeps a full stook of everything pertaining to his business' n M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s new stock of splendid, summer bottou and tie special ties in the shoe line are attracting mark ed attention. a Tbe general merchandise establish ment formerly owned by Coffin & McFar land, has lately changed hands, now be ing under tbe control and mauagvment of The McFarland Mercantile Company, bich continues basiness at the old stand with a larger stock than ever. a GREATLY REDUCED RATES MADE BY THE V A 1 1 T I i A Vl n FOR THE CALIFORNIA TO Ft If yon SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYSPEPSIA or INDIGESTION, If you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED or Imve A PISOKDEKKD M VElt, - It your COMPLEXION IH HALLOW or .. you SlIFFEK DIHTKKSH after eating 1 A K tL For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL . DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH, - RIPANS RIPANS RIPANS RIPANS TABULES. TABULES. TABULES. TABULES. Ripaus Tabules aot gently, but promptly, upon tbe liver, etomnoh and iutes tines; oleanse the system effectually ; oure dyspepsia, habitual oonstipation, offens ive breath and headaohe. One Tabulb taken at the first 'ndioation of indigestion, biliousness, distress after eBtlng or depression of spirits will surely and quickly remove the whole difBoulty. Ripans Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best pbysioians, and are presented in the form most approved by modern science. If given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; tbey oontain nothinit injurious and art an economical remedy. One gives relief. A quarter-gross box will be sent, wholesale, and retail agents, postage paid, on receipt of 76 oents by tbe BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. KDl'NI) TRIP TICKETS HAYS. UOOD FOR 30 'orthnd to San -AND RETURN- $27.50 IN'I.'I. CUING FIVE GATE THE FAIR TICKETS TO leather a Slow Town. An event has happened in Konsing ton, N. II., whj..h hai set the inhab itants wild with e.vciUiinent. The firs', honse to he built in the place for tnirty year; is approiichin? completion, and a grand celebration is expected when the inmates take possession liXCCKMON TRIPS From Sun Francisco to other points In Cali fornia will be alloivcil purchasers of special MM inter Fair tickets at Hie followiiiK round trip rates : To stations under 1VI miles from San Fran Cisco, one und one-third one way tare. To stations IVj miles or more from San Francisco. one anil oiie llftli one way arc. For exact rates anil full Information Inquire of J. B. Klrklaml, Dist. Pafs. agent at 134 First St., Portland, Or., or address tlie undersigned. KICH'DGIiAY, T. II. (100D.MAN, Gen. Trallic Manager. Gen. Pass. At. San Francisco, Call! E. P, ROGERS, A. G. . & V, A., Portland, Oregon. SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODWARD CO., I'OHTLAN I , UHGGON, Local druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules if requested to do so. They are Easy to Take, Quick to Act ami Save many a Doctor's Bill. Eamplsa TV on. application to tua IJipaii. Cimiel Oity. Co., iT.-w Produoe $2 50 and get tbe Gazette for one year. Nice family paper, and bnl y to puper cabins. "A DRUG IN THE MARKET. Yes, there are many of them. Somejery good, some bad. Bad drugs are poisonous, Also of no value whatever. Pare drugs are great belps, And these alone should be Used in compounding. We claim to keep in stock The purest drugs matte.. To compound them skillfully, To prepare prescriptions- quiokfy. To charge for them reasonably. Who can do better than" this? PHIL. COHN, Proprietor. T HE LANCASHIRE INSURANCE II Co. L W. OK MAIVCHICMTKH, ENGtVAND PATTERSON, AGENT owrtth.BtinjiworM :4MiiHAirtiaiuiitR"','aiBiw